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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Programming Handling Cases Quickied Falsely Declared (KSW-25) - B800831 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Also issued as an HCO PL same date, same title.)
Classed Auditors Case Supervisors Tech/Qual Keeping Scientology Working Series 25

Programming And Handling Cases Who Have Been Quickied Or Falsely Declared



As societies tend towards an impulse to do things quickly, I have often cautioned auditors and C/Ses against allowing this impulse to enter into our auditing technology.

Although many auditors and C/Ses have heeded my cautions, you will still encounter cases who have been quickied or falsely declared. Some of these mishandled cases can be quite a chal­lenge (to both auditor and C/S) to straighten out and get back on the rails.

Of course, it is far better to handle a case standardly in the first place but it is necessary to know how to handle any cases which are the result of such out tech.

The higher trained the auditor and Case Supervisor, the more efficiently they will be able to handle these case condi­tions.

In the hope of making easy the task of undoing such a case tangle, the key references which tell how to do so are set out in this issue.


The first thing to know when trying to remedy such a case, is the condition that the case is in so that one doesn't err by misestimating the case.

Regardless of what case level is stated on the folder, if the person hasn't made the grade one cannot expect the case to respond to processes and techniques of the stated case level.

A common error is failing to correctly estimate the case state of the pc and approaching the case on too steep a gradient. It is always safest to undercut.

Very often, the first thing that has to be done on a quick­ied or falsely declared case, is to get off any withhold or pre­tence of having falsely attested. It is not just a matter of past auditors or C/Ses having erred, as the pc always knows when he hasn't made it.

(References: C/S Series 46 Declares; HCO PL 26 Oct 71 Tech Downgrades)

The case, having gotten up to higher Grades or Levels than he or she has honestly made, is also in a state of overwhelm due to having been run on processes or techniques above and beyond the ability of the case to as-is. Hence the case will usually be over-restimulated and require repair of by-passed charge.

(References: HCOB 1 Oct 63 How To Get Tone Arm Action; HCOB 19 Aug Ad13 How To Do An Arc Break Assessment; Book: The Book Of Case Remedies)

One should also realize how this condition comes about in the first place. For a pc to get into the frame of mind where he would false attest or assert states of case not attained, he would have to already have given up hope of accomplishing real gains in auditing (due to losses or lack of wins) and would have been out of session. (See The Book Of Case Remedies and HCOB 12 Nov 71RB False TA Addition, Sub-Section: "Pcs Who Falsify".)

In order to be able to correctly estimate cases, an auditor and especially a Case Supervisor must know and be able to apply the basic data on cases and case states as given in:


The first action is to repair the case's by-passed charge and get the case to a point of in-session-ness so that you can now do something for the case. (Definition of In-session: in­terested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor. Tech­nical Dictionary)

The most comprehensive and versatile repair lists that there are, are the C/S 53 (which contains everything that could be wrong with the mind) and the Green Form 40 Expanded (which contains the reasons for case resistiveness and the handling of such). Programming for a "C/S 53 to F/Ning List" followed by a "GF 40 Expanded to F/Ning List", would handle most cases with these provisos:

(1) that the auditor's TRs and metering are up to being able to make a prepared list read;

(2) that the case is not in need of a more specific repair action to handle immediate by-passed charge before a more general action is done;

(3) that the case is up to being au­dited on subjective or thinkingness processes. Full data on these points is contained in the following references:

On lower level cases the only action one may be able to take is to get the case's Rudiments in (including getting off any withhold about having falsely attested) and then get the person through the Purification Rundown, the Survival Rundown and the Drug Rundown so that the case can be audited success­fully. (And remember that these rundowns do not just apply to badly of f cases and also that any case who has been quickied or who has falsely attested will need these rundowns. The rougher the case is though, the more imperative these three RDs are and these may have to be done before anything else.)

Cases in the Non-Interference Zone (see C/S Series 73), are an exception in that they can only have their Rudiments gotten in and the correction lists appropriate to the Solo Levels they have done or are on.

