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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing Facsimile One (Demo Session) (HCL-06 Spec) - L520305d | Сравнить
- Emotion (HCL-06) - L520305b | Сравнить
- Thought and Preclears (HCL-05) - L520305a | Сравнить
- Whole Track Facsimiles (HCL-06a) - L520305c | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Мысль и Преклиры (КСПВ 52) - Л520305 | Сравнить
- Факсимиле с Полного Трака (КСПВ 52) - Л520305 | Сравнить
- Эмоция (КСПВ 52) - Л520305 | Сравнить

CONTENTS HCL-6 SPEC AUDITING FACSIMILE ONE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
HCL Part A - tape number 7HCL Part A - tape number 7



An auditing demonstration given on 5 March 1952An auditing demonstration given on 5 March 1952
(62 min) (rerecorded 1973 by Flag)(62 min) (rerecorded 1973 by Flag)
(On the reel it says "In this demonstration Ron audits Doctor Nan on Fac 1", but from the text it seems like Nan is the wife and the doctor is the husband. Both are audited in the first half. Then in the second half Ron audits the wife though Fac One and this section is very slow and full of moaning and groaning in contrast to the first half where she sounds bright and cheerful)(On the reel it says "In this demonstration Ron audits Doctor Nan on Fac 1", but from the text it seems like Nan is the wife and the doctor is the husband. Both are audited in the first half. Then in the second half Ron audits the wife though Fac One and this section is very slow and full of moaning and groaning in contrast to the first half where she sounds bright and cheerful)
(The R&D includes some description of the groans etc., but we have added more to clarify what the tape sounds like)(The R&D includes some description of the groans etc., but we have added more to clarify what the tape sounds like)
(The R&D says "Note: The recording from which this demonstration was transcribed begins with the demonstration already in progress. During the demonstration, LRH audits two preclears, a husband and wife. The wife is being audited as the recording begins.)(The R&D says "Note: The recording from which this demonstration was transcribed begins with the demonstration already in progress. During the demonstration, LRH audits two preclears, a husband and wife. The wife is being audited as the recording begins.)

LRH: In other words, back of the point where people allegedly knew about the mind, there are incidents which would have been automatically processed in certain personnel, and they're still there. The incidents are still there, and still aberrative.

LRH: In other words, back of the point where people allegedly knew about the mind, there are incidents which would have been automatically processed in certain personnel, and they're still there. The incidents are still there, and still aberrative.

So if the boys are in operation out through the galaxy and so on, they don't know yet that we've not only maybe solved the sanity of what was practically a prison planet but we've gone way ahead on this basis. And maybe solving it here was a slightly tougher job.

So if the boys are in operation out through the galaxy and so on, they don't know yet that we've not only maybe solved the sanity of what was practically a prison planet but we've gone way ahead on this basis. And maybe solving it here was a slightly tougher job.

(female PC)

(female PC)

PC: Well, it has been obvious to me that there's an answer.

PC: Well, it has been obvious to me that there's an answer.

LRH: [to recordist] You got a recording of all that?

LRH: [to recordist] You got a recording of all that?

PC: ... as to why people cannot rise spiritually, shall we say, in healthy bodies. And I'm primed that you will get it.

PC: ... as to why people cannot rise spiritually, shall we say, in healthy bodies. And I'm primed that you will get it.

LRH: Oh, yeah, that's right. You have to be a devil . . .

LRH: Oh, yeah, that's right. You have to be a devil . . .

PC: Thanks.

PC: Thanks.

LRH: ... to be even healthy.

LRH: ... to be even healthy.

PC: Oh!

PC: Oh!

LRH: That's a great gimmick.

LRH: That's a great gimmick.

PC: Isn't that it?

PC: Isn't that it?

LRH: Mm.

LRH: Mm.

PC: Put me on a succumb.

PC: Put me on a succumb.

LRH: I find myself talking very colloquially these days whenever I get anywhere near this one that I was running last night, and I think that what's happening is, is I'm picking up the speech attitude of the space boys. They're very offhand - very incorrect. Oh, there's one that shows up on this machine about it just beautifully - Roman roads.

LRH: I find myself talking very colloquially these days whenever I get anywhere near this one that I was running last night, and I think that what's happening is, is I'm picking up the speech attitude of the space boys. They're very offhand - very incorrect. Oh, there's one that shows up on this machine about it just beautifully - Roman roads.

PC: Roman roads. Hm.

PC: Roman roads. Hm.

LRH: I built some of the big Roman roads.

LRH: I built some of the big Roman roads.

PC: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Boy, it shows up on this thing. Proud of them! And how do you get a road built? You've got your certificate of chief of engineers of the area of Gaul - very proud. This business is fun if nothing else.

LRH: Boy, it shows up on this thing. Proud of them! And how do you get a road built? You've got your certificate of chief of engineers of the area of Gaul - very proud. This business is fun if nothing else.

PC: That's honest at least. (laughing)

PC: That's honest at least. (laughing)

LRH: Oh, very much so; it gets less and less serious to me. Boy!

LRH: Oh, very much so; it gets less and less serious to me. Boy!

PC: One of your outstanding qualities - you can change.

PC: One of your outstanding qualities - you can change.

LRH: Mm-hm. Yeah, you can get more serious or less. I'd rather get less.

LRH: Mm-hm. Yeah, you can get more serious or less. I'd rather get less.

PC: Get the seriousness off, you come up to truth.

PC: Get the seriousness off, you come up to truth.

LRH: All right. What are we dealing with here? I know we're dealing with one thing. What did you think of?

LRH: All right. What are we dealing with here? I know we're dealing with one thing. What did you think of?

PC: I just felt somatics in my ankles.

PC: I just felt somatics in my ankles.

LRH: Somatics in your ankles?

LRH: Somatics in your ankles?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Was it a past death?

LRH: Was it a past death?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: Bands on my ankles, metal bands and chains.

PC: Bands on my ankles, metal bands and chains.

LRH: Probably.

LRH: Probably.

PC: It's growing heavier.

PC: It's growing heavier.

LRH: Well, how about way back?

LRH: Well, how about way back?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: How about way back? Not be so anxious to run these bands on the ankles.

LRH: How about way back? Not be so anxious to run these bands on the ankles.

PC: Well, they're stockings, now (pc and LRH laugh) It's a suit of armor.

PC: Well, they're stockings, now (pc and LRH laugh) It's a suit of armor.

LRH: How about way back? How about before - before Earth? Is there a Before Earth with you?

LRH: How about way back? How about before - before Earth? Is there a Before Earth with you?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Mm-hm. Yeah. And this Before Earth...

LRH: Mm-hm. Yeah. And this Before Earth...

PC: I feel as though I'm melting.

PC: I feel as though I'm melting.

LRH: Is it pretty hot?

LRH: Is it pretty hot?

PC: Yes. But I'm growing very long and very slender - angular type of creature.

PC: Yes. But I'm growing very long and very slender - angular type of creature.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: And ...

PC: And ...

