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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Most Favorable Process (ICDS-04) - L531001b | Сравнить
- Processing and Its Goals (ICDS-03) - L531001a | Сравнить
- SOP 8 - Steps IV and V (ICDS-06) - L531001d | Сравнить
- SOP 8 - Steps VI and VII (ICDS-05) - L531001c | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Демонстрация - Использование Процесса В-И-О (1МКДС 53) - Л531001 | Сравнить
- Процессинг и его Цели (1МКДС 53) - Л531001 | Сравнить
- СРП 8 - Шаги IV и V (1МКДС 53) - Л531001 | Сравнить
- СРП 8 - Шаги VI и VII (1МКДС 53) - Л531001 | Сравнить
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CONTENTS THE MOST FAVORABLE PROCESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 1 October 1953 by L. Ron HubbardA lecture given on 1 October 1953 by L. Ron Hubbard

All right And this being the fourth of the series, concerns itself with the most favorable processes.

Continuing this second hour on SOP 8, I hope, if in a light fashion, I have covered to some degree the two most difficult levels, which are, regardless of what you might think – the most difficult levels, which are VII and VI.

At this time, I would say, by calculation, that there was some ten to the eighteenth or twentieth or thirty-first power techniques. To know all of these techniques and to know everything that they do is almost impossible.

There are those who believe the Resistive V, or the occluded case, is the most difficult case, and that’s what we’re going to talk about now. It’s really not true. The most difficult cases are those who fall into the neurotic or psychotic bands. And once again, may I ask you not to identify a technique with a condition, beyond knowing that this technique belongs with that condition where that condition exists, and that the technique also belongs elsewhere. Just because we say this is the way you treat psychotics is no reason why you should then discard the technique for the good reason that if a technique reaches dear down to VII or clear down to VI, it is obvious that it’s a very, very good technique for the earlier steps. It’s just as far out as you can go with a technique, you see. That doesn’t mean that when somebody is run on Self Analysis, he is a psychotic or a neurotic, or when you ask somebody to find the realest thing in the room that he is immediately a psychotic.

There’s really no reason to go over most of these techniques, except in passing to people who are interested in investigation, research, phenomena But an auditor wanting results is apt to fall into the track of going back over all these techniques, one after the other, if he’s not careful; because he will get, either in his own case or in the case of some person he’s processing, philosophic twist of mind which starts delivering up all manner of computations and answers about existence and combinations of thinkingness and combinations of interrelations, which themselves amount to, in the aggregate, the track that has just been followed for three years.

Preclears have a tendency, by the way, to associate these two items, the step being used and the condition, because they’re always asking for somebody to evaluate for them. And if the auditor won’t evaluate for them, they ask the modus operandi of the science to evaluate for them.

He would find, if he used the techniques which we are now using, facsimiles, the Theta-MEST Theory – all of these things would come up. He would find Lock Scanning, he would find grief charges, he would find methods of repetition, he would find all the techniques involved in PDH (pain-drug-hypnosis). He would go on and on and on with endless amounts of data.

Number of hours people have spent looking over the Tone Scale, wondering „where I am on the Tone Scale.“ They say, „Let’s see, I think I have column two here. That’s right, I – I must be, gee, oh, I must be about 4.0. Let’s see, column three, well, I’m above that, probably about 5.0.“ And then they look over in column six, and they all of a sudden say, „Uurrr, 0.5, well, that’s no good. I’m not down there, (sniff) I couldn’t be down there. Just because life has been cruel to me all the time is no reason I’m down there all the time.“ So, please remember that the best possible technique, then, would be one which would go all the way through all steps, and so it is.

This universe specializes in data. We’re not interested as much in data as we’re interested in results, because a collection of data is only an examination of the past, and we’re interested in predicting a future. And if we’re interested in predicting a future, then it’s obvious that the best way to predict the future is to make it That sounds highly adventurous, but let me assure you that the only time in the past when you’ve ever thought hard is when you didn’t have or thought you didn’t have enough force, enough energy, enough MEST or enough ability or skill to overcome the opposition with which you believed yourself to be faced, and you started to think.

Now, don’t think that Take Ten Minutes of Nothing in Six Steps to Better Beingness, which we will cover later, would be a technique that would go all the way through to VII. It barely reaches to V. You ask a V sometimes to take ten minutes of nothing and he comes out at the end of it with so many somatics he’s just about ready to spin, so that’s not a very widely applicable technique to be put on SOP 8, you see. I mean, you couldn’t put it into SOP 8 as reaching all the way through, even though it’s a highly generalized technique.

Force is a substitute for a complete pervasion. Force is the first entrance into randomity, and below that is thinking and figuring. And so, a person starts to think, on a low level of the society, when he considers that he is unable to put out enough force to solve his problem – whatever you want to call it However brutal this may seem to you, it follows through.

Of course, the next technique immediately after Ten Minutes of Nothing remedies the other step and you’d keep a fellow going fairly well, but it would be quite upsetting to a VI or a VII to take ten minutes of nothing, because their entire anxiety is trying to get something.

Thinking results from an insufficiency of supply. That tells you, then, that the person who was very dependent upon the exterior environment for his supply would think very hard, and would then become dependent upon his exterior environment entirely for thinking. He would become a puppet in the last analysis, wouldn’t he?

Now, from IV, including IV down in the steps IV, V, VI and VII, we have a scarcity of energy brought about by the preclear’s continuous necessity to have something and no necessity to have nothing. He’s got to have something. And of course this is followed through; he gets something all right, he just gets solider and solider and solider. His engrams get harder and harder packed, because trying to accept something from the environment, as far as the mind is concerned, is almost impossible.

And so we go on this gradient scale of the fellow at first realizes that – he says, „Let’s see now, I think I will take on this galaxy.“ And then he finds out he doesn’t have quite enough force to do that, so he says, „Well, we’ll confine ourselves to the solar system.“ And by the time he’s about two, he says, „Well, let’s see, I’d better confine myself to the world, this town, my family.“

The only energy – we’re talking just about energy – the only energy which the mind has in it is the energy which the mind has generated. And even when somebody reaches in and blows up somebody’s ridge or something of the sort, the energy which is recorded again is simply the energy of the energy of the preclear being recorded by the preclear’s energy.

And now he gets to be thirty-two, and he says, „Well, I can barely confine myself to me, because if I were just a little bit bigger I could handle me.“ In other words, „If I had just a little bit more force, I could direct the actions of my body efficiently, so the best way to do is to figure out how to train my body better.“

The explosion itself is not contained in the bank, and there isn’t any energy contained in the bank. The pattern of the explosion has been retraced again on the basis of resistance by the preclear. And again, this pattern consists entirely of the preclear’s energy. Everyone is holding on to both sides of all facsimiles.

It’s not that thought is junior to force, but compulsive thought directed toward a prediction of the future is prompted by an anxiety of the future, and the future – anxiety about the future results only from a recognition that one has insufficient force to overcome the obstacles which will greet him in the future.

And when we enter Case V, Case V is a little bit better off. Case V still has some energy. Of course, it’s kind of black, but it’s still energy. And if permitted to do so, Case V will actually avoid further energy, because he’s not so far gone but what he realizes that taking this energy in from the environment isn’t so good. So he sort of – he realizes that somebody has made an effect of him, and he still doesn’t want to be an effect, and he’s fighting back and forth about it, and Case V is stuck there with a large black mass of energy. And he can’t get mock-ups or facsimiles; that’s the definition of Case V, he can’t get mock-ups.

Therefore, thinking, in an effort to predict what is going to happen, could be on two levels: one, a very, very, very high level by which a fellow is just playing with it; he’s just fooling around and he’s – so on, and it’s lots of fun. Scientists do this. These people are fantastic, they can be physically at the bottom of the scale and mentally at the top of the scale almost simultaneously, and you’ll see this happen. As long as they’re tinkering around with a ham radio set or a formula for something, why, they’re just as happy and pleased. It doesn’t matter whether this formula works out or not They’re not doing that because they have an insufficiency of force, you see, they’re just interested – something to look at, something to play with.

But there is one mock-up which he can get. Most everybody overlooks this. Question and Answer run on him would be run this way: „Now, get a large mass of blackness as a question. Now right where it is, get it as the answer.“ That would be Q and A run on him. „Now get a large mass of silence,“ run as a question. „Now get a lot of silence as an answer.“ „Now get blindness as a question“ and „Blindness as an answer.“ And he at that moment will say, „Huu-oohh. How did you know I used to pretend to be blind when I was a little boy?“ If you’re not up on the latest you would immediately say to yourself, „All we’ve got to do is run out the pretense and the postulate, ‘I have to be bund’ and he will cease to be a Case Level V.“ And this would all be very well if it worked, but it doesn’t work.

And then they go home. And when they get home, they really start thinking, because there they have problems. You’ve got the wife, she’s not interested in chemistry. And they’ve got the kids, and they seem to make an awful lot of racket And if he could just make a little more money, why, then he could solve some of these problems. And that kind of thinking simply results from the fact that very many factors object to his reaching out and cracking a couple of skulls. And it results from the fact that when he goes down to the grocery store, the grocer stands there, you see, and says, „Money.“ It results from an insufficiency of supply; it results from the fact that he doesn’t have a big enough house, he doesn’t have enough wives. Insufficiency of supply, right down the boards. All right.

Now, in order to understand a Case V, I am afraid we’ll have to go into the whole theory of the explosion. And I will try to do this rapidly, and if you find it too technical, well, then, the answer to that is it’s too technical.

When he comes up against that thinking process, he is into the field of anxiety. And you will find some very splendid thinkers in the field of science, so on, who are just marvelous as long as they’re at work, and who are terrible social blunders – not make social blunders, they are social blunders.

You understand that the cycle of life, as represented by the Vedic peoples, consisted of, first, birth – which is creation – and then growth, then stagnation and decay, and that was the cycle. Now, let’s look at that, and we find out – the Doctorate tapes has a lot about this – the cycles of action all follow this pattern, and there are lots of cycles of action. In 8-8008 they are listed, lots of them. And so, we get to this cycle of action as a pattern cycle.

