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CONTENTS STATICS AND MOTIONS AXIOMS 1-14 Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 9 October 1951A lecture given on 9 October 1951
Cause and EffectGradients of Processing

There are a certain number of things which you may have been given as your technique of Effort Processing; most of them are right, but one of them is wrong and I am going to cover that right away.

I want to call to your attention that what is good and workable in man is in man, and anybody coming along and trying to put in some more to make man good and workable is only going to “jim” the machinery.

Some of the data have been squirreled up a little bit on ARC. The definition that has recently been handed out on ARC is, just between ourselves, bunk.

We have been working on this for a long time, haven’t we?

ARC is still ARC, and don’t doubt that for a minute. What happens is that ARC sags into belief. As soon as the apparent absolute of a belief starts entering into ARC, there is unfluid understanding and it doesn’t become understanding at all; it becomes belief. Belief, on the lower ranges, to an organism which has to be in motion to support itself, is of course apathy, because belief is no motion and ARC is motion. I will make that much clearer to you. But don’t start abandoning ARC just because it can sag into belief.

Therefore, anything about religion (don’t let me step on your toes about religion; I’m talking about organized religion — ”Put a penny on the drum and you will be saved”) has a rather nullifying effect upon its own purpose. It was a new concept a long time ago when someone came around and told people they had to be taught to be good, they had to be taught to like people, they had to be taught to love everybody and so forth. This is adding aberration on top of aberration. It is trying to create a static in a person. There would be some boy who seemed a little bit wild to the society or something like that and they had no method of stripping out his aberration, so they just figured out some method to slow him down. It was a very simple method; they just said, “Now, you’ve got to believe!” and he stopped.

I am going to give you a very brief resume of the Axioms themselves, and I will give you a little bit higher level of initiation of the Axioms than is given in the Axioms themselves. It is contained actually in a definition of Dianetics: Dianetics is a science of statics and motions pertaining to human thought and behavior. Statics and motions: Don’t get so static that you ignore motions in Dianetics, and don’t get into such furious motion that you ignore statics.

So there are two ways, definitely, of approaching this, as far as religion or anything like that is concerned. There would be the approach of an invariable sort of a response and there would be the method of trying to put something in on top of something which is already there.

The whole of the postulate of statics and motions has to do with the fact that the highest echelon which is now contactable has been an echelon which has been contactable in a nebulous sort of a way for a great many centuries. They have called it a number of things, but all it is, is a static. It is a thing of no motion, and that is theta. The difference is that we have built a bridge to it. It doesn’t make Dianetics a religion any more than it makes physics a religion, because physics starts with a static too.

I understand there is some character or other who says that I should have started out with “why” instead of “how,” and the reason I should have started out with “why” is that he says so or something. The fact that everybody had been asking why for many thousands of years and getting no answers didn’t seem to this party to be a good enough reason to abandon that particular line of approach and get some answers. That we now have answers does not seem to change this fellow’s mind, which is interesting. I don’t think he wants the problem solved. One might find out something about him, I guess.

So we start with a static, and it is a very strange static: it is causative. It is a causative static.

Anyhow, I want to give you a very brief resume of Effort Processing. You are using this, but you have had a twist-up on ARC and belief.

One has the choice in this of being cause or effect, dead or in motion. In other words, you have a point from which motion is entered, handled and controlled, and this point itself is not in motion. It is an anchor point. That point is belief, faith — it has been called a thousand different things. We are calling it theta just now, which is a mathematical symbol, not a new name for the human soul.

What you are processing out of people is belief; you are processing out statics, and a static can be too much or too little motion. As a consequence, you want to find your preclear’s efforts to be convinced that the physical universe exists, other people’s efforts to convince him that the physical universe exists or that they are God Almighty or something of the sort, or the physical universe’s effort to convince this fellow that it is there.

So here you have a static point. When a person dies, he loses physical universe motion; he is therefore static. In order to go into motion again, he would have to become alive.

Now, if you have ever had a preclear undergoing processing who was very skeptical about processing, you may have noticed that when this fellow suddenly ran into something that had a real live somatic on it, he told you after that, “Yes, I believe in Dianetic processing.” He hit a static. That he didn’t believe anything and couldn’t believe as well in Dianetic processing was also a static.Belief is like attention: it must be able to sweep at will and fix at will or it must be able to unfix where it has been fixed. So belief can be too sweeping or too fixed. You might say there is a span of attention on it.

It is beside the point whether people die and come to life again. The point is that there is an optimum motion as established by the range of tolerance of the human body. Your heart beats at anywhere from sixty to ninety times a minute and your temperature hangs between 95 and 100 — maybe lot, 102 — degrees Fahrenheit. If it gets much above that it gets to be pretty rough.

If you were just to unburden a case of everything the case believed — just that — if you took off every effort to believe, everywhere in the bank, you would come pretty close to taking out every static that existed, because this impingement of theta on MEST or the impingement of the organism upon the physical universe convinces the organism that the physical universe exists.

When you have a body which is alive, then, you have a body which should be moving somewhere in this rather narrow tolerance band. Man is on a terrifically small toleranceband. Actually, he goes up three or four miles and he is done for — he can’t breathe. He goes down in the sea two feet and he can’t breathe. He is in a tolerance band as far as space on earth is concerned and he has to get artificial thingamabobs and whatnots in order to exceed this tolerance band.

I believe that in the absence of. any randomity whatsoever, in the absence of any variation, people would just go out of communication with the physical universe. And they do! Things get very unreal to somebody who is doing the same task over and over and over again. That is a method of dropping down into a static.

Right on the surface of the earth, it can’t be too cold or too hot or he perishes. Man is a delicate little microbe. His body temperature should stay at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. His body — not the causative force, but his body — is a carbon-oxygen engine. It doesn’t fit to say that because a person is a carbon-oxygen engine, there is nothing else there. That is something like saying “A railroad locomotive runs on steam” and then forgetting the engineer — pointing to it and saying, “You see, that runs all by itself! Now, that’s the way the human body is, and if you just cut out the engineer occasionally, why, that steam engine runs better,” and a lot of other odds and ends of strange conclusions.

But if you think you can process preclears without the use of ARC, you have another think coming.

To say a person is an engine is true only in the sense of his physical self. He is an engine in motion. He is a motor, engine, propulsion mechanism — he is a lot of things, but sitting along with that is what causes him to be an engine.

There is an unfortunateness in association with Homo Sapiens today. I will give you the trouble with it, very simply: There is you, and you have ARC. That is determined motion — interplay of understandings — based on your experiences and data. That is you — ARC — traveling at a certain velocity. And then there are other people.

In the physical universe we have a science of physics, and physics tells you very adequately how this carbon-oxygen motor can work but it can’t build one. It is a very interesting motor. It is so fascinating that people haven’t been able to get their attention off the drive wheels and things in order to take a look at what makes it run. It is fascinating to see a motor which repairs itself, which is self-determined, which has a lot of very interesting variations in it and which produces biochemical products that are not duplicatable in the field of chemistry today by any other form or means than by employing life forms themselves. This is a very interesting thing.

When you go into affinity with anybody, you are agreeing with them and you have to communicate with them. If you go into agreement with anybody, you have to feel some affinity, willy-nilly, one way or the other, and some reality. You have to agree. You also have to have communication.

We can take a look at this carbon-oxygen motor and find out that it is in motion and that it has to sustain a certain optimum motion. You try to make the thing go too fast or you try to make it go too slow and it ceases to go into motion, it ceases to be in motion; at the moment it becomes static, it dies.

If you go into communication with anybody, even though it is way down the tone scale so that it is “en-affinity,” enturbulated affinity, you are still going to have to establish an affinity with this individual. And in addition to that you are going to agree with him. You answer an entheta communication line and you have established a level of agreement.

So there is a cycle going on there of causation: This causative force, theta, starts in and something goes into motion; it follows this more or less optimum speed and it goes along with an optimum speed for a while, and then it stops and they bury it, and that is no- motion. So it goes from no-motion to no-motion through a rather narrow tolerance band of a certain type of motion.

Now, sometimes randomity can be established by a missing datum. Somebody can withhold a datum and cause randomity to appear in a field of information. So one has to decide whether he will continue to withhold a datum or go into communication and put the datum into existence to knock out a randomity. The second he does so, of course, he is running head-on into this equation — if you want to call this an equation. It can be figured out into a very beautiful setup.

It is interesting that there are little gradient scales, and here is where we get gradient scales coming in. The body objects strenuously to either side of an optimum motion: it objects to motions which are too swift and motions which are too slow — both sides.

So you take your techniques, just as delineated in Science of Survival (Lock Scanning, Chain Scanning of engrams for high-toned cases, any of these), using and concentrating upon the effort involved — running engrams, running secondaries, concentrating upon the effort on an event level — and you are going to get results the like of which you have never seen before. But you just take the effort out.

