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from 1950 to 1972

FROM 1950 TO 1972
(includes a small summary of the contents of each issue)

This is a chronological index, compiled by order of L. Ron Hubbard, of the Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology from 1950 to present time.

As many Technical Bulletins as have been readily available have been assembled into this Index, for the use of all Scientology Executives and staff members.


Technical Bulletins or HCO Bulletins have been defined by L. Ron Hubbard in the two following HCO Policy Letters:

HCO PL September 24, 1970 Issues - Types Of

HCOBs - Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins. These are the technical issue line. They are valid from first issue unless specifically cancelled. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCO Bs. An org needs a master file of them (and their stencil file) from which to prepare course packs. These outline the product of the org. They are distributed as indicated, usually to technical staff. They are red ink on white paper, consecutive by date.

HCO PL April 11, 1970 Third Dynamic Tech

The material contained in HCO BULLETINS applies to the FlRST DYNAMIC — self, the individual.

In applying HCO Bs as in auditing a preclear, you see that following a certain procedure results in the remedy of a certain personal situation.

HCO B auditing tech increases the survival of the individual as an individual.

These are not the only Technical Bulletins in which tech has been defined, but the definitions stated give the aspect of the concept of Tech.

The purpose of this Index is to assist the Scientology Executive and Staff Member in his search for that technical bulletin about - ~ - for which he may not have the title or date, but does have some idea of what year it might have been written. It is not intended as a substitute for the original but is to be used as an aid to the location of the specific technical bulletin, when needed for reference, use, application and hatting.

Up until about 1961 some tech was contained in issues other than those labeled HCO Bs, until this was standardized by HCO PL Feb 4 1961, "Types of Issues". Thus, until this date you will find issues other than HCO Bs included in this Index.

The Index includes references to issues which were later modified, updated, amended and in some cases canceled. These entries are marked as such on the issues concerned — on both the modified and the modifying issues. This has been done in order to show the overall evolution of the tech of Dianetics and Scientology.

In the most part the summaries are in themselves self-explanatory. The entries are as short as was in practice possible. It is re-iterated they are not intended as a substitute for LRH's original technical bulletins, but as a guide to their location in the body of data.

Date and TypeTitleDistributionShort Summary
c 1956 BulletinGAMES AND NO GAMES CONDITIONS-Theory of games, the basic game of a thetan. Practice - always process towards a games condition. All games are aberrative and continuing. List of games conditions and no games conditions. The native state of a thetan. A list of the best processes. Vacuums, the definition. Restimulation. Steps in separating valences. Types of valences. Academy procedure. Havingness and havingness processes and their relation to the Tone Scale. Scientology Process Chart and the Know to Sex Scale.
-THE GOAL OF AUDITORS. STILLNESS PROCESSING-Commands for Stillness Processing. Objective. Permissible questions. Next process. Objects come solid and real to the preclear when he succeeds in commanding the object to be still.
c 1956 HCO BCCH PROCESS PURPOSES-List of the purposes for each CCH. Withhold and ARC Straightwire purposes also listed.
c 1957/1958 HCO BB.SCN TRAINING PROCEDURE-How to checkout Clears. How to clear a command. CCHs. Goals. PTPs, S-C-S, Connectedness, Help. General Help Bracket. The Rock Bracket.
c 1954/1955 BulletinTECHNIQUES, DIANETICS Al Kozak, Camden L. Ron Hubbard Jr. Phoenix and all D.Scns, and no othersAll HASI Instructors Horner & Richards LondonRe-acquisition of the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation. Solution to Dianetics as a science contained in Fighting process — brackets listed.
c 1956SYLLABUS FOR THE INDOCTRINATION COURSE-Requisite to the HPA Course. Twelve types of material covered. How to use the material. The length of time it should take. When to check auditing attitude. Acknowledgments. Command agreement, duplica tion of command. Comm bridge. Handling the pc's comm. Student reports and their headings. Tape lectures to be played.

1 9 5 4

May 3, 1954VIEWPOINT STRAIGHT WIRE-As per title. How to use the pro cesses. The goal of the process. 23 pairs of viewpoint processes. Observe Auditors Code, Two Way Communication, comm lag and absence of comm lag. When to change to S . O . P .

