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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals - B590819 | Сравнить
- To a Roman Catholic - B590819 | Сравнить

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- Как Справляться с Работой - Б590819 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B023-142]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B035-100]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B084-017]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B113-012]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B133-051]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit - Finding Terminals [B139-002]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Handle Work [B023-136]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Handle Work [B023-137]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Handle Work [B035-098]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Handle Work [B084-018]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - To a Roman Catholic [B023-138]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - To a Roman Catholic [B035-099]
- 590819 - HCO Bulletin - To a Roman Catholic [B133-048]
CONTENTS TO A ROMAN CATHOLIC Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

HAS Co-Audit – Finding Terminals


If the instructor switches around terminals endlessly on a HAS Co-audit course, then you have nothing but rising needles left on these cases. It is necessary to get the very first terminal that dropped on the pc and convert it to a general form and run that terminal with a Communication Process until the terminal is again reading on the tone arm at male or female clear (depending on the sex of the pc, not the terminal) and stays there.

In Ireland, where we had an office for some years, the problem of processing persons of the Catholic faith was thoroughly worked out and the Church did not consider itself interested in the matter of auditing Roman Catholics and did not restrain any from being audited when Roman Catholics asked permission to be. Indeed Scientology is closer to the ”Faculty Psychology” of the Church in the sixteenth century than modern psychology is. Modern psychology is not accepted by the Church because it considers man to be an animal with no soul. Scientology not only accepts but can prove than man does have a soul. Saint Thomas Aquinas is an early forerunner of Scientology. Scientology is not an heretic religion and demands no belief or faith and thus is not in conflict with faith. Several monsignors of the Church have been interested in Scientology and have approved of our activities. The late Pope Pius was an enemy of psychoanalysis but was heard to express a neutral attitude toward Scientology. He once assisted us in handling a government matter in the United States.

This is why you don't fill up the Co-audit.

All that processing requires is that you obtain a better reality on your environment and all its drills are aimed at this. Thus it has no conflict.

Regimen on this is find the first thing that dropped on the pc then state it in a general term – make sure it drops. Example: pc's first assessment was on his wife. Find it again and see if it stops the needle rising; if it does, run: "From where could you communicate to a wife?" Note that it is a wife, not his wife. If the needle dropped the first time he was ever assessed on Bill, we have to find out what Bill is and run it.

Just as your religion would not forbid you to obtain a better command over a typewriter, so it could not be expected to forbid you to obtain a better command over your office, staff, or home. There is no conflict here.

On new enrollees in the Co-audit, take a body part only. A body part is then run on the Communication Process, "From where could you communicate to a (name of body part)".

It is interesting that in nearly ten years of public presence, the materialistic sciences have often rapped at Scientology (Communism is a violent foe of ours) but never once in any country including Ireland has the Roman Catholic Church raised its voice against us.

This is only considered flat when no matter what or how many questions are asked about that body part, it registers on the tone arm of the meter at male or female clear, whichever the pc is. Only then can you go on to a new process.


Communication Processes look so simple. They are in reality terribly tricky and terribly effective.


Pick the right body part on the pc and he'll stay in the Co-audit until he's clear on that part, that's for sure.

When you see a pc getting fouled up by lousy Co-audit handling you are losing a student and, I am willing to confirm, gaining a victim computation.