Whenever the body is slowed down to a point where it is momentarily static (by which I mean the heart skips a couple of beats, the bloodstream doesn’t pulse quite right, the nerve energies don’t channel and align and the alignment of the cells themselves is destroyed, the alignment of axons and molecules inside the body is thrown out of kilter — in other words, a moment of stopped motion which is not followed by death), the person has come up against a static and he will behave thereafter to avoid that static, either to attack it or to get away from it or to do something about it. He will do something about that static. He doesn’t like that static!

If you feel unsure of any case that you are working, just revert back to plain Standard Procedure with a concentration on effort. So, if you find yourself balled up or something like that, Effort Processing has not invalidated the body of data of which Dianetics consists. Those techniques are still valid, only there is just a lower common denominator in this processing which produces much greater results. There was a hidden gimmick there: effort.

The worst thing that can happen to a person is to stop altogether, so he fights any intermediate static. Any injury is a static. And he will also fight something which forces his heart rate up to 250 a minute or something like that. That also is starting to approach a static because it will go up to just so fast and then stop. So he fights away from the upper and lower motion band and tries to stay in the middle of it, and tries to stay in a tolerance level of operation. As long as he does this he is alive. As long as the organism can continue to do this, it happens to be healthy. When it can’t do this anymore it ceases to be healthy.

If you didn’t contact the effort, you could drain all the perceptics out of an engram without getting the effort out of it. You can take any preclear you have and run him back to one solid engram that you have run him through, and exhaust his effort from it, keeping him in the incident — not letting him go back earlier than the incident, but keeping him in the incident — and you will see a greater rise in tone, I will wager, than you saw in all of your processing of that preclear before.

Now, the way that you “train” one of these organisms is you beat it and you put it in jail and you lock it up in closets and you slow its motion down any way you can, and after a while it gets obedient. Obedience is faith, it is belief; that is obedience — motion slowed way down or speeded way up. And when the organism falls over into either of these two statics — too fast or too slow as far as it is concerned — it goes into apathy and hands its own identity over to the counter-effort which forced it to do so. Hence, you get valences. (That will be much more clearly explained as we go along here.)

This also applies to you. Possibly one of the things you really ought to do is just get down and pick up all the engrams you have ever run and run the effort out of them, because effort and counter-effort have created a static condition.

As long as this organism is moving within the tolerance band, it has understanding. But a stop or a threatened stop by “too fast” or “too slow” sets up a wave. At the very least it sets up a wave which is a noise type of wave rather than a smooth wave. You could graph sudden halts or sudden propulsions of the organism, and you would regard that as a jagged noise wave. But in the middle, between these two extremes, you have a harmonic wave with a certain amount of randomity to it, a certain amount of variation to it. This certain amount of variation varies, but in that band we have. affinity, communication and reality — only in that band. It is when affinity, communication and reality fall off into the zero motion of a static that it becomes a belief, and at that moment the body ceases to operate properly; it becomes sick.

So we have a new set of statics in the case. It is no worse than it was before, but it is still there. There are eight and a half gallons of theta available out of that entheta area that were never tapped. You don’t have to knock yourself out or get very upset about changing too markedly; you can just take Standard Procedure and concentrate on effort. The devil with what the phrase was! What was the wiggle? Get the idea? You don’t care what this person said, because the second you get the static out of it the words have no force. The reason a person does not have perceptics is that he is not moving. Sound and sight and so on are wave motions and they are recorded as consecutive pictures of wave motion in theta facsimiles. A fellow has to be able to move on the time track in order to have sonic. Also, he has to be in valence. The quickest way I know of to get a fellow in valence is not by telling him to get into valence; that is a new arbitrary. What you want to do is run the effort. You want to run his belief out of the engram.

Invalidation and domination are only efforts to slow down or speed up the body. They all come into that category. Some people are running faster than others, so they try to speed up the people who are running slower. People who are running slower try to slow down faster ones, and so forth. Within the species there is an effort, then, to control and keep going an optimum motion. So people who are moving too fast get into conflict with people who are moving too slow and you get a noise-level effect on ARC, and they go out of communication and so forth with each other to some degree. They can’t hook in on each other’s wavelength.

Belief is actually identity thinking. It is a static, and every static is every other static. Differentiation is optimum motion.

But when ARC is deprived of motion it can become belief. And what you are processing with Effort Processing is belief — not understanding, but belief.

That is the way the reactive mind hooks up. So you could say the reactive mind contains all the statics save one, which is the causation static. But the existence of a causation static makes it possible for other statics to exist. You might even find a technique someday of going back and processing out the first static, though I don’t know what would happen to the preclear.

There is a cycle in progress whereby you get belief, understanding; belief, understanding; belief, understanding. That is a cycle. It goes like this: Way up the tone scale is cause without effect. Greeks used to call this the Prime Mover Unmoved — cause without an effect. This is rather a weird sort of an idea, but actually, if you could just put down as a philosophy of existence “I am going to live as a cause and not as an effect of my own causes,” you would be a happy person. As a matter of fact, you can try to keep from being affected by your own causes.

Effort Processing in its greatest simplicity would simply be Standard Procedure with a concentration on effort. You would be able to turn up a fellow’s reality with it. Any engram you ever got him into before, you could get him into again merely by running the session on the track where you processed it; he would drop into that engram. Run it again and run the effort out of it.

When you self-determine non survival activities, you are, at that moment, becoming an effect of your own causes. You postulate; you say, “I am now going to . . .” or “From this moment on I decide that . . .” like people are supposed to do every New Year’s. Here you are as cause; you are postulating a cause. Now you step forward in time and become the effect of your own cause.

The effort, fortunately, will exhaust almost anyplace on the track, unlike perceptics; perceptics have to be exhausted out of engrams later and later and later. The later you go, the harder it is to exhaust one. That is not true of effort. You can pick it up almost anyplace and exhaust it, evidently, from my experience to date.

If you could just get up all the decisions a person ever made about himself you would have a well man.

So there is Effort Processing in its essence. Keep ARC and run with the same Auditor’s Code that you have been running with. There is nothing wrong with using an Auditor’s Code, believe me, because all you do is give the preclear new counter-efforts when you start breaking it. You just give him counter-efforts in his environ which he must fight, as well as the engram, and sometimes he doesn’t have enough attention to do that and he is liable to go right straight into apathy.

Cause and effect: If we diagram it, we start with cause without an effect and then we have, below this, motion. That is the initial motion, and then we have another static and a secondary motion.

But if you as auditors would simply go back over every time you have agreed to run somebody into an engram, when you agreed that this was aberrative, when you agreed that contagion of aberration was there — in other words, all these statics — when you agreed to sit still and listen to a preclear. you would jump way up the tone scale. This is the fastest way I know of getting you up there: Just remember the first time you consented to process somebody.

You can plot the tone scale just on the basis of statics.

Now remember the first time that you consented to be processed. Remember the first time you consented to be processed?

The church is quite correct in saying “Above all is faith.” That is one of the thousand various ways of saying that cause is cause and shouldn’t be an effect of its own cause. But then they come down the scale and they say, “And you’ve got to have faith!” That is just great! That puts them into the position of being a causative agent and gives you to them as MEST, because they say “You’ve got to have faith!” The joke is on them: you have faith. Nobody can take that away from you. But they start telling you you have to have it, and that says you haven’t got it. And the second they say you haven’t got it, you don’t have it. This is one of the neatest little invalidation mechanisms known. It runs over into all fields of invalidation. You could extrapolate all invalidation’s from this.

Remember the first time you assumed a static position and traveled in time? That was at your consent. That wasn’t ARC; you had picked up a static: you were ready to believe in an auditor.

Here goes a fellow — everybody likes him, he is cheerful, he is happy — and somebody comes along and says, “You know, you should be careful the way you treat people because I’ve heard lately . . . You’ve just got to be good to people. You’ve got to be kind to people.”

Do you remember every time you decided to believe in an auditor?

This fellow starts worrying. He says, “Gee, I thought people liked me.” He is made self- conscious at that moment.

The odd part of it is, every time you decided not to believe in an auditor your reality went down, too. You can pick up sessions so they stand out like all the bright lights on Broadway. You could just pick up all the times you disagreed with auditors and auditors disagreed with you, and all the times you agreed with auditors and so forth.

There is almost no limit to what a human being can do as long as he doesn’t have this variety of stuff thrown at him in the guise of affinity, communication and reality. People are postulating new realities for him and every time he accepts one of these new realities, he is sort of sunk. He can have any quantity of engrams or anything else and he will be perfectly all right until he accepts one of these postulates that is handed to him, adopts it to himself and by his own self-determinism says, “From here on that’s the way it is.” That is a little boy suddenly saying to Mama, “All right, I give up, I’ll mind. I’ll mind.” He goes out of valence, he ceases to be alive; he has hit a static. He goes out of valence (you can watch this either in yourselves or in preclears) and his reality crashes. His perceptics shut off.

