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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing Speed - B690722 | Сравнить
- High TA Assessment - B690722-2 | Сравнить
- Pastoral Counselling Health Form - B690722 | Сравнить
- Unflat Chain - B690722-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оценивание Высокой РТ - Б690722-2 | Сравнить
- Скорость Одитинга (2) - Б690722R78 | Сравнить
- Скорость Одитинга - Б690722R78 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690722 - HCO Bulletin - Important - Auditing Speed [B009-130]
- 690722 - HCO Bulletin - Important - Auditing Speed [B042-117]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - High TA Assessment [B009-133]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - High TA Assessment [B042-120]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - High TA Assessment [B075-066]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Unflat Chain [B009-132]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Unflat Chain [B042-118]
- 690722 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Unflat Chain [B075-067]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
25 MAY 1969, AMENDED)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
RemimeoDian Checksheet
Dianetics ChkstAOs


Class VIIIs

When a pc has a high TA (4.0 or above) after having one or more sessions, it is OBVIOUS THAT THE EARLIER CHAINS FOUND WERE NOT ERASED.

Class VIII Checksheet

What makes a TA high? A TA, in Dianetics, is high ONLY for one reason. One or more engram chains are IN RESTIMULATION.

D of Ts

A high TA equals mental energy mass.


Engrams have mass in them even when they are pictures. The figures in the picture, the scenery, the picture, have mass.


It is electrical mass.

Almost any failure you have ever had with an auditor or in auditing came from Auditor Comm Lags or errors.

It registers as a TA above 3.

This is a vital datum. It came to light from applying the rule – ask the pc what the auditor did after any failed session and get it corrected in the auditor.

To say that the TA is 3.3 and the picture was erased is silly. That .3 is indicating that part of the mass is still there.

SPEED is the main factor behind the mystery of a failed session.

This is often also true above 2.0.

In AUDITING OTs the speed the auditor must have is far greater than required by just in off the street. This speed factor is the real REASON why OTs were at first considered very hard to audit on Dianetics.

When the meter needle is not floating the TA is registering mass. Mental mass.

All this also applies to VIII auditing and training.

So when you see a TA going up, up, up you know the picture isn’t erasing but is getting more SOLID.

The better an auditor knows his TRs, his processes, his meter and admin the faster he can operate.

The solidness is visible right on the TA dial.

If you train auditors only up to slow, comm laggy handling of a session you will get a lot of mysteriously “failed sessions”, ending with the TA high and the pc very low!

So to ask for a rerun when you’ve already ground and ground and the TA has been up up up is silly.

A somewhat slow auditor auditing a new pc may be fast enough to get away with it.

The meter is already telling you there is an earlier incident as the one the pc is in is getting more solid and is not erasing.

Put him on a person whose Dianetics is finished and some grades in, he begins to have a few “case failures”.

In Scientology a high TA means „overrun“. The Dianetic auditor however doing Dianetics does not „rehab“ the F/N. He is handling why the TA does go high. Mental mass consisting of pictures. A Scientology overrun goes by an F/N. In the F/N movement the mass moved away. It didn’t erase. If you keep on running the same action the mass moves in again. The Scientology auditor recovers the moment it moved off by „rehabbing the point of release“. The Dianetic auditor in doing Dianetics finds the incomplete chain, carries it to basic and gets it GONE forever.

Now put him to auditing reviews or Dianetics on a Pre OT and all sessions fail.

If the C/S cannot find the incomplete chain by folder inspection he orders „Assess the pictures or masses pc has touched in life or auditing and have been left unflat, get its somatic, Run R3-R“.

The remedy is to speed the auditor up with TRs 101, 102, 103, 104.


In assigning auditors you only dare assign fast ones to Pre OTs.

A low TA (below 2) means the pc is overwhelmed and has retreated.

For 19 years this hidden speed factor has lain behind the vast majority of our “failed sessions”. As it never appeared on the session reports (except as excessive admin for which the pc must have had to wait) anyone doing D of P work or C/S work was in mystery and tended to get desperate and even squirrel (change and invent processes).

If you chop up a pc with bad TRs you may see his TA go below 2.

The only other source of failure was the physically ill aspect. This has just been verified in a series of over one hundred cases. Dianetics combined with Scientology reviews progressed splendidly on all but about seven and these who were then physically examined thoroughly were found to have serious and current physical illness.

Also some incidents force a pc below 2. But when they are erased the TA comes back up to F/N.

Speed and accuracy then is the stress of all training and the lack of it is the source of all auditing failures on pcs who are not severely ill.

If you think you have had an erasure but the TA is below 2 at the time of F/N, then you haven’t erased any chain.

Even the latter respond once their purely physical illness is properly handled.



A discharged meter or one with its trim set incorrectly (2.0 = 2.0) or a faulty meter or electrodes will give the auditor or examiner wrong reads.


One should check his meter before session for full charge and get the pc to squeeze the cans to see if he is registering on the meter.