LRH: Quite intelligent.

LRH: Quite intelligent.

PC: I'm moving with great rapidity, even my physical body moves - oh, the speed is terrific.

PC: I'm moving with great rapidity, even my physical body moves - oh, the speed is terrific.

LRH: Were there any invaders at this time?

LRH: Were there any invaders at this time?

PC: Yes. This comes when you asked, "Any invaders at this time?" Yes, and from civilizations yet to be born. That doesn't make too much sense unless you're in the situation I'm in.

PC: Yes. This comes when you asked, "Any invaders at this time?" Yes, and from civilizations yet to be born. That doesn't make too much sense unless you're in the situation I'm in.

We're invaded back here with a civilization which is yet to come to be knnwn by masses of people. A circle, then, to be completed by the people by whom we were invaded.

We're invaded back here with a civilization which is yet to come to be knnwn by masses of people. A circle, then, to be completed by the people by whom we were invaded.

LRH: Mm-hm, Well now, which set of - is this the first set of invaders?

LRH: Mm-hm, Well now, which set of - is this the first set of invaders?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: What is the number?

LRH: What is the number?

PC: I say two

PC: I say two

LRH: Two. Okay. Second set of invaders!

LRH: Two. Okay. Second set of invaders!

PC: I'm too hot to wear a jacket.

PC: I'm too hot to wear a jacket.

LRH: Want to take it off?

LRH: Want to take it off?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Go ahead, do so. We can turn this heat down just a little bit.

LRH: Go ahead, do so. We can turn this heat down just a little bit.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording,]

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording,]

LRH: Did this wipe out any memory of past lives? This wipe out any memory of past lives or anything like that?

LRH: Did this wipe out any memory of past lives? This wipe out any memory of past lives or anything like that?

PC: No. No.

PC: No. No.

LRH: No. Nope. Did this make you - did it wipe out any...

LRH: No. Nope. Did this make you - did it wipe out any...

PC: I can't tell you what it did because I was told not to tell.

PC: I can't tell you what it did because I was told not to tell.

LRH: Oh, that's correct. Yeah, absolutely correct. Tell me, are some of these - the ingredients of it "not to know"?

LRH: Oh, that's correct. Yeah, absolutely correct. Tell me, are some of these - the ingredients of it "not to know"?

PC: "Not to tell," "not to remember ... "

PC: "Not to tell," "not to remember ... "

LRH: Mm-hm, ...

LRH: Mm-hm, ...

PC: "not to know" and "not to do this again except under specific directions, at which time without question it must be done instantly."

PC: "not to know" and "not to do this again except under specific directions, at which time without question it must be done instantly."

LRH: Mm-hm! Do you consider you have those specific directions now?

LRH: Mm-hm! Do you consider you have those specific directions now?

PC: (laughing) Oh-ho. I have them down pat. "Just don't " "To do is to die, and to leave undone is to die," so you're going to die.

PC: (laughing) Oh-ho. I have them down pat. "Just don't " "To do is to die, and to leave undone is to die," so you're going to die.

LRH: Uh-huh. How would you feel at an impact making your face stiff?

LRH: Uh-huh. How would you feel at an impact making your face stiff?

PC: Well, when I first started this, I went into the feeling of a board.

PC: Well, when I first started this, I went into the feeling of a board.

LRH: Great.

LRH: Great.

PC: Just stiff as a board. I felt ...

PC: Just stiff as a board. I felt ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: that I was living in a civilization where everything was wooden.

PC: that I was living in a civilization where everything was wooden.

LRH: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. And what did it do to your eyes? Anything?

LRH: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. And what did it do to your eyes? Anything?

PC: Well, my eyes have been in a scintillating dance for days. They've been horrible. And I have really perfectly beautiful vision, but everything goes black and white and black and gray, and moves in the horizontal plane.

PC: Well, my eyes have been in a scintillating dance for days. They've been horrible. And I have really perfectly beautiful vision, but everything goes black and white and black and gray, and moves in the horizontal plane.

LRH: Did anything hit your stomach in this same sequence?

LRH: Did anything hit your stomach in this same sequence?

PC: Oh, yes, I've been having - I hope - morning sickness which is - was tied up ...

PC: Oh, yes, I've been having - I hope - morning sickness which is - was tied up ...

LRH: Oh, yeah.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: with this thing a squeamish stomach.

PC: with this thing a squeamish stomach.

LRH: A squeamish stomach. Mm-hm. What would happen if you got a summons to come?

LRH: A squeamish stomach. Mm-hm. What would happen if you got a summons to come?

PC: Well, I would have to follow but not tell anyone why I received it.

PC: Well, I would have to follow but not tell anyone why I received it.

LRH: Mm-hm. Good. Now, was there just one incident of impact, is one incident of being shot this way?

LRH: Mm-hm. Good. Now, was there just one incident of impact, is one incident of being shot this way?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Was it followed by other incidents of any kind? No. Now, was it a civil...

LRH: Was it followed by other incidents of any kind? No. Now, was it a civil...

PC: (laughs) I can't tell you these things, don't you understand?

PC: (laughs) I can't tell you these things, don't you understand?

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

PC: I can't tell you these things; I can see them.

PC: I can't tell you these things; I can see them.

LRH: That's why this meter's so handy.

LRH: That's why this meter's so handy.

PC: Yes, well, one impact, but it was divided off into a section, you see?

PC: Yes, well, one impact, but it was divided off into a section, you see?

LRH: How many sections?

LRH: How many sections?

PC: Oh, many sections.

PC: Oh, many sections.

LRH: Divided off into sections

LRH: Divided off into sections

PC: ... There's a sporadic spilling of force.

PC: ... There's a sporadic spilling of force.

LRH: How about you being divided off into sections with it?

LRH: How about you being divided off into sections with it?

PC: Well, I was about that, see? There were various forces for the limbs, and chest area was heavy and throat area was like something grasping, just throttling you, see?

PC: Well, I was about that, see? There were various forces for the limbs, and chest area was heavy and throat area was like something grasping, just throttling you, see?

LRH: Did you ever see this as asthma?

LRH: Did you ever see this as asthma?

PC: Well, it is a perfect description of asthma. (laughter) But it starts, you see, in one shot. I can show you. It starts...

PC: Well, it is a perfect description of asthma. (laughter) But it starts, you see, in one shot. I can show you. It starts...

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... right here and then it splays out and then it sneaks up in your back, across your shoulders, and finally gets into your chest cauity, and then one of your poor auditors says, "Have you had an x-ray recently Of your chest?"

PC: ... right here and then it splays out and then it sneaks up in your back, across your shoulders, and finally gets into your chest cauity, and then one of your poor auditors says, "Have you had an x-ray recently Of your chest?"

LRH: (laughs) Your auditing lying on top of this ...

LRH: (laughs) Your auditing lying on top of this ...

PC: I'm so hot. Hm.

PC: I'm so hot. Hm.

LRH: Is the auditing lying on top of this?

LRH: Is the auditing lying on top of this?

