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CONTENTS WORLD CLEARING PROGRAM Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 14 August 1962A lecture given on 14 August 1962

Thank you.

Thank you. Lecture 2, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, 14 August AD 12: World Clearing Program.

Well, here we are, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

Audience: Really? Mmm!

Audience: Fourteen. Fourteenth.

This is the first lecture or announcement or bulletin or anything else on the forwarding of Scientology on a very worldwide clearing basis.

Fourteen? It isn’t.

Now, the point involved here is that we have a world clearing activity sort of understood. See, it’s sort of understood that we’re going to clear a lot of people. See? But let me tell you that simply incorporating a Foundation and putting it into your own home with no administrative lines of any character is not the way to go about world clearing. The place begins to look like a bargain basement very rapidly.

Audience: Yes, it is.

Of course, these snide references are to 42 Aberdeen Road, Elizabeth, New Jersey. I don’t hardly think even the foundations of the house were left when we finally…

How did you get into the 14th when I’m in the 16th?

But such things require a plan — an agreed upon and more importantly, highly workable plan that will deliver the goods.

Audience: Bit of a comm lag.

Now, let me tell you about this plan in — not the plan itself — but let’s tell you how a Central Organization could go about clearing. I’ll show you then how the plan can develop out of these mechanisms.

Fourteen August, AD 12. Lecture one.

We have HPA/HCA — some slight degree of neglected sphere now. Terribly necessary, but nevertheless a neglected sphere.

This is on 3GA — goals: writing and finding goals.

Prepchecking is not really an adequate skill to turn people totally loose with. There is another form of auditing which has just marched into view which has terrific therapeutic value. It’s goals listing. Not finding goals, but goals listing. And whatever else happens with trick ways of finding goals and that sort of thing, you’ve still got goals listing. And the funny part of it is, is somebody is spinning in Keokuk and they write you a frantic letter saying what can they do. Well, it’s dangerous to ask them for their withholds because they sure will neglect to put one or two on and just wind up madder than hell at you.

First and foremost, there is the detailed theory which could go back of this. Once upon a time there was a thetan. And he couldn’t go forward, and he couldn’t go backwards, and he had to stay there and he mustn’t stay there.

But you can ask them for their goals. You can tell them to write a goals list — state some astronomic figure and tell them to write you some goals, and send you the list and you can carefully preserve it or see that it gets turned over to an auditor or something of that sort.

And at that point he got overwhelmed and received further orders to evacuate and then further orders to advance, and then orders to stay there.

For God’s sakes, don’t handle one of those lists badly.

And having done all this, he then caught the barrage. The barrage came in from in front, you see, and he was putting out a barrage himself in front and this would have been all right except his own artillery started to lay shells into his position at which moment he again decided he had better evacuate.

All right. There — there is this action, and very shortly, clearing assistance will definitely be part of HCA/HPA training. Definitely.

But he couldn’t carry the orders out, and there he is to this day — rock slamming. The mechanical importance of a rock slam is based something on that. It’s a can’t go, can’t come, can’t stay, can’t be, mustn’t be, you see. It’s all that.

How would he go about this? A trained HPA would know how to prepcheck, particularly if given a more reliable (if more expensive) meter with a red light or something like that — or a big oscilloscope or something of that sort.

And it, in short, is a highly charged Agitation. Originally, on the 20th ACC, when I was doing assessment on people’s goals, this manifestation during this assessment was so strong they called it the rock slam. And actually at that time you used to go down this chain to find the rock. That is how you get the word rock slam.

You’ve got a Prepcheck action this person has to take. Now, that’s very time devouring. Person isn’t going to stay in — session at all with a flock of overts that are right here in PT or they won’t talk to the auditor. You can’t get them to ask [answer] questions. You’ll never be able to get the rudiments in to find a goal. Don’t you see? So that’s a necessary action.

Now, in finding goals here during 61 and 62 so far, we have had a new manifestation that was not particularly known or understood, and that was a dirty needle. And a dirty needle is only a little, tiny, persistent rock slam. That is all a dirty needle is.

Your goals listing or any trick goals listing that you care to make sure is done could be taught at that level. See, we’ve taken an awful lot off of an auditor now. You just look at your checksheets. Your checksheets are thin compared to what they were.

So I’ve been spending the last week or so on very hard study of rock slams — very, very hard study, and gratuitously there dropped into my lap a criminal of the first order with a record and so forth, who I knew — mind you, I integrated this data after the interrogation and — but I knew it within this span and area — that the fellow was guilty of a tremendous overt. He had been stealing everybody blind left and right, and the overts were particularly against me.

And your next action would be listing a goal. See, we’ve just skipped finding a goal there. We just omitted that. So an HCA/HPA who could list goals, prepcheck somebody into position for a goal — smooth the case out, get the overts off, and that sort of thing — and then could list all the items for a goal would be a very valuable character to have around, wouldn’t he?

And I was able to see a rock slam turn on and off on this one fact and it was very interesting. And of course, he was trapped, too and it was not a goals manifestation. It was simply this fellow was guilty of everything under the sun, and I had big rock slams and little rock slams and all kinds of rock slams — the dominant one about seven — eighths of a dial wide.

And gradually, as he went along, for sure he’d learn how to find goals if he’d gone that far, see. See that? So if you included listing of goals and listing of items for goals, as part of HCA/HPA training, you’ve pushed clearing a long way ahead. Because why? Because a handful of Saint Hill grads in an organization could find all the goals necessary to be found in that organization. There’s where the skill and accuracy must exist. See, you’re very — you got a goal and you’ve got to really be sharp.

And I found out something very interesting about rock slams. That you can appear to clear a missed withhold off of somebody with a great big rock slam and have it dirty as can be. The needle just isn’t registering right when you’ve got somebody with that large an overt.

Now, that’s very much to the point, because if you were to list the goals for the pc or drive the pc on into the listing of goals and sessions and — as a Saint Hill graduate — and prepcheck the pc and set the pc up in all directions to find a goal, and then go ahead and null by the mid ruds the list and find the goal; and then sit down and do all the listing necessary to clear that up, man, you’re looking at hours!

You can miss withholds, you can do all sorts of things because the concentration is on the rock slam and the concentration is not on the auditor; and it takes superlative TR 1 to get by this and make a needle register at all.

Now, these hours are being pushed out into a rather fabulous thing. Yes, you’re listing goals here after you found one.

You understand this rock slam has been rock slamming like mad and now it isn’t rock slamming and you ask him if you missed a withhold, and you get a clean read. Have you missed a withhold, man! Oh — ho! You’ve just missed all the crimes in the book, see. „Have I missed a withhold?“ and you get a perfectly clean read. That’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

But I call something to your attention: that once you get slippery on finding a goal and you get used to the Tiger Drills and that sort of thing, this is less time consuming, particularly as I’m cutting down and shortcutting how that operation is done, but notice that there are no shortcuts being done, aside from the tip that you’d better clean up the goal and lines at the beginning of every session, in listing a goal out.

Well, I was able through various fortuitous circumstances after this interrogation to actually run down the fact that this person was guilty without any slightest doubts. I found other corroborative evidence, you see.

And you realize that a goal listing action runs as many as 2500 items per list and there are four lists. That’s 10,000 items. Man, that’s a lot of hours of auditing.

And I began to understand this needle better. I began to understand this a lot better. As a matter of fact, I got all the dope necessary to prove it utterly and completely.

So if we took a Saint Hill graduate and — and moved it down to the point where he did supervision on the goals list and supervision on the listing of items — made sure this was going along all right — he makes sure of this, by the way, that at item two or three hundred on each list, that the pain is in the right place and it’s, you know, all firing off properly. And he gives the goal another Instructor’s check and so forth, and makes sure it’s firing.

But as far as your interest is concerned, well, this opened up a new horizon because I didn’t have just big rock slams, I had little rock slams. And I had dirty needles and I had all kinds of things here. It was a most fantastic pyrotechnic array of this and that you ever heard of.

As long as he was satisfied the case was set up to have his goal found, before he found the goal, and as long as he was satisfied that the listing would continue to free needle; if he had some people around who could list goals, do the prepchecking and do the actual listing of the goals, we’ve really smoothed this out, haven’t we?

Well, this was quite interesting. And it’s terribly interesting to you. Because for the first time it dawned upon me that a rock slam is an overt. Therefore, a dirty needle is an overt.

All right. So in a Central Organization, a policy letter has just gone out that forbids a Saint Hill graduate from doing anything in that Central Organization but find goals.

Now, you chase these things around in Prepchecking, and you go round and round and round and round and round with these things. And you usually can find a series of overts that clear them off the needle. You can usually find this. The auditor or Scientology or something like this. You can fool around with it and actually get some current life overts that will clean the needle, and then you go back soaring on down the goals list, and the next thing you know, you flub; you make a little mistake.

And staff training has all of a sudden been given the push on the tricks of — they’ve all got a lot of Prepchecking and so forth under their belts now. Now, just listing of goals and listing of items, don’t you see? This is part of the training program.

You passed by a goal without cleaning all the somatic off of it which is a very hot goal. You do your Tiger Drill poorly, and you’ve got bzzz — bzzz — bzzz — bzzz — bzzz. And you go down goal after goal, and this rock slam keeps turning on — well, you missed the one that turned it on, you see. You didn’t catch that so you — the next goal to it starts persistently rock slamming, and — and you get down four or five goals for it, and the doggone thing sounds like a buzzer alarm system going off, see. It’s really fanning the air. You’ve missed one.

So very soon somebody will be able to walk into a Central Organization and get prepared, get his Prepchecking, get the listing and so forth, and find himself a greater or lesser part of his ... You see, it isn’t that the Saint Hill graduate would have him for one intensive or one and one — half and — or two intensives or something. It isn’t divided up that way. You don’t do that that way. He audits him as long as it is necessary to find the goal. You got the idea?

Well, the point is this: That’s a little rock slam, see. It’s a missed withhold.

He picks him up at the moment he’s ready to pick him up, as dependent on whether the pc is ready and has been carried on, and then carries him just as long as is necessary to actually find and — and prove out that goal and then drops him like a hot potato and picks up the next pc. You got the idea?