Apart from cases in the Non-Interference Zone and those un­able to run thinkingness processes, other cases will most read­ily be handled with the appropriate correction list for the ac­tions which they have been run on.

There is also the rule that one can resort to if necessary, of simply getting TA action. This principle is covered in HCOB 4 Aug 63 E-Meter Errors – Communication Cycle Error and in HCOB 1 Oct 63 How To Get Tone Arm Action. While this is not the fast­est or most accurate way to resolve a case situation, it is of value and may have to be resorted to and it will work.

Any auditor or C/S handling cases who have been quickied or falsely declared, is well advised to re-study the materials given above even though he or she has studied these before. They do contain all the answers.

Full data and examples of such repairs and Repair Programs are given in the C/S Series, especially: C/S Series 1-14, 17, 19, 29, 34, 42, 43, 44R, 44R Addition, 62, 77, 90 and 95 (Tech Volume X).


The worse off the case condition of the pc is, the lighter the approach must be. (See C/S Series 6, The Effect Scale, and The Chart of Human Evaluation "What To Audit" column.)

Also, the worse off the case is the more desperate the pc usually is for an immediate total solution and the more demand­ing and assertive the case is likely to be. This often includes false assertions of what fantastic shape the person thinks he is in accompanied by pc demands to be run on "powerful" tech­niques or procedures. The greatest error the C/S or auditor could make is to go into propitiation to these demands and ac­cept the pc's orders regarding what to run or what to let the pc "attest" to. Don't use this to never advance a case that is running well, to higher level actions. Go by the basic rules of auditing and programming. Determine how you address a case by correctly estimating the case state of the pc and by the in­dicators of whether the pc gets TA action, the expected results and EPs of processes and actions, cognitions (or their absence) and whether the case condition of the pc is changing for the better. In short, determine your actions by how the case re­sponds, not by what the case demands or asserts. Hold to the that if the pc knew what was wrong with him, it would no longer be wrong. (See C/S Series 3, 6, 7.)

There is a handling for an overly assertive, protesty or demanding pc. The pc is not in session, the pc almost invari­ably is being audited above his or her ability to as-is (too steep, despite PC assertions or demands to the contrary) and the pc's session rudiments are not in (including buttons: Assert, Protest, and pc considerations about his case and how it is be­ing handled and about the processes or techniques being used).

The tools to use are: L1C; Rudiments (including Ruds "in auditing" or "audited over"), getting in the buttons of Asserted, Protested and sometimes all the Repetitive Rudiments, Middle Rudiments and End Rudiments; 2WCs, including getting off the pc's considerations about his or her case or auditing; C/S prepared assessments and Prepchecks such as the "Class VIII, C/S #6" (Tech Vol XI, pg. 169).

The rougher the current or chronic case condition of the Pc, the more essential it is to handle the pc's or case's reac­tions and considerations to the auditing.

One not only has to handle what is wrong with the case but also the case reaction towards being handled or even helped. As cases in good shape usually require minimum handling (if any) on their reaction to the auditing, it is easy (but disastrous) for a Case Supervisor or auditor to overlook these actions on a case in rough condition. Most cases do not need such delicate han­dling so it is possible for a C/S to overlook or forget the ne­cessity of handling the case's reaction(s) to auditing, getting the case into session (or back into session) and then undercut­ting the previous approach (which would have to have been too steep, for these reactions to have occurred).

(The references listed in Volume X index under the headings: "Session", "Sessionable", "Set-up(s)", "Rudiment(s)" and the book: Dianetics: The Original Thesis are vital materials to know and could make all the difference between failure and suc­cess in handling the above case conditions and in auditing in general.)


The general rule of case return programming is that having repaired the pc of by-passed charge and gotten the Repair EP (per C/S Series 3), one must then find the lowest level of the Grade Chart that the pc honestly and completely attained and move the case on up from there. If the Repair Program has been competently and thoroughly done, the case will now be in-ses­sion and will be able to run processes well. It is simply a matter of flattening processes left unflat earlier, running proc­esses that were omitted previously and ensuring that the PC does make the full Ability Gained and Inability Lost of each Grade.

