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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- AESP - How to Do It - BTB070313 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS AESP – HOW TO DO IT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Ron’s Org
13 March 2007


It is very important for a Dianetics Auditor to have a good Running Item to run a Dianetics chain to its EP. There are some bulletins and Tapes of L. Ron Hubbard where he mentions it. Those are:

This bulletin is written to make it easier for a new student to grasp the subject and to drill it.

HCOB 19 July 69: “The correct auditing action on “bronchitis” or “chest trouble” or “migraine headache” or any other continual worrisome illness is to continue to find somatics, sensations, feelings, emotions or even attitudes in the area affected and run their chains.

“It takes more than one chain of engrams to build up an ill area.

“Having found and run the “deflated feeling” of bronchitis, which was the first best read, the C/S should order and the auditor find and run the next somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion or attitude in that area.

“It is sometimes necessary to add to the list for that area of the body.

“Seeing a continual or recurring illness on the Health Form the C/S and auditor should dig out of that area every somatic, sensation, feeling, emotion and attitude that can be made to read and run those chains, each one to basic and erasure.”

HCOB 26 April 69: “There are a thousand different descriptive words that could add up to a feeling. Pain, aches, dizziness, sadness – these are all feelings. Awareness, pleasant or unpleasant, of a body is what we are trying to run in Dianetics.

“We ask for and follow down only feelings. Those can be aches, pains, sensations, misemotion – any feeling.

“When the pc says some mere symptom like “headache” or medical term like “arthritis” the auditor writes it down but also asks, “What is the feeling of that?” or some such question and writes what the pc then says and only assesses the feeling stated.

“Example: Pc says a complaint is “Sinusitis”. The auditor writes it down. But asks also for the feeling of it. The pc says, “A burning sensation in the nose.” In assessing the list the auditor does not call out “Sinusitis.” He says, “A burning sensation in the nose.” And marks down its meter read.”


AESP stands for “Attitudes”, “Emotions”, “Sensations” and “Pains”. When there is a C/S “AESP Sinusitis” then the auditor is expected to list for a Running Item that he can use to run a chain.

Normally the auditor starts with the first of those four items and begins with listing. Note: this is not Listing and Nulling. You are just listing down to a good reading item, at the minimum a Small Fall, better a Fall or even better a Long Fall.

Example: The auditor will list first for “What attitudes are connected with sinusitis?” The pc will now give all kind of attitudes that are connected with sinusitis. It is important that the auditor takes only somatics which are real Running Items and not an Original Item*Original Item: the Original Item is a condition, illness, accident, durg, alcohol or medicine, etc. that has been given by the pc to the auditor. . It must really point out what the pc is feeling. The auditor should help the pc by directing him to say what he is really feeling; the pc must describes the attitude. Of course the auditor would never offer the pc an item by stating a wording for him. But he is supposed to engage the pc to give items.

If the pc is giving a reading Original Item the auditor asks the pc to describe it to get a real Running Item. A non-reading Original Item he would just note down and continue with the action.

The C/S can change the sequence of AESP or even omit one or two of the items if they are not appropriate to the Original Item. A C/S can consider it helpful to have additional items to the AESP and write a C/S accordingly. However, that does not change the procedure and the Dianetics Auditor doesn’t need to know any more about it.

The auditor is not expected to deplete the question for somatics fully in the first assessment (“What attitudes are connected with sinusitis?”) but should only take it down to a good reading item. As soon as he has a good reading Running Item he is supposed to run that item immediately, without any session break.

Flow 1 is never checked for a read because the read on the item implies that it is charged on Flow 1.

Flow 2 or any other Flow can be run in a later session but if possible it should be run in the same session. The auditor always carefully notes any item run in the Full Flow Table (Dianetic Flow Table).

After having handled the item it is not really mandatory to handle a Running Item with a Small Fall but it can be done. It is better that he should list the question “What attitudes are connected with sinusitis?” anew.

After the auditor has depleted the first item of the AESP – Attitudes – he takes the next one: Emotions. He then handles all Running Items he can find on that, then Sensations, then Pains.

The auditor repeats that procedure until the Original Item is handled.

The main stress lies in getting the pc to formulate his somatic. The auditor has to note that this is not a rote procedure at all and he has to help the pc by coaxing him to formulate it. He should use questions like “How do you perceive it?” “What exactly do you feel?” “How would you word that attitude in a different way?” “Describe to me that attitude as it appears to you”, etc.

Note that there is a possible liability that the auditor might evaluate for the pc. If so, that has to be flunked by the coach (in a drill) and pinksheeted (in a session) by the C/S consequently.

Although AESP for an item is normally a short action it can take some time and the auditor should not hesitate to take the time for to list for a good item.

Max Hauri