You recognize what’s happening there: the man is trying to predict the future at home, because of an insufficiency of force, supply, energy, whatever you want to call it. So there’s two levels at which theta operates, and you’ll find it operating in every human being the same way, and one of these levels we call analytical thought. We really even shouldn’t call it analytical thought and we don’t, but we did in the first book so we’ve kind of been stuck with it What we are calling it now, more technically, is a mathematical symbol, which, being defined by its own definition, does not open up things to argument, and we simply call it theta or thetan. That’s fine; theta is a Greek letter, which in itself symbolically represented thought So let’s just scotch the whole problem and just put a mathematical symbol there, and not have any further semantic arguments, and say this theta, then, operates in its purest level just on an observational, computational level, which is not interfered with by stimulus-response mechanisms. It doesn’t think because something is compelling it to think; it thinks because it’s interested.

Now, I’m going to draw it horizontally, because you’re all used to reading books from left to right, which makes that the future. That black, very black part of there is the future for the V.

And the other level of thought is, simply, „got to,“ and „can’t“ And that, of course, is where human beings think at home.

And so we go from this nebulous thing, this wild variable called „nothingness“ – which, in this case, happens to be a thetan – we go from there into what the thetan creates or acquires and adds to. We come up here, we get to a point where this curve upwards finishes, and we start down where he’s trying to live off what he already has. And then we finally get down to where he hasn’t got anything anymore, and we again have the thetan. And this is a cycle of action. And here we have, at the same time, creation, growth and then decay and destruction. And this is the cycle of the MEST universe.

So, we run into these two levels, and we get the paradox called man. And man is doing what he’s doing and misbehaving the way he’s misbehaving because he thinks he has to, because he has an insufficiency of energy to overcome his future obstacles.

Why is it the cycle of the MEST universe? Why does the thetan manifest himself in this universe this way? And this would be a little bit beyond you, quite in different ways in other universes, because he isn’t nothing elsewhere.

Any thief in jail will tell you he had to do it Pretty Boy Floyd, I think his name was, wept very gently in jail, because actually, he was an unfortunate creature, he was a victim of circumstances. When the police officer for whose murder he was being jailed had walked up to the car, it just came over him that he had to shoot him and he did. And he went to jail, and he explained to all the reporters that he was really a good man at heart, but he just had to do it And so does everybody believe when he gets into this maze called computation, in this environment, into the „just-have-to-do-its,“ and „can’ts“ – insufficiency of supply.

It’s very simple. When we get down to the problem, we find out that he’s trying to approximate the MEST universe. And what thing in the MEST universe would he be most likely to approximate? The first thing he would encounter, of course, and that first thing happens to be space. So we have space, thetan, and his whole concept here is simply space. He understands that he has nothing when he has some space, because there isn’t anything in this space, and this space in this universe is hungry.

This is reflected very broadly. You know, every once in a while somebody will walk down the street, and he will need a hat And he’ll see that there’s a hat sale, and he will have an excess ten dollars in his pocket And he’ll look at the hats, and there’s a hat there he likes very much, and he looks at the hat, and then walks on down the street without buying the hat Why?

If he happens to be unfortunate enough to have something on him when the MEST universe first meets him, he is, to be colloquial, frisked immediately, because the vacuum of space containing no resistance, yet contains an enormous hunger for anything which is solid, unless that thing which is solid is hung together with the greatest of cohesiveness, such as Earth.

Well, he knows his insufficiency of supply is so great that he can’t have a hat. This is stimulus-response; it is not rational. There’s no reasonableness to this. He has the money in his pocket; he has the time to go in and buy the hat; he needs the hat; there is the hat he wants; and he doesn’t buy the hat, because he can’t have a hat Why can’t he have a hat?

And so Mr. Thetan would appear out in space someplace, if he appears in space – we’re not talking about space opera now, we’re simply talking about a being suddenly appearing in space. The same thing would happen if the air cover were suddenly ripped off Earth; to some degree the same thing would happen. And that would be that any particle of energy he had which was closely compacted would have more pressure in it than the space with which he was surrounded, and so you would get theoretically a sudden „whoo“ and everything he had would be gone.

Now, you could go over and talk with somebody on this line and try to argue him into realizing that he doesn’t have an insufficiency of supply, and he will still have an insufficiency of supply. You can reason, talk, cajole, bribe, do anything you want to this reactive mind, in an effort to lead it into a reasonable activity and adjudication of its environment, and it will still go on being a normal human being.

There would be no resistance to energy in this space. He would try to handle it, and he’d find weird things happening to it because it isn’t his space. In his own space, he of course can adjudicate what the pressures are, but the MEST universe tells him immediately that he is nothing, because it takes away from him anything he has.

You can, however, reduce its motion. Its motion reduces, but doesn’t increase. The reason the motion of the reactive mind doesn’t actually increase in terms of controlled motion, which is to say, increase in terms of better procurement of energy, is because it isn’t manufacturing any energy. It is borrowing energy from elsewhere and using it.

So the thetan in this universe considers himself to be nothing unless he has something. „That’s very bad to be nothing,“ he thinks, so the next thing you know, he’s putting out this and that, and he’s acquiring MEST, which is the one thing he can acquire in this universe with great security. There’s lots of it; there’s also lots of space. You wouldn’t think there was a scarcity of anything if you took a good square look at this universe. The amount of matter present, the number of chemicals present and the amount of space present, the number of points of fire present, gee, most abundant thing you ever saw. Big trap.

Now, it starts borrowing this energy from the beingness of the person himself, which is – we call thetan – again, a mathematical symbol. Thetan doesn’t mean „spirit,“ „soul,“ or anything else – it’s just avoiding all those terms; it’s just saying no responsibility, no responsibility – it’s just a thetan. All right.

Anyway, you come up here and he starts building, building, building, building more things, more things, more things. But how does he build them? Well, he puts out some energy; he creates some energy or something of the sort, and the next thing you know – he’s entered somebody else’s anchor point area usually, which is what has happened to him – and the next thing you know, he puts out this piece of energy, and it goes pheww and it gets big. And as the rays reach back to him again, he would even hear its concussion.

And the reactive mind has an insufficiency of supply, and the thetan, the being of the person – that’s you, by the way. People who go around talking about „My thetan thinks…“ You’re just listening to some more of this reactive mind, because a person doesn’t have another thetan; he’s it. When he says „I“ and what he means by „I,“ and everything he means by „I“ is him, and that’s the thetan. And the thetan gets a lot more things added to him that are not necessarily him but he’s appropriated them too, and Freud called it „alter ego,“ because it was a nice term. Well, in the same way we use thetan as a nice term. And a thetan there, it may be still perfectly competent to use – create and use – energy. But the reactive mind, with which this being is still connected, is energy-hungry, terrifically hungry for energy. And so every time the being puts out a little erg of energy, the reactive mind-the thing the analytical mind is running – the reactive mind soaks up from the actual reasonability of the person, slurp, what little bit of energy the reasonableness of the person puts out, because of an energy starvation. Do you see that?

When he puts out a solid object into space, it, of course, is in a good condition to explode, if slowly, so he starts dealing with explosions. And all around him he can see explosions in this universe. So it’s very simple if he’s imitated the space of the universe already by saying he’s nothing, he looks around at the most spectacular filling thing he could see in the universe, and it’s an explosion. So he gets the idea he has to have an explosion, so he starts adding up explosions. An explosion goes up – brightness, brightness, brightness, you see, and goes off dark. And usually is burned out by the time it reaches him, and that darkness, therefore, is painful; which is to say, the impact and the darkness are simultaneous, and pain is simply a collapsing perception line. Well, it’s dark, and then it’s gone and he has nothing. So he’s approximating this, because the cycle of an explosion is: nothing, growth, dark, nothing. That’s the cycle of an explosion, that line there is understood. Nothing, dark, nothing. Nothing, bright, dark, nothing. Nothing, bright, dark, nothing. And this is what he has seen over and over and over and over.

A person could be very, very competent in creating and directing energy. And every time he creates a little energy, it sort of disappears and he doesn’t quite know where it goes, and before this he never knew where it went Now, you ask this person to exteriorize; that is to say, you ask this person to be at a little distance from the body. This will come to a lot of people as a shock when you do this to preclears. You just – in off the streets – you just say, „Be three feet back of your head now.“

And your Resistive V loves dangerous environments and he loves this and he loves that and he’s got ideas about this and he’s got ideas about this and he’s got it all worked out and it’s all figure-figure-figured and it’s beautifully figured, and he knows he can’t look, because it’s black. He’s used up all the bright out of the bank, and he has left the dark. One of the reasons why is admiration is the only thing which dissolves force; admiration dissolves force. Force applied will get admiration from a thetan. If you don’t get admiration for force, you just haven’t used enough force; if you don’t get admiration, you’ve used too much force and he isn’t putting out anymore. It’s a nice test: how much force you put out to get admiration. Admiration is a thetan particle, it is not found in the MEST universe.

The fellow says, „All right, I – I am. Now – hey!“ Big shock. He finds out just in that moment there that he doesn’t happen to be an integral part of this MEST thing.

And we get immediately to something quite interesting as a concept. We find out that the only healing energy of which I have any knowledge is that healing energy which is exuded by the beingness, the live beingness itself. Life can heal Me, and MEST cannot heal life. The only really therapeutic agent which you have at your command in a preclear is the thetan. It’s all very well to give him pills, but the pills work only because he mocks it up that they work. And that would immediately lead you into the thing of, „Well, if you cured the idea that the pills will work, and you get over the pretense and so forth, and you get him over the pretense in the belief that he’s really just doing this, and if he didn’t do this,“ and so forth, and we get all involved, we figure, figure, figure, why, we’re Case Level V, so let’s go on.

