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A lecture given on 25 September 1962A lecture given on 25 September 1962

Okay. Lecture two, 25 Sept., AD 12, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and we’ll talk to you about 3GA.

Thank you.

Well, you know all about it, of course. There’s nothing much to learn about it. The first thing you should know about auditing is auditing is what you get away with. That’s it. And that sometimes is disastrous. Because you get away with something and then you never get away with it again.

Well, this is the what?

Now, the best auditing, I think you’ll agree, is very standard auditing. There’s somebody here right now that was screaming about the wound-up doll character of a Saint Hill graduate, got twenty-five hours from one and thought, „Man, Saint Hill auditing is the most.“ When you’re on the receiving end of good, stable, standard, high-skilled auditing, it makes all that difference. It is recognizable miles away.

Audience: 25th of September.

Now, the difficulties of goal finding are generally put there by the auditor. The pc is perfectly willing to be audited, but the pc has a bank that is very often unwilling to be audited and the first step of any auditing activity is to make the pc auditable. Now, that’s quite interesting-he makes the pc auditable.

This is the 25th of September. Oh, you’re a day behind me. All right, you can listen across that time gap. AD 12, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, lecture number one. All right.

Now, that’s quite important, because the pc has got to be in a very auditable Condition before you can do very much with finding goals. And if you ever want to have a hard time, take some pc who isn’t very auditable, who has an anti-Scientology goal, don’t improve the pc’s auditing quality in any way and try to find the goal. Now, you just-I don’t know. I don’t know how the devil you could do it. It’d just be too wild for words.

We haven’t got very much to tell you. You know it all now. You know everything there is to know. But your basic Dynamic Assessment, or looking for a goal, has many things on which it depends, and first and foremost amongst these is the auditor knowing how to audit.

Now, you take somebody who is quite auditable, but has a goal that he conceives to be an overt against Scientology or the auditor or something of this sort, you’ll find that’s tough enough, without adding the fact that the pc has no familiarity with auditing and isn’t grooved in in any way. That’s really asking for trouble.

Somebody can look over the directions for a Dynamic Assessment and think he can do it because it’s very easy, and all you do is fall on your head, and-and it’s very simple. You just ask for a list, and that’s all there is to that. Remember that lying underneath all this is the ability to audit.

Now, the best way to make a pc very auditable is to give the pc very accurate sessioning.

I hope it doesn’t happen to you, but all you’ve got to have is one wrong goal listed on you-one wrong, wrong goal listed on you-see somebody stumbling around that’s had a wrong goal listed on him or her, and you’ll never do it again. Let me tell you, you’ll never do it again, man.

I can’t emphasize this too much. If the pc feels all self-auditish and all run around and messed up and that sort of thing after some auditing, the reason for that lies with the auditor. There aren’t ARC breaky pcs. You must remember this. There aren’t difficult pcs. You must remember this.

And you let a bunch of HPAs start finding goals, you’ll get wrong goals found. Right now the main difficulty is not clearing people; we can do that. That’s a fait accompli. Well-trained auditor, doing his stuff well, and so forth, and you can get somebody Clear. We have the technology with which to do this fact.

There are auditors who can’t handle pcs. And this will come home to you with a crash. You should have seen poor Wing Angel after he got out of here.

Twenty-five hundred years after the facts of somebody dreaming it could happen on this planet, ten thousand years after somebody hinted it might occur, why, we can do it. Not because they regard their navel meditatively or think right thoughts or realize that it’s all thought after all, and not think bad thoughts about things and think right thoughts about things and read the book, held in a proper position on the knee and tie the eat properly to the bedpost, without all that line of-why, we can clear people. And that is a triumph of great magnitude.

By the way, Wing’s goal was completely listed out and he was checked Clear a couple of days ago and it’s time that he was, because he’s handling the Academy in Washington for a few weeks. And I went in and I saw the (quote) id auditors“ walking around, you see, very stiff, „With your right hand, touch that wall. Thank you.“ Ruf! ruf! ruf! ruf! ruf! And I said, „My God, Wing!“ And he says, „Listen boss…“ He’s always calls me „Boss.“ Gag! He says, „You should’ve seen them yesterday!“

Because it takes it out of the sphere, out of the sphere of „a gift because you are so holy“; something you deserve because you have believed right. And of course, that is the most fantastic trap of all. Your freedom depends upon your absolute slavery. „Big Brother is watching you.“ 1984, here we come, see? Inquisitions-all these various mechanisms.

Well, someday you’ll be handling some situation like that and it’ll just about-you’ll always have somebody coming up to you saying, „This is a very difficult and a very bad pc that I am auditing. This pc is very ARC breaky, this pc will not stay in-session, this pc this, and this pc that,“ and blame the pc, blame the pc. Whenever you see that kind of a situation you just know that lousy auditing is going on and you concentrate on training the auditor up better.

And the only inclination we have in the direction of discipline in this particular lineup is getting it done. That’s the interest. Just let’s get it done, and that’s all. Let’s just get it done.

That’s the answer to it. Because if you’ve been at this long enough, you find out that there aren’t bad pcs or good pcs-there are pcs that are more auditable than others. This is for sure, but the auditor’s job, of course, is to make the pc auditable, not blame the pc.

Now, the odd part of it is, is there are certain things which occur, which prevent it from getting done. And amongst those things is not doing it. Saying you are, but not doing it.

Now, it’s a very funny thing. You take some pc that’s been very roughly audited-audited with the rudiments out, auditor has been cleaning cleans madly, you know, and missing the reactions, and the very things that you’re struggling with. And this has been going on for several sessions. And, man, this auditor is just getting the pc so the pc is kind of coming up the leads, you know, of the E-Meter. You know, the pc’s crowding into the session and the pc’s falling back out of the session again and the pc’s trying to keep his own rudiments in and all these various things which you occasionally see when you’re moving in on this.

Now, we can see a medico-he’s hard up, cobwebs growing across his door, poor fellow. Bill collectors coming around. „Internal Ravening“ screaming over the Telephone for his income for the year 1915. And he finally has an enormous cognition-almost blows his head apart. „It’s those cotton-pickin’ Scientologists that have done this to me! I am no longer permitted by the public-because they don’t want me anymore-to rip open people’s bellies and take out odd organs on the belief that there’s a possibility that if I take out enough odd organs something odd will occur.“

Now, this pc is weird. This pc is ARC breaky and had lots of problems and appears to be leading a very messy life and ifs all very upsetting. All right.

And „Well, I-I-I-I can clear people too! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! I can clear people, ha-ha! What you do? You get an E-Meter. What’s an E-Meter? Well, we had one; it’s a um-hm-hm it’s a galvanometer, it developed the skin pore count, I think. We’ll put him on that. Yeah, that’s good. Now we’ll say their basic purpose-all men are evil-so the basic purpose of any of these people, it’d be to kill everybody or something like that. And I’ll tell them that’s the goal, and of course, do like the Scientologists do, ha-ha, and there it be, you know.“

You take that pc, just as an experiment, and you just give him three sessions, each one about thirty to forty minutes long. That’s within the hour limit of the session. Just give him three letter-perfect sessions. Don’t do a thing for the pc. You understand? Don’t try to do anything for this-don’t try to handle the pc’s problems or anything of this sort. See, nothing extraordinary. Just give this pc about three sessions, see, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Or week one, week two, week three, you see? I mean, just three sessions. And watch the difference in that pc. Because good, positive auditing is pure magic.

All of a sudden everybody around the place says, „Well, he’s doing Scientology, and he’s killing people.“ You see the danger?

This pc all of a sudden will stop trying to keep his rudiments in, this pc will relax, this pc will say, „This is a good auditor,“ this pc’ll say this and that. He’ll give you praise you probably don’t deserve. See, you could even miss a rudiment or two and still get a pc into marvelous Condition

So actually, a certain amount of safeguard must exist in the vicinity of any such technology. Now, the-not the most optimum way to do it, or the most practical way to do it, but sometimes the most desirable way to do it is just shoot people dead who don’t do it right, see? Not optimum, or practical, but it’s so satisfactory!

But you haven’t run anything on the pc. This is what I’m trying to make a point of. You’ve not run anything on the pc. You’ve not taken up this pc’s constant and continual worry about his lumbosis. See, you’ve not done anything for this pc. You could even go so far as to just, well, prepcheck the buttons, Careful and Agreed Upon. Not even Suppress, you see? Since-well, I don’t know, pick some random date-since last Tuesday-just any old „Last Tuesday,“ you know? And that’s all you ran in the body of the session. See, you maybe just cleaned one of them, you know, see? Or since Saturday, or since this morning. We don’t care what you did. See, you weren’t really doing anything.

Now, all of a sudden the other day in-oh, where else could it be-Los Angeles. All of a sudden, why, all HPA students and all HCAs in class and everybody else, all of a sudden started finding goals on everybody, and ran out all the dynamic rock slams and now the Saint Hill auditors around there can’t find any rock slams or find any items. Nobody bothered to mention it or anything. Now, I think it’ll take them a while to pull that one apart. An air letter is just now aflight. I think it has just now passed, Des Moines, Iowa; it is en route. And it is saying it takes two Saint Hill graduates to check out any goal found in the state of California and a cable to me before it can be listed.

Now, all you did was get in those three rudiments up front and clean up this one button for some short period of time and then get your end rudiments in and end the session. Just do this for three consecutive sessions. And you’ll find yourself looking at a different pc.

Now, you say that’s ridiculous. I mean, my God! Two Saint Hill graduates, and so forth. Well, I don’t know why not, see? As far as cables, they’re expensive. Human beings come cheap, but cables, they cost money. Now, you’ll see somebody skirting around the edges of that one. And they all of a sudden will be stacking it up.

You should get a good reality on that, because it’ll keep you from keeping auditors in the lineup untrained. If you recognize that this is true, then you won’t put up with some auditor monkeying up a pc, you see? You wont say, „Oh well, I don’t know. It’s just poor old-poor old Billikins there-poor old Billikins just has a terrible time get-he’s unlucky. He always gets bad pcs. Now, somehow or another Billikins always gets bad pcs,“ and so forth. That’s not true, you see?