Now let’s take a look at what would be the lightest and simplest technique in Effort Processing: you just disconnect the preclear from the human race. This disconnects him from the beliefs and you don’t have to recover the beliefs. All you do is recognize that he has been surrounded by aberrees’ whose ARC was low, and therefore the ARC which he has managed to contact during his lifetime has been pretty low and the level of ARC he has really postulated for himself is bound to be low.

If you want to start turning perceptics on in the preclear. you want to find the effort to believe — ”What is your effort to believe?” — and he will turn on somatics, face slaps and every other darn thing. You want the effort to believe, not the effort to agree, because he is not agreeing, he is just believing; he is in a static state and here he goes, out of valence, and off go the perceptics.

You want, then, to lock-scan, from the earliest moment, every moment when an individual decided that he felt any affinity for anybody. You just scan that all the way through to present time. You just work it over — every time he ever decided that he felt any affinity.

Ask him for his effort to believe Mama at this point: “What is your effort to believe Mama at this point?” He will just go into apathy, but then all of a sudden, “To heck with her!” You have gotten the effort.

You are not running lineal time lengths during all this period. You are running self- determinism by Lock Scanning. You are running the moments when he decided or he felt that he had affinity for somebody. You are running those instants of decision, because those are statics.

Now you want the effort not to believe Mama. Visio, brightness of the scene, a whole lot of recollections and everything come swarming in on him again. His childhood was blank. Everybody says this — ”My childhood is blank.” It is just as blank as he has had to believe without understanding. It is a sort of a slave-state philosophy to tell people that they don’t have understanding and that they must believe — because they have belief; what they have to acquire is understanding. The component parts of understanding are affinity, communication and reality. The modus operandi of theta moving into the physical universe is understanding, but unfortunately it is accompanied by an enormous amount of force, and it hits a great many statics. Every time an organism dies, it is in a new static. As a consequence, it keeps coming down the tone scale — statics, statics, statics. So all you have to do to a human being is convince him that he has to believe, and if you just work on him hard and tell him he has got to believe, he has got to believe, he has got to believe, and don’t invite any understanding — if he says “Well, I don’t see it,” you say “Well, I tell you, God is good and we’re going to kick your teeth in unless you believe it!” — the fellow gets into a bad state right away because he starts to sink down toward the static of a past injury. That has statics in it.

You knock all this out and then you turn around and you get every time he ever agreed with anybody about anything — particularly those times when he agreed a little bit against his will. You want to pick that up on a Lock Scanning basis, right on up to present time. And then you turn around and find every time he decided to go into communication with anybody — on the phone, by writing, by word of mouth. It is fairly easy. You don’t pick up all the times he was in communication with anybody, you just pick up the times when he decided to go into communication with anybody.

So when you force him into the static of belief, you are forcing him into this low level of theta and promptly you restimulate an old static. You can demand a person into a severe illness by making him obey.

By the time you have scanned communication out of your preclear. you have to go back and scan affinity. You will find that 180,000 affinities have suddenly shown up, whereas there were only 12 the first time you scanned it.

You want to know why childhood illnesses are so frequent? There is a direct index between the illnesses in childhood which are long, arduous and severe, and the amount of blind obedience which a child has to go through.

You scan all the available affinities until he extroverts, and then you come down and scan all the realities — every time he ever agreed with anybody about anything. Then you turn around and you scan all the communications again.

Understanding is something else. Here we try to postulate something into the individual’s sphere of experience which he himself has observed. And from this sphere of experience we now get new data. We ask him to compare data and so forth.

If you were to do just that and no more, with about twenty hours of processing you would be sending preclears back out on the street without their chronic somatics. They got these chronic somatics because other people had them and they consented to have them, and they consented to slow down and they consented to be like other people and so forth. In other words, they believed. So you are hitting statics all the way along the line. The first error of belief which any individual makes is when he says “I believe I am a human being.” When a baby comes along and says “Who or what are all these things?” he finds out that they are more or less indispensable to him. And then one day he recognizes and realizes with horror that he is a human being. This keys him in! You can find that moment in practically every preclear. That is a fact. It is quite a jolt.

There are two levels of training. One is every time a little child goes into the room and knocks over a vase, you knock his head off so that after a while he doesn’t knock over vases — you think. The funny part of it is, he will keep on knocking over vases. The other level is to let him go on knocking over vases until he knocks his silly head off on one, and then he will take a look at it and say, “Look, it’s the physical universe doing this to me. I evidently have to be a little slippier in the physical universe.”

Some fellows stay healthy all their lives — they never realize it.

On the matter of possessions, he keeps destroying his possessions and destroying them, and messing them up and misusing them (they are his possessions), and then all of a sudden one day he picks up something that he wanted and liked and he finds out that he broke that too. He says, “That isn’t so good. I guess I’ll have to stop breaking my possessions!” He has come to a conclusion now. He has postulated something that he should do and he promptly becomes the effect of his own cause. Later on you will find him trying to take care of the weirdest things.

That is the simplest echelon I know of Effort Processing. The reason we would call it Effort Processing at all is that you are hitting the moments of absence of efforts, because every affinity is rather a dependence to some degree upon the rest of life — only it is an admitted dependence and an admitted non-self-determinism. That is understood.

But at the same time, that is the operation of training — he hits a little static himself. As long as he has a self-determined operation going, his health stays up pretty well, but as soon as you give him a lot of statics instead of training, instead of ARC, his health gets very bad. ARC is a very mysterious commodity in some respects. It has been derived from several places. It is based on the fact that the material universe is as it is because we agree it is. That is a fact — we do; we agree it is. We actually find that that is quite workable. Where you have agreement you have reality, and where you don’t have any agreement you don’t have a reality. Nothing gets constructed or comes into existence that is not agreed upon.

That is for the first dynamic. You clean up the dynamics in order — one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight — and you clean them up the same way.

You and I agree that there is a chair sitting on the floor, and then somebody comes in and says it is a horse. We promptly look at him and have him locked up or something of the sort. (Actually, we probably wouldn’t; we would probably process him, but that is what would normally happen in the society.) That would be a level of disagreement; disagreement is unreality.

Here is a formula for processing. You can’t miss with this formula unless you try to use it against the plan and codification of the tone scale. You try to use Lock Scanning on an individual who is too low on the tone scale to lock-scan, and this individual will hang up in an engram. You know this. So on that person you use Straightwire ARC Effort Processing, because what you are doing is getting the statics. You are getting his postulation of causes for which he will become the effect. You don’t even have to explain it to him. You can really almost snore through this one with a preclear. but don’t let him boil off!

You can’t have a communication without an affinity, and you can’t have any affinity without an agreement on something, and so it goes.

You have been embarked, or I have been embarked, upon the rather hideous task of exhausting all the entheta facsimiles in the universe. This was a big job — like the mice that run into the granary and carry away one grain of wheat per day: It takes them a long time to empty the granary. This took too long. It was taking much too long, so we had to shorten it up a little bit, and in looking around for shortcuts we found, all of a sudden, that we didn’t have to free all the enturbulated entheta in the whole universe. All we had to do was free the preclear of being in contact with it.

Now, you can get a shadow of ARC by the creation of statics — belief: “You have to love Mama,” and so on.

This is the happiest and quickest way I know to do this; you just make a genus “nonsapiens” out of the preclear. That would be the first echelon of Effort Processing.


The reason you call this an effort is that normally most of these ARCs are enforced ARCs which have been planted in him by effort, and these are key-ins of engrams. They are self- determinism’s. Really, the only real key-in that an engram gets is by self-determinism.

“Because I say so.”

We have located a new button: The individual decides to have it. Of course, it seems sort of obvious that, after a fellow has been standing around for years and being slugged and beaten and cajoled and kicked and so forth, he eventually comes to a conclusion something on the order of “I’m no good” or “Yes, I’ll belong to the Republican party” or something. So he will come to these conclusions and, yes, there is a cause for those conclusions, but it is a funny thing that the intermediate step of the conclusion is the key-in. The conclusion occurs at the moment when he decides he needs this engram and he brings it right up into present time. And if by that time he is going slow enough to make such a conclusion, he is also going slow enough to get kicked by this theta facsimile so that he has to bring it in and damp it. That is a chronic somatic. That is right about the middle of the tone scale. He has to damp it out. “Yes, I’ll use my body. I will be the whipping boy for the universe; I will accept this engram which is drifting around and let it torture me.”

That operation immediately starts the child down on the dwindling spiral. But this is what you are processing out of people; you are processing beliefs out of them.

I don’t know where it goes after we get rid of it. Maybe it goes over and hits the Russians, but we will let somebody else worry about that.

I don’t want you to believe a single one of these axioms until you have looked it over and seen what you have seen in the physical universe. Otherwise, the same thing will happen here that happened in organized religion, and we don’t want anything to do with that. They say, “Now, you’ve got to have faith, and we’re going to explain to you so you will understand.” You might as well say “The reason why we have a can of lampblack here is because it’s all full of white paint — but it’s lampblack.”