Now, when he’s three feet back of his head, he has some little chance of putting out a couple of ergs of energy without getting them soaked up, as long as he doesn’t have his attention immediately upon the body. But if you could put him out there several miles, he could then safely generate some energy, because it wouldn’t immediately be taken away from him by the reactive bank.

Now, we have here this cycle of creation, growth, decay and destruction – that’s what life does in this universe, you see – approximated by the explosion, and the thetan is evidently imitating an explosion, which goes from nothing to something to something dark to nothing. And if you don’t believe this, all of the (quote) secrets of life (unquote) start unrolling the moment you start running explosions on a preclear, particularly if you start exhausting the bank, you’ll start running them backwards. You’ll go: nothing, black, white, nothing, or just nothing, black, white, nothing; nothing, black, white, nothing. And he gets a feeling of regret, of course, because that’s backwards. When you run an engram backwards, you get the regret off of it. The fellow regretted doing something, which is to say he’s trying to halt the action which is in progress, and you run it backwards and you get the emotion of regret.

Now, the reason the reactive bank can take it away from him is because a large portion of the reactive bank is his own. This is just old stuff that he picked up like goats chew up tin cans, and he just sort of picked this up here and that up there, and he’s got this old favored facsimile that he swiped someplace, and he’s just got junk, junk, junk, junk all around. And it didn’t mean anything and it didn’t do anything to him till one day he got into confluence with a body. And when he got connected with the body he put this stuff into the body too, like you put things into trunks in the attic. And now it matches his wavelength and he can control the body better and this works out just fine; only he isn’t just quite sure how it’s working out, but it works out But every time he thinks he’s matching the wavelength of what he put in there. And all of his control of the body and everything he’s ever taught the body is matching up with his wavelength.

And so, it becomes a very simple problem the second one realizes that the thetan can approximate something in this universe and is evidently doing so.

And so every time he thinks, the body picks up any energy which is created and it starts to act as a sponge on a starvation of energy. And as a result, when he makes a facsimile, the facsimile itself is pulled in, just like it was water going into a sponge. And when the thetan puts out a little beam of energy, pam, that goes into the body.

How many men have been known to their mother and father as Son? And how many men have found out that they weren’t a good son? Fathers and mothers generally run for many years the beautiful sadness of having a son. And so he finds out he can’t be the son. He’ll tell you all about this, you see, he’ll figure this out eventually. You just keep on running the process.

Now, I’m not talking about anything strange or esoteric. Because all of these things have been strange and esoteric, one has a feeling that maybe they still are. But if you just take pc after pc and you say, „Be three feet back of your head.“ „Now be eight miles back of your head.“ „Now, that’s fine, now put out a beam of energy.“ „Now walk across the ceiling.“ „Now find-change something.“ And then, „Now come back and pick up the body and throw it over on the couch.“ And he does and…

More computations start coming off, because you start blowing up circuits, and the reason you start blowing up circuits is you’re feeding enough energy back into the bank. If you’re very clever, you keep him feeding energy into the bank, because actually a Resistive V will take it out faster than he mocks it up in. He will surreptitiously say, „Well, we really ought to run this concept, don’t you think? (slurp) There might be some white energy left in it (slurp).“ And one day he runs all the white energy he’s got out of the thing, and he finds out he’s awful dark. Now, that happens. It doesn’t mean that he’s really any worse off; it just means he’d have to process a little longer to get back to where he was.

Every once in a while you get a preclear that does it just like that. He doesn’t know anything about what you’re doing. You have to assume if it keeps happening, person after person, that it must be an objective phenomenon, instead of an objectionable one.

The Resistive V also is called a Resistive V because he’s usually a very tough, ornery, mean thetan. There is a difference amongst life forms; they are individual, one to another. People low on the Tone Scale think of them as a large mass which are undifferentiated. And the truth of it is, way up high on the Tone Scale, they do peel off of a large mass, but they peel off as individuals. They don’t come off as „We’re part of the allness, and we’re indistinguishable from any other allness.“ They don’t do this. They know they’re people.

I dare say, however, that you could go on trying to teach aborigines or something the fact that when meat was decayed it made their stomachs ache, and they’d probably go right on blaming God. But this is possible that you could do this. But there are a lot of people around that are very, very hard to convince on this. I’ve had an auditor say to me, „Well, I know my preclears really don’t exteriorize.“

Fellow peels off from what you call – you can run this on a case in para-Scientology – the main body of theta. He peels off from the main body of theta. It’s just like an airplane coming out of the sky or something of the sort Why did he do it? Well, he had this mock-up down there; it was very interesting. It seemed to get in trouble. And so he thought he’d better go down and see about it and pull it out Well, you say, „What were you just before you did that?“

„Why do you know they really don’t?“

„Me. Of course, the whole body is me.“ See, high degree of individuality without a lot of identification.

„Well, it never shows up on the E-Meter.“

So, we get him running on explosions themselves. By the way, he has a tendency if you run them backwards – give you a word of warning – just to run off some regret and emotion off the bank and to run energy out. This gives him an opportunity to – whereas if you start him in mocking up good honest explosions, you start him in generally, „Now, throw some explosions up there that you can’t have.“

„Well, what preclears have you tried to exteriorize?“


„Well, right after I finished the course, I tried one and he couldn’t, so I’ve given it up.“

And he’s running the resistance, you see, toward explosions, and he’ll run it enough so that he’ll start to get explosions. Fascinating. He starts throwing explosions around, and he throws them over here and he throws them over here and he throws them up there and he throws them back there and he throws them – the blackness gets thinner and thinner and thinner. You’re not interested in how thin it gets. More explosions, more explosions, more explosions, more explosions.

„What do you have them do now?“

How many hours worth of explosions? It’s a mechanical problem. He gets down, eventually, to a point where he just can’t seem to make any headway, and he’s having a little trouble, particularly, and he says, „You know there’s always been this big slab of blackness across my right ear or inside my skull over here or back of my spine,“ or something. Most preclears will have those. But the Resistive V is too tough.

„Well, I double-terminal them.“

You see, when he first started in to stack up energy, when he started in to resist the MEST universe, he resisted! Crunch. So that some of the explosions which he resisted would have done for a worser person, and he’s still got that, you see, and he’ll have this large black mass of something or other. And you can boil it all down, but that will still stick around. Well, you just get lots of people admiring it and then you have it. See, he’s granted it an identity.

„Well, what does that do?“

There is the beginning of a demon; it’s a ridge, and a mass which is – he won’t take responsibility for. Well, at the moment the blackness hit him, after the explosion, he said, „I didn’t want the explosion.“ That’s the postulate he always made by the time this beautiful bright thing turned black and hit him. So, it’s „no responsibility“ and „blackness“ are synonymous, so that „loss“ and „blackness“ are synonymous. Loss, something went away, which is a part of an expanding set of anchor points, you see; it’s like an explosion – something going away. It’s part of a dispersal, and right after that, he knows what he gets on a part of a dispersal; he knows what he gets from explosion: blackness. So you’ll very often get people turning on blackness with a loss.

„Oh, it makes them feel more comfortable.“

Well, you get this thing, this core of blackness, you get it to mock up lots of people admiring it. It isn’t a real – it isn’t alive, but he’s granted it aliveness by saying, „It isn’t mine.“

„Well, why don’t you tell – by the way, during the course, did anybody tell you to be three feet back of your head?

You can run out a lot of things on a concept, but don’t The concept is lovely of „Well, I can’t do anything about it I guess.“ That means no responsibility, which means, „I have not sufficient force to overcome this obstacle, and I can’t do anything about it“; says, „I have no force about it.“

„Well, a fellow tried it once, and I wasn’t, so…“ In other words, he’s just working on a complete no-action basis. He knows it can’t be true. You take this same fellow and start Acceptance Level Processing and what do you find? Acceptance of exterior energy; nothing but Just the thought of stepping back of his head, you see, puts out enough energy to really start pushing him back of his head, and that energy goes slurp and there goes the thought, so he knows it can’t happen. Very magical, nothing up the sleeves. You see how that would work out? Therefore, the fellow couldn’t believe it! So you have to have another technique.

It’s synonymous, so „I have no force“ and „I have no responsibility“ become synonymous, and in this way, you get the no responsibility factors which will occasionally show up in your Resistive V. Very well.

And that other technique would merely consist of feeding the bank enough energy until it was no longer starved and the fellow could think of stepping three feet back of his head without the energy connected to the thought being absorbed and, therefore, the thought disappearing.

What does for your V rather neatly? Just lots of explosions. How many hours worth of explosions? How do I know? Not anywhere near as many hours as you will have to follow with a neurotic with Self Analysis. Nowhere near the number of hours, but lots of hours.

Now, it’s a horrible thing that actually, the actual being of a person could think the most wonderful and pleasant and esoteric thoughts in the world, and have them instantly disappear. Have you ever had a preclear, you said, „Put up a mock-up“ – energy picture is what a mock-up is, nothing more nor less – “put up a mock-up out there of a girl.“

You really shouldn’t keep interrupting a preclear. I do this every once in a while: this fellow starts off on conversation number sixty-three. I’ve heard it so many times, I know what he’s going to say. I know what he’s run into, and I know what it’s leading into. I know what conclusions he’s made and so forth, and I’m all set trying to process a preclear, and he’s, of course, trying relievedly to put out a couple of anchor points. And right about the time he’s all set to put out these spoken anchor points and inform you that he has just gotten a clue on something or other, I am liable, in my haste, to overlook this fact and say, „Well, let’s get on to the next explosion,“ or something of the sort, you know. You see him kind of deflate – you exploded at him.

He says (pause), „Can’t!“

Now, why does this blackness hang up? Well, it’s because he got perceptions in explosions; therefore, he gets the idea he identifies perception with an explosion. Well, if he identifies perception with an explosion, he then believes an explosion takes place before perception is received. And he is alert to receive the energy which took place prior to the perception. He’s alert to get hold of that piece of energy, and it isn’t there, so the MEST universe gets him to fighting nothing.

