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CONTENTS TECHNIQUE 88: ANATOMY OF MAYBE Cохранить документ себе Скачать



A lecture given on 23 June 1952.A lecture given on 23 June 1952.

I have never told you that a technique was important without your finding out that the technique at least worked. Well, this is very important. What I am going to tell you in these 5 lectures is sufficiently important that you are going to wonder why we ever pretended to have a science of the mind before now. What is to follow in these lectures is compared to Dianetics as Dianetics was to psychoanalysis. That sounds like a terribly exaggerated statement, but it’s not, for many things have been found out and established. A new method of running has been discovered.

I have never told you that a technique was important without your finding out that the technique at least worked. Well, this is very important. What I am going to tell you in these 5 lectures is sufficiently important that you are going to wonder why we ever pretended to have a science of the mind before now. What is to follow in these lectures is compared to Dianetics as Dianetics was to psychoanalysis. That sounds like a terribly exaggerated statement, but it’s not, for many things have been found out and established. A new method of running has been discovered.

Thought, emotion, effort, + counter thought, counter emotion, and counter effort make up a package of knowledge that we have to have. In addition to this, the behavior ... (the what is it, that gives you thought, emotion, and effort?) ... quite importantly has been undetailed. Thought, emotion, and effort how are they recorded, how do you get them, hold on to them, and get rid of them with speed? It gives us a whole new tone scale. It’s the same tone scale, but we have something to add to it. Something much more fundamental, much more basic than we have had before.

Thought, emotion, effort, + counter thought, counter emotion, and counter effort make up a package of knowledge that we have to have. In addition to this, the behavior ... (the what is it, that gives you thought, emotion, and effort?) ... quite importantly has been undetailed. Thought, emotion, and effort how are they recorded, how do you get them, hold on to them, and get rid of them with speed? It gives us a whole new tone scale. It’s the same tone scale, but we have something to add to it. Something much more fundamental, much more basic than we have had before.

An advance of knowledge has been achieved. We have been able in the past to take a MEST body, treat it, deaberrate it, make it physically better, more able and well, but there is something else. Are you the MEST body? The answer is, No! I wouldn’t adventure to tell you anything about the THETA body and the THETA line that I couldn’t backup, and that also wasn’t easy to backup out among the public. What I am going to tell you is very easy to demonstrate to the public and any preclear. What has been discovered is a way to differentiate easily and specifically between the MEST body and the THETA body to your satisfaction. That is quite import ant, for you have implants that tell you your THETA body is inside of you. It’s not! You have implants that tell you that you are constructed this way and that way. You’re not! And how easy is it for you to disentangle yourself from that type of misinformation? It’s easy, about 10 min. of processing for the type of incident there.

An advance of knowledge has been achieved. We have been able in the past to take a MEST body, treat it, deaberrate it, make it physically better, more able and well, but there is something else. Are you the MEST body? The answer is, No! I wouldn’t adventure to tell you anything about the THETA body and the THETA line that I couldn’t backup, and that also wasn’t easy to backup out among the public. What I am going to tell you is very easy to demonstrate to the public and any preclear. What has been discovered is a way to differentiate easily and specifically between the MEST body and the THETA body to your satisfaction. That is quite import ant, for you have implants that tell you your THETA body is inside of you. It’s not! You have implants that tell you that you are constructed this way and that way. You’re not! And how easy is it for you to disentangle yourself from that type of misinformation? It’s easy, about 10 min. of processing for the type of incident there.

We talked in the past about entities; one part of the body responding this way, one that way, one to female, one to male, one this way, one that way, etc. What are these things and how do you get rid of them? Are they really people? Well, I found out what they were and how you get rid of them. They are synthetics, and they are the result of your past sins and crimes. They are very simple. It is very easy to explain what they are.

We talked in the past about entities; one part of the body responding this way, one that way, one to female, one to male, one this way, one that way, etc. What are these things and how do you get rid of them? Are they really people? Well, I found out what they were and how you get rid of them. They are synthetics, and they are the result of your past sins and crimes. They are very simple. It is very easy to explain what they are.

These techniques are divided up into two spheres of knowledge. One, is actually what we are calling Technique 80. This is the magic button for which psychoanalysis searched for a long time without ever finding it. They found it maybe once in every 200 cases; suddenly on this one case they would say: “Why did you drown your grand mothers’ kittens?”, and immediately the fellow would get well. All of a sudden the atmosphere would sort of clear up for him and he wouldn’t he worried about himself and he would extrovert. The lights, you might say, would go on. How would you like to turn the lights on in just anybody? Maybe in 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, or even 20 hours of processing; but no more than that?

These techniques are divided up into two spheres of knowledge. One, is actually what we are calling Technique 80. This is the magic button for which psychoanalysis searched for a long time without ever finding it. They found it maybe once in every 200 cases; suddenly on this one case they would say: “Why did you drown your grand mothers’ kittens?”, and immediately the fellow would get well. All of a sudden the atmosphere would sort of clear up for him and he wouldn’t he worried about himself and he would extrovert. The lights, you might say, would go on. How would you like to turn the lights on in just anybody? Maybe in 1 hour, 2 hours, 5 hours, or even 20 hours of processing; but no more than that?

