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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- False TA Checklist - BTB720229 | Сравнить

CONTENTS FALSE TA CHECKLIST Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
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  • HCO B 24 Oct 71 False TA
  • HCO B 24 Oct 71 False TA
  • HCO B 12 Nov 71 False TA Addition
  • HCO B 12 Nov 71 False TA Addition
  • HCO B 15 Feb 72 False TA Addition 2
  • HCO B 15 Feb 72 False TA Addition 2
  • HCO B 18 Feb 72 False TA Addition 3
  • HCO B 18 Feb 72 False TA Addition 3

  • The following are the items to be checked by an auditor on any pc. It need only be done once unless the check itself is suspected false, or if conditions of the pc’s hands etc. change.

    The following are the items to be checked by an auditor on any pc. It need only be done once unless the check itself is suspected false, or if conditions of the pc’s hands etc. change.

    The checklist is kept in the pc folder and is entered on the folder summary as an action done.

    The checklist is kept in the pc folder and is entered on the folder summary as an action done.

    The value of operating with correct can size should not be underestimated, the reference HCOBs state why.

    The value of operating with correct can size should not be underestimated, the reference HCOBs state why.

    The auditor signs and answers the following points on the checklist and gets answers from the pc where needed.

    The auditor signs and answers the following points on the checklist and gets answers from the pc where needed.

    R-Factor to pc: „We are going to check the cans and adjust them to get the best accuracy.“

    R-Factor to pc: „We are going to check the cans and adjust them to get the best accuracy.“

    1. Is the meter charged fully?__________

    1. Is the meter charged fully?__________

    2. Is the meter trimmed correctly?__________

    2. Is the meter trimmed correctly?__________

    3. Are the leads connected to the meter and cans?__________

    3. Are the leads connected to the meter and cans?__________

    4. Are the cans rusty?__________

    4. Are the cans rusty?__________

    5. No hand cream is being used to handle the TA?__________

    5. No hand cream is being used to handle the TA?__________

    6. No talcum powder is being used to handle the TA?__________

    6. No talcum powder is being used to handle the TA?__________

    7. The pc is NOT being told continually to wipe his hands?__________

    7. The pc is NOT being told continually to wipe his hands?__________

    8. The pc’s grip on the cans is NOT being continually checked by the Auditor in a way that interrupts the pc?__________

    8. The pc’s grip on the cans is NOT being continually checked by the Auditor in a way that interrupts the pc?__________

    9. TA position on large cans? (Size approx 4 7/8 in X 2 5/8 in or 12 1/2 cm X 7 cm)__________

    9. TA position on large cans? (Size approx 4 7/8 in X 2 5/8 in or 12 1/2 cm X 7 cm)__________

    10. TA position on medium cans? (Size approx 3 ¾ in X 2 1/8 in or 9 cm X 5 cm)__________

    10. TA position on medium cans? (Size approx 3 ¾ in X 2 1/8 in or 9 cm X 5 cm)__________

    11. TA position on small cans? (Size approx 2 in X 1 3/16 in or 6 cm X 3 cm)__________

    11. TA position on small cans? (Size approx 2 in X 1 3/16 in or 6 cm X 3 cm)__________

    12. Are the cans too large for pc?__________

    12. Are the cans too large for pc?__________

    13. Are the cans too small for pc?__________

    13. Are the cans too small for pc?__________

    14. Are the cans just right in size?__________

    14. Are the cans just right in size?__________

    15. Are the cans cold?__________

    15. Are the cans cold?__________

    16. Are the pc’s hands dry or calloused?__________

    16. Are the pc’s hands dry or calloused?__________

    17. Does the pc have arthritic hands?__________

    17. Does the pc have arthritic hands?__________

    18. TA position on footplates?__________

    18. TA position on footplates?__________

    (Footplates are used and TA checked on them when the answer to 16 & 17 is affirmative.)

    (Footplates are used and TA checked on them when the answer to 16 & 17 is affirmative.)

    19. Are the pc’s hands moist or wet?__________

    19. Are the pc’s hands moist or wet?__________

    (Can also use or test footplates on this too.)

    (Can also use or test footplates on this too.)

    20. Does the pc loosen his grip on the cans?__________

    20. Does the pc loosen his grip on the cans?__________

    Check the pc’s grip – does he hold the cans correctly? (See E-Meter Drill 5)

    Check the pc’s grip – does he hold the cans correctly? (See E-Meter Drill 5)

    22. Is the PC hot?__________

    22. Is the PC hot?__________

    22A. Is the pc well slept?__________

    22A. Is the pc well slept?__________

    23. Is the pc cold?__________

    23. Is the pc cold?__________

    23A. Is the pc hungry?__________

    23A. Is the pc hungry?__________

    24. Is it too late at night?__________

    24. Is it too late at night?__________

    25. Is auditing being done not in the pc’s normal regular awake hours?__________

    25. Is auditing being done not in the pc’s normal regular awake hours?__________

    26. Are there rings on the pc’s hands?__________

    26. Are there rings on the pc’s hands?__________

    27. Is the pc wearing tight shoes?__________

    27. Is the pc wearing tight shoes?__________

    28. Is the pc wearing tight clothes?__________

    28. Is the pc wearing tight clothes?__________

    The handling of these points is stated in the reference HCOBs.

    The handling of these points is stated in the reference HCOBs.

    The handling of high or low TA after checking these points is by C/S 53R or Hi-Low TA List.

    The handling of high or low TA after checking these points is by C/S 53R or Hi-Low TA List.

    The way to be sure of a C/S 53R or Hi-Low TA list is by continued assessment and handling of these lists until an F/N on assessment is gotten.

    The way to be sure of a C/S 53R or Hi-Low TA list is by continued assessment and handling of these lists until an F/N on assessment is gotten.

    So standard tech handles the high and low TA. The C/S Series give more data on the subject.

    So standard tech handles the high and low TA. The C/S Series give more data on the subject.

    Compiled by Flag XIIs
    Training & Services Bureau
    Compiled by Flag XIIs
    Training & Services Bureau