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Data Sheet — Advanced Course Procedure (E100454)Data Sheet — Advanced Course Procedure (E100454)
Phoenix, Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona



(For use as basic information by students of the Advanced Clinical Course as of April 10, 1954.)(For use as basic information by students of the Advanced Clinical Course as of April 10, 1954.)

GOALS: Life has solutions for many things. It has never had a solution for aberration until now. The target of the auditor is not simply the eradication of aberration. It is the relegation of aberration to the status of a solved problem.

GOALS: Life has solutions for many things. It has never had a solution for aberration until now. The target of the auditor is not simply the eradication of aberration. It is the relegation of aberration to the status of a solved problem.

Primary in auditing procedures is getting the preclear to change his mind. When he can shift postulates easily and at will he will continue to be in good condition. When he cannot his is a problem of other universes in which he is “trapped.” In any universe one is subject to the postulates of the God of that universe. Therefore, when a preclear cannot be brought to change his postulates he must be having trouble with other universes.

Primary in auditing procedures is getting the preclear to change his mind. When he can shift postulates easily and at will he will continue to be in good condition. When he cannot his is a problem of other universes in which he is “trapped.” In any universe one is subject to the postulates of the God of that universe. Therefore, when a preclear cannot be brought to change his postulates he must be having trouble with other universes.

A problem with universes is primarily a problem in spaces. Secondarily it is a problem in energy and matter. Any preclear having difficulty with other universes is having difficulty with space.

A problem with universes is primarily a problem in spaces. Secondarily it is a problem in energy and matter. Any preclear having difficulty with other universes is having difficulty with space.

The definition of space is “a viewpoint of dimension.” Thus other universes are created by other viewpoints. When a pc has been changed in space a great deal by another viewpoint and when he has many impacts in common with it he may believe that he is in another universe and, mechanically, this is so. In such a way a preclear may be found in mother’s universe, in father’s, in a pet’s, in his body’s and is, of course, in the MEST universe where the postulates, he conceives, are those of God. The nuclear physicist studies God’s postulates.

The definition of space is “a viewpoint of dimension.” Thus other universes are created by other viewpoints. When a pc has been changed in space a great deal by another viewpoint and when he has many impacts in common with it he may believe that he is in another universe and, mechanically, this is so. In such a way a preclear may be found in mother’s universe, in father’s, in a pet’s, in his body’s and is, of course, in the MEST universe where the postulates, he conceives, are those of God. The nuclear physicist studies God’s postulates.

Whenever a preclear cannot change his own postulates easily, we conceive that he is operating upon other postulates than his own and thus, that he is in another universe. We resolve space only insofar as we need to resolve other universes.

Whenever a preclear cannot change his own postulates easily, we conceive that he is operating upon other postulates than his own and thus, that he is in another universe. We resolve space only insofar as we need to resolve other universes.

Where the preclear is in a universe which operates upon psychotic postulates he is immediately pressed to face aberration.

Where the preclear is in a universe which operates upon psychotic postulates he is immediately pressed to face aberration.

This is an E-Meter problem, that of other universes and is resolved by asking the pc while on the meter whose commands he would obey, whether father’s, mother’s, etc. The meter will experience its biggest drop on those universes where he is having the greatest conflict. However, the meter will not necessarily respond on universes in which he is entirely enclosed. Removing the “reacting” (biggest drop) universes, one at a time, will exteriorize the pc from all universes.

This is an E-Meter problem, that of other universes and is resolved by asking the pc while on the meter whose commands he would obey, whether father’s, mother’s, etc. The meter will experience its biggest drop on those universes where he is having the greatest conflict. However, the meter will not necessarily respond on universes in which he is entirely enclosed. Removing the “reacting” (biggest drop) universes, one at a time, will exteriorize the pc from all universes.

The key command in all Universe Processing is “Where (father, mother, wife, pet) would be safe.” The pc must then SPOT points in space where he is certain the person in question would be safe. Various regular phenomena then occur. The replies are not, of course, very rational. Getting the pc to spot spots in space is of the essence. He must be brought to spot spots in MEST space.

The key command in all Universe Processing is “Where (father, mother, wife, pet) would be safe.” The pc must then SPOT points in space where he is certain the person in question would be safe. Various regular phenomena then occur. The replies are not, of course, very rational. Getting the pc to spot spots in space is of the essence. He must be brought to spot spots in MEST space.

It will be found that spotting a spot in space is almost impossible for some pcs. They give conditions, not locations. Or, even in using Opening Procedure, they cannot easily spot a location in space without their attention flicking quickly to objects.

