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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Demonstration of SCS (GAP-13) - L560902E | Сравнить
- Effectiveness of Brainwashing) (GAP-12) - L560902D | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Hold it Still, Mama and Papa (GAP-10) - L560902B | Сравнить
- Havingness (GAP-09) - L560902A | Сравнить
- Hold It Still, Mama and Papa (Cont.) (GAP-11) - L560902C | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите в Неподвижности Маму и Папу (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
- Групповой Процессинг - Удержите в Неподвижности Маму и Папу, Продолжение (КИ 56) - Л560902 | Сравнить
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CONTENTS DEMONSTRATION OF SCS Cохранить документ себе Скачать



An auditing demonstration given on 2 September 1956A lecture given on 2 September 1956

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

You've had some announcements and the third day of the congress draws to a close. I've been practicing that way of speaking. The third day of the congress draws to a close. The Committee on Future Programs, Scientology material will be made known to you tomorrow. They have been, I hope, very productive, and I hope they'll be more productive this evening.

Thank you.

But one of the things about Scientology is that its future programs are being lived through right now. One of the very interesting points is the amount of future that was mocked up in 1950 that actually materialized.

I take it that the congress has started.

Well, I haven't anything to talk to you about. As a matter of fact, that's why I'm filling in with platitudes. And you just think it's a gag right now that I don't have anything to talk to you about but it's an absolute fact. I haven't got a thing. Told you all there is to know about havingness. Told you all there is to know about games. You're getting all there is to know about indoctrination — ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Audience: Yeah!

You know, when the — when the people take this ACC that's starting on October the 15th, they will have had to have been through HCA indoctrination. I hope that they will have made that a fact by that time, because in the ACC we run an Indoctrination Course right along with the course.

You might wonder about what this is, but over in England — over in England where all American styles go but from which American styles used to come, we find that most professional men — clubmen, sports and that sort of thing — they wear blazers with pocket badges. And we couldn't be outdone by that and so we up and got a blazer with a pocket badge.

We have what's known as High School Indoctrination. First thing you do in High School Indoctrination is you take the auditor all apart and throw the parts around. Leave him nothing to think with and make him reassemble them. First thing we do is ruin all of his early auditing ability. We ruin him — finish him. Done. Isn't that a terrible thing? It's a terrible thing.

We couldn't get them made anywhere in the Western Hemisphere for anything reasonable, so we got the badges made in Hong Kong, China. Very, very interesting — clear from Hong Kong.

The only reason we do a thing like that actually is because in the old days a fellow used to learn how to fly and he'd fly with one wing just a little bit low. He learned how to fly that way. Felt natural on the seat of his pants! And he'd eventually get an airline job and ... No, we want nothing but good auditors in that unit, but it's a fact that there is such a thing as High School Indoctrination.

The international character of Scientology then, you see, is all squared up. Here I am on an American stage with a British jacket with a badge from Hong Kong, China, you see?

There is also some other material that we might by that time have sufficiently well organized to part with. But I've actually given you right now all there is to know. There's hardly anything else I have to cover now. Actually, it's the truth. I mean, I haven't another thing to tell you. Let's see, who looks restimulated here? Who looks restimulated? I'm going to show you how to audit. Okay?

Speaking of the international character of Scientology, I have pointed out the fact that you have to mock up a Canadian flag there. And back here, there's a couple of flags that are in error; not very large error, but there are a couple of flags that are in error. This one, because we are really not a member of the United Nations. The fact of the matter is that no petition has been made to the United Nations to include us as a chartered organization of that organization. We do not have a delegate in the United Nations at this time. We're processing them first!

Audience: Yes!

Well, I guess you — I guess you have decided that you're here and the congress has started and it's a very, very good thing that you're here in such a complacent frame of mind because I haven't got anything to talk to you about today. I have talked myself out, completely!

This is rough. I want a volunteer.

First I blew out the PA system 100 percent. Now I'm blowing my voice out.

Audience: Oh! Oh!

Actually, it isn't very difficult to talk here in this hall, aside from the fact that the pillars kick back the voice, but we'll work on the pillars perhaps a little bit more today and they'll be gone!

Male voice: Looks like you got one.

So, wherever we get together like this, however, if I talk to you for a few minutes I sort of get the idea that there might be something I could say to you that would have some small value — perhaps of no great extent. And just saying I didn't have anything to talk to you about reminded me that I have never really talked to you about havingness.

You're not going to volunteer?

Now, the funny part of it is, is I had to talk to you about game conditions and solids before I could talk to you about havingness. So, you see that there might be something that we have yet to learn about this subject of havingness if it is preceded by games and preceded by solids and the Know to Mystery Scale.

Good boy. Thank you Carl, I thought you would. That would be terrific. Carl, one of the reasons why I was going to give you a little session here, was because I knew it wouldn't be restimulative to you.

All right. Do you want to hear something about havingness?

Male voice: Thank you.

Audience: Yeah!

Actually, only a military man can appreciate this particular process that I'm going to show you this evening. You want to really see a process, now, huh?

It's quite a peculiar subject — peculiar subject.

Audience: Yeah, sure.

Since Havingness appeared on our scene as a process by accident, it was obvious that masses had something to do with the state of health of a pre-clear. But we thought so little of Havingness just seven months ago that we dropped it almost entirely from our memories and knowledge. We just forgot to put it on the list.

You want to see a process that is as modern as 1958, huh?

Now I had — I've always told students in the ACC Course — of course, I have told them so doggone many things — often, probably from their view-point, so contradictory, so unreconcilable with any other data, that they sometimes don't cognite on them for a year or two. We get long comm lags on this sort of thing here. Very interesting.

Audience: Yes.

But Havingness itself is one of these peculiar, peculiar things. We didn't even get upset when people were not remedying havingness for a while. And I didn't even notice there was anything gone out of our processing tools — hey, that's pretty good. I said "processing" this time. That's pretty good. You know, I must be in America!

All right. This is a mild version of rougher processes, but I'm going to show you a process known as SCS — Start, Change and Stop. Okay?

Well, we didn't even notice there was anything gone from our processing tools until Julia started shipping over the tons of tests she ships me every week and the London Director of Processing started unloading me some more tests, and there was nothing happening in these tests! And for a week, two weeks, three weeks — and I said, "Practically every auditor in the HGC has suddenly gone mad! They're all breaking the Auditor's Code. Lord knows what they are running; they're probably reporting one thing and running something else. What's happening here, I don't know." But it became obvious that there was a process in Scientology that was being omitted somehow or another from the regular and routine processes generally used by the clinic.

Audience: Okay. Good.

We used to say in ACC Courses, "When in doubt, remedy havingness. When in doubt, remedy havingness." You remember that old phrase?

Now, what I'm going to do — what I'm going to do here is from — in about two seconds, just ignore the audience entirely. And I'm simply going to give him a very serious little session on SCS. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

Audience: Okay.

Well, evidently nobody was in doubt except the tests! And I didn't know what was wrong! It took about three months for me to square this thing around and look at it and see what process was missing.

I'm not going to audit him very long on it since it would start to be restimulative after a little while. But we will just show you how this is done. Okay?

When you have 10,000 processes, then you might have 10,000 things missing and the whole 10,000 processes were not being run on preclears, so it became guesswork. What had become wrong with Scientology that it suddenly wasn't working smoothly? Only a few gains here and there. No big gains were taking place. What was happening? What was gone?

Audience: Okay.

I finally found out what was gone — Havingness. We had dropped this as a process.

LRH: All right. How are you, Carl?

Now, for those of you who have — feel a little shaky about your auditing or aren't auditors, let me tell you what we mean by Havingness. We have the preclear — the old style — mock up something like a mass and shove it into his body. This is on the rationale that people eat and people do take in masses and solids and so as we process we feel that we should make people take in masses and solids. That's — was the basic theory behind Havingness.

PC: Fine.

We found out that an individual could be processed for a little while and he'd start to — he'd start to shake, get a little bit upset, twitch, get agitated. What's wrong? He's uncomfortable.

LRH: Good. Carl, there's a little process hero that is a drill.

We processed him a little bit further without doing anything about his havingness and he would say, "You've broken the Auditor's Code. You've done something bad to me. You are telling me to do things I can't do." In other words, he'd argue and argue and start arguing. He'd get argumentive. He'd go down Tone Scale — something would happen to him.

PC:Yes, Sir.

But, if you had him mock up or create a mental image picture containing some mass and take that mental image picture and shove it into his body, he would recover from this agitation. He would feel better. So, it became a rule after this was omitted from that and we found it again, that havingness had to be remedied.

LRH: It's a drill. All right. Okay. And you don't mind us doing a little bit of auditing here, huh?

We already knew about havingness. We said any time an individual began to twitch, become restive or go unconscious during processing, his havingness had been dropped or changed.

PC: Not a bit, no. Not at all.

Now, it isn't necessarily true that he will go unconscious during a session simply because his havingness has been dropped. Funny part of it is, is you remedy some preclear's havingness and they go unconscious and you have to say, "Come on. Come on. Mock it up. Push it in. Mock it up. Push it in." He goes dong! you see?

LRH: Good. Good. Well, I hate to ask you if you've got an auditing room.

"Ah. Yeah. Yeah."

PC: Boy, I've got a big one. Lots of space.

"Well, mock it up and push it in. Mock it up. Push it in" — dong!

LRH: All right. And you've got an auditor?

And all of a sudden after they've done this for quite a while, they don't go buong anymore.

PC: I do.

I'll give you an example of the use of this: I had a preclear who had a totally black field. This is called an "occluded case" — actually should be called a "black case" or a "lightless case."

LRH: Have I got a preclear?

Tell a person to close his eyes, he sees a blackness that is not the blackness simply occasioned by his eyelids. Actually, eyelids are blackish but slightly red to most preclears. So, if he closes his eyes and doesn't see any-thing, if you ask — that's very funny — you ask most people, you say, "Close your eyes." The person closes his eyes. You say, "What do you see?"

PC: You do.

He says, "Nothing!"

LRH: Well, very, very good. This little practice here is supposed to work over body control. That is, to put the preclear into better control of his body. And it consists of a little drill, actually three little drills, that are very simple. But all it consists of is I am going to ask you to start the body, you see?

And you say, "That's good! That's fine! Good! Now, what do you see?" "Nothing."

PC: Right.

"Come on. What are you looking at?"

LRH: I'm going to ask you to start the body and you just start it. When I ask you to start the body, why you start it, okay?


PC:Got it.

"Well, just try. Just look, will you? What do you see?"

LRH: And then there we are.

If he's doing this, he then normally says, "Blackness. I do see blackness."

PC: Okay.