But the mechanics of a „Failed to reveal“ are simply the still point which follows the Confusion. You’ve still got the stable datum and the Confusion. The Confusion comes first and it holds the stable datum in place.

You see, he — he might be lucky enough to find the goal in four or five days or he might find the goal in one and one — half intensives or two and a half intensives or something like this, you see.

You find somebody with a stuck picture, don’t audit the stuck picture.

At that moment, why, you’d have to have a fluidity of schedule that the pc would be reverted to a staff auditor who is not a Saint Hill graduate. See? That way, you got Central Organizations doing clearing, as long as Saint Hill graduates aren’t put around in Address Section or something, you see.

Find the confusion that preceded the stuck picture, and the stuck picture will blow. It’s quite interesting.

Now, that’s a Central Organization program. It ain’t Saint Hill graduates — there’s — had enough metering and enough this and enough that and need pushing around and so forth — that’s what they ought to be doing.

You got somebody there looking — this is actually old data I’m giving you. This is from back last — over a year ago on this course. It’s been around for quite a while. But the stuck picture is there gorgeously and this fellow was looking at a telescope and it just continues to sit there. And you can hammer it and you can pound it and you can do this and that. It’s quite wonderful that you can address it directly and ask him to take responsibility for that picture and something will probably happen with the picture. Now, that’s quite remarkable.

Oh yes, well, if you’re rich, you can have a Saint Hill graduate as D of P and one as D of T, you see. That’s getting wealthy. That’s getting real wealthy. I will go into staff clearing in just a moment.

But of course, what is an overt but an irresponsibility. An overt is an irresponsibility. Therefore, by taking some responsibility for the stuck picture, you can make this picture move. That’s the only button that will make the picture move — one of these really stuck pictures, see. It’s just, „What part of that picture could you be responsible for?“

But let’s take a look now at that as an activity. You see that that would be then a workable activity. And you’d start turning out Clears and you wouldn’t be wasting your skill. This is a way to do this.

All right. But if you really want to blow that thing off the track — by the way, don’t monkey with these things. This is all experimental data I’m giving you. If you stop in an auditing session as some auditors were doing last year before we grabbed them by the nape of the neck and hauled them out of the auditing chair and squirted seltzer water through their ears a few times, they would just see a stuck picture, you know, and they’d stick in the session — just a total Q and A, see.

Now, you’re going to see some section of this program as the wheels turn here. And although it is very hard on somebody in the middle of listing to suddenly lose his auditor and have another auditor shoved on, you’re going to see that gradually taking place here. But the advanced 3GA auditor is finding goals, and the new person just moved into 3GA is doing nothing but list. Got the idea?

And they’d right away start handling this stuck picture, you know. Oh, this is marvelous. Session would go to pieces in a balloon. They — you know, they Q — and — A with a stuck picture, so they’ve stuck the session there.

Audience: Mm — hm.

Well, if you want to get rid of that thing — this is still just background music, you see, because you don’t — it’ll all come off in due course and you got no business monkeying with it.

Now, where you have a group which is a co — audit, you realize that if inexactly and if rather rough to supervise, still approximates the same type of activity — roughly.

But if you were to look just a bit earlier than that, maybe minutes earlier than the picture occurred — it’s right close to it — it isn’t 15 years before the picture; it’s more like 15 minutes, you know when you get that sort of a thing.

And now let me say a word about staff clearing as a special activity. Your staff could co — audit on getting the goals listed and could co — audit on the listing of items and thus form an auditing activity with the Saint Hill Graduate Staff Staff Auditor (which is what they’re called) picking them out just as fast as they were ready or as he had time, and whipping down the list and finding their goal and shoving them back into the group. You see? You’d still have clearing going forward on a staff training program. See how you could do that?

And you’ll find a confusion there, and then if you just picked the overts the guy committed out of the confusion, why, the stuck picture will go.

All right. Now, let’s take another look over here at — we’re not speaking of world clearing yet. We’re speaking of Central Organizations. They will do an awful lot of it.

Sometimes it’s enough just to locate the confusion, you see, and it goes.

But let’s look at a wider program here. Let’s look at world clearing, exclamation point. We get fifty people and I don’t care what financial arrangements are made with these fifty people. Central Organizations — they might do something like this at sometime or another in PE and so on, but possibly doubtful. If you got fifty people and perhaps those people are contributing so much per week as a group, as a co — audit — and you talk to these people, you talk to them straight from the shoulder, and you say, „Here’s what we’re going to do with you people. You all want to be Clear. Fine. That’s all understood. There’s no — going to be no arguments with that. All right. We’ve got that taped. You may not even know what it is, but you want to be it. That’s fine. You’re tired of being in the muck and going through the endless cycle of it all and going deeper. All right. We can lift you out of that. Fine. That’s established and understood. But how are we going to accomplish this?

In other words, a confusion is followed by a still. Stills do not exist without prior confusions except in the case of a goals postulate. There must have been a prior confusion for a still. Yet you wonder why cultures in various nations have settled down and are so fixed and so rigid. Well, it’s very simple. Those cultures are that way because they have prior confusions and they’re stuck.

„Well, the way we’re going to accomplish this is we’re going to form a co — audit. And you’re going to be in here three nights a week — or whatever arrangements are made in time — and you’re going to have your pc, and you’re going to be somebody’s pc, and you’re going to undertake the necessary actions to get goals listed, and then afterwards to get the items listed, and as soon as you’re ready or if several are ready at one time, you are going to draw lots with short straws.“

Now, if you want to really lay in a culture, see, if you’re up track someplace and you’re giddy enough to create a new civilization someplace or another, and you want it to stick a la Roman, you know — the Romans really made their postulates stick, man — why, you just make the whole confounded, cotton — picking area so confoundedly confused that nobody can find which way is up. And then make the people commit an awful lot of overts and then suddenly settle in a still series of mores and customs. They’ll stick. They’ll stick.

And the Saint Hill graduates running this particular unit, probably two of them, will get that person by the nape of the neck, when that person is ready, and just on a daytime auditing schedule, auditing certainly no more than five hours in the day, find that person’s goal and shove them back into the co — audit. And pick up the next one and find that person’s goal, and shove them back into the co — audit and pick up that next one, and find that person’s goal, and shove them back into the co — audit. You see this?

That’s how a legendary figure such as Quetzalcoatl can suddenly walk in on a barbaric and murderous scene and put out all of the rules of warfare, see, and rules of agriculture and so forth, and have those things go floating right on up the track — just totally stuck, see. Get the idea?

Audience member: Yeah, I do.

The situation must have been terribly confused with a lot of overts in it before you got this stuck situation. You can settle your mind to that. Now, that is one of these very large, very important Scientological truths. If you don’t know that one in auditing sometime, you won’t know what the dickens you’re looking at. And it’s a piece of understanding you should have.

And we say, „Well, that’s what you folks is going to do, and that means that within the year you — all going to be Clear. Within the year.

Now, you know very well that this fellow committed a whole lot of overts of some kind or another and sooner or later he’s going to hang up in a still. And well, he went around, and all he did was kick people. He used his left foot and he kicked people. And he kicked people and he kicked people and he kicked people and he kicked people, and he now has a paralyzed left foot. See?

„Now, as far as second goals are concerned, we’ll go as far on that as we can after all the first goals are found. We will keep this cycle going.

Well, there was a lot of motion, see, and a lot of confusion and then it suddenly settled down and he decided he was guilty or something like that, and there it is. That’s the chronic somatic you’re trying to handle, see. This fellow walks in and says, „I understand you’re a Scientologist, and like all other doctors, why, you’re supposed to cure things.“

„But your main action at first is to learn something about the tools of your trade and read a few of these bulletins and try to make sense out of them, and you’re not expected to study the theory of what’s going on and you’re not expected to do this, but you’re actually expected to sit there and look like an auditor as people in co — audit very often do quite well.“

And you say, „All right.“

And there’s somebody supervising that co — audit and the co — audit is pretty muzzled, it usually runs off rather smoothly.

You’re knuckleheaded that day. You got up on the wrong side of the bed and you’re just plain stupid, you see? And in your effort to please, why you say, „All right. I’ll fix up your lumbosis,“ you see. Well man, he’s been stabbing people in the lumbosis for an awful long time. And it has happened often and frequently, and so forth. And you still could move around his lumbosis somewhat.

Well, the financing situation of this particular character, of course, is self — explanatory. I don’t know whether you would charge them so much to find their goal or something of this sort or if they carry it all ahead just on their weekly contribution or what you would do about this, that’s up to the persons running the co — audit. I myself would rather favor a fairly liberal weekly contribution — not a small one — and base it on the numbers I had that would make a perfectly adequate income running through the place. Even a princely income running through the place so nobody is having to dive sideways and audit some psycho from north Manitoba just because the center needs some money, you know. This is the wildest, most uneconomical thing to do and yet centers and field auditors are always doing this, you see.

But if you tried to do this in the absence of pulling overts, you wouldn’t get anyplace. You could cut it out, which is what the doctors do. It’s still got the engram, but now it’s in an alcohol jar.

They all of a sudden audit for free, audit for free, audit for nothing. The light bill keeps going up, you know, and the rent goes unpaid and then all of a sudden they have to go on some wild wingding of accepting pcs that they never would have dreamed of just because they were too bashful to ask for a certain constant contribution from people who are around that center. You got the idea?

And the guy now has somatics where it was. Marvelous. But this is back of all illness, all chronic states, these principles. They are what makes chronic states, chronic. Now, an aberration of a human being or a miller moth or a man from Mars or total foreign alien personality, such as governmental figures — these fellows have aberrations.

All right. Now, we take this as an action. What damage would it do? Interesting question to ask since very naturally, you’re going to have some interesting blowups in a co — audit. But if you have these people — if they’ve got any withholds or looking blowy or something like that — you, sir, make sure that they tell you about them whether they tell their auditor about them or not. You can probably keep this thing cooled off. Don’t you see?