And you say, „No, no. Go on now, just put up an energy picture of a girl out there. Put up a pic….“

A radio goes yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap and a fellow sits there and listens to it for a while and after a while he gets tired, because there’s no explosion there. If you don’t believe this, just start – as I showed you in that demonstration – just start mocking up a bunch of explosions. As far as that’s concerned, any speech from anybody does this, any speech. If a person is delivering out a considerable quantity of energy, people can at least mock up the amount of energy which is being received, and it is less aberrative.


But a fellow who talks in a schoolroom, „Well, children, today we’re going to take up side-angle-side.“ (I’m sorry, I can’t get my voice down there.) Very, very dull, you see, very quiet, and so forth, without any aliveness to it He’s starting in toward MEST, but live theater will never perish because there is theta energy back of every spoken word, there is a tiny explosion back of every perception, there is an explosion there. But the radio, nuh-uh. The movies, no. The books, no.

„Come on, try, try.“

Now, what do you do when you read? Your V is always a very educated fellow. Why? Why does every educated man you run into that you can talk to who knows anything turn out to be a Resistive V? That’s because in order to read, you have to suppress white and receive black. If you want to give any preclear a sudden flash of a book, just get him to suppressing white in brackets. Don’t tell him what he’s suppressing, just say, „Get the idea of suppressing white, suppressing white, suppressing white, other people suppressing white for other people, suppressing white…“ All of a sudden, he’ll start to get this funny idea, and he’ll get a facsimile or something of himself sitting there reading a book.

„Well, I almost did that time.“

There is nothing much to this, you see – I mean, it’s not very hard suppression, but all blackness in this language is synonymous with knowledge, mystery, and what is the significance? Well, why? It’s because it’s bright. That’s fine. Who worries about it when it’s bright? You can perceive when it’s bright, but then it gets dark, and a person who sees a flash up there says immediately afterwards, „Oh, I wonder what that was.“ Well, that’s about the time the black reached him, you see. So if you get somebody to just run the concept for a moment, „What is the significance of that?“ actually, everything is liable to turn a little bit black. „What’s the significance of that?“ The mystery! Yes, a very important thing, the mystery.

„Well, do it some more.“

There is one society, a rather barbaric society I heard about that – somebody told me about this society; I was never there myself – where they took a small child and they put him in a cubicle at a very early age and they restrained all motion. They kept him in this cubicle for a number of years, and all the time had him suppress white while he was in the cubicle. And then they gave him a diploma, and he was educated. And everybody was cross with him, because he didn’t go into a high level of motion with his education. Of course, societies of that character are completely beyond your comprehension; no society would ever do this to anybody!

„Yeah, I can get a picture of a girl, what are you talk… she’s gone.“

But there’s the restimulation of the blackness. Suppress the white paper and you get the black ink. And the black ink is supposed to say things to you; it’s supposed to have significance, you see. Only, of course, blackness doesn’t contain any significance, so you’re right on a maybe. And then the teacher says, „Now, write it all down on an examination paper.“ Ooohh. But it doesn’t have any significance.

„Now put up a few more, put up a few more.“

Now, a person is asked to read a novel The only reason people read novels and read stories like I used to write is because they don’t have enough action in their own lives. It’s pretty hard to get a four – or five-, six-year-old child to sit down and read Dostoevski. He’s not liable to ask, „What is the significance of it?“ He’s liable to be completely incredulous that anybody – but by the time he’s gotten to be twenty-five or thirty-five he sits down and he says, „Isn’t it significant!“ Significant of what? Russian writing? Well, it’s significant of Dostoevski, of course. Poor old Dostoevski had embraced the Christian Church before he got through, poor fellow, and he’s about the best there is over there. And you still would have a hard time really sitting down and justifying reading Dostoevski if the Rockettes were waiting outside to play with you. I’m afraid you wouldn’t do it. I’m afraid if a style show was going on with lots of pretty girls in it and so forth, and it was all free and there was lemonade and beer included, and it was just as dose to you as the book, I think you’d go to the style show. Of course, at this level of society, it would probably have to be as close to you as the book before you would go. All right.

„All right, all right. Yeah, you know what happens? I put this picture of this girl out there and she slides into this black cloud over here.“

You get the idea, then. The fellow is picking up his anchor points from this dose, with the future over here on his right side, and he isn’t bothering, because he doesn’t got enough sense to mock up all the scenes he sees described. But if he had enough sense to do that, he would then be delivering into the hands of an author the command power to regulate his own mock-ups exclusively, and he would go through years and years and years and years and years, you see, of habitually depending exclusively upon somebody else to give him a mock-up. And this would be very sad indeed.

Now, that’s been going on ever since he’s been putting up pictures of the girl. But putting out the energy itself, the energy of putting it out was also absorbed, the memory of its appearing and being seen was also absorbed by the bank, and it made a complete wipeout If you as an auditor recognized this, you could see a great deal of sense in good old Self Analysis. You just keep putting these mock-ups there.

The other thing that worries a V comes from one of the Prelogics. There are five Prelogics, they consist of the mission of theta. The effort of theta is to locate things in time and space. Also to create time and space in which to locate things. And an explosion sure does that If you’ve ever been sitting on anything that exploded, it sure relocated you. And so, one has a tendency to avoid spots where he’s been blown up, simply because he was moved, not because it was dangerous to be there, and one gets into the habit of being moved through the universe by something else.

The person says, „But my mock-ups have no persistence. I put them out there and they’re gone. I put them out there and they’re gone. And – I just – sometimes I can’t put up mock-ups of some things at all.“

And when one is being removed from hither to thither by something else, he gets into the very bad habit of depending upon the environment to move him around. And when he depends upon the environment to move him around and when he’s had lots of explosions move him around, the dispersal characteristic of the explosion or the dispersal characteristic of moving around generates a feeling of fear in him about going back to places he has been. And he is unable to return, which makes it impossible for him to exactly duplicate anything.

What’s happening to those mock-ups? They’re chunks of energy and they’re being soaked up by the reactive mind like a sponge. And they’re soaked up so fast and the impression of them being soaked up also goes with their being soaked up, and so the person doesn’t think he can put out a mock-up. But if you just keep it up…

The inability of the person to go back down the time track exemplifies this; it merely means he was unable to go back to a geographical location. You can find the geographical location that he can’t return to, too, and just run Reach and Withdraw toward it, and its reach and withdraw toward him, and it’ll show up just as mechanically as that So we have this condition whereby all a person’s activities can be traced back on an aberrative level which is dependent on energy, which is a reactive level – can be traced back to the explosion.

One of the worst cases I ever saw in this, I made a sort of a test out of. I just set him to work for two hours a day, and was on the telephone and so forth, making sure that he was doing it And he was pretty good; he went on and did it He did it for about six weeks at about two hours a day, and he could get the prettiest mock-ups, and one day somebody said to him, „Why don’t you be three feet back of your head?“ and he was.

Now, differentiate please, between the reactive level of stimulus-response, as depending upon an explosion, and the thetan’s ability to be or approximate or think up something to be anything. Now, remember that, that this is not the thetan working wholly stimulus-response. He doesn’t work that way, but he’s been handling things which work that way, which is to say, reactive things in MEST so long that he recognizes the pattern very ably, and will eventually decide he might as well follow it along, which gives him the idea of going across this action. But because the thetan on his analytical beingness level does not like to go this cycle, because it’s reverse for him – it’s not that he’s a mirror image, this cycle just happens to be in reverse to the way he’d like to go. He doesn’t want to get older and older and worse and worse and shorter and shorter cycles and shorter and shorter cycles, he just doesn’t want that. He’d rather get better and better. That’s his natural bent, but the explosion gets worse and worse. It gets big and bright, and then goes. All right.

And he said, „There’s nothing surprising about this.“ He said, „I knew I could do this all the time.“

Your V is located on the wrong side of the explosion. It’s as simple as that And boy, will he evaluate on it (tsk). He’s got to think about it before he can be, because he’s fresh out of locations in which he can be. And you will find that the V has had enough bad things happen to him, he’s been fixed in space enough that he has decided there are many places he can’t be. And unable to be there, he then is unable to return. And being unable to return, he also mustn’t be left behind, so he becomes the „only one“. You see how he could become the „only one“? He doesn’t like to be left behind.

Now, here you have the snake eating himself all up, starting in at his tail. And when a case gets too starved for energy, it responds like a sponge for energy. And it starts to pick up everything inflowing, and it specializes in inflows. And it specializes in betrayal, of course, because betrayal is getting the anchor points smashed in. It specializes in anything and everything you can think of that has anything to do with collapsing anchor points, because every time the case tries to put out a little bit of space, those anchor points, themselves being energy, come right into the bank and are absorbed. It’s just a question of mechanical – just plain, ordinary energy.

Do you know, you often hear somebody say, „Well it was all right for me to leave him, but it was not all right for him to leave me.“ Well, that’s just an explosion operating, that’s all – mustn’t be left behind. Well, how is this an explosion operating? Residue. Debris and residue is the unadmired end of the explosion. And that which is not admired tends to persist, and the V has come to the end of the explosion where all he has left is the debris, which is what is being left behind, so he’s very anxious about being left behind computationally. He’s got to excel. He has to be the one that does the leaving. Yes, because the conservation of energy tells him that you can’t burn cinders. So you can’t do anything about residue, so that’s a real point of apathy, and that’s what’s left behind when the explosion explodes.

And the reactive mind is so starved for energy that it has to figure all the time how it’s going to get more energy. And it doesn’t care how, whether it gets it by being run over by a truck or by eating fish or anything else. Anything goes. And this is the behavior of the reactive mind. What we normally consider the reactive mind would be the body, but the actual part of it is, is the thetan has a reactive mind of his own – it’s this bric-a-brac he carries around.

Now, this sounds too dopey for words. Don’t bother with its explanation, because you can get that off any Resistive V if you just start in running explosions on him in brackets. Now, you run it in a bracket, then you handle a Case Level V.