Here is ARC Lock Scanning, then, which simply speeds the fellow up by getting him out of the vicinity of the people who have introduced statics into him. And you get him out of that vicinity, but not by hitting any engrams at all. You don’t hit any locks, you don’t hit any moments of sadness, you don’t hit any grief, you don’t hit anything except “When did you decide to like somebody?”

“Have faith, and now you understand why you have faith.”

“Well,” he says, “does it matter who?” “No, no, it doesn’t matter. Anybody.”

People say, “But I don’t understand why it is that Mohammedanism and Buddhism and Christianity are so much alike and yet they had all these fights.” They might as well save their breath. They are talking about faith and there is no understanding on the subject required!

He thinks it over and he says, “Well, I remember when I decided to like my wife.... Ha- ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

Now, authoritarianism is a static. That is why it is not liked. Somebody says “Now, you’ve got to believe so-and-so and so-and-so about this,” and people say, “Why?”

And you say to yourself, “What’s the matter with this preclear?” You don’t realize, and he doesn’t realize — he doesn’t have to have this explained to him — the thing is a static! It has him held on the track.

A poor little child in kindergarten says, “But why do I have to believe this is the United States of America?”

Now, afterwards he may go on liking his wife; that is her lookout!

Nobody takes him over to the window and says “Now, you see those trees and so forth out there? Well, that’s land and there is lots of land in the world. Here’s a globe and you can look it all up if you want to, but only one section of all this sphere is the United States.” No, what they tell him is “Well, you had better believe it and be quiet or go home,” or something like that — or give him a whack with a ruler. Right away he is off; his understanding is undermined to the degree that authoritarianism is employed upon him. They can generally get as badly off, even, as a modern university student. It could get that bad; you wouldn’t believe it, but it could.

That is the simplest echelon. The next one above this would be Effort Processing directed toward engrams — running them by Standard Procedure, using the file clerk, using everything, all the tools that you know. “What’s the engram necessary to resolve the case? What’s the beginning of the engram? All right, now, let’s contact your effort in this engram.”

I don’t want you to be under any misapprehension with regard to ARC and start thinking you have to process ARC out of people. Don’t do that. What you want to do is process out statics.

He strains and fusses and fumes and wrestles his way through this engram, and you go through it until you have knocked all the effort out of it. He comes up the tone scale about five points; you run another engram. He comes up to 19.0 on the tone scale, and you run another engram till you finally get him well up the tone scale!

You can get statics just as quickly, by the way, by running somebody going too fast — flying through the air at such a terrific speed that a static is introduced.

So that is just by itself, straight Standard Procedure with nothing but the effort. You don’t want his perceptics or anything of the sort. But there is a hooker in this, and that is that this fellow, in the middle of an engram, postulates. He says, “I wish I was someplace else,” and bounces

Actually, statics are introduced by monotonous conduct; it becomes the same thing — the same wave, the same wave, the same wave — until all of a sudden it doesn’t appear that time is going by anymore. That is just the same action in the same space, and the same action in the same space, so it all looks like the same time and you get a static. That is why people get bored in life — because that repeated static of the same motion looks like they are dead to that degree. No time is passing. They have to keep convincing themselves time is passing, so they do it this way this time and then another way the next time, and then this way and then that way. As long as it is a smooth wave, let’s get some variation in it.

Now, we have never unburdened engrams down to the point of where we would find sitting right down the middle of all of this stuff a postulate, because it is underneath the effort. You have to get the effort well turned on, usually, before you hit the postulate. It is quite ordinary for the individual to say “It’s not real,” “I am not here,” “I am somebody else,” “It is later,” “This place is elsewhere,” “I’m not me, I’m the doctor.” He can postulate anything, and will. He tries to expand and contract time, he tries to expand and contract space, he tries to halt energy and matter — in short, he tries to stop or start motion. And you will find that the holders that you will be running into have to do with trying to stop motion which he thinks is going to be harmful to him.

Take the pilot who flies from Albuquerque to Los Angeles to Albuquerque to Los Angeles to Albuquerque to Los Angeles for about ten years: he finally crashes. Why? He is dead. He was dead before he crashed because he had been doing a repetitive motion without enough variation for so long that he actually lost his skill.

Now, just a little test: Remember the last time you were in an accident? Let’s get a visio on it. Remember the last time?


It is all perfectly safe — you are there anyhow.

A lecture given on 9 October 1951

Remember the last accident you were in. Can you get a visio on it?

Survival in the Physical Universe

Now, in most cases I can tell you what that visio was: It was the moment before the impact, or it was the moment before you got hurt, and it was a visio on this.

Let’s start with the definition of Dianetics as a science of statics and motion. The two aspects of this science are static and motion, and the two component parts are theta and MEST.

If you get a visio of when you were a little child, being hit by a baseball or being hit by a club, what is the visio?

By theta we mean a cause, energy, or whatever it is, which is impinged upon the physical universe. And from that we get our first axiom:

What visio do you get? It is probably of the object coming toward you. Probably the object is there, beautifully halted forevermore.

Life is an “energy” of peculiar and particular properties.

All you have to do is get the preclear to let it go and hit him, because it has never hit him. The reason that ball is halted there and the reason that accident is halted there is not from any fluke that was suddenly passed by a law of Congress. It is because the individual himself said “Stop!” and it stopped. In other words, maybe at 20.0 or 30.0 or 40.0 on the tone scale or something like that, a fellow can say “Time will now stop,” and all the people not lucky enough to have had Dianetics will promptly freeze, or something of the sort, and he will go on moving. Maybe he can handle and expand or contract space and time — I won’t argue about that. The point is that Homo Sapiens could not, but he continued in a persistent and dogged belief that he could.

And, believe me, they are peculiar. It took a long time to drag them out. The oddity is that right here at the beginning we have a static. This static is a true static. They don’t have any true statics in physics, but in Dianetics we have an actual true static. It doesn’t have wavelength, so it is not in motion. It doesn’t have weight, it doesn’t have mass, it doesn’t have length, breadth or any of these things. All it has is a symbol. It is motionlessness.

Your Effort Processing, then, is addressed toward getting the preclear to let go of his time spans. He tries to stop motion because pain is motion. He will try to stop that pain someplace and it will hang him up, because the second he tries to stop motion he is trying to run into time, and for Homo Sapiens time is an arbitrary that he can’t handle. It is an arbitrary. If he tries to stop motion he will promptly stop time, and there he will fix, right there on the time track. So you get him down into the deepest depths of the engram when you are running effort.

It is very difficult sometimes for a human being to conceive motionlessness, merely because he doesn’t want to look death in the eye. Death is motionlessness .

Now, when you ran all the perceptics out of it — he ran beautifully, the somatics went away and so forth — just taking the residual before-and-after and-during shock of emotion out of the engram, all by itself, produced a wonderful and marked response on the part of the preclear. But if you didn’t get any emotion out of it, you maybe didn’t get as much out of that engram, and maybe if you ran too many engrams without getting any emotion out of them or anything else, maybe your preclear went down the tone scale. Fortunately he will go up the tone scale like a skyrocket if you start taking effort out of these darn things. So just reprocess them.

But here is, nevertheless, an emanation point, a motionlessness from which motion itself is attacked.

But when you are working him, you will find that his response level, his emotional level and position on the tone scale for the darn thing, when you really get into it, is apathy — invariably and inevitably apathy — because he has obeyed. So what you want to get out of it is his effort to obey, in this engram, these forces. (His effort to believe in this and his effort to obey are the same thing.)

This is different from saying — and this was an old theory — that it is an emanation point of motion. That point we are not making. It is not an emanation point of motion. We don’t have this tiny point of whatever it is and then have all motion of the physical universe emanating from it. That is an old, old theory and it is cracked and weather-beaten. It dates from before the days of Sir James Jeans; l he had some interesting ideas on this. It is a very old theory. I know of its being about forty-five hundred years of age, anyway. You will find it in, I think, the second Medic hymn. They postulate a static and then have motion proceeding from the static.

When you get that, you will find he will fly out of valence. That is okay. The way you get him back in valence again is by exhausting his effort to obey. The perceptics will get worse and worse and he will go lower and lower on the tone scale; then all of a sudden he will say, “There wasn’t any reason why I should be doing what this darned dentist says.”

Our thinking is different to this degree: We have a physical universe in chaotic motion which is, as far as we are concerned, interdependent with theta for its life organisms but independent utterly of theta as far as its motion is concerned. Perhaps theta and the physical universe both come from another dual source. Perhaps they are the same order of magnitude. Whatever they are doesn’t matter; it merely matters that the physical universe is in chaotic motion. But theta is a causative theta which impinges upon that physical universe. All the motion there is comes from the physical universe. But all the cause there is — so far as life is concerned — comes from theta.

