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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Franchise Holders - B590813 | Сравнить
- Suggested HCA Course Schedule - B590813 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590813 - HCO Bulletin - Franchise Holders [B023-134]
- 590813 - HCO Bulletin - Franchise Holders [B035-097]
- 590813 - HCO Bulletin - Suggested HCA Course Schedule [B023-135]
- 590813 - HCO Bulletin - Suggested HCA Course Schedule [B035-096]
CONTENTS FRANCHISE HOLDERS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOUK Franchise Holders
Info D of Ts



Recent HCO Franchise Holder Bulletins sent out by HCO WW have been intended in the main for the United States. They have been sent by courtesy to Franchise Holders in the UK. The data applies equally.

The following schedule for the HCA Course is being used in the Academy at Washington, DC. This is a good schedule. It is sent out as data only and has no command value.

We have not so far attempted very much for the UK Franchise Holder and there is a great deal of ground work to be done. The US went through all this many months ago and have just now completed their first instruction courses in Washington where most Franchise Holders were carefully trained to improve their already climbing successes.


US Franchise income is not yet high, amounting to an overall several thousand dollars a week only. But they have not yet had six months to get into the swing of it. When the class attendees return home from Washington where they have been since July 1, a steady acceleration can be expected.

Purpose: To train an auditor able to Theta Clear.

  1. The UK Franchise Holder has a lot of groundwork to do. First in the UK we have to learn to work better as a team.

Design: The length is 8 weeks. Data and practical information are emphasized. The Hubbard Electrometer is used and is taught to the student well. There is one week of Comm Course, one week of Upper Indoc, six weeks of Theory and Practice. Repeats on Comm Course/Upper Indoc are reserved for slow students. Comm Course and Upper Indoc are the same as in SED165. Theory and Practice are as follows:

  • UK Franchise Holders will have to get started on programs of co-auditing to clear up the key buttons of VICTIM, MONEY and a third one to be named later. HASI London staff is of course well along on this route.
  • Week A

    HCO WW is trying to bring the British Scientologist stability and security and this will be hard to do until his or her barriers on the subject are cleared up. We have no doubt of being able to bring security and stability to the British Scientologist and our first job is to get him or her to stand long enough to receive it. Hence the co-auditing program.

    ARC Tone Scale

    If we want a better world we’ll have to make it better — nobody else seems to be trying to do anything but hold the status quo of misery. And if a better world is to be built, it will be built because we could pay our way.


    • Lecture: Definition of Theta Clear.

    HAS Co-Audit is in its infancy in the UK. Even in South Africa and Australia the program is far more advanced. But this is because these areas have had great co- operation from HCO. In the very near future HCO WW will begin to work with the problems of the UK Franchise Holder.

  • Process: ARC Straight Wire.
  • Meanwhile, it would be a good idea to get one-up personally by getting Process S 2 flattened and then you will be ready for a further step.


    We appreciate your patience. It will be suitably rewarded.

    • Lecture: The Hubbard Electrometer and how to set it up to read the PC. Theta Clear, Release, Mest Clear.
  • Process: None.
  • LRH:brb.rd


    • Lecture: Assessments, with and without E-Meter.
  • Process: Selected Persons O-W Straight Wire.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: Assessments with E-Meter. Recapitulation of various readings.
      Obnosis of case.
  • Process: Sel. P. O-W SW.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: Assessments with E-Meter. Willingness to read what is there to be read.
  • Process: Op. Proc. By Dup.
  • All auditing muzzled. All assessments done by instructor(s). Run only current life terminals on Sel. Pers. O-W SW.

    Week B


    • Lecture: CCH 1: use of CCHs in psychotic and Stage 4 cases.
  • Process: same.
  • Tue.

    • Lecture: Present time problems: definition and processes usable. Using E- Meter to locate.
  • Process: CCH 2.
  • Wed.

    • Lecture: CCH 3: Reality Scale.
  • Process: same.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: CCH 4: Expanded Know-Mystery Scale.
  • Process: same.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: CCH 1-4: use of this procedure to bring low-level cases up to being auditable on E-Metered processes. Repeat definition of Clear. Repeat E-Meter readings.
  • Process: same.
  • All auditing muzzled. All assessments done by instructors. Students check assessmentsat beginning of session, advise instructor if terminal needs changing, also if terminal runs flat during session. Turn PCs loose into prior life terminals as rapidly as current life terminals flattened, and all students must be running at least one whole track terminal by Thursday, regardless of whether current life terminals all flat or not.