And it doesn't come to him as a surprise that he is looking at something when he never has looked at anything before. He is in such a state that he isn't looking at anything. First thing he sees when he starts to see is blackness.

LRH: But I'm not going to ask you, by the way, to stop it, slow it down or anything. After you've started the body, why, I will tell you, "Very well."

What is this blackness? It's actually masses of energy which are a total effect on the thetan on which he has little or no effect. Do you follow me? He has little or no effect on the blackness, the blackness has a great deal of effect on him, so he then and there puts the consideration into consistent practice that it is all black and there's nothing he can do about it.

PC: Okay.

Actually there are energy masses of a mental sort sitting in his skull and around in front of his face and they are black and they are almost indestructible. When you try to get a preclear to chew one of these things up or do something to these things, he has great difficulty. You've all had experience with this. It's because the blackness has normally put him in a no-game condition.

LRH: And then we'll practice that again. All right. Is that a session?

Well, give you an old Remedy of Havingness — an old-time Remedy of Havingness. You ask somebody to mock up something and shove it into his body. Mock up something else, shove it into his body.

PC:Yes, it is.

You never did a complete Remedy of Havingness. Later on Remedy of Havingness meant you mock up something and shove it into his body. You mock up something and shove it — throw it away. Mock up something and shove it in. Mock up something and throw it away. That was a complete Remedy of Havingness — we could do both of these.

LRH: All right. Okay.

But the early nomenclature simply said a Remedy of Havingness — he mocked up something and shoved it into his body.

PC: Sounds fine.

All right. I've taken a preclear who was totally black, as far as the field is concerned, couldn't see anything but blackness. The blackness was a quality and character of black basalt. And we expected this preclear to be able to do something with mental image pictures, to see engrams, to do this, to do that. Very interesting — he couldn't do any of these things at all. Why? Because he couldn't really see what he was doing. He had a black screen in front of his face and this blackness acted very badly on any processing efforts that we made.

LRH: Fine. How about you standing right there now.

Well, I have had a preclear on whom no other process to recover vision from all this occlusion — I've had a preclear actually go through this sort of an action. (Nothing else had ever touched this person's blackness.) "Mock up a black mass and shove it into the body."

Okay. Start the body.

"Mock up a black mass and shove it into the body."

Good. Good. That's fine. That's fine.

"Mock up a black mass and shove it into the body."

PC: Okay.

"Mock up a black mass and shove it into the body."

LRH: Did you start the body?

The preclear had a great deal of trouble with it, went anaten, went upset, did this for fifteen minutes and during the entire fifteen minutes I don't believe the preclear was actually conscious more than one or two of those minutes, but yet was going on with the process even though completely unconscious.

PC: I did.

And at the end of this time, all of a sudden the black field changed and I had the preclear doing mock-ups. The preclear then did very brilliant mock-ups and I did another couple of processes and the preclear was able actually to get rid of energy.

LRH: You did?

By the way, it was very amusing, the process used to have the preclear get rid of something — everything snapped in on this preclear only — the process used to make this preclear get rid of something was to — oh, I'll tell you, first the mock-ups were just that big.

PC: Yes.

I finally said, "How big are these mock-ups?"

LRH: Well that's very, very good. Very good. Now, once more I'm going to ask you to start the body and when I tell you "Start the body," you start the body. All right?

"Ah, they are pretty good size. They're that big."

Okay. Now, start the body.

I says, "We'll see if we can't get them just a little bit bigger."

Good. Good. That's very, very good. That's very good. Did you start the body?

And we started building them up and they finally got to be life-size, and had the preclear do several innocent things, mock up various innocent devices of one kind or another, you know, images, and push them in, do things with them.

PC: I've got some doubts.

And then had the preclear mock up an elephant and the preclear was perfectly happy to mock up this elephant. The elephant at first was this big, the second time this big and then it got this big and then it got to be an elephant, see?

LRH: Okay. Well, we're getting somewhere. All right. Stand right there now, and when I ask you to start the body, why, you start the body. All right?

When the — when the elephant was sufficiently big that the preclear was not comfortable, I said, "Now have the elephant walk away."

Okay. Start the body.

The preclear had the elephant walk away. He said, "He is having a dreadful time getting through the door." The elephant managed that. Boy, were barriers real to this preclear.

All right, that's fine. That's fine. Did you start the body?

He said, "He's having an awful time now with the front door. He can't manage the knob." The elephant walked out on the street.

PC: As far as that particular set of actions isconcerned, I started the body, yes.

And I said, "Now, just have him keep on walking."

LRH: What's the reservation on, anything in particular?

He was out of sight by this time and the preclear said, "Yes." And I said, "Well now, have you gotten rid of something?"

PC: Start with connection of time of getting the body here and so forth.

And the preclear said, "Hey! What do you know!"

LRH: I see.

And we had more elephants walk away and camels walk away and finally we got down to where anything would walk away and we finally got to the point where the preclear could mock up a mental image picture and push it in with great ease or mock up a mental image picture — the preclear could take it and just go phewww! and away it was gone. In other words, the pre-clear could throw it away and pull it in. Now that was a total Remedy of Havingness.

PC: As far as the time from your command on, I started the body into the actions that were visible and were different from those that took place before.

What happened to that preclear's processing? This preclear began to make progress for the first time. Up to that time only little, tiny things had taken place and none of these things were really real. Somebody else could see that the preclear no longer had a toothache or something but the preclear wouldn't admit it.

LRH: All right. Then you did start the body?

In other words, this preclear was in one of these almost total no-game conditions — game conditions. You see? That was Scientology theory applied to the case.

PC: Yes.

Well now, that's very interesting. A person should be able to handle his mental image pictures. If he cannot, they handle him.

LRH: All right. Did — in that degree you did?

Now, that just gives you an idea of an old-time Remedy of Havingness. It's workable.

PC:Right. I'm .. .

Auditors have very often avoided this with some disaster. I'll tell you part of the disasters which could occur.

LRH: All right. That's all right. That's fine. That's fine.

A preclear is run on figure-figure-figure-figure-figure-figure-figure-figure, you know, "All right. Now get a concept. Get an idea. Get a concept. Get another idea. Now change the idea. Now get a concept. Get an idea. Get a concept. Get an idea."

PC: . . . fine on that. Okay.

Those are all think processes, see. They lie below solids.

LRH: That's fine. All right. Now. Now once more, when I ask you to start the body, why, you start the body, okay?

But thinkingness as-ises solids! Thought destroys solids!

PC: Okay.

A preclear starts thinking a little bit, he'll think a little bit more. Why? He thinks a hole in his head.

LRH: All right. Start the body.

Let me show you exactly how that is. He really does think a hole in his head.

PC: All right.

You'll get this whole basic mechanism here. Here's a preclear. Nice comfortable preclear with a lot of vision. It's in — he's in there. He's in there someplace. There's the preclear. He's fairly comfortable. He's got all that nice mass next to him.

LRH: Okay, that's fine. Did you start the body?

So he says, "Well," he says, "there must be something wrong because I don't see all there is to see and I feel impatient and I worry once in a while."

PC: I did.

An auditor comes along and he says, "All right. You worry once in a while, huh? All right. Well now, think of a — of a — something to worry about."

LRH: You did. All right. Apparent to me that you did.

The preclear does.

PC: Fine.

The auditor says, "Worry about it."

LRH: All right. Good.

The preclear does.

PC:Good. I like this agreement.

The auditor says, "Now think of something else to worry about." The preclear does.

LRH: Okay. I didn't have a thing to do with it.

All of a sudden something peculiar happens — a new energy mass of some sort or another turns up and pulls in on the preclear. What essentially has happened? The preclear thought a hole in his head.

PC: No.

Here he is here, see, and he has started to do this. Well, what have we got here? We have an area of no mass sitting in the area of mass and there's pressure out here. Get it?

LRH: All right.

So, what's the final result of this? The final result is this: The preclear is sitting in the middle of that now. Do you see how this is? In other words, he gets solider.

Now, once more, once more, once more, I'm going to ask you to start the body, and you start the body.

A preclear is — boy, there is nothing more like a thetan than a thetan. They try to get themselves into more trouble than they're in, if you give them half a chance on the reasoning and belief that if they get into enough trouble they won't be in any trouble. Only nobody has ever found bottom on the amount of trouble you can get in.

PC: Okay.

You know, the old song — the words of "Turkey in the Straw." The fellow lost everything and a cyclone came and took the house and barn away and then a tax collector — he's lost everything by this time — and a tax collector came around and charged him up with a hole in the ground. Well, that's essentially what happens here. See?

LRH: Okay, start the body.

He's thought a hole in his head. That's all. And the pressure vectors — it's quite mechanical, it's just like handling bread dough or something — finally winds him up twice as pushed in and only half as able; and yet that's evidently a very fine process. It's — evidently restores the preclear's power of choice and his ability to decide and everything.

PC: All right.

"You worry, huh? All right, well, think of something to worry about. Good. Now worry about it."

LRH: Good. Well, how was that?

It doesn't work. Why? Because — I'll tell you what's wrong with thinkingness: Thinking!

PC: Good, frankly.

Now, if you could just run out thinking without thinking you could stop him from worrying. And you can. You can. You can run out thinking without thinking.

LRH: Is that better?

Here he is, we've got him down to this now. Now let's get him down a little further and have him mock up a black mass out here — he's here, see — and push that in. Mock up another black mass. Push that in. Mock up another mass out here. Push that in. First thing you know we at least got him back up to this. He didn't have to think to do that, did he?

PC: Yeah.

And the next thing you know, you have him — if you are very good and you work at Havingness very well and you run Havingness of the physical universe and Havingness of the bank both, you get him into this interesting condition.

LRH: Well, all right, you started the body.

I am now going to draw you a picture of a preclear who is out of this mess. There. There he is.

PC: Yeah.

But the funny part of it is, is when he wanted to get out of this mess, he got into that. So, when we simply gave him more mess, we got that. Do you follow me?

LRH: Is that right?

So, that by apparently pushing him down scale with the exact situation he is in, too much mass, we actually bring him back up scale again.

PC: I did.

When he — we let him think, he tries to go in the direction of less mass directly. He's in a no-game condition here. Everything is having an effect on him. He's having an effect on nothing. We have him think and he goes into a further no-game condition because he himself is not creating the thing which is victimizing him.

LRH: Is that a little bit better than it was?

And that is the basic rule of the whole of auditing. You make the pre-clear create what is victimizing him. And he's not being victimized by thought; he's being victimized by masses he cannot control. So you have him make some — up some masses and put them under his control. Now, that's the theoretical fundamental of Havingness. Do you understand that?

PC: Mm-mm.

Audience: Yes.