PC: No - yes! Yes.

PC: No - yes! Yes.

LRH: That's all. . .

LRH: That's all. . .

PC: I'm so hot! (chuckles)

PC: I'm so hot! (chuckles)

LRH: Was it very hot the day it was done?

LRH: Was it very hot the day it was done?

PC: Yes!

PC: Yes!

LRH: And did it also seem to generate some heat?

LRH: And did it also seem to generate some heat?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Were you unconscious for any long period of time?

LRH: Were you unconscious for any long period of time?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Numbers of hours?

LRH: Numbers of hours?

PC: Ten.

PC: Ten.

LRH: Ten hours. Mm-hm. Okay. What would happen if you ran this?

LRH: Ten hours. Mm-hm. Okay. What would happen if you ran this?

PC: Why, I got a great, bright light when you said that. I feel as though I would break a prison bar.

PC: Why, I got a great, bright light when you said that. I feel as though I would break a prison bar.

LRH: Mm-hm. Good enough. We got all we know. Become aware of your surroundings. Okay.

LRH: Mm-hm. Good enough. We got all we know. Become aware of your surroundings. Okay.

Just for interest, Doctor, how about you taking hold of her cans for a couple of minutes?

Just for interest, Doctor, how about you taking hold of her cans for a couple of minutes?

Male voice: Uh-huh.

Male voice: Uh-huh.

LRH: Why don't you take them?

LRH: Why don't you take them?

Male voice: Okay.

Male voice: Okay.

LRH: It turned out exactly. I never saw the like of it - it's just bang-bang, bang-bang. Just perfect. I think I'll run this on you, Nan.

LRH: It turned out exactly. I never saw the like of it - it's just bang-bang, bang-bang. Just perfect. I think I'll run this on you, Nan.

PC (female voice, 1st pc above): Good, I wish you would, because I damn near died in this incident.

PC (female voice, 1st pc above): Good, I wish you would, because I damn near died in this incident.

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

Female voice: I mean it! I don't exaggerate!

Female voice: I mean it! I don't exaggerate!

LRH: Well, let's...

LRH: Well, let's...

Female voice: We were down in Key West. You know that he had to give up his office practice, take me to Key West, and I got so sick in the street we had to come home again!

Female voice: We were down in Key West. You know that he had to give up his office practice, take me to Key West, and I got so sick in the street we had to come home again!

LRH: You're not telling me nothing. Not telling me nothing.

LRH: You're not telling me nothing. Not telling me nothing.

Female voice: You haven't seen me sick? Honest! Am I like this...

Female voice: You haven't seen me sick? Honest! Am I like this...

LRH: Little kids' measles . ..

LRH: Little kids' measles . ..

Female voice: Am I like this.

Female voice: Am I like this.

LRH: ... and all sorts of things are on this darn thing.

LRH: ... and all sorts of things are on this darn thing.

Female voice: Am I like this one minute and nearly dead the next? With Hal so frightened he doesn't dare work with me.

Female voice: Am I like this one minute and nearly dead the next? With Hal so frightened he doesn't dare work with me.

LRH: Yes or no? Traffic? (snap)

LRH: Yes or no? Traffic? (snap)

Female voice: Yes. Hummm Hummm!

Female voice: Yes. Hummm Hummm!

LRH: That's right.

LRH: That's right.

Female uoice: Hydra-Matic.

Female uoice: Hydra-Matic.

(R&D volume note - Hydra-Matic: the trade name of a type of automatic transmission that came into use for cars in the early 1950s; it employed a hydraulic system to automatically change gears while driving.)

(R&D volume note - Hydra-Matic: the trade name of a type of automatic transmission that came into use for cars in the early 1950s; it employed a hydraulic system to automatically change gears while driving.)

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

Female voice: ... more than anything else.

Female voice: ... more than anything else.

LRH: Mm-hm. Sure. That's it,

LRH: Mm-hm. Sure. That's it,

Female voice: Yes. Electric eggbeater is another one. Anything like that.

Female voice: Yes. Electric eggbeater is another one. Anything like that.

LRH: Well, look here. Look at this one. How do you like this? High-toned character.

LRH: Well, look here. Look at this one. How do you like this? High-toned character.

Female voice: You bet he is - the best.

Female voice: You bet he is - the best.

LRH: What do you know?

LRH: What do you know?

Female voice: Have you heard that I've decided to keep my aberrations and my husband, rather than to give my husband up!

Female voice: Have you heard that I've decided to keep my aberrations and my husband, rather than to give my husband up!

LRH: Oh-ho! (laughter)

LRH: Oh-ho! (laughter)

IRon begins auditing second pc (husband).]

IRon begins auditing second pc (husband).]

LRH: How do you feel today?

LRH: How do you feel today?

PC (male voice): Oh, I feel good today. Had a little headache this morning. Keyed in ...

PC (male voice): Oh, I feel good today. Had a little headache this morning. Keyed in ...

LRH: When ?

LRH: When ?

PC: ... while you were talking last night.

PC: ... while you were talking last night.

LRH: Last night?

LRH: Last night?

PC: Mm.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Where was the headache?

LRH: Where was the headache?

PC: Oh, it was about the center of the head ...

PC: Oh, it was about the center of the head ...

LRH: Find the spot back there in the middle of the head!

LRH: Find the spot back there in the middle of the head!

PC: Well, there and radiating; sort of center ahead and toward the front and between the eyes.

PC: Well, there and radiating; sort of center ahead and toward the front and between the eyes.

LRH: Now, in terms of order of magnitude, how long ago would you say this headache might have been - occurred the first time?

LRH: Now, in terms of order of magnitude, how long ago would you say this headache might have been - occurred the first time?

PC: In this life, you mean?

PC: In this life, you mean?

LRH: No, in order of magnitude: Thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years? Hundreds of thousands of years? A million years? Million years?

LRH: No, in order of magnitude: Thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years? Hundreds of thousands of years? A million years? Million years?

PC: Well, it comes to-nearer towards a million, I think.

PC: Well, it comes to-nearer towards a million, I think.

LRH: Million? Nearly a million?

LRH: Million? Nearly a million?

PC: I think a little over.

PC: I think a little over.

LRH: More than a million?

LRH: More than a million?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Yes, more than a million. Let's say a million, a hundred thousand - something like that - or million, a quarter of a million?

LRH: Yes, more than a million. Let's say a million, a hundred thousand - something like that - or million, a quarter of a million?

PC: Million, two hundred thousand.

PC: Million, two hundred thousand.

LRH: Million, two hundred thousand.

LRH: Million, two hundred thousand.

PC: Yeah.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Were you in rebellion before this happened?

LRH: All right. Were you in rebellion before this happened?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Did this make a citizen2 out of you?

LRH: Did this make a citizen2 out of you?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: No. But did anybody hope it would?

LRH: No. But did anybody hope it would?

PC: No. I just answer, I don't know what I'm - what I'm ...

PC: No. I just answer, I don't know what I'm - what I'm ...

LRH: Yeah. You're just answering, that's all right.