1 9 5 6

June 26, 1956 LRH Research Release to HGCCURRENT PROCESSES-How to report on the process and why. 16 processes. What not to do.
July 14, 1956GAMESCenter StaffRule — never process a no-game condition. No game and game conditions. Valences and what to run on them. Profiles are valences, pictures.
July 22, 1956 Technical BulletinCONFIDENTIALStaff Auditors Instructors Auditors close to Operation onlyAs title indicates,
Aug 13, 1956 -SCIENTOLOGY PROCESS CHARTTo HGC Washington DC and LondonThe use of the list, where to start. Its relationship to games conditions. Know to Mystery Scale Processes. The processes are run upwards as a gradient scale of difficultness.
Aug 20, 1956 HCO B Added to by HCO Addendum Aug 20, 1956HGC PROCEDURE OF AUG 20-Optimum scale of processes for HGC, should be used by staff on outside pcs and taught in classes. Nine processes. Havingness optional. Details on how to run the processes.
Aug 21, 1956SUMMARY OF INTENSIVES SINCE JUNEStaff Auditors London and WashingtonWhat causes profile and I.Q. gains. Processes which reduce havingness listed. Persons listed thanked for test work.
Aug 25, 1956 HCO B Addendum to HCO B Aug 20, 1956"BY CREATIVE PROCESSING PC CAN BE REQUIRED TO MOCK UP "To HGC Washington and LondonNew paragraph to be added to bottom of page 1 HCO B Aug 20, 1956.
Aug 31-Sept 3, 1956 Briefing BulletinGAMES CONGRESS, SHOREHAM HOTELStaff and Seminar LeadersTheory - Games Condition. Prac- tice, always process towards games condition. List of games con ditions and no games conditions. Knowing and unknowing. No games condition is native state. Best processes, vacuums. Restimulation. The steps in the separation of valences. Valences.
Sept 12, 1956 HCO Technical BulletinTHE SUMMARY OF A BULLETIN FROM THE ACADEMY IN WASHINGTON DC CONCERNING TRAININGExecutives in Washington and LondonHow training is to be classified. Seven courses, their names and contents and purposes. Training plan and its intended use and operation.
Sept 20, 1956 HCO Processing Sheet"THE FOLLOWING ARE USEFUL AND ADVANTAGEOUS PROCESSES."-Comments on motionlessness, self determinism and games processing. Havingness, solids, observation of objects. Alternate commands, stopped processes, connectedness, Stop-C-S- Keynote of all pro- cessing. Further data.
Oct 4, 1956HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION-High School Indoc is an extremely precise activity. Who it is given to. Its purpose, how to do it, length of time. Who runs it on a staff auditor.
Oct 15, 1956SUMMARY RESEARCH PROJECT-Series of questions sent by LRH to auditors that he needed the answers to.
3 Oct 26, 1956 HCO BHPA/HCA TRAINING PROCESSES-Processes recommended for education of an HPA/HCA. The importance of these basics over the "latest techniques". Confront a pc, ARC Straightwire, subjective havingness, 8-C, A, B & C, Op Pro by Dup old style. Over and under the bank. Keeping Things From Going Away, Terrible Trio. How training is to be completed. The first six are most important. Power of choice. How to instruct.
Nov 30, 1956SLP 8-Twenty four steps of SLP 8 listed and the processes. How to use.
Dec 3, 1956 HCO BB.SCN - HAA TECHNIQUESTraining, London - WashingtonProcedure emphasis on communication and control. Commands to be used in relation to Havingness Scale. Havingness scale listed. How to use.

