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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Recruiting Actions (PERS-4) - P700830 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700830 - HCO Policy Letter - Recruiting Actions [PL016-045]
- 700830 - HCO Policy Letter - Recruiting Actions [PL042-026]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dept 1 Hat HCO AS Hat ES Hats Dept 13 Hats Dept 14 Hats Personnel Series 4


The First thing one has to handle in recruiting is the willingness of an org staff to have new people as staff members.

New people tend to cut pay down, they stretch internal staff services thinner, they are not yet “with it” and create a lot of dev-t. Ethics problems rise. Deadwood goes overlooked. Staffs have a certain esprit and elan and aren’t all that willing to confer it.

Some orgs plug along on a fixed inadequate gross income, refusing to recruit, losing old staff by contract expiry or graduating to higher orgs or general wear and tear.They have a sort of horror of green staff members. One can’t blame them — Files get upset, comms vanish, body interruptions go high, one gets overloaded just handling the dev-t generated.


HCO PL 4 Jan. 66, PERSONNEL — STAFF STATUS, and Staff Status O, I, II and III take care of these faults.

All this is programed in LRH ED 121 INT, 29 Aug. 70, STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2, which is a part of this series.

Taking on new staff has to be done. Otherwise the org will not expand; that which stays the same shrinks and the org faces collapse.

So recruitment is a vital necessity.

To overcome any objections, one makes sure that HCO PL 4 Jan. 66, STAFF STATUS is IN. Otherwise the place becomes a maelstrom. It is gotten in by the LRH ED, STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2.


HCO PL 24 June 1970 lists proper personnel pools for a Dianetics or Scientology organization.

This covers areas for recruitment and gives ways to do it.

The main thing, the most important thing, is that IT HAS TO BE DONE. It doesn’t just happen.

Any organization or activity has to recruit and it has to train.

The dream of the industrialist and even the modern agriculturalist is an activity which is totally automated (automatically run by machinery not people). The more “overpopulated” the world becomes, the more the bigwigs dream about automation. I had a psycho editor once (cured him of being psychotic but never cured him of being an editor) who used to dream up civilizations where the machines were even repaired by machines.

The lovely part of machines is that they are supposed to be invariable in action. Each part meshes smoothly with every other part.

If you conceive of a machine made out of human beings instead of metal parts, you see at once that the parts are not exact nor are they perfectly adapted to each other.

This is the fact about beings that dismays the industrialist. The parts don’t fit, they vary, they have ideas of their own.

The “parts” also drop out of the “machine.”

Any old-time personnel system seeks to fit the people into the “machine” composed of people or fit the “machine” to the people.

All these systems were based upon a psychological principle that no person ever changed or got better.

Also the idea was that people’s social order as it existed was the basic social order. (That the existing departure from the ideal scene was the ideal scene. See the Data Series Policy Letters.)

Thus it was conceived that an organization composed of human beings required perfect human beings or it wouldn’t run at all. But there are no perfect human beings.

In “straightening an organization up” there is a belief that one must get rid of all its imperfect beings.

And this can go so far as to refuse to try out or let in any beings who are not perfect.

When things get to this pass, one is looking at the probable death of an org.

In real life only a small percentage of people are “unsuitable.” They come in four general classes:

a. Those who are destructively anti-social (suppressive persons).

b. Those who are connected with the destructively anti-social outside the org (potential trouble sources).

c. Those ill, diseased or in some way unable to function.

d. Those who are active enemies sent in by active enemies to harm the org.

Anyone hiring should be familiar with the HCOBs covering suppressive persons and HCOBs and policy letters concerning potential trouble sources.

He should also be familiar with testing procedures: (1) E-Meter tone arm position and needle manifestation (HCO PL 26 August 66, Ethics E-Meter Check), (2) IQ tests, (3) aptitude tests, (4) leadership score, (5) Oxford Capacity Analysis, (6) The Chart of Human Evaluation (Science of Survival).

These skills and procedures are part of the Hubbard Consultant (HC) Checksheet.

Using this technology, one minimizes the entrance onto staff of persons who will upset the place.

If no reasonableness (faulty explanations) enters into this, the 10% who would enter disturbance into the place are eliminated.

If this barrier is put up and held up, then the people brought in on staff will not upset anything.

Following the Staff Status procedure, one grooves them in.

And all is well.

If this procedure is NOT followed rigorously, the org will become educated into resisting new staff or recruiting. If it IS followed rigorously, the place will smoothly expand.