LRH: Well, okay. All right. Now, once more, I'm going to ask you to start the body and you start the body. All right?

The preclear believes fondly that what is wrong with him is, let us say, that ceiling. It is so solid. He can't duplicate it. It can't duplicate him.

PC: Mm-hm.

You have to push him up to a point of where he himself can create the ceiling before the ceiling doesn't ever worry him anymore. Why? It's a game condition.


Now, the first rule I gave you is a rule out of old Creative Processing: Whatever is wrong with the preclear, make him do it. Remember? It doesn't matter what's wrong with the preclear, make him do it.

LRH: Okay. Start the body.

Now, there was an old field of — I don't know what it was, say, it was phrenology, I think it's named — and they went so far as to say, "He has to do what he is afraid of doing or he has to do what he is upset about doing."

PC: Okay.

See, that's almost right. You'll find top sergeants subscribe to this. A fellow is afraid of climbing a flagpole and the first thing the sergeant thinks of is to make him climb the flagpole. See? Unfortunately, it's not therapeutic. It works sufficiently often to give it credence, but it's not really therapeutic. Every now and then somebody dies of heart failure. Of course, that's nothing to a sergeant!

LRH: Good. Did you start the body?

But here we have this condition and if we merely knew that you make the preclear create what is wrong with him — if you just do that — you'd think he'd get out of anything then, wouldn't you? But that's not the story. I wish I could just say that, but that was a fallacy we had for years and it was a mistake — it was an error. It was an error of magnitude because it put the emphasis on creativeness and that is not where the emphasis should be. The emphasis should be on playingness.

PC: Yeah, I did.

Now, why was he upset about being in the middle of a mass?

LRH: All right. Well that's fine. That'll do for a demonstration a little bit. Be all right with you if we just level it off at that point?

You mean to tell me that a thetan is going to be upset about being in the middle of a black mass? I've been in black masses, maybe you have too. They didn't upset you.

PC: Yeah. That's fine.

Well, then what's upsetting about this? There must be some other condition that is upsetting rather than mass. Yes, there is. He has the sensation of "being done to." It's been done to him. He didn't do it. He's in, in this condition, a no-game condition. I was talking to you yesterday: no-game condition.

LRH: Huh? And you're doing all right?

To put it into a game condition, you have to get him to make a game out of this.

PC: Yeah.

And now we say, "Mock up a mass and shove it in. Mock up a mass and shove it in."

LRH: Okay, now .. .

It worked. Why didn't it work all the time? It should have worked uniformly. If it had been wholly right, it would have worked all the time, but it didn't work all the time. Every now and then we got ahold of some black case and it didn't respond to this sort of thing, we said it wasn't real and it wasn't this and it wasn't that — a lot of critical lines because we didn't know quite what we were doing.

PC: I'm waiting to start marching, frankly.

All right. The truth of the matter is you put him into a game condition of "no effect on self, effect on others" and you have him mock up these black masses and put them on other people and we find out it's one of the basic tricks of a thetan — is to put another thetan in the dark. The game has been done to him and he's stuck in a lose. You've got to make him play the same game again!

LRH: Yes.

Now, you see this business about creativeness and so forth wasn't true. See? It happened to approximate a games condition. See? Have him mock it up and shove it in isn't quite the right circumstance. Have him mock it up and put it on another thetan — a theoretical thetan — a few times does what? It continues the game. Therefore, it takes him out of a lose and we've got a game condition again where he himself is saying, "I am no effect — no effect on me, effect on others," see?

PC:Oh, it's there. No problem.

So, you've got to get the game started again to get him to come out of it. And his efforts are mainly along the lines of "let's get the game going again" rather than "let's get a game going." Got that?

LRH: Yeah — yeah, all right. Okay, well, just for the record, we just wanted you to get the body started so we'd sort of have a session started. But this next one, I would like to have you stop the body in a drill.

He's got lots of games. Actually he has to invent a few more every now and then in processing or he will run out of them. But it's the truth — the actual factual truth is that whenever he's in this kind of a condition — it doesn't matter what silly condition he's in, and let me assure you, a thetan can get into some of the silliest conditions I have ever seen.

PC: All right.

Here's a young man. He looks good, strong, virile, you know, going up and at them, walking down the street, girls whistling at him and he says, "Women don't like me."

LRH: It's a little drill that runs like this: We get the body moving over in that direction, and when I say "Stop," why, you stop the body. Is that .. .

We say, "What's the matter with this guy? Maybe he's just that way. What's the matter with this guy? Hm?"

PC: Okay.

I'll tell you what's the matter with him. He was playing a game of "girls don't like me" and he lost. So he's always trying to get this game going again. Eventually he'll do the darnedest things. He'd take up smoking Mexican cigarettes. He finally goes through all sorts of fads and devices and so forth, all of them calculated to drive girls away!

LRH: All right, that's the way it goes. All right, get the body moving in that direction.

He comes up to us as a preclear and he tells us, "Women don't like me," smoking Mexican cigarettes. Kicks off his shoes, we say, "Dzahhh." Says, "When do we start processing?" We find out he should use Listerine too. He's wearing some old rags no girl would ever look at. And we say, very obviously — now get where our failure would be there — we say, "Look, girls don't like this fellow because he's doing all these things."


So, we as practical people, would simply say, "Stop smoking the cigarettes. Use Listerine. Take a bath once in a while. Get some decent clothes. And straighten yourself up." You got it?

You get that military one? That's better.

So, we start to work on him. And we burnish him up, you know, and we shine him and we shine him up some more. We see him the next day and he goes, "Phuh," and we go, "Dzahhh." And we see him a few days later and you just never saw a guy revert so fast!

PC: Hup, two!

Now, if we just said, "Well, he has an engram that tells him to do this," we would be partially right. This thing does stem from an engram.

LRH: Yeah, yeah, that's good. All right, once more, once more, we're going to practice stopping the body. Is that okay?

But what is the rationale and use of that engram? A very simple ration-ale, I assure you.

PC: Yeah.

He had a game going once and he lost. Or he won! But in any event, it was a good game and it stopped. And ever afterwards he's trying to start this game up again!

LRH: Hm?

I'll give you some sort of an idea about it. He was walking by the Delphi temple, and boy, were there some nice looking vestal virgins — way back in ancient Greece — and he was walking by and he said, "Hm." So, he had a terrific thought! And he went up the temple steps and he asked the oracle, "Why don't girls like me?" And of course, the whole cast tried to convince him that they did.

PC: That's real good. Yeah, I'm with you.

Next life as a Roman legionnaire, he was sitting around a baron's table on the Rhine and a beautiful thought came to him because sitting at the foot of the table were three lovely looking maids and there was the baron's wife and so on. So, he thought to himself, "Ah. You know ..." And he starts drinking the mead, you know, he starts drinking it up.

LRH: By the way, it'd be very amusing to you, perhaps to others, that I would just tell a preclear this at this point. I mean, this is not just a demonstration.

"What's the matter? You look sad," they all say.

PC: Okay, all right.

"Well, you see, women don't like me."

LRH: I was running a Grenadier Guard on "Stop the body" and he'd come along and he'd stop! Three paces. All right.

"They don't? Oh, no, you're wrong. Ha-ha!" And they prove it to him!

PC: I know just how he felt too.

Along about 800, he's got a good racket going with the church up near Pisa or something and he has — varies it by saying, "The Virgin Mary doesn't like me," and the girls in his congregation prove to him that he is likable.

LRH: All right, all right. Now, let's get the body moving and when I say "Stop," why you see — stop. All right? Get the body moving.

It's been going on like this for ages.


But, the funny part of it is that somewhere along the line it didn't work or it worked too well! Got the idea? In other words, it went into a win or a lose capacity and stopped the game! It's a game he's not supposed to play anymore.

Good. Did you stop the body? PC: I did. First time in a long time!

He said to himself, "I mustn't play this game anymore because it is a dangerous game."

LRH: All right. Now let's try that once more. I'm going to ask you to get the body moving over there, and at some point I will ask you to stop, and you stop. All right?

But that never stopped a thetan! That never stopped a thetan!

PC:All right.

He says after that, "I ought to be playing that game; I don't dare," and that is aberration.

LRH: Okay. Get the body moving. Stop. Okay.

On one side he says, "I must reach with that game."

PC: I'm almost at the point where I don't have to.

On the other side he says, "I must not reach with that game."

LRH: Almost — oh, really! All right. Now once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving in that direction.

He says, "I must withdraw from that game. I must not withdraw from that game because look at how successful that game was. Of course, I don't dare play it! But it is a terribly successful game."

PC: Yeah.

You got this?

LRH: All right, when I say "Stop," you stop. Okay. Get the body moving.

And he could actually go mad on that computation. And that is the computation of madness.

Stop. That's good! That's good! That's real good! That's very good!

"I must do it. I can't do it. I've got to keep from doing it. I must." Mostly must.

PC:Yeah, it sure is.

And it's been our task to find out what it is that he must or must not do. And it's just a game. What game is it? That's your job as an auditor.

LRH: I saw you do that.

But all these games boil down to havingness. There is connected with them havingness.

PC:Yup, I did it.

If you have some doubt of that just — I told you several illustrations and so forth — there was havingness connected with each one of them. There was something to gain, some mass to win, in each one of these. And there was some-body to discourage in each one of these.

LRH: All right. Now once more, once more, we're going to ask you to get the body moving in that direction and when I say "Stop," stop. Okay? Very good. Very good. You feeling all right?

For instance, the baron — he had to be fought. And in the temple there was probably the grand priestess who was an old bag that was just jealous as the devil. She would have had him fried over the nearest sacred fire if she'd found out what was going on in her sacred precincts. You get the idea.

PC: Fine, yeah.

There was an enemy! There was something to be won, some boodle, some loot.

LRH: All right. Good. Get the body moving.

And he'll run a game to such an extent that he believes after a while it is the only method of procuring. Since a thetan would — believes in systematized procuration. He believes in this if in nothing else.

Stop. Very good. Very good. Very good indeed.

How do you get money? You ask a bricklayer how you get money? If he's a good worker, honest fellow, he'll say, "You lay bricks, of course! That's how you get money. Simple. Anybody knows that."

PC: Maybe I'll even be able to run 8-C now.

A fellow who hauls beer, you say, "How do you get money?"

LRH: Well, I'll let you in on something. If you were to run this process on a person that hadn't had — that was having a rough time and you didn't have 8-C flat on them — this looks awful innocent what we're doing up here. But for your particular benefit, just your information .. .

He says, "Well, you haul beer. That's how you get money."

PC: All right.

A banker, "How do you get money?"

LRH: . . . if there's any doubt in your mind about a case, don't run this on them.

