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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- PTS RD Addition - B720120 | Сравнить
- PTS RD Addition - B720120R78 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Добавление к ПИН-Прг - Б720120 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720120 - HCO Bulletin - PTS RD Addition [B012-016]
- 720120 - HCO Bulletin - PTS RD Addition [B048-015]
CONTENTS PTS RD ADDITION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



(Refers to PTS RD HCOB 9 Dec 71)(Refers to PTS RD HCOB 9 Dec 71)

The only reasons a PTS RD does not work are:

The only reasons a PTS RD does not work are:

  • C/S Error: 1. Not doing one at all.
  • C/S Error: 1. Not doing one at all.
  • C/S Error: 2. Doing one in the middle of another RD.
  • C/S Error: 2. Doing one in the middle of another RD.
  • C/S Error: 3. Doing one without set-up.
  • C/S Error: 3. Doing one without set-up.
  • C/S Error: 4. The person was not PTS – which is to say was not chronically ill or roller coaster and the items didn’t read.
  • C/S Error: 4. The person was not PTS – which is to say was not chronically ill or roller coaster and the items didn’t read.
  • Auditor Error: 5. The RD was badly run auditor-wise. R3R was bad, metering poor, ruds not correctly or fully done.
  • Auditor Error: 5. The RD was badly run auditor-wise. R3R was bad, metering poor, ruds not correctly or fully done.
  • Auditor & C/S Error: 6. The RD was quickie, only doing step (a) and brushing
  • Auditor & C/S Error: 6. The RD was quickie, only doing step (a) and brushing
  • C/S Error: 7. Even though the whole RD was done fully, there remained on the case an undetected additional person or thing to which the pc was PTS.
  • C/S Error: 7. Even though the whole RD was done fully, there remained on the case an undetected additional person or thing to which the pc was PTS.
  • The rules of PTS are

    The rules of PTS are

    • A person who roller coasters is always PTS.
    • A person who roller coasters is always PTS.
  • A person who is chronically ill always is PTS.
  • A person who is chronically ill always is PTS.
  • A pts rundown that does not work has not been done as per 1 to 7 above.
  • A pts rundown that does not work has not been done as per 1 to 7 above.
  • The remedies to the above are

    The remedies to the above are

    1. Do it.

    1. Do it.

    2. Pgm it in correct sequence.

    2. Pgm it in correct sequence.

    3. Set the case up properly so it is running well and past errors handled.

    3. Set the case up properly so it is running well and past errors handled.

    4. Establish how well the person holds his gains before Pgming one. If any Q at all, do the RD.

    4. Establish how well the person holds his gains before Pgming one. If any Q at all, do the RD.

    5. Cram the auditor on TRs, Metering, R3R drills and ruds. Do L4B, GF Method 5 Handle, L3B on the pc and redo accordingly.

    5. Cram the auditor on TRs, Metering, R3R drills and ruds. Do L4B, GF Method 5 Handle, L3B on the pc and redo accordingly.

    6. Complete the RD.

    6. Complete the RD.

    7. 2WC „What is your attention on?“ to F/N. On PTS RD fly all ruds single; L&N „On the PTS Rundown what being or thing was missed?“; R3R Triple on it; fly all ruds and overts on it triple; if all not very okay now 2wc „What other subject or people might have been overlooked on the PTS RD?“ Handle with R3R Triple and Ruds Triple plus overts.

    7. 2WC „What is your attention on?“ to F/N. On PTS RD fly all ruds single; L&N „On the PTS Rundown what being or thing was missed?“; R3R Triple on it; fly all ruds and overts on it triple; if all not very okay now 2wc „What other subject or people might have been overlooked on the PTS RD?“ Handle with R3R Triple and Ruds Triple plus overts.

    A PTS RD always works. If it works with a relapse there is an error in it as in the numbered paras above.

    A PTS RD always works. If it works with a relapse there is an error in it as in the numbered paras above.

    This is vital tech to the pc. It makes the most difficult cases fly if it is done right.

    This is vital tech to the pc. It makes the most difficult cases fly if it is done right.