See, out there in space you get – 270 degrees, or almost, in a vacuum, and electricity behaves in a peculiar fashion. It has no resistance. You could make a bomb this way. Somebody over in Russia wrote a paper on it; I suppose they shot him immediately. (And Russia probably has now issued a manifesto saying it now possesses this as a weapon, that being their usual cycle.) They take something in absolute zero and, having no resistance, they keep pumping a can full of energy, and of course, they could pump billions and billions and billions of volts into a can. And then, when they took it out and it would all of a sudden warm up, what a terrific electronic flash you would get, because no resistance, you see.

Actually, the best method I know of to handle a Case Level V now is Step Level V of SOP 8-L. And that has the single difference of you run explosions at Case Level V, and you mock them up in brackets. In other words, you have the preclear mock up explosions for himself, then you have somebody else out in front of him mock up explosions for themselves, and then you have other people somewhere else mock up explosions for each other. And then you have, if you want to finish off a complete bracket, the preclear mock up explosions for other people, and other people mock up explosions for the preclear, which is, of course, what people used to do to each other’s mock-ups like mad. A fellow would put up a mock-up and somebody would blow it up.

It presents the silly problem of having a quart can into which you could pour a tank car full of milk, and it all goes into the quart can, because it’s absolute zero. And now you’ve put it out where it’s warm, and you’ve got a tank car full of milk again, only you’ve got it too quick, so it splatters over the landscape.

That’s what a thetan is trying to do. What is the thetan trying to do? He’s trying to put up a mock-up.

Now a thetan is into this. When a thetan is in the vicinity of absolute zero, his own energy behaves accordingly; hasn’t any resistance, there’s nothing to using energy. He just uses it He can put it out this way and that way and tie it in ribbons and do other things with it There’s nothing to it And then he gets down here and he’s got air and it’s warm and it’s not a vacuum, and he wonders what’s happened to his energy. He can’t make it anymore.

Kind of simple, but a kid, if you start giving him mock-ups out of Self Analysts, he’ll actually do it just day after day after day after day. It’s the one thing a thetan loves to do. And if he’s not permitted to put up mock-ups in MEST, which is best by the way, he’ll put them up in his own universe. He thinks it’s much better to put them up in MEST.

Every once in a while, a thetan will pull in something that was packaged one way or another and he didn’t quite know how, and I don’t know quite how he packages it, and you get a terrific explosion in your preclear or in front of him or behind him. And a lot of your cases have gone down Tone Scale immediately following an electronic explosion, which occurred after an operation.

A painter would much rather paint a painting over here on the wall, because then it gets other people’s admiration, and he thinks he can then pick up other people’s admiration and use that in the bank. And it’s very interesting. What he’s doing, he can do approximation in his own bank of the admiration which is coming to him, which is an exterior control, which gives him a pattern which he can then mock up. But if he can no longer mock up a pattern which is coming in to him, he can’t get other people’s admiration admiring his painting, so he begins to believe that people don’t admire anything, because he can’t feel any of this admiration. Well, that’s because he isn’t mocking up the admiration which is coming in to him anymore so he can have some admiration.

You ask them, „What was the exact symptom when you started to go downhill?“ They can’t remember. It’s a dispersal, of course. „Well, what was the symptom?“

Now, you just run this in brackets as I gave it to you there, and he’ll start learning about life. He’ll tell you astonishing things. He’ll suddenly say to you, „You know, I just can’t stand the idea of accepting money from anybody.“

They think this over for a long time, then they say, „Well, I don’t know. I remember I was operated upon for gallstones. About three nights later, it seems to me, I woke up in the middle of the night and there was a blinding flash in my stomach.“ Now, it’s hard for a person to recall those things. The easiest way to make him recall it is just tell him to start mocking up explosions. And if he starts mocking up explosions, all the data about explosions will eventually come into his possession.

And you’ll say, „When did that come up?“ And you say, „Well, what – how did you – what do you mean?“

But here we needn’t go so far afield as absolute zero or thetans or anything else to get anywhere with this argument All we have to do is start feeding the reactive mind energy, and the reactive mind stops this think, think, think, think, think and starts straightening out.

And he’ll say, „Well, it just occurred to me that all the bright and beautiful things of life are only possible if you have money. And I suddenly realized when I was a little child I used to like bright and beautiful things, but I didn’t have any money to buy them with. And then my uncle gave me some money, and I bought this and it broke.“ It’ll be some very, very involved thing, you see, and he’ll go off, tail off into some long explanation of how this all comes about Well, you just run a few more explosions, and he doesn’t care whether he had any money or didn’t have any money.

Now, the energy is a somethingness; the somethingness has to have a nothingness around it. And you start feeding the reactive mind space, lots of space, you reduce the havingness of the preclear. The real answer is to start feeding him space, but you can’t do this, because it starts to evaporate the energy which he has. And you give him more and more space and more and more space, and he has less and less and less and less, and you’re coming down to where he has identified himself with nothing.

Well, at first you may have to run these explosions; you’ve asked him to get an explosion and he thinks you mean something that would go bang and real fast, and he won’t do that He’s got so much pressure on it all, he’s suppressed – in order to get hold of, if you please, enough (not so he wouldn’t get hurt) – he’s suppressed so many explosions in order to get hold of them and own them and grab them that he’s gotten the idea that he has to suppress all explosions. And do you know you wouldn’t be able to get the fellow to hold a lighted stick of dynamite in his hand if you paid him? He thinks he has to suppress all explosions. So when you get a person reading too much, he’s suppressing white, which represses his explosions. And he’s living in a carbon-oxygen engine, and the carbon-oxygen engine needs explosions in order to exist and only exists and only runs if it can be permitted to explode in a certain way, and so he suppresses existence and runs down in his… This is just one of the explanations you will get from a V as you go on and on with this processing. He’ll just give you lots of them.

The thetan thinks he’s nothing, because his first contact with the MEST universe is space, and space is nothing. And so he’s space as far as he’s concerned. And you could, theoretically, run out this whole thing. You could run out the idea that he was nothing by simply running out space with Q and A, which I’ll give you during these lectures.

Well, don’t stop him too often; the poor fellow can’t put out anchor points anymore. Let him tell you about some of them. But if he starts going off on nothing but philosophy, and if he goes over fifteen or twenty minutes on one explanation of why it was that, you’d better stop him and get another explosion in. Because what he’s trying to do is run out and eat up the whiteness he has just mocked up on the pretense that he has a good reason to do it. So there’s your V. All right.

But you reduce his havingness. And if you will go out and find a little child who is eating candy and you jerk the candy away from him, what will a little child do? And if you keep taking candy away from him, what will he do? Eventually go into apathy. It doesn’t necessarily follow that if you keep giving him candy, he will go way up Tone Scale, but he’ll sure be cheerful about it.

Step Level IV of SOP 8-L is a slight variation on Expanded GITA. And it is Expanded GITA run, as I’ve mentioned earlier, so that you feed the bank the various objects which it is resisting. And the only reason you do this in SOP 8-L is to give the person a good insight and understanding into enough things so he’ll let go of some of his most cherished problems and get on with processing. And that’s why we have SOP 8-L as a slight variation and part of SOP 8. It’s not another process; it’s SOP 8 addressed toward cases which start sliding down the line too far and which have to understand before they can be. And it is introducing the very best method I know of for handling a Resistive V. This is – at this time that’s the best method I know of.

So you don’t want to take all the candy away. As much as a thetan would hate to admit it, energy is delicious; it’s real candy. And you’ll get some character processing himself, and he’ll process himself endlessly. Just like candy – just go on and on because it tastes so good, but he doesn’t dare admit that it tastes so good, you see. He’s got to have a reason for doing it Therefore, you will find some cases, it’s almost impossible to run anything on the case but a concept, because the concept will keep chewing up the energy and converting the energy, and it doesn’t waste any energy. So the thing to do is to restore a lot of havingness to the preclear, by the form of mock-ups. You give him havingness.

So we get SOP 8-L at Step Level IV using Expanded GITA, not to remedy a thing in terms of energy really, but just enough so that he’ll see that he has to accept a certain level of being ill. You see, we’re in a society at this time where it’s not polite to be well. Particularly America; America has gotten itself into a dreadful situation, because everybody is so equal. And if everybody is equal through a country, you are immediately posing the very bad situation that one psychotic sets up an example that anybody is supposed to be equal to. This can be very rough. So you’ll get an impressed level of agreement, one with another.

Now, why do you go out on this cycle of returning his havingness? The only thing wrong with his thinking is his thinking. What is wrong with the mind is wrong in the mind. It isn’t wrong on Jupiter. See, what’s wrong with the mind is wrong with the mind.

So what’s acceptable is a slight case of dyspepsia or something of the sort. A person has to have something wrong with him, and so you start feeding him an acceptable level of illness. „Now, just get an acceptable level of illness. Now, put out the level of your own discomfort until somebody shows up that it was acceptable to.“ Aw, this is tricky; this is a sneaky one. You just say, „Put out your condition out front till somebody shows up it was acceptable to.“ This will clean out postulates out of the bank, but it doesn’t do terribly much for the case; it brightens the case up.

We have this unit called the mind, and we don’t care what shape it is; we’ll draw here a circle. And everything that is wrong with the mind is connected immediately and intimately with the mind. It sounds like one of these idiotic statements, but it’s… Therefore, you’re not going to get him over claustrophobia, you’re just going to get him into a rigid control of claustrophobia by simply making them occupy small spaces like closets. „I’ll show you, you little brat, cry in the dark. Throw them in the dark, that’s the way to cure them.“ Well, they go into a sort of a rigid apathy about the dark, and after that somebody says, „Are you interested in the dark?“ or „Does darkness worry you?“

And it sure teaches them about life. Because there’s Grandma. And he says, „What!“ Well, it seems like the only thing Grandma would ever accept from him was being ill. He would run around and be happy and cheerful – wasn’t acceptable. But he’d stub his toe or get a cough or something like that, and immediately Grandma would say slurp!