And he says, "Well, you'd have to understand banking."

PC:Okay, all right.

But they all have a belief of how you get something. You see? It's a system.

LRH: This process has more beef per square inch than you can shake a stick at even though it's very simple. I'm not asking you to now — to expect anything more from the process than what we're just doing. But I'm just telling you the reason I called you out of the front row is I knew you wouldn't splatter yourself all over the stage.

Now, they get convinced of how you get. It becomes a conviction and you get a system going, a method going and that method thereafter is not particularly departed from. And if the fellow suddenly lost this method, you'll find him going along for a long time not able to recognize any other method.

PC: Thank you.

Now, let's do this, let's offer this fellow who rassles beer trucks and beer barrels all day long a perfectly simple job of laying bricks at three times the pay — much easier work. He won't keep the job. He won't stay with it. Why? It obviously isn't a real method of procuring anything. Do you follow me?

LRH: All right, now, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving over in that direction and when I say "Stop," you stop. Good?

Now, we ask the banker, "Why don't you go out and haul beer if you're having such a bad time with finance and you're not even making wages? There's a job down here; they haul beer."

PC: Good.

"Oh, no!" And he'll give you all sorts of reasons. He'll say it's beneath his dignity. Although I don't know what dignity would possibly obtain in being a banker. You get the idea?

LRH: All right. Get the body moving.

Fellows get these games going.

PC: Okay.

Now, we just think of life and work loosely and quickly, you see, on that sudden basis of, "Well, of course you work to get money."

LRH: Stop. Very, very good! Very good. That's fine. That's fine. Thank you. Thank you.

No, let's think of it on a wider basis. Look at its actual mechanics. The money is simply the boodle, the loot, the gimmick. It's just the havingness of the game. That's all. Everybody holds this havingness in common, therefore, you can have some terrifically complicated, widely agreed-upon games with it.

PC: Okay.

In football it isn't money, it's a piece of leather and rubber, you see, and that's the thing, plus a couple of goal posts in a little area. Now, the havingness of the game also includes, of course, the bodies of your own team. The can't-havingness of the game is just as important as the havingness because that gives you the opponent. The can't-havingness of football is the bodies of other players. They're not supposed to have bodies and you're not supposed to have their bodies! In other words, that's a can't-have situation. Your goal posts are a can't-have situation for them. You see?

LRH: Now, did you stop the body?

Now, money is something we don't consider as a game except loosely. And we say, "Well, all right, they're not supposed to be able to have my money, but I'm supposed to be able to have his money." You get the idea? And the money is the money, but it's just the assignment of ownership on what dollar it is, isn't it?

PC: I did!

Now, "I'm not supposed to have his house. He's not supposed to have my house." You see? "But I have my house and he has his house." And you get the haves and can't-haves involved in the games of being neighbors.

LRH: Good. That's fine. That's fine. All right, now once more, once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I ask you to stop, you stop. Okay? All right. Get the body moving.

Now, the actual weenie or football or boodle or loot in playing the game of neighbors can include lawn mowers, garden sprays, wives, all sorts of things. See?

Stop. Very good, very good, very good. Thank you. Did you stop the body?

And two guys actually will live in a very friendly atmosphere playing the game of being neighbors and playing it as a game. Not really being neighbors, you see, but chop-chop and, "Hello, George. How are you, George? I'd like to borrow your lawn mower."

PC: I did.

"You didn't return it last spring, you know."

LRH: Good. What's . . . How you doing?

"Well, that's all right. I'd like to borrow it anyhow."

PC: Feels flat frankly.

"Well, I haven't got it, you have."

LRH: Feel flat?

"No. I lent you mine." You know?

PC: No, I mean, feels like the process is — has come to the point where I'm stopping my body.

Very involved. Then they can — they can say, "Well, we're enemies today." And then tomorrow, why, you'll find them sitting down friendly as Punch. Why do they make friends again? See, it's an end of game if they don't!

LRH: Well, very good. Very good. Now, you don't mind if we continue the process?

If one had said, "Love thy neighbor," whenever no-game conditions are attained — so if we get enough communication to get the game going again it would have been a very workable statement because that's what people do.

PC: No. No.

You merely said, "You must love your neighbor at all times," you'd have a no-game condition. People would get very unhappy about it and that's a fact. It would be the truth.

LRH: This isn't an invalidation, you know.

You put any of these absolutes into action and you normally get a no-game condition.

PC: Not a bit, no, uh-uh.

Well, you see what this thing is about a game and the havingness of the game? There is havingness in the game.

LRH: They just haven't seen it enough.

Well, there are reverse havingnesses; there are desirable havingnesses and undesirable havingnesses.

PC: All right — never sneak up on a preclear, he said.

Now, a bunch of black masses are desirable just to this degree: You can use them on somebody else! And he did and missed.

LRH: Okay. By the way, do you notice I am touching the preclear's elbow occasionally steadying him down and so on? You'll find that it does maintain ARC after the preclear stops flinching. Don't refrain from doing it these days because it isn't a particularly bad boo-boo. All right, now once more I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop. Okay?

Now, if you actually asked this fellow ... I'll tell you the rationale back of this. It actually succumbs to an interesting test.

PC: Mm-hm.

You say — this fellow with blackness, "All right, now get the idea . . ." Don't make him look at this thetan too long because Conceiving a Static is quite upsetting — they get sick at their stomachs sometimes.

LRH: All right. Get the body moving. Stop! Very good. Very good. Thank you. Thank you. Did you stop it?

You say, "Get the idea of a thetan going along there innocently. Now you drop a big black mass over him. Now, get another idea of a thetan going along there and quickly drop a black mass over him. Another idea, drop a black mass over him. Another thetan, get — drop a black mass over him."

2 PC:Yes, I did.

Now, you'd say offhand that this fellow was mocking up a bunch of new crimes and he's going to suffer from these crimes.

LRH: You just knew you stopped it.

No, the overt act — motivator phenomena is much lower on the Tone Scale and much lower and further below this other games phenomena. It takes place. It occurs.

PC: Mm-hm.

You beat somebody up; you feel beaten up. But that's only from a fellow who is in, really, a good solid no-game condition. He's in bad shape if this overt act — motivator sequence happens. It happens.

LRH: Well, all right. Well, all right. You feeling all right about this?

But up higher on the scale this process works. But even on a low-toned preclear it works, but it's just a higher scale process. All right?

PC: Mm-hm, I am.

He does this for a while — he does this for a while — and he all of a sudden says, "You know, I shouldn't do this. I feel apathetic about those poor little thetans that I'm messing up."

LRH: How are you doing?

He's come up to apathy.


Now, normally we would have stopped before because we would have thought we were driving him down to apathy. Now we ask him to do it some more.

LRH: Well. Good. All right. Now once more let's get the body moving in that direction and when I say "Stop," you stop it. Okay?

You say, "Get the idea of a thetan walking along there. And you drop one of these black masses over his head. And get a thetan over there . . ."

PC: Mm-hm.

If he's very queasy about this, you say, "Get an idea of a thetan perched on that lamp. A thetan over on that picture. A spirit over there someplace.

LRH: You get the command now. When I say "Stop," you stop it.

And you drop this mass on him. And you drop it on him. And you do it to him. And you do it to him."

PC: Right.

All of a sudden he comes up Tone Scale on the thing. He reverts. And his field clears!

LRH: All right.

In other words, you got the game going again and then you did better than that. You didn't put it on a win, you put it on the one thing he was trying to do with it to give it a consistent continuation. And he has achieved a consistent continuation of game. He feels he can now play the game any-time. And you've completely spoiled the obsession to play the game by putting it into a rational games capacity. In other words, you've taken it out of an unknowing condition and put it in a knowing condition.

PC: Mm-hm.

Now, he didn't know he was playing a game. He's just dead in his head, you see. It's an unknowing games condition. He doesn't know about it, where it came from or anything else. Now, you tell him to play that game again — drop a black mass on a thetan and do it again and again and again — he'll tell you, he'll cognite he must have done this at some time or another. You get it into a knowing condition and suddenly, why, he's no longer playing that game.

LRH: Good. Let's get the body moving. Stop. All right. Good. Good. Let's turn it around

You get it into a knowing condition, you give him power of choice of being — over being able to play the game and he is able to play it.

PC: Okay.

Do I make myself very clear?

LRH: All right, now once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving; when I say "Stop," you stop it. Okay?

Audience: Yes.

PC: You desire that I stop at any particular time span following your command?

Well, havingness — havingness, as I say, is the gimmick, the boodle, the reward, the — and in the case of a black mass — the penalty. And it has many sides. That it simply, bluntly and blatantly works is remarkable.

LRH: I desire you to stop when you know you're stopping the body.

You just say — you run everything on the basis of have and you have some small workability.

PC: Okay.

But actually, it has to be selectively run to be very effective. Havingness is really run in this fashion: First dynamic: have. And then all other dynamics of which one does not consider he is a part: can't-have. That's it! That's the rule.

LRH: Got it? When you know you're stopping the body. There isn't any drill here where I expect this to get into a perfectly rigid wham! You see? It'll do that soon enough. Okay.

It's "you have." You see? "It, he, she, they, anything else can't have," and you'll usually be safe.

All right, let's get the body moving.

But when that becomes flat — in other words, when you run "Look around the room and find something you can have" flat, you could then run "Look around the room and find something your body can't have," and that goes flat.

PC: All right.

The next time you say "you," something new and peculiar has happened. Without your differentiating it at all, he says — when you say, "you," he takes himself plus his body. Have you got it? So, you run "self plus body" flat.

LRH: Stop! Did you stop your body?

And then, "Tell me something that your family," you see, "can't have." "Look around the room and tell me something your family can't have." And he selects all this out, and he runs that nicely flat.

PC: I did.

And the next time you say, "you" he takes himself and his family as "you." Got the idea?

LRH: You did. You did stop your body?

So, you say, "Look around the room and find something you can have," he is sort of including into that the whole family and himself and his body and so on.

PC: Yes.

So, you just pick out enemies up the dynamics one way or the other and run can't-haves on those and every time you turn around and run haves on the preclear he has a tendency, just a tendency — he very often would deny that it exists, in which case it isn't flat — to include the dynamics that you have flattened on can't-have as his friends. Got the idea?

LRH: Okay. All right. Now you — are you going a little bit further to make sure that you stopped it?

You make friends right up — right through the dynamics for the guy. You see? By running them out as enemies.

PC: I didn't, but I can.

First, he considers everything in the whole universe, except himself, an enemy. Now that is really a compulsive game condition. There are no friends or anything anywhere.

LRH: No, I'm not asking you to.