The only exceptions to the above are pre-OTs in the Non-In­terference Zone and those on NED for OTs. These can only be re­paired with the appropriate correction list(s) for the Level, with Rudiments gotten in, and then the action the pre-OT is on continued and completed until the pre-OT is out of the Non-Inter­ference Zone.)

On many cases the very first action will have to be a prop­erly and thoroughly done Dianetic and Scientology CS-1. This has become necessary to call to attention as one of the most common omissions during the recent Quickie craze has been the omission of Dianetic and Scientology CS-1 actions! The necessi­ty of these actions and of proper pc education (but not feeding the pc EPs or cognitions) has been covered in materials too nu­merous to mention. A PC cannot even understand or answer an au­diting command containing words that he or she doesn't fully comprehend, much less make any gain in such auditing.

Checking "Audited over misunderstood words?" or "Audited over words you didn't fully understand?" and then clearing each word so found, will be very beneficial to such a case in addi­tion to a thoroughly done Dianetic and Scientology CS-1.

From cases recently studied who had been quickied and false­ly declared, misunderstoods were a very common factor. One rel­atively unaudited case (about 25 hours total) who had attested to: Cleared Theta Clear, Static, Clear-OT, Natural Clear and a host of other "states", was very wisely put onto a CS-1, despite the fact that the PC had previously "had a CS-1" (in 30 mins). The very words of the rudiments were found to have been misunder­stood and had to be cleared and the word "Scientology" took 45 mins to clear. Not only didn't the case understand what had been attested to, but the case couldn't have made much progress in auditing over these and other misunderstoods. The rule is: Do a full and thorough Dianetic and Scientology CS-1, clear all misunderstoods the PC has been audited over and clear all new words or terms encountered in auditing thereafter. Also encour­age preclears to become educated in Dianetics and Scientology via the books and introductory services. It will pay off in greater PC participation and greater gains.

Even with a well done Repair Program it is quite possible that you may encounter some residual by-passed charge during the Return Program. This is usually simply repaired with the appro­priate correction list and the process or action completed to its full EP. An incomplete cycle (and an unflat process is an incomplete cycle) can be the source of by-passed charge until that cycle is completed. Therefore one must not too hastily depart from a Return Program and go back to a Repair Program (see C/S Series 17). Handle the immediate by-passed charge) flatten the earlier incomplete process or action and continue the Return Program, wherever possible.

While doing a Return Program, do not again make the error of quickying or falsely declaring. Be sure to run each process, action and Grade to its full EP and result this time.

The main references for the Return Program are: C/S Series 1-10, 11, 12R, 13, 17, 19, 20, 30, 31, 38, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 51, 58, 73, 77, 88R, 89, and 93 – Volume X; HCOB 15 Jan 70, Handling With Auditing; The Classification and Gradation Chart.


Unfortunately, there have been numerous examples of pcs having been "fed the cognition" or "fed the EP". Sometimes this has been done under the guise of "word clearing" by care­fully selecting out words (which usually do not have anything to do with the words of the auditing command or question) and by "clearing" these words, suggesting the cognition or EP to the PC. This is actually quite suppressive and can cause quite a case snarl up. Persons who would stoop low enough to do this are also invariably quite dishonest and seldom if ever report that they have done so in the worksheets. Thus neither a C/S nor an FESer can always rely on what is in the worksheets or FES. Where the case reaction of the PC differs from what one would expect from processes actually run and EPs reported in the fold­er, it must be suspected that the worksheets are false. For example, the case is said to be a Grade III Release but fre­quently has problems in life and PTPs in session, showing that at least Grade I Release is out and probably other Grades lower than Grade III are out too. (See C/S Series 97 and 98 for full data on how to detect and handle omissions and falsification in worksheets and folders.)

Pcs who assert "cognitions" or "EPs" have often been fed these by "friends" (who certainly do not have the pc's best interests in mind).

Any instance of the above must be reported to the Ethics section of the org or nearest org and acted on with alacrity.