LRH: Yeah. You're just answering, that's all right.

Female voice: You're just answering is right! Just keep answering.

Female voice: You're just answering is right! Just keep answering.

LRH: Yeah. Now, would you feel, offhand, that there would be any chest and throat condition might go along with this forehead somatic?

LRH: Yeah. Now, would you feel, offhand, that there would be any chest and throat condition might go along with this forehead somatic?

PC: Well, I just got a little - some funny feeling in my throat - deep in my throat.

PC: Well, I just got a little - some funny feeling in my throat - deep in my throat.

LRH: So you get a little tone rise on it, don't you? The idea that it might really get better. You been looking for this for a long time?

LRH: So you get a little tone rise on it, don't you? The idea that it might really get better. You been looking for this for a long time?

PC: Well, I'ue had a - an allergy in the right side of my larynx for quite some time.

PC: Well, I'ue had a - an allergy in the right side of my larynx for quite some time.

LRH: Is this from the same incident?

LRH: Is this from the same incident?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: Later incident lock is what we got. But it's - is it sitting on this first incident?

LRH: Later incident lock is what we got. But it's - is it sitting on this first incident?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: No! Would this throat somatic have to be run before we could run the first incident?

LRH: No! Would this throat somatic have to be run before we could run the first incident?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Could we run the first incident, just start right in with that?

LRH: Could we run the first incident, just start right in with that?

PC: I hope so.

PC: I hope so.

LRH: How would you like to be relieved of this?

LRH: How would you like to be relieved of this?

PC: Oh, I'd like to be relieved of it. It's not the primary thing that bothers me. It's just something there, that's all.

PC: Oh, I'd like to be relieved of it. It's not the primary thing that bothers me. It's just something there, that's all.

LRH: Very interesting set of needle jumps there. This first incident, are you supposed to hold on to it?

LRH: Very interesting set of needle jumps there. This first incident, are you supposed to hold on to it?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: Not from your own choice.

LRH: Not from your own choice.

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: Would somebody like you to hold on to it?

LRH: Would somebody like you to hold on to it?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Does this say you're not supposed to know?

LRH: Does this say you're not supposed to know?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Did this, by the way, subdivide your personality in any way - this incident we're talking about way back, you're in?

LRH: Mm-hm. All right. Did this, by the way, subdivide your personality in any way - this incident we're talking about way back, you're in?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Traffic noise bother you?

LRH: Traffic noise bother you?

PC: I don't like any kind of noise.

PC: I don't like any kind of noise.

LRH: Did you start into this - I'm talking now about an incident. Would you say you started into this in the feeling that nobody was going to make you knuckle under?

LRH: Did you start into this - I'm talking now about an incident. Would you say you started into this in the feeling that nobody was going to make you knuckle under?

PC: (pause) Way back there, you mean?

PC: (pause) Way back there, you mean?

LRH: Mm-hm, way back there - that's right. That's a hot response. What are you thinking of?

LRH: Mm-hm, way back there - that's right. That's a hot response. What are you thinking of?

PC: I didn't want to be knuckled under.

PC: I didn't want to be knuckled under.

LRH: Yeah. Did you afterwards?

LRH: Yeah. Did you afterwards?

PC: I had to submit.

PC: I had to submit.

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: I kept doing it in this life, too.

PC: I kept doing it in this life, too.

LRH: Okay. Boy, look at that needle jump. Oh. That's a feeling you don't like.

LRH: Okay. Boy, look at that needle jump. Oh. That's a feeling you don't like.

PC: I know

PC: I know

Female voice: (laughs) Oh, that rips our house apart every day.

Female voice: (laughs) Oh, that rips our house apart every day.

LRH: Oh, that made it drop. Would that have its source way back in this earliest incident?

LRH: Oh, that made it drop. Would that have its source way back in this earliest incident?

PC: It certainly could.

PC: It certainly could.

LRH: Mm-hm. Bong! What did you think of? Anything else?

LRH: Mm-hm. Bong! What did you think of? Anything else?

Female voice: Yes. Was your father in this incident?

Female voice: Yes. Was your father in this incident?

PC: No. No. Only in a late life.

PC: No. No. Only in a late life.

LRH: Oh, you got a late-life incident sitting on it! How about handling diathermy?

LRH: Oh, you got a late-life incident sitting on it! How about handling diathermy?

PC: I'm always afraid of electric currents.

PC: I'm always afraid of electric currents.

LRH: Mm-hm. Things that hum! How about jungle drums?

LRH: Mm-hm. Things that hum! How about jungle drums?

PC: They fascinate me.

PC: They fascinate me.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

Female voice: He was born in Burma.

Female voice: He was born in Burma.

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

Female voice. Loves it.

Female voice. Loves it.

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: I'm always fascinated with voodooism.

PC: I'm always fascinated with voodooism.

LRH: Mm-hm. But if you didn't have this forehead somatic, and so forth, could you do it very well - this voodoo stuff?

LRH: Mm-hm. But if you didn't have this forehead somatic, and so forth, could you do it very well - this voodoo stuff?

PC: I think so.

PC: I think so.

LRH: Would it be very easy for you to?

LRH: Would it be very easy for you to?

PC: Well, if I didn't have all these blocks in my way it would be easy to do it.

PC: Well, if I didn't have all these blocks in my way it would be easy to do it.

LRH: Mm-hm. With them licked could you do it very easily and very well?

LRH: Mm-hm. With them licked could you do it very easily and very well?

PC: I think so.

PC: I think so.

LRH: Mm-hm. Did you know how once?

LRH: Mm-hm. Did you know how once?

PC: No.

PC: No.

LRH: "No." Are you supposed to say no?

LRH: "No." Are you supposed to say no?

PC: I don't know

PC: I don't know

Female voice: Are you supposed not to tell?

Female voice: Are you supposed not to tell?

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: But not very heavily.

LRH: But not very heavily.

PC: Seems that I must have known because it's fascinated me so long.

PC: Seems that I must have known because it's fascinated me so long.

LRH: Uh-huh, good. Okay. That's everything we want to know.

LRH: Uh-huh, good. Okay. That's everything we want to know.

PC: Gee, these things tingle like the devil.

PC: Gee, these things tingle like the devil.

Female voice: Did you get hot?

Female voice: Did you get hot?

LRH: And you're very sensitive to current, because there's practically no current running through those things.

LRH: And you're very sensitive to current, because there's practically no current running through those things.

PC: I may have this.

PC: I may have this.

LRH: You know you take an electric battery and touch a terminal with your tongue, that tiny, tiny tingle you have?

LRH: You know you take an electric battery and touch a terminal with your tongue, that tiny, tiny tingle you have?

PC: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

LRH: Well, that's about as much current as it's putting out.

LRH: Well, that's about as much current as it's putting out.

PC: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. In my fingers I can feel there's a pulse in ealery-every finger.

PC: Mm-hm. Mm-hm. In my fingers I can feel there's a pulse in ealery-every finger.