Now, people object to this. They say this couldn't possibly be. It is not a natural or a good thing. Well, it's natural, but it's not good because it isn't even a good game condition.

PC: No, I stopped it.

Would you consider it a good game for you all by yourself to be standing up there versus seven other dynamics and everything in them? Pretty good, huh? You going to win that fight or are you going to lose it?

LRH: You stopped it. All right. Now, once more, it's all right if you continue this process a little bit?

Audience: Lose it. Win.

PC: Yep.

Now, that actually, weirdly enough is and becomes almost a total no-game condition.

LRH: Hm? Hm?

Now, how does a guy get into that sort of a thing? How does he get into a total no-game condition? That's by — in an anxiety to have a game, and every thetan has an anxiety to have a game — every one of them does. They're nuts! I mean, it's true. There's something basically wrong with the beast! I've examined him. I say, "What's the matter with you? What've you got to have a game for? You are always in trouble with it."

PC: Yep.

"Yeah," he says, "isn't that what a game is? Ha-ha."

LRH: Is there any — have you — have you recalled any naval marching, and so forth as we have been doing this?

When it gets down to the third dynamic and one is no longer able to operate on any third dynamic at all, one starts to get too much game and it's when one departs from all thirds that he goes below 2.0 on our own Tone Scale.

PC: Which life?

When all thirds are gone, he's below 2.0. In other words, he's in awfully bad shape.

LRH: That's very good.

Now, he is only in an unknowing games condition. Everything is above this level and it is his enemy! The whole world is his enemy.

PC:Yes, I have. Which life? Yeah, I've had all sorts of it.

And then he gets down to an inversion, which is very peculiar to witness. This fellow has been chop-chop, cut-cut, slash-slash and he's been going around and he's been cutting throats and tying up people's clothes when they're in swimming and doing other insidious acts.

LRH: Yes.

And one fine day — one fine day he says, "I've sinned."

PC: Uh-huh.

Well, this thing of "I've sinned" is a recognition that he is suddenly all alone somehow and he makes an effort to get back into the game. But what game is he trying to get into?

LRH: All right.

He's now trying to get into a game where he's offended everybody. Every-body, anywhere, no matter what their race, color, creed, description, form or politics might be is an enemy. He knows that! The other person doesn't know it, but he does. You see?

PC:A lot of it in front of audiences like this.

So, he has to go in and he goes on a very low-scale propitiation. "Please. Won't somebody talk to me?" You see, he really doesn't have very much to offer, so nobody talks to him. You get how this is?

LRH: No kidding?

Now, there's a disgraceful thing, that all insanity, neurosis and mental difficulty, each and every one and all of them, are simply exaggerations of sane actions.

PC: Kind of afraid of those walls.

Get that very clearly. If you don't have that already — it's an old part of Scientology and Dianetics — but if you don't have that, you're missing some-thing; you're missing something there.

LRH: Good. All right. Now, once more. When I ask you to get the body moving, why, you get it moving and when I say "Stop," why, you stop the body. Is that all right?

All you have to do is take one sane quality. You know, a fellow likes to have some candy in his pocket to give kids when he meets them on the street.

PC: Mm-hm.

That's a sane action. See? Exaggerate that on and on and on and on and on and it becomes a psychosis. All he can do is — you see, this psychosis is all he can do is — limitation of, total limitation — all he can do is, is go around and any way he can get some hand — get his hands on some candy and shove it into kids' throats. You see? It's just a slight (it's not even a twist), it's just exaggerating an action and that — he say — you say he's nuts.

LRH: All right, get the body moving. Stop! Okay.

Now, for instance, you and I have an idea that we have something to offer the world or something to do for the world. Well, you see, we have that. We're not obsessed by this in any way. But we believe that this is the case.

All right. Let's turn it around. Good. And once more when I ask you to get the body moving — when I ask, you get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it. All right?

Now, one day — I was just walking down the steps at the HASI the other day and a chap — a chap was walking down with me that we had just cured recently of being Napoleon. And I was thinking about some third dynamic plans that we have that are pretty workable plans. They're all right and — third dynamic organization — and I was getting along okay. And I just got through talking to some people about it and here this fellow says, "You know — you know, Ron, you've got to process me some more."

PC: Right.

I hadn't processed him at all, but this was his tete-a-tete.

LRH: That okay with you? You're doing all right?

"Got to process me some more because with this Suez Canal crisis coming up, I won't know what to say to Nasser. I can do so much for England," he says.

PC: Yep.

It hurts sometimes to talk to these psychos. Because they're playing an insane, fixed version of a perfectly legitimate game.

LRH: All right. I don't expect anything to happen.

See, if there was nobody on Earth who could do anything for the British, they'd be in a hell of a mess. You see, if there was nobody on Earth that could do anything for the American civilization, it would be in an awful mess, too!

PC:Well, I don't but, I'm not sure yet.

I mean, a social service nurse that goes around and knocks on doors is doing something for the whole country, actually, as you build it up, don't you see? But the difference is she is actually doing something! And the psycho never does! He just stands in one place and jitters about this game. See? There's no action involved in it because he must withdraw; it's so dangerous that he must do it, that he — dzuhhh.

LRH: All right. All right.

So, you take any sane manifestation, exaggerate it, it becomes an insane or a neurotic manifestation. Do you follow that closely? So that you might say insanity and neurosis were systems of making a dirty crack at sanity and your ability. In other words, they're an exaggerated method of insult.

PC: A lot already has happened.

A fellow doesn't dare come up to your face and say you're a dog, so he dramatizes something you're doing in a bad way that makes you feel like a dog. You see, he sets an example that he wants you to follow.

LRH: All right. Let's get the body moving.

Now, the direct sensation and manifestation of neurosis and psychosis is very, very easy to understand. All you have to do is process a psychotic — if you could audit him — or a neurotic on this process and you'd have it all set.

PC: Okay.

Have him sit out on a porch or something and look at traffic go by and have him put his peculiar fixation into every person that passes by in the street and after a while he feels better. In other words, you let him continue the game that he must not continue. And so he comes out of it.

LRH: Stop. Good. Good. Fine. All right, turn it around. Now, once more, let's get the body moving. When I say "Stop," stop it. Okay?

You say, "This is an awful dirty trick to play on a bunch of people walking by on the street."

PC: Mm-hm.

Well, where did you get the idea that fellows who went nuts had any horsepower? All they have is agitation and confusion. They don't have horse-power.

LRH: All right, get the body moving.

We speak of the "horrible strength" sometimes possessed by insane people. Ha! It's horrible strength just on the same order that an electric charge or something is a horrible charge — it doesn't happen to have adequate direction in order to do anything.

PC: All right.

If you had this fellow with "horrible strength" out there on the porch having him put "horrible strength" into the people that went by, it would actually fly up and go into roofs and do all sorts of things. It just wouldn't exist. It wouldn't affect anybody.

LRH: Stop! Good. I like that one, two.

The common denominator of all this, by the way, is "thought has no effect on." As a person goes down Tone Scale, his thought does not have an effect on thoughts or masses anymore and these people do not have any power.

PC: I stopped it.

They — you can get quite agitated around them. That's because they've got a bunch of old engrams. Here they are sitting here and then all the way around them you've got this sort of a picture. You come along and you stand there.

LRH: But you did stop it. You know you stopped it.

All of a sudden you feel this — you say, "What's going on here? Makes me uncomfortable to be around that person," you say. You say, "Oh, I feel all right now."

PC: Right.

Why? He's in an engram powerful enough to influence his body and it will influence yours. But all it is, is a rest point surrounded by motion and you get into the motion area. But that is simply a case of his last havingness, his last game, his last havingness.

LRH: All right. All right. You stopped it.

Here he is with some small mass. This motion threatens to take it away from him. He is always on the verge of losing what little mass he has left. Always he's in danger of losing that little, tiny bit of mass. So he has to hold on to that mass.

PC: In fact, I'm rather enjoying that part, because before tonight, I had to stop that way.

Unfortunately, connected to the mass is all this wild motion and confusion and painful reactions which have a total effect on him, you see?

LRH: No kidding.

But he has to hold on to this mass because it's all he's got. He's only surrounded by the Empire State Building, the Atlantic Ocean, New York City and millions of people. See, and he has this little, tiny mass.

PC: Oh Lord, touch a wall. One, two.

In other words, he's got to win. He won this mass in a national contest. He doesn't play that game anymore. He is it! He is the game! He isn't playing a game.

LRH: Is that right?

You make him play this game again and he ceases to be it. In other words, you've got to get him back in a game condition.

PC: They know.

He'll hold on to his wins or loses because these masses are something on the order of the old lady's medals. These masses are the old lady's medals. He says, "Well, I was in a game once. See? See this scar?"

LRH: Yeah, all right. All right, once more, when I ask you to get the body moving, I want you to get it moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it. All right?

"I was in a game once," is all a scar says. Any fellow that scars up easily, by the way, he's been short on games when it happened, to have to keep around the tokens or havingness of the game.

PC: Mm-hm.

Do you know there are fellows that get into automobile accidents and get hurt? Well, that just shows you what a scarcity of automobile accidents they have. They just aren't in enough of them.

LRH: Good. All right, get the body moving. Stop. Did you stop it?

People get into automobile accidents, by the way, because they're not sup-posed to cause them. You follow me? "Don't you dare cause any accidents."

PC: Yes.

You could take any accident-prone, by the way, and give him an old jalopy on a playing field that's rigged up for it and let him run it into a few walls and run it off of things and run it in ditches and turn it over a few times and so forth and he'll say, "Boy!" But it's twice as good if you gave him some levers and signals that he could juggle around and wreck cars. That's a real game, you see — like is played by traffic engineers. Well, anyhow .. .

LRH: Good. Good. That's all right. All right. And you don't mind if we continue this process a little bit?

You might say American traffic is being ruined, stopped and wrecked in order to promote the sanity of a few traffic engineers who were potty before they got the job.

PC: No.

Well, this thing called havingness is the subject of prizes and sometimes, they're — you might say, the prizes and penalties. And sometimes they're prizes and sometimes they're penalties. If the thing the fellow has is a penalty, you want to have him mock it up one way or the other of giving it to somebody else. And if it's a prize, well, you want to mock it up so that he gets it. Do you understand?

LRH: Do you? Audience: No.

In other words, he gets what he considers prizes and you have him put off on somebody else what he considers penalties. But I'll tell you something. You'll just have to consult the preclear as to what's a prize and what's a penalty.

LRH: All right. Now, I'm going to ask you once more to get the body moving, and when I say "Stop," why you stop the body. All right?