Technique 80 is differentiated from Technique 88 for this reason; it is a mechanical process and it has certain definite fixed mechanics which are applicable to any group of incidents, theory, or concept. So you have in Technique 80, a technique which can be used to address this life only, if you want to be dull enough to process this life only. You will have preclears that will come in and say, “I’ve got to run a prenatal”. So you run a prenatal, and then you swing Technique 80 in on them too. They protest at this and say, “No, No, I just want to run this engram”. So you say, “O.K. run the engram.. Now, run this.” Then after all his objections, he will run what you have been after, and he will say, “I feel different, something has happened.”There are cases that are terribly occluded and colloquially speaking, “don’t know from nothing” on recalls; doesn’t have a time track, his visios’ are all black, and he’s not even sure he had breakfast this morning. Then there is this thing we call the wide open case. It is completely wide open with every perceptic you can list, and when I speak of a wide open case, I mean a wide open case that has all these things, and is below 2 on the tone scale. You tackle this case, and you find yourself with a borderline screaming psychotic. If you don’t process him right then and there, he will have a tendency to spin some. And you say, “Well, it’s just dub-in.” NO, it isn’t really dub-in. What is this case? What makes it that way? Why is there an occluded case, and why is it that the occluded case seems to have some fire, seems to have some depths and strengths? And this wide open case at the same point on the tone scale doesn’t seem to have anything on it. Why is this? We have the answer to that.

Technique 80 is differentiated from Technique 88 for this reason; it is a mechanical process and it has certain definite fixed mechanics which are applicable to any group of incidents, theory, or concept. So you have in Technique 80, a technique which can be used to address this life only, if you want to be dull enough to process this life only. You will have preclears that will come in and say, “I’ve got to run a prenatal”. So you run a prenatal, and then you swing Technique 80 in on them too. They protest at this and say, “No, No, I just want to run this engram”. So you say, “O.K. run the engram.. Now, run this.” Then after all his objections, he will run what you have been after, and he will say, “I feel different, something has happened.”There are cases that are terribly occluded and colloquially speaking, “don’t know from nothing” on recalls; doesn’t have a time track, his visios’ are all black, and he’s not even sure he had breakfast this morning. Then there is this thing we call the wide open case. It is completely wide open with every perceptic you can list, and when I speak of a wide open case, I mean a wide open case that has all these things, and is below 2 on the tone scale. You tackle this case, and you find yourself with a borderline screaming psychotic. If you don’t process him right then and there, he will have a tendency to spin some. And you say, “Well, it’s just dub-in.” NO, it isn’t really dub-in. What is this case? What makes it that way? Why is there an occluded case, and why is it that the occluded case seems to have some fire, seems to have some depths and strengths? And this wide open case at the same point on the tone scale doesn’t seem to have anything on it. Why is this? We have the answer to that.

I hope you can pick up this information, and test it out by co-auditing it. Don’t go straining at the credibility of this material until you test it. Many of you will say, when I mention, “Whole Track processing” .... “Oh! You are talking about past lives.” No, I’m not talking about past lives, I’m talking about Whole Track. Actually, your MEST body only has one life. It gets born, three score and ten or so, and it kicks the bucket, and that is that. So, here is your Whole Track compared to the MEST Track or Mest Body Line. Your Whole Track has never been available before, for no one could really locate it. There is the Whole Track for your THETA body, the actual you, which apparently goes back to the beginning of time one track for it. And for your MEST body you have one track, and it is this one life time. What you are deciding when you say, “Oh, this Whole Track, I don’t believe in that,” what you are actually deciding is whether you are processing the THETA body or the MEST body. Those people who say, “No past lives, born only once,” are just arguing out of a natural fact. Their conviction is born out of this fact, that the MEST body is conceived, gets born, dies, and that is the end of it. And that is a fact. And then there is the THETA body, and in order to find out which is the important one, you must find out which is the capable body. Which one has the capabilities? Until you find out which, and where the THETA body is, you can’t decide.

I hope you can pick up this information, and test it out by co-auditing it. Don’t go straining at the credibility of this material until you test it. Many of you will say, when I mention, “Whole Track processing” .... “Oh! You are talking about past lives.” No, I’m not talking about past lives, I’m talking about Whole Track. Actually, your MEST body only has one life. It gets born, three score and ten or so, and it kicks the bucket, and that is that. So, here is your Whole Track compared to the MEST Track or Mest Body Line. Your Whole Track has never been available before, for no one could really locate it. There is the Whole Track for your THETA body, the actual you, which apparently goes back to the beginning of time one track for it. And for your MEST body you have one track, and it is this one life time. What you are deciding when you say, “Oh, this Whole Track, I don’t believe in that,” what you are actually deciding is whether you are processing the THETA body or the MEST body. Those people who say, “No past lives, born only once,” are just arguing out of a natural fact. Their conviction is born out of this fact, that the MEST body is conceived, gets born, dies, and that is the end of it. And that is a fact. And then there is the THETA body, and in order to find out which is the important one, you must find out which is the capable body. Which one has the capabilities? Until you find out which, and where the THETA body is, you can’t decide.