    Week C


    • Lecture: Factual Havingness: Effect Scale.
  • Process: Fac. Hav.
  • Tue.

    • Lecture: 3rd Rail: ARC Tone Scale (repeat).
  • Process: same.
  • Wed.

    • Lecture: Present time problems: 8 dynamics.
  • Process: On PTPs.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: Effect Scale (repeat): Psycho, Neurotic, “Normal”, Release, Mest Clear, Theta Clear, OT (case levels).
  • Process: none.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: Scale of Confront: Types of Auditing.
  • Process: none.
  • All auditing muzzled. Assessments done by students and checked by instructor(s).

    Week D


    • Lecture: Facsimiles.
  • Process: Mock up a picture for which you . . . responsible.
  • Tue.

    • Lecture: Facsimiles — types of.
  • Process: Experience-reexperience process.
  • Wed.

    • Lecture: Flows-ridges-dispersals.
  • Process: ARC Break SW.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: Be-do-have.
  • Process: Not-is SW.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: Scales in relation to ARC tone scale: Universes/Valences.
  • Process: Track-scouting.
  • No muzzled auditing. All formal. Track-scouting, pinning dates. No repetitive process.

    Week E


    • Lecture: The engram: Overt-Motivator Sequence: Deds and Dedexes. What is an “incident”.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Tue.

    • Lecture: Locks, Secondaries: Gradient Scales.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Wed.

    • Lecture: The creation of a Theta Clear: OT as a speculative goal for a Theta Clear.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: Redefinition of Theta Clear: why comparison with other states not really possible except as a subjective exp.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: Type of auditors required for creation of different states of beingness: why creation of Theta Clear and OT require courage and stamina. The “Monster”.

    All formal auditing on Formula 10. All assessments done by students. Supervised by instructor(s) only, intervention by instructor only where absolutely necessary.

    Week F


    • Lecture: Basic-basic: The Rock. Gradient scale of incidents to Rock.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Tue.

    • Lecture: Gradient scale of creation of Theta Clear.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Wed.

    • Lecture: Stabilizing and “educating” the Theta Clear — more on “The Monster”.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Thur.

    • Lecture: Processes usable after Theta Clear achieved: OT as a goal: def. of OT.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • Fri.

    • Lecture: Audlting programs, from PE course to individual Theta Clearing and OT.
  • Process: Formula 10.
  • All formal auditing on Formula 10, making sure every student gets most of the week on the “one-shot OT” process (at least three days). Strict attention to good discipline and control of session. ARC and “in-sessionness” to be superlative.


    A student package should be issued to each student. This should contain:

    • Student rules and regs.
  • Instructor’s Code.
  • A sheet of definitions.
  • A list of scales.
  • “Ability” 80 (or equivalent in country).
  • A copy of the E-Meter handbook (when available).
  • Student hat (when issued).
  • Mimeo sheet of end-of-course examination and other requirements.
  • Ministerial requirements.
  • PAB 114.
  • Copy of HCO B on PE/HAS Co-Audit by PE (HCO) Dir WW.
  • A blank HCO Franchise Form.
    • 9:00 — 10:00 Lecture and process of the day
  • 10:00 — 10:15 Break
  • 10:15 — 12:30 Session A
  • 12:30 — 1:30 Lunch
  • 1:30 — 3:45 Session B
  • 3:45 — 4:00 Break
  • 4:00 — 5:00 LRH Tape
  • 5:00 — 5:30 Question and answer period.

    The Director of Training must so arrange matters that students as closely follow the gradient scale of training here described as possible. Students may enter Weeks A-C anywhere. Weeks D-F are a specific gradient scale and may only be entered into from an earlier Theory & Practice week. If two weeks of Th. & Practice must be run concurrently, adjust schedule accordingly and keep students separated.


    The datum about cases not being worried about still applies, but if the course is run well, there should be plenty of Releases and some Theta Clears graduating.

    John Fudge
    (D of T, Washington, D.C.)