“Well, run it again. Now, get your effort to obey.” You don’t have to say “not obey” particularly, because he will convert that fast enough.

Axiom 2: At least a portion of the “energy” of life is impinged upon the physical universe.

He will say, “But I’m not obeying him!” and he will start back up the tone scale again. But more importantly, he will get the various efforts, and believe me, there is really an effort in a dental operation.

You can envision theta as a small entity which is impinged or is trying to impinge itself on a larger one. If we have the physical universe — MEST — on one side and theta on the other, we can see a mergence of some sort. Theta seems to be making an encroachment upon the physical universe. The physical universe seems to be sort of non causative, random and chaotic, and theta oddly enough has the property of animating and mobilizing it and bringing order into it. And you can see the incursion of theta, a sort of mergence, at which time all theta becomes as thoroughly static and chaotic and so forth as the physical universe. But it is heading, via motion, into the static of complete order.

I don’t know how the dentists manage to do it. I think most of them must be trained on the athletic field rather than otherwise. There is a lot of effort involved, and the funny part of it is that it is very strange effort that you will find in these things occasionally. You get efforts up or down on lower teeth and efforts down or up on upper teeth — and all of a sudden the preclear has a motion and a feeling like he has been pulled up the time track and that all of his engrams below are up the time track into this one, or that he has been pulled down the time track. And that is an effort grouper — just one sample of it.

What else theta is doing, in what other direction, we know not what of, but we should not neglect to mention that it probably is doing something. There are probably infinities of universes. Theta is probably going in many directions.

Or take a fellow who falls off a building and lands flat on his back: you very often, when processing the effort out of him, have visios rolling off. His time track is collapsed at that moment. He followed the impact with his thoughts; he said, “If I fall, then the thoughts should jam up too,” so he gets a grouper.

As far as we are concerned, here on earth, theta has certain aspects. It is doing certain things and it is doing them in a certain way. It might be doing other things in other ways in other universes.

But don’t worry the preclear for his perceptics when you are processing with Effort Processing. Don’t worry anybody and ask him for his perceptics, because of course he has no reality on an engram until you have run out his obedience to the engram. That is apathy. You will only get reality on the engram when you start rolling out his self-determinism, because where is his reality on the tone scale? Way down. It is down toward a static.

There is no point of impingement between theta and the physical universe for the excellent reason that they do not have their space and time in common. But this does not say that theta does not have matter, energy, space and time of its own, since it does in some peculiar fashion.

Apathy is a static. What is apathy? It is pretended death, it is a motionlessness, it is lying quiet and so forth, and of course there are no perceptics in it, because perceptics can only be seen by a preclear who is moving on the track. You have to move on the track to get a sound wave and you have to be in valence.

For instance, the matter of theta is a codified idea. We have theta matter lying out across this land in the form of a culture. It is quite solidified; it is definitely matter. Furthermore, an idea — which is really collected and aligned theta — has velocity and theta mass. An idea will spread in ratio to the amount of truth contained in it. It is very interesting stuff, theta. There are a lot of rules and laws that can be worked out concerning it.

So, you run out the apathy of his effort to obey — his physical effort to obey. You start tuning him up, and what happens with his reality on the incident? It comes right on up the tone scale. You may have to work a preclear quite a while, but if you can’t get a preclear who will do this you had certainly better be using this ARC trick and getting him sort of separated from the human race a little bit so his case will be unburdened to a point where you can run an engram. You may be running the engrams on him too early.

Theta, as far as we are concerned then, is merely a causative static which depends for its motion upon the chaos in the physical universe.

Now, another fine gimmick in this is orientation in space. Run Validation MEST Processing with emphasis on his affection and his agreement or disagreement. Just get what his levels of agreement are with Validation MEST Processing as represented in Self Analysis.

Axiom 3: That portion of life energy which is impinged upon the physical universe has, for its dynamic goal, survival.

This is excellent for a neurotic, completely aside from the fact that while doing Effort Processing you should intersperse it with something like Validation MEST Processing as represented in Self Analysis — particularly where you are doing it blind on a bunch of gunshot efforts and where you are taking the preclear back down the track and so on — because it fixes up the reality level of the track after it has been balled up a bit by an auditor. (That was really why it was whipped up.) You can run efforts without any reality or without the preclear knowing where they come from, with benefit to the preclear. You can do this, but I would suggest that you keep his reality patched up with something like Validation MEST Processing.

Theta is moving in on the physical universe. I haven’t any idea at all why theta is trying to survive through MEST time; that is an imponderable. It is a strange thing that it should be trying to survive through MEST time. But theta evidently depends to some degree upon MEST itself for its survival. We look over all of the aspects of life organisms, we look over the phenomena, and we find those phenomena divided into the dichotomy of survive or succumb. Phenomena do not lie outside these fields, so far as we can tell at this time. And the inspection of all life behavior extrapolates up into higher orders of survive or down into lower orders of succumb.

You should understand that the level of Effort Processing I just went over is single-event processing; you don’t let the preclear go back earlier than the one event. You just run the single event and run his efforts in that event and get the efforts as intimately his as you possibly can get, and you neglect the counter-efforts because the counter-efforts will blow.

Now, a fellow really has to be pretty blind to say “I think there are higher things in life than just survival — take ethics, for instance.”

The next level is backtracking Effort Processing. Here you start a fellow and you ask him for his self-determinism: “What is your effort in this engram to resist this somatic?” He gives it to you and you say, “Now, what is the effort to have this effort?” and of course he shoots right back down the track. There is an old song, “There’s a hill behind the hill behind the hill behind the hill behind the hill,” from The Beggar’s Opera, l that very beautifully describes what happens, because there is a self-determinism behind the self- determinism behind the self-determinism, in terms of time, until you shoot a fellow right straight back to the photon converter. And you probably can get him there. The point is that you don’t want him there! You can leave an enormous number of engrams in restimulation with this type of processing and it is not always good. But certainly it is a good way to get back to a nice, juicy, early one that reduces fairly well, such as his death when he was a sloth or something.

You could say, “Well, do you realize that the existence of a thing depends to a large degree upon its ability to approximate truth?”

It doesn’t matter what you shoot him back to. All you have to do is ask for the effort — his self-determinism against the counter-effort in the engram where you find him — then ask for his effort to produce that effort, and then ask for his effort to produce that effort, and all of a sudden he shoots back out of this life and he is someplace else.

“Oh, yes.”

So all you have to do is just do this little routine with a preclear and he will wind up God knows where.

“Wouldn’t you say something would survive a lot better if it was closer to truth?” “Well, sure, but this doesn’t have anything . . .”

Of course, theoretically, it is much better to get him into early, early, early, early efforts and to mop these up — theoretically. But I warn you right now that that technique, for my money, is not well enough digested. You could go astray with it. You don’t have to have it at this time. You can still run a preclear on the track and so forth. You can run it just like standard processing; you can still get all these results and benefits and so on, and it doesn’t give you a big burden to carry. You don’t have to reorient yourself overnight.

He is hung right there, because the truth of the matter is that truth is somewhat approaching some optimum motion or optimum alignment or optimum codification. Bodies of men which operate on good, sensible codes survive longer and their individual members survive longer than those that don’t. This is interesting. It doesn’t at once postulate that for this reason all men on earth are good. They could only be potentially good.

You will soon find out that running these counter-efforts — whatever is hitting the preclear — is nonsense. All you want to run is his efforts to contact what is hitting him. You will find that when you have exhausted these, the engram will have lost its punch and you will have freed an enormous amount of preclear.

The point is that theta does have this factor, this modus operandi, and survival as a postulate is embracive. Of course, it has to have its second datum of the same order of magnitude, which is succumb.

You will find also that he will get hung up on contradictory efforts occasionally; something will be pulling him both ways. Something will be pulling him each way, and this is the counter-effort. You ask for his self determined effort and he can’t find his self-determined effort because of the counter-effort. It is all right to try to start resolving one or the other of these counter-efforts so that you can find his self-determined effort. You just want to resolve the exterior impingement on the individual to the point where his own self- determined effort, so-called, can fly back against it, because when you get two efforts which are directly counter-opposed, they will evidently lock up two theta facsimiles. And these two theta facsimiles, locking up and impinging on each other, evidently (as far as we know at this moment) cause boil-off.

Axiom 4: The physical universe is reducible to motion of energy operating in space through time.

Boil-off is a symptom of doing it wrong. When you are letting a preclear boil off particularly, all you are doing is trying to exhaust all the theta facsimiles in the universe, and this is difficult to do. I wouldn’t like the job. As a matter of fact, looking back over my years of processing, I feel like I was doing just that and I must almost have succeeded. I can look back over just thousands of hours.

Not even the physicists would argue a little bit about that one, because they don’t know. Poor old physics, it got to be such a beautiful static. It got to be such a wonderful static that all the physics professor had to do was say, “Now, you work out this problem according to page thirty-four, and it always works according to page thirty-four, and you never do anything else but page thirty-four, and it covers everything, and we’re all so content and happy about the whole thing.” And then the Buck Rogers boys blew the whole thing up in his face, so that the basic mathematics now of physics is quantum mechanics.