We have a responsibility. One is to make it very, very clear to people that clearing is a subject of very expert auditing, and is not a casual piece of nonsense that simply can occur anyplace on any crossroads. And go to some lengths to make sure that people who have the penchant for trying to, get trained before they do. Now, that’s our biggest danger right now. That’s our biggest danger.

You see, if you don’t know for sure what I’ve just told you, then you will keep Billikins in there and not do anything about Billikins. See? He just isn’t auditing pcs. That’s the only adjudication you can make out of it. I’ve had the experience a few times… Oh, well, right here, in your TV demonstrations, I’ve had a pc tell me afterwards-pc hadn’t had any cleans cleaned on him, hadn’t had any reactions called when there were none, you know. I mean, the pc was just given a fairly straightforward session-tell me afterwards, „Yeah, well, that was a marvelous session!“ you know, „Never had such auditing!“ I didn’t do anything for the pc. See? Except just give a straightforward Scientology session, that’s all, without any monkey business.

Now, one of the ways you can always tell when we’re successful is the number of protests that come and the amount of attacks that develop. You can always tell when we’re very successful. I have various uses for hostile thought and activity. I use this. I use it very, very good. If I engage on a certain plan and announce it in advance and there are a great many protests against the plan, I look up the people who are protesting against this plan, and if they belong to the „Rock Slammer’s Club“… You know, they’re old, well-known squirrels, we haven’t heard from them for years, but all of a sudden this plan is announced and they’ve written in to condemn it utterly, I know, man, we’re on the right road and put it into effect at once. It’s a sure test. It’s a sure test.

Now, the worse off an auditor is, the more he figures. Now, that’s a stable datum that you can put down. The worse off an auditor is, the more he figures.

Now, the other use, the other use you put this to is I know we’re successful if we’re being counterfeited. And these sad efforts to duplicate and that sort of thing-very pale they are-start springing up around and about a certain something, why, I know we’re being very successful.

And the conclusions he draws will hold at dismay the origins and answers of the pc. The pc is always talking up against a foregone conclusion. See, the auditor has got it all figured out, every time. The auditor never sits there as just a-you know, he receives the origin, acknowledges, and so on. He’s wearing himself out, man! He’s just working! You talk about work! You never saw so much work as this! Oh, God! The foot-pounds of energy being put in by this auditor there if added to a steam engine would drive a locomotive the length of the-Great Britain or drive the Queen Mary halfway across the Atlantic. That’s steam, you know! Figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, now let’s see, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, and then some more-figure-figure, and figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure, figure…

Did you know that th-one of these copycat outfits, by the way, is still in existence down in „Taxas?“ Taxas-that’s a part of the United States. It’s Concept Therapy. It’s run by a bunch of chiropractors down around-I don’t know, oh, some bayou. And-that’s mud flats. It’s run by them. And they’re still „concepting.“ They’re still going on. They picked up old Concept Therapy from 19-I think it was 1953 or 52 or 54. I don’t know, way back, anyhow! Whenever it was-52, if I remember rightly. Summer, isn’t it-52. Concept Therapy. They’re still doing it. Well, that’s fine! That’s fine! Please let them keep on doing Concept Therapy. Don’t let them get suddenly ambitious. But unfortunately they’re liable to get ambitious, because who appeared at the last Washington congress but the chief movers in that movement. They were all there, and they heard all about clearing, and are going to go home, and they’re going to spin some people in.

The auditor says, „Do birds fly?“ You see? And as soon-just before the auditor did that, he said, „Well, I know what this pc will answer. The pc is going to answer the fact that birds don’t fly because actually he’s got-he’s sort of flighty, you see, and he’s going to have-he’s going to have all this, and so forth. And therefore that’s-that’s the cause of his long-long nose and so forth. And when he-when he answers up, it doesn’t matter what’s running, I-I-I-I know what the answer is.“ Got it all figured out in advance.

We ought to make it a law that they test it out on each other before they do this.

So he says, „All right. Do birds fly?“

Now, the ethics of the situation, then, simply involve the effectiveness. The ethics of clearing are the effectiveness of clearing. In other words, he who can clear can clear. And he who hath not been trained into clearing had better keep his paws off. And that’s ethics. Now, in any-when-any time you get ethics matched up totally with effectiveness, and so forth, well, you’ve got a win on your hands, because it’s not superstition, because it’ll actually defend itself If we let it be known very broadly that this is what we stand for, is effective clearing, we don’t care if somebody had a fluke. You know, one fluke can kill somebody, you know? It’s horrible. For instance, even you, even you can make a fluke. It’ll ruin you for a while. Do you realize that? You know, you have a lucky break. No, I’m talking about a bad one; I’m talking about a good one, see?

And the pc says, „I don’t know. I guess so. Haven’t given any thought to it at all.“

And you’re sitting there, minding your own business, and you accidentally ask the pc if he has any string in his pocket. This is just sort of out of the clear, you see? And the pc says to you, „My God, I know what my goal is-my goal is to string people along!“ and so forth. And there you are. You’ve had it. You’ve had it.

And the auditor says, „See? I told you.“ Confirms it and so forth. Well, actually this auditor hasn’t received any communication from the pc. He’s received a proof of his own conclusions. And of course, he’s never in communication with this pc.

You haven’t got a technology which expands beyond one pc. Now, the fight has been to get a technology which covered everybody. And the assessments which you’re doing now, the Dynamic Assessments, are very embracive. You don’t have exceptions to these things, you see. But you can derail yourselves on them by having a lucky break. I don’t know, there are a couple of auditors around that have had lucky breaks and have been regretting them ever since because-why? Because they keep waiting for it to happen again, and of course it doesn’t happen again. The pc does not have any string in his pocket, you know? Pc after pc is stringless.

And after an auditor has been at it for a while and he’s done an awful lot of auditing, he’s getting pretty smoothed out about the thing, well, he says, „Do birds fly?“ and it’s all right with him if he gets a positive answer, and it’s all right if he gets a negative answer, and it’s all right if he gets a screwy answer. It’s also all right if the pc doesn’t answer the auditing question; the auditor just tells him to answer it. And it’s a very relaxed emanation coming out of this session-if you want to specialize in emanations. It’s very relaxed, see? The theta waves are very smooth in that vicinity.

Well, now, a broad general technology, then, is a desirable thing. But it can get hacked up to where it particularly fits just a few, or fits a very few cases, or something of that sort. Therefore, broken down, then, in its broad general application, it ceases to be effective. So you might say it becomes unethical to clear somebody „unstandardly.“ You g-you get the idea, see? This now can get up toward an idiocy. A Simple Simonness about the whole thing, you see. You have to clear somebody according to the rules. You can’t clear them any other way. Well, of course that too outlaws the occasional lucky break. So that’d be bad too, wouldn’t it?

And the pc knows. He knows he’s talking to somebody. He knows somebody is talking to him and that there’s not a lot of crisscross going on. See? There are not a lot of crosscurrents going on.

Here’s the way you do it: You clear somebody according to the rules and take advantage of every lucky break you get. And then realize that the break will probably never again occur, of that particular type. You understand? If you can realize that, you’re protected then, very largely, from stumbling around and making a bunch of fruitless this and that about it.

Now, this doesn’t say that an auditor never has to figure out a pc’s case, because he does. But the thing to figure out and figure on are the important things, not the unimportant things. „Now, let me see. This is the fifth consecutive list of detested people and things that we have drawn up without a single one of them slamming. Now, what the hell is wrong here? What’s going on?“ See? And he has to come up with the right answer. He has to do something that is effective about this.

So broad clearing technology of necessity must be preserved as it is. And released, and to a marked degree safeguarded. There is some responsibility for the know-how. See. Well, because there’s a responsibility for the know-how, you do get some responsibility, then, for the communication lines of the know-how. And the communication lines of Scientology are simply just that. They’re the communication lines of the know-how.

So, it’s only when an auditor is being ineffective that he starts working it all out. He-otherwise, he could just sail through like a breeze. He knows his stuff, he knows what’s happening, and so forth. The pcs he audits; the person sits down there-well, it’s just the fact that the session is a very smooth, routine session and it all comes off all right, and the pc winds up at the other end, and the auditor’s heard what he said, and the pc has answered what was given him and the rudiments are all straight, and nothing’s gone out of line, and there it is and the pc starts building up a big lot of confidence. And he doesn’t put all these think-think figure units, you know, to work, and get all stuck in the session and get to fighting and batting around, and so forth. The pc just cheerfully goes on and becomes a pc.

In that wise, you keep a broad breakdown, you keep broad technology going, and a breakdown of broad technology from taking place. Now, how are we able to suddenly interrupt all this in Los Angeles at such a-such a rate of speed? Well, it’s just excellent communication lines, good positioning, communication centers operating, people alert and so forth, and it can all be put back together again, zing, zing, zing! you see? In absence of these communication lines, well, you just either have to let it go, just let it happen and go to pieces, or wait until some far distant date when you can finally put it back together again, you hope, see.

That’s very important, because in that state, he’ll give you the right answers and he’ll be able to look into his own items and units and head and he’ll give you goals and withholds and… In other words, auditing really gets done if the person’s being audited. You understand what I’m talking about?

Well, actually the way we’re operating right now is something goes wrong-it’s pretty much-it’s pretty much this way: Something goes wrong anyplace in the world, on the subject of clearing technology, something like that, and so forth, why, it’s just a matter of zing, zing, zing! We hear about it; we do something about it. Bang, bang! You see? And it’s within a forty-eight-hour, sixty-hour proposition quite normally. Well, that’s how we can operate right now. And we can put things back to rights before they can fall apart. Now, it’s very important.

