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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 800921 - HCO Policy Letter - Monitoring Tech Quality in Orgs [PL038-067]
- 800921 - HCO Policy Letter - Monitoring Tech Quality in Orgs [PL049-043]
- 800921 - HCO Policy Letter - Monitoring Tech Quality in Orgs [PL056-034]
- 800921 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Board, An [PL038-066]
- 800921 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Board, An [PL049-044]
- 800921 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Org Board, An [PL056-035]
- 800921 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Source to Cause [PL038-065]
- 800921 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Source to Cause [PL049-045]
- 800921 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Source to Cause [PL056-036]
- 800921 Issue 3R - HCO Policy Letter - Source to Cause [PL093-018]
- 800921 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Economy, The [PL038-064]
- 800921 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Economy, The [PL049-046]
- 800921 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Economy, The [PL056-037]
- 800921 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Dones [PL038-063]
- 800921 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Dones [PL049-047]
- 800921 Issue 5 - HCO Policy Letter - Dones [PL056-038]
- 800921 Issue 6 - HCO Policy Letter - Product Officers [PL038-062]
- 800921 Issue 6 - HCO Policy Letter - Product Officers [PL049-048]
- 800921 Issue 6 - HCO Policy Letter - Product Officers [PL056-039]
- 800921 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Initiative [PL038-061]
- 800921 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Initiative [PL049-049]
- 800921 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Initiative [PL056-040]
- 800921 Issue 7 - HCO Policy Letter - Initiative [PL093-036]
- 800921 Issue 8 - HCO Policy Letter - Morale [PL038-060]
- 800921 Issue 8 - HCO Policy Letter - Morale [PL049-050]
- 800921 Issue 8 - HCO Policy Letter - Morale [PL056-041]
- 800921 Issue 9 - HCO Policy Letter - Trouble [PL038-059]
- 800921 Issue 9 - HCO Policy Letter - Trouble [PL049-051]
- 800921 Issue 9 - HCO Policy Letter - Trouble [PL056-042]
- 800921R - HCO Policy Letter - Personnel Required for Solo NOTs Delivery [PL056-033]
CONTENTS MORALE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue VIII
(Originally LRH OODs item of 14 May 1972)
Remimeo Exec Series 22
Esto Series 50


Production is the basis of morale.

If one can get a unit producing and actually accomplishing worthwhile production, then their morale will rise.

Thus, it does not matter too much how one starts a unit producing so long as it does get started.

I was given a good example of this with just one person who has been on MO lines. She is actually well now. She is miserable. There is nothing wrong with her at all except she is out of the action and is not producing anything.

This has been noted in other fields. The “idle rich” are the most miserable people you ever wanted to meet. “To Have and Have Not” or some such title by Hemingway talks about it for the best part of a book.

Compiled and issued by Sherry Anderson Compilations Missionaire
Accepted and approved by the

[Note: The original mimeo copies of this policy letter incorrectly labeled it as “Esto Series 41” which has been corrected above.]