Actual tests will demonstrate that dozens and dozens of hours of processing spent on the MEST body do not produce the relief of just a few hours spent on the THETA body. The processing of the MEST body is a continual process. This is the process of which Freud said in 1922: Psychoanalysis terminable and interminable. It was just forever. That is why people can put in 5000 hours on the MEST line. Nobody has ever put in 5000 hours, by the way, or even 1500 since Dianetics was released. It is true that a lot of people have had a lot of processing. This was sort of a puzzle. Why should these people keep running incidents and running incidents, and not get much better? Well, there are two reasons. One, they are running the MEST line only, and two, there was the bug uncovered by Technique 80 sitting back there hidden. What you were doing with this poor fellow was taking away every reason (excuse) that he had for being such a horrible human being. You are just taking away all his motivation for all of his cruelties, and so he gets worse and worse. He needed those motivation incidents. They are his reasons for pushing Uncle Joe out the window. You as an auditor, have taken away all of these reasons when Uncle Joe had been mean & nasty to the preclear. So, he just gets worse and worse, and says, “It’s true what they say about me! I guess l deserve to be walked on, upset etc.”

Actual tests will demonstrate that dozens and dozens of hours of processing spent on the MEST body do not produce the relief of just a few hours spent on the THETA body. The processing of the MEST body is a continual process. This is the process of which Freud said in 1922: Psychoanalysis terminable and interminable. It was just forever. That is why people can put in 5000 hours on the MEST line. Nobody has ever put in 5000 hours, by the way, or even 1500 since Dianetics was released. It is true that a lot of people have had a lot of processing. This was sort of a puzzle. Why should these people keep running incidents and running incidents, and not get much better? Well, there are two reasons. One, they are running the MEST line only, and two, there was the bug uncovered by Technique 80 sitting back there hidden. What you were doing with this poor fellow was taking away every reason (excuse) that he had for being such a horrible human being. You are just taking away all his motivation for all of his cruelties, and so he gets worse and worse. He needed those motivation incidents. They are his reasons for pushing Uncle Joe out the window. You as an auditor, have taken away all of these reasons when Uncle Joe had been mean & nasty to the preclear. So, he just gets worse and worse, and says, “It’s true what they say about me! I guess l deserve to be walked on, upset etc.”

In all of this research line I have exercised reasonable care. Some of this information that I am going to give you has not been given a complete rundown. Exactly what that means is that the specific incidents on the track have not been completely explored. So, on many of these incidents, I do not know if they are standard to every one. There are possibly “sleepers” on the track that have not been discovered. All of the rest of this material has been very thoroughly checked over. Each person has enough incidents on a full track pass to fill several thousand Libraries of Congress.

In all of this research line I have exercised reasonable care. Some of this information that I am going to give you has not been given a complete rundown. Exactly what that means is that the specific incidents on the track have not been completely explored. So, on many of these incidents, I do not know if they are standard to every one. There are possibly “sleepers” on the track that have not been discovered. All of the rest of this material has been very thoroughly checked over. Each person has enough incidents on a full track pass to fill several thousand Libraries of Congress.

All we are trying to do is find those that are aberrative, those that are standard, those that produce exactly certain things, that is all. In telling you then about the whole track; I’m not going to pretend that I know everything there is on that track. It is a chart (the track map) that shows some awfully blank areas. You are on your own. Where the long blanks exist, it just shows that I haven’t found a standard incident that fits in there. What incidents I have found there, in preclears, were all different. I am going to tell you during this series, only the elements you need to know in order to process people with Technique 80 and Technique 88. Those processes go together on this line. You have to have a general overall history of the human race or Theta bodies. You already know the history of the MEST body (preconception, sperm ovum sequence, on up the line to death) that whole span, and the history of MEST evolution or genetic line. Just as you know that whole span; you have to know the Whole Track. You need to know its intents and purposes, not just the incidents of the whole track.

All we are trying to do is find those that are aberrative, those that are standard, those that produce exactly certain things, that is all. In telling you then about the whole track; I’m not going to pretend that I know everything there is on that track. It is a chart (the track map) that shows some awfully blank areas. You are on your own. Where the long blanks exist, it just shows that I haven’t found a standard incident that fits in there. What incidents I have found there, in preclears, were all different. I am going to tell you during this series, only the elements you need to know in order to process people with Technique 80 and Technique 88. Those processes go together on this line. You have to have a general overall history of the human race or Theta bodies. You already know the history of the MEST body (preconception, sperm ovum sequence, on up the line to death) that whole span, and the history of MEST evolution or genetic line. Just as you know that whole span; you have to know the Whole Track. You need to know its intents and purposes, not just the incidents of the whole track.

What were they trying to do? Why did they want you? Why did your number come up in the hat? And why are you still here after all that, and why have you forgotten where you were? So, we will have quite a discussion on that important phase.