1 9 5 7

Jan 2, 1957HGC PROCESSES, VALID, STABLE — AS GIVEN BY LRH-Six HGC processes listed. Variation on a process.
Feb 6, 1957 HCO Training Bulletin"THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE IS NOT FOR GENERAL RELEASE ...- "Not for general release to the field, just for staff. Why. CCHs, long and short forms. Group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 processes and their use.
Mar 8, 1957 HCO BGOAL OF INDOCTRINATION COURSEDirector of Training Indoc Instructor Asst. Indoc Instructor HCO - LondonFour points. To give new student reality on Scn, Comm Formula, positions of auditing. Comm Formula used in the positions of auditing. Theory and code.
Apr 8, 1957 HCO BGROUP AUDITING-Use of Group Auditing. The areas it controls. 8 model processes in order. How to use and how to handle the group. The use of the Assistance Group Auditor.
Apr 10, 1957 HCO B"THE HPA/HCA FULL COURSE MUST TEACH ENTIRELY ...To: Director of Training "What is to be taught on the HPA/ HCA — Communication, Control, Havingness. Five levels of Indoctrination. Procedure CCH
May 3, 1957 HCO BTRAINING — WHAT IT IS TODAY. HOW WE TELL PEOPLE ABOUT ITTo all StaffChart of training for the Comm Course. Stable datum of all training. HPA/HCA eight requisites. Purposes re the students. Change of emphasis on training.
May 17, 1957 HCO Training BulletinDEFINITIONSDirector of Training Director of Processing Comm Course Instructor Weekend HPA Instructor Weekend Comm Course Instructor Assoc Sec HCO Bd of Review Registrar PE Foundation Instructor Advanced PE Instructor Bulletin BoardDefinition of Consultant, Instructor, Coach.
May 20, 1957 HCO Training BulletinINTERIM PROCESSLondon - for info File HCO Dir Processing Registrar Dir of Training PE Instructor Day Comm Course Instructor AuditorsApplies to outside preclears. While auditors are learning to handle CCH this learning process is recommended: Objective Show Me. How the process is run.
May 24, 1957 HCO BSTABLE DATA FOR INSTRUCTORS-Seven stable data listed. If a student cannot be trusted upon graduation with an HGC pc, he should not be graduated or certified.
June 1, 1957 HCO Information BulletinRIGHTS OF THE DIRECTORS OF TRAINING AND PROCESSING, STAFF AUDITORS AND INSTRUCTORS REGARDING PRECLEARS AND STUDENTS-As per title. The details given under headings given in title.
June 3, 1957 HCO BEXPLANATION OF ABERRATIVE CHARACTER OF RADIATION-As cosmic rays, gamma, x-rays etc. apparently move through solids without encountering resistance, they then invalidate solids. This has been used to discount creativeness or to discount solids. What happens when a body is over x-rayed. What radiation ills stem from. What remedies. Procedure CCH is run with Problems of Incomparable or Comparable Magnitude to Radiation resolves radiation.
June 3, 1957 HCO B"AUDITING A 10 YEAR OLD CHILD"-Herbie Parkhouse report to LRH as per title.
June 8, 1957 HCO BTHE TEACHING OF THE 18TH A.C.C.-How the course will be set up. The Three units. Duties of staff assigned. How the students rotate. Lectures by LRH. Org Sec DC responsibility.
June 10, 1957 HGC Processing Bulletin"WHAT TO TELL NEW HGC AUDITOR TO PROCESS ON PRECLEARS ..."London and WashingtonWhat not to do with new HGC auditors, what to do. How to train up the new staff auditor. Stable Datum re the processes an auditor can do and use.
June 11, 1957 HCO Training Bulletin Reissued May 12, 1972 Excerpted in HCO B June 25 1970 issue IIITRAINING AND CCH PROCESSES CCH'sNot for general releaseTraining Drills 1-13. 0-15. GPs 1-15.
June 13, 1957 HCO BSTUDENT INTENSIVES AND CO-AUDITING PROCESSES-Temporary Directive subject to change when further advised by Directors of Training who experience it in use. What graduating students should run. What students will run on a co-auditing
July 1, 1957 HCO BADDITION TO THE AUDITOR'S CODEWashington LondonAuditor's Code No. 17.
July 15, 1957 HCO Training Bulletin"OUR FIRST LESSON IN TRAINING ..."D of T Comm Course Instructor Upper Indoc Instructor CCH Instructors D of P for info B Board HCO Files Assoc Sec PE Instructor Advanced PE InstructorData on the 8-C of students. Stable datum for Scn training, when in doubt handle student with much stricter, positive placement and direction.