Now, if that kind of an auditing session cannot exist, you haven’t got a dog’s chance of finding somebody’s detested person, dynamic, goal, item — anything. And these things are just not findable! Because the pc is just, you know, all nerved-up and knocked around. „God! He-I won’t talk to-about this because-yes, I will talk about-I can’t find any other difficulties I’m not willing to talk to him about. Difficulties? Difficulties? What are difficulties that I wo-da-da-da. I-but I’ve told you all the answers. Well, you say it still reads on the meter, but I-let’s see! Difficulties? I can’t think of any other difficulties that I’m unwilling to talk to you about.“

Now, it’s very important, these data to you, for this reason, is you’re going out and you’re going to get stuck in some corner of a Central Organization or into a clearing co-audit, or something of the sort. And you’re going to have everything up against your chest, and your world is going to be the immediate zone of influence, and you’re going to have some tendency to say, „That is happening in the next block and is none of my business.“ And that I don’t approve of

Have you seen something like that? Heavy! Pc will go around the bend! Now, that’s no frame of mind to be looking for a dynamic and an item and a goal, man.

Nobody on this planet could hold my post at this present time. That I know would be completely impossible, because I can’t hold it. It’s backing me up, man. I’ve held on to it for years and kept it wheeling for years, and so forth, against all manner of this and that, and it’s just getting too rough right now to-to cope with. Frankly, it is. Somehow or another it’ll get coped with.

So the first requisite of 3GA is that the auditor can carry on a smooth routine, unworried, unharassed auditing session. That’s the first requisite. And it takes a lot of training to get an auditor into that and it takes a lot of self-discipline, and that sort of thing, to get up to that point. Some auditors just seem to be naturals. They seem to be naturals. And other auditors seem to be-have a hell of a time to achieve it. But they can all achieve it.

But let me point out something to you. Those things which I am handling at the present moment, which are giving me trouble, are out of routine. They’re off-line. You understand? They’re difficulties which have not been predicted and eared for long since, they’re offbeat things that are occurring here. And that’s what’s giving me trouble. I can keep up with routine actions, with the administration lines, with all of these things, I can keep up with these things. But you start giving me a fistful of oddities-one corner and the other way, and it’s this and it’s that, and it’s the other thing-and my God, I feel like a boxer backed up in the corner of the ring, you know, being hit by about four fighters. I start getting punch-drunk.

As far as discipline is concerned, you’d be amazed that every now and then I have to take myself by the scrap of my neck and audit exactly by current procedure. And I do! I work it around and audit by current procedure-exactly current procedure, you see?

Now, if I’m going to handle everything that goes wrong in Port Darwin, everything that goes wrong in Mexico City, everything that goes wrong in Tierra del Fuego and Paris and Rome and a few other points, all on nonroutine basis, let me tell you, I can’t do it. It’s just not possible. And who’s going to do these? And what goes wrong anyhow? Well, I’ll give you a little rundown on what goes wrong and maybe you can understand why I’m talking to you about this.

Sometimes I audit just a little ahead of current procedure. For instance, I’m asking two questions now, you heard in the demonstration last Wednesday, probably baffled several of you. There is „done“ in the first end rudiment. Did you hear it as it went by?

„Somebody doesn’t act,“ is the inscription on the tombstone of more graves than you can count. Somebody didn’t act, that’s all. Something didn’t happen, you understand? And it drops a ball. A big one or a little one, ball gets dropped. And an area of confusion occurs. Now, prediction of what is going to happen is normally the common method of taking care of these emergencies. And a communication system or an administrative system is simply something which is already planned to handle traffic so that nothing becomes an emergency, you see. But if somebody doesn’t act along those lines, or if somebody doesn’t use his noggin along these lines somewhere, then the next thing you know, why, zip-zap-boom! And you’ve got Confusion going at a mad rate all over the place. Confusion is occurring madly.

Audience: Yes. Mm-hm.

Now, who is this somebody who should have acted in the first place? Well, today, I got the most confoundedly confusing despatch you ever heard of. An HCO-I hate to use the name in this derogatory regard, but it’s only a temporary secretary on post there-actually wrote and said, „Because the HCO was not collecting any of the monies which were due and owing to it, that it was out of funds, and therefore couldn’t continue very long that way.“ What an incredible statement! But the person actually wrote this statement and sent it through the lines, and is feeling quite upset at this very minute, and is quite resigned and feeling apathetic about it, you know.

Now, it was more important to ask that one than it is to ask the old one, see? Put „done“ in that first rudiment. „To impress me,“ „Is there anything you’ve done to impress me?“ You know? „Have you done anything to impress me?“ That’s the idea. „Done anything.“ It’s not „said anything to impress me,“ but „done anything to impress me.“ You’ll find out it’s much more effective. And also critical-well, if there’s anything misunderstood in the session, the pc’s going to be critical; so it’s much more beneficial to ask them, „In this session was there anything that was misunderstood?“ And you’ll find out this will work out much better as the session goes.

All this person has to do, you see, is just collect the monies owing to it. They are not unreasonable pieces of money from unreasonable quarters, don’t you see? This perfectly ordinary action has to be taken, but is asking for an extraordinary solution, because the ordinary solution has never been taken. See, all the sources of income are right there, they’re perfectly able and competent to pay this HCO its money, but the HCO can’t ask for that money, and somehow or another now an extraordinary solution has got to be dreamed up for this particular area, and so on. Do you see the setup?

Well, those are little changes, and so forth, and I just get so flat out I don’t have the time to issue them to you, and it’s not terrible important, and I know I’ll get around to it sooner or later, and you’ll catch up with them. But of course you do this to yourselves. It’s all your fault, you know, because you scream like mad every time I change a comma on you. But otherwise I audit with a very standard approach. I can give a very, very standard-very, very standard-session. Extremely so. And groove it in, clean no cleans, miss no read-just give one of these sessions. Quite interesting what happens in it.

So actually what the despatch was doing was demanding that I take some extraordinary step with regard to this area. It already isn’t. doing its job, it already has dropped the ball. Now, of course, an unusual solution must be entered into the situation.

When I think of the times in the past twelve years when-or longer than that for me-that I have sat down and utterly sweated blood over a pc trying to figure it all out and not being aware of what conclusion was going to be reached by the end of session and all of this sort of thing. Well golly, I would have given a lot over these years to have been able to audit this very smooth, quiet approach that we audit with today. And man, if you do it right, it holds a pc in-session as though you had him tied down and threatened with wild bulls! They don’t move. You really get them into session these days.

Now, let’s see how fundamental this combination of events can become. Whenever you have an extraordinary solution demanded of you-in supervising auditing or pcs or something-whenever you have an extraordinary solution demanded of you, it will only be because the ordinary solution was never in action in the first place. You have the unusual demanded of you because the usual has not been followed.

Well, it’s that attitude of auditing: the calm, effective, certain, hopeful approach. You know what you can do. Sometimes you do it sooner and sometimes you do it later, but you know you can do it. That approach is fundamental for 3GA.

You’ve got a pc suddenly appearing on your doorstep, 3:00 A.M., they’re shaking, they’re sweating. Oh! They’re just about ready to blow out their brains. Where did this pc come from? How come? What’s the enturbulation in this immediate person’s area? Well-now, look at this. You’re there. There’s the pc. Well, it’s up to you to do something about it, that’s for sure. You’ve got to do something about it, you can’t just recriminate and make everybody guilty for not having taken the usual steps. But let me call to your attention that you actually have two actions you are being asked for. Let me please teach you this one thing. There’s the pc on your doorstep at 3:00 A.M., shaking, you know, loaded revolver in hand, „I’ve just come by to say goodbye,“ you know. Now, you naturally would take a hold of the pc or put him on the meter, talk to him, or give him some Phenobarbital, or anything you could think o£ I don’t care what solution you use, see.

If you’re still in a frame of mind where you sit down and audit a pc and „Uhhhh! I don’t know how this is going to come out,“ and so on, and „I know what this pc’s going to say, I know what his goal really is. His goal is to — his goal is ‘to catch black catfish.’ I know what his goal is because he says he’s colorblind, and then obviously, I mean, and so on,“ and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, figure-figure-during the session, see? You’re under big strain all during the session. „How is this going to come out?“

You get this pc calmed down, and you’ll get the pc picked up in auditing or straightened out one way or the other. I know you’ll handle that much of it. You always have. So you’ll handle that much of it. Well, please, can I point out to you, there’s another step you must always take.- Find out who dropped the ball that brought that pc into that condition! And straighten that area out! Got it? Always take that second action. Please, I’d be less than doing my job if I-if I didn’t tell you about this, you see.

Well, just to that degree, this strain is communicated to the pc and the pc is incapable of producing the things which you want. You understand that?

Always take the second action. I know it takes a few minutes longer; I know you feel hard-driven; I know that there’s two pcs upstairs and one in the basement that are waiting for your time; I know there’s three Telephone calls in the-coming through the switchboard for you personally and nobody else can handle it, you see? I know all this.

Now, that’s something to cultivate in 3GA, if you haven’t already got it down. You got to be a relaxed, hopeful, positive, effective auditor. You’ve got to know your business in order to emanate the fact that you know your business, in order to get the pc to do exactly what you want him to do. And that is how to get a pc to get-to do what you want him to do-not hit him with your fist, but hit him with total competence. And you’d be surprised how far you’d get in that frame of mind.

Just as I say that I remember a Telephone message I didn’t deliver this evening, see? But the point is simply this: You’ve got to find time between those two pcs. You see, you’ve already found out that this person who appeared on your doorstep was audited and a goal was found last month by George Snikwick. And between the phone calls and so forth, ask, Telephone, do something. „Who is George Snikwick?“

But for the nerved-up, uncertain, questioning, technique all slipping out of his fingers, you know, like greased pencils. Uhhh! It doesn’t go across. It’s auditing attitude. It’s auditing accomplishment. It’s auditing effectiveness.

„Why, that’s easy. He’s the person who took the PE Course. And I think he went halfway through HCA Course, but dropped out-dropped out in the middle of the second week, because he knew more than the Instructors.“

You actually should be up to a position where you can sit there and hand out a rudiments-havingness session. And just know that by the time you’ve given your pc two or three or four such sessions, he’s just going to be calm as a millpond. You just get up to a point where you know that and you’re ready to hand out 3GA.