What were they trying to do? Why did they want you? Why did your number come up in the hat? And why are you still here after all that, and why have you forgotten where you were? So, we will have quite a discussion on that important phase.

The next thing is the anatomy of MAYBE. You have to know the anatomy of maybe just cold in order to run any of this. It is simple, but you have to know it instinctively, so that your preclear, the second he starts into one, won’t drift abroad. For the moment he goes into a maybe and falls off on the motivator justifier side of the maybe; he continues from there on out unless you recognize what he is doing. So, you have to know what a maybe is, and how it resolves, and just how complex it should be. Actually Technique 80 could be called, “The Anatomy of Maybe.”

The next thing is the anatomy of MAYBE. You have to know the anatomy of maybe just cold in order to run any of this. It is simple, but you have to know it instinctively, so that your preclear, the second he starts into one, won’t drift abroad. For the moment he goes into a maybe and falls off on the motivator justifier side of the maybe; he continues from there on out unless you recognize what he is doing. So, you have to know what a maybe is, and how it resolves, and just how complex it should be. Actually Technique 80 could be called, “The Anatomy of Maybe.”

This requires a knowledge of the basic axioms, just the first few axioms, so we will cover that. On Technique 88 we have to know the tone scale of attention units, and the behavior of attention units for each position on the tone scale. That, you must know cold, though it is very simple. Then we have to know a method of differentiating between the MEST body and the THETA body; to be able to differentiate yourself, and be able to get a preclear to differentiate between the two. Some estimation then must be covered as to what it is all about. What possible goal do you have? We have to go over this, because you will be asked this question by your preclears, and you will ask this question yourself you’ll say, I’ve got it solved, what do I do now?” Just that, or “I’ve got a Theta body, this is it, I’m it, I can do this or that, but what do I do now?” Well, what do you do? Do you go home or do you go over and jog Pres. Truman’s elbow and say, “Write that bill, Bud.” Just what do you do? For here, all of a sudden into your hands is delivered considerable potentiality; and for one thing “is it safe to leave earth?” Isn’t it funny for me to stand here discussing these things as practical facts that you will have to know? But they are, they are just as practical as telling you there is a railroad from here to L.A........ Don’t ride the rods, for your hands will get tired, and you may fall off. So, ride in the cars or buy a ticket as a passenger. Another thing is, Don’ t sock the conductor.

This requires a knowledge of the basic axioms, just the first few axioms, so we will cover that. On Technique 88 we have to know the tone scale of attention units, and the behavior of attention units for each position on the tone scale. That, you must know cold, though it is very simple. Then we have to know a method of differentiating between the MEST body and the THETA body; to be able to differentiate yourself, and be able to get a preclear to differentiate between the two. Some estimation then must be covered as to what it is all about. What possible goal do you have? We have to go over this, because you will be asked this question by your preclears, and you will ask this question yourself you’ll say, I’ve got it solved, what do I do now?” Just that, or “I’ve got a Theta body, this is it, I’m it, I can do this or that, but what do I do now?” Well, what do you do? Do you go home or do you go over and jog Pres. Truman’s elbow and say, “Write that bill, Bud.” Just what do you do? For here, all of a sudden into your hands is delivered considerable potentiality; and for one thing “is it safe to leave earth?” Isn’t it funny for me to stand here discussing these things as practical facts that you will have to know? But they are, they are just as practical as telling you there is a railroad from here to L.A........ Don’t ride the rods, for your hands will get tired, and you may fall off. So, ride in the cars or buy a ticket as a passenger. Another thing is, Don’ t sock the conductor.

Now, how do you keep from getting into this same kind of jam in the future? Because you are in a mess right now.

Now, how do you keep from getting into this same kind of jam in the future? Because you are in a mess right now.

It is rather funny to be handing this stuff out just as if it was A.B.C., but that is what it is, A.B.C. So, we have to cover that in this series of lectures. The material I will cover in these lectures, I have just mentioned. Additionally, you must know very well how to use an E- meter. It isn’t safe to process too much of this Whole Track without one. We have gotten up to a point in our piloting where it is good to have an “iron mike” to fall back on. The E-meter (electropsychometer) is the iron mike. Also, I want you to know how to use Symbological Processing. You will find some of your preclears with whom you have had trouble will really take off on this very simple technique. The lecture on Technique 80 included communications and disintegration techniques which are somewhat extraneous to Technique 80. You can call Technique 80 the “To be or Not to be, Technique,” which balances out nicely the MOTIVATOR, the OVERT ACT, and the DED (deserved act), which are the anatomy of MAYBE.

It is rather funny to be handing this stuff out just as if it was A.B.C., but that is what it is, A.B.C. So, we have to cover that in this series of lectures. The material I will cover in these lectures, I have just mentioned. Additionally, you must know very well how to use an E- meter. It isn’t safe to process too much of this Whole Track without one. We have gotten up to a point in our piloting where it is good to have an “iron mike” to fall back on. The E-meter (electropsychometer) is the iron mike. Also, I want you to know how to use Symbological Processing. You will find some of your preclears with whom you have had trouble will really take off on this very simple technique. The lecture on Technique 80 included communications and disintegration techniques which are somewhat extraneous to Technique 80. You can call Technique 80 the “To be or Not to be, Technique,” which balances out nicely the MOTIVATOR, the OVERT ACT, and the DED (deserved act), which are the anatomy of MAYBE.