July 17, 1957 HCO Training BulletinCHANGES IN TRAINING DRILLSAll Staff All ACC Students 4 - London, to their training personnel Assoc Sec LRH ACC File HCO FileThe new Training 5 is "Sit in that chair". The drill outlined. Training 6, 8-C, remains itself but as changed here.
July 29, 1957 HCO B Amended by HCO B July 31, 1957"A PREVIEW OF A BOOK ..."Staff Auditors Washington onlyWhat the book will be called, what it will contain. Process to be tested — how it works. Variation. Summary. Warning. Purpose of the Bulletin.
July 31, 1957 HCO B Amends HCO B July 29, 1957"MORE WORKABLE COMMANDS FOR TESTING"Staff Auditors Washington onlyTwo more workable commands for testing given.
Aug 10, 1957 ACC Bulletin"THIS IS CCH 18, NAMED AFTER THE 18TH ACC."-Commands for CCH 18. Interspersed with Locational. How the process may be run. How auditor-pc teams are assigned.
Sept 2, 1957 HCO B"WHEN A VERBAL DIRECTION IS GIVEN TO THE HGC STAFF AUDITORS ..."All Tech Staff Tech Director Assoc Sec D of P D of TStable datum re verbal orders from LRH.
Sept 3, 1957 HCO Training BulletinHCA/HPA COURSE PROCESSESDir of T All Instructors Assoc Sec Tech DirSix processes for student auditing. Rudiments, ARC Straightwire, Static Preparation, Control Trio, Op by Dup, Training 5.
Sept 4, 1957 HCO Training BulletinSTABLE DATA FOR INSTRUCTORSD of T All Instructors Assoc Sec Tech DirTen stable data for Instructors listed. "As ye teach 'em, so shall they audit".
Sept 9, 1957 HCO BPROCESSES TO BE RUN ON HGC PRECLEARS FROM THIS DATE-Processes to be run on pcs with points below the zero line of APA. CCHs. Processes to be run on pcs who have most points above the zero line of APA — Help, PTP, Goals Trio. Points on how to read the APA. Definition of IQ. Exteriorisation processes. Eye- sight. Failed case.
Sept 24, 1957 HCO Training BulletinCURRICULUM OF CCHDir of Training Dir of Processing All Instructors Assoc Sec Tech DirTo be done with CCH 0-4. A subjective process, an objective (for process, a straight wire process. info)
Oct 29, 1957 -A BASIC CHART OF PROCESS TYPES-Rudiments, control processes, duplication, straightwire pro cesses, objective processes, subjective processes. Details with regard to each.
3 Nov 2, 1957 HCO Training BulletinCONFIDENTLAL INTENSIVE PROCESSES FOR USE IN OPERATION CLEAR AND OPERATION STAFF CLEARAll Staff Washington and LondonThe processes listed and elaborated.
Nov 13, 1957 HCO BPROJECT CLEAR CHECK SHEET-Checklist of processes and elaboration on the processes.
Nov 30, 1957 HCO B Rewritten and expanded by HCO B No. 1 Dec 3, 1957ALTERNATE CLEAR SHEET-Definition of Clear. Clear Procedure eight steps elaborated. Four auditing truths. Details of a brief intensive for practical use.
Dec 3, 1957 HCO B No. 1 Supplimented by HCO B Dec 4, 1957CLEAR PROCEDURE REWRITTEN AND EXPANDED FROM NOV 30 . DEFINITIONS, GOALS-Three possible goals — Mest Clear, Theta Clear and Operating Thetan. Definitions of each. The goals of an auditor . Gains achieved on gradient scale. Exteriorization. Importance of cutting down dependency on a body. Aim of the auditor is for OT.
Dec 4, 1957 HCO B Supplements HCO B Dec 3, 1957CLEAR PROCEDURE CONTINUED STEP ONE-Booklet Clear Procedure to be published by HCO. Clear Pro cedure continued. Step One. Participation in session by the pc. Details given.
Dec 7, 1957 HCO BHGC PROCEDURE-Entirety of processes permitted to be run in HGC London. Goal is OT. Definition of OT. CCH 0, PTP, S-C-S steps, spotting steps. Connectedness, Havingness.
Dec 16, 1957 HCO BPRESENT TIME PROBLEM-How to handle. Requires deftness on the meter. Definition of PTP. Example. Things to audit PTP with. Short spotting.
Dec 18, 1957 HCO BPSYCHOSIS, NEUROSES AND PSYCHIATRISTS-Definition of OT and neurosis and psychosis. Compared in relation to cause and effect. Discussion and examination of the above. All neuroses and psychoses are exaggerated, concentrated abilities. How to handle. How psychosis and neurosis is a mockery of sanity. Psychiatrist authority on insanity. Scientologist authority on sanity.