Well, your indicated action, see, is to do this second thing. Let’s straighten out that zone. Otherwise, that zone is going to multiply more pcs on the doorstep and you’re not going to be able to breathe, ever. This way I’m giving it to you, someday you can look forward to being able to breathe, see. Now, there’s two or three things which are indicated there. What Instructor let him out of what class? What D of T didn’t take this person in and put him on the meter and pull his missed withholds and send him back to class? Who didn’t do this? Who doesn’t know the May 3rd, 1962 bulletin? You understand?

That auditing attitude is important. All right. It’s something that cant be neglected. And that’s the basic reason why you’re not going to get good, accurate goals finding, and so forth, amongst half-trained, poorly trained, uncertified auditors and that sort of thing. The discipline is just not adequate to it.

What HCO Area Sec has not bent his ears over the top of his skull and tied a knot in them? You understand? And just take enough time to call up and say at least, „What the hell are you going to do about George Snikwick? Right now? Not next week, but right now!“ See? That’s actually about all you have to do, because it belongs to somebody else, you see?

Well now, what I’m pointing out to you is, there is an actual auditing result as a result of calm, competent, effective auditing. Now, that’s what I’m pointing out to you. See, it’s on that fundamental that 3GA is built. And lacking that fundamental, you’re not going to get another thing done. You could have the data memorized by the mile, be able to spit it out by the geyserful and you would not find any goals or make any Clears. Do you understand that?

And then that second step is not complete unless you’ve done the following: „What have you done about George Snikwick?“ Understand? And that way perhaps we can keep calm reigning someplace or another. Now of course, there’s things going to occur that the devil himself couldn’t do anything about. But then the devil isn’t OT. He got withholds, so he couldn’t be.

Audience: Mm-hm. Yes.

You got a problem here of keeping the plate level on the table and keeping the soup in the plate, not all over the room. And if you always take this second step, we can manage it. And if you don’t always take the second step, why, zzz! You’ll have areas sometimes-you say, „Oh, my God, nothing can be done about it!“ True.

So there is something on which clearing is built: It’s competent, calm, effective auditing. And that’s your first requisite. And no trick will get you over that zone. So everything I tell you about 3GA is based-understood upon that fundamental.

The United States Air Force Signal Corps, or something, has just decided to clear all of its pilots with auditors certified by the American Medical Association. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. What can you do about something like that? Well, I don’t know. It must have gotten pretty bad, there must have been a lot of balls dropped up to a time when something like this could occur, you know.

Now, the next thing that you need in 3GA is luck! See, you want luck. Well, you don’t have to have luck to succeed, but it makes it so nice! It’s so nice.

You say, „What can I do about something like that?“ Well, you can scream. You can always scream. And because you can always scream, scream! You understand?

Now, look: Total competence will breed luck. But it takes some luck just on its own hook, too.

And remember that there’s this interesting mechanism which exists in this particular universe. You can always make a force turn around and serve you. I’ve taught a few people this; it can come absolutely deadly afterwards. No matter what force comes their way, they use it. It’s a trick that is taught championship tennis players.

Every now and then… Let’s say you’re running a clearing co-audit and you’re lucky on fifteen pcs out of fifty. You’re just lucky, you know? The person just laid the goal in your lap, you know-bang! But there it is and it rocket read, and everything was fine. You-the pc-just before you started listing dynamics on the pc, the pc was waiting for you and he’s sitting there reading a magazine-this is what I mean by luck-reading a magazine. It was Time Magazine, which is a companion piece to Dog’s Life . And they just happened to be reading this magazine and they opened it up and they were reading the obituaries (which I think is their most common commodity that they pedal in that magazine). Obituaries, see, obituaries. See, he was reading that and he comes in and offhandedly-giving the dynamics. And he says, „Well, there’s God, and there’s obituaries and there’s so on and so on,“ and you assess it all out-bang, bang-and my God, it’s „obituaries,“ and it just falls off the pin. You see? Crash! Crash! Crash! Terrific rock slam-so on.

The force of the ball hitting the racket is employed to drive the ball back. Now, there’s a little trick of rolling a racket. You know, the ball hits the racket just a little bit off slant and the racket is rolled, and actually will go straight back to where it came from, or it can be positioned almost anyplace. Did you ever hear of this tennis trick? It’s a terrific trick. Try it sometime. Try it with a tennis racket. You’ll find out that it isn’t enough just to stand there and resist the impact of the ball. You can actually, by hitting the ball just right, roll your racket just right and it’ll turn, and a lot of the force of incoming rolls outgoing. Do you get this trick?

And you start checking around hurriedly and he hadn’t given you the dynamic, he’d given you an item and you’re already there. And all you have to do is list a few goals against the obituaries and it’s there. See? That’s what I mean by luck, you know? It always takes just a little bit of that luck, you see. It didn’t-and that-all luck does for you is just shorten it a little bit. That’s all it’s going to do. It’s not going to make it. You don’t have to have luck to find the goal, but it shortens it. It makes it more rapid.,

It’s something tike dropping something into a cup. Instead of hitting the bottom of the cup it comes up the other side. This is merely illustrative, not a lesson in tennis.

And you sit down in a session and your pc has done an old goals list. And he’s found this old goals list and he drags it into the session and he gives it to you. And he says, „Look,“ he says, „there’s three goals on there, I just happened to see…“ Before you go into the arduous listing of about a hundred goals the pc has, „There’s these three goals, and I wrote this about a year and a half ago. And I just happened to find it there and I thought-and it’s a very funny thing, but the first three goals on that are all overts against that dynamic, ha-ha!“ And you look at it and it’s the first one on that list. It rocket reads three times, you clean it up, you have it checked out and that was the pc’s goal. You get what I mean?

All right. Use the force to serve you, and you often can. And it’s a trick that’s peculiarly adapted to this universe.

It’s all in the direction of time shortening now. It’s not in the direction of total consequence, because you’re going to find the pc’s goal. Don’t worry about that. That’s why I’d like to see you find several goals on pcs, because you suddenly start getting insufferably cocky about the whole thing. And listen, you can be as insufferably cocky as you please. I’m not going to put any bulletin out about being insufferably cocky.

Now, you know that if auditors certified by the American Medical Association are going to clean up and clear the US Army Signal Force Air Corps, man, that’s going to be disaster. That’s going to be terrible. That’s going to be pretty grim. So, unable to prevent the emergency, take advantage of it. You know very well what’s going to occur. So you just publicize the fact and get everything all ready to take care of the catastrophe. Set yourself up as a small civil defense unit.

So you see what I mean by the element of luck. It’s there. It’s there. You find the goal at the beginning of the list instead of at the end. You see? The pc opens his mouth and you say, „What is the-what person or thing have you detested in this lifetime?“ something like that.

All right, we’re talking to somebody who went halfway through an HCA class and he’s read all the bulletins, and he knows how to clear somebody and he’s going to clear them. That’s fine. He’s got an E-Meter that was manufactured for the American Medical Association, something like that. And he’s going to clear this person, and he’s going to work on his wife, and you’re talking to this fellow.

The pc says, „Uncle Joe.“

Oh, he’s going to do it, and you say, „But look, you haven’t any right to do this, see. In the first place, you haven’t been properly trained, it’s a very touchy operation,“ and so forth. „And you haven’t any right to do it, and you’re actually putting your pc in considerable danger. Why don’t you run a nice Problems Intensive? You can undoubtedly get away with that. You can make your pc feel better. Why try to kill your pc off?“ you know. You-all these arguments now, they’re good arguments and most of the time they’d serve you, but this time they fail.

And you say, „Yeah, all right, give me another one.“

Well, don’t go off and hide your head. Do the secondary operation to that, which is he finally says, „Well, I’m going to do it, I don’t care what you say!“

„No! Ha! Don’t have to give you another one. Uncle Joe! That’s the one!“

This is the time to say, „Well, now, here’s my Telephone number. Have you got it there? You got a pencil there? Here’s your Telephone. Now, I’m going to put it right here, under ‘emergency’ and ‘ambulance.’ Now, here’s my Telephone number and here’s the time I can usually be reached,“ and so forth. „And-now, I’ll tell you something, that sometimes if the person gets shaky, or something like that, if you cover them up and keep them warm. And you got any B1? Got any B1, anything like that; give them some B1, and cover them up and keep them warm and call this number.“ In other words, set it up to take care of the emergency. Cut the other trick.

You’re looking at the meter. Man, that’s the one! It’s slamming itself off its pins! You say, „Uncle Joe,“ and it renews its activity. You don’t get any list-you never get a chance to. You got your detested person.

The fact that you have set it up to take care of the emergency may very well give somebody enough pause that you get your own way in the first place. Guy says, „Uh, well, I don’t know, you c-.“ Rolling up his sleeves; he’s going to go on into session with his scalpel, you know, and do a goal-ectomy. And he passes by the Telephone, and sneers at it, you know. Collects an overt on the way by it. And goes in and starts, „What is the detested person?“ He’s read that in a bulletin someplace that you ask this and you don’t much bother to put the data down, but you must have the pc answering this question, is: „What is the detested person?“ Wrong question, but he knows you’re supposed to do something like that. And of course, his wife says, „Well, let’s see, you, and then there’s you and, uh-you. You. You, yes. That’s-that’s you.“

And you say, „Well, who or what did Uncle Joe represent to you?“ see, which is a proper question there.

And he says, „Well, it couldn’t be me because I have always been nice to you! And you’ll have to give me somebody else.“

And the pc says, „Spirits-always talking about spirits.“ And you’re looking at the meter and it’s rock slamming. At this moment we’re twelve minutes deep into the body of session.

Well, you can imagine where, with that small takeoff, this activity is going to go, and so forth. And there’s somebody pale and shuddering, and he has finally found her goal, which is, „to love my husband.“ He lists her on this, and they-it’s all gone very ruggedly. In passing by the phone one day she’s upstairs sick-and he says, „Well, I-I-I won’t say anything. I maybe just better call up and tell him how things are going.“ And so he does and you’ve taken care of the emergency. And you check out the goal and you find out that wasn’t the goal, and he by this time is thuuu, and so forth. And he finds somebody to find the right goal, or he’ll go get trained to find goals, or he’ll do something effective. Do you understand?