To begin a cycle of recruitment, one must first apply all the test procedures to all on the existing staff and compare it to production records.

This is important. In one case where scores of green personnel were recruited, the place was very upset. The whole organization blamed the new recruits. BUT THE TROUBLE WAS COMING FROM THREE PERSONS ALREADY THERE — two were on drugs, the third was a suppressive of a classic kind and these three blocked all training and processing of the new recruits! The three eventually blew off, people got trained and processed and the whole org went upstat. There were no undesirables amongst the new people! They were just so battered around and left so untrained that they were made to look bad!

Any org which has lost a lot of staff and has failed to recruit had hidden in it someone who should have been screened out!

So one is looking for a small percentage. He is NOT trying to find perfect people!

With that small percentage screened out, one can make recruits into valuable staff members.

Whenever I see “80% were unsuitable’’ I really raise an eyebrow. Wrong percentage. When I see “we dismissed 50%” I raise the other eyebrow. Wrong percentage. Ten percent yes. Fifty to 80% no.

So when I see figures like that, I know that the screening is taking place in the wrong area. Somebody already IN is blocking others out and getting rid of them.

The test is not PAST. The test is what the E-Meter reads (no questions, just what is the read). What’s the IQ, leadership, aptitude and Oxford? Where does he sit on the Chart of Human Evaluation?

If that’s all okay and the personnel is IN now, what’s his stat of production? What’s his study stat? What’s his case gain?

And that handles that. Without much trouble. Without opinion. Without any oppression or threats.


You see, Man is not a savage beast at all. He is rather timid. He is easily alarmed.

His symptoms of revenge grow out of his fears.

His basic nature is social, not anti-social. He is not an animal. He likes to communicate. He actually would like to be friends. Rebuffs and upsets and failures to understand him and efforts to harm him can make him hide under a mask of aggression. And this when it gets too bad and is wrong is apt to drive him crazy.

If he isn’t crazy, he is decent and tries to do his best.

That he put a foot wrong is unimportant. Will he put his foot right? is all I ever care about.

Discipline and punishment and threats can go far too far and can upset him very badly rather than crowd him “into line.”

When madmen are amongst him he responds badly, is upset and becomes turbulent. Protected, he acts well and behaves well and is constructive.

A lot of experience is talking. I’ve even made great crews out of people the government had made into convicts.

A very few have gone so wrong that only huge amounts of processing would ever repair. In personnel recruiting and training they have to be audited so long that they are only cases, not personnel. They cause upsets for too long a period before they are handled as cases to be trusted.

They are not even natively bad. They think they are psychiatrists or wolves or vultures or something. They are crazy and think they have to kill or destroy.

People closely connected to them are a bit psycho as they go into terror.

When any weeding out goes further than this, it is a bad mistake, upsets an organization, blows people off and is itself oppressive.


You have to realize that we have precision tools. If we lose them or don’t use them we get into trouble.

For a long while the E-Meter as a personnel instrument was out of use in the test battery. The Chart of Human Evaluation was laid aside. The Oxford Capacity Analysis was not used.

And personnel errors almost destroyed several orgs.

The tools we have tell the story well. They can be disregarded; opinion, police record, social acceptability, etc., get put into use instead and we are for it. Those are the OLD tools that failed.

But to use the tools we have, one has to realize they are precise tools. One doesn’t get a bad needle on a personnel and explain it away. It’s a bad needle (a rock slam or a dirty needle or a stuck needle or a stage four needle). It means we are dealing with dynamite.

We can handle it in processing. We can bring the person up to a valuable person IF WE ARE PROCESSING THE PERSON AS A PC.

But we are discussing staff members. We are discussing PRODUCTION. We are discussing hiring personnel.

Only about 10% fall into an unacceptable category. And they too can be saved. BUT WE DON’T WANT THEM AS PART OF AN ORG STAFF.

You see, there are two different things here. One is CASES. The other is PERSONNEL.

When a person knows he can handle offbeat cases, he tends to get careless about cases being offbeat as personnel. AND IT’S A NEAR FATAL ERROR.

It costs the org its calm, staff members their pay and deprives the area of full use of the product.

So it’s quite an overt to overlook the niceties and technology of personnel and goof it up.

A very bad off case on staff can actually cause enough trouble to blow off and bar out all good staff.

Bad recruits can make a whole org allergic to any recruits.

It’s up to those in charge of personnel to get trained as HCs and act accordingly.