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Jan 11, 1958 -HGC PROCEDUREHGC Staff Assoc Sec - info Dir Tr infoAs per title. (1) CCH 0 with PTP on meter. (2) S-C-S and Connectedness. (3) Step 6 Clear Procedure. Connectedness. How to run.
Jan 12, 1958 -DATA ON THE EFFECT SCALE-Extract from Lecture 2, 20th ACC. Gradient scale of effect. How related with Help. F/Ns and free flow.
Jan 13, 1958 HCO BHGC RUNNING OF P.C.'sHGC Staff Assoc Sec info Dir Tr infoUse CCH 0 with PTP, S-C-S and Connectedness. Then Step 6 with Havingness, if necessary. How to run Step 6.
Jan 18, 1958 HCO B"THE REASON THE AUDITOR IS HAVING TROUBLE ..."To all staffThe auditor controls the pc — not the process. Why the auditor is having trouble in getting off Control processes. What control consists of.
Jan 21, 1958 HCO B"AN ACC IS A SPECIAL ACTIVITY"All Staff Area Field OfficesAs title states. HPA/HCA tougher course by far. The emphasis of HCA/HPA.
Jan 21, 1958MEST CLEAR PROCEDURE HCO BFor use of l9th ACC, Staff Clearing and HGCSeven steps of Mest Clear procedure listed and elaborated.
Jan 25, 1958 HCO BREVIEWING WEEK'S PROFILESAll Staff Field OfficesIn Clearing pcs it is necessary for the auditor to cause some thing. Further data re Step 6.
Jan 28, 1958 HCO BFUTURE PLANSStaffFuture of research is OT and the situation on earth. Seven actions LRH is taking to consolidate this. Four things Scn Orgs should do.
Feb 1, 1958 HCO BCLEARING OF FIELDS-Definition of a Field. What they are. Rules of fields. Testing for fields. Clearing fields. Steps A-F. Automaticity of forms. Solution. What Clearing is.
Feb 3, 1958 HCO BFREE CLEARING PROJECT-It is vital to have cleared auditors. What the HASI shall offer to its professional membership only. Why. Clearing on this project would be done on a co-auditing basis. This project open only until April 1958. This is not an ACC. Who is eligible.
Feb 3, 1958 HCO BHGC CURRENT PROCEDURE-Selected Persons Overts Straight wire. How to run and undercut. Limitation of ARC Straightwire. The two biggest single auditor crimes. Remedy for rough auditing. Gradual scale of processes. Five steps. Profile gain lags and havingness.
Feb 6, 1958 HCO BHGC CLEAR PROCEDURE OUTLINE-As per title. The six steps of the procedure. Step 6 makes Clears. How to handle acks. A Clear is nul on all mock-ups.
Feb 6, 1958 HCO BHGC CLEAR PROCEDURE OUTLINE PART II-CCH 0 (b) - Help in full. Starting session. Use process for clearing PTP. If any difficulty or if pc has field run CCH 0 (b) in full. How to run. The brackets. Clearing each command.
Feb 8, 1958 HCO BCLEAR TEST-The five steps of the Clear Test. Clear bracelets. HCO is examining agency. Bracelets being manufactured in US.
Feb 13, 1958 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Feb 13 1958, correctionRULES GOVERNING THE RUNNING OF CCH 0 b "HELP"-How to handle a pc with a pt problem. Thoroughly clear command word for word. Always bridge. Help follows laws of flows not terminals. Help also frees valences.
Feb 13, 1958 HC0 B CorrectedRULES GOVERNING THE RUNNING OF CCH 0 b "HELP"All staff Field Offices B. BoardHow to handle PTP. Clear command. Use bridge. E-Meter use. Rules on flows and anaten. Why. Free ing up of E-Meter. Help relationship to valences.
Feb 14, 1958 HCO BRESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION CLEAR QUESTIONNAIRE CLEAR CHECK SHEET (REVISED)-The questions and the Clear Check sheet. Its use and application.
Feb 20, 1958 HCO BHOW TO TEST FOR CLEAR-Three sections for Clear test and how to apply. Auditor evaluation, E-Meter test and OCA and IQ. Disqualification. 11 listed. Settings of meter, written tests and summary.
