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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- D of P Form - Check Type One - P610425 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Форма Проверки Первого Типа, Проводимой Начальником Отдела Процессинга (КРО-4) (ц) - И610425-1 | Сравнить

CHECK TYPE ONE HCO WW Form CT1 Adjudication Recommendation to Auditor
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Assn Sec HCO Sec D of P All Staff Auditors Mimeo Directions: Mimeo whole report as a Policy Letter. Then mimeo the form separately for D of P. Then have it letterpressed on flimsy paper.


(Rewritten, Modifies HCO Policy Letter March 31, 1961)

In view of improved technology and the fact that I’ve found there aren’t enough questions to produce a tone arm shift in D of P’s Check Type One, I have rewritten it as follows. Destroy the first issue of it and use this Check Type One instead.



Pre-Intensive interview and Pre-Goals Assessment Check.

Before the preclear is audited in an intensive where SOP Goals may be employed the following check sheet is filled out by the D of P and passed by pc before a Goals assessment is made.

Name of Pc_____________ Date_____________

Location of HGC_____________

The Pc is put on the Meter.

TA Reading_____________ Sensitivity Reading_____________

The following statement is read to the pc: “You are about to receive Scientology Auditing. I am_____________ (name) Director of Processing of the

Hubbard Guidance Centre. Your auditor’s name is_____________ All I am going to do here is check your case. I am not auditing you. Your auditor will do that. We are your friends. We want you to make the fastest possible gains. Now please answer the following questions.”

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Have you ever received mental treatment of any kind?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

How do you feel about help?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you wish to attain the state of release?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Does any of your family oppose Scientology?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

How do you feel about control?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Are you prepared to answer your auditor truthfully when he or she asks you questions about your past?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Would you be embarrassed if we found out all about you?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you realize you will prevent yourself from being released if you withhold information from your auditor?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you realize that if you indulge in alcohol at any time during the intensive you will slow down the results?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you understand that if you get insufficient sleep each night you will have a harder time in processing?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Is it clear to you that you should not stay with antagonistic persons or restimulative people while getting your processing?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Character Do you know you should eat breakfast each morning before being audited? TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you understand you could add three hundred percent or more to the time it takes to clear you by withholding data from your auditor?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Do you know we will do our best for you?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Are you aware that you are one of the people selected to become clear?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Will you cooperate with us in every way you can to achieve that goal?_____________ TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

“That is the last of these questions. Is there anything you would care to know before we end this check out?_____________

TA_____________ Needle Character_____________

Thank you. Best of luck in your auditing. You may go now.”


Total TA Motion (TA Dial Divs) Average Character of needle __________

If average sensitivity knob was above 1.5 to get a 3rd of a dial drop (regardless of TA motion), run a Change Process.

If answers didn’t make sense, run CCHs.

If needle was sticky and Tone Arm moved less than 1 division of TA dial during questioning, run Change Process.

If TA moved at least 1 division of TA dial, begin SOP Goals. If puzzled or in doubt, run a Change Process.

Recommendation to Auditor

CCHs __________ Change Process SOP Goals

If CCHs, return for check without pc. Run until pc is intelligible. If Change Process, run all but 1/8 of a TA division out of the TA motion and then return for ok to do SOP Goals before starting on SOP Goals.

If SOP Goals, do all Assessments and return for Check Type Two when done.

Signed_____________ D of P.

Use new check type one sheet for every D of P Check on above. Include this sheet in pc folder.