Female voice: Well, his fingers are very-that's the way he does his surgery .

Female voice: Well, his fingers are very-that's the way he does his surgery .

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

Female voice: ... he has such a wonderful sense of touch. He picks peanuts out of people's lungs just by feeling where it is, there.

Female voice: ... he has such a wonderful sense of touch. He picks peanuts out of people's lungs just by feeling where it is, there.

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

Female voice:... where it's stuck.

Female voice:... where it's stuck.

LRH: Okay, put them down. (laughs) Can you stretch?

LRH: Okay, put them down. (laughs) Can you stretch?

PC: (laughs) I answered a lot of things that I didn't know I-I didn't try to figure them out. I haven't had, you know much auditing. I - it was a year or so ago when I had a little of it, but I haven't done any since.

PC: (laughs) I answered a lot of things that I didn't know I-I didn't try to figure them out. I haven't had, you know much auditing. I - it was a year or so ago when I had a little of it, but I haven't done any since.

And you did about a dial on that - that drop on that restraint.

And you did about a dial on that - that drop on that restraint.

PC: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: "Having to submit. Well, that's the ...

LRH: "Having to submit. Well, that's the ...

Female voice: Problem - that's it!

Female voice: Problem - that's it!

LRH: Mm.

LRH: Mm.

PC: That's been the most galling thing in my life, I think.

PC: That's been the most galling thing in my life, I think.

LRH: [to first pc] Well, let's - you take a run at it.

LRH: [to first pc] Well, let's - you take a run at it.

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording. The preclear being audited when the recording resumes is the wife.]

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording. The preclear being audited when the recording resumes is the wife.]

LRH: Feel that bap, middle forehead.

LRH: Feel that bap, middle forehead.

PC (female voice - the 1st PC again): Oh, God.

PC (female voice - the 1st PC again): Oh, God.

LRH: Pick it up again - bap!

LRH: Pick it up again - bap!

PC: I have a feeling that I try to push it off.

PC: I have a feeling that I try to push it off.

LRH: That's right. Let's get that - your effort to throw it off. Bap.

LRH: That's right. Let's get that - your effort to throw it off. Bap.

PC: Yes.

PC: Yes.

LRH: Get it again. Bap!

LRH: Get it again. Bap!

PC: I'm getting under heavier pressure.

PC: I'm getting under heavier pressure.

LRH: All right, let's get it hitting good and hard.

LRH: All right, let's get it hitting good and hard.

PC: I have a feeling that I'21 stop breathing if I do.

PC: I have a feeling that I'21 stop breathing if I do.

LRH: Go ahead. I'11 start you breathing again and you have a good doctohere, too. Bap!

LRH: Go ahead. I'11 start you breathing again and you have a good doctohere, too. Bap!

PC: (laughs) I sneak up on it!

PC: (laughs) I sneak up on it!

LRH: Good.

LRH: Good.

PC: Ou.

PC: Ou.

LRH: Right in the middle of the forehead. Bow!

LRH: Right in the middle of the forehead. Bow!

PC: Yes, I feel it. I'm coming closer to it.

PC: Yes, I feel it. I'm coming closer to it.

LRH: Bow! (pause) All right. Scan your emotion just before and right to it - bow!

LRH: Bow! (pause) All right. Scan your emotion just before and right to it - bow!

PC: It just ends in death.

PC: It just ends in death.

LRH: Hm!

LRH: Hm!

PC: Any time I come near it, I have the feeling it will end in death.

PC: Any time I come near it, I have the feeling it will end in death.

LRH: Mm-hm, All right, let's scan that feeling, straight up to the moment it hits.

LRH: Mm-hm, All right, let's scan that feeling, straight up to the moment it hits.

PC: Okay.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Let's scan that feeling right straight up to the moment it hits, and feel it hit. (pause) Got it!

LRH: Let's scan that feeling right straight up to the moment it hits, and feel it hit. (pause) Got it!

PC: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Let's scan the - scan your emotion.

LRH: All right. Let's scan the - scan your emotion.

PC: I'm getting a terrific pain in my head.

PC: I'm getting a terrific pain in my head.

LRH: In your head?

LRH: In your head?

PC: Uh-huh.

PC: Uh-huh.

LRH: All right. Scan the emotion up to the moment it hits.

LRH: All right. Scan the emotion up to the moment it hits.

PC: My ears feel as though they're being pushed in.

PC: My ears feel as though they're being pushed in.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Oooh. Ohh.

PC: Oooh. Ohh.

LRH: Are you kneeling or standing or how, the moment it hits?

LRH: Are you kneeling or standing or how, the moment it hits?

PC: Flat, flat down on my back.

PC: Flat, flat down on my back.

LRH: Okay. Well, scan that feeling up to the moment it hits again.

LRH: Okay. Well, scan that feeling up to the moment it hits again.

PC: (coughing) (long delay)

PC: (coughing) (long delay)

LRH: Oh! There's no asthma in that! (laughs)

LRH: Oh! There's no asthma in that! (laughs)

PC: No!

PC: No!

LRH: Oh, no!

LRH: Oh, no!

Let's scan that right up to the moment it hits again.

Let's scan that right up to the moment it hits again.

PC: Ohhh. (heavy coughing) (long delay)

PC: Ohhh. (heavy coughing) (long delay)

LRH: All right. Get your emotion - emotional curve - just before and right into it.

LRH: All right. Get your emotion - emotional curve - just before and right into it.

PC: Oh. Oh. (choking coughs) Ohhhh. Oh. Ohh. (coughing) Ohhh.

PC: Oh. Oh. (choking coughs) Ohhhh. Oh. Ohh. (coughing) Ohhh.

LRH: Let's not bother to cough about it. Let's just scan ahead and do it.

LRH: Let's not bother to cough about it. Let's just scan ahead and do it.

PC: Oh! I'm getting awful hot.

PC: Oh! I'm getting awful hot.

LRH: I imagine so.

LRH: I imagine so.

PC: Mm. (sigh)

PC: Mm. (sigh)

LRH: All right. Get the emotional curve right at the moment... What kind of an impact is it when it hit you?

LRH: All right. Get the emotional curve right at the moment... What kind of an impact is it when it hit you?

PC: (yawns) Oh, it is like something that comes in a cone effect. And it goes errrrh! and ... (moaning tone of voice)

PC: (yawns) Oh, it is like something that comes in a cone effect. And it goes errrrh! and ... (moaning tone of voice)

LRH: That's right.

LRH: That's right.

PC: ... but the point hits you first.

PC: ... but the point hits you first.

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: But I've got it working down here now. (coughs)

PC: But I've got it working down here now. (coughs)

LRH: All right. Yes or no: We scan through to the second one! (snap) Oh, let's scan through the second one. Get the cone hitting on the second one.

LRH: All right. Yes or no: We scan through to the second one! (snap) Oh, let's scan through the second one. Get the cone hitting on the second one.