3 Mar 1, 1958 HCO BPROCESSESAll Staff Bulletin Board Field Offices HCO LondonThe 3 parts of Problems of Com- parable Magnitude. How to use. No part to be omitted. Insertion of "you" in the Connectedness command.
Mar 6, 1958 Technical Information BulletinHANDLING PRECLEAR ORIGINATIONS-The four basic stable data for handling originations elaborated.
3 Mar 7, 1958 Technical BulletinE-METERS-E-Meter is a tool and takes a good auditor to use one. Theory of E Meter, setting an E-Meter, needle action and the different types of actions and their meaning and use. Needle action on various processes and acks. Various points on using an E-Meter.
Mar 10, 1958 Technical BulletinCLEAR PROCEDURE-Basic procedure and notes. Rudi ments, handling of PTP, CCH 0-b "Help", S-C-S, Connectedness, Step 6. Notes.
Mar 22, 1958 HCO BCLEARING REALITYAll Staff Field OfficesA new rule. In the absence or unreality of a terminal the significance in a process will not function. Example. Use of hello and OK. Pc in pain.
Mar 27, 1958 Technical Bulletin Reissued as HCO B May 28, 1959 and, June 2, 1959"TERMINALS"-Further data on running terminals which are real. Running a terminal raises havingness, running a condition reduces havingness. Safest method of auditing is to handle terminals only. These must be real.
Apr 2, 1958 HCO BARC IN COMM COURSEAll Staff Field OfficesTwo types of auditing, both include control — Formal and Tone 40. Formal is control by ARC. Purpose of Tone 40 and purpose of Formal.
Apr 3, 1958 Technical Directive"THE PROCESSES TO BE RUN ON GROUPS ...-As per title — must always be within the framework of HGC processes. Examples given.
Apr 8, 1958 HCO BAUDITING THE PC ON CLEAR PROCEDUREAll Staff Field OfficesThe two processes that Clear, Help, CCH 0 (b), Step 6, Mock Ups. Further data as per title. Five points in the presence of which clearing cannot happen.
Apr 8, 1958 HCO B Issue IIA PAIR OF PROCESSESTech All Staff Field OfficesOp Pro by Dup and Forgetting — specific value, specific effect. Further details. Forgetting commands. Low scale process — goes lower than Not Know. A basic on unknowns and fields of whatever kind.
Apr 11, 1958 HCO BCCH 88. ENFORCED NOTHINGNESS-Who may use it. When it may be used in HGC and on students. Repetitive command. The command stated. How it increases Havingness. Further data. What it cures.
Apr 23, 1958 HCO B"VITAL TRAINING DATA FOR TRAINING HATS AND REGISTRAR "To all Training Activities All staff for info All Instructor Hats B. Board Field OfficesStudents in Academy are auditors — not pcs. Goal of Academy. The Academy is not a clinic.
May 2, 1958 HCO BBEINGNESS AGAIN-Best solution to valences is beingness processing. Help on valences is excellent, even phenomenal. Problems of Com parable Magnitude to a selected person cannot be ignored. Unders tanding of valences gives us a new look at processes. Basic personality of thetan. To change APA/OCA need to change selves. Theft of objects, theft of self. Further data on being ness.
May 9, 1958 HCO B"THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING SHOULD NEVER INSTRUCT ..." B. BoardAll Staff All Training Hats Field OfficesWhat the D of T, the Academy Senior Instructor and the Academy Admin should handle.
May 22, 1958 HCO B"LIST THE ENEMIES OF THE PC"All Staff Field OfficesRun help on the enemies of the pc after listing. Run things the pc doesn't have to do to them — if PTP doesn't free on help it is underpinned by a similar earlier problem.
May 24, 1958 HCO BA COMMENT ON BEINGNESS PROCESSINGAll Staff Field OfficesData relayed to LRH re HCO B 2 May 1958, and how the HGC auditor used it. HCO B 2 May 1958 reissued herewith.