Well, I've often said there's just no understanding a thetan. But this is havingness. Havingness is the award or the penalty and in both cases it has mass, actually, bringing him into command of solids in general, bringing him out of an upset about havingness itself or possession.

PC: Right.

Now, the subject of havingness is not the subject, then, of possession. And that which is havingness is not necessarily possessed at all.

LRH: Good. Get the body moving.

This fellow has some crossbow bolts all ready to load and fire. The intention of that havingness is, of course, a penalty in somebody's back. Do you see that? He himself doesn't want the crossbow bolts. He wants the bolts so that another guy can have them.

Stop. Good. All right. That's very, very good. That's very good. Fine. You stopped it, huh?

Now, this is in contradistinction to a pretty girl. He wants the pretty girl so he can have the pretty girl, so the other fellow can't have the pretty girl. And to resolve the problem of women with some man — or men with some woman — you have to run Have and Can't-have. Can't-have on the man's opponents, you see, and Have on women. You see that? And on the girl, if you were trying to get her over upsets and scarcities on this, you would have to run, as far as she's concerned, Have on men and Can't-have on other women.

PC: I stopped it.

It's just as necessary to run one as the other. Now you wonder why these things haven't resolved? They haven't resolved because it — to no great extent have we been totally in possession of the exact facts. We haven't had dossier: thetan, type: Earth 1950, very closely filed until now.

LRH: You know you stopped it that time. Didn't you?

But right at the top of the tag you have havingness and solids as to identification of desire and reason why you have, so he can continue a game that was once an awful lot of fun but got dangerous.

PC:Yes, Sir.

Thank you.

LRH: Your — you have a good certainty.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Are you still worried about something that might happen?

PC: No.

LRH: Did you stop worrying about it just now? You were worrying about it here just a moment ago. That's why .. .

PC:We were talking about it then.

LRH: We were talking about it then.

PC: That was when you promised that nothing was going to happen and I've learned to doubt you.

LRH: All right. All right. Well, I didn't — I didn't particularly want to upset you by carrying you on too far in the process, you see.

PC: No, I don't feel that I have been.

LRH: No, well, that's all right. Okay, well, let's turn the body around and you feel — you feel this is pretty flat?

PC:I don't feel it's as flat as I thought it was about five minutes ago.

LRH: So you think we really ought to continue it a little bit?

PC:I think we can. We can leave it. It's .. .

LRH: It's all right to leave it.

PC:Yeah, it's all right to leave it.

LRH: You don't think we ought to continue it a little bit?

PC: Anytime I can get you to process me, we should go on and on and on.

LRH: Okay. All right.

PC:I'll leave it up to your purposes of demonstration.

LRH: Well, all right. Now, just for the fun of it — just for the fun of it this time, you be very doubly sure that you stopped it. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: Anything that you have to do to make sure that you stopped it is quite important.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. And I'm going to ask you "Get the body moving." When I say "Stop," you stop it. All right? Good. Get the body moving.

Stop. Okay. Did you stop it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. You did do that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. What's the matter?

PC: You're trying to sneak me out of my head, too.

LRH: I wouldn't do a thing like that.

PC: Not the first time.

LRH: Okay, and once more. When I ask you to get the body moving, why, you get it moving; when I say "Stop," you stop it.

PC: Right.

LRH: Good. And this time let's be real sure that you stopped it. That's good. Okay. All right. Get the body moving.

Stop. Very good. Very good. Very good. Did you stop it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Good. Well, fine. That's fine. Fine. And once more, this — when I ask you to get the body moving, you get it moving, when I say "Stop," you stop it. All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Get the body moving. Stop. Good. Did you stop it? PC: Yes.

LRH: Well, very, very good. Very good. There'. nothing wrong with that at all, is there?

PC: No, uh-uh. I'm enjoying it.

LRH: Good. Good. That's fine. That's fine. Of course, you guys think we ought to be doing something else up here. Preclear', still alive.

PC: Lucky!

LRH: But the actuality is — the actuality is what — how are you doing right here?

PC: Very well. I'm — you want me to tell them?

LRH: Yeah. Tell them.

PC: Well, I came up here with twelve or fifteen years, that I'm real certain about in this lifetime — of military experience — eighteen, excuse me. And as I mentioned before when I made a stop, that — my own command or somebody else's — it was more on the military side than I knew about. This is gone now and I can now stop in a military fashion or not, by choice. Also, a lot of stuff has come off that's just ridges, so to speak.

LRH: Hm. Good. Good. That's very good. Now you're — you haven't got a somatic or anything like that?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. All right. Good. Well, you want to do this a few more times?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Well, all right. All right. Now, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it. Okay?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Get the body moving. Stop.Good. Good. Did you stop it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. Very good. Now, once more, once more — we'll do it again. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, when I ask you to get the body moving, you get it moving and then when I say "Stop," you stop it. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: All right. Get the body moving.

Stop. Good. How's that?

PC: Good.

LRH: Did you stop it?

PC: Yes, I did.

LRH: You know you stopped it.

PC: I know I stopped it.

LRH: You know you stopped it very absolutely.

PC: Yes.

LRH: How do you feel about it?

PC: Good.

LRH: Good.

PC: Very pleased.

LRH: You don't feel upset about anything, huh? You did a moment a — about four commands ago there, didn't you, a little bit?

PC: Yeah, uh-huh.

LRH: What did you feel upset about?

PC: I don't know, I was queasy.

LRH: Isn't that interesting.

PC: Huh-ha.

LRH: All right. All right. Well, that isn't really a thorough run on this. But, there is another one that I would like you to do. You want to do this just a couple more times and then switch to the other one?

PC: It's all right to leave this now or we can do it a couple more times.

LRH: Well, is it all right to leave it now?

PC: Yeah. Uh-huh.

LRH: It really is?

PC: Oh, yeah.

LRH: All right. And you're doing all right?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Well, then I'd like to run another process that has to do with the same thing. This process I'm running on you is actually the elementary SCS. There's another one called Stop-C-S which is quite distinctly different. It's not run any differently, but it is run with a bit more violence.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And we're not doing that one.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right.

PC:Saving it.

LRH: Yeah, no, I've not — really been saving one for you.

PC: All right.

LRH: This one this time is Change.

PC: All right.

LRH: Change. We're going to have three spots here. Okay? And one spot, we will call spot A. See. It'd be right in about here — area.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And we're going to have another area over here that we're going to call spot B. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And we're going to have another one over here that we're going to call spot C. And we're going to have another one over here that we call spot D.

PC: All right.

LRH: And it's run this way: I'm going to ask you to change the body's position on command and it will be from that spot to that spot, you see? And then we will do it again and change over to that spot. And we do it again and change over to that spot and so forth. The — to the spot which is called — we won't necessarily do it in a diamond pattern, you see.

PC:Oh, good. A, B, C, D, right?

LRH: It's A, B, C, D. Got it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, let's take on position A here. Now, I'll show you exactly how this is done: Is I will ask you to change the body and actually I will say "When I say change the body, I want you to change the body's position from A to B." That would be it. And when I'd say that, then you would move from here over to here. Now, don't think that I'm considering you a dumb preclear by explaining this.

PC: No, all right.

LRH: That's what we know as changing the body's position from there to there.

PC: Right.

LRH: All right, well, let's take spot A again, and let's really run it this time.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And I'm going to ask you to change the body and when I do that, I want you to change the body's position from A to B. Okay?

PC: Right.

LRH: All right. You got that real flat?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Change the body's position. Good, good, good. You did that very well.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: You do that very well.

All right, now there's spot C over there. Now, when I ask you to change the — change the body, I want you to change the body's position from B to C. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. That's very clear, huh? All right. Change the body. That's good. That's good. Did you do that?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Now, you understand the command, I want you to change this, see?

PC: Yes. It's coming through to me. Yeah.

LRH: Well, I'm saying that — I'm not saying that in criticism of what you're doing. I merely want to punch up the fact that I am asking you .. .

PC: Right.

LRH: . . . to change the body's position. I'm not asking for the body's position to change, not because I would necessarily not, or be able to change the body's position myself. But unless we picked up some awareness with this, at the same time, I'm afraid we could run this all night and you wouldn't have the slightest.

PC: Yes.

LRH: See, power of choice has got to come in here.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, when I ask you to change the body this time, I want you to change the body's position from C to D. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Change the body. Good, good, good.

PC:I did it.

LRH: That's very good. You did it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You did it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You know you did it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, now once more. Once more. Now, when I ask you to change the body I want you to change the body's position from D to A.

PC: Good.

LRH: Okay. All right. Change the body.

Okay. Did you do that?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What's the matter?

PC: Feels different when I do it!

LRH: All right. All right. Now, once more I'm going to ask you to — when I say "Change the body," why, I want you to change the body's position from A to C. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, change the body. Did you?

PC: I did.

LRH: Good, all right. All right, that's very good. Are you doing all right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: I mean, this brings on no dizziness or anything of any character?

PC: Not a bit.

LRH: Because I will guarantee to you, folks, that this is not the most therapeutic of these three commands.

PC:No, it doesn't bother me at all.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC:And I'll tell you if it does.

LRH: Very good, very good, very good. All right. Now, once more I want you to go through this. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: As a matter of fact we can go through it just two more commands.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: And then we've got one to return to that we were doing before.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Now when I ask you to change the body's — change the body, I want you to change the body's position from C to D. Okay? All right, change the body.

That upset you?

PC: No. Not at all.

LRH: All right. Change the body.

Got it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right.

PC: I didn't do that one.

LRH: You didn't do that one?

PC:Uh-uh. I just sort of went along with it.

LRH: Well, you want to do this a couple more times?

PC: All right. Be a good idea.

LRH: All right. Now, this time I'm going to ask you to change the body and I want you to change the body's position from A to C. All right?

PC: Right.

LRH: Good. All right. Change the body. Did you?

PC: Yes, I did.

LRH: Oh, you did! All right, now this time I'm going to ask you to change the body, and I want you to change the body from C to A. Okay?

PC: Okay. Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, change the body.

Good. How's that?

PC: Fine. Feel good.

LRH: That was pretty good, huh?

PC:Yeah. I did it.

LRH: You did it. You did that real good.

PC: Yes, I did.

LRH: Well, all right now, do you suppose we could consider that flat?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Huh?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: We can knock off that particular process. Is it all right with you if I make a few remarks to the audience concerning the process?

PC: Certainly.

LRH: Okay. Now, that in essence is simple SCS. It's very simple. You would run it at the beginning of a session to get the preclear in-session.

Now the funny part of it is, if I asked Carl right now whether or not the auditing room was more real to him, I could tell you pretty sure what he'd answer.

PC: Yes!

LRH: Uh-huh. Very definitely.

PC:It's real real. I'm here.