Any way that you can take apart a maybe, and any technique that will do it in the future, is part of Technique 80. Any technique that will resolve the maybe, the indecision, an involved grouped series of incidents, falls under the category of Technique 80. There may be improvements on this technique, but they will still be part of 80. The way you take apart a maybe is a simple thing. Refer to the Motion Diagram on the next page.

Any way that you can take apart a maybe, and any technique that will do it in the future, is part of Technique 80. Any technique that will resolve the maybe, the indecision, an involved grouped series of incidents, falls under the category of Technique 80. There may be improvements on this technique, but they will still be part of 80. The way you take apart a maybe is a simple thing. Refer to the Motion Diagram on the next page.

Here is zero, it is the decision of nothing, of not anything, of No motion. It is no motion, that is zero. You could say that something amounts to zero or infinity, or that they are the same thing, but they are not. They are not the same. They are of the same order of magnitude. Theta is neither small nor huge, a short time or a long time, so therefore it can be zero. You can say with the same accuracy that it could be infinity. Infinity means unlimited, and theta can be nothing or unlimited. There is a difference between zero and infinity, and this is the single difference of the base of thought. It is the basic decision whether “To BE or Not T o Be”. To Be is infinity, you could be the whole universe, and on all the dynamics. Not to be is nothing, that is zero. Every decision lies on the gradient scale between zero and infinity. You have a gradient scale of decision. The problem in processing is how does a person get from high on this scale to low on the scale? And the goal of processing is how to get a person low on this scale to be high on this scale. Don’t make this mistake. If any one person became an absolute zero the universe would cease to be; for each person is a part of the universe. By becoming that absolute zero, or if any part of that universe became absolute zero, the universe becomes a zero. So, you see, it is impossible for a person to become an absolute zero.

Here is zero, it is the decision of nothing, of not anything, of No motion. It is no motion, that is zero. You could say that something amounts to zero or infinity, or that they are the same thing, but they are not. They are not the same. They are of the same order of magnitude. Theta is neither small nor huge, a short time or a long time, so therefore it can be zero. You can say with the same accuracy that it could be infinity. Infinity means unlimited, and theta can be nothing or unlimited. There is a difference between zero and infinity, and this is the single difference of the base of thought. It is the basic decision whether “To BE or Not T o Be”. To Be is infinity, you could be the whole universe, and on all the dynamics. Not to be is nothing, that is zero. Every decision lies on the gradient scale between zero and infinity. You have a gradient scale of decision. The problem in processing is how does a person get from high on this scale to low on the scale? And the goal of processing is how to get a person low on this scale to be high on this scale. Don’t make this mistake. If any one person became an absolute zero the universe would cease to be; for each person is a part of the universe. By becoming that absolute zero, or if any part of that universe became absolute zero, the universe becomes a zero. So, you see, it is impossible for a person to become an absolute zero.

This is very applicable information, it may not appear to you at first glance to be applicable, but it is. It means that no matter how deep apathy becomes, there is always a margin of safety below it. No matter how motionless a person conceives some part of his body to be, there is always a motionlessness of less motion than the motionlessness he conceives to be feeling. YOU are always operating on a margin of safety. You cannot swing a preclear so deeply into apathy, which is motionlessness, that there is no bottom left. In other words, you can’t possibly process a preclear into chronic apathy from which there is no escape. Unless of course you just restimulate every apathy incident in the entire crack; at which time he would be pretty apathetic. But, you can even get him out of that with light techniques to bring the attention units up out of apathy again, and he is all set.

This is very applicable information, it may not appear to you at first glance to be applicable, but it is. It means that no matter how deep apathy becomes, there is always a margin of safety below it. No matter how motionless a person conceives some part of his body to be, there is always a motionlessness of less motion than the motionlessness he conceives to be feeling. YOU are always operating on a margin of safety. You cannot swing a preclear so deeply into apathy, which is motionlessness, that there is no bottom left. In other words, you can’t possibly process a preclear into chronic apathy from which there is no escape. Unless of course you just restimulate every apathy incident in the entire crack; at which time he would be pretty apathetic. But, you can even get him out of that with light techniques to bring the attention units up out of apathy again, and he is all set.

So, get this, a catonic schitz, as they erroneously are classically called; is well up from a zero. There is a good margin of safety under them. This is important information. You are going to get into a case, and you will find out (as you have already found out to your sorrow) that you have processed a preclear with effort and counter effort, more effort and counter effort until the preclear is practically out the bottom. You have processed them into apathy. Why? Well, the toughest incident or emotion that you have to run anywhere on the track happens to be apathy. As you take off the easier emotions and the easier attention unit actions, gradually this tough one (down here on the bottom) gets up and doesn’t get run, and finally you have for all intents and purposes a catatonic schitz. This has a great deal to do with time, time infinity and time zero.