May 28, 1958 HCO B revised by HCO B June 30, 1958PROCEDURE FOR CERTIFYING CLEARSAll Staff Field Offices Bulletin BoardThe routing through the various terminals and departments for persons requiring clear tests. Retroactive to first person cleared by modern Scientology.
May 29, 1958 HCO BSPECIAL BULLETIN STANDARD CLEAR PROCEDURE AND AN EXPERIMENTAL ROAD: CLEARING BY VALENCESAll Staff Field OfficesHow LRH did earlier clearing. Standard Clearing procedure. Needs good meter, book and the six actions listed. An experimental road: clearing by valences. When you clear someone you get a distinct personality. The clue is the CDEI scale run on valences. All fixed, harmful ideas or aberrations stem from valences. The process.
May 29, 1958 HCO BSPECIAL BULLETIN NO. 2. AN EXAMPLE OF CLEARING BY VALENCES-As title indicates. LRH being the auditor. How he handled a particular case on the subject of problems by valence processing.
June 2, 1958 ACC Technical BulletinE-METERS-E-Meter is a tool only. Theory of the E-Meter. Setting a meter. Needle action and characteristics. Needle action on various processes, etc. Needle action on questions such as "Did you?". E-Meter reaction on "Thank you". Various points in using an E-Meter.
June 4, 1958 HCO BRUNNING VALENCESAll Staff Field OfficesFive points on how to run. The commands. Types of valences 8-1, goals for clearing by valences. OT is an educated basic personality. Further processes and data. Chief characteristic of formula 8-1 is to produce judgement.
June 14, 1958 HCO BSTANDARDIZATION OF CLEAR PROCEDURE FOR GUIDANCE AND USE OF THE HGCsHGC Personnel and Field Office HGCsDetails with regard to (a) stress 4 points of error (b) run help, Step VI (c) standardize valences (d) eliminate wasting help.
June 30, 1958 HCO B Revises HCO B Moy 28, 1958PROCEDURE FOR CERTIFYING CLEARSThis applies World Wide. All Offices and Auditors 1 each Staff Member Dir Pr Hat HCO Bd Review Hat Testing Hat Field OfficesThe routing and terminals a Clear is routed through to complete Clear testing.
July 7, 1958 HCO BCONTENTS AND COVERAGE OF HCA/HPA COURSE1 each Staff Member 1 each Training before he runs Clear processes. Hat folder Field OfficesRequired knowledge of an auditor listed. Processes he must know
7July 9, 1958 HCO BSTAFF CLEARING1 each Staff Member Field OfficesThe D of P is in charge of Staff Clearing.
July 12, 1958 HCO BSTANDARDIZATION OF CLEAR PROCESSES. FOR GUIDANCE AND USE OF THE HGCsAll Staff Field OfficesAmendments to (a) 4 points of error (b) Clear procedure (c) Standardize valences (d) waste help.
July 14, 1958 HCO B20TH ACC TRAINING PROCEDURE1 each Staff Member Field Offices Not for general use HGC Auditors may find of interestThe rundown of how the 20th ACC will be done. Six points of procedure.
July 15, 1958 HCO BCARRYING ON-Members from Australian and South African HASIs are attending the Congress and the 20th ACC. Meanwhile the Australian and SA staffs are carrying on short-handed and doing a very fine job of it. LRH thanks them.
July 25, 1958 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Aug 4, 1958CLEARING NOTES-Notes made by Millie Dean from 20th ACC Lectures. Valences, aberration. A bank, The Rock and how to handle. E-Meter, clearing commands. Five clearing buttons . Def initions for The Rock. Lock, special effects. Goal of Clearing. Anatomy of The Rock. How to tell when you get it. Dispersed Cases. Clear Procedure order.
July 28, 1958 HCO B Excerpted in HCO B Feb 28 1959CLEAR PROCEDURE1 each Staff Member Field OfficesWhat to do re co ands CCH 0, Goals, PTP, ARC Break, S-C-S, Connectedness, Help, Clearing Commands, Step 6.
July 29, 1958 HCO BTHE ROCK Field OfficesAll StaffDefinition of the Rock — needle phenomenon. What it is. Cycle of the Rock. How to handle. Metering.