And prior to those aberrations, there were confusions and overts — and the business of settling the confusion with an overt, which is the modus operandi of our existing cultures here on Earth. You always settle the confusion with the overt, you know. Guy disturbs the peace; they throw him in jail.

And you make some screaming set of penalties for anybody’s pc blowing. Just don’t let them have pcs that blow. In other words, make them take some responsibility for this fact, you know.

Eventually the society will get more and more stuck in an aberration which they begin to mistake for culture. Oddly enough, culture — well, let’s not say culture; let’s say politics or a political form — is an aberration caused by the collective overts of the citizenry. And you actually could forecast very accurately the next political government or political form of any nation by an examination of the overts of the individual because the next government they elect, they will try to make those overts legal.

Take the other mechanisms which come into account or whatever other mechanisms are necessary to keep the group together and keep it going, you see.

So you just figure out what the most common denominator of overts — interesting game. You could sit around and fool around with this and you come up with some of the darnedest answers — you just examine what is the most common overt and then realize that the eventual culture will be one based on the legalization of that overt.

Now, that group is going to be very hopeful. You’re going to have to do a certain amount of training. If you don’t do a certain amount of training, why of course, you’ll find yourself around the bend with this activity.

For instance, the — they try to lessen the overt one way or the other by freezing something into line. They lessen an overt by freezing into place a motivator and there’s all kinds of mechanisms involved in this, but the general law is: is you just figure out what the collective overt is and the next political form will be one which legalizes that overt.

Well, the thing to do is to do the training at first, but get some goals listed so your program isn’t stopped waiting for goals lists or something and you take the person that is the best trained and looks the best or take — that — the few that are, you know, pretty good. You get the goals list in a hurry and get this program of finding the goal on your weekly auditing schedule, you see, just pocketa — pocketa — pocketa and then fit the rest of it in and put it together while you’ve got that part of it running.

I’ll give you an example. A criminal has to come to the conclusion that property belongs to nobody. There is no such thing as private property. He’s got to come to that conclusion, see. Otherwise, he would be guilty of so many overts, he couldn’t live with himself What was the crime rate of Russia before the 1917 Revolution? Yeah man, it was big. It was heavy. And the Russki legalized theft by saying there is no property. See?

And these guys are going to go frantic. The people who aren’t up to it are going to go frantic. Because something is actually happening, and you haven’t got to stand up in front of them all the time and fill them full of hope and courage and all that sort of thing because they see it happening in their midst.

See, that’s the ideal criminal, political form. I’m not anticommunism as, if I was talking to a couple of communists now, I could fry their hair. I don’t say I haven’t in the past. I’ve converted communists to Royalists, and so forth, because in the form of politics, you see, it is only opinion and aberration. There is no wisdom.

„There’s Joe. They found his goal last week, see. And he’s going Clear. He’s being listed right now by Betsy Ann. Ha — ha — ha — ha — ha — ha. Lucky stiff.“ See, something is happening.

If you could figure out that the overt in any state which has become a socialized state must have been weakness. It must be of an omitted participation — a weakness, see. Because now all of a sudden they’ve legalized weakness. They pay it. Weakness is now paid. Do you get the examples?

Well, you’ve got quite a boom to lower there if somebody starts slogging it and doing nothing and muck it up, see.

Audience: Mm — hm.

Now, you could even improve this just a little bit by making the person’s auditing skill a certain number of points against their — getting their goal found. In other words, you balance this off. Not only is their needle straight and their list complete, but their auditing points must be adequate to that. Some type of police action so that they deliver a proper session or have a wish to, could count against their number on the list to have their goal found. Don’t you see? When it comes to select the next — now, I wouldn’t select them all at first. See, I’d grab them in handfuls of three, four, five at a time. I’d never get it plotted ahead more than about six weeks.

Well, this is aberration on the third dynamic. Well, this has an awful lot to do with clearing. Every once in a while, I’ll run into a phenomenon and stumble over it and fall over it and bump my head over it and bung my toes up on it and ruin my shins on it, and try to get around it one way or the other, and so forth, and as time goes on — if I were brighter, you see, we’d be much further ahead — but it takes a certain amount, you see, of me falling on my face over this phenomenon to finally recognize that we don’t have to avoid it — we can use it. That is usually what happens, you see. We can use that in our business. But you have to know quite a bit about one of these things to be able to use one. And frankly, we really never used the rock slam to amount to anything except a little bit on the 20th. But then I couldn’t give you a packaged word that described the rock slam, so therefore, it was to that degree useless.

See, on the people who have not had their goals found, I would never get it plotted ahead more than a few weeks. You see why? There’s this one bird says he’s got to wait for eight months until his goal is found, do you see — just arbitrarily. Well, he’s going to ride. He’s not going to try to jockey himself up into a more favorable position by getting — making a better show out of it. You get the idea? Some type of mechanism of this character would be highly desirable.

Any auditor who’s been auditing for a little while with modern technique knows when he’s running middle rudiments now, you see that little needle buzz — bzzz — bzzz, and you don’t bother to say, „Have you invalidated it?“ or anything. You do — you skip your Tiger Drill right straight to „Failed to reveal.“ You got a „Failed to reveal“ sitting right in front of your face, so you skip your Tiger Drill to „Failed to reveal.“ And YOU pick it up — pow — pow — pow — pow — pow, and then that’s clean, and then you go back to your Tiger Drill again, see.

Now, you might think that this would cut people off from going and getting trained. No, no — far from it. Far from it. There’s somebody — he’s looking pretty bad and — he’s had his test — let us say he’s had his taste of auditing. He’s had this and he’s had that.

And it’s senseless trying to pick up an invalidation to read through a bzzz — bzzz — bzzz when this is obviously a „Failed to reveal,“ don’t you see.

All of a sudden he’ll propose to you the novel idea that he could be of more help to you if he went down to the Central Organization and took a course and came back because he isn’t about to have his goal found in the next three months anyway, and why doesn’t he go and take a course and come back in the meantime, and he’d be straightened out by that time and so forth. You’ll find out this kind of randomity occurring, and far from discouraging it, you should encourage it. You wind up with more help. Don’t you see?

In other words, this little, tiny, dirty needle is a manifestation of „Failed to reveal.“ Now, a „Failed to reveal“ must have been preceded by an overt, and I don’t ask you to vary your Tiger Drill or your middle rudiments, and delete „Failed to reveal“ and substitute „overt“ in its place, because there’s very little to gain. There is very little gain there.

All right. You continue on along this particular line and you will wind up at the end of a year — if two auditors had fifty people — you would wind up at the end of the year with a high probability of having gotten the lot.

You start picking up overts — pooey! You’re using too strong a weapon, see. He only had to pick up the „Failed to reveal,“ you see, and you’ll get the missed withhold phenomenon remedied, and other things will remedy, you see, at the same time. But you should realize that while you’re picking up a „Failed to reveal,“ you’re just skimming the top of the pot, see. If that thing is going to go bzzz — bzzz — bzzz, there’s an overt under it.

You would have released into the community fifty first — goal Clears — thud. That would do things, man.

And ordinarily, you don’t pick up the overt. You don’t bother with it. And your Tiger Drill is quite successful up to the moment you run into a chronic and continuous rock slam or dirty needle. And at that point, that gets very desperate, and O/W has been shoved into the lineup to remedy this.

Now, you shouldn’t multiply the number of franchise holders or co — audit — type groups doing this by the number of years and arrive with the figure of how many people will be cleared in ten years. This is not the way that would go at all. It would go by arithmetical progression. This stuff would start taking off on a high climb, you see. About the only thing that limits it is how many people could be put through Saint Hill. That’s a limiting factor. And this of course, is, you know, rough and at no time will I ever downgrade an auditor’s skill just to let him go home because his wife is dead of starvation or something of the sort. These are minor affairs. Are you a good auditor? That’s what counts, you see.

And O/W will work as long as you get your question answered but will not work if you [don’t] get your questions answered or if the pc is doing something else with the auditing question.

Because actually you lose the whole game, see. I let an auditor go out of here that can’t audit, can’t handle cases and that sort of thing, the whole game is lost. Any time he’s been here is actually lost.

Don’t Q — and — A with the pc and stick him up on the track by demanding that he answer the question more precisely, give him — you the answer you want — he’s answering it technically right. No. Use clearing the auditing command, question after question after question after question, but keep giving him the question and getting the answers. Don’t you see? Keep him in communication. Clear the auditing command every time. Inspect the meter. See if he did something else. You know — harass him, and he finally ... He — accept his answers; but harass him.

Now, that number actually could be stepped up without reducing quality too fantastically by various refinements and so forth. But there are an awful lot of old — time Scientologists around. Lots of them around the world. You’d be amazed.

„Oh, well,“ you say, „have you done anything to your mother?“

So I’ve instituted a new program of putting them in touch with franchise auditors. And I’m now in the process of getting all the names and addresses of everybody who ever thought he wanted to be trained and sending them to the nearest franchise holder, wherever they are in the world, see. So that in his own town, why, somebody may have quite a few HPAS, HCAS, that sort of thing that he hardly knows of or that have ... And then we — I’ll write these people and tell them to contact this center, and the center can talk to that person and get that person in and cooperating in some way or another, you see. And well use our backlog. Well use our carefully built — up backlog.

And he said, „Well, I flew a — I — I — I flew a kite in World War II.“

And that backlog I, of course, have been carefully building up over a long period of time. And it’s rather sizable. It’d surprise you.

„Well,“ you say, „well, I don’t see quite how that answers the auditing command.“

Now, that gives you some semi — trained assistants right at the start from — for administrative action or it gives you people who would simply come into the group for this particular purpose or various other uses. Don’t you see?

„Well, it didn’t. She asked me not to.“

Well, this is — this is a jump — off. Now, that’s not a very startling arrangement, is it? That doesn’t stun you, but it’s, it’s a terribly simple Arrangement. And if you think that in a single year, there’s a possibility of releasing twenty — five Clears into this community and fifty into that one, and thirty — five into another city and this will start to look interesting. I think it’ll look far more interesting than you realize at first glance. So this is a sort of a kickoff.