„Doesn’t worry me. No, doesn’t worry me anymore. It used to, but it doesn’t worry me anymore. Doesn’t worry me a bit, really doesn’t worry me. Never think about it anymore! What are you asking for?“ All right.

And he runs this for a little while, and he all of a sudden will say, „You know, all that old lady wanted was sick people.“ This will suddenly come to him. You start running Grandma accepting illness elsewhere, and this will suddenly occur to him. This was all that was acceptable to her. She was sweet and sympathetic all the time when you were sick, but boy, she sure didn’t like well people.

So there’s trying to work it out in the MEST universe, you see. So the problems of the mind are in the mind, they are not on the Coca-Cola sign. The Coca-Cola sign, which I mentioned earlier, may be in beautiful neon, but it does have this tremendous characteristic it says, „C-o-c-a C-o-l-a,“ it says. Does it? Does it say anything? It sure doesn’t It’s sitting there, and it’s a certain form and shape, a series of geographical locations in MEST which has absolutely m meaning until you come along and read it And then this series of shapes translates itself as a picture, which goes back to a sound, which goes into a picture, which connects up with the stomach and the taste mechanism. And this horrible gooey syrup that they pour carbonated water in regurgitates in the bank and you know what you are looking at, you’re looking at a sign that says „Coca-Cola.“ Well, boy, that’s really artificial, between ourselves; that’s going way around it and so forth. But that’s MEST talking.

It’ll come to a person immediately that he wanted his parents worried. See, what was acceptable to him was a slight level of worry, because the only time his father would pay any attention to him, he suddenly discovers, was when there was – when his father thought there was something wrong. So his father would say, „What’s wrong? Have you hurt yourself?“ You know, „What’s wrong? Have you hurt yourself?“ And that was the only attention Papa ever gave him. So naturally, he had to worry Papa a little bit to get some attention. So he finds himself winding up eventually with the computation that he had better worry, so he’s worried.

Anytime you can make a MEST appear to talk, you’re going to get a chain of aberrations following it, by the way. When MEST can appear to talk, it can start to be sensible. And as soon as it starts to look sensible, watch out, because it can’t talk and can’t think.

What’s he worried about? Well, he’ll give you a lot of reasons why he’s worried about it. A worried condition was what his Papa had concerning him, and so he began to miss this. You see, Papa was no longer as worried as previously, so the answer to this, of course, was to set up being worried, Papa being worried. Question: „How do I make Papa worried?“

This, by the way, is no condemnation whatsoever of books, television, radio or motion pictures. These, which constitute the major aberrations of the society – it’s no part of me to run them down. If people want to be foolish enough to go to motion pictures, let them go; let them go crazy.

Answer: „Papa worried.“ So he’s in Papa’s valence a little bit and worried.

Now, a picture – picture occurs in the mind only after this „resistance and then want“ cycle takes place. See, resistance. A picture will occur in the mind automatically when that happens, but pictures seldom occur of possessions which are not resisted particularly. But you get this concatenation of a desire of MEST all the way along the line, which is a reversal. And the MEST says that you want it, because it’s got gravity, and you’ve mocked up the gravity, so obviously you’ve got all these computations on the thing and you need it You have a reason, too – you have to get to work every morning with that car. That’s beside the point that you work some, maybe, five hours out of your eight to pay for that car, but that’s beside the point You have to get to work with that car – big reason.

About what? Well, if you watched him for a little while you’d find out what he was worried about, because he would start expressing it All of a sudden there’s a backfire in the street, something on that order, and a squeal of brakes, and this is the first time he’s showed any animation at all, he immediately rushes to the window to see if somebody was hurt (slurp). An impact has happened, and this is so he could be sympathetic.

So when you get this car, you actually have an object. Well, this is tremendously desirable – an object It’s a big mass of energy. Fine, there’s nothing wrong with owning energy, nothing wrong with owning cars or anything else. But there’s something wrong with the next abstraction: losing the car, finance company.

How can you be sympathetic? The way to be sympathetic is Question and Answer again – Q and A The way you be sympathetic is simply to be the other person. Sympathy is mocking oneself up as the other person, and if one does this expertly one thinks he gets the energy from the other person’s illness, you see, or impact.

And here’s a car, and then it’s gone. Well, when that first happens to a fellow, he keeps a picture of it. It’s very touching and nostalgic. A person only keeps pictures around of things he can’t have. He only keeps blocks of energy around when he can’t have energy. Isn’t that sweet, nostalgic and touching? The only reason, really, no matter what the preclear says – the only reason he’s got that picture, the only reason he’s got that picture of Papa that keeps recurring to him all the time („Papa’s a dog; Papa’s no good“ and so forth) – the only reason he’s got that picture is because he can’t have Papa, so he’s got a picture of Papa.

Operations are real tasty. If you don’t believe this – if you don’t believe this, I think Hippocrates was one of the first to state that a patient should go around and tell about his operation six or seven times; they always did. And you go out in the Midwest – that’s a part of the United States; I think it was, the last time I looked – and you will go back on the farm district, and believe me, if somebody’s had an operation, boy, has he got conversational material. He’s just got it for years to come. Of course, after a while everybody will have enough mock-ups of his operation so they don’t consider it tasty anymore, but they’ll still sit there and listen while Uncle Bill tells about the time he had his three toes amputated for frost. It’s impact, you see.

Now, you see this dramatized. The old lady who has lost a son has that picture square on the middle of the mantelpiece; that’s right where it is. As long as he was alive and breathing and happy and cheerful, it was in a trunk or on the back of the piano or something of the sort. She didn’t need a picture. But now she hasn’t got him, so she’s got a picture. And that is the role of pictures and one of the reasons, specious or spurious though the reason may be, why people have pictures. But that is one reason up from a more pertinent fact: just the raw fact of energy.

This is the way it works out, then, that you have things resisted until they become accepted, and that unfortunately is the acceptance level of the individual. And a person runs Step IV of SOP 8-L simply by running his condition as acceptable and other people’s conditions as acceptable and remedies as acceptable and then you try to find things that really are acceptable to him.

Now, the picture combines something that belongs exclusively to the thetan, which is the aesthetic. The combination of energies and forms and spaces so as to create what a thetan classifies as a pleasing object or motion would be what an aesthetic is. Well, he could keep something just as an aesthetic and wind up by chewing it up just because he was short of energy. The energy has become important This would be the degeneration of the person from an aesthetic individual to a very practical man. He started in with the pictures and wound up by chewing them up for energy, you see.

Now, the SOP 8 list of Expanded GITA is very helpful, but there’s one being printed in a later PAB which you will find even more shocking. Very well.

So you can count on it with a preclear that what he’s got in mental picture form is there because, one, he’s short of energy, so he’s got this picture because it represents a mass of energy which he’s liable to chew up someday and he won’t have that picture anymore either. The second reason is it’s something he can’t have. And when he really can’t can’t-have it and he knows he can’t have it and it’s gone forever, it’s a black picture and he can’t remember it.

This isn’t therapy so much as an education. He finds out that he has resisted dirt to a point where he can’t have anything but dirt, so he’s stopped bathing. But that’s very peculiar. He remembers distinctly being well-trained in bathing – beaten, in fact. And so he gets hold of a mass of energy which consists of his beatings, impacts. And when he picks these up, they have the aberration in them „don’t bathe,“ of course, because dirt, every slash of the whip that he was spanked for being dirty about, has in it, actually, very often literally… Have you ever run this phrase out of a preclear? „I’ll teach you how to…“ When he picks up the mass of energy which is desirable to him, he also picks up the thought panel which he then tolerates, but then he doesn’t realize why he’s so unhappy.

First he had a picture of it, you see, and then his energy scarcity made him eat up the picture and now he hasn’t even got the picture, so he says he needs pictures to remember. He doesn’t need pictures to remember; he can make all the pictures he wants, unless somebody’s convinced him he can’t or unless it seems beautifully sad or dramatic to him not to be able to. All right.

Energy is good, and yet somebody says this is bad and pain is bad and this is bad and that’s bad and it’s so bad everywhere else – “You have to look where I tell you to look,“ you see. That’s the way it runs. Very well.

So, the blackness which you see accumulating is many things. The blackness can be the blackness of nothingness, the blackness of space or it can be a blackness of substance which is chewed-up and charred energy, which is still better than no energy. The person who has solid masses of blackness packed around him is going around with the consolation that he’s at least got some black energy. It’s very, very insulting to him, too, when you suddenly point it out sometime, „Well, it’s at least energy.“ You’re not being properly sympathetic. All right.

You take the Expanded GITA list, and you simply run the Expanded GITA list as acceptable; what is acceptable in it, what’s unacceptable, what’s acceptable in it. And boy, you’ll find some strange things, because you’ll find that some of the things in the Expanded GITA list have to be put into an incredibly bad, undesirable form as far as you’re concerned, at which moment they become very acceptable to the preclear. All right.

When, then, you evaluate a process, it would be along, more or less, the following forms: One – the weakest process is, one, does it convert a thought-energy pattern into usable energy? That would be one, see. That would be the weakest process, and that would be Concept Running. What Concept Running does is, he can’t have the energy because the thought in it is too dangerous, he thinks, so you just run the thought out of it and then he can at least have that little slice of energy. All you’ve done for him is give him that slice of energy, which he already had but he can’t use. You see that? And that would be the weakest process there is admissible at this time.

„Brains.“ Nneerr, nothing happens. „Dull brains.“ Nothing happens. „Dead brains.“ Nope. „Decayed brains crawling with maggots,“ (slurp).

Also under that classification comes the running of an engram. You’re running the perceptics out of an engram; you’re running a slab of energy flat without destroying the energy, see, so the energy doesn’t impinge an effect the way it is, and so it becomes a usable piece of energy.