Aug 4, 1958 HCO B Corrects HCO B July 25, 1958CORRECTION OF HCO BULLETIN OF JULY 25, 19581 each Staff Member Field OfficesPage 2, lines 25 and 26. Correc tion is — responsibility is therefore senior to knowingness.
Aug 5, 1958 HCO B"THE BASIC LOCATING QUESTION OF THE ROCK IS ..."1 each Staff Member Field OfficesAs per title — "what is a people pleaser?" How to run. The 13 way bracket.
Aug 10, 1958 HCO BACC AUXILIARY PROCEDURE (FOR OPTIONAL USE)-This is a rough draft. Eight points of procedure.
Aug 20, 1958 HCO BOUT OF SESSIONNESSAll Staff Field OfficesHow a thetan handles the Rock in living. The common denominator of all locks on the Rock is ARC Breaks. Moral of this story.
Aug 20, 1958 HCO BPRESENT TIME PROBLEM - RUNNING OF1 each Staff Member Field OfficesDefinition of Problem. How to handle the running of PTP. Biggest delay in Clear Procedure is failure to run PTPs and ARC Breaks .
Aug 28, 1958 HCO BCHANGE AUDITOR'S CODE1 each Staff Member 1 each Technical Hat Field OfficesPoints of Auditors Code 6, 16, 17 and 18.
7 Sept 3, 1958 HCO B'THE COST FOR AN INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGING THE HPA COURSE EXAM ..."1 each Staff Member 1 each Training Dept Hat folder 1 to Tech Dir Hat folder 1 to HCO Bd Review Hat folder Field OfficesPrices to be charged. Exam to be passed 100%. Testing requirements and practical requirements.
Sept 12, 1958 HCO BPOST CASE ANALYSIS ROUTINEStaff Auditors Hats 1 each Staff Member folder 1 each technical folder Field OfficesWhat to do with the pc after a D of P interview. 3 steps in re-establishing the auditor. Purpose.
Sept 12, 1958 HCO B Issue IIHAVINGNESS - NEW COMMANDS1 each Staff Member 1 each Technical Hat Field OfficesNew Havingness commands developed, more effective than Trio — Fac- tual Havingness. The co ands. How to use and run.
Sept 15, 1958 HCO BMORE ON TRAINING DRILL TWO1 each Staff Member 1 each Technical Hat Field OfficesHow to handle and avoid Double Acknowledgement. Examples.
Sept 29, 1958 HCO BVITAL TRAINING DATA1 each Staff Member All Technical Hats Field OfficesThls Bulletln changes the charac ter of training. No instructor can train a student unless he follows the Instructor's Code. Learned by heart. There are only auditors in the Academy. There are no cases. From this date under no circumstances may an Academy take up the personal or case problems of a student. How to run the Academy. The contents of course and 6 types of processing taught.
Oct 6, 1958HGC PROCEDURE-Six steps of HGC procedure laid out. Factual havingness may be run wherever necessary, and may be necessary in running sub jective confrontingness.
Oct 25, 1958 HCO BABBREVIATIONS1 each Staff Member Field Offices (info) HCO DCWhy you use D of P for Director of Processing and Dir of Procu for Director of Procurement.
Oct 27, 1958 HCO BHOW TO READ PROFILES ON OCA: COMPARING CURRENT WEEK PROFILE WITH1 each Staff Member Field Offices WashingtonComparing current week profile with week before. Nine points of detail re the graph.
Nov 13, 1958 HCO B"TRAINING DRILLS"1 each Staff Member Field OfficesTR 16 is assigned to "Handling ARC Breaks". TR 9(B) and TR 9(C) listed — starting and ending the session.
Nov 17, 1958 HCO BCLEAR BRACELETSFull DistributionNo Clear bracelets will be issued until person has been tested for engrams as per 5th London A.C.C. E-Meter technique.
Nov 25, 1958 HCO B"ALL PERSONS WHO WERE RUN ON STEP 6 ...Full Distribution "All persons who were run on Step 6 before they had help and engrams flat must be run in such a way as to knock out the auditing.
Dec 1, 1958 HCO B"PERMITTED TO AUDIT ENGRAMS BY SCIENTOLOGY PROCESSES ...Full Distribution "Personnel from 5th London ACC permitted to audit engrams by Scn processes. What the remaining enrollees