So, get this, a catonic schitz, as they erroneously are classically called; is well up from a zero. There is a good margin of safety under them. This is important information. You are going to get into a case, and you will find out (as you have already found out to your sorrow) that you have processed a preclear with effort and counter effort, more effort and counter effort until the preclear is practically out the bottom. You have processed them into apathy. Why? Well, the toughest incident or emotion that you have to run anywhere on the track happens to be apathy. As you take off the easier emotions and the easier attention unit actions, gradually this tough one (down here on the bottom) gets up and doesn’t get run, and finally you have for all intents and purposes a catatonic schitz. This has a great deal to do with time, time infinity and time zero.

Here in apathy, then, and the closer a person gets down here to zero (the same thing zero apathy death they are synonymous) the less motion he is capable of, the less space he is capable of using, the less actual time he will have. Because you are dealing with motion on this scale (time scale on diagram) to this scale (space).

Here in apathy, then, and the closer a person gets down here to zero (the same thing zero apathy death they are synonymous) the less motion he is capable of, the less space he is capable of using, the less actual time he will have. Because you are dealing with motion on this scale (time scale on diagram) to this scale (space).

The component parts of motion are time and space. The change in space of a particle is time. The change of a particle in time is space. This is one of those “cat chasing his tail” definitions that physicists love, like A is equal to B, and the proof of that is because B is equal to A, and the proof of that is A is equal to B, etc. etc.

The component parts of motion are time and space. The change in space of a particle is time. The change of a particle in time is space. This is one of those “cat chasing his tail” definitions that physicists love, like A is equal to B, and the proof of that is because B is equal to A, and the proof of that is A is equal to B, etc. etc.

Here on the diagram is space zero and space infinity, thought zero and thought infinity, and time zero and time infinity. You can tell quite a lot by remembering this little picture. This is a simple picture. You can see that motion depends upon both space and time. If there is no time involved there can’t be motion. If you move your hand from one place to another it involves time. It was there it is now here. Regarding space, nothing can occupy space except for a period of time. If something does not occupy space, it does not exist in time. It seems ridiculous, but this is the little fact that the physicists ignored when they started saying space equals time equals space equals time. Actually, motion is space and time together, and therefore energy. When you take these two quantities (space and time) all by themselves, you get circular reasoning. It makes you go around in circles.

Here on the diagram is space zero and space infinity, thought zero and thought infinity, and time zero and time infinity. You can tell quite a lot by remembering this little picture. This is a simple picture. You can see that motion depends upon both space and time. If there is no time involved there can’t be motion. If you move your hand from one place to another it involves time. It was there it is now here. Regarding space, nothing can occupy space except for a period of time. If something does not occupy space, it does not exist in time. It seems ridiculous, but this is the little fact that the physicists ignored when they started saying space equals time equals space equals time. Actually, motion is space and time together, and therefore energy. When you take these two quantities (space and time) all by themselves, you get circular reasoning. It makes you go around in circles.

I’m giving you this for a reason, so that you can estimate the limit of this theory, since it is dependent upon the same body of knowledge that gives you the atom bomb which explodes and nobody knows why. Not until you add this to it (thought column on diagram). What is holding space and time together? What created space and time? I can’t fall back on the theory that this was all created in six days and nights, but I will have to admit that I don’t have any more concrete evidence than those word in that best seller, the Holy Bible. The science of physics, which gives you atom bombs, motors, robots, etc., is based on that very same proof. When you ask a question in a classroom and it boils down to “it says so in the text, so it’s true”, realize that it is based on this kind of proof, and that is pure nonsense. It is all nonsense in every subject right up to this line of space, time, and motion. Then your truth starts. What starts motion? How did space and time get there? Well, I can give you a theory. It is a pretty good theory; an interesting theory anyway. You can laugh over it if you like.

I’m giving you this for a reason, so that you can estimate the limit of this theory, since it is dependent upon the same body of knowledge that gives you the atom bomb which explodes and nobody knows why. Not until you add this to it (thought column on diagram). What is holding space and time together? What created space and time? I can’t fall back on the theory that this was all created in six days and nights, but I will have to admit that I don’t have any more concrete evidence than those word in that best seller, the Holy Bible. The science of physics, which gives you atom bombs, motors, robots, etc., is based on that very same proof. When you ask a question in a classroom and it boils down to “it says so in the text, so it’s true”, realize that it is based on this kind of proof, and that is pure nonsense. It is all nonsense in every subject right up to this line of space, time, and motion. Then your truth starts. What starts motion? How did space and time get there? Well, I can give you a theory. It is a pretty good theory; an interesting theory anyway. You can laugh over it if you like.

