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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Religion - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministrial Board of Review - P730924-3R79 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Все Одиторы - Священники ... (КРО-4) (ц) - И730924RA91 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730924 Issue 01 - Board Policy Letter - Public Image - Responsibility for Enforcement (Enforcement Powers) [BPL06-042]
- 730924 Issue 01 - HCO Policy Letter - Public Image - Responsibility for Enforcement (Enforcement Powers) [PL030-046]
- 730924 Issue 02 - HCO Policy Letter - Scientology and Dianetics - Labels, All Books [PL030-048]
- 730924 Issue 02R - Board Policy Letter - Scientology and Dianetics - Labels, All Books [BPL07-043]
- 730924 Issue 02R - Board Policy Letter - Scientology and Dianetics - Labels, All Books [BPL08-019]
- 730924 Issue 03 - HCO Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [PL030-049]
- 730924 Issue 03R - Board Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [BPL08-008]
- 730924 Issue 03R - Board Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [BPL08-009]
- 730924 Issue 03R - HCO Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [PL045-031]
- 730924 Issue 03R - HCO Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [PL051-017]
- 730924 Issue 03R - HCO Policy Letter - All Auditors - Ministers - Ministerial Board of Review [PL067-018]
- 730924 Issue 04 - HCO Policy Letter - Religious Org Image [PL030-050]
- 730924 Issue 04R - Board Policy Letter - Religious Org Image [BPL06-105]
- 730924 Issue 05 - Board Policy Letter - Dianetics - Definition of Word [BPL03-035]
- 730924 Issue 05 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics - Definition of Word [PL030-051]
- 730924 Issue 06 - Board Policy Letter - Religious Image - Contracts [BPL06-043]
- 730924 Issue 06 - HCO Policy Letter - Religious Image - Contracts [PL030-052]
- 730924 Issue 07 - Board Policy Letter - Requirement - E-Meter Promotion [BPL06-072]
- 730924 Issue 07 - HCO Policy Letter - Requirement - E-Meter Promotion [PL030-053]
- 730924 Issue 08 - Board Policy Letter - Confessional Aids - Sale Of [BPL06-044]
- 730924 Issue 08 - HCO Policy Letter - Confessional Aids - Sale Of [PL030-054]
- 730924 Issue 08 - HCO Policy Letter - Confessional Aids - Sale Of [PL078-020]
- 730924 Issue 09 - Board Policy Letter - Dianetic Counseling Groups - Corporate - Name Change [BPL06-085]
- 730924 Issue 09 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetic Counseling Groups - Corporate - Name Change [PL030-055]
- 730924 Issue 10 - HCO Policy Letter - Confessional Aids, Labeling [PL030-056]
- 730924 Issue 10R - Board Policy Letter - Confessional Aids, Labeling [BPL06-036]
- 730924 Issue 11R - Board Policy Letter - Memberships [BPL06-045]
- 730924 Issue 11R - HCO Policy Letter - Memberships [PL030-057]
- 730924 Issue 12 - HCO Policy Letter - Public Contact and Scientology Image - Checksheet [PL030-058]
- 730924 Issue 12 - HCO Policy Letter - Public Contact and Scientology Image - Checksheet [PL078-021]
- 730924 Issue 12R - Board Policy Letter - Public Contact and Scientology Image - Checksheet [BPL07-030]
- 730924 Issue 13 - HCO Policy Letter - Legal - Registration and Sign-Ups [PL030-059]
- 730924 Issue 13RA - Board Policy Letter - Legal - Registration and Sign-Ups [BPL03-073]
- 730924 Issue 14 - HCO Policy Letter - Scientology Organization Check Signers - Checksheet [PL030-060]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Cancels BPL 24 Sept 1973R Issue III, same title)
Remimeo All Class IV Orgs All AOs All SHs Missions AGs (Revision in Script
Ellipses indicate Deletions)


All auditors must hold a valid Certificate of Ordination in order to practise auditing, whether for a Church, a Mission or as an independent missionary in the field.

Previously, auditors trained in New Era Dianetics by Missions were required to have their Ministerial Ordination before they could go onto an interneship, which effectively blocked them from becoming internes. With this Policy Letter, that provision it cancelled. Any New Era Dianetic Course grad­uate may go directly into an interneship without ordination, as his status is still that of „ministerial student“. It is recommended that his ordination course, be taken at the same time as his interneship

If a student elects to become a Minister of the Church and practise pastoral counselling (auditing) he does his train­ing and a full interneship and a Minister’s Course. He is then given permanent certification. Auditing must occur on the interneship and one does not have to be a Minister to audit on an interneship. However, no one is entitled to practice pastoral counselling after an interneship unless they have also been ordained. Permission to practice, may thus be granted by the local Church upon permanent certification and ordination.

Missions are not authorized to ordain Ministers. Their graduates who wish to practise auditing may apply to the nearest local Church for any necessary training and ordination.

A Ministerial Board of Review is established in HCO… It shall be composed of no less than three persons who shall themselves be Ministers of the Church. The Chairman of the Board must be an HCO staff member. The other two members must be ministers of good repute but may be members of other Divisions at the discretion of the Chairman.

The purpose of this Board of Review is to help LRH safeguard Scientology, Scientology Churches and Scientologists by ensuring that Ministers of the Church are and remain of good moral charac­ter, continue to uphold the Codes of Scientology and apply standard technology to their counselling of parishioners.

The Board is normally convened by the Chairman. In cases of extreme emergency or flagrant out-ethics in HCO the AG may convene the Board and is the Chairman. In normal operation AG advices must be solicited and included with all rulings submitted to the Office of LRH for issue Authority.

Ministerial certificates may be suspended by the ... Board ... when it finds cause within the framework of the above purpose. Certificate cancellation may be recommended to the Office of LRH in extreme cases.

Where the Minister involved is a staff member of a Mission, the Board is regulated as well by HCO PL 18 April 1970 ETHICS AND FRANCHISE.

As assisted by
Arden Hansen