It will be found that spotting a spot in space is almost impossible for some pcs. They give conditions, not locations. Or, even in using Opening Procedure, they cannot easily spot a location in space without their attention flicking quickly to objects.

KNOW-SEX SCALE: There is a scale of behavior, patterned on the tone scale, which starts at the top with KNOW and goes as follows downscale. This is also a scale of tolerance of viewpoints or tolerance of space or interiorization in universes and furnishes a fast diagnosis. KNOW — can create space. LOOK — is creating space. EMOTE — is combining space and energy. EFFORT — is condensing space. THINK— is wandering in condensed spaces. SYMBOLS — has codified spaces into words and other significances. EATING — is content with spaces already condensed but belonging to others. SEX— finds no space tolerable for present beingness but looks to other and future beingnesses as the only chance for universes.

KNOW-SEX SCALE: There is a scale of behavior, patterned on the tone scale, which starts at the top with KNOW and goes as follows downscale. This is also a scale of tolerance of viewpoints or tolerance of space or interiorization in universes and furnishes a fast diagnosis. KNOW — can create space. LOOK — is creating space. EMOTE — is combining space and energy. EFFORT — is condensing space. THINK— is wandering in condensed spaces. SYMBOLS — has codified spaces into words and other significances. EATING — is content with spaces already condensed but belonging to others. SEX— finds no space tolerable for present beingness but looks to other and future beingnesses as the only chance for universes.

COMMUNICATION: The graph of communication is CAUSE.... to.... EFFECT. Or CAUSE — DISTANCE — EFFECT. Or C distance E. A perfect communication occurs when whatever is at Cause point is duplicated exactly at Effect point. Thus a perfect communication contains duplication. A thetan seeking to communicate seeks to send impulses or particles from himself at C to the receipt point at E, WITHOUT FORM. Thus, a thetan has NO-FORM as a condition of a perfect communication. A body, on the other hand, when it communicates, places the condition of FORM into any communication it sends. Thus a thetan, working obsessively, would seek to make NO-FORM at all effect points while a body would attempt to create FORM at effect points. A body seeks to make something out of every communication, hence, significance and deeper meanings and prior causes. A thetan seeks to make NO-FORM out of all communications, hence a nothingness. These are the mechanics of communication. They are also the mechanics of human behavior. The perfect duplication of a communication is seldom possible, hence the dwindling spiral. BUT harm in communication only occurs when there is no KNOWING about communication. Impulsive or obsessive communication alone takes exception, on the part of a thetan, to something, on the part of the body, to nothingness.

COMMUNICATION: The graph of communication is CAUSE.... to.... EFFECT. Or CAUSE — DISTANCE — EFFECT. Or C distance E. A perfect communication occurs when whatever is at Cause point is duplicated exactly at Effect point. Thus a perfect communication contains duplication. A thetan seeking to communicate seeks to send impulses or particles from himself at C to the receipt point at E, WITHOUT FORM. Thus, a thetan has NO-FORM as a condition of a perfect communication. A body, on the other hand, when it communicates, places the condition of FORM into any communication it sends. Thus a thetan, working obsessively, would seek to make NO-FORM at all effect points while a body would attempt to create FORM at effect points. A body seeks to make something out of every communication, hence, significance and deeper meanings and prior causes. A thetan seeks to make NO-FORM out of all communications, hence a nothingness. These are the mechanics of communication. They are also the mechanics of human behavior. The perfect duplication of a communication is seldom possible, hence the dwindling spiral. BUT harm in communication only occurs when there is no KNOWING about communication. Impulsive or obsessive communication alone takes exception, on the part of a thetan, to something, on the part of the body, to nothingness.

NON-EXTERIORIZED CASES: When cases are difficult to exteriorize the auditor is involved, basically, with a tangle of universes. The thetan cannot LOOK because he is in all other universe where looking (the making of space) is forbidden. Occlusion of various kinds, facsimile looking, are present only when the thetan is in another universe than his own. In his own he can easily look even into other universes. Occlusion and non-exteriorization are then stemming from the same cause. THE MORE DIFFICULT THE CASE, THE LESS TOLERANCE OF SPACE. This is resolved by having the pc spot space, using the body perception or not. He can do this via Opening Procedure as well as by spotting distant MEST spaces. The SPOT in space is more important than the object in space. Thus one has him spot spots until he can with ease. One then begins the task of separating him from universes using Universe Processing.