And you say, „Spirits, huh? Well, what else did he represent?“ and so forth.

After, of course, the US Army Air Force Signal Corps has plowed in 50 percent of its aircraft, why, they would begin to become aware that there was something more to this. But they would think there was nothing to it at all if somebody had not set up the emergency ward for it, you see. So, you do them up a paper, something like that. You say, „Well, I can get in contact with about twenty-five auditors on emergency and we can set up an emergency unit, you know. And we can take care of the various suicidal and depressive effects which you’re going to bring about, and so forth. And we want the name of every person you employ on this auditing project, because we will hold them as untrainable thereafter and as not suitable for training in Scientology. And we’ll do this and we will do that.“ And you do it all up, you know, make sure the commanding general hears all about it, and so forth.

„Well, mostly spirits!“ Bang, there it is, you see?

Just like this other guy, he’s going to laugh hollowly at first, you see? But finally, why, he’s going to get those first bad reports. And he’s going to say, „Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh.“ He’s going to get some more bad reports and very few good reports. Doesn’t look good to him. He probably won’t go that far. He’ll probably be on to you, and he’ll say, „Wait, you’re-you’re a member of the original group on this sort of thing, and you’re supposed to know your business on this sort of thing. How about straightening this up?“ And of course, at that time, you straighten it all up for him under the same conditions they imposed during World War II: unconditional surrender. You just impose all of your conditions, with no monkey business about it.

You say, „Well, that’s good. That’s good. Now, what do spirits represent to you?“

Now, you see how to take care of this situation? We’re walking into an emergency situation. Our second-goal Clear got out of here-you probably don’t know this story yet, and you probably haven’t had it on the grapevine. My lines are faster than grapevine. My communication lines are the only lines in the world that are faster than grapevine. She got down there, and she announced a clearing co-audit, and to quote her, she practically got her clothes torn off of her. She just got ripped to pieces in the rush.

And the pc says, „Undertakers! An undertaker. Undertaker. Yeah, it’s an undertaker. Yeah, it represents an undertaker. That’s a spirit to me.“

A clearing co-audit announced in Bulawayo, the place where they all got killed, caused a stampede of magnitude. And she was absolutely knocked appetite over tin cup in the rush. And the reason why she signaled for John to come down there is she was actually going down for the third time, and she had to have somebody on deck, now. She was trying to audit ten hours a day, and run a co-audit, and straighten everything out, and handle everything, and she couldn’t make any part of it, see.

Ha-ha! There it is! Fifteen minutes deep into the body of the session you got the item. You see?

Well, can happen, you know. It can also happen like this: You go back into an area, and everything is nice and sleepy, and there’s nothing wrong, and everything is going along quietly, and you clear somebody up, and you’re going to do all of your own listing, and all of your own goals listing, and you’re going to do all of your items listing, and you’re not going to have to groove it in anyway, because there isn’t anything much to do about it, and you-you-so you clear up this person, and then you do something with that person, and then the next thing you know, it-you’re opening the door in mornings, it just seems a little more crowded out there.

And you say to him carefully, „Well, what goal“-you don’t want to stretch your luck at this point. You say, „What goal would it be impossible to achieve if you were an undertaker?“

And one morning you open the door and the whole house gets swept away. It doesn’t matter how quietly it starts or how long it takes to happen, it’s going to turn into an enormously confused area in your immediate vicinity, no matter what you do about it.

And the pc thinks for a minute and he thinks for a minute, and you see a couple of small rocket reads, you see? Pc is thinking hard about it and thinking hard about it and finally says, „To live. Yeah.“ Rocket reads! Crash! Crash! Check it out, that’s the goal! Twenty-two and a half minutes deep…

Give you some kind of an idea: I was living a sleepy life, quiet, everything was going along, rather interestingly. Peter had very little to do, sorted papers, and he took most of the important despatches off the line and handled them and I didn’t have anything to do. I’d just sit at my desk and breeze along. And practically no emergencies anyplace. This was 1960.

All right. Well, you could be dodging around, you see, against fifty hours, for the-exactly the same result. See? Now, the element of luck has a shortening time value.

Well, in the last month, the last thirty days, let’s not look at seven thousand some odd miles of boat travel, and seven hundred miles of car travel, or congress, or any one of these things. Just omit those, because frankly I had no time for them. So they just have to be deleted off the time track.

Now, the next pc after this pc, you’re going to do slower than you would have done if you hadn’t had all of this luck, because you say to the pc-this next pc-you say, „Who or what have you detested?“ And the pc gives you a 425-name list and the item of detestation isn’t on it. The list is not complete. There’s not a single slam on it anyplace.

You add the amount of auditing I have done in the last thirty days; the number of cases that I have directly consulted about; the number of cases I’ve straightened out; the number of plans and solutions which I’ve had to put forward because the area was screaming for it; the number of new transcription and communication activities which I’ve had to try to set up to cope with this sort of thing; and you would realize what I was talking about.

Well, the thing to do in the face of this much luck brings us to our next step, which is certainty. Now, we’re not dealing in a „You might find the goal and you might not find the goal,“ see? That is not what you’re dealing with at this time. You’re dealing with „How easy is it going to be, how hard is it going to be, to find this pc’s goal?“ That’s the quotient you’re stacked up against. It isn’t „Am I going to find it or am I not going to find it?“ No, you’re going to find it. And you go by the rules of the game that we’ve got right this minute, and you’ll find that goal. It’s a question of how long it’s going to take.

On top of all this, of course, there are several emergencies around that have nothing to do with any of these lines, don’t you see? But I actually could not at this present moment and have not been able to handle in the last thirty days, just my auditing supervision, see. I haven’t been able to handle that much of my job thoroughly.

Now, the length of time it takes is to some degree influenced by your certainty that the goal will eventually be found. You follow this?

Now, when you add to my job all the things that are added to my job, you get sort of a feeling like things are going rather rapidly. You also get the feeling like things are kind of out of control. You get to wondering where it’s going to land. I know this. I know this before. I’ve had it in 1950. And you’re facing another 1950. But this one will come out straight and right, providing we all keep our heads screwed on, and keep the show on the road, and don’t monkey around with a bunch of squirrel nonsense and don’t tolerate a bunch of bad clearing. And if we can do these things, why, it’ll all come out all right in the end. We’ll get through this all right. And if we don’t take care of these things, however, if we just say, „Well, my job is an auditor and there isn’t anything else to do on this particular line,“ let me tell you, we won’t get through it. I mean, it’s that rough. We’ll practically be wiped out in the rush.

Audience: Mm-hm. Yes.

Because the number of times I have raised my voice in the last few days, in exasperation and in total dismay, well, it must be six or eight times. And it’s enough so the kids are now getting used to it and smile and pat me on the back. At the same time, I’ve been able to kind of get things grooved in a little bit. So, that just before the lecture tonight I was able to show them a movie on Tarzan of the Apes, and that sort of thing. I hadn’t put my tie on yet, but I showed them a movie. You can also do living at the same time you’re doing this, you know, if you kind of fit it in edgewise.

Because when you become uncertain, you will start doing things that are unusual and extraordinary and which may very well lead you into some backwash that is going to take you hours and hours to get out of.

But I see all the symptoms here. Now, what’s even more interesting to you, perhaps, is a whole new country just blossomed open, suddenly. Crash! Japan. And the biggest evening paper in Japan has just run column stories on Scientology and has tied up their switchboards totally. John Ockard, from University LA, Department of Mathematics, was over in Japan and he gave a public lecture-talked about clearing and that sort of thing. Now, a little bit of pioneer work had been done there, a few contacts had been made; he evidently went along these lines, and I don’t think the Gentleman who is sitting right there realized that this wire was that live. He thought maybe it had a hundred and ten volts in it, but it’s got a couple of hundred million volts in it. The Japanese public, four hundred-four and a half million readers of that one single paper almost knocked the building down.

You say, „Well, I don’t know if I’m doing the procedure that will find the goal or not.“ If that thought is occurring to you-“I don’t know if I’m going to find this pc’s goal or not“-if you’re in that frame of mind, you’re going to make mistakes. So it’s up to you and you will perhaps acquire this somewhere up the line-particularly if I mention it to you-you’ll get to a point, after you’ve done a few successful assessments, you’ll realize it isn’t whether or not you’re going to find the goal, it’s a question of how hard it is going to be to find the goal. That is the measure or the yardstick by which you measure pcs.

Now, this leaves me-of course, I know we don’t have time to do this, but I have to do this-leaves me with the job of writing special articles for Japanese papers. Of tailoring up and editing Scientology textbooks to be translated into Japan, without time to train an auditor as a translator. Grim.

When you achieve that, you will be in a very good situation as an auditor, because it will reinforce the first requisites-the calm, competent aspect of the auditor. And it will also tend to breed luck.

I can’t read Japanese characters. I can read a little bit of roman, which is their Romanized letters. My Japanese is far too rusty. I spoke it a bit once, but not anything in gear, see. There’s just nothing in gear here at all. Now, there’s a country, a large population. Vital, a very vital, a very forceful people.

It’s as a highwayman looks very, very dangerous to the degree that he has a tremendous reputation. I imagine some poor little old highwayman has gotten out on the-alongside the track and the mail coach has come along, and this highwayman has stepped out into the road and tried to flag the coach down and said something or other: „I’m Timmy Simpson! Stand and deliver!“ You know? And the coach goes by and not only does it go by, but it throws mud all over him. It’s a disheartening sort of thing. That’s the difference between Dick Turpin. He’s sitting there on a big, black horse and he hasn’t even got a pistol in his hand and the coach comes up the slope to the top of the grade and sees him sitting there and the coach stops, and they stand and deliver. They even volunteer to carry it a distance for him this time. That’s sort of the difference of reputation, competence-that sort of thing. That’s the difference it makes. It’s a big difference.