Well, let’s go way back; when “a” thought first occurred, the first thing that happened was nothing. Each one of you by the way, has apparently had this experience. Then you decided to make an illusion. The first illusion was to make self. You don’t have to buy the engineering malarkey (B.S.) that imagination can’t be cause in itself. Cause can be cause. So, here is “the” thought. It doesn’t have any reality naturally, for the simple reason that there is no one to agree with you. It’s just an illusion. Mary Baker Eddy reached back in time and got hung up on one of these and came out with, “all is illusion, think good thoughts, etc. etc.” and some extrapolations like “man is evil, but God is good, and God is all.” Even Norbert Weiner would not be able to stretch that into a logical equation. But, right up to the point where she says, “all is illusion”, there is some truth. The proof of the truth in it, is the fact that on a lot of corners you have Christian Science Temples. There must be something there.

Well, let’s go way back; when “a” thought first occurred, the first thing that happened was nothing. Each one of you by the way, has apparently had this experience. Then you decided to make an illusion. The first illusion was to make self. You don’t have to buy the engineering malarkey (B.S.) that imagination can’t be cause in itself. Cause can be cause. So, here is “the” thought. It doesn’t have any reality naturally, for the simple reason that there is no one to agree with you. It’s just an illusion. Mary Baker Eddy reached back in time and got hung up on one of these and came out with, “all is illusion, think good thoughts, etc. etc.” and some extrapolations like “man is evil, but God is good, and God is all.” Even Norbert Weiner would not be able to stretch that into a logical equation. But, right up to the point where she says, “all is illusion”, there is some truth. The proof of the truth in it, is the fact that on a lot of corners you have Christian Science Temples. There must be something there.

It isn’t that all is illusion, but it certainly started that way, in so far as you personally are concerned. You did it. You thought, “All is an illusion, what will I do with it?” So you invented shape. To have shape, you had to invent space. To get motion perhaps you added time. And you have had that experience. Why else do you watch a magician and his illusions with such fascination. How you love illusion. If I should just go whoosh, and a big pillar of fire were to appear, you would at least say, “Gosh!” And so would I. There is pleasure in illusion. The most fun you ever had as a little kid was when you went to mother and said, “Hey Ma, there’s 3 tigers and 2 giraffes out in the yard, and I just put them in my wagon and ....” And she says, “NO, No.” You thought, “She’s crazy.” She isn’t crazy, but she is down there on the tone scale to where she is all mixed up in the MEST universe. She doesn’t understand that this creation of illusion is a Primary and very vital function.

It isn’t that all is illusion, but it certainly started that way, in so far as you personally are concerned. You did it. You thought, “All is an illusion, what will I do with it?” So you invented shape. To have shape, you had to invent space. To get motion perhaps you added time. And you have had that experience. Why else do you watch a magician and his illusions with such fascination. How you love illusion. If I should just go whoosh, and a big pillar of fire were to appear, you would at least say, “Gosh!” And so would I. There is pleasure in illusion. The most fun you ever had as a little kid was when you went to mother and said, “Hey Ma, there’s 3 tigers and 2 giraffes out in the yard, and I just put them in my wagon and ....” And she says, “NO, No.” You thought, “She’s crazy.” She isn’t crazy, but she is down there on the tone scale to where she is all mixed up in the MEST universe. She doesn’t understand that this creation of illusion is a Primary and very vital function.

As a matter of fact, if you should depart from this MEST universe tomorrow that is probably just what you would do. You would sit somewhere on a pink cloud, and just create pretty illusions. You might sit there for 100 years thinking how pretty it is. Then somebody else might come along, and you would say, “Look, isn’t that something?” He might take a look at it and say, “Bah, that’s not so good,” and your illusion would go Pfshoooo. How do you erase an engram? It is interesting that an engram will erase. How does thought, emotion, and effort erase? It erases on the principle of disintegration. You have the power of disintegration. When very light high waves run into heavy MEST waves, they disintegrate. That is why your dreams can be invalidated so easily. Did you ever find yourself telling someone about some book you are going to write etc., and this fellow says, “That’s no good, and besides it has all been done before,” and poof your illusions were gone? You thought it was pretty good. Of course, stupidly, you let it stay erased. You said in essence, “He invalidated it, he erased it, so therefore.. I’m not cause.” What you should do (and you should try this next time someone tries to invalidate an illusion of yours) is just repeat your illusion, dream or goal. You just keep that up, and he will go into apathy after a few tries. Try it! Watch him come down the tone scale each time he tries, and fails to kill your illusion. This is the Basic Interpersonal Relation ship, “I’m going to show you my illusion, and you are going to try and erase them I’m going to erase your illusions, and here are my illusions. I’m bigger than you are, because I can put my illusions up there, and you can’t erase them, but when you put your illusions up, I can erase them.” Evidently, you have spent thousands and thousands of endless years doing that on the track.