PC: (pause) (choking coughs)

PC: (pause) (choking coughs)

LRH: Scan through the beginning on the second one no~

LRH: Scan through the beginning on the second one no~

PC: Ohhh. Ah... ah... ah... ah... Mm. I won't be able to breathe if I do.

PC: Ohhh. Ah... ah... ah... ah... Mm. I won't be able to breathe if I do.

LRH: Go ahead.

LRH: Go ahead.

PC: Oh, no! (gasps) Oh! Oh, no (coughs) (moaning)

PC: Oh, no! (gasps) Oh! Oh, no (coughs) (moaning)

LRH: Get the first and second one.

LRH: Get the first and second one.

PC: Oh. (moaning) (long time)

PC: Oh. (moaning) (long time)

LRH: Bop-bop!

LRH: Bop-bop!

PC: (yawns) Oh. Oh, oh. (coughs) Oh. Oh! Oh.

PC: (yawns) Oh. Oh, oh. (coughs) Oh. Oh! Oh.

LRH: Is that second one a sharp point or is it more a spread area?

LRH: Is that second one a sharp point or is it more a spread area?

PC: Pressure.

PC: Pressure.

LRH: Well, let's get that. Now, let's scan the emotion just before you get the one in the forehead - the emotion straight on through to the one in the chest.

LRH: Well, let's get that. Now, let's scan the emotion just before you get the one in the forehead - the emotion straight on through to the one in the chest.

PC: (yawn) Oh, God! This is where I'd like to kill everyone. I wouldn't spare anyone! Oh, no! Oh, God! This is where you're the devil himself! Oh! (gasps) Oh-uh. Oh-uh. Well, maybe I'd save one or two (laughing)

PC: (yawn) Oh, God! This is where I'd like to kill everyone. I wouldn't spare anyone! Oh, no! Oh, God! This is where you're the devil himself! Oh! (gasps) Oh-uh. Oh-uh. Well, maybe I'd save one or two (laughing)

LRH: Tone comes up one or two.

LRH: Tone comes up one or two.

PC: Oh, I certainly wouldn't save you. Oh, not for this. I'd save someone that didn't know anything about anything that you know anything about. Ah, ah, I don't know though - I might - I might let you live. If you let me live, I'l1 let you live. (laughing)

PC: Oh, I certainly wouldn't save you. Oh, not for this. I'd save someone that didn't know anything about anything that you know anything about. Ah, ah, I don't know though - I might - I might let you live. If you let me live, I'l1 let you live. (laughing)

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Yes, I think I will. Mm. Why, sure. Okay.

PC: Yes, I think I will. Mm. Why, sure. Okay.

LRH: Did you get that second pressure?

LRH: Did you get that second pressure?

PC: Yeah .

PC: Yeah .

LRH: All right. Let's scan the emotion from just before, right straight on through as far as you can go in the incident, now, on a fast emotional-curve scan.

LRH: All right. Let's scan the emotion from just before, right straight on through as far as you can go in the incident, now, on a fast emotional-curve scan.

PC: Oh, God, no. There's one point you go up - you go around, you don't go through.

PC: Oh, God, no. There's one point you go up - you go around, you don't go through.

LRH: Mm-hm, that's right.

LRH: Mm-hm, that's right.

PC: Uh. (groans) Oh. Ohh. Oh. Why does this come up? This is supposed to be buried. You're never supposed to have it come up. (coughing)

PC: Uh. (groans) Oh. Ohh. Oh. Why does this come up? This is supposed to be buried. You're never supposed to have it come up. (coughing)

LRH: That's right.

LRH: That's right.

PC: If you tell it, you get buried! (laughs) Uh. (coughs) Mm. Oh, I'm too hot. (yawns) Oh, God, I just feel that if I could see the ocean once more, I'd walk into it, and never come back. I'd get cool in the sea, never again come back-down deep in the ocean. And I'd like to see it move over everyone; drown everyone - slowly! Slowly. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Ugh. I...(coughs) (pause) If you go through it, you die. Uh, only one tenth you never never can experience and live.

PC: If you tell it, you get buried! (laughs) Uh. (coughs) Mm. Oh, I'm too hot. (yawns) Oh, God, I just feel that if I could see the ocean once more, I'd walk into it, and never come back. I'd get cool in the sea, never again come back-down deep in the ocean. And I'd like to see it move over everyone; drown everyone - slowly! Slowly. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Ugh. I...(coughs) (pause) If you go through it, you die. Uh, only one tenth you never never can experience and live.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Slowly you'll die. (long time) (moaning)

PC: Slowly you'll die. (long time) (moaning)

LRH: Have you picked up a third strike of it?

LRH: Have you picked up a third strike of it?

PC: Please. (coughing) Nothing. Oh. Oh, no! Oh-hm. Oh. (yawns) Oh. Eeh. Oh, oh. (yawning) Ah. I picked it up in my shoulders, a force that strikes at right angles and pins me down.

PC: Please. (coughing) Nothing. Oh. Oh, no! Oh-hm. Oh. (yawns) Oh. Eeh. Oh, oh. (yawning) Ah. I picked it up in my shoulders, a force that strikes at right angles and pins me down.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Ah...(yawns) Oh. (long time)

PC: Ah...(yawns) Oh. (long time)

LRH: These guys were awful ruthless.

LRH: These guys were awful ruthless.

PC: Oh. (yawns) Oh. Oh. Oh boy. (coughing)

PC: Oh. (yawns) Oh. Oh. Oh boy. (coughing)

LRH: Still going through it? Get it all.

LRH: Still going through it? Get it all.

PC: Oh! Go on. Gee. (sighs)

PC: Oh! Go on. Gee. (sighs)

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

[At this point there is a gap in the original recording.]

PC: (yawns) I'm tired. Oh, God, I'm tired. Oh. Oh, I'm so tired. Oh, I'11 - I'11 never neaver get over being tired, just tired. Oh, oh. The sides of my head. Oh. (very slowly)

PC: (yawns) I'm tired. Oh, God, I'm tired. Oh. Oh, I'm so tired. Oh, I'11 - I'11 never neaver get over being tired, just tired. Oh, oh. The sides of my head. Oh. (very slowly)

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Oh. Both sides. (groans) (coughs deeply) Well, you can't live through this. It's impossible, so don't even try. And something else tells me to do it. "Don't-do Don't-do!" Oh! Oh, oh, oh. (yawns) And this is "don't" always, and this is "do." And one is just as strong as the other - so strong. (slowly) (long time) (moaning)

PC: Oh. Both sides. (groans) (coughs deeply) Well, you can't live through this. It's impossible, so don't even try. And something else tells me to do it. "Don't-do Don't-do!" Oh! Oh, oh, oh. (yawns) And this is "don't" always, and this is "do." And one is just as strong as the other - so strong. (slowly) (long time) (moaning)

LRH: Alternate impacts?

LRH: Alternate impacts?

PC: Didn't hear you!

PC: Didn't hear you!

LRH: Alternate impacts?

LRH: Alternate impacts?