LRH: You're here, and is your auditor a little more .. .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: . . . squared around? How about you? You're here.

PC:I feel quite a sense of elation .. .

LRH: Good!

PC:. . . from knowing that I have run the body once in a while.

LRH: All right, all right, all right! In other words, in addition to starting a session which is the basic use of Start, Change and Stop — which is run in almost any order, except Stop first. You wouldn't run SCS with Stop first. That makes it a different process entirely — we then have been able to start a session. Do you see this? We have a preclear in good shape then. And we could run him very easily on processes which he ordinarily might not get much gain on, you see? And we could just run that to start a session with, to get a session started.

Now, you understand that it's awfully good as a sort of an 8-C, but it's an introverted process. It is not an extrovert process at all. 8-C is an extrovert process. Walk over to the wall and touch it. You know, that's a wall! That isn't what he's doing at all. He's walking a body around here, and he's actually right up against the bank when he's doing this. See that? He had marching and all kinds of things mixed up in that.

Well, there are other processes to run. You could have him run processes of a very modern nature, yeah, after this. But the preclear would be sufficiently in-session so that if anything happened untoward, the auditor would have no great difficulty snapping him back into session again. Do you follow that? He wouldn't have a lot of difficulty snapping him back into session again because the preclear already knows he is running the body. He isn't under some kind of a quasi belief that the auditor is stuck in his head, too. You see this? It's kind of the way it feels.

All right, now that would be the process I would recommend to you to start your sessions with. Got that very clearly? I would recommend that process to you on any preclear to start the sessions with. And I'll show you a couple of minor points here — is it all right? And these are simply this.

We walk with the preclear. You see this. We walk along with the preclear. We don't let him get too far ahead of us. You see that? In other words, don't get that terminal too far apart, see? Another thing, we touch the preclear every now and then. Because we have to keep the preclear slightly extroverted. We make him aware of the auditor by tactile. Now a lot of preclears — go ahead and flinch. That's too good a flinch! Much too good a flinch!

Now, let me show you something. Did you notice that even though he went away from me I still kept hold of his elbow?

Now, jerk the elbow away and say that you don't like people touching you.

PC: I don't like people touching me.

LRH: Oh, well, that's all right. PC: You won't get far!

LRH: Well, I know, but — that's one of the things that happens with this process. You really get over that sort of thing, you know? Smooth, huh?

PC: Smooth as butter.

LRH: But, I'll tell you something. If your preclear continues to have a tactile difficulty with you as the auditor, he hasn't got an auditor. Follow me? If a preclear is always afraid that the auditor is going to touch him in some little fashion, what do you think he thinks about his bank and the auditor touching it? He's going as far as his mind is concerned — flinch, flinch. You see? And he finds out that he doesn't get bitten, but he also finds out that he doesn't get loose.

That's right, isn't it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: The way you handle that is although you touch him on the elbow, you will find that there is a bending joint on the elbow right there, and even though he can jerk a little bit out of it so you don't want to crush him, you're right there again, because he can't jerk his arm very fast that way. He has a tendency to have to turn his body in order to get free from you, do you see? So this is just a little interesting point.

Another thing is, is why do you walk with a preclear? To give the auditor exercise, of course. No, there's an actual fact — there's an actual fact connected with it. I'll show you something.

All right, walk there. That's good. Walk there. Good. Walk there.

You don't like that, do you?

PC: Uh-uh. No! There's been a change.

LRH: Been a change, hasn't it!

PC: Yes.

LRH: Look at that! Why? There's no mimicry! You see? No mimicry at all. And so, there really is no good communication between the auditor and the preclear.

Did I ruin you completely by doing that?

PC: No.

LRH: Actually, if you did that to somebody who was real flighty, they would get real flighty.

All right, now listen.

PC:Yes, Sir.

LRH: I want to show them another process .. .

PC:"Sir," I said it too.

LRH: Huh?

PC:I said, "Sir."

LRH: Oh, that's good, that's good. That's all

All right. This I am going to show them is Stop-C-S. You don't run "C" until Stop is flat. If you — this won't happen to you — but if you had to scrape your preclear off the ceiling or something as a result of doing this, remember Ron said, "Take Indoctrination before you run Stop-C-S," okay? I think some of the HGC auditors over there will tell you something about this since I think they've had two or three blowups here that they have handled very adequately. You understand, when the preclear blows up in this, he would blow up anywhere — sometime. But he blows up — he gets it over with and he practically blows Clear, because he comes out of the central engram he's held in.

Well, we're not trying to do that to you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: But...

PC: I know you're encouraging me — you're discouraging me.

LRH: No, no I'm not trying to encourage you to do anything. I'm just telling these characters that I've — I'm being a good guy and I'm showing them a very recent process.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And I'm also hanging a little tag on it that says "Danger, 10,000 volts."

PC: Body?

LRH: "Call the undertaker." No, I don't think it will kill anybody if you're a good auditor.

All right. This is Stop-C-S. PC: Right.

LRH: And when I ask you to get the body moving, I want you to get the body moving over there. And when I ask you to stop the body, you stop it as still as you can, as quick as you can and hold it absolutely still.

Audience: Phew!

LRH: You got it?

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: You got it.

PC:Yeah, as quick as I can, as still as I can and hold it absolutely still.

LRH: That's right!

PC: All right.

LRH: That's right.

PC: And I do it.

LRH: You do it!

PC: All right.

LRH: You do it. All right. Now, you got it? All right. Now, all I'm going to tell you is just "Stop."

All right, get the body moving.

Stop. That's right, that's right. Did you do it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Did you manage it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Is the heart still beating?

PC: I didn't go into those minor details.

LRH: Oh, well. We'll get into this in a minute. All right, all right. It's okay, it's okay. You did well, you did well. All right, now I want you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quick as you can — you doing it. And hold it absolutely still. Okay, you got that?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, get the body moving. Stop. Okay, how was that?

PC: I don't know what happened to the heart that time.

LRH: You don't, huh. Were you satisfiedthough the body was still?

PC:Yeah. I have a reservation here.

LRH: What?

PC: If you stop me off balance I'm not going to freeze and fall. In other words, if you said "Stop" when I was like so, oh, Jesus!

LRH: Well, these are your own considerations. I mean I'm not — I'm just saying — just--no responsibility, no responsibility. Okay, all right. Now once more .. .

PC: Really.

LRH: Let's go through that same one. Allright, get the body moving.

Stop. Good. Well, how do you think you did that time?

PC: Pretty well.

LRH: Pretty well.

PC: I'm not ready to hang it there off balance yet.

LRH: Oh, do you understand there might be a possibility that you could?

PC:Yeah, definitely.

LRH: You all of a sudden recognized that.

PC:That was last time, this was that light I was turning on.

LRH: Oh, I see. He recognizes that you might stop a body that way without falling on its face. That's pretty good.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: That's pretty good. All right. Once more I'm going to ask you to get the body moving, you get it moving, and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quick as you can and hold it absolutely still. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Good, good. All right, get the body moving.

Stop! Okay, how's that?

PC: Kind of shaky.

LRH: Oh, it was shaking.

PC:No, it's quivering slightly.

LRH: Quivering.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right.

PC: Apparently it was a lot of effort tied into it.

LRH: That's an interesting thing. I don't care how much effort goes into it. You don't either. I mean, so what? What do you think about it? Is your critical level on how still "still" is, is suddenly risen. Is that right? Is that what's happening?

PC: Something in here. Yeah. Ten minutes ago, I would have said that I'd stopped four times and my body was getting tired of holding itself but now I doubt it.

LRH: Yeah? All right, all right, all right.

Once more let's get the body moving and when I say "Stop," why, you stop — you stop the body as quick as you can and know that you stopped it of course, and hold it absolutely still. Okay?

All right. Get it moving.

Stop! Good, it's good. That's good. Did a little better that time.

PC: Mm-hm. Yeah. My eyeballs stopped twitching, too.

LRH: All right, all right. Let's try it again.

PC: All right.

LRH: Let's try it again. Okay. That's real good. Now once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving, when I say "Stop," why, you stop it as quick as you can and hold it absolutely still. All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. What's the matter.

PC: I'm thinking of Elizabeth.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: New Jersey.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: What about it?

PC: Oh, some conversations were going through my mind, frankly. I'm back now.

LRH: What was the matter? What about them?

PC: Oh, it was a whole string of stuff came off there on Dianetics.

LRH: What was it? What did it connect with?

PC: Oh, para-Scientology these days — para-Dianetics in those days.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Two pencils, a train went by, a conversation we had at breakfast the other day or lunch the other day.

LRH: Good. Swish, swish.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Well, all right. Well, all right. Okay. You all set now?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Let's get the body moving. Stop! Okay. How are you making it?

PC: Good.

LRH: Was that better?

PC:Yes, it was. Uh-huh.

LRH: All right, all right. Good, good, good. All right, once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quick as you can — knowing you stopped it — and hold it absolutely still. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, we can actually consider that a sort of a condensed command, can't we? When you stop it as quick as you can, you also stop it as still as you can.

PC: Right.

LRH: Got the idea?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, get it moving.

Stop! Okay, all right, all right. Did you do it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You did it. That's a boy, that's a boy. You got a quiver on it?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Coming up.

LRH: Yeah?

PC:A little stronger. I .. .

LRH: The quiver is stronger .. .

PC:. . . see, I feel a little quiver in the right knee there.

LRH: ... the quiver is stronger?

PC: Yes.

LRH: Oh, no.

PC:Oh, yes.

LRH: Now look, if you think I'm trying to get you to blow or do something like that just for the audience benefit, I'm not.

PC: No, I know it.

LRH: I'm not. But I will tell you confidentially, that preclears sometimes sit on a rest point surrounded by a lot of motion, and they sometimes come off of them. I don't know what happens when they come off of them but you're .. .

PC: I'm in good hands. LRH: You're in good hands.

PC: All right, okay.

LRH: All right, all right, once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it. Okay? All right. Does a naval valence have anything to do with this?

PC: No, not much navy here.

LRH: Not much navy — what is here?

PC: While you were talking then, I had quitea pain coming up through here.

LRH: Is that right?

PC: Not to mention any old spear wounds. It feels a hell of a lot like it.

LRH: All right.

PC:I won't go into details.

LRH: All right. Now, once more let's go through the same one. All right? Get the body moving, and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quick as you can and hold it absolutely still. Actually, I might even amend the auditing command there if it'd make better sense to you. Does it make good sense to you?

PC:Yeah. It seems to be perfectly fine.

LRH: All right, good. Well, get the body moving.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Stop. All right, how was that?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Did you make it better?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right.

PC: Also getting more used to the command.