Isn’t your face red? See?

Well, now I’ve been waiting until we had a proven — up procedure. It was going along and it was doing all right. And of course I’m working on refining the speed with which goals can be found which is a single pin that would extend this program out too much. And we’ve got something in the run. And that is kind of the way I figured it out. I have talked to a couple of people who know on this and they seem to think this is a very feasible program. It’s essentially very simple.

So you can only do a certain amount of clearing up of the question. But now you’re getting silly answers like this, why, on subsequent things you clear the auditing command better. That’s how you handle that situation. Do you understand that?

But don’t get so crazy as to believe that you can audit twenty — five hours a day and carry forward the program. There must be a finite auditing period and I certainly would never audit more than about five hours in a day. I just wouldn’t. Five, pardon, five — five and a half hours. That’s about what a staff auditor does and if I, myself, were working in this center, I think I would probably work about, oh, I’d maybe do four or five hours of auditing a day, and I’d spend some time in the evening on training and making sure the co — audit was running all right.

His answer technically fulfills this, but it isn’t what you want. And you’ll find out if he’s doing something else, keep clearing the auditing command with him — not while he is doing the command but after he has answered it, and you okayed it and everything.

And I’d have some Reception assistance — somebody to answer the phone and carry the money to the bank. It’s nice to have such people around. I’ve always found them quite useful.

Now, clear the auditing command with him again. Ask if he’s doing anything else, if he did anything else besides just that or if he’s trying to solve something with that answer. You know, get in there and pitch a little bit, and YOU all of a sudden find out that he’s doing fantastic things with this auditing question. That’s the reason O/W doesn’t work for you when it doesn’t work.

Now, as we expand this… That is a basic world clearing activity. Now, of course, the workhorse of Scientology is the Central Organization and always has been. It brings in new people quite consistently with it’s PEs and it does various things.

You either hang up and ARC break the pc to pieces by never accepting the first answer, see, or you collapse afterwards and just accept anything because you couldn’t get it straight. Well, the happy medium between these two things, you see, is to run O/W and he’s giving you technically acceptable answers. Well, keep clearing the auditing command. Use that as your routine between answers.

Years ago, Central Organizations only existed as information centers and after that just as means of, well, training. They’ve always existed for training but as far as pcs are concerned, means of demonstrating results and keeping up the level of results and that sort of thing.

Keep clearing the auditing command; clearing the auditing command. I did it once for an hour one night and achieved some fantastic result. Pc says all of a sudden, „What?“ They weren’t answering the auditing command. They were trying to solve a problem with the auditing command and they were only giving answers that fitted into the problem, and then looked each time to see whether or not the problem had been solved, which it had not, of course — because the pc had never answered the auditing question.

Now, we started out on a program which was not necessarily premature, but I just got the word around, that we had a certain number of people we’re going to clear out in the field: former HGC pcs and that sort of thing. And a Central Organization ought to start getting those lined up, using this other program of clearing, see. It isn’t a question of if they’re going to come in. Because most of these pcs come into Central Organizations are rather scattered around. They’re in the oddball places of the world, and so forth.

Got the pc to answer the auditing question, and everything was fine. But the — you use clearing the auditing command between questions. You got that as a mechanism?

And they come in; we’re going to run them through this same type of program I just described to you, see, that in Central Organizations they start getting these people lined up. Not a question of if they are going to come in; it’s a question of they were on this list of people to be cleared. When are they coming in to get their preparatory actions?

All right. That’s why you have O/W and it isn’t necessary to go into lots of overts and that sort of thing just when you’re running „Failed to reveal,“ you know. That’s perfectly valid, just fine because you’re after all running with a whisk broom.

And everything I’ve been doing is trying to improve quality of auditing up to a point where it could be tremendously trusted. Well, you’re going to have trouble with that in any organization. You’re going to have trouble with that on any co — audit — is to keep up the auditing quality and not let it be slipshod and not let it skid. That’s always a fight. It’s always a fight.

There’s no reason to get a ten — ton bulldozer in there and start plowing up the whole ten — acre field, see. You will the moment you start for overts.

Because a bunch of green auditors can think up ... You think you can think up — God! Gave you a lecture an hour ago about Dynamic Assessment and there’s going to be some of you asking the Instructors, „What do I do now? I have two dynamics rock slamming equally. Now, what do we do from that point?“ You see?

If mid — ruds consisted of. „Have you committed any overts?“ ha — ha, „On this goal, have you committed any overts?“ Where are we going to wind up?

Well, there’s going to be a problem there. That’s for sure. But you think you can think up problems. Well, most of your problems make sense.

Well, we’re on that question now, two and a half hours and that isn’t the purpose of the Tiger Drill. But asking if there’s anything he failed to reveal, why, we’ll get it reading. So it serves the purpose, don’t you see.

Man, you get a co — audit going — you get a co — audit going, the problems you get make no sense at all. You can’t figure out how the devil this ever came about. It should happen to you, you know.

But you shouldn’t forget that underneath that bzzz — bzzz — bzzz, there is an overt.

It’s pretty weird. This guy’s been mooning around and worrying and worrying and worrying, and you’ve never quite been able to figure out what he was worrying about and finally one day he levels with you and so forth. He can’t figure out whether this is theosophy as it ought to be practiced.

All right. So, criminality has served us well and because there, it was quite obvious, that integrating this against all the other data I had that I was not looking at a rock slam on the goals chain. I was just looking at a God — awful overt which the individual was sitting across from me saying he had never committed! And the evidence existed not only had he committed it, but he had committed a dozen others like it, see. This bird had his heels planted in the middle of the road. And the harder he planted his heels, the harder that thing slammed.

And you say, „Huh?“

So you should have seen me a couple of nights ago because, you see, this was a needle manifestation, not that — don’t draw the inference that everybody who has rock slams is criminal. This was just this interesting phenomenon that here was the source of a rock slam and it was characterized by overt. And this suddenly fell into the line and said, „Isn’t this nice and sweet, and I wonder whether or not I can turn one on at will.“

He’s been there for six months, but he thought he was in a philosophy group of some kind. You’d be amazed at some of the wild things that happen. And, of course, you have less control over people and they get themselves fouled up. Well, you know, you can foul up pcs and students pretty badly on the second dynamic, other regulations when they’re missing. Well, things can get awful kind of gruesome around in a unit, but how about one over which you have no control of any kind, you see, whereas the people are in their work — a — day life.

And Sunday night in an auditing session I did the unforgivable. You know, the unforgivable. Your pc is listing away beautifully, and all of a sudden you see a free needle turn on, you know.

You also have the problem of they try to adjust it with you when they can get off, and so forth. And I just never would Q — and — A with that at all. I don’t care when you can get off. I can only tell you what week you must take off because you’ve got to be here.

You say, „Hey, hey, hey! A free needle! I got it. Do you want to see it? Free needle! Ha — ha!“ You know? Busts the whole session up, you know.

And the fellow says, „Yes, but if and if and if and so forth and I’d be sure and be fired if I took that particular week off.“

Well I did, Sunday night. This was too exciting — on a slam — because I found out I could turn on a slam at will on a goals chain. And right away, some iron doors opened.

„Well, get another job. Don’t worry me with that part. You’re supposed to be here.“

Actually, it didn’t disturb the pc at all. The pc was excited as I was because they knew they were going right for their goal.

You can get that straightened out pretty well.

And besides, the pc was in — session. You can do a lot of things if somebody’s in a session, and you ought to try it some time. Isn’t that mean? Isn’t that mean? Woke you up anyway.

They have a tendency to muck up your time. You can watch a Central Organization. You know exactly what point the public is impinging against because it’ll be that point that is the most scrambled and mucked up. It’s the most off — line. And man, it’s really off — line. It’ll be — it’ll be something in — wherever it directly contacts the public, that hat you’ve got to put back on about every three months, see, because it’ll go sailing off, and Reception is now expected to empty the wastebaskets. Lord knows what’s happening, but this has gone out, you see. Routing of bodies — body routing lines and that sort of thing.

Anyway, we’ve had 3GA, just as given last week — understand this now — is totally workable and will move right on out and do the job. You understand that? You list enough goals; you’ll get the charge off and so forth. Now, our problem is just doing it faster and doing clearing faster. And this is not necessarily even an improvement on 3GA. This is just some way to find some goals.

Well, that can happen in a Central Organization. It sure can happen like mad on scheduling, and so forth, on co — audits. And your main danger there is not maintain — maybe it doesn’t make any sense to you, but let me tell you very severely that the main danger is with your limited staff and the small number with which you are operating that the public shoves your time scheduling madly out and you just got to be meaner than a gut — shot bear.

Understand what I am telling you and this framework. This is just ways to find goals, see. I’d probably give you dozens and dozens of these in the next two or three, four or five years, you know.

They’re going to tell you ... They’re going to wander in there at eight o’clock when they should’ve been there at seven — thirty and that sort of thing. Well, you just got to learn to lower the boom. Because the point they’ll most mess up is time.

You’ll be sitting there and you’ve gotten it down to where finding a goal is a sure cure at eight hours, you see. Suddenly look at yourself, you’ll be sitting there and you’ll suddenly get a bulletin, you know, and it’ll say — you put the E — Meter on the left side of you, you see, and just to the right side and you can cut it down to four hours, and you have to interrupt this lengthy goals — finding activity that you’re engaged in, you see, to do it shorter. You can count on something like that happening. And this is one of those things.

Time is the single source of human aberration in actual fact. There’d be no aberration if it weren’t for time. Old Dianetic Axiom.

Because the reason I tell you this is because we have already cleared a first goal Clear who had a wild rock slam. You follow me now? As listing was being completed, a wild rock slam was on the needle every now and then.

And that is the point where the craziest ones will louse you up the most. So it’s the craziest ones, of course, that you want to keep in line hardest. So if you want to keep the time line most severely walked, you will also be imposing a tremendous amount of good control on those that are the worst in the group and it’s an excellent control factor.