That’s the way it goes, and this fellow realizes, to him, that he actually has – all of a sudden it shows him to himself suddenly as what he’s pretending not to be all the time, but he knows he has become. And he feels like sort of a Mr. Hyde under the cloak of a Dr. Jekyll, because the society at large wouldn’t tolerate him for a moment with this acceptance level, so he says he hasn’t such an acceptance level and won’t accept it himself analytically – oh no – but there’s his reactive mind just dying of starvation for something too horrible to mention, even on the tape. And what you do is cure a flock of appetites. It’s therapeutic, sure; it’d run out if you just ran explosions, but he all of a sudden realizes this is what’s happened. And he faces, for the first time, the fact that he had an appetite for such a thing.

Restimulation is „Gee, what a nice, beautiful, big piece of energy – slurp. Uuuh! Hey, wait a minute“ – chronic somatic. He almost could eat it up. And he keeps it there and gimps and limps or stutters or twitches or something for the next twenty years in the hope that it will all of a sudden go away and he’ll be able to consume the rest of it If there’s an analytical thought on top of it at all, it’s that one, and that’s a chronic somatic.

I’ve had a preclear look at me very alertly and very smilingly, and all of a sudden tell me, „Well, you know, that’s the first time I ever admitted it to myself, (sigh)“ And you run it a few times, and he has no such appetite; it’s gone. But he’s been suppressing the appetite, and so we run into Freud’s unconscious mind complete, and we could run it out complete. And it’s explained utterly as far as the preclear is concerned, and therefore we’re happy about it And there goes the unconscious, the sputter conscious, the id conscious and all the rest of the suppressions and mayhems and the savage and brutal ravings and so forth of the barbaric and primitive self.

Another thing is there gets to be a big scarcity of pain. Some preclears you have to really fix them up so they can make up a lot of pain before they’re happy, and then they get so they have to waste pain in brackets and then they can have pain. And at that time, this now makes a lot of facsimiles available to them they didn’t have before, so momentarily they’ll come on up on an upsurge just because they can have pain. If they can have pain, then they can have a lot of the energy in the bank, you see. So then they can drain on this bank some more, and it’ll go flatter and blacker. That’s no good; that isn’t really what you wanted to do with the case, but the fellow is a lot happier if he can do that All right. Weakest process.

That isn’t any barbaric and primitive self; a person gets this when he gets civilized! When he gets real civilized, he really develops some weird appetites, because he’s been told he can’t have this and he can’t have that and this is inhibited and that’s inhibited. And you get the poor old savage running around climbing trees, eating each other up – oh, they’re happy about it You’ll go around to a cannibal, probably he’s trying to run out a scarcity of men. So, in such a way we can solve, very easily, a preclear’s inability to understand why it was that he never got along with certain people, why he was never quite acceptable to his parents, and this is one of the most revelatory things that happens.

The next process admissible, as far as processing is concerned, according to my own investigation and experience, is the restoration of energy to the bank, the restoration of energy to the bank And such a process would simply be Self Analysis. You just keep putting mock-ups out there. You increase the fellow’s havingness. You get him back to a point where he realizes he can at least have some mock-ups. He might not be able to get the real thing out here, but he can get some mock-ups. You see where we’re going in this processing?

He realizes the acceptance level of his parents was too low for his own consideration. He will usually suddenly decide this, if he is one of these rejected people. He’ll find out what was acceptable to his parents. And it’s usually quite weird, because it’s very weird through the whole race. And if he had been a sick, anemic, very, very studious and extremely obedient little boy, or if she had been an entirely gaunt, sex-starved female, he or she would have been completely acceptable to the parents, utterly.

The mock-up is the substitute for MEST, or a substitute for a mass of energy, because, remember, we’re working with three universes. And if he can’t have a mock-up of his own which is solid and can be stood up this way and patted together that way and pulled out that way, and he can mess around with this energy and so on – if he can’t do that comfortably, if he can’t create energy in blocks and solidities of that character and so on, well, the next thing to do is to show him that some does exist around, which is MEST, and he’s somewhat convinced he can’t have that, so he’s out of present time because he can’t really find it He knows it quite isn’t there and he can’t have it, so he’s out of present time.

The person says, „Well, no wonder I never wanted to get in with this family. I wouldn’t be such a person, I just wouldn’t I wonder if that’s why I am that kind of a person now.“

If he can’t have present time, he can at least have blocks of energy. If he can’t have the blocks of energy which exist right here and now, he can at least have them someplace in the bank. And so, he gets thrown back on the time track and you get the past tense manifestation of psychosis; that is to say, the psychotic’s always in the past. Why is he in the past? Well, he’s got all the energy out there, and he’s way back there looking for some now. Of course, it drives him pretty batty and he’s in pretty terrible condition and so forth, but he’s still got energy hunger. So that would be the next process.

Well, and so we bring it up to Step IV. That’s a very simple thing to run, you understand, it’s just run horrible things in brackets, and you just run them until the preclear finds some things he’ll accept and find out what kind of people the parents accepted, and he suddenly begins to winnow out existence, and he takes a look at it, and his familial problems and that sort of a thing have a tendency to vanish. It’s a very, very easy thing to run.

And the third process on a level of acceptability as far as he’s concerned… (Number two, by the way, includes Expanded GITA and Acceptance Level Processing, any process which restores kinds of energy.) The third one would be restoring a specialized cycle to the bank, and that would be just one thing which we’ll go into later: explosions. That’s the most valuable kind of energy of all. Gee. Gee, that’s wonderful. It’s why you get all these boys down at Los Alamogordo chewing away at atom bombs. The glee with which they work on this would turn you a little bit pale. All right.

What is acceptable to the parents? He finds out.

Here you have one type of facsimile which, when run, is tremendously effective. And the reason why is the explosion is the basic desirable thing, and it’s what got him into wanting energy in the first place. So if you give him enough explosions and he mocks up enough explosions and mocks up enough explosions in brackets and so on, why, he’s much better off. And this is coupled with running attention and admiration on the blackness which immediately follows the explosion. A part of an explosion is the blackness, you see, and that’s where, really, the blackness gets nailed down on the case.

What’s acceptable to him? He’s astonished and incredible.

All right, then, we get mobs of people admiring the explosion, which explodes so noisily and beautifully and is followed by the blackness, and we don’t stop their admiration just because the blackness followed it; that was what happened in real life, so the blackness never quite went away. So he’s still got this tremendous store of blackness in the bank. It’s still energy, but you give him enough white energy and the black energy has a tendency to go away, and it does go away. But you get admiration of it; that is, you just mock up huge masses of people looking up very admiringly at all of the explosion, particularly the black part of it And the blackness gets more and more soluble and more and more soluble, and sometimes your preclear gets sicker and sicker and sicker and more horribly – and he feels terrible, and big compartments start to fly out of his mind, and big chunks of blackness start to disappear around his body. And this opens up communication lines to all kinds of facsimiles and – that are all sucked dry, because you see, when they’re sucked completely dry it left only blackness. And he couldn’t communicate over that line anymore to the bank, and so it just stayed there. And all of a sudden it swells up, and this happens to be a time when Lord knows what happened, and he’s suddenly confronted with the huge picture of an elephant immediately facing him. And various things happen which make life interesting. But that technique and that sickness is really only very bad when you don’t back it up with objective processes.

All it takes to run this is an imagination, which you don’t care how horrible it gets. And that’s good for you, too. All right. And so we’ve got Step IV of SOP 8-L.

Now, you can run what I just told you, which is this third kind – you run the combination of lots of explosions and lots of admiration of explosions and so on, you’ll only get him into trouble if you omitted the objective type of process; that’s to say, you omitted the corners of the room and the other unlimited techniques as contained in Triple SA You keep those up and he just goes along fine.

Good old Step IV of SOP 8 is still quite workable, but the best things to run in SOP 8, and the things that you should really teach the preclear about are as follows: wasting fighting, wasting work, wasting pain and wasting admiration. You don’t care how he wastes these things, but you want them wasted in brackets: wasted for himself, wasted for others and wasted by others for others. Those are the four, and they’re really all that’s important.

Now, those are the three first-line processes right up to there. And the fourth one would consist of any process which put him into immediate cognizance and made available to him, obviously, so that he knew it, the MEST universe present time. We’re going upstairs with these processes, you understand – we started with the weakest one and we’re getting stronger ones now. And after he finds out we’re really – can have present time and present time is wonderful and so on, and after he can have these huge masses of energy and so on, well, let’s start him into the fifth one, which is the rehabilitation of himself as an energy output unit, including his personality. And that’s the fifth process and the upper echelon one.

But there are the most important ones of the category, because they suddenly demonstrate to him that work is scarce, and he wants to work. They demonstrate to him that pain is not unbearable and is even desirable, and they tell him that he’s shunned admiration because he’s seen it given away to too many unworthy objects. And it tells him he hates force, because its – fighting is something he doesn’t dare have. And it brings him out at the other end of it, scrappy as a bantam, and then he gets mild as can be. „Why fight?“ he says, „Except maybe it might be exciting.“

Now, we go above that and we get to what we were talking about in the Doctorate Courses, which is just the construction of your own universe, which is interesting, if you can make large masses of energy. You won’t get anybody to be really interested in making his own universe unless he has big, beautiful, gorgeous blocks of energy that he himself can make and carve up and put together and so on. You know, there is nothing like something that you could get a good, solid contact on. Well, MEST is good that way. You get a contact on MEST; it doesn’t belong to you but it might as well, because you had your hand in it, I’m afraid.

Well, so Expanded GITA actually could be boiled down to just that, as given in SOP 8 in the Issue 16-G. It can be run just like that, in brackets as the only amendation, just like it’s printed in Issue 16-G, and it’ll get therapeutic results. But we don’t need that much processing now; we want to teach him something about life. That’s the only reason we’re processing him at that level. And the only reason we’re processing explosions at Case Level V is to feed the bank, and mock-ups at Case Level VI is again to feed the bank energy. We’ve got a starvation problem.

And we’ve talked about MEST as a villain, but we’re talking about it because I like people to agree with me sometimes – not too often, but I like the no-randomity. But you’ve got this whole MEST universe as an antagonist if you insist upon being a single man who is not even part of the collective group. And so people agree with you when you say, „That MEST universe did this.“ The MEST universe didn’t do that any less than you did it to the MEST universe. Actually, it’s a series of overt acts on the part of the MEST universe and your part that finally stuck you with a collapsed terminal on the MEST universe.