George Jellinek going over some surveying with me this evening. You say, „Where did that hat come from?“ Well, it just happens to be another hat. We were standing out here, talking about surveying, and surveying things up, and we were talking about various types and classes of architecture, so as to plan up what’s to be done with that courtyard over there. And he was talking about how vital Japanese architecture was, and how powerful, how forceful and how brutal their architecture was. He didn’t think he could cope up to it. Well, I doubted the last fact, of course.

Now I’m not trying to give you an aspect of Fagin teaching his boys, but the aspect of „Well, it’s just inevitable. You-there-you’re going to give me the dope and you’re going to give me the withhold and you’re going to give me this, and you’re going to give me that, and there it all is and that’s it. Bing! Dm-dm! Inevitable, you’re going to do this. And that certainty, actually, can take a pc and the pc’s… That doesn’t ever enter his head that he’s going to withhold anything from you and a tremendous amount of the battle is won, see?

But here’s a very vital people. Poised on the threshold of Asia-the newest awakened nation in the world-these people, with a handful of battleships and so forth, almost made it, just a few years ago, man. I know, I was on the receiving end of some of that. They darn near made it. Now, a nation which is whipped in war inevitably goes into thought. They’ll move up from force to thought. But remember, a thetan never gives up. They had conquest in mind, and conquest they will attain, only it’ll be a conquest of thought.

Comes into session, sits down, says, „Well, I stood armed guard last night while a bank was robbed.“ You know? There it is. He gives up the withhold, in other words. Crash!

There is an arrow poised at the heart of communism, poised at the heart of all these enslaved states. There is a very interesting situation. Now, sooner or later the Japanese are going to break out, they’ve already broken most of their treaties with the US. The US can’t keep them in line now. Student riots, and that sort of thing, prevented Eisenhower from going in there.

Now that’s different. You box around with this pc, and you say, „What is this fall? Yes, well. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?“

There’s an interesting people. There is no philosophy tailor-made of a political nature which would handle that situation. And all of a sudden this wide people, already they are-their communistic aspects is they believe that the individual should have a greater chance and the state should have this and that, but the individualism of the individual should be terribly maintained. In other words, this is very confusing.

„Yeah, well, I ate breakfast.“ And you say, „Thank you. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding.?“ (I’ve been hearing this lately said different ways. I’m just throwing that in gratuitously.)

Karl Marx is dead right, except where he was confused with Nietzsche, see. And this is pretty-it’s pretty-pretty confused. That nation isn’t half whipped. All right. If one can guide its-it, by the way, owes its primary upsurge of civilization to an incursion of Buddhism. Many centuries ago Buddhism was the first civilizing agent in there, and they taught writing, and they taught the various arts. Japanese had no writing up to the time the first Buddhist monks arrived from Tibet.

And the meter goes clank, and he says, „Well, I… tsk! tsk! Nothing!“

It’s very interesting that into Japan swept Buddhism, centuries ago, and brought about a literate civilization, which eventually was opened up. And suddenly, with enormous enthusiasm, we get the wide arm embrace for Scientology coming in from the West, which of course is a whole wisdom all in itself-at a moment when it is delivering the goods. In other words, you can take off all the slack of the years of hoping, and waiting on Ron, and hoping it worked, and the forward surge, and so forth. No, it’ll just come as the total impact. From first book to last book all in one package, bang! Pretty startling.

„Very well. I’ll check that on the meter. Since the last time I audited you, you done anything you are withholding? It still reacts.“

Well, what’s this going to do? I don’t know. I haven’t any particular plans of conquest in Asia. But it looks like I don’t have to have any, it’s… There goes China, man. There goes China.

„Well, I don’t know what it could be.“

Well, which of you, which of you right this minute could go to Japan and train some auditors, and do some „clear up“ of the situation, get a sort of an organization together which can serve as a library, and can control the activity in the vicinity so it doesn’t go all to pieces, and so forth? Well, which of you are going, you know? It’s that sort of a question.

See, this is not a climate of auditing in which you’re liable to get too much done. You see? As your competence goes up, your luck increases. See? And as your luck increases, why, the whole thing adds up to greater certainty. You finally get insufferable! And that’s just fine, fine.

Because of course, you can’t go, because the place where you’re already going to probably already expects you, and so forth; but there are many places in the world that need you equally as much. You understand? Any Saint Hill graduate that doesn’t know where to go, for Christ’s sakes, get in touch with me, man. Despatches in my mail just this evening were demanding two Saint Hill graduates before yesterday morning. The situation is totally out of control, see.

I’ve heard a person or two say, recently, „Well, whatever else I can do, I can audit. By God, I can audit.“ You know? They know that. I heard myself saying it one day. Yep. And they can, too.

Now, it’s also interesting that the FCDC income has doubled since the congress and is remaining at a doubled state. This has never happened before. Usually, it’ll last for a week or so, as an upsurge income, and then drops off quite markedly. Well, it is doubled, and is slightly increasing. Their units are kicking now around seventy cents, with every sign of rising income.

Now, there is a stage, of course, before they’ve been trained when they believed that too! There’s a small valley about the depth of the Grand Canyon between that state and the next state of competence.

They’ve just moved into another building, and so forth, and an additional building just for the HGC alone, and all kinds of things like this. And they’re on my back on the subject of more Saint Hill graduates.

Now, certainty. You’re going to find the pc’s goal. That’s going to be done because that’ll keep you at it until you do it. That’s what’s important. It’ll keep you at it. And if you haven’t got any real belief that you’re going to find the goal, you’re liable to be kind of weak and staggerish about it.

There’s a new plan of clearing, and all clearing plans are the same plan now. Only we call them „Staff Clearing Project“; we call it the „Public Clearing Project“; we call it a „Staff Co-audit Clearing Project.“ I don’t care what you call it, it’s all the same plan; is you get an untrained or a well-trained - untrained is PE level-or well-trained, HPA-level auditor who does the Prepchecking.

Now, I’ll admit that at the end of about thirty or forty hours of slog on some pc who gets alternate dirty needles, and that sort of thing, and that is kind of hard to read and is stacking up lots of withholds and it slams on you like mad, you start getting a little laggardly about these things, you know, and you don’t really pitch it in too hard. You have a tendency to slow down a little bit. And the more you slow down, why, the less certainty is entered into the session, the less certainty you’ve got and the less likely you are to finish your job off. You must always finish the job off. You owe it to your own morale to finish the job off. That is the whole thing.

The first PE level, of course, does it under heavy supervision and the HCA would do it under less heavy supervision. He does all the basic auditing. In other words, he gives whoever comes in a Problems Intensive, and he lists all the goals, and he gets them all padded into shape and their needle’s fine, and he gets their withholds off. He gets them straightened up, in other words, so that they can fly.

So it took seventy-five hours to find Aunt Mabel’s goal. Kick her in the head afterwards if you must, but spend the seventy-five hours. You got the idea? Don’t go stacking up a bunch of people whose goal you didn’t find, you understand? That’s almost fatal along the line.

Then he turns them over to a Saint Hill graduate who audits them just long enough to find their goal, and as soon as that person’s goal is found and proven out, that person is put back into the pack again to get the goal tiger drilled at the beginning of every session and listed. So, your auditor who’s doing this has to know how to tiger drill at one goal alive and list out a goal.

Now, let’s get into the technology itself

All right, now, that is the clearing plan. That is the way it is working out. You don’t let a Saint Hill graduate do Prepchecking, you don’t let him list the original goals, and you don’t let him list the items. You’re doing it here so you’ll know how. But here’s ordinarily how it goes.

This is fairly well settled now. I’ll just go over this very rapidly. On a Dynamic Assessment you ought to have your 850 goals audited on the pc just to have a good backlog supply of goals. It should be. You can violate that. Your pc should be prepchecked and be very auditable. Sometimes you will violate that.

This is your-your HCA-level activity or very heavily HCA-supervised public activity, and it runs along on this track and then it does-just-this person is ready to have his goal found. Or there is auditing time to have this person’s goal found and it suddenly goes tick, tick, boom, bang! And he’s back on the track. You understand? He comes right along this line here, and so forth, and then he’s totally derailed off it into the hands of a Saint Hill graduate. Person’s goal is found and instantly he is put back immediately on this other line. Anybody who isn’t doing that, any Saint Hill graduate who isn’t operating that way these days is operating at a hell of a waste. Not just for himself, but waste of treasure and waste of human time. See, because that’s the way it ought to run.

But for sure, you enter into your next steps, they go something on this order. And this is current and this routine is susceptible to being changed. And if I find any shorter shortcuts, you’re sure going to get them. But it runs something like this:

Now, what do you have? You have Staff Staff Auditor number one is a Saint Hill graduate goals finder. You call him the Staff Goals Finder. And staff co-audits on their own time. See, they co-audit each other and then soon as one is ready to have his goal found, why, he’s passed over to this Staff Staff Auditor number one, and for that period of time he is in that auditor’s auditing room getting his goal found. And as soon as the goal is found and checked out, why, he is put right back into his co-audit thing.

It’s „Who or what have you detested?“ Now, it’s usually not necessary to add „in this lifetime,“ but you can if you wish. And you finally get yourself a list and if you’ve got a very, very close eye to the meter, you’ll see that some of them slammed. You’ll see that some of these names slammed. Sometimes it comes the first one on the list. After you’ve been totally spoiled and realized that every time you ask this-any person who he detests, that you get the item the first time-because it’s in the majority of the cases you do-you then run into the pc that the item is 436 down the list. That makes a citizen out of you again and there you are.

But you have two things running on staff. one is a co-audit; that is, the untrained staff people are done in co-audit that meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday sort of thing. And then you have the trained staff member who is permitted to co-audit on his own time and doesn’t attend this co-auditing - these co-auditing sessions which are supervised. You see how that’s done?

But you get this detested person and this slams. And you take this slamming detested person and you find „What part of existence-“-this is paraphrasing; it’s almost any phrasing of this-“does that person represent to you?“ You don’t say, „What is-what part of existence does this person consider the dynamics to be?“ or „What dynamics does this person consider to be?“ I’ve made that error two or three times and it never works. It’s always, „What part of existence-.“

And the Staff Staff Auditor number one has an HCA assigned to him who operates-could be as a part-time, or even two part-time HCAs or HPAs. And these people review the folders and make sure that the staff members that are doing the co-audit hand in their auditor’s reports, and keep the thing scheduled and that sort of thing and handle the administration for them. Or you can have a full-time administration person who also does the supervision, so on.