In other words, goals had been picked off the top of the GPM, and here we had a situation, you see, where somebody went Clear and free needle and so forth. On the second goal, we undoubtedly would have gotten a second goal and there possibly would have been some rock slam residual there, you see, and we got a third goal, and we still had some rock slam, don’t you see. And gradually it would have petered out and so forth.

So if you control time, if you control the group’s time, you will find out there’s less enturbulation and aberration visible in the group. And they will want you to audit them after the co — audit at night for two hours, you see, or in the afternoon from 1:37, you see, to 3:18, you see, because they have to pick their mother up at school now.

Now, what I’m intrigued about is while all of you are sitting around smugly whose name didn’t appear on the list there, while you’re feeling comfortable about this, let me tell you this horrible fact: is you can turn it on on any pc knowing these details.

And if you let them — if you let them move around your time factor, you’ve let them control you in their sessions. That’s just something that you should use. Because the first thing they try to do, it’ll be the hardest front for you to hold, but once you’re holding that front, you’ll find out that you will win in many other zones and areas that you never dreamed of winning in. Just hold that time.

Because right up to this moment, you thought I was talking about a specialized case. I’m not talking about a specialized case — I’m talking about you; and me. Because we’re monkeying around with this last night and we turned one on at will on me — bang! You know what it is, you can turn it on. Don’t you see? It’s an overt. It’s an overt channel.

Guy is there at 7:31, he is supposed to be there at 7:30, you’ve already started to tell them what they were going to do this evening and how they’re pairing off. And you’re reading their schedule at their roll call, and somebody walks in. For heaven’s sakes, greet them effusively. Don’t let them ever sneak in. Greet them effusively — just stop the whole operation. Be happy they glad — were glad to come tonight. And they’ll be there at 7:30 after that.

This guy has got himself caught in the front lines with a bunch of overts and he’s sitting in a ridge which has got enough confusion and enough overt behind it that he couldn’t move anyplace. So, there he is. See that? And wouldn’t you like a goals process which might do as follows: which might omit the first two or three goals and leave you with only four or five, you see. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

And make sure they know that you think that scheduling is important. And as soon as they find out that you think scheduling of what you’re doing with them is important, a lot of other marbles will start concatenating with other marbles, and the next thing you know they won’t have lost their marbles so inaccessibly. They’ll start to reassemble.

Male voice: Oh, yeah.

And they’ll say, „Well, this outfit means business because everything fires off on time,“ see. It’s a method of controlling people who are otherwise quite unruly.

Just cut off the first three and make it much faster to find those first the — the first goal, and just bypass some big chunks of GPM which will just blow off. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Now, that’s the — that’s the basic action of control, but you’ve got to keep — you’ve got to keep a certain amount of administration running, and if you have just a couple of auditors and nobody doing any administration at all, you all of a sudden are going to waste an awful lot of auditing time. An awful lot of auditing time gets lost in answering the mail and filing the letters, you know, and answering the Telephone and so forth, and answering foolish questions. And it’s — you’ve got to save a certain amount of time in order to get broad clearing effective.

Well, that’s the speedup which I have in mind here. I find this very fascinating. We’ve already run people, found perfectly valid goals and run people to free needle and found out they had a rock slamming needle underlying the free needle.

Now, I’m speaking about time merely because it’s a primary control point because it’s a primary aberration point.

You overlist beyond this free needle a ways — fifteen, twenty minutes, something like that — and you had a firing rock slam turn on every now and then.

These people, out of — given any fifty people — will rather string out to the degree of preparation if you have a single thing they have to pass. They will actually sort of sort themselves into the leading order of hens on the length of time they will pass this certain thing. It doesn’t much matter what it is, see. Because of this: the longer they take to do anything, why, the more reactive bank is in their road. In other words, the more reactive bank is in their road, the less understanding per unit of time.

Well of course, this pc was going right on down the goals chain. Well, we already see that the track is laid out in cycles. A cycle is a series of lives or types of lives associated and allied, and with — highly variable in its time element. It could be a trillion years, it could be a billion years, it could be a hundred thousand, it could be sixty thousand.

The reactive bank actually is composed of no time at all. And they get up into a total timelessness so they never have any time to do anything. So this has various ramifications, but it plots out just this way: Time is a single source of aberration and such a person requires or any — well, people have different periods of time to register the same recognition, see.

It’s just the fellow starts in on this brand — new endeavor to him and he goes on through to the end where it’s so dead and so buried and so gone, that he won’t admit to any part of it and he doesn’t even stay in that corner of the universe, you understand. That’s a cycle.

We hang a sign on the wall and it says boojum. And if you actually had a — reaction meters wired up to every person in the room that could plot it on a drum of some kind — it’d fire off — you would find out that everybody in the room would have taken a different period of time to have recognized what the word was and what was hanging on the wall. And it would get on down from anything from a hundredth of a second down to ten minutes.

Well now, actually, what starts a cycle is a prime postulate that is not particularly influenced by any earlier experience or postulate. He starts himself out with a new goal which is not a solution to his problems, but a new game.

And that is a direct index of how much bank is in the fellow’s road on study. Do you understand? Some students require longer than others to absorb the same data. Now, if it were just a pan — determined factor, that is to say if it were just a factor which nothing — it existed the same on all subjects — this would be very easy to plot. We’d say this person is a ten — second character, see. In other words, it took this person ten seconds to really register and soak in any one item the person was looking at. Unfortunately, this isn’t true.

And then he’ll swish up the track quite a ways going on this, and it’ll finally — finally the steam will leak out of the boiler, and he eventually lays that aside and he finds himself taking no interest in life and doing nothing and getting no place, and in no trouble and he hasn’t got any ability to get into trouble with, see. You know, it takes a certain amount of ability to get into trouble, see.

Human beings vary from subject to subject, dynamic to dynamic because their goals are sorted on the different dynamics and they’re stupider on one thing than they are on another. So it takes them longer to absorb one thing than it does another.

And he’s finally gone down through the bottom and he’s lying around now listening to Brahms, you see. Life is hopeless, you know, and he’s reading modern literature and he’s pretty well washed out. Well actually, he goes on out through the bottom and while out through the bottom, why, he finds himself sitting out on cloud 9, realizes he’s been there for quite a while, something like this.

So you get a certain unevenness running through all this because of the variability and there actually isn’t a real general constant. You take some — some girl and you show her — you show her a slide rule. And she looks at this thing, and she looks at it, and she looks at it, and she looks at it, and looks at it, and all she’s supposed to find on this thing is it’s got numbers on it, see.

And he didn’t report back to the area for a new body or anything like that. He feels quite perked up, you know. He perks up — up to two or three grasshopper power. And he says, „I — I think I’ll get back in the game. Let’s see now, what would be a good game? To never have anything anyplace! Yeah — not even me could figure my way out of that.“

And she looks at it, and she looks at it, and she looks at it, and she turns it over, and she looks at it, and you’re waiting for this girl to recognize that there are numbers on the slide rule. And she just looks at it and looks at it and looks at it. An hour later she’s still looking at it. And there’s only one thing you have asked her to recognize is that it has numbers on it. She just won’t do it.

And off he goes on a new cycle. You get the idea? Every other postulate he makes after that cycle is involved with this basic postulate. And he gets in — then they’re really solutions to problems caused by the basic postulate.

And you show her a cake recipe that’s full of numbers. She goes bzzzt bang, practically knock out the cake together to throw it in the oven before you could spit. Get the idea?

So he goes tearing along for sixty thousand or another trillion or something like that. It all depends on how good it is. We someday will probably have a scale up on the wall. This postulate will carry you this many thousand years, you know. But anyhow that’s — that’s the way it goes. Well, now that’s a cycle.

It’s just where her goal sits. See, here was numbers in one form and numbers in another form. And in one form she just knows she must not ever understand this. Well, of course, that’s practically an infinite time nonunderstand, see. That gets in the road of your meter reading. A person’s ability to read a meter is dependent upon the amount of aberration they have about meters.

Well, now those are pieces of GPM. Actually, however, they have an interrelationship even though the thetan thinks they do not. It is of interest to clean up the earliest one you can get your paws on.

In actual fact, in ten minutes, person B, who is very aberrated on the subject, has less time spent in recognition — you follow this? See, out of ten minutes there is less of that ten minutes used in actual recognition, than person A who is not quite so aberrated on that subject, who only observes it for a tenth of a second. There is more recognition for person A in a tenth of a second than there is for person B in ten minutes. Do you see?

In other words, bypass some of them and you’ll find out the later cycles then are very easy to knock off. Sometimes you might find they might even knock off just by inspection because he’s less powerful in making his postulate each time, you see. That’s a dwindling spiral type of action.

That’s why you hand the meter to one person and they have a hell of a time seeing the needle. They stare at it and stare at it and stare at it, you know. Well, hell, it read seconds ago, and they’re still looking. And another person, the thing gives the barest tick, and the person is right there, Johnny — on — the — spot, see. He’s recognized that, digested it and put it out. It’s on the subject of a meter.

All right. Then theoretically is it — it is of interest to reach as far back on the track as you can for a goal that is still reconcilable with the pc’s reality on it and his ability to run it. Those are the monitoring factors.

Conversely, we might take this same person, give them a very complicated bulletin — this isn’t necessarily true. There is some coordination between these two points, but not necessarily — and we give them this bulletin and they fire off on the bulletin brrrrrrr, and they go in and they pass it, brrrrrrr. They understand all of it. Everything is all fine and so forth and they take the meter in the hand and, „When did it read?“

Now of course, you get that if a goal will fire — just take it this way: If you can get a goal to rocket read, you can list it. That is your guiding principle. You can get one to fire and fire and fire — all cleaned up, you see. It’s all tigered to pieces. Everything is off of it and it’s rocket reading every time you say it and everything is going along fine. Now, then that goal should — if it is kept clean during listing and is listed properly and if the lines are kept clean and are firing — that goal should list through to free needle, which means the vanishment of great chunks of GPM. Don’t you see?

Well, they’ll stare at it as long as they haven’t got time in which to recognize it. A very sane person has fantastic quantities of time. I almost made one — somebody faint one time by telling them the local program for this planet. That is, this quarter of the universe program for this planet. This person has — was just going ahhaaa. You could just see the exhaustion coming off of this person. Oh, my God!

