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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Area Assessment (5ACC-15b) - L540419b | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Universe Assessment (5ACC-15) - L540419a | Сравнить

5404C19 Number 17 of „Universes and the War between Theta and Mest“ cassettes.


19 April 1954

This is an area assessment with Reach and Withdraw.

This process has a tendency to diminish a person's havingness, which should be watched for.

Let's reach for the area where you were born. Let's spot it, now let's withdraw from it. Now let's reach for it again, now let's withdraw from it. Now let's reach for it again; from right where you are, let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And let's again reach for the area where you were born, and withdraw from it. And let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now let's spot where your childhood home, earliest one that you can spot now. If you spot earlier ones then go to earlier ones. Now let's reach for that area, let's withdraw from it. Now let's reach for it again, and let's withdraw from it. If you found an earlier childhood home let's reach for that, let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for it. Let's withdraw from it.

Okay. Now let's reach for the home you liked best, let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for the home you liked best, and let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for it. Let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for the home you liked best. Let's withdraw from it. That's from right where you are, let's just reach out toward it, to it, and withdraw from it. Right where you are reach out toward it, to it, withdraw from it.

Okay. Now let's reach for your mother, wherever she may be, alive or dead. Withdraw from her. Let's reach for her, withdraw. Let's reach for her, withdraw. Let's reach for her, withdraw. Let's reach for her, withdraw.

Now, it doesn't matter whether you know exactly where this person is or not, but you have some idea of area or instinct. So let's reach for your father wherever he is, let's withdraw from him. Let's reach for him, let's withdraw from him. Reach for him, withdraw. Reach for him, withdraw.

Okay now there was somebody in your early life that you were very, very fond of. Wherever this person is now let's reach to that area, now let's withdraw. Let's reach, and withdraw. And reach and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

All right. Now there was the first place you went to school. Let's reach for that area, let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for it again, let's withdraw. Let's reach for that area now, and I mean the present time area, and withdraw. Let's reach, and withdraw. Let's reach for that area, then withdraw.

All right. Now there was a teacher you were very fond of once upon a time. Now let's spot the area where that person might be and let's reach for that person, and withdraw. And reach for that person, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

All right. Now there was a pet you were very fond of certainly. Some animal you were very fond of. Now let's reach to the area where that animal was, from right where you are, now let's withdraw. Let's reach, and withdraw. Let's reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

Now you've known somebody who was very hard to produce an effect upon. Somebody who was rather contemptuous of the rest of existence and really didn't seem part of the rest of existence. A person that you were unable to produce an effect upon. Now let's locate the area where this occurred, and let's reach for that person in that area, and let's withdraw. Let's reach, and withdraw. Let's reach and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. Now you might have known this person in several areas. So let's just pick the first area where you ran into this person and let's reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

All right. Now, there was probably somebody that you considered very superior to you. Somebody who was very superior to you somewhere along the line. Now let's locate the area where that person was, and let's reach for that area and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw from right where you are now, reach and withdraw. Reach and withdraw.

Now let's take a look at the first time you failed in this life; first failure. Just spot the area. Now let's reach for that area, and withdraw from it. And reach, and withdraw. Reach for that area, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now there's probably some possession which you lost early in this life that you sure didn't want to lose. All right. Let's get the area where you lost it, whichever one turns up here. Now let's reach for that area, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now there's probably someplace where you'd very, very much hate to be. A place where you'd really hate to be. Got one? All right. Now let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Okay. Now there's probably a job that you would hate to do. A job you'd hate to do, you just wouldn't like doing it. Now just locate the area where that would be, and reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now there's probably someplace in existence where you were very, very tired. Some place where you got very tired. Let's locate that place. Now let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Let's get the present time area now, reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Now there's probably some area where you decided to give up. Even if you did complete what you were doing you probably decided to give up. Now let's see if we can spot that area. Now let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Now probably some place you decided to help somebody. You decided somebody needed some help desperately. All right. Let's spot the area where you decided that. Now let's reach for it, withdraw from it. Let's reach for it, withdraw from it. And reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now there's someplace where you'd probably like to go. Just think over a place where you'd really like to go. Now let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Okay. Now there's probably some area that comes to mind more often than other areas. Something you think about more often than other areas. Now let's spot that area where it is in relationship to where you are right now. And let's reach for that area, and let's withdraw from it. Reach for it, now withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now there's probably somebody back in your life whose mind you tried to change unsuccessfully; somebody whose mind you didn't succeed in changing. All right. Let's spot the area where that person was, and now let's reach for that person - wherever that person is let's reach for that person, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

All right. Now there's probably an area where you tried to get well and failed. Some place where you tried to get well and failed. Now let's spot that area. Now let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now there's probably a particular portion of your body that you consider the past. Some area around your body, probably, that you consider the past. Which direction is the past? All right. Let's reach for it, now let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now there's probably an area around the body somewhere that you consider the future. Which direction is the future? Okay, let's spot the future and reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now somewhere in this vicinity there is a very, very heavy, big object. Let's spot this object. Now let's get the idea of being inside of it. Now let's get the idea of being where you are. Now let's reach from where you are for this object, and let's withdraw from it. Let's reach for this heavy object, and withdraw from it. And reach for this heavy object, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now let's spot an empty space someplace; completely empty space. Now let's spot the center of it. Now let's reach for the center of this empty space, and let's withdraw from it. And let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now let's find another empty space in some other direction. Completely empty space. Got one in another direction now? All right. Now let's reach for the center of it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now let's find another large, heavy object. Somewhere, somewhere around here a large, heavy object, and let's spot the center of it. Now let's reach for the center of that heavy object, and let's withdraw from it. And the center of that heavy object, and withdraw from it. And the center of it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now right around where you are let's get the idea of four heavy objects right around you. Get the idea of four heavy objects. Now bring them in on you and hold them in. And four more heavy objects, and bring them in and hold them in. And four more heavy objects, bring them in and hold them in. And four more heavy objects, and bring them in and hold them in. And four more heavy objects, and bring them in and hold them in. And four more heavy objects, and bring them in and hold them in.

Now do what you please with them, and let's find a spot immediately over your head, way up, and let's reach for it, and let's withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Now let's find a spot immediately below and at some distance from your body. Let's reach for this spot, and withdraw from it. And reach for this spot, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

All right. Now let's find a spot immediately ahead of you, some distance away. Okay, let's reach for that spot, let's withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it. Reach for it, withdraw from it.

Now let's find a spot immediately behind you at some large distance. And let's reach for that spot, and let's withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. Reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Okay. Now at some distance to the right of you find a spot. Let's reach for it, let's withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

And immediately to the left of you, but at some distance find a spot. And let's reach for that spot, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now some place in the world there's somebody you detest. Let's find where that person is right this minute just by assuming he's there, and let's reach for this person, withdraw. Reach for this person, now withdraw. Reach for this person, withdraw. Reach for this person, withdraw. It doesn't matter whether you have this person accurately spotted or not let's just get the idea of where he is at this moment. And let's reach for that person, and withdraw. And reach for him, and withdraw. And reach for him, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw. And reach, and withdraw.

Now let's find the center of this room, present time center of this room, and let's reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it. And reach for it, and withdraw from it.

Now just locate the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.

(end of lecture)