PC: Yeah.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: (yawns) Yeah. It's "Don't-do" and "Make up your mind." "Don't-do" and "Make up your mind." "Don't-do," and "Make up your mind." (coughing) Oh! Oh! Beat out your brains and tell you to "make up your mind." (yawns) I used to love to yawn when I had asthma and my aunt would say, "You're getting better." (laughs) Then she'd tell me "Yawn. Now you're getting better." I don't feel it right now It's getting worse. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, God, I'm getting so I can't see; I don't even want to. Uh-mm. (very slowly)

PC: (yawns) Yeah. It's "Don't-do" and "Make up your mind." "Don't-do" and "Make up your mind." "Don't-do," and "Make up your mind." (coughing) Oh! Oh! Beat out your brains and tell you to "make up your mind." (yawns) I used to love to yawn when I had asthma and my aunt would say, "You're getting better." (laughs) Then she'd tell me "Yawn. Now you're getting better." I don't feel it right now It's getting worse. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, God, I'm getting so I can't see; I don't even want to. Uh-mm. (very slowly)

LRH: Steady on there.

LRH: Steady on there.

PC: (groaning) Oh, I'm afraid of it. I don't think ... Oh, no. I don't feel - I feel just the way I did the other day, and I thought I was dying.

PC: (groaning) Oh, I'm afraid of it. I don't think ... Oh, no. I don't feel - I feel just the way I did the other day, and I thought I was dying.

LRH: Scan on through it; scan the emotional curve on it.

LRH: Scan on through it; scan the emotional curve on it.

PC: Oh, God! I at least had some adrenalin the other day. (coughing) Oh, help, my wind is getting shorter, so short I can't even cough. (groans) Oh, I hate everyone. I'm not going to lie anymore. I'm never going to love anyone again. I'm going to hate and kill! And I'm going to destroy everything that anyone ever had anything to do with. They destroyed me. Only stupid people will we let live because they'll never think. Never Only people that think can hurt me. (gasps) Oh. I'11 knock the wind out of everyone, including you. Everyone! Oh.

PC: Oh, God! I at least had some adrenalin the other day. (coughing) Oh, help, my wind is getting shorter, so short I can't even cough. (groans) Oh, I hate everyone. I'm not going to lie anymore. I'm never going to love anyone again. I'm going to hate and kill! And I'm going to destroy everything that anyone ever had anything to do with. They destroyed me. Only stupid people will we let live because they'll never think. Never Only people that think can hurt me. (gasps) Oh. I'11 knock the wind out of everyone, including you. Everyone! Oh.

LRH: Scan right on through to the end of it.

LRH: Scan right on through to the end of it.

PC: My arms! They wouldn't let the pain down; pinning my arms when I would cough.

PC: My arms! They wouldn't let the pain down; pinning my arms when I would cough.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Oh! Bla-ah. Then my fingertips, my hands are getting crippled. (yawns) (coughs) If you live through it, you'll never defy your superiors again, and you'll be a willing inferior. Yep I'd rather be dead! (laughing) I would. (yawns) Twelve men - and they're not the Apostles - are back of this thing and every section - they've got us all sectioned off, and twelve minds work as one, always twelve. (groans) (starting to sound a bit better)

PC: Oh! Bla-ah. Then my fingertips, my hands are getting crippled. (yawns) (coughs) If you live through it, you'll never defy your superiors again, and you'll be a willing inferior. Yep I'd rather be dead! (laughing) I would. (yawns) Twelve men - and they're not the Apostles - are back of this thing and every section - they've got us all sectioned off, and twelve minds work as one, always twelve. (groans) (starting to sound a bit better)

LRH: [to husband] She works like a dream - getting through it now.

LRH: [to husband] She works like a dream - getting through it now.

PC: It's the funniest thing: there's a feeling that fire is now turning into such a liquid form it's like water but it's still fire and it spits Psssssse wssssssee wsssee.

PC: It's the funniest thing: there's a feeling that fire is now turning into such a liquid form it's like water but it's still fire and it spits Psssssse wssssssee wsssee.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: The way it happens, every nerve fiber in my body is burning! And ... Oh, ho (yawns) Arthritis, they calls it. (laughing) (coughing) (talking a bit faster now)

PC: The way it happens, every nerve fiber in my body is burning! And ... Oh, ho (yawns) Arthritis, they calls it. (laughing) (coughing) (talking a bit faster now)

PC: Oh, God, I'm hot. Oh. Oh, I'm seeing the funniest thing. It's like a silver bullet with all colors around it going psssseeeew - like that. Pssssesssseww. Oh. (yawns) And it's striking my eyes. (yawning) And it's as if teardrops are permanently in motion in front of my eyes, and all the colors of the spectrum are whirling and then they go black...

PC: Oh, God, I'm hot. Oh. Oh, I'm seeing the funniest thing. It's like a silver bullet with all colors around it going psssseeeew - like that. Pssssesssseww. Oh. (yawns) And it's striking my eyes. (yawning) And it's as if teardrops are permanently in motion in front of my eyes, and all the colors of the spectrum are whirling and then they go black...

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... and then color again, goes black.

PC: ... and then color again, goes black.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: (yawns) And some doctors tell you, you have liver trouble. (laughs) Liver trouble all right! Black-livered people ... (yawns) tell me that I should relax ...

PC: (yawns) And some doctors tell you, you have liver trouble. (laughs) Liver trouble all right! Black-livered people ... (yawns) tell me that I should relax ...

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... just permanently relax. Uh-it's an energy that distorts any element of concentration you might have, just willy-nilly. Ah!

PC: ... just permanently relax. Uh-it's an energy that distorts any element of concentration you might have, just willy-nilly. Ah!

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: No power of coordination (sighs) Everything slows down - s-l-o-w-s down. Oh, so slow. Oh. Become thick-mouthed and sss-slow speech, ss-slow reactions, and heavy step. Everything is so awkward. (sighs) (talking very slowly again) I hate myself this way. Miss my sense of coordination, and now my memory is going. (sighs) I mustn't remember. The easiest way not to tell is not to remember. And I must spend time and effort trying to remember. Always trying to do something I can't do so that. I'll always end being split and desiring one thing never able to attain it. (choking coughs) Oh, it was just freaky. I feel as though (breathing heavily) I am being put in a tank of water trying to breathe under water. (yawns) And I don't know how you say this but it's as if I have just glimpsed the intent, that awful intent, that I am never supposed to tell. I feel as though it's waking up in the back of my head (coughing) and it is just coming up, if I can only get to it. God, what will happen to me - in me?

PC: No power of coordination (sighs) Everything slows down - s-l-o-w-s down. Oh, so slow. Oh. Become thick-mouthed and sss-slow speech, ss-slow reactions, and heavy step. Everything is so awkward. (sighs) (talking very slowly again) I hate myself this way. Miss my sense of coordination, and now my memory is going. (sighs) I mustn't remember. The easiest way not to tell is not to remember. And I must spend time and effort trying to remember. Always trying to do something I can't do so that. I'll always end being split and desiring one thing never able to attain it. (choking coughs) Oh, it was just freaky. I feel as though (breathing heavily) I am being put in a tank of water trying to breathe under water. (yawns) And I don't know how you say this but it's as if I have just glimpsed the intent, that awful intent, that I am never supposed to tell. I feel as though it's waking up in the back of my head (coughing) and it is just coming up, if I can only get to it. God, what will happen to me - in me?

