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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Rudiments, Change in - B611009 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611009 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments, Change In [B001-082]
- 611009 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments, Change In [B028-046]
- 611009 - HCO Bulletin - Rudiments, Change In [B037-062]
CONTENTS RUDIMENTS, CHANGE IN Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
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Central Orgs Central Orgs
Tech DeptsTech Depts



In End Rudiments only of Model Session, delete “Are you withholding anything?”

In End Rudiments only of Model Session, delete “Are you withholding anything?”

Substitute before ARC breaks in End Rudiments the following:

Substitute before ARC breaks in End Rudiments the following:

“Have you told me any half truths or untruths in this session or have you said anything just to make an impression on me?”

“Have you told me any half truths or untruths in this session or have you said anything just to make an impression on me?”

This is to be used in End Rudiments only in all types of sessions.

This is to be used in End Rudiments only in all types of sessions.

Be sure you give End Rudiments in general enough time to do. You should start ending any session one half hour before end of session time. That is to say, end the process of the session and begin on End Rudiments one half hour before end of session time.

Be sure you give End Rudiments in general enough time to do. You should start ending any session one half hour before end of session time. That is to say, end the process of the session and begin on End Rudiments one half hour before end of session time.

Fill in any extra time left over by running the havingness process of the PC or TR l0 as the last stage of End Rudiments.

Fill in any extra time left over by running the havingness process of the PC or TR l0 as the last stage of End Rudiments.

This new End Rudiments step does not alter Beginning Rudiments. “Are you withholding anything?” remains in Beginning Rudiments.

This new End Rudiments step does not alter Beginning Rudiments. “Are you withholding anything?” remains in Beginning Rudiments.

This new end step has been developed to overcome the bad effects on the PC caused by his lying to the Auditor, trying to get others in trouble by giving false withholds, and trying to make an impression on the Auditor by half truths, etc.

This new end step has been developed to overcome the bad effects on the PC caused by his lying to the Auditor, trying to get others in trouble by giving false withholds, and trying to make an impression on the Auditor by half truths, etc.

It will be found that a certain proportion of “withholds” are in fact lies. If the Auditor accepts these, the PC's case is damaged and session is hard to maintain on a PC who is consistently allowed to get away with this. This end rudiment step helps restrain the impulse and cleans off the ill effects of lying to the Auditor or making bids for sympathy with half truths.

It will be found that a certain proportion of “withholds” are in fact lies. If the Auditor accepts these, the PC's case is damaged and session is hard to maintain on a PC who is consistently allowed to get away with this. This end rudiment step helps restrain the impulse and cleans off the ill effects of lying to the Auditor or making bids for sympathy with half truths.

Clean all instant needle reactions which occur by reason of this question. Do not leave it until it is free from instant reaction.

Clean all instant needle reactions which occur by reason of this question. Do not leave it until it is free from instant reaction.