LRH: Mm-hrn.

PC: Uh — up till now I've been stopping and holding it waiting for a command to let go.

LRH: Oh!

PC: I wasn't recognizing your okays and that sort of thing.

LRH: Oh, an acknowledgment suddenly hit. Good.

PC: Fine.

LRH: Good.

PC: Fine.

LRH: Good.

PC: Wonderful!

LRH: All right.

PC: That's what you mean, huh!

LRH: Yeah, that's what I mean. All right nos again, let's get the body moving and when I say "Stop," why, you stop it as quickly as you can and hold it absolutely still. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, good. Just make sure you're doing it. You know? Understood? You understand that if you have to move a little further to make sure you're doing it, that's all right with me.

PC: Yeah, okay.

LRH: All right, get the body moving. Stop! Okay. How was that?

PC: Good, much better.

LRH: Better? How's the quiver?

PC:It's the other knee.

LRH: Oh, it's the other knee!

PC:It isn't the quivering — it's just a shock ii back.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Balance, I don't know.

LRH: All right, all right.

Okay, you understand what we're doing up here?

Audience: Yes! Yeah!

LRH: You know what we're doing?

Audience: Yeah.

LRH: Do you really know what we're doing?

PC: Aren't they lucky.

Audience: No.

LRH: What do you think the common denominator of every accident that a guy has ever been in is?

Audience: Stop.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Stop.

LRH: He depends on the physical universe to stop him all the time, doesn't he?

Audience: Yeah.

LRH: So he loses control of stop, doesn't he?

Audience: Yeah.

LRH: Because stop is bad, isn't it?

Audience: Uh-huh. Yeah.

LRH: Yet stop is part of start, change and stop, which is the three factors of control, isn't it?

Audience: Yeah. Yes.

LRH: How do you expect a guy to control anything if he can't stop things?

Audience: You can't.

LRH: All right — let's get to work.

Okay, now once more. Did that bother you?

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: All right. Let's get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quickly as you can and hold it that way. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. What's the matter, you got atummy diaphragm hitting you?

PC: No — it's through there.

LRH: It's still through there? You've still got the same somatic.

PC: Right.

LRH: Hey, look, are you slacking off on the amount of effort you're using on that stuff?

PC: No.

LRH: You're not, you're not at all, huh? All right, good. If it takes effort, you know, it takes effort.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. All right, get the body moving Stop! Okay, how was that?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Did you do it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You did it.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Still got a somatic?

PC: Mm, barely.

LRH: Barely! Oh, you mean something's happening to the somatic? Aw, this is bad. You'll have to — have to invent some somatics.

PC: I think I have.

LRH: All right. Once more, let's get the body moving, when I say "Stop," you stop it, and having done so, why, make sure that the stop is sufficient so the body is absolutely still. You know, that's what I mean.

PC: After I make the stop, I check to make sure it's still.

LRH: That's right, that's right. Would you do that? I'm not — I'm changing the auditing command just a little bit but I'm just trying to communicate a better understanding.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right, let's get the body moving. Stop! Okay, how's that?

PC: I didn't check afterwards.

LRH: You didn't check.

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: Well, that's all right, all right. Let's try it again.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Let's try it again, let's do the same thing only let's make sure we check.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, get the body moving.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Stop! All right. All right, you did it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You did it. Body seemed stiller than it was?

PC:Yes it did. Actually it's very difficultfor me at least, to check — use a mentalprocess immediately after making ahard stop. Ughhhhh! Why not!

LRH: Why not!

All right. Well, let's just do this a couple of more times. How's that somatic?

PC: Faint but there.

LRH: Faint but there. Well, now listen.

PC:It's standing still that gives it to me.

LRH: You really object to stopping the session after a couple of more times.

PC: No, I don't.

LRH: Standing still gives it to you?

PC: Yeah, I'm suspicious of what we've been stopping.

LRH: Oh!

PC:No, it's lack of effort I think.

LRH: Lack of effort.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: You have a curiosity about what's wrong?

PC: No, uh-uh. I'm cur — I have a curiosity about what it is but not the detail of an incident or anything.

LRH: Well, all right. All right. Now I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop it as quickly as you can, and hold it absolutely still. Got it?

PC: You want me to check this now?

LRH: Yes, and I sure want you to check it so you're satisfied. All right, let's get the 6body moving.

Stop! All right, what you got?

PC: After you stop it you don't need effort anymore.

LRH: Interesting, isn't it?

PC:Yes, it is.

LRH: Interesting, yes! All right, well now, how's the somatic?

PC:A little heavier than it was last time.

LRH: Oh! Heavier! That's all right. We can take care of that.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, now once more let's — we'd better run it, oh, about three, four more times, huh?

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, now once more, let's get the body moving; when I say "Stop," why, you stop it as quickly as you can, and hold it absolutely still and find out if you did. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right, let's get the body moving. Stop! How'd that seem to you?

PC:I did it.

LRH: You did it. You did it all right.

PC: And actually, this period of seconds

after I stopped, the somatic is completely gone.

LRH: And now, it's back again.

PC: Very — less — at a lesser rate however.

LRH: Well, all right. Let's do that again. I'm going to ask you to get the body moving, and when I say "Stop" .. .

Do you know why I'm repeating this auditing command to him every time? Do you know why?

Audience: No. Why?

LRH: Because it's a new instant of time. We're not running a session dependent upon the first command I gave him.

PC: We couldn't run this with one command.

LRH: That's right. It'd go blooey.

All right. Now, let's get the body moving and when I say "Stop," you stop, and then hold it absolutely still. All right? Good, let's get the body moving.

Stop! Okay, all right, all right. You did — you doing better on it?

PC: Oh, yeah.

LRH: You've still got a somatic, I suppose.

PC: No.

LRH: It's gone down, it's gone down appreciably. All right, let's do it a couple of more times.

PC: All right.

LRH: I think we've got three more coming on this.

PC: Okay.

LRH: We just may. All right now, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving — I want you to get it moving. When I ask you to stop, why, you stop, and hold it absolutely still. Stop it as quickly as possible and hold it absolutely still. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, now, let's get the body moving. Stop! All right, how's that?

PC: Okay.

LRH: Pretty good? Pretty good? All right now once more, once more, I'm going to ask you to get the body moving, and when you get the body moving, I will say "Stop" somewhere along the line and when I say "Stop," I want you to stop the body as quickly as possible and hold it absolutely still. And then sort of check it to make sure you did it. Okay?

All right, good. Now, let's get the body moving.


PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. How was that?

PC: All right.

LRH: How's the self-critical factor here. You're doing better?

PC:Yeah, I think so.

LRH: No quiver?

PC: No, the quiver's been gone for four or five times.

LRH: Just been gone, huh. How's the somatic?

PC: Very faint.

LRH: Too faint, huh?

PC: I don't — I don't think a few more would do it any good .. .

LRH: Oh, you think it's stuck now. Well, let's see — we did one, two; we got one more, one more.

All right. Now I'm going to ask you to get the body moving and when you get the body moving, I'm going to ask you to stop and when I say "Stop," I want you to stop the body as quickly as you can and then hold it absolutely still. Then check it and find out if you did it. Okay?

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right, get the body moving. Stop!

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: You did it. All right, how are you feeling?

PC: Good.

LRH: Doing all right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Doing all right?

PC: Really am.

LRH: Okay, still got a somatic?

PC: Faint.

LRH: Faint somatic. Oh, all right. You're not having too rough a time of it.

PC: No, no — it's gone — it's gone.

LRH: Oh, no, no we're not worried about the people.

PC: All right.

LRH: Preclear, you're doing all right, though?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You still got a little somatic?

PC: Yes.

LRH: You got any tummy quiver?

PC: No.

LRH: Just a somatic goes with this.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, can we consider this — it isn't and it wouldn't be for another ten to fifteen hours of processing — but you can consider this momentarily flat.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Momentarily flat, and you don't think it would be of any vast disturbance if we knocked it off. Huh?

PC:Oh, not a bit, no.

LRH: You're doing all right.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: You mind if we run another little process which is a cute little gimmick process; it goes about five minutes. Huh?

PC: Sure.

LRH: Would you like to do that?

PC:Love to.

LRH: All right. Now, hand me his chair.

Okay, now I want you to sit down there. Would you please?

PC: Surely.

LRH: Okay. All I want you to do — this is a — this is a kind of a funny looking process and they're going to laugh like hell, but I want you to do this process anyway. You see we've got a little somatic and I want to clean it up fast.

PC: Okay.

LRH: See? And we're going to run a little process that's known as Curiosity.

PC: Okay.

LRH: And the only reason we're running Curiosity at all — don't you people do this by the way, just the preclear, you understand? The only reason we're going to do this is just to maybe knock out the somatic slightly.

PC:All right.

LRH: Or make it so horrible that you won't be able to sleep all night. No telling.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right, now I want you to — actually what happens is I'm going to wiggle my hand, and I'm going to ask you to become curious about what I'm doing.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Got it? I'm going to ask you to become curious about what I'm doing. That's all there is to it.

PC: All right.

LRH: You just manage a curiosity about what I'm doing. Is that okay?

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Did you?

PC: Yep.

LRH: Did you really become curious about it?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, how's that?

PC: Good!

LRH: Good. All right, now I'm going to ask you to become curious about this motion, and you do so. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right.

PC: Okay.

LRH: You did that?

PC:Yeah. You know, this is not flattering to the auditor. This is not flattering to you.

LRH: Why?

PC: To my curiosity — why would any so-and-so do a thing like that?

LRH: Pretty good! Pretty good.

PC:It's good for somatics too.

LRH: That's very good. Huh?

PC:It's good for somatics too.

LRH: What happened to the somatic?

PC:It's gone completely.

LRH: No kidding.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: Well, all right! Why should we worry about this.

PC: I'm through, if you are.

LRH: You all right then?

PC: Yeah, thank you very much.

LRH: Okay. Well, do you consider you've hadany benefit from this session?

PC: Yes, I do, very much so.

LRH: You do. Do you think that they had any benefit from it?

PC: I don't even give a darn.

LRH: End of session. End of session.

You'll have to give the man his chair back.

Well, that's it. That's Stop-C-S you just saw. Now, some of you who are new to Scientology might think that there was very little significance in this or that it smacked of drill parades or it smacked of something. But, by golly, there's one thing it doesn't smack of — mental healing. Primarily because it's very effective.

This little gadget — you want to turn off somebody's little somatics or stomach quivers, something like that, why, just tell him, "Become curious about it," and flap your hands at him, and it'll go.

Male voice: Sure will!

Ah, yeah well, I didn't have much to talk to you about this evening so I kind of filled in.

Thank you very much.