NON-EXTERIORIZED CASES: When cases are difficult to exteriorize the auditor is involved, basically, with a tangle of universes. The thetan cannot LOOK because he is in all other universe where looking (the making of space) is forbidden. Occlusion of various kinds, facsimile looking, are present only when the thetan is in another universe than his own. In his own he can easily look even into other universes. Occlusion and non-exteriorization are then stemming from the same cause. THE MORE DIFFICULT THE CASE, THE LESS TOLERANCE OF SPACE. This is resolved by having the pc spot space, using the body perception or not. He can do this via Opening Procedure as well as by spotting distant MEST spaces. The SPOT in space is more important than the object in space. Thus one has him spot spots until he can with ease. One then begins the task of separating him from universes using Universe Processing.

CHANGE OF SPACE: This process has been standard for some time. It is not used on pcs until they are exteriorized. It can be approximated by non-exteriorized cases by having them spot spots in space. The goal of Change of Space is bringing the preclear up to present time in all MEST spaces. Rapid spotting or changing into various locations where the pc has been in difficulty keynotes this process.

CHANGE OF SPACE: This process has been standard for some time. It is not used on pcs until they are exteriorized. It can be approximated by non-exteriorized cases by having them spot spots in space. The goal of Change of Space is bringing the preclear up to present time in all MEST spaces. Rapid spotting or changing into various locations where the pc has been in difficulty keynotes this process.

INTERIORIZATION-EXTERIORIZATION: The preclear must be able to interiorize into and out of objects and spaces at will. Drills which interiorize and exteriorize him rapidly time after time from the interior to the exterior of rocks, planets, animals and people remedy his ability. It must be noted however that this decreases havingness and this decrease must be remedied.

INTERIORIZATION-EXTERIORIZATION: The preclear must be able to interiorize into and out of objects and spaces at will. Drills which interiorize and exteriorize him rapidly time after time from the interior to the exterior of rocks, planets, animals and people remedy his ability. It must be noted however that this decreases havingness and this decrease must be remedied.

HAVINGNESS: The preclear has so long had that he believes he must have. This lack of havingness is run by discovering what is acceptable to the pc in the way of mass and having him pull many such objects in upon him. Pulling in enough mass will run out the engram bank. Engrams are in restimulation only because they represent energy which the pc or the body pulls in. Universe Processing, run correctly, DOES NOT UPSET HAVINGNESS and is the one process which escapes it. Avalanches of planets and stars can be started inward and outward by remedying havingness. This is beneficial rather than otherwise. Such avalanches should be put into the control of the preclear with starting, stopping and changing their inflow and outflow.

HAVINGNESS: The preclear has so long had that he believes he must have. This lack of havingness is run by discovering what is acceptable to the pc in the way of mass and having him pull many such objects in upon him. Pulling in enough mass will run out the engram bank. Engrams are in restimulation only because they represent energy which the pc or the body pulls in. Universe Processing, run correctly, DOES NOT UPSET HAVINGNESS and is the one process which escapes it. Avalanches of planets and stars can be started inward and outward by remedying havingness. This is beneficial rather than otherwise. Such avalanches should be put into the control of the preclear with starting, stopping and changing their inflow and outflow.

GRAND TOUR: This is the process of taking the newly exteriorized pc to various locations in this solar system and is Change of Space and Interiorization-Exteriorization combined. The pc is sent to places near the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, Mars, etc. This is done rapidly and many times. He is then exteriorized-interiorized out of and into these heavenly bodies. He is made to move down to planet surfaces and to centers as opposed to being in positions but he is also made to be in positions. In other words, he is rapidly changed in space and is also, during other intervals, made to move through space. A grand tour is completed, actually, by change of space through all the important spots (where he has had experience on the whole track) of the MEST universe.

GRAND TOUR: This is the process of taking the newly exteriorized pc to various locations in this solar system and is Change of Space and Interiorization-Exteriorization combined. The pc is sent to places near the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, Mars, etc. This is done rapidly and many times. He is then exteriorized-interiorized out of and into these heavenly bodies. He is made to move down to planet surfaces and to centers as opposed to being in positions but he is also made to be in positions. In other words, he is rapidly changed in space and is also, during other intervals, made to move through space. A grand tour is completed, actually, by change of space through all the important spots (where he has had experience on the whole track) of the MEST universe.

SOP 8-C: This process, as developed, continues to be successful in general hands and is recommended for instruction of auditors in other than the Advanced Clinical Course and for use by Book Auditors. It is a powerful weapon and is chalking up many successes.

SOP 8-C: This process, as developed, continues to be successful in general hands and is recommended for instruction of auditors in other than the Advanced Clinical Course and for use by Book Auditors. It is a powerful weapon and is chalking up many successes.