As far as grief is concerned, you can try this out: When you get somebody into a grief charge, run first his effort not to cry and then his effort to cry — not his tears. Run his effort to cry and then his effort not to cry, or vice versa. Run the physical effort to cry and the physical effort not to cry. You can even run the physical effort of the tear glands to produce tears, and you will shoot the whole bank out on grief charges.

This is wonderful stuff. You work out a formula in quantum mechanics and it runs clear across the blackboard several times over, and you keep throwing in figures like .0032, 15 billion squared, 85, and so on. You finally ask the physicist, “What are these figures here in the midst of these xs, ys and alphas and things?”

Now, there is a technique of gunshot efforts that you can play with if you want to: You just start down the dictionary. Ask a preclear for his effort to be a good boy, and of course he will go into apathy. Then ask him for his effort to be a bad boy and reality will turn on someplace for him. In other words, run any time you can find a point where the society must have forced him to agree — that is a static. So his effort to be a good boy is a static and is probably an apathy. You run his effort to be a good boy; he is out of valence but he will get into valence. Then run his effort to be a bad boy and he will go on up the tone scale.

“Oh,” he says cheerfully, “those are bugger factors.” And you say, “What are those?” “Well, the equations don’t work unless you throw those in.”

Or you can try “Let’s run your effort to wear glasses.” You will be running a static. The preclear’s reality will be bad. You just keep running efforts to wear glasses, with no reality on the thing particularly, and then you can all of a sudden turn around and — working a bit with the file clerk and keeping check on your preclear — say, “Let’s get your effort, now, not to wear glasses,” and his reality will start to turn up.

“But what are they?”

This is the mechanism on that: Any time an individual goes down to the acceptance of, obedience to or belief in — all the same thing — the absolute MEST-enforced command of another, he has gone into apathy as far as his own personality is concerned at that moment. That is a static.

“Well, we just found out that when the equations worked they had these figures in them, and so we just keep putting them in.”

Furthermore, he is held on the track at that point. Each one of those statics is an automatic holder. You will find each one of these statics to be an agreement of the individual on what he really ought to be, but it has been forced on him in some fashion or other, and each one is really non survival for him.

That is the way they figure the critical mass, by the way, of plutonium. You couldn’t hire me to go near Oak Ridge. They don’t know what its critical mass is except empirically, and one of these days they are going to build a pile that is much bigger than any other pile; they are going to figure it all out by quantum mechanics and somebody will forget to throw in a couple of “15 billions” in the right place, and the whole thing will blow up and New Mexico will disappear off the face of the map. Then somebody will say, “Darn those quantum mechanics anyway!”

All effort is involved with non survival activity or overcoming non survival activity. Of course, his effort to be a good boy hasn’t anything to do with survival activity. It is non survival activity because it had to do, probably, with sitting at the table scared stiff and being told he wasn’t going to have any supper and he wasn’t going to go to bed and he wasn’t going to go to the movies and he wasn’t going to go to this or that unless he proceeded to be a good boy. So he finally said, “All right, I’ll be a good boy,” and at that moment he was done for. He postulated a cause of which he would be the effect. He hadn’t any definition for “a good boy,” but he was going to be one. Being a good boy is doing what somebody else says. Society is full of good boys; so are the insane asylums.

The day of being able to be invariable in the field of physics has been over for some time. The general public, though, still has the idea that physics is invariable. They should just take a survey of the number of bottles of aspirin bought by atomic scientists. They would find out this is no longer true.

Now, the biggest static that you can give an individual is an enforced, pain-inflicted belief in anything — but particularly God. Any time you start handing out stuff on “Believe in God or we’ll play the devil with you,” you really get a high magnitude of static, because you are asking somebody to believe in something that has been represented as being a magnificent policeman. He is everywhere; you can’t communicate with him but you must communicate with him. He can’t communicate with you, obviously, but he is communicating with you because he is watching you all the time — but you can’t see him. You must love him or he will kill you, but does he love you? You know you love him, though you really hate to tell anybody, but you have to love him because you are in continual agreement with what he says. But nobody has agreed upon what he is supposed to be agreed upon, so naturally you are in agreement on him. This is an odd comment upon organized religion in the United States. Most organized religions don’t conduct themselves this way, so I shouldn’t say “organized religion”; I should say “zealots.” And zealots give churches more trouble than they give anybody else.

Sir James Jeans and some of the other boys, such as Dirac, postulate that the physical universe consists of motion. I don’t know how you reduce time into motion exactly. I tried it once and about five pages later I mopped the perspiration off my brow and said, “Whew,” and threw the thing quickly away, because the further I went, the more I found that I wasn’t figuring time into motion, I was figuring the physical universe out of existence, and this isn’t done.

To get highly authoritative on this subject, the Minnesota Multiphasic is a test of sanity or insanity which was gathered empirically. Questions by the thousands were taken from various insane asylums and they were all assembled and empirically put together. You find that about 50 percent of the Minnesota Multiphasic applies to religion. There isn’t any accident about it. You get a pain-enforced command on the subject of something as indefinite and as misunderstood as God and you have really got yourself something.

As far as I am concerned, according to the various theories that I can get hold of, there is no physical universe. But there is motion of nothing in the physical universe. And a motion of nothing is a wonderful thing to have.

I point this out to you, not because I am trying to unseat the Holy Rollers — they are entitled to their nickel on the drum, too — but as a beautiful target for Effort Processing, because God is a static, so when somebody comes along and forces an individual to believe in God, the individual is already approaching a static and he doesn’t have to be shoved hard until he is in a static state about it.

You all have a motion of nothing. A chair, a table — these things are motions of nothing. There is no basic unit of motion. The Greeks carved it all down and they said there was such a thing probably as atoms. We came along and found out there were atoms, and everybody said, “Hurrah! We’re down to the big basic. Now, the basic building block of the universe is an atom.” And then they started taking atoms apart, and now they can take the particles apart that go to make up the particles which go to make up atoms, and it has gotten very complicated. But all that is there is motion. That is wonderful.

You might have an awful time with some little child making him be a good boy, but you won’t have much trouble making him believe in God. You don’t have to push him very far, because you are pushing him straight at a natural static. This is the static of all statics. You shove him toward this static and he will hang up there. And you can go back in any preclear with profit and unfix those statics, if you haven’t got anything better to do. You will get a marked improvement in tone because the individual will now have self- determinism on a static, which is interesting. He has self-determined belief in a static; he will believe in a static because he did believe it in the first place, before somebody came along and gave him an aberration on the subject.

As far as life is concerned, life takes advantage of this motion without static and injects a static into it to produce the motion known as a living organism. I hope you understand that. That is more of a postulate than it is an axiom; however, it is working out very beautifully and it merges in toward being an axiom, so let it stay that way for the moment.

Religion is very easy to use as a control whip and it has been used that way. It aberrates people pretty badly when it is used in that fashion. There are people who are aberrated in the field of religion just as there are in any other field.

Axiom 5: That portion of life energy concerned with the life organisms of the physical universe is concerned wholly with motion.

The whole point I am making is that in Effort Processing you don’t have to depart wildly. You can start asking a preclear for his effort to wear glasses and then not to wear glasses. The formula is that you ask them for what they have obviously agreed to do, first (as a little general rule). They have obviously agreed to do this, they have obviously agreed to have this somatic, they have obviously agreed to have this aberration. In other words, they got a static.

That is all there is; it is the concern of the static called theta with the motion of the physical universe.

“Agreed to” is used in a highly qualified sense: It is “agreed to in apathy,” and I don’t think much ARC exists in the apathy level; it is just belief. In other words, it is a frozen point.

Axiom 6: Life energy has as one of its properties the ability to mobilize and animate matter into living organisms.

This person agreed to wear glasses somewhere in a low level and is holding on to a somatic. By the way, his agreement to wear glasses and his wearing of glasses will hold in restimulation any engram he has about wearing glasses. So if he starts to wear glasses the engram will go into worse restimulation and then he has to get stronger glasses, so the engram goes into worse restimulation, and he is off to the races. They have worried for years about that.

This is very wonderful, because you don’t find anything else in the physical universe which can animate matter into anything. You will find chemicals trying to reach some sort of a balance amongst themselves. For instance, sodium doesn’t like itself; you get too much sodium together and it looks like a communist rally. And you get too much of this or that — the upper-weight metals like uranium and plutonium — and bad things happen like Hiroshima and so forth.

There are eight muscles in the eyes. They will readjust in a quarter of a second if you clip the somatic.

On the lower bands, however, you get things trying to form compounds. Iron is always trying to team up with oxygen.