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Uh! (yawns) (pause) Something happened to the sternum bone.

PC: Uh! (yawns) (pause) Something happened to the sternum bone.

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: ... right in here ...

PC: ... right in here ...

LRH: Right.

LRH: Right.

PC: (gasping) ... so that I was thrown back to a stage of evolution where I could breathe under water but not in air. (coughs) Oh, I'm hot; I'm so hot. (yawns) Oh! Oh, oh, oh. Every time you get hot you remember it in part, but just a little part; never enough so it makes sense. Just enough to sear over the thing.

PC: (gasping) ... so that I was thrown back to a stage of evolution where I could breathe under water but not in air. (coughs) Oh, I'm hot; I'm so hot. (yawns) Oh! Oh, oh, oh. Every time you get hot you remember it in part, but just a little part; never enough so it makes sense. Just enough to sear over the thing.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: ... make you irritated.

PC: ... make you irritated.

LRH: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Mm. (sighs) Oh, so I go in places and say, "Open the window. Please! Open the window. Open the door!" And my auditor's been trying to run that out of birth! (laughing) Because my mother did say, "Open the window and shut the door " Uh...(yawns) (talking at a more normal speed)

PC: Mm. (sighs) Oh, so I go in places and say, "Open the window. Please! Open the window. Open the door!" And my auditor's been trying to run that out of birth! (laughing) Because my mother did say, "Open the window and shut the door " Uh...(yawns) (talking at a more normal speed)

LRH: Scan right on through.

LRH: Scan right on through.

PC: Birth is sitting right on top of it and ... Oh-he.

PC: Birth is sitting right on top of it and ... Oh-he.

LRH: The basic of birth.

LRH: The basic of birth.

PC: Dirty trick!

PC: Dirty trick!

LRH: Sure.

LRH: Sure.

PC: Ah, what a dirty trick, eh! Water all right: breathing under water - the sac. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. (yawns) It's a good way to start a child hating his mother. Ties every birth since ... (coughs) Hm. "Run out birth," they say. This is the only thing you have to run out anyway. (coughs)

PC: Ah, what a dirty trick, eh! Water all right: breathing under water - the sac. Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. (yawns) It's a good way to start a child hating his mother. Ties every birth since ... (coughs) Hm. "Run out birth," they say. This is the only thing you have to run out anyway. (coughs)

LRH: Are they blowing as locks?

LRH: Are they blowing as locks?

PC: (choking coughs)

PC: (choking coughs)

LRH: Scan on through.

LRH: Scan on through.

PC: I'm dying. Oh. Oh-oh. Oh. How many times?

PC: I'm dying. Oh. Oh-oh. Oh. How many times?

LRH: Go ahead.

LRH: Go ahead.

PC: Every time you get born you have to die. It's got every birth (cough) and every death sitting on it! Asthma is death. Birth, death. Birth! Death! Birth! Death! Birth! Up-up-up - this hurts! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh, no! Oh! (coughing)

PC: Every time you get born you have to die. It's got every birth (cough) and every death sitting on it! Asthma is death. Birth, death. Birth! Death! Birth! Death! Birth! Up-up-up - this hurts! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh-he! Oh, no! Oh! (coughing)

LRH: Scan on through.

LRH: Scan on through.

PC: (choking coughs) They won't even let you get married before you start over again. Oh, (sobs) I feel as though all the lost locks of death and birth, if not pregnancy, is getting a hold of ... Getting friendly with myself. (laughs) Getting my old fight back again. God help them! (laughs) Uh! (yawns) Oh, I'm ... (yawns) Oh, I just ran to - in this country, out of that one, into, out of. (yawns) Oh, boy. (yawns) Just froze to death, now I'm being roasted. (yawns)

PC: (choking coughs) They won't even let you get married before you start over again. Oh, (sobs) I feel as though all the lost locks of death and birth, if not pregnancy, is getting a hold of ... Getting friendly with myself. (laughs) Getting my old fight back again. God help them! (laughs) Uh! (yawns) Oh, I'm ... (yawns) Oh, I just ran to - in this country, out of that one, into, out of. (yawns) Oh, boy. (yawns) Just froze to death, now I'm being roasted. (yawns)

LRH: Still got the basic incident?

LRH: Still got the basic incident?

PC: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

PC: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

LRH: Okay.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Oh, basic incident simply gives you a Preview ...

PC: Oh, basic incident simply gives you a Preview ...

LRH: Yeah?

LRH: Yeah?

PC: ... as much - a naturalization ...

PC: ... as much - a naturalization ...

LRH: Uh-huh.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: ... if you're fool enough to go into it.

PC: ... if you're fool enough to go into it.

LRH: That's right.

LRH: That's right.

PC: And now on to that one!

PC: And now on to that one!

LRH: Yep.

LRH: Yep.

PC: And on to that one!

PC: And on to that one!

LRH: Yep.

LRH: Yep.

PC: It's... It's something like a whirling preview: You get born and die before you get born and die. (laugh) (sounding a bit better)

PC: It's... It's something like a whirling preview: You get born and die before you get born and die. (laugh) (sounding a bit better)

LRH: That's right.

LRH: That's right.

(According to the R&D, "Recording ends abruptly" at this point, however the reel continues on but is extremely faint and faded, they may simply have given up on transcribing it. We were able to make out the following, but you can only hear her when she speaks loudly and you can hear Ron saying something but usually it is unintelligible)

(According to the R&D, "Recording ends abruptly" at this point, however the reel continues on but is extremely faint and faded, they may simply have given up on transcribing it. We were able to make out the following, but you can only hear her when she speaks loudly and you can hear Ron saying something but usually it is unintelligible)

PC: I got a (?) about how you may be and then you wouldn't be and then you (?). Oh. Oh.

PC: I got a (?) about how you may be and then you wouldn't be and then you (?). Oh. Oh.

PC: There's a (?) now, works for (?) ..., Oh. Oh.

PC: There's a (?) now, works for (?) ..., Oh. Oh.

PC: ... I'm going to be unconscious ... Oh. Oh. (coughing)

PC: ... I'm going to be unconscious ... Oh. Oh. (coughing)

PC: And then I see ...

PC: And then I see ...

PC: Don't Tell. Don't Tell.

PC: Don't Tell. Don't Tell.

Ron: Carry on.

Ron: Carry on.

(here the recording does end abruptly)(here the recording does end abruptly)
(note that in lecture HCL-6A WHOLE TRACK FACSIMILES which is the 10th lecture in the series, Ron asks Nan how she's doing)(note that in lecture HCL-6A WHOLE TRACK FACSIMILES which is the 10th lecture in the series, Ron asks Nan how she's doing)