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CONTENTS C. C. H. Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P.A.B. No. 153

The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office 37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

1 February 1959

C. C. H.

(Continued from P.A.B. No. 152 of 15 January 1959
on “The Five Levels of Indoctrination”)
Compiled from the Research Material and Taped Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard

WE GO NOW INTO CCH. CCH could not even vaguely be attempted without the five levels of Indoctrination having been run. Nevertheless, early in the HPA or HCA Course you will discover that an individual hasn’t yet had Tone 40, so, although CCH starts with Tone 40, the training continuity of CCH does not. Training starts with dummy auditing in the Communication Course and then goes to the second level of Indoctrination, which is simple 8-C, and they coincide at that point. The order of learning these processes is therefore different from the order in which they are given to a pc. You don’t have to remember the order of learning, but you do have to remember the order of giving them to a pc. However, I am going to give them to you in the order of training.

We have simple 8-C (which I have already given you) at the second level. The commands of simple 8-C are very simple and they do not depend on any other command. In simple 8-C the commands are: “Look at that wall. Thank you.” “Walk over to that wall. Thank you.” “With your right hand touch that wall. Thank you.” “Turn around. Thank you.”

The second process we deal with in training is Locational Processing, and this, as you can see at once, is a command of attention process. The commands are: “Notice that. Thank you.” This is very simple Locational Processing and, by the way, an interestingly therapeutic process. The training stress is simply this: the direction of attention must not be disturbed by other mechanisms of attention direction. The auditor must do this smoothly. We are trying to get the auditor to get the preclear’s attention to go smoothly to the object indicated. What we have here is one person handling another person’s attention — this is quite unusual, and must be done very smoothly. We don’t care how well the commands are getting across, beyond, of course, that they should get across as well as a person learned to get across a command in dummy auditing. The auditor picks out objects and says, “Notice that .” He normally points, and the preclear merely turns his head. There are no cautions to be used with this except that, if the preclear gets very restimulated, flatten it.

The third is called Locational, Body and Room, and here we have the first example of extraversion-introversion. The commands are: “Look at that ____. Thank you. Look at your (foot, hand or knee). Thank you.” There is an alternative set of commands on this: “Notice the chair. Notice your hand Notice the wall. Notice the floor.” They actually have a difference. A person who is pretty dead in his head had better be told to “notice,” because the strain and stress which will come on him through trying to get out of his body and “look” at his head is so great he will start pulling ridges to pieces. So, of the two, the safest is “Notice.” The other will exteriorize somebody. They are two different sets of commands, two different objects. “Look at that wall, look at your hand,” etc., is liable to find a person out there five feet outside his head. But if a person would not normally exteriorize by his build, bank behavior, etc., you would use “Notice.” In training we use “Notice,” but we must remember that the process works fabulously well with “Look.”

That’s an extraversion-introversion process. We have the sequence of it as “Look in on yourself. Look at yourself. Look at the environment. Look at yourself. Look at the environment” — alternating it. This is what is known as an alternate command. It is necessary to call your attention to that bit of terminology because in “Give me your hand” Tone 40, we run it on the right hand and we run it on the left hand, but it is not an alternate. We don’t say, “Give me your right hand. Give me your left hand.”

The next one of these is Objective Show Me. Here the preclear does a little demonstrating. The reason this is put in here is because it is one of the more miraculous therapeutic processes. It is the reason why a person’s bank is invisible to other people. It is the reason why people have secrets, they pull banks in on themselves, and the reason why they don’t dare show it to anybody else. The commands are: “Show me that. Thank you.” The auditor points to the object he wishes to be shown. Only when that is running fairly well will you run it on an extrovert-introvert basis, and the next series of commands on it could be “Show me that . Show me your .” (I.e., “Show me that table. Show me your foot. Show me that ceiling. Show me your hand.”) This, by the way, opens the door to mock-ups and facsimiles anybody could see. If there is some method of achieving that, this is the process to do it. A person overcomes his unwillingness to show things, and he realizes that he is not still on Arcturus and you are not the space police from Saturn. He is being made unwilling by life to show anybody anything.

Actually, I would omit this process under training. I wouldn’t show a person how to do this early in his training. I would let him find this one up the track somewhere. That is why I have not given it out in training earlier. But you must know that it exists because it is a very important process and has to be handled very delicately — that is why at this level of training it isn’t used.

Instead, we use a mild one called Attention by Duplication 9, Number 4. This is a very old process, but we don’t run it in the old manner. We place a book in one location and a bottle in another location (never more than five feet apart), and we say, “Look at that book. Walk over to that book. Pick up that book. Put the book down in exactly the same place.” The same goes for the bottle. You could add a “Turn around” in there, but you have then graduated this to Tone 40 Book and Bottle.

Tone 40 Book and Bottle is not Opening Procedure by Duplication. You have to be ready to assume total control of the preclear to run Tone 40 Book and Bottle. The commands are the same, except that you never acknowledge anything but the execution of the auditing commands. Then we would only have to add the command “Turn around.” He is really not supposed to do anything else we have not told him to do. (In training we use Opening Procedure by Duplication and later on will have to show somebody what we mean by Tone 40 Book and Bottle.) The training stress on this is precision. The auditor must not make any mistakes or omissions on this command. It is one of the most arduous processes to run known to man. If an auditor adds into it the randomity of getting his commands mixed up, he can practically finish a preclear. It is one of the number one exteriorization processes. If Opening Procedure by Duplication 1957 will exteriorize somebody (and it will), Tone 40 Book and Bottle is likely to send him on his way. You have no latitude for mistakes here. The training stress is the exact duplication of the commands. One of the cautions that must be observed in running this is that it is not left unflattened and mustn’t be faltered if it begins to run. If the process is biting it must not be stopped simply because there is a class schedule involved. If you were unfortunate enough to begin Opening Procedure by Duplication 1957 at 3 p.m. and it was running on the preclear, you have no choice if it is still running at 2### in the morning — Auditor’s Code or not, you are still going to be there running it. I couldn’t possibly tell you that emphatically enough. We remember this from way back when. The most fatal thing that can happen is to be interrupted during this process, which may never bite again. And if it isn’t flattened, it is liable to leave somebody hung right there. It is a major auditing error to start Opening Procedure by Duplication 1957 and not flatten it. When you start that one, don’t have any other dates. Most of these processes under training sooner or later will be left unflattened on somebody, but that one must never be.

[Continued in PAB 154, page 400]