I hope, now, that you have a clarified understanding of Effort Processing. You can do a lot with this. You can simply ask a fellow for his desire to be wrong, the effort to be wrong, and shoot it out. Of course, you are going to shoot at about five or six hundred thousand years of being wrong, but that is all right.

The other day I became rather interested to see that somebody had gotten a good look at Mars through Mount Palomar’s big 200-inch telescope and that he had been observing the changes of seasons. The color of the surface of Mars changes according to the season: spring, summer, white in winter and so forth. It is just as though there were climate and living organisms and so forth. But the whole surface of the planet is red; evidently the soil is red and so on. What has happened there is that probably the bulk of the oxygen has been taken out of the air by all the iron, and so all this iron oxide is lying all over the place.

Your best bet in Effort Processing is to run on an incident level and to exhaust every engram you contact. And you can use your Straightwire on Effort Processing against his ARC. And ARC sums up into understanding, so you want any time he thought he understood another human being and so forth. You are not doing this because ARC is wrong; it is because he has been in ARC with an awful lot of aberrated people. All you do is disconnect him from the rest of the human race just to that extent so that he is not static with regard to them, and this permits his real statics on the track to start to clip out. That is run on a lock level.

This action of course can occur in the physical universe. And it appears to have a plan, until you look it over and find out it doesn’t have a plan. Everything sort of merges with everything else and it all looks so orderly, but it is not very orderly; it is highly chaotic. Atoms are going in all directions; they are banging into each other in the most random fashion. The planets seem to go spinning around so regularly, but you look them over and you find out that they are out of orbit one way or the other way. For instance, earth has about eight motions instead of two. It is quite chaotic, all told. The pattern that is laid down is a very scattery one.

You can do it by Straightwire, by Repetitive Straightwire, by Lock Scanning or by running them as locks, much as you would run an engram. Or you can do Straightwire on an engram level, paying attention only to the effort and being very alert for those postulates that the individual made himself. The second you start to unburden the effort on the engram these postulates will show up.

The closest thing to order I have seen brought into the physical universe, I think, is Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of the Elements — the old periodic chart. That is a wonderful thing. I don’t know how the old boy figured it out; it is just gorgeous. Nobody ever gives him any credit — you don’t hear his name; you know the name of Paul de Kruif but not that of Mendeleev. You have heard of all sorts of important and terrific people, but somehow or other this old boy’s name got lost.

If you get postulates which are too late on the track to reduce — if the postulate won’t reduce — that is because there is too much effort before the postulate. Do the best you can for the engram and then pick up his effort to make the postulate. The second you pick up his effort to make the postulate, he will shoot back down the track. You will wind him up in a past death, God knows where — into another postulate.

But his work is the only piece of order I ever saw detected in the physical universe. The rest of it is pretty random motion going in all directions; it forms up in various ways and it blasts itself apart. It is very crude and there isn’t any element in it which actually mobilizes any other element to amount to anything. And certainly after it mobilizes it doesn’t animate.

After you have gone all the way back down the track on engrams and exhausted the earliest engram you have hit — if you have had to do it this way — treat it just like you do a chain of engrams. Engrams haven’t changed any, except the viewpoint has changed. What you want is the effort to resist the counter-effort. You get the individual’s self-determined effort and the engram blows up, and that is what you want.

In these patterns, as far as we have looked, you just don’t find anything animating anything else. That is why we have the postulate of theta. It is something that is not peculiar to the physical universe, which yet uses the motion of the physical universe. Also, because of the chaos of the physical universe and because of the action of theta, it is quite obvious that the physical universe is not planned by theta, because theta does another kind of planning — unless theta just took the physical universe and sort of threw it up in the air like confetti on the president’s head when he rides down Broadway and said, “Now, we’ll go gather it all up again and sweep it up to give the street cleaners work.” It doesn’t look like that would be a good plan either.

Axiom 7: Life energy is engaged in a conquest of the physical universe.

Now, I wish you would put in your books one star after Axiom 1, one star after Axiom 4, four stars after Axiom 5, and four stars after Axiom 7. This gives you an evaluation of importance. Those four-star axioms are very important; they hang together a complete pattern, just the few of them. The rest of these axioms more or less delineate the four-star axioms.

You can say whatever you please about “life should be kind and life should be good and life should be this and life should be that,” but the point is that life is apparently doing this thing of animating and mobilizing matter. And watching the way it is encroaching upon it and watching the voracity of theta as it organizes motion, one is impressed with the fact that nothing short of a conquest is in action here.

Of course, it is a very impolite thing to talk about conquest these days. Fellows like Hitler are unpopular. The Russians with their conquest, running at 1.1, tell us that it is nasty to have any conquests. You may run into a little argument about conquest, because what you are supposed to do is sit down and let everybody walk on you, especially those people who tell you that is what you should do.

When we say conquest, however, we mean just that. It is a dynamic conquest. You observe life in action, living organisms in action, and you will find, for instance, trees sweeping up over the mountain ranges taking over enormous areas. You give a man a square mile and he will try to expand it into a continent right away. Life on a higher band of the tone scale, stripped of most of its statics, artificial statics — that is to say, artificially imposed statics like operations and things like that — goes out unquestioningly on a line of grabbing more MEST: matter, energy, space and time. It cooperates beautifully with those life forms which will help it conquer MEST, and it is absolutely murder for those life organisms which won’t assist it. It does awful things to them.

This is just empirical observation; you can see it yourself. Life is engaged on a conquest of MEST. This is extremely important.

You extrapolate from that what life is trying to do to MEST. It is trying to do every action verb there is to MEST. You work that out and use that as a Straightwire, and preclears will start popping up and getting well and getting oriented like they never have before. That is a very interesting therapy. And that is the formula of derivation for it. It explains to a large degree what you can expect out of life.

Axiom 8: Life energy conquers the material universe by learning and applying the physical laws of the physical universe.

It might seem rather odd to you that that is so close — right next door — to pain. Life goes into MEST. A static gets introduced into the motion of the physical universe; there is a collision, an enturbulence; then there is a separation, and what that static brings out to use is a law of the physical universe. Theta — the static — can make a facsimile of this collision and so learn a law of the physical universe, and then use that law and the force it accumulated from that impingement to go out and conquer more physical universe.

The static of theta itself has no force, so far as MEST is concerned, but it keeps borrowing MEST force and turning it back against MEST. It gets a few ergs of energy here and it shoots them out there, and it keeps doing that.

The engineer who dams a river uses other dammed rivers to dam this river. It took life quite a while to get a leg up to the point where it could utilize physical energy force through an organism like man. Man can now go out and convert and change things way beyond his own body, and he certainly does. He can change the physical face of earth at a great rate right now and he is doing so.

The way he has done it is not because theta has any force, but because theta has borrowed the force of the physical universe and converted it to a conquest of the physical universe. So there is a continual transmission of physical-universe force into the conquest of the physical universe.

Naturally the first thing theta would learn would be physics. It would work and work until it got physics and chemistry; that is all it would be interested in. Only after it got physics and chemistry well started would it say to itself, “What am I?”

Because theta’s attention is toward the physical universe, you will find that right now our orientation in Dianetics, from this region of the first static, is toward the physical universe. There is no reason, however, when that is licked, that theta can’t turn around and look the other way, because there are two directions of operation as far as a life force is concerned. That static proceeds from itself into the motion of the physical universe, and it possibly proceeds from itself into the motion of another universe on the other side, although why you have to postulate space and position and direction for a static, I don’t know.

Axiom 9: A fundamental operation of theta in surviving is bringing order into the chaos of the physical universe.

Apparently an organism does not bring order — apparently. We are building atom bombs in order to bomb Russia and so on. But life has a very special way of bringing order: Life destroys those things which do not assist it to bring order and it enhances those things which assist it to bring order. It does both only within the limit of its own experience. So if it does this only within the limit of its own experience, some other viewpoint might find life doing some interestingly erroneous things. Life only does this according to its own viewpoint, but life will destroy what it itself considers contra survival to the goal it has in mind, and it will preserve what is prosurvival.’

Out of that you get a very, very important formula in processing preclears. If you would just start picking up the times when people that he didn’t like have walked away from the preclear. and times when people that he did like have walked toward him, you could probably blow a case higher than a kite without ever running a grief charge on it. That is the physical side of the thing: The fellow is acquiring people he wants and he is losing people he doesn’t want.

You reverse that and you get entheta processing: He is acquiring people he doesn’t want and he is watching people he wants to stay with him go away. That is how you blow grief charges and so forth. But they have a tendency to resolve automatically if you run the validation side of processing.

The amount of order that theta brings in gives us evolution in MEST, evolution in theta, and an evolution in organisms — three evolution’s. These are covered in Science of Survival; there is no reason to go over them again.

Axiom 11: A life organism is composed of matter and energy in space and time, animated by theta.

In short, there isn’t much reason for you at this stage of the game to go processing theta. What you are processing is motion — effort. Effort has motion in it.