Then you have to go and find yourself a new goal. And if you’ve got — find one now that rocket reads after it’s been all cleaned up, why, you can list that one out. Oh, this is sequence. You’re actually reaching further and further and further and further back.

That — just embracing a plan that had that much time mixed up in it, see. Real time mixed up in it. It just wore them out.

Now, if you were to come forward and find a later goal, that would be the easiest thing you ever did, see. It’s easy — it’d be easy to isolate or locate these things. And it is of interest to find the earliest goal that you can lay your paws on that is real to the pc and if it’s real to the pc, it fires just repeating what I just said.

I was tossing off things — well in 5,000 years this is what’s supposed to happen, you see, and then this is… Actually we’re in a dead period right now which is absolutely true. There isn’t anything much going to happen here for about 5,000 years, so there’s a little time to stretch.

Well, weirdly enough, a thetan never gets so messed up that he fails to leave out a flag. He gets buried in the cemetery but he usually has a tombstone.

But after that, why, there’s several programs firing off and so forth and the actual allowed time for this particular planet was 15,000 years, you see, and plot this, plot that, and so on. And that’s a fairly rapid program. That’s fairly rapid, you know, speedy program. That’s a sort of a rush program.

You want to know, in early work this was particularly useful. The key engram of the person’s current life still had a piece of picture. And the pc would go back and forth past this picture, and you ask him sometime — you ask him, „Have you got any very innocent pictures there?“ „You got any pictures that don’t mean anything very much?“

This person was dying at the idea, you know, of planning something out for 5,000 years. Well, hell, I’ve seen a billion years planned out on the track, down to its smallest detail. It gets to be fantastic, you know. I mean how much — how much time is time. And it has a great deal to do with the amount of recognition a person can experience per unit of time.

And, „Well, there’s — yes, there’s one here of my grandfather’s rocking chair. Ha — ha. That’s all. It’s just an empty rocking chair. I see that quite often.“

So anyway, here is your source of aberration. Your basic source of aberration is time. If you didn’t have any time, you wouldn’t have any motion. Don’t you see. You could have no havingness either. The unit velocity of vibration, so the possibility of having any matter would be quite slight.

Sometimes grandfather has been in it, but the more he’s gone across it, grandfather has been less in it — now isn’t in it at all. It’s just an empty chair. Well, you go and explore this. And you can actually take off and run it as an engram if you can get the fellow to face up to any part of it and the next thing you know, the darnedest Roman arena turns up around there, and it’ll be a key engram on this lifetime.

All of these various other things all add up and the more bank a person’s got, the less time he hag during the longer period. Do you follow that?

In other words, he left a little flag flying out here of an empty rocking chair. And actually, there’s an automobile accident and a couple of operations, and a funeral, and so forth, that he’s forgotten all about. He doesn’t know anything about these. These have just slipped his mind but he did leave a rocking chair sitting there.

A rock can sit there without any recognition at all for a few trillennia, you see. Speed of recognition depends on how much time a person can actually have.

I think it’s quite remarkable. A thetan nearly always does this. He’s always got a rocking chair or a little flag or ... Now and then he sees a small inscription on something that isn’t there, see. It’s just a little memory tab that sticks out of the reactive bank.

Present time for some people is a thousandth of a second and for some people as much as a second or two. And you can expand that out to about ten minutes, and then it becomes frightening. If your present time was to be expanded in this split second here — I mean you just — I snap my fingers, your present time was expanded to ten minutes, so that you knew everything that was going to happen in ten minutes. Do you realize you would be able to see the consequences of everything that was going to happen and correct it before it occurred.

You’ll find this thing in many of its manifestations. And the goal has a rock slam left on it. A key goal has a rock slam on it. Now, I don’t say that you can’t find a goal which is later on the track, closer to present time than that, and prove it out and clean it, don’t you see, because we’ve done it. And then find an earlier goal and prove it out and list it to Clear, you see, and then so forth.

Audience: Mm — mm.

Nor do I say that you could do this on every person because we haven’t done it on every person. There are a lot of people who haven’t been cleared in this world. You might like to read the papers sometime if you need any proof of that.

You certainly would make no mistakes, would you?

And the generality here however, is that you’re liable to run into somebody who’s just got such a rock slamming needle or such a dirty, dirty needle all the time, all the time, all the time, that you can’t prepcheck them, you know, you can’t find any handle to prepcheck with, and you can’t find any handle to assess with, and you couldn’t do a Tiger Drill on them, and so forth.

So the number of mistakes a person makes is actually proportional to the amount of present time they have. Present time is a band. Present time is not a — an instantaneous instant.

Well, it’d be very doubtful if you would ever find a goal on that person. Very doubtful. It’d take a long time to sec check, prepcheck them out to a point where the needle is readable.

And the saner a person is and the better they are and the freer they are — let me put it that way; let’s forget this saner — but the freer they are, the more present time they’ve got. It gets pretty wild sometimes.

Funny part of it is the needle will probably at once collapse in — back into it the rock slam and the pattern the second you hit the goals list. Because we’ve never had any trouble with this, except when we were monkeying with goals. Isn’t that interesting?

Somebody with ten minutes of present time, you see, he can unturn all the corners he shouldn’t have turned before he turns them. But this guy who has got a thousandth of a second as his present time never foresees the difficulty of doing anything. He never foresees it. He does the most impulsive and stupid things you ever heard of

Audience: Mmm. Yeah. Mm — hm.

You’ll find him always driving up the side roads and backing out of those to get back onto the main highway — driving — always! See, he’s just in a total confusion all the time, all the time, all the time. He never can foresee anything. There isn’t any time to foresee anything.

And every time you start monkeying with goals, you have dirty needles, persistent dirty needles, you have rock slams, you have this and that, and man. Yes, it’s associated with goal phenomena.

Foresight is not really brightness, but PT. There’s nothing beats looking. You can be pretty smart and think your way out of things, but nothing beats looking your way out of things.

And now, you recognize that that pattern is a „Failed to reveal.“ But how about the big pattern? He doesn’t know what he’s failing to reveal. You sometimes can pull a series of overts on the big pattern against a certain thing, like an auditor, and it’ll turn off.

Of course, if you were able to foretell the future for a thousand years with complete accuracy, your first thought is that you would be bored stiff. Well, I don’t know. How did you have to have excitement that way — whereby you have excitement only because you’re stupid? That’s quite interesting, isn’t it?

You can fool around with somebody’s goals list and find every rock slamming item on the goals list, write those few down, pull a common denominator off, test it several different ways and then ask him if he has an overt against that lately. He gives it to you, and the rock slam turns off. You get that as a method of turning off a rock slam, but it’s an overt on a certain target.

Anyway, this basically gives you a very fast index on pcs. I didn’t mean to talk about it so long. It gives you a very fast index on pcs, co — audit members, and so forth. It gives you very, very easily assembled groups and so forth.

One of the most fruitful ways of finding what that target is, is to have nulled several hundred goals on the pc and found that some of them rock slammed. Take those goals, write them down on a little separate list — it isn’t that they’re in — and look at their subject matter, and then just sort out their subject matter until it makes sense. Test it a little bit. You know, overts on this. All of a sudden, you’ll be able to turn on the rock slam at will.

Not necessarily dependent upon APAs and OCAs and that sort of thing, you see. Not necessarily dependent upon their intelligence and that sort of thing. But the amount of time it takes them to recognize something.

But this oddity gets in your road: Subject one turned on a rock slam easily and well, but it wore out almost at once. Subject two that you selected turned on a rock slam and it wore out. You knew you had it, you see, and then it was gone. It didn’t do it anymore. Subject three — and it turned on a rock slam and then it was gone too. And then subject four, and subject four turns on a rock slam and it goes on. Every time you got a rock slam, you use subject four and it turns it off. Every time, you know, it works like a charm and this button isn’t wearing out.

And you could almost break down your group in advance into when they would get their goal found. Do you see how you could do this? It’s by measuring how much time is required to find out something is there. And this is useful in numerous ways. It’s meter useful.

Why did others wear out? Because they were just locks on the main button, and a very little bit of auditing cleaned them off the chain.

Put something in front of somebody and wait for a ping on the meter. Yeah, that’s the most direct index I know of You put a little red light or a Statue of a snake or something like that on the desk in front of them — put it down with a thud and look at your meter. It’ll finally register. But on some people, when you put it down, they register it instantly. You don’t even have time to look back to your E — Meter. The thing has been recognized. You got the idea?

You’ll sometimes find somebody’s goal was dial — wide rock slamming. And it turned out not to be his goal, and you found another goal, and it was dial — wide rock slamming, and that turned out to be not his goal, and then you got another goal, and it was dial — wide rock slamming. Where the hell? What’s happening? See? Well, it’s just that they weren’t, but the charge is associated with them.

Well, the length of time it takes them to absorb auditing information would be the length of time it would take them to be reliable. There is some coordination between these two points. You shouldn’t be too — don’t yourself be stupid in classifying these people or in pairing them up. And you should pair up comparable recognition periods, if you want to call it that, rather than comparable social interests or comparable ages or something like that. It has nothing to do with it. It’s comparable recognition period. And these two people in a co — audit will be fairly satisfied with each other.

In other words, the charge can trickle up the line and attach itself to different things, which are allied in subject matter.

It will seem reasonable to both of them, and if you’ve got somebody who’s got a ten — minute recognition period or something like that, and you put them with somebody with a ten — minute recognition period, the other person will sit there quite happily. He knows how long it takes and understands.

It’s like a tree. At first any branch of the tree looks like the trunk, if you’re examining it blindfolded. And you’ll eventually find the trunk. Yeah, you take ahold of a limb of a tree ... And supposing you were examining merely the top of the tree, and the limbs of the tree and you had no sense of up or down and you wouldn’t know where the top of this tree was. They’d all feel about the same, actually.

But you mix up a tenth of a second recognition period with a ten — minute recognition period and they’ll both drive each other batty.