So you say, „What part of existence does this person represent to you?“ and the person will give you, usually, a dynamic list. And this list is going to have some slams on it probably, of one kind or another. And you’re going to get a long list there. And you may not get a slam that you run out on that particular one, you see-that’s possibly not slamming.

Doesn’t much matter exactly how this is worked out, the basic plan is that there’s a Saint Hill graduate there finding goals, and people are being all handled and squared up-he’s not having to do any of this handling - squared up and then they hand him a person, and he finds the goal, and feeds the person back into the other lineup. You see that? All right, you do that with the public.

Your first list of detested people only had a few slams on it. You had no dwindling slam or anything like that. It just slammed once in a while, you know. And you got this list of dynamics. And it just slammed once in a while. And it isn’t necessary that you have any dwindling slam yet because you haven’t entered that zone or area.

For instance, we have a new release form, the darnedest release form that anybody ever heard of You know our old release form? It says, „Nobody - we’re not responsible for anything that happens in the HGC.“ You ever read one of those release forms? „If you fall down or break your neck, or anybody audits you badly, why, you daren’t sue L. Ron Hubbard or the organization or the Assoc Sec or anybody, and it’s nobody’s fault but yours,“ and that’s what the old one reads.

Now, you assess that on cons-and all of these assessments are carried on with „Consider committing overts against „ or some such phrase. „Think of doing bad things to .“ There’s a lot of these things. Those are not optimum. Someday we’ll get a better phrasing for that, because the pc thinks you’re telling him to do something and he always tries to do it and sometimes gets all gummed up on it. We don’t know a better one though than-at this particular time, than „Consider committing overts against .“ That is the assessment question.

The new one reads just this and no more: It says, „The organization takes full responsibility for clearing you. And you on your part pledge to make yourself available for processing and pay for the auditing until this is done.“ Signed by the person, signed by an officer of the organization. You look it over from a legal standpoint, it’s very amusing that it’s a more legal contract than the other. I can just see some old judge trying to settle this thing as a release form, see?

So we find this thing. And then, having found this slamming item on this list, we then know we have or think we have, the dynamic. And now having the pc’s dynamic, we want „Who or what would this represent to you?“ See, this dynamic, see? Well, let’s say the dynamic was families. See? Well, „What do families represent to you?“ See, now you’re going to get yourself a slamming. Now is the first for sure dwindling slam you’re going to get. If you’re right, you’re going to get a dwindling slam.

„Well, they took full responsibility for you, what did you do? You’re suing them. What did you do? What did you do? I mean, did you make yourself available, as it says here, for what… Well, you didn’t. I thought not. Thirty days or… Oh no, it’s a civil suit.“

Now, what do we mean by a dwindling slam? You take the item, the dynamic in this case. You take the dynamic, you get it so it reads. Now the rule is, if you’re going to list anything, you get it to read first. If you’re going to list from anything, you get it to read first. I can tell you a lot about how to get things to read. But you get this thing reading. And most-a lot of your lack of success is, is you have this thing so suppressed or so unsuppressed or something that it won’t read. And you don’t-you find the item on Tuesday-I mean, the dynamic on Tuesday and it’s families and it slams like crazy. And you pick it up on Wednesday to continue your session and it doesn’t even tick. So you tiger drill it a couple of minutes to see if it-and you finally get it so it gets a little tiny dirty needle. And now you go ahead and you list from this thing. You’re going to lay an egg, man!

You see, a different spirit pervades the land. So what happens? What happens? This guy receives this contract someplace out in the field, and he signs the contract and sends it back in. What does he get for signing the contract? A promise that we will not raise our rates to him for a year. That’s the only reward he gets for it, because believe me, cost of processing is going up everyplace. We promise not to raise our rates to him if he signs a contract. And this is the person we promise to clear.

You want a slam in that thing. You want that item slamming, just as before, before you go on listing from it. You understand me?

Central Organizations some time ago sent out letters to everybody saying we were-had them on our clearing list. Well, this is their first issue on that subject afterwards, is this release form. And it says, sign it. And tremendous numbers of them will be signed and sent back in.

Now, when you list that item down on, „What does that item represent to you?“ the pc-you’re going to get a dwindling slam. And that’s going to start wide and item by item it is going to diminish.

But that-same thing-all of a sudden, you’ve got two, three, four Saint Hill graduates on the staff and you got a lot of staff auditors. And all these Saint Hill graduates are doing their-but not being permitted to be Ds of T or anything else. They can only be Technical Directors by my special permission. And Assoc Secs. Yes, they can be an Assoc Sec, providing they’re not needed someplace else. You get the idea? I mean this is a different look.

Now, a sporadic slam is different than a dwindling slam. These things are enormously different. A dwindling slam diminishes item by item. Written thing by written thing, you get a dwindling slam. It’s less and less and less and less and finally a dirty needle, and it isn’t even a dirty needle and gone.

So you got two, three, four of these people and they’re on staff, and just as fast-you-bring these people in from the field, fix them up, get them all ready, and so forth. And when you’ve got a Saint Hill graduate, call him in again. And find their goal and feed them back to listing and zip them out of there.

Now, when we say dwindling, it may start two inches wide and then it’ll be an inch-and-three-quarters wide and then a few items later you’re watching this thing and it will be an inch-and-a-half wide and then it’ll be an inch wide, and then it’ll be a half-an-inch wide and then it’ll be a quarter-of-an-inch wide, and it’s just a little dirty needle, and then it’s disappearing and then you complete the list. You bleed the meter. You ask the pc, „Are there any more?“ and if you see a reaction here you write it down, you see. And you got that thing complete.

In other words, this is assembly-line clearing. And this is a world clearing program. Of course, your co-audit is you get sixty people together, and there’s a lot of tricks that you can use on that. I’ll talk to you a lot about that later on.

Now, that is a dwindling slam. That is different than a sporadic slam. A sporadic slam is you write down, you know, „What does families represent to you?“ See? And Oooooo! It goes bang, bang, bang, bang! And you write the next item down and there’s no reaction. You write the next item down, there’s no reaction. You write the next item down, there’s no reaction. And then you write down an item and you get a big bang, bang! big slam so forth. And then you write down another item and there’s no reaction. And bang, bang, bang! Another slam, you see? And when you finally finish the thing up it-you aren’t getting any slams anymore. But if you cleaned up the original thing from which it proceeded, you would get the slam back again. You understand?

And I figured out a new angle on how you charge for this, if you’re going to do one of those so that it makes the people who join the co-audit very anxious to bring in new people because it costs them less. See, the basic cost of the co-audit is five hundred dollars, or a thousand dollars a week, and of course, if they only had one person it’d cost him a thousand dollars a week. He’s very anxious it’ll have a hundred people. And in any event, you get-you get twenty-five dollars more per week, or something like that, for every person there. I can just see some guy trying to leave that co-audit, you know!

In other words, this slam has not been listed out. This slam is occasionally turned on. And there’s where an auditor is fooled more than anything else. And it’s most heartbreaking to sit there and watch something that you’re absolutely sure would list. And the darn thing… There’s a slam about every third or fourth item and then you list eight items in a row. They all slam-same width, not diminishing. And then you list seven more after that and there’s no slam on those. And then you list an item and it slams, you see? Nah, that’s not a dwindling slam. You understand?

But anyway, these are the problems. This is the atmosphere of the-the world is living in right now, Central Orgwise. And Central Organizations are short of Saint Hill graduates. They’re trying to start this and trying to do that, and not enough time and not enough people and not enough technology, and already using the bulletin that’s going to be received tomorrow, you know. And this is the operating climate that we’re moving up into. And that operating climate, of course, will smooth out some years from now, perhaps. If you live long enough, maybe even in your lifetime.

But this nice interesting phenomena-the dwindling slam-will occur.

But this is what you’re walking forward toward, and this is what it looks like. And I just wanted to talk to you about these various things, and talk to you about the ethics of the situation. To talk to you about-you got to keep clearing good and you got to keep it getting done. That’s the only thing that’s really effective. And take the steps necessary to make clearing effective and keep it from being messed up. And we’ve got our job done.

Now, when you finally got the item, what do you do with the item? You want to know, „What goal might you have that’d be an overt against and let’s say it’s diapers. That’s a good one for families, and so on. So it’s diapers. And what would be an overt against diapers and, man, there’s your dwindling slam again. If you’re right, and that is the right item, it’ll be your dwindling slam.

We got the technology, we’re on the way, and so forth. And even you will be Clear very shortly.

Of course you’ve assessed this item list, of course, with: „Consider committing overts against…“ Just like you did any-the dynamic list, just like you did the person list, you see? Everything that is an-looks like a dynamic or an item or detested person or a thing, you see, that is always assessed with „Consider committing overts against…“ You’re assessing with slam for slam. Therefore it’s Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam and you turn this thing on that way.

Thank you very much.

Now, when you list those goals out, you list a dwindling slam. And it’ll dwindle down, just as I’ve described to you, to a dirty needle and drift out.

That doesn’t mean the goal is on that list. That’s just proved the fact that it’s the item. And that dwindling slam is the proof of the pudding. The main thing that you’re going to do wrong is you’re going to ride th ‘ is horse to death. See? You’re going to get this long list and you’re going to assess this thing and it’s-there’s nothing slamming anywhere on the list, you know? It’s „Consider committing overts against…“ and you got your rudiments in and there’s nothing slamming and it’s all dirty needle-everything’s got a little dirty needle, little instant dirty needle-and you finally pick out this little instant dirty needle thing and now that-yet you say that must be the item, and…

See, you’ve read all the way through this 329 list and you assessed it all and, oh man, you’ve worked like mad. Now, the horse drops dead, see? About the time you’ve been through it once and nothing has slammed on the whole list, that horse is dead, man! And yet you’ll continue to ride the horse. You’ll go over it again. You saw me do it about two or three times on TV on the research sessions, remember? Those were just research sessions, see-no reason why you should do it.

