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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Prior Confusion New Tech Breakthrough (FPRD-3) - B840607 | Сравнить

CONTENTS The Prior Confusion: New Tech Breakthrough BREAKTHROUGH HANDLING EVIL PURPOSES SOURCE ERRORS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
False Purpose RDFalse Purpose RD
Auditors and C/SesAuditors and C/Ses
Cramming OfficersCramming Officers
False Purpose Rundown Series 3False Purpose Rundown Series 3

The Prior Confusion: New Tech Breakthrough

The Prior Confusion: New Tech Breakthrough



  • HCOB 2 Nov 61 The Prior Confusion
  • HCOB 2 Nov 61 The Prior Confusion
  • HCOB 9 Nov 61 The Problems Intensive Use Of The Prior Confusion
  • HCOB 9 Nov 61 The Problems Intensive Use Of The Prior Confusion
  • HCOB 5 Apr 71RA Triple Reruns
  • HCOB 5 Apr 71RA Triple Reruns
  • HCOB 26 Jun 78RA II NED Series 6RA Routine 3ra Engram Running By Chains (Section on Narrative R3RA)
  • HCOB 26 Jun 78RA II NED Series 6RA Routine 3ra Engram Running By Chains (Section on Narrative R3RA)
  • HCOB 13 Sep 78 R3RA Engram Running By Chains And Narrative R3RA An Additional Difference
  • HCOB 13 Sep 78 R3RA Engram Running By Chains And Narrative R3RA An Additional Difference
  • HCOB 28 May 69 How Not To Erase
  • HCOB 28 May 69 How Not To Erase
  • HCOB 6 Oct 61 Training Of Staff Auditors
  • HCOB 6 Oct 61 Training Of Staff Auditors
  • HCOB 30 Jul 62 A Smooth HGC 25-Hour Intensive
  • HCOB 30 Jul 62 A Smooth HGC 25-Hour Intensive
  • Tape: 6110C03 "The Prior Confusion"
  • Tape: 6110C03 "The Prior Confusion"

  • The highly effective tech of handling problems on a pc by finding the prior confusion to the problem and pulling O/Ws in that area has been in use since its discovery in the early 60s.

    The highly effective tech of handling problems on a pc by finding the prior confusion to the problem and pulling O/Ws in that area has been in use since its discovery in the early 60s.

    The theory of this is that any fixed idea or condition is the result of a postulate made by the thetan. Just prior to that postulate there was a confusion – an unconfrontable disturbance. The postulate is a stable datum, adopted in an attempt to solve that confusion. By getting off the pc's O/Ws in the area of the confusion, one can key out the postulate and fixed condition.

    The theory of this is that any fixed idea or condition is the result of a postulate made by the thetan. Just prior to that postulate there was a confusion – an unconfrontable disturbance. The postulate is a stable datum, adopted in an attempt to solve that confusion. By getting off the pc's O/Ws in the area of the confusion, one can key out the postulate and fixed condition.



    I have just made a breakthrough of magnitude on the subject of the prior confusion while engaged in whole track research. This tech has a broader application than was originally envisioned.

    I have just made a breakthrough of magnitude on the subject of the prior confusion while engaged in whole track research. This tech has a broader application than was originally envisioned.

    What has actually been spotted here is that the psychs on the whole track created a confusion originally and used the overwhelm of that as the knockout for the implant. They didn't, at that stage of the track, have any other tools to knock beings out. So the mechanism of prior confusion is very early and very dominant.

    What has actually been spotted here is that the psychs on the whole track created a confusion originally and used the overwhelm of that as the knockout for the implant. They didn't, at that stage of the track, have any other tools to knock beings out. So the mechanism of prior confusion is very early and very dominant.

    This breakthrough on the prior confusion comes from spotting the first moment of the confusion.

    This breakthrough on the prior confusion comes from spotting the first moment of the confusion.

    This does not mean that a pc, in running back an evil purpose, is necessarily going to contact an incident containing a psychiatrist. But you as the auditor should know that that is what this tech discovery is based upon.

    This does not mean that a pc, in running back an evil purpose, is necessarily going to contact an incident containing a psychiatrist. But you as the auditor should know that that is what this tech discovery is based upon.



    This has immediate application in auditing addressed to the locating and handling of a pc's accumulated evil purposes and nonsurvival considerations.

    This has immediate application in auditing addressed to the locating and handling of a pc's accumulated evil purposes and nonsurvival considerations.

    Once such a purpose or consideration is found, one locates the confusion which occurred just before it. If there is no blow of the purpose or no visible reaction, then one gets an earlier time for the same evil purpose and an earlier confusion to that. When one finds the first moment of the first confusion which led to that evil purpose, one can blow the whole thing.

    Once such a purpose or consideration is found, one locates the confusion which occurred just before it. If there is no blow of the purpose or no visible reaction, then one gets an earlier time for the same evil purpose and an earlier confusion to that. When one finds the first moment of the first confusion which led to that evil purpose, one can blow the whole thing.

    Once the First Moment of that first confusion on that chain is found, you will normally get a blowdown of the tone arm, a cognition, VVGIs in the pc and a persistent F/N, if not a floating TA.

    Once the First Moment of that first confusion on that chain is found, you will normally get a blowdown of the tone arm, a cognition, VVGIs in the pc and a persistent F/N, if not a floating TA.

    Getting the first moment of the confusion is crucial. This follows the fundamental auditing principle of the "earlier beginning," as described in the basic books and in New Era Dianetics tech. By locating the earliest moment when the pc had an awareness of the confusion, it can be blown.

    Getting the first moment of the confusion is crucial. This follows the fundamental auditing principle of the "earlier beginning," as described in the basic books and in New Era Dianetics tech. By locating the earliest moment when the pc had an awareness of the confusion, it can be blown.



    The false purpose or evil intention may have been generated by the person himself or directly implanted by another. This new application of prior confusion tech as given in the False Purpose Rundown has been shown to be highly effective regardless of the source of the purpose or intention.

    The false purpose or evil intention may have been generated by the person himself or directly implanted by another. This new application of prior confusion tech as given in the False Purpose Rundown has been shown to be highly effective regardless of the source of the purpose or intention.



    On the False Purpose RD if one gets the prior confusion but the evil purpose doesn't spectacularly blow, it could be due to a number of reasons. But it is primarily one of these two things:

    On the False Purpose RD if one gets the prior confusion but the evil purpose doesn't spectacularly blow, it could be due to a number of reasons. But it is primarily one of these two things:

    1. The auditor failed to get the earlier time the pc had that same purpose and then get the prior confusion beneath it; or

    1. The auditor failed to get the earlier time the pc had that same purpose and then get the prior confusion beneath it; or

    2. The auditor did get the basic prior confusion on that evil purpose, but failed to get the first moment of that confusion.

    2. The auditor did get the basic prior confusion on that evil purpose, but failed to get the first moment of that confusion.
