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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Marketing Hat (MKT-3, PR-33R) - P770101RA79 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Шляпа Сотрудников Отдела Маркетинга (МАРК-3) (ц) - И770101RA79 | Сравнить
- Шляпа по Маркетингу (МАРК-3) - И770101RA79 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 770101 - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL082-001]
- 770101 - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL082-002]
- 770101RA - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL034-041]
- 770101RA - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL036-050]
- 770101RA - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL046-047]
- 770101RA - HCO Policy Letter - Marketing Hat [PL053-002]
CONTENTS MARKETING HAT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo (Revisions in this type style)
(Re-revised 29 August 1979 to include Marketing Purpose and reissued as part of the Marketing Series.)
Marketing Series 3
PR Series 33R


The Marketing Bureau motto is CREATE WANT!

The PURPOSE of marketing is to CREATE WANT and to SELL SOMETHING. That includes selling something that can be delivered.

The keynotes of any marketing action are

1. Search around and find what there is to sell. Get very full lists.

2. Pick one item.

3. Find out all about it.

4. Find any past history of it or any similar item in sales.

5. Survey the item on a variety of publics to find out

a. Which public will buy it

b. What that public wants, needs or would demand

c. Any past surveys on it or a similar item

d. Do a positioning survey per HCO PL 30 Jan. 1979, Reissued 30 Aug. 1979, Marketing Series 5, PR Series 30, POSITIONING, PHILOSOPHIC THEORY.

6R. A. Use the survey results to position (particularly 5d).

B. Use the remaining survey results to write the copy, keeping in mind that your positioning dominates it.

7R. Write a sales campaign including what want it fulfills (by survey) and what the key buttons are for that public chosen (by survey). Include fliers, info sheets, ads, material for salesmen of it, order forms. Use graphic design which forwards the positioning and use the positioning in the surveys in all issues regarding the campaign. “The Basics of Marketing Stable Data” has to be applied heavily at this point to all issues, ads and campaigns. (See HCO PL 7 Feb. 1979R, Rev. 3 Sept. 1979, Marketing Series 7, PR Series 31 R, THE BASICS OF MARKETING.)

8. Design or get designed and laid out the items in the sales campaign.

9. Get them printed (or placed, when ads) according to the design.

10. Write a full program for the item’s release whether new or old.

11. Assure a supply of the item can be gotten for selling at the points it will be sold.

12. Release the campaign.

13. Adjust and handle any bugs in any points above.

14. Arrange a continuation of the campaign so that it is not just a “one-shot” action but will go on and on, such as distribution and continued issue of the literature.

15. Keep a visible record of the successes of the campaign week to week and be prepared to correct, review or restart the campaign whenever it falters.

16. While working on the above, during the wait periods, pick another item and go through all steps for it as above.

17. Keep each item’s checklist (as per this PL) in a folder for that item which contains all marketing actions. All pertinent papers, work and work copies to be filed in this folder with all results as they continue to come in.

18. Review folders from time to time to evaluate them and restart them or reinforce them.

19. Do not leave any stone unturned to find old or new items that could be marketed.

20. Do not fall for needing new items only or pushing only the new and realize that volume selling of everything you have is the way to market successfully, and that you have to keep on selling anything in order to get a large constant gross.

21. Be a high-volume success!

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