All right. Now, what’s going to happen here? This horse falls dead and then you get off and you take your canteen, and you fill up a sponge and you wash out the horse’s mouth, and you groom him, and so forth, and you polish all of his harness, you know? And you sleek him up, you comb his mane, you know?

What are you doing? You had no business around there. Get yourself another horse. Grooming dead horses: You’re going to often find yourself doing that. Because you’re so hopeful. You say, „Well, at any minute now a slam’s going to turn on, see, and we’re going to go through this 389 list, and it’s only taken us five sessions to do it,“ because it takes so long to get the rudiments in and all you get out of it is dirty needles and all that sort of thing, and you’re just nowhere, see?

Well, I’ll tell you. Although I may do this myself once in a while-I tell you, I know when to get off that horse now. I unload before the horse drops dead. I know he isn’t going any further and I drop into the sand and go find my-start whistling for another horse because I know he isn’t going anyplace. He’s got „Kansas City“ or „Wichita“ on his nose.

Now, you’ve got a tremendous list but this is why dynamic slams are — why you have trouble with them: they haven’t got the item on them. Your rudiments could be desperately out in the session-which isn’t very probable, not at the auditing skill level you’re in-or the item isn’t on the list. So actually the answer is, the item wasn’t on the list. That’s it. The item isn’t on the list! If you can just get that through your ‘ead! Of course, you-probably everyone of you have to learn as hard as I did. I’ve just done assessment after assessment after assessment after assessment on and on and so forth. And carry each one through to its final, total completion of finding out not one stayed in. There I am, sitting there. Or one is giving a little tiny slam of some kind, but won’t list. See? The item wasn’t on the list, that’s all. And I found that to be true every time.

Now, I’ll tell you how I do it these days. I go over the list once and if I get a slam, I stop right there and we go on about our business.

I advise you to go over the list twice because sometimes if a pc is somewhat out of session, the item will skip around. One will slam and another one will slam then it’ll settle down on something.

I was reviewing a pc, a few-couple, three weeks ago, that’d already been done and had gotten the wrong item on the pc. Wrong item. But there was one item on the list that was slamming. So I just read down the list, came to the slamming item-I would like to tell you that I finished up the list, but in actual fact I didn’t. This item was slamming, man! Boom, bow! See? Like dropping a hot shell into a powder magazine, you know? Boow! See? All the rest of it dead calm, you know? And here’s this one. Bow! And I just stopped right there. I said, „Well, that’s that.“

The reason I stopped there is because the pc cognited two-and-three-quarters yards worth. You’ll learn that the pc’s interest follows the slam and the pc’s cognitions follow the right items. Pc’s sitting there, you know, holding the cans, you know-sitting there doing nothing, sitting there. Pc is sitting there and you saying, „Hogwash and dillywumps and buffaloes,“ and whatever the item. And the pc sits there, you know-hogwash and so forth. And all of a sudden you hit „crackerjack,“ see? And you say, „Crackerjack.“

And the pc-“You know I had an uncle once who was in the Cracker Jack business. Manufactured Cracker Jack. I used to eat so much of those, used to always make me very sick. Cracker Jack always used to always make me very sick, and it’s a very interesting thing that that ties in with the Supreme Being very well. Now, I have-have two or two or three instances here where the Supreme Being is tied in with Cracker Jack. There are several instances on record where Cracker Jack has been very, very interesting. That reminds me of a goal I had once, too.“

You read down the list, you see, and there’s the pc, you know. All of a sudden, you know? What the hell? What are you going on any further for? The meter slams, the pc slams, everything slams! See, the pc’s interest suddenly — bzzzzzzz!

Ah, go down to the bottom of the list and go down again. And you’ll find your-you’ll eventually find out that you’re right. And you’ll get very great confidence. You’ll find that item slams every time you go by it.

You should know the item far earlier than the pc ever dreams of it. You should know that the item is on the list first pass through. And if you’re insufferably cocky, you’ll just pick it off the first pass through.

You’ll be going on down the line and read on down to the end but you already know it’s „Cracker Jack,“ and you just lay the whole thing aside, and say, „All right. Well now, Cracker Jack. Cracker Jack. That slams very nicely. All right. Now we’re going to take this now. Thanks.“

And pc is saying, „And my Uncle Joe once had a Cracker Jack factory and so forth.“

And you say, „All right, thank you very much. Now we’re going to take this piece of paper here and we’re going to write on down the line here. Now, who or what represents Cracker Jack to you?“ you know? We don’t care what exact question we ask him, as long as we get „represents“ in it „to you,“ and we get it stretched out there and we’ve got our next list. Or we’ve got our goals list.

Now, that’s the way it’s done.

The goal is-ordinarily occurs on List 6. And it occurs one, two, three or four on List 6, which I think is fabulous. „If you were a Cracker Jack, what goal of yours would be impossible to achieve?“ If you’re lucky, it’ll be in the first three or four of List 6. If it isn’t, your luck was out that day and you better follow the next plan of action, which is to tiger drill the positive-negative buttons versus Cracker Jack. „Your goal-would your goal suppress Cracker Jack?“ „Would your goal invalidate Cracker Jack?“ You just take the thirteen buttons. „Would your goal be careful of Cracker Jack?“ Also you add a few buttons of your own selection. You say, „Cracker Jack, that’s very interesting. All right, we’ll put in ‘devour’ on our button list, and ‘spit out’ and ‘buy,’ and we’ll put ‘give away,’ and then of course we’ll have ‘ignore, ‘ „ You get the idea? Just add them to your buttons list. You make up your own. That’s what I’ve been doing lately, is making up my own Prehav assessment for the thing.

And it’s quite interesting. So you say-you take the item-this item’s well proved-and you say, „Would your goal,“ positive-negative, see-“Would your goal suppress Cracker Jack? Would your goal not suppress Cracker Jack? Would your goal invalidate Cracker Jack? Would your goal not invalidate Cracker Jack?“ And all of a sudden you’re going to be looking at a great big rock slam. You’ve got it. There it is.

Now, you have the pc list goals which would not invalidate Cracker Jack. And he’ll give you four or five, and if your luck is in, it’s on that list, maybe the first one or two. Got it?

Seems to do something to his mind. Got that as a method of finding goals? I’ve talked to you a long time about this, using the Prehav Scale to find goals. Well, I’ve been doing it lately, and it’s been very successful. Looks good. Looks good.

Now, there’s another shortcut. You can’t find yourself the dynamic. All you can find is something that goes flitter, and thub, and dirty needle and disappears. And you can’t find anything. You can do this horrible shortcut but I don’t advise it or advertise it. But this horrible shortcut is just skip the detested person, skip the dynamic, skip the item and you just list straight out, flat out-you say, „What do you wish wasn’t part of existence?“ You make a great, big, long list. Get the pc well grooved in.

Make thirty or forty, fifty items on this list, and then throw it away. That gets him well grooved in, and you ask him, right sequitur to that, „What isn’t part of existence?“ and you go on down the line and his item will be on it, because the characteristic of all of these items is that they aren’t part of existence. The pc has too many overts on them, so naturally, they’re totally unreal, so therefore they aren’t part of existence. You got the idea?

Now, you take that, and you do the same button trick on it, and so forth. Let’s say and then you’ll find out this is-this is how you got Cracker Jack. It wasn’t part of existence and there it is slamming. All you do is consider overts against that „What is not part of existence?“ list. Do you understand?

Supposing you wind up with a dynamic and you can’t find the item? Well, the dynamic was probably the item. So you-after you can’t prove it out, you abandon the whole thing and list goals against the dynamic. You got the idea? What-you list goals against what you’ve got. You didn’t get a dwindling slam of goals, nothing. But you notice finally-here’s the last desperate trick. This is the end trick and the most desperate and the last appeal (and if you got this far, I’d be ashamed of you), but you just find something that the pc slams against. You happen to notice in prowling around that the pc, every time you say „cheesecake“ slams like mad. Every goal that has „cheesecake“ in it slams like mad. Everything that has „cheesecake“ in it slams like mad. So you just take „cheesecake“ and list goals against it.

That’s desperation with a capital D. Semidesperation is „What isn’t part of existence?“ You see that?

All right, that’s your existing technology today; that’s about the way it goes. If you’re a very clever auditor, if you’re very well trained, if you’re lucky, if you audit with certainty and you follow the standards of the procedure I’ve just given you, you wind up with the pc’s goal every time. And you can’t avoid it. You understand?

Therefore, goals finding is actually pretty easy today. But I will say, after doing a lot of it myself, that it requires these elements. There’s got to be some luck connected with it; you got to be able to think on your feet and keep your eyes open. There’s no substitute for it. Think on your feet and keep your eyes open. You suddenly realize that this pc is not completing any lists. You never get any item on any list that you can have anything to do with, but you do have an item-you got to know when to throw in the sponge and do a semifinal action. Don’t you see? You got to know when to quit on these things. You got to know when to take advantage of these things. In other words, you got to do some inspection and thinking for yourself within the broad framework of exactly how it’s done. There then is no substitute on top of it-and I’ll give you the last qualification, which is a clever auditor. And then you just find goals by the bucketloads. Okay?

Male voice: Yes.

It’s tremendously therapeutic to find a detested person on a pc. It’s therapeutic to find a dynamic on a pc. It’s therapeutic to find the item on the pc. Therapeutic to find the goal on the pc. And the last comment I will make is the pc will throw you for a loss every time by telling you how good he feels and how wonderful he feels or how bad he feels, how much he hurts.

I’ve been telling pcs lately, „Thank you very much, I’m very glad of that. Now, that’s very nice. I’m very happy. To hell with it. Now, let’s get on with the session.“ I don’t care how they feel. We’re not doing these things to make the pc feel good, because we have this enormous gain coming straight up that’s greater than anything any man on Earth has ever experienced, before us.

So the pc doesn’t have headaches anymore. Well, that’s dandy. Is he flying yet? No. Well, let’s get on with the assessment.

Okay? All right.

Thank you very much. Good night.