Well, the test would be, that when you finally got hold of the top of the tree, that button didn’t wear out. Yeah, but you don’t feel too cocky just because you get something to rock slam madly. Because just about the time you turn the meter around to show the pc or rush out of the auditing room without calling a break to find an Instructor to say, „Look, look, look!“ you know. You’ll get back, the subject’s probably worn out by that time. And then you have to bunt around a little bit to find the allied subject that turns it on. I mean, this charge that is imparted to associated subjects — related subjects — is about the only thing that gets in your road going back down this track because you’re happily climbing down a branch of the tree, and you say, „We sure are getting near the trunk,“ and then the branch peters out and never goes near the trunk.

Now methods, I haven’t even explored, actually, many methods of determining, actually, what the recognition period is or anything like that, but such methods could easily be developed and easily be used for dividing up and separating and putting together co — audits that would be highly successful because your co — audit will break down on the basis that some member thinks the other members are stupid. And if you keep them segregated at comparable levels of recognition, they’re not going to get this.

There’s no rock slam, and there was no bridge, and nothing, no little man popped out of the E — Meter and says, „Go to the left; this is a one — way street.“ You know? No directions are given you.

Audience: Mmmm.

But out of all this potpourri, if you followed it down by doing a goals list and finding each type of goal that rock slammed, and then tested all of those out, you’ve got a system, but it’s a very laborious system, which would peter out all the time.

Now, all of that is in technical lines, but how much should you teach these people in a co — audit? Well, I’d just irrationally demand perfection out of them. I wouldn’t cut back my sights. Never make a practice of tolerating bad auditing. I don’t care who’s doing it. And you demand this out of them, you’d be amazed how closely they will approach it.

Now, Scientology has a number of basic truths in it. There are lots of fundamentals around and instead of hunt and punch, you can always go find yourself a hat full of fundamentals and shove them into the works, you see, and everything goes off afterwards — and you’ve got some fundamentals called the dynamics.

Of course, it’ll probably be utterly hopeless when you were ten feet away at first and then they’ll let you be fifty feet away, see. They’re okay as long as you’re there. And then because you’re running the group, they will be all right. I wouldn’t count on them ever taking any vast responsibility for cases individually, don’t you see, because they the ... But they work all right as long as somebody will take some of the responsibility for it. And you’ll find out they work fine that way.

And the goals chain begins with an overt on dynamics. It doesn’t happen to be an intentional overt. It just happens that the goal happens to be, in the woof and warp of life, a hellish overt against a part of one of the dynamics.

You’ll find out in any co — audit the amount of gain in the co — audit is to some degree proportional to the amount of responsibility which the Instructor of that co — audit is taking for those people. And if he’s taking very little responsibility, you’ll have very little gain.

Now, you see, let’s say there are eight dynamics, and each one has a hundred branches. I know you — they have far fewer in their exact divisions, but you get a pc rattling off of how many parts there are to a fifth dynamic, you ought to listen to him sometime, you see. Now, he’s really stuck on the fifth. My God — there’s trees and there’s grasses and there’s shrubs and there’s flowers, and then you have to get a botany textbook, you see. And then that gives you all the types of trees, all the types of shrubs, and all the types of flowers — the families thereunto, the climatic differences thereof See? And then there’s mice. And psychology isn’t totally lost, you know. There’s still authorities on mice.

Regardless of what process they’re running — people always come around asking me for a process. Well, there’s thousands of processes. You, an old Scientologist, could sit there and dream up auditing processes day and night. They’d have — all have some workability. But you haven’t got to waste any time on this co — audit by dreaming up processes of this and that. You have a present time problem process which is independent of O/W and responsibility.

And you say, „Well, to you, ‘rodent,’ you see.“ This would be one part of the fifth dynamic. Well, in actual fact, why you should just start reading the catalog of the number of types of mice there are, you know, let alone rats. So it’d actually get pretty broad, don’t you see.

You have „problem of comparable magnitude“ going back even further so as you don’t have to get too much into O/W in exchanging these terrible confidences that they don’t want to. You can dodge these things to a very marked degree. You can set this thing up to run quite successfully. But your best bet is to just put them right on the project they’re supposed to be on. They’re there to list goals and list items.

Well, you got all of these parts of life — all of its various ramifications and forms, all branching out from your eight dynamics.

Well, God help ‘em, they’d better be studying or listing goals — doing something, or prepchecking goals lists or doing something analogous to a goals list right up to the time when they get their goal found, you see, till a person’s goal is found.

You see, you get an almost infinite variety of life out of these eight dynamics, but you can go back to these eight dynamics. And anybody who has made a postulate may have been in agreement with, totally associated with, everything fine with, seven of the dynamics and 799 parts of the remaining dynamic, but it’s still going to be one hell of an overt against at least one of the parts of one of the dynamics. You can count on that; it’s going to be an overt. Because life, you see, is built in many frames and varieties of postulates and you’re going to have some part of life that is going to be assaulted by any postulate a thetan makes.

In other words, put them on quite real actions. Start them out on a Prepcheck. You always got two or three in a group you’ve had something to do with. And you cleaned them up to a large extent yourself. Start in with them and get them with a goals list so their goals list is prepared. Start the others in with a Prepcheck type of action. That would be enough for staggering. Then really keep them — keep them quite germane to getting the — getting the goals list all straightened up and squared away, you know.

We’re going to say — well, I’m going to give you a crude example.

Spend lots of co — audit time on the actual fact. And don’t try to dream up side panels just to keep them busy. Because if you’ve got to keep them busy, you can always give them something to study that would advance their skill.

The fellow says, „To be a tragedian. That’s what I’m going to be. I’m going to be a tragedian. That — that’s going to be my next cycle.“ See?

And if you’re up against keeping people busy, aside from swamping up their present time problem, and you — they’ve got everything else done and they’re just on wait, make them study. You see? Make them study listing. They’d study that with considerable enthusiasm. You get what I mean? See, try not to occupy people’s time because people have to be kept busy. But try to utilize the time available to you in that co — audit. Try to utilize that time in the most productive, possible way that’s contributive to the situation.

That’s fine. But some other knuckle — duster has said, „To make everybody happy.“ Those two goals are going to collide. See, somebody else making everybody’s „got to be happy,“ you see, and this fellow’s a tragedian, and this is a terrific collision, don’t you see.

Now, I don’t know how many co — audit people could be handled by one auditor. I think one auditor handling it, it would get fairly lonesome. I’d hate to be in that position because I’ve been in it for years, see.

Well, actually, it’s not postulate against postulate that you’re particularly worried about. You’re worried about postulates against parts of life.

It’s not a very tenable position. You got no datum of comparable magnitude. You’re always on parade, you see. You never take your boots off in the barracks, you know. It’s harder on you than you — than you would think. And many field auditors just practically go out through the bottom just because they’re all by themselves. It’s — they get lonesome. They got nobody to talk to about this. They’re always explaining, always teaching, you know, and there’s — there’ll be something missing in their vicinity.

And you’ve got yourself, and you’ve got the two divisions of the second dynamic, and you got groups, and you got species, and you’ve got the fifth dynamic, see, and the remaining species, and you got the sixth, which is the physical universe, including forms, and you’ve got the seventh which is spirits, and the eighth which is supreme beings, et al., etc. That’s getting pretty wild here, don’t you see.

Now, as you see, a co — audit in a Central Organization could be organized also along these lines. There’s no reason why a Central Organization shouldn’t run such a group of its own in its immediate vicinity. But its group certainly would have nothing to do with whether or not such a co — audit group was running elsewhere.

And you say, „I’m going to help people,“ and this is an overt against a god which is designed only to help people. Don’t you see.

Now, we speak of whether or not a group so running should be a franchise holder or a city office or something of this sort.

You’re going to help people. You’re going to cut his throat, in other words.

For a long time, I’ve been trying to decide this myself. In actual fact, we’re moving up toward a better proposition as a city office. A franchise holder doesn’t feel like he belongs as much as he should. There are many things that are a little bit haywire with this and actually, these characters are holding an outpost, don’t you see, of some kind or another. They’re holding an exact point of reference and if that point of reference isn’t firmly on the map, they to that degree are being scanted.

See, there’s all kinds of crossplays. There’s no reason to go into it. You yourself have in your banks several hundred thousand excellent examples.

Because they move around and fold up and pass on and that sort of thing, it has sometimes been difficult to maintain a center of control. I mean not control the point, but the point’s control of the environment. The operation ebbs and flows to too great an extent. But I expect a greater stability will occur in the future and I expect to see franchises more or less turning into city offices. Had very little to do with income — it has a tremendous amount to do with the influence in the area and the erection and maintenance of a worldwide communication channel. You’ll find out that your communication channel falls off to the degree that the person is outside the organization and comes up to the degree that the person feels he is inside the organization. You understand, that’s just feels. See? It’s quite amazing — quite amazing the difference this makes.

So you can use this rock slam to find the goals channel by doing the following: by taking the eight dynamics and — assessing them to find which one has a rock slam on it, a dirty needle. Which one gives up a dirty needle?

And what I’m looking forward to is that every such area and held down of course, is simply a city office. It’s a perfectly official office.

Now, if we can’t get a dirty needle just by inspection, we can always cause one by asking him to think of overts against, and pick out the dirtiest, biggest needle we get.

People walk in there, if they don’t and it’s in communication with everything else and it gets itself in trouble, and it’s got somebody to scream to and then the persons there don’t feel that this is an outsider, you see. They feel well, that’s one of the gang. We’ve got to pitch in and help, don’t you see.

You have to be clever to ask that question without missing withholds.

Any way we could promote this, I would be very happy to do so.

All right. Think of committing overts against yourself, and think of committing overts — sexual overts, or against sex — against sex is better — it’s all against. You’re going to get one of these things to rock slam. That’s for sure. Either it was rock slamming just when you read over the list, and you just picked it up like that or you had to work on it a little bit harder and make something rock slam and pick that. See?

But we’re advancing now toward a necessity to make everything neat — as neat as possible, because it’s going to blow up anyway. I’m a great believer in blowing up neatly, you see.