And we go right straight down the line through Step I, Step II, Step III, and if we’re successful in any of those three steps, we do not have an immediate problem of starvation in the bank, so we just run those off. But we’ll cover those later in the next lecture.

Now, you’ll notice that we haven’t gone into overt act phenomena. We haven’t gone into engrams. We haven’t gone into para-Scientology at all-past lives, Fac One – none of this material. And that’s not because it isn’t there anymore or somebody changed his mind, it’s because we don’t need to do it anymore.

But if you want to know what’s happening to your preclear and what he’s talking about, it’s very, very fortunate that we have dug up, exhumed and brought to view a lot of phenomena which will be uncovered and talked about by a preclear during processing, whether you like it or not.

The preclear keeps saying, „I can’t get the camera away from in front of my face. You keep telling me to run this, but this camera keeps sticking in front of my face!“

You will say, „That’s very funny; it probably refers to a libido complex on the part of his father. Well, let’s see, the camera, camera – camera represents pictures. Of course, he’s talking about pictures; we’ve said something about facsimiles, so he probably has a necessity for facsimiles. That’s probably what he wants,“ and so on. „And we’ll just go on and neglect this thing. And we’ll run it out next session.“ Rrruh. So you go down to the hospital…

That’s a Fac One machine, of course, and whether you like it or not, or when the preclear doesn’t like it, it’s got so much energy connected in – Fac One is such a heavy block of self-created energy in fighting a cameralike projector that it has been particularly delicious at various times in the past And now he’s gotten to a point where it’s no longer delicious, it’s just plain nothing but agony left in it and he can’t touch that thing any further. And he’ll get lines of agony walking across his body from the left to the right and the right to the left and around. And furthermore, he gets them into every endocrine gland he has, because these were selected out one by one, and you’ll get a sudden terrific enlargement of the thyroid and all sorts of things will happen. You say, „Well, that camera in front of his face, that doesn’t mean a thing. We’ll just go on to something else.“ You’re in for trouble unless you do something about that camera in front of his face.

What’s the best way to do something about the camera? And that’s simply to process, just what I was talking about, number four or number three until you’ve got the camera gone, and make sure it’s gone. Because it’s phenomena you’re going to encounter whether you want it there or not. But it’s in para-Scientology merely because we can’t really accurately establish its source, but it’s phenomena. In para-Scientology we can weave beautiful pictures and pleasant dreams and speculations and be highly scientific and curious and interesting and so forth, but we don’t necessarily have to get hanged with the data.

So, what is the various – the chains of reasoning, then, that you would follow in assaying – assessing a preclear so as to know what process to follow with the preclear? Well, you look at the fellow and you see whether or not he’s in a body. If he’s in a body, he’s in bad shape. He’s worried about Gertrude. He just can’t seem to get it off his mind, you can’t get him to concentrate. So you say, „Well, let’s see, this case is – I don’t know quite where we’ll enter this case, but he keeps talking about Gertrude.“

Well, actually I can tell you a hundred ways we can process Gertrude – oh, thousands of ways. We can run facsimiles, we can run overt acts, we can have him shoot Gertrude and Gertrude shoot him and back and forth, and we can do all sorts of things – oh, most remarkable things to get rid of Gertrude. And if we want to fool around with it, and you really want just this fellow – fellow came to you because of Gertrude and so forth, you can just run the concept „Gertrude is in present time,“ „Gertrude is not in present time,“ „Gertrude is here,“ „Gertrude is not here.“ And we have a spot out in front of him say, „Gertrude is here“ and „Gertrude is not here.“ And after a while he stops worrying about Gertrude. But that comes in that first echelon I mentioned, which is the weakest process but yet got rid of an aberration.

You go down to an insane asylum or something – Volney wrote me the other day about some fellow that had eighteen dozen electric shocks and a prefrontal lobotomy and had all his teeth kicked out (in other words, psychiatrists had amused themselves no end), because he had a witch doctor who stood out in the front yard and gave him orders.

And he said, „Well, nobody can see her but myself, but…“ This is after the prefrontal lobotomy, he was still talking. A great shock. They wrote a huge – oh, they wrote pages and pages in the psychiatric journal, „Prefrontal lobotomy case still able to talk.“ Anyway, he was out there in the front yard – I wouldn’t mention the name of the hospital because I’d hate to condemn anybody in that hospital at all or give out any names, so we won’t mention Sawtelle out in Los Angeles. We won’t say a word about Sawtelle, I’m sure the doctors there – the psychiatrists rather, not the doctors – are doing their absolute level best I won’t say their best to do what, but it’s sure their best.

Because here’s the technique which springs this character who had a prefrontal lobotomy. He had a witch doctor out in the front yard and she gave him orders all the time. And all the therapist would have had to do is, „All right, get her certainty that she’s there.“ That’s all. Crumbled right at the edges, right with that entrance point And then, of course, you would have gone on in your certainty that she’s there and just run it all ways from Sunday, and you would have finished off with it The only anchor point he had out, evidently, was one witch doctoress that didn’t exist.

You’ll find a lot of preclears have demons; they come in and start talking to you about demons. Mystics sometimes will talk to you about demons and so forth, and you start to get them down to works, and they’ll say, „Well, we can’t do this, because this demon keeps flying around up in the air.“ They’re not crazy; they’re just being confidential. They’ve thought this all their lives; most of the people walking down the street kind of believe there’s a demon around someplace. Of course, it’s them. But anyway…

It’s a very good thing to ease the fellow’s mind, so he’ll give you some concentration. So you go in on that first level of case, and that’s the highest level of abstraction you want to hit in the case. You don’t want to go any further into abstraction than that; it’s just this concept level.

Now, there are a lot of interesting and dynamitish things you could run. For instance, Dick Halpern mentioned to me one that was just dynamite on this sort of thing – and it just throws the case into collapsed convulsions practically – and you just keep running, „It’s mine,“ „It’s not mine,“ and „I own it“ and „I don’t own it“ You know, took subzero Tone Scale – start running it as brackets and concepts on certainty, and you’ve really got a picnic on your hands.

I tested this out I had run some similar stuff to this, but I thought, „Gee whiz, now, he says, ‘It’s mine’ specifically. I wonder if you just ran ‘It’s mine’ on some preclear…“ The next thing you know, what happened? Ha. This preclear’s hand, Homo sapiens’ hand, was straight up in the air and quivering like this, you see. As a thetan he had restimulated himself and he couldn’t get his own arm down, because the electrical discharge was too great in it „The body is mine.“ That’s all I ran on this fellow and his fingers were about flying off. If I’d kept it up he probably would have shattered himself, but we couldn’t keep it up any further. Just „It’s mine“ – not on anything, particularly, except his body – “It’s mine.“ It’s fascinating.

Any of these concepts have a terrific level of workability, and if you get a Resistive V case, you won’t be able to get him to run anything else right at first, unless you’re a very, very insistent fellow; because he knows what’s wrong with him; he really knows what’s wrong with him: it’s Gertrude or it’s demons or it’s something else. He’ll write you books about his own case if you’d let him. He knows what’s wrong.

In other words, what’s wrong with him is he’s figuring. He’s figuring because he hasn’t got force enough to overcome it; he’s thinking about it Well, he can’t think in terms of force so he thinks in terms of words. There’s the way we go on a case.

Those are the most favorable processes of which I have any cognizance at this time.

Now, on the level of abstraction, there is a very cute process which de-valencizes an individual fairly rapidly. And it’s awfully nice on some cases to process the preclear instead of Mama. You know, Mama is sitting there, but you’re supposed to be processing the preclear and he’s running out Mama’s problems.

When you find yourself doing this, there is one, a process, which is very good about taking out valences, and this is called Q and A. Q and A stands for „Question and Answer,“ and the answer to the question or the question to the answer are both the same, because this is identification. And what is the question? It’s the Coca-Cola sign.

Is there any problem or abstraction connected with a Coca-Cola sign? No, the answer to a Coca-Cola sign, in terms of MEST, is a Coca-Cola sign. So it would be the Coca-Cola sign as a question, feeling of a questionability with a Coca-Cola sign, a feeling of… Then you just turn the same sign, you understand – the same sign, not another sign – around facing the spot where it was as the answer. And a fellow, as he does this, begins to feel that he’s resolving all the problems of existence, because that’s the truth.

The only answer to a Coca-Cola sign is a Coca-Cola sign. The only answer to Mama is Mama. The only answer to Papa is Papa. The only answer to yourself is yourself. So, you’d just have a preclear mock himself up as a question and then as the answer. He starts to feel very learned. And most of the time he won’t be able to turn himself around facing himself; in other words, he won’t be able to get out in front of his face or anything.

He’ll just sit there running question, answer – identification complete and utter. Identification of the complete maybe; the question, the answer. And that is the technique.

Now, you have the preclear mock up Mama’s body over his own face as the question, then you turn Mama’s body around on him as the answer. And then you mock up Mama’s body on his face as the answer and then turn Mama’s body around on his body as the question. And then you have him mock up his body – Mania’s body out there, and have him put his body on Mama’s body as the question, and then turn his body around as the answer. My, he feels so learned. Because that’s all the questions and answers there are.

And you do this with anybody he’s concerned about, worried about or in the valence of, and you’ll produce enough of a shift of valence to materially influence a change of attitude on the part of a case. This is not a long technique and it shouldn’t be run very long. It’s only when you run into such a tough valence problem or such a tough problem about some object that your processing is grossly interrupted, at which time you simply fly in with a little bit of Q and A, and throw him out of the valence.

You find that the person is in the valence of a bedpost? therefore, the bedpost was the question, and it became the answer. And so you get him out of being a bedpost and then you can process a human being.

Okay, let’s take a break. That’s not the end of the afternoon session.