As a matter of fact, if you should depart from this MEST universe tomorrow that is probably just what you would do. You would sit somewhere on a pink cloud, and just create pretty illusions. You might sit there for 100 years thinking how pretty it is. Then somebody else might come along, and you would say, “Look, isn’t that something?” He might take a look at it and say, “Bah, that’s not so good,” and your illusion would go Pfshoooo. How do you erase an engram? It is interesting that an engram will erase. How does thought, emotion, and effort erase? It erases on the principle of disintegration. You have the power of disintegration. When very light high waves run into heavy MEST waves, they disintegrate. That is why your dreams can be invalidated so easily. Did you ever find yourself telling someone about some book you are going to write etc., and this fellow says, “That’s no good, and besides it has all been done before,” and poof your illusions were gone? You thought it was pretty good. Of course, stupidly, you let it stay erased. You said in essence, “He invalidated it, he erased it, so therefore.. I’m not cause.” What you should do (and you should try this next time someone tries to invalidate an illusion of yours) is just repeat your illusion, dream or goal. You just keep that up, and he will go into apathy after a few tries. Try it! Watch him come down the tone scale each time he tries, and fails to kill your illusion. This is the Basic Interpersonal Relation ship, “I’m going to show you my illusion, and you are going to try and erase them I’m going to erase your illusions, and here are my illusions. I’m bigger than you are, because I can put my illusions up there, and you can’t erase them, but when you put your illusions up, I can erase them.” Evidently, you have spent thousands and thousands of endless years doing that on the track.

What do you do when all the space around you is full of these shapes? You made space, and you think, and you think, and you come up with a brand new original invention TIME. Now, what is time? Time is a method of erasing an illusion without giving myself the pain of destroying it. So, what I do is, “Here is my illusion then, (I put it back in then) here is the illusion.. then, that’s in then, which now gives you more space. This is a very workable thing. Take a person stuck on the time track, and just get him to practice this exercise. It is still inherent with him that he can make his own time, and so you just get him to go on this basis: Now.... then, now.... then, now.... then, now.... then, and you will find he can more on the time track.

What do you do when all the space around you is full of these shapes? You made space, and you think, and you think, and you come up with a brand new original invention TIME. Now, what is time? Time is a method of erasing an illusion without giving myself the pain of destroying it. So, what I do is, “Here is my illusion then, (I put it back in then) here is the illusion.. then, that’s in then, which now gives you more space. This is a very workable thing. Take a person stuck on the time track, and just get him to practice this exercise. It is still inherent with him that he can make his own time, and so you just get him to go on this basis: Now.... then, now.... then, now.... then, now.... then, and you will find he can more on the time track.

It sounds incredible, but that is all time is. It’s now, and it’s then. Here is Now, and now, Now is then. It doesn’t go out in space, it just evaporates. He created it once, you have just taught him to create it again. It is a simple mechanism. Space and time are based on thought. When thought didn’t make any illusions, it was zero, and when it started making illusions, it went zip and extended to become infinity.

It sounds incredible, but that is all time is. It’s now, and it’s then. Here is Now, and now, Now is then. It doesn’t go out in space, it just evaporates. He created it once, you have just taught him to create it again. It is a simple mechanism. Space and time are based on thought. When thought didn’t make any illusions, it was zero, and when it started making illusions, it went zip and extended to become infinity.

And the second it became infinity; it became impossible to think. Why? Because it was senseless, every thought became an infinity of thought. In order to think any thing that was worth thinking it had to have a finite shape or size, and you had to come down from infinity in order to think. Now, you say to yourself, “Here I am” and there is no contest about this. So you say, “Here I am” -bop- and, There You Are, and you say, “That’s me,” only it’s somebody else now. And the reason it’s some body else is because of different characteristics- I’m this way, and he is that way.

And the second it became infinity; it became impossible to think. Why? Because it was senseless, every thought became an infinity of thought. In order to think any thing that was worth thinking it had to have a finite shape or size, and you had to come down from infinity in order to think. Now, you say to yourself, “Here I am” and there is no contest about this. So you say, “Here I am” -bop- and, There You Are, and you say, “That’s me,” only it’s somebody else now. And the reason it’s some body else is because of different characteristics- I’m this way, and he is that way.

So, a person starts in a sort of a thought mitosis, and that underlies all these other mitosis engrams you try and run. If you can find and run this earliest one, the others just blow, because a person becomes himself. He won’t be content with that after a while, and he will become himself, and himself, and himself, etc. etc. He is unlimited but he has to stop after a while, because he keeps posing puzzles for himself so that he can solve them. He makes them tougher and tougher until he finally poses a puzzle that he himself can’t solve. Then he is happy. But the puzzle gets worse and worse and worse, and other people add to it, and other people pose puzzles that add into this puzzle, and then make other people to make more puzzles to add into this puzzle... Then, they all look at it and say, “AN UNKNOWN”, and so the first matter is born.

So, a person starts in a sort of a thought mitosis, and that underlies all these other mitosis engrams you try and run. If you can find and run this earliest one, the others just blow, because a person becomes himself. He won’t be content with that after a while, and he will become himself, and himself, and himself, etc. etc. He is unlimited but he has to stop after a while, because he keeps posing puzzles for himself so that he can solve them. He makes them tougher and tougher until he finally poses a puzzle that he himself can’t solve. Then he is happy. But the puzzle gets worse and worse and worse, and other people add to it, and other people pose puzzles that add into this puzzle, and then make other people to make more puzzles to add into this puzzle... Then, they all look at it and say, “AN UNKNOWN”, and so the first matter is born.