Well, if you’ve got that, you kind of want to prove it out. You kind of want about — to ask about it. Has he ever committed any overts? Get him to tell you a few, you know, and so on.

For years now in Central Organization design and communication line design, I have tried to make those lines expandable, and yet I find out any time a Central Organization doubles its business, its lines blow up.

Now, what would represent that dynamic to the pc? This is a list that you get. Let’s say you got third dynamic. Now, what would represent that dynamic to the pc? You understand what I’m giving you here is not a set pattern; this is merely an exploratory experimental process. But what would represent that third dynamic to him, you know.

And what you really do is try to make the lines as expandable as you can and then be an expert in putting it back together again. Do you get that, see? And then you’re smart. That’s a very smart measure to take. Then you’re not always dismayed because it somewhat fell apart.

And he gives you this, and he gives you that, and he gives you the other thing. Well he might get five — you might get fifty items. But you sit there and do yourself a little Assessment by Elimination is the way you do your Prehav Scale, see, but you’re looking for the rock slam.

For instance, I know that in every Central Organization the body line between the D of P and the Registrar must be put in every three months. See? I’m an expert now in patching that line up. I’m willing to be reasonable and talk to them about it and give them all kinds of unreasonable answers. You see, I work hard at this. All right. That line — because the public impinges against it totally — blows up every three months in every Central Organization in the world. All right. So it does.

But you don’t care if that list doesn’t rock slam. You merely want to find the hottest point of that list. You understand? You just want the hot point of the list. If it doesn’t rock slam, we won’t worry about it at this particular time. Were just going to find something hot. And that list may stand out totally independent. And it may have, on the third dynamic, it might have something like governments, see. That’s hot. Maybe it rock slams, maybe it doesn’t rock slam. We couldn’t care. It — but it certainly was the hottest button.

Well, I used to knock my brains out and be very unhappy about it all the time because it fell apart. And now I’ve realized that it’s perfectly all right for it to fall apart because I can always put it together again. Get the idea?

If it is the hottest button, then it’s the only one on the list that — there’s nothing else on the list that is rock slamming. You understand?

Well, any time increased traffic hits a network of communication lines, you can expect the seams to open and the water to pour in here and there — no matter how carefully you planned it. And if you’re so sold on perfection that you go out and commit suicide because your plan wasn’t perfect every time, so help me, you don’t get much accomplished. You’re just picking up new bodies all the time, you know.

The way rock slam is used to — in that particular little dirty needle, bzzzt. It’s the only one that will.

But the point I’m trying to make is, is you start throwing sixty Clears, fifty Clears, thirty Clears into this community and that community inside of a year: well, we haven’t got enough telexes, we haven’t got enough personnel, we haven’t enough administration, we haven’t enough file cabinets, we haven’t enough printed books. You understand?

Now, we — it’s very simple. We take our pen in hand. We spread out our legal length, 13 inch by 8 paper. We put down at the top of this, the date and the pc’s name. And then we write this sentence: What goal might you have that would be an overt against a government? Question mark. Number 1. Use Arabic numerals.

Well, we’re walking into this in that full realization. Just go ahead and realize it. And then realize that we can still put it back together again. You understand?

And the proof of this pudding is whether or not that needle starts falling off the pin.

And it’ll look a lot better to you. Because the second you start putting this much traffic and this much strain on your own communication lines, remember, you’re putting an equal amount of strain, which actually is multiplied for various reasons on the public at large, and they’re not organized at all. They go into a total confusion, they hit your lines, they blow up, and any patch you’ve put on blows off at that moment, you see, and it’s pretty bad.

If that needle goes crash — crash after a little while, you want any — you write down any pain the pc has or any sen, and if that needle’s going crash — crash — crash on this list, you just keep going as long as that needle’s going crash — crash — crash. Got it?

You must be skilled in putting something together. Not skilled in holding the same old line together, see. You see your lines gone, well, don’t waste your time and energy and sweat in screaming and saying how terrible this is. Just be an expert at putting the line there again.

But if that tone arm is moving, well, ha — ha — ha — ha, got good tone arm motion, and everything is going along here lovely and that rock slam is narrowing and finally gets down to a little dirty needle, and that finally disappears on your listing — when a tone arm needle, not so much the tone arm, but certainly the needle, is no longer caroming around just because you’re listing goals and your needle’s got nice and quiet, if you’re lucky the pc’s goal is on that list you wrote.

You see it’s gone: put it back. Don’t scream at me and say „Do you realize that for four months there has been no HCO Secretary in Chicago.“ You know, like a what do you mean? Isn’t — wha — what — what’s the matter with you, see. I mean what are you doing that for?

Ain’t that interesting? It’s like doing a crossword puzzle. That’s interesting. Now, I said if you’re lucky. I hope this doesn’t happen to you: That you get the rock slam and get nothing but sen and a stuck needle. You got a rock slam, but you got sen and a stuck needle. You missed some place. Something is wrong here somewhere. Because the rock slam will very shortly disappear. And you will realize at this time that you’ve gone to the end of a branch, not to the end — top of the tree.

Why don’t you send me a cable and say, „I just found there’s no HCO Secretary in Chicago and Janet Woods would be fine for the post. Is she appointed?“ See? That’s much more effective. Then all I have to do, I don’t have to wade through the scream, you see. All I have to do is say okay. You see.

And you’ve gone down and it petered out, and that isn’t so, and the best way to handle that — the best way to handle that is just do yourself a brand — new Dynamic Assessment, and do the whole process all over again.

And all of a sudden you’ve got that area in order again or it’s being put in order. Do you get how this is?

Now, actually you’re not looking at a lengthy process. This does not take long to do. If you think it takes a session to do a Dynamic Assessment, it doesn’t.

Well, you’re not in a position of holding the world together. So you might as well get used to the idea of putting it together.

It takes me ordinarily seven or eight minutes to do a complete Dynamic Assessment with the part. There’s no trouble with this, see. It’s not a hard job. It’s a very simple action. Old Dynamic Assessment is done by change of characteristic.

So any co — audit or Central Organization entering in on a clearing program should design it so that it’ll operate perfectly — without a single hitch. Please do. And get the exact people on the post that should be on post. And get the exact files that should be there exactly filed and in place. Just plan it down to a — to a split hair and then put it all back together again the second it blows up. See?

Now, if you’ve been unfortunate and this rock slam just peters out, you want to know whether it’s going or not, just make another test. Ask for overts against other dynamics, and if you turn on a rock slam again, why, I don’t know whether you ought to do the list where it ran out or do a new list on it.

Because you never do an expansion or a forward action of this character without coming apart at the seams. The public sees to that.

But it’s the length of time. You will, I think, learn the dwindling rock slam. You’ll realize that you are taking the charge off by goals listing, whereas the rock slam just didn’t — it was on and just disappeared, and you don’t see it anymore, see.

Now, you hold the fort with time, with good regulations, with discipline, by not compromising, by not throwing everything out of line, just because one person goes out of line. You hold it together and you realize that world clearing is on a basis of „you somehow make it.“ It isn’t a planned juggernaut that rolls on smoothly down the highway. Look, there isn’t even a road there. And until recently, hasn’t even been a vehicle. So if you start bumping and so forth, look down and you’ll find out you’re going over tree trunks — don’t scream, just make a better road. You got it?

Well, if you’ve got a list by dwindling rock slam, you of course are taking the charge off of that rock slam.

No, it’s something you do off the cuff. You follow policy as far as you can. You put it together the way it should be as best you can. And then you make it work. And as the thing goes all out of size and so forth, and you’ve got the city council also in the co — audit, suddenly, don’t blink longer than is necessary to hand them the enrollment cards.

Now, you make the guy do 850 goals. You do anything else with a list that had — you have been told for 3GA. Your list is already this discharged when — by the time you do this thing. You don’t spend any time much listing on him or straightening him out. You just look for the rock slam. You got that? That’s the auditor action. You still want 850 goals from this pc. What do you do with the 850 goals? Well, you put them aside carefully and do nothing with them.

Go ahead and do whatever you can. But don’t do this. Don’t scant technology.

You want that little, short list that went on down to the bottom of the rock slam. That’s theoretically the way it would work. See. That leaves you with a handful of goals to null.

Don’t fail to deliver the goods when you promise it. And don’t fail to turn out Clears.

Now, if the fellow’s goal isn’t on that, you either have missed a meter read, which of course you will never do after you leave here. You may do it here, but you will never do it when you have left here.

Those are the only mistakes you can’t make. You can’t make those mistakes.

You miss a meter read or that goal for some reason or other — well, you didn’t have it straight or it was the wrong dynamic or the thing panned out — something went wrong on the thing. Still, just repeat the operation and get yourself another short list and see if the goal’s on that. That is a fairly catch — as — catch — can economical way of doing it.

See, you can make any God’s quantity of mistakes and the world will forgive you. Okay?

Oddly enough, you’ll probably have the pc wheezing, sneezing, squeezing and saying, „God, gosh — what do you know,“ you know. „That’s me.“ This kind of reaction taking place and he’ll tell you exactly why this goal is the right goal and you get cognitional actions.

Well, I didn’t mean to preachify at the end, but this is the first word I’ve given you on world clearing, and it’s quite important in actual fact and I think you, particularly, that are gathered here this evening, will find it quite exciting.

If you do it without — there’s no cognition on any case, I would be suspicious of it. If the pc wasn’t genning me in on why you had to have this type of goal, I would be suspicious of it. Pc’s just writing them all down on a long grind, well, you probably are running down the branch of the tree.

Thank you very much.

Your rock slam isn’t narrowing. It’ll eventually just disappear and it’ll leave you a list full of sen. That will be the way it is.

All right. Well, there’s the experimental use of the rock slam in the discovery of a goal.

Now, perhaps on some pcs, you’d have to use this system absolutely. But on most pcs, the way this is predicted, it would bypass maybe the first two, three goals that you would have to find on the ease and list.

So you see, this shortens up goals, it shortens up clearing if it works properly. As you do it and work with it and run into problems, I will undoubtedly have other things to refine concerning it but for the moment, that’s the way it is.

Thank you very much.