OTHER PROCESSES: There are many patch-up and emergency processes. They are of varying value. None of them have been abandoned. Where an auditor has these as part of his know-how, he should use them in relationship to their effectiveness in his experience. He should not, however, compulsively continue with a process which he is not finding very useful in his hands simply because it “makes nothing” or “makes something” of the preclear. A case in point is the obsessive use, by many auditors, of the early processes of Dianetics. These auditors have fixated on “making nothing of pictures.” In Scientology we have better processes and have had better processes for some time. In fact Scientology processes are so much better than this that we terminated the temporary use of the word “Dianetics.” Older processes and emergency processes in particular have not been invalidated. Auditors would, for instance, discover that engrams can be made to vanish by having the preclear remedy his havingness or by “finding places where pictures would be safe” for a few hours. Any phenomena can be remedied by 8-C or Universe Processing. The results of these have the great advantage of being stable when attained.

OTHER PROCESSES: There are many patch-up and emergency processes. They are of varying value. None of them have been abandoned. Where an auditor has these as part of his know-how, he should use them in relationship to their effectiveness in his experience. He should not, however, compulsively continue with a process which he is not finding very useful in his hands simply because it “makes nothing” or “makes something” of the preclear. A case in point is the obsessive use, by many auditors, of the early processes of Dianetics. These auditors have fixated on “making nothing of pictures.” In Scientology we have better processes and have had better processes for some time. In fact Scientology processes are so much better than this that we terminated the temporary use of the word “Dianetics.” Older processes and emergency processes in particular have not been invalidated. Auditors would, for instance, discover that engrams can be made to vanish by having the preclear remedy his havingness or by “finding places where pictures would be safe” for a few hours. Any phenomena can be remedied by 8-C or Universe Processing. The results of these have the great advantage of being stable when attained.



Continually working with students in the Advanced Course I have been able to codify procedures in such a way that they work very consistently for auditors.

Continually working with students in the Advanced Course I have been able to codify procedures in such a way that they work very consistently for auditors.

First: Establish a two-way communication with the preclear, either by discussion or questioning in generalities. Get him to talk a little. Then run next to last list of Self Analysis to measure his communication lag for future reference and to avoid falling into “one of THOSE cases” unawares.

First: Establish a two-way communication with the preclear, either by discussion or questioning in generalities. Get him to talk a little. Then run next to last list of Self Analysis to measure his communication lag for future reference and to avoid falling into “one of THOSE cases” unawares.

Second: Run from ten minutes to two hours of Opening Procedure (a) until the preclear is happy to take orders from an auditor and (b) UNTIL THE PC CAN LOCATE SPOTS IN SPACE WITHOUT HIS ATTENTION SNAPPING ON TO MEST OBJECTS.

Second: Run from ten minutes to two hours of Opening Procedure (a) until the preclear is happy to take orders from an auditor and (b) UNTIL THE PC CAN LOCATE SPOTS IN SPACE WITHOUT HIS ATTENTION SNAPPING ON TO MEST OBJECTS.

Third: Run SOP 8-C Step I. If at this point pc exteriorizes with certainty, run the remainder of this procedure (Advanced Course Procedure). If PC DOES NOT EXTERIORIZE EASILY he is having a major problem with universes. This problem with universes must be resolved somewhat before he can be made to exteriorize. Resolve some of the universe problems, then go to the second step (ACP) above, then run this step (8-C Step I) again. If he still doesn’t exteriorize, resolve more universe problems. To run Universe Processing, have pc, first, spot spots in space. Then have him find places where E-Meter reacting personnel (mother, father, etc.) “are safe.” This is actually all there is to the process. One stays with the person selected until the charge is greatly lessened or until the phenomena of “separating universes” takes place. The key command is “Where are viewpoints safe?” Have the pc actually spot spots in space and make sure that he IS certain that the viewpoint (or the person) is safe there. The clue to this “safe” is, of course, “Senior Survival.” The pc gets into the winning valence because that had senior survival. Thus he takes the viewpoints of MEST objects or people which have senior survival. Beingness Processing is another process similar to but less powerful than (but complementing) Universe Processing.

