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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Words and Posts (WCS-17R) - B710902 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710902 - HCO Bulletin - Words and Posts [B011-150]
- 710902 - HCO Bulletin - Words and Posts [B045-035]
- 710902 - HCO Bulletin - Words and Posts [B045-036]
CONTENTS Words and Posts EXPLANATION SUCCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Word Clearing Series 17Word Clearing Series 17

Words and Posts

Words and Posts

Those who do not want their posts generally do not know what their posts are.

Those who do not want their posts generally do not know what their posts are.

The reason they do not know what their posts are is a host of misunderstood basic words connected with that post.

The reason they do not know what their posts are is a host of misunderstood basic words connected with that post.

Put a person on a meter: Have the person read some of the material relating to his post or hat, beginning with the most basic material about it and starting at the very top of the first page, including even the heading and issue numbers.

Put a person on a meter: Have the person read some of the material relating to his post or hat, beginning with the most basic material about it and starting at the very top of the first page, including even the heading and issue numbers.

Watch the meter carefully.

Watch the meter carefully.

Halt the person at each read and whether he says he knows the meaning or not, if it read, have him look it up in a good (big) dictionary.

Halt the person at each read and whether he says he knows the meaning or not, if it read, have him look it up in a good (big) dictionary.

Have him use the word in sentences of his own invention. Make him do this as long as it is bringing the TA down. If you get into trouble with him go back and find the misunderstood you missed.

Have him use the word in sentences of his own invention. Make him do this as long as it is bringing the TA down. If you get into trouble with him go back and find the misunderstood you missed.

Keep hunting and keep working at it and his misunderstood words will blow and his inability to understand the post will blow.

Keep hunting and keep working at it and his misunderstood words will blow and his inability to understand the post will blow.



Failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood words. Until you see it you won’t believe it.

Failed posts and duties trace back to misunderstood words. Until you see it you won’t believe it.

One student who had studied his post for a third of a year was given Method 2 on its materials.

One student who had studied his post for a third of a year was given Method 2 on its materials.

It took 15 hours of Method 2 work, protests, blows, upsets to finally discover that he did not know what POST meant! OR what the words in the title meant.

It took 15 hours of Method 2 work, protests, blows, upsets to finally discover that he did not know what POST meant! OR what the words in the title meant.

Another person studied half a year to be an administrator. Yet when he was given his personnel orders appointing him, and Method 2 was done on them, in the first 50 words of the personnel order there were 13 individual misunderstood words each one of which related to the post and were simple English. A similar ratio continued throughout the personnel order.

Another person studied half a year to be an administrator. Yet when he was given his personnel orders appointing him, and Method 2 was done on them, in the first 50 words of the personnel order there were 13 individual misunderstood words each one of which related to the post and were simple English. A similar ratio continued throughout the personnel order.

He was about to fail with a fanfare. Behind post failure the explanation is misunderstood words.

He was about to fail with a fanfare. Behind post failure the explanation is misunderstood words.

Psychosis (evil intention) is the only other reason for failure but even this can be handled by auditing today. And even psychosis lessens when misunderstood words are handled.

Psychosis (evil intention) is the only other reason for failure but even this can be handled by auditing today. And even psychosis lessens when misunderstood words are handled.



It is not difficult to use Method 2 Word Clearing.

It is not difficult to use Method 2 Word Clearing.

One must be able to handle ARC Breaks, Problems and withholds and read a meter.

One must be able to handle ARC Breaks, Problems and withholds and read a meter.

One must have a very big dictionary available when little ones fail.

One must have a very big dictionary available when little ones fail.

One must be persistent and not buy explanations or let the person run away.

One must be persistent and not buy explanations or let the person run away.

And the Successes one has are fantastic!

And the Successes one has are fantastic!