The theta will take care of itself; we just sort of notice that. It inherently will go back to a causative static when it is relieved of the static motions which have been imposed upon it. Whether it lives or dies isn’t for us to ask; it at least goes back into a happier state. We extrapolate this from the fact that preclears get more and more well before they disappear! We assume that they are very well after they disappear. That is a reasonable assumption.

Axiom 12: The MEST part of the organism follows the laws of the physical sciences. All life is concerned with motion.

That is again the same thing.

You should mark Axiom 11 with about three stars. This is merely, more or less, a restatement of it. But it stresses the fact that we have two things in operation. We have a carbon-oxygen motor which animates itself with carbon-oxygen-produced energy, which handles its arms and legs and goes along, and which is in motion. Its motion is caused by these things, but that doesn’t say that that motion motivates it. That has been an error and has produced a lot of erroneous things, such as the prefrontal lobotomy, such as psychiatrists; it has produced a heck of a lot of errors.

Now, the MEST side of the organism, the MEST portion of that organism, is directly related with the physical universe and the physical sciences. Newton’s three laws of motion are very observable in the physical organism, but not in the theta side of the organism. And there must be a hundred people who have beaten their brains in since the days of Newton trying to figure out all life in terms of the three laws of motion; after they get all through, nothing happens. They figure that thought follows the laws of acceleration, interaction and inertia; they get it all figured out and when they get it all figured out, nothing happens. For all their efforts they haven’t gotten anything.

That is like trying to solve a problem about a store, where you have a store building without any stock in it. You keep looking at the store building and wondering why you never have any customers, but you never bother to look and see whether or not there is any stock. You just neglect the stock and of course you get no customers. That is just about what happened in these various efforts in that direction.

Some of these efforts are really magnificent. The reason these efforts are interesting at all is that an individual’s mind makes a theta facsimile of the physical universe, and then he has a tendency — but only a tendency — to handle his thoughts as he handles objects in the physical universe. If you can’t get a person to throw something away, that person is doing the same thing with his theta facsimiles. He won’t throw them away. You get a psychotic who busily holds on to everything, you observe this fact that he is holding on to things, and you know immediately that this psychotic cannot be straightwired into any kind of a relief because he is going to hold on to every thought. They handle their thoughts like MEST.

But that doesn’t say immediately that thought behaves on the three laws of motion. It behaves on facsimiles of the MEST universe which follows the three laws of motion, and thoughts don’t follow the three laws of motion. They definitely do not. They contain physical universe, but that does not mean that they are physical universe. They do not have velocity, space, speed — any of these things. They don’t even have wavelength.

That is the best reason in the world why you should never put an electric shock machine on a patient’s head.

Axiom 13: Theta, operating through lambda (living organisms) converts the forces of the physical universe into forces to conquer the physical universe.

This has been covered earlier, when I went over Axioms 7 and 8.

Axiom 14: Theta, working upon physical-universe motion, must maintain a harmonious rate of motion. The limits of lambda are narrow, both as to thermal and mechanical motion.

I described that a little bit earlier. What you are trying to do is get your preclear to an optimum motion. You will find, oddly enough, that this optimum motion is a lot higher and faster in terms of physical behavior than you supposed — even though it is fairly fixed in terms of heartbeat — and that people actually are built to move faster and think faster than “normals.” They are built to move and think quite a bit faster.

But here you get the speed of use of the machine. This society has gotten down till it is almost static in the use of the body, with its use of automobiles and so on — static! And it is reflected in the degree of aberration in the society, because as the body begins to approach a static state it begins to think that it is in a static position.

Now, as long as an organism, a human being, can pick up motions and actions, turn them around and fire them right back, utilize them and bend them to his own wishes and will, he is healthy. A more severe motion has a second effect: The organism takes the motion, damps its action and kicks it out. He takes the motion, slows it down a little bit, and kicks it out. Or he holds it and dampens it. Or he receives it and then tries to equalize the body with it, somehow, but still stay in action with it. Or he blocks this motion off; he lets it in and then blocks it off interiorly. Or he just lies back and lets the motion raise the devil with him, which is succumbing.

I will go over that scale again. At the top of it we have the top of the tone scale: A person receives motions and throws them back. You try to hurt this person and he doesn’t even know he has been hurt. He doesn’t residually receive this stuff and throw it back again.

He is hurt a little bit at a level where action is damped. He just receives it and damps its action and throws it back. He is hurt a little bit. But when he holds it and dampens it, how does he stop it? What is the dampening factor? He is dampening motion and motion contains time, and the second he dampens down motion he has gotten a holder on the track because he is stopping time to that degree. You take this person over the track again and you will find an area where he caught some motion and held on to it and tried to dampen it, and you will find that he is sitting right there on the track. There was a holder, because he tried to stop something that contained time, and the second he tried to stop something that had time in it, he stopped.

Now, when he tries to equalize with it, that is just endurance. It is traveling at a certain rate of vibration, so he goes into the certain rate of vibration and tries to ride it out. That is what is known as endurance.

The next step down is that he gives the motion a portion of his body; this is physical medicine. When he gives it a portion of his body, that is a sacrifice to it. He really is whipped at about this point. He is really way down below 2.0 when he says “It keeps hurting my hand; therefore we’d better amputate my arm,” or “It keeps hurting my appendix; therefore we’d better take out my appendix.”

And when this motion comes along and forces the motion of the physical body to accord with the foreign incursive motion, the physical body succumbs on its self-determinism. It comes under the determinism of the foreign motion; the body itself becomes static as far as its own self determinism is concerned and it then obeys. That is a static. There is death. There are holders, groupers and all the rest of them.

A person can apparently get suddenly and wonderfully well overnight, peculiarly, without any processing. What happens to him? His concept of his own ability to move, his concept of his own motion, rises up high enough on optimum to make him believe (a static) that he can simply throw back incoming motions, and then all counter-efforts impinged against his person disappear. And there go psychosomatic illnesses. His static postulate with regard to them is “I don’t have to endure.”

Now, all you have to do to a human being is just convince him he has got to slow down and take it easy — take one of these dynamic fellows with ulcers and say, “Now, you’d better slow down and take it awful easy and get some rest. Don’t work so hard at your job; I know you’re interested in your job, but don’t work so hard at it” — and you will bring him down the scale to where he will pick up incoming motions and hold them to damp them. You will finally get him down the scale to where he will just succumb to them. All you have to do is tell this fellow to slow down and he will get sick. Also, if you tell him to speed up beyond a point where he can speed up, he will get sick. But it is much harder to speed somebody up into getting sick than it is to slow him down into getting sick.

It is an odd thing, for instance, that a whole army can go out, fight a battle, endure enormous fatigue, have wounded all around and so forth, and they will think they are all right, until they all of a sudden find out they lost. The general made a report to Washington and Washington went and told somebody else, then the word finally came back to the troops, “You know, you lost the battle.” The oddity is that recovery rate of casualties goes right out through the bottom. You bring news of a defeat into a field hospital and the incidence of mortality goes up.

In addition to that, if you take a soldier back from the front lines into the rear echelons and send him to a base hospital a thousand miles away from the front, he will probably die. He might have had a chance of living up within the sound of the guns, but you take him to a base hospital and he will kick the bucket. He was a part of an army; it was traveling at a certain speed. When he is wounded and stays in close association with action, he keeps going at a high enough rate to get well. But then you say, “Now, what this fellow needs is rest, “and ship him to a base hospital way back, tell him to be calm and quiet, give him nothing to do, nothing to occupy his mind, nothing but rest, and you have got a sick soldier on your hands. If he is going to die from this thing he will die.

We were doing that in this last war. We would kindheartedly pick up wounded soldiers and send them to Yosemite. We would send them almost anyplace — the fellows who had ulcers and skin diseases and bullet holes in them and so forth — and they just got so they weren’t worth a darn after a while. That is a fact. They would just lie around the hospital for about four months, and that was just as good as getting killed in action. I have watched them do that; I finally was ready to blow my top on this stuff, until I got four or five men very, very interested in moving very fast, you might say, along certain lines. And these fellows got impatient and they got well and they left the hospital.

That is where people make the mistake of saying “We should get him interested in something; let’s let him follow some hobbies. Nothing serious, let’s not let him get interested in anything serious, but if we can just give him a few hobbies or something so that he’ll walk down the corridor every day and walk back to his bed, he will undoubtedly get well because we’ll have picked up his interest in life.”

Now, this is what motion goes into. Pain is merely a contradictory incoming motion to the motion of the body. It produces a randomity and the phenomenon is pain. What will happen, then, if you keep telling preclears to lie very still, to be quiet, to approximate these various forces, is that the forces will move right in on them, because the forces are not in them. The forces are in the theta facsimiles which they are still holding to them to compare with their own velocities.

So, you have this fellow and you want to exhaust this force and counter effort and so forth; if you exhaust his own self-determined effort, this force will disappear. You don’t have to build this force up to full magnitude.