Third: Run SOP 8-C Step I. If at this point pc exteriorizes with certainty, run the remainder of this procedure (Advanced Course Procedure). If PC DOES NOT EXTERIORIZE EASILY he is having a major problem with universes. This problem with universes must be resolved somewhat before he can be made to exteriorize. Resolve some of the universe problems, then go to the second step (ACP) above, then run this step (8-C Step I) again. If he still doesn’t exteriorize, resolve more universe problems. To run Universe Processing, have pc, first, spot spots in space. Then have him find places where E-Meter reacting personnel (mother, father, etc.) “are safe.” This is actually all there is to the process. One stays with the person selected until the charge is greatly lessened or until the phenomena of “separating universes” takes place. The key command is “Where are viewpoints safe?” Have the pc actually spot spots in space and make sure that he IS certain that the viewpoint (or the person) is safe there. The clue to this “safe” is, of course, “Senior Survival.” The pc gets into the winning valence because that had senior survival. Thus he takes the viewpoints of MEST objects or people which have senior survival. Beingness Processing is another process similar to but less powerful than (but complementing) Universe Processing.

Fourth: Beingness Processing. By which the auditor has the preclear BE various things until he finds things the pc can be with certainty. The goal here is to get the pc able to be anything in any universe or to be any universe. Which is to say, to assume the viewpoint of anything. This clears up spots which the pc cannot tolerate, also forms of which he is afraid. When the pc is discovered being something compulsively, one finds where that “would be safe,” for it is a winning valence. This includes getting the pc to be his first piece of space, and his first piece of energy. The reason one does this last is to “undercut” his first period of “unknowingness.” The pc is asked to be the space, then himself, back and forth, many times. Then to be the energy, then himself, back and forth many times. A variation, when the pc is compulsively discovered being something, is to have him be that thing, then to find places where a thetan would be safe from the viewpoint of that thing he is being. Again the goal is to get the pc to a point where he can be any object or space in any universe.

Fourth: Beingness Processing. By which the auditor has the preclear BE various things until he finds things the pc can be with certainty. The goal here is to get the pc able to be anything in any universe or to be any universe. Which is to say, to assume the viewpoint of anything. This clears up spots which the pc cannot tolerate, also forms of which he is afraid. When the pc is discovered being something compulsively, one finds where that “would be safe,” for it is a winning valence. This includes getting the pc to be his first piece of space, and his first piece of energy. The reason one does this last is to “undercut” his first period of “unknowingness.” The pc is asked to be the space, then himself, back and forth, many times. Then to be the energy, then himself, back and forth many times. A variation, when the pc is compulsively discovered being something, is to have him be that thing, then to find places where a thetan would be safe from the viewpoint of that thing he is being. Again the goal is to get the pc to a point where he can be any object or space in any universe.

Fifth: Universe Processing and Step I of 8-C on the EXTERIORIZED pc, alternating.

Fifth: Universe Processing and Step I of 8-C on the EXTERIORIZED pc, alternating.

NOTE: When the pc goes into apathy on Universe or Beingness Processing, the auditor should take care that he himself, by communication breaks, has not brought on the condition. Running Opening Procedure on a case which has heavily bogged into apathy is a good repair measure. But apathy results in Beingness Processing when the thetan has been something compulsively and is just beginning to be himself in that situation. Asking him to be the object and then be himself will run out this apathy. The apathy is the halfway mark of coming out of a winning valence and is rather inevitable. Apathy is more alive than the object the pc was being.

NOTE: When the pc goes into apathy on Universe or Beingness Processing, the auditor should take care that he himself, by communication breaks, has not brought on the condition. Running Opening Procedure on a case which has heavily bogged into apathy is a good repair measure. But apathy results in Beingness Processing when the thetan has been something compulsively and is just beginning to be himself in that situation. Asking him to be the object and then be himself will run out this apathy. The apathy is the halfway mark of coming out of a winning valence and is rather inevitable. Apathy is more alive than the object the pc was being.

Sixth: The Grand Tour (see earlier part of this data sheet). The Grand Tour now includes Change of Space to the entrance point of the MEST universe, etc., etc., etc. It also includes exteriorization-interiorization drills.

Sixth: The Grand Tour (see earlier part of this data sheet). The Grand Tour now includes Change of Space to the entrance point of the MEST universe, etc., etc., etc. It also includes exteriorization-interiorization drills.

NOTE: If pc boils or gets dull, REMEDY HAVINGNESS. If this does not alter the condition, it is a problem in universes and Universe Processing should be used.

NOTE: If pc boils or gets dull, REMEDY HAVINGNESS. If this does not alter the condition, it is a problem in universes and Universe Processing should be used.

Seventh: Run SOP 8-C in its entirety on preclear including brief Opening Procedure.

Seventh: Run SOP 8-C in its entirety on preclear including brief Opening Procedure.

Eighth: SOP-8-0 as released in April.

Eighth: SOP-8-0 as released in April.