When a case has been "fed a cognition or EP", it puts the case in the position of having a more difficult time being in session and running the process. As the Pc has been told what to expect, his attention is not on his case and running the pro­cess but is to some degree tied up in figure-figure-ing about the EP. This can result in the Pc, when he does have the cog­nition or EP, wondering whether he has really cognited or wheth­er it is just because he already knows the cognition. If so, the Evaluation and any Invalidation and considerations should be cleaned up. Otherwise, even though the process is run to EP, it would be somewhat spoiled for the pc.

Of course if the Pc simply repeated the cognition or EP as if he had had it and did not get off the withhold of having been "fed the EP" (sometimes it will be a withhold of the pc having asked for it or searched it out) and if the process was not run or it was ended on such an "EP", the poor Pc would have just denied himself all the gains available from that process. And, as processes and Grades each depend to a large degree on earlier actions and Grades being in, he will probably not prog­ress further case-wise until this is made known and handled.

There is another way "feeding cognitions" can adversely affect the case. Although the PC had not had the cognition or EP at the time and the process was ended or the Grade or action was declared falsely, the person might have subsequently in au­diting actually had the cognition or EP. Yet because of the earlier false declare, the action could be considered out or unflat. The tangle the auditor or C/S could run into here is that of trying to now flatten a process, action or Grade, that was out (unflat) earlier but is now in, and thus won't run and results in overrun. Should you encounter this phenomenon, sus­pect the above and handle accordingly. One instance is known of where the person was falsely declared Clear, but in subse­quent auditing actually went Clear. It was not at once suspect­ed that the Pc could have actually gone Clear subsequent to the original false declare. Thus looking for the person went Clear earlier than the original declare, the actual Clear point was overlooked and it was falsely assumed that the person was a natural Clear!

Due to the tremendous Dev-T, upset, denial of gains to pcs, and the work that has to go into untangling such a case snarl, certain cognitions and EPs are kept confidential. Anyone found to have violated this has done a great disservice to all and must be handled in Ethics so as to prevent any recurrence.

It can be undone, but why cause that much trouble or per­mit others to do so, in the first place?

The usual handling for a case that has been "fed the cog­nition or EP" is to clean up the Evaluation and any Invalida­tion, get off the pc's considerations about it and any withhold of the pc's regarding it and then run and flatten the process, action or Grade, keeping the session rudiments in while doing so. This way it will come out fine.


Drugs and the effects of drugs, are the main reason why a person flinches from or is unable to confront his bank.

Misunderstoods and failure to educate the preclear on the basic terms of auditing, Dianetics and Scientology, and on the Grade Chart gives you a PC who can't even understand or answer auditing commands.

These are the two most common case reasons leading to quickying and false declares. It is therefore very important that the handling of these two factors be stressed.

The Purification Rundown, the Survival Rundown, the NED or Scn Drug Rundown, and the OT or NOTs Drug Rundowns, are the way to fully handle drugs and their effects on the body, mind and being.

Dianetic and Scientology CS-1s, Introductory courses, books on Dianetics and Scientology, and the Grade Chart are the way to bring about understanding and reality on the part of the pre­clear and thus his participation and maximum gain.


TRs and metering are the two main factors in an auditor that make all the difference between failure and success. Thus the training of auditors on Professional TRs, Upper Indocs, the E-meter course and on Assessment Drills must be stressed and kept in, in order to ensure that pcs do get the full and complete results that Dianetics and Scientology are capable of.


Although it is more difficult to repair and return a case that has been quickied than it is to correctly audit and C/S a case in the first place, it can be done and all the refer­ences needed are contained herein. There is no condition of the spirit that cannot successfully be addressed and handled with auditing today. Cases that have been quickied can be handled. But that's no reason not to do it right the first time.

The gains and wins and speed of progress of cases audited to full result in the first place exceeds those who have been quickied or tried to get through in the "fastest cheapest way".

Gains beyond the pc's expectations lie at every Grade and Level of the Bridge. Do your jobs and keep this a reality.

As assisted by Snr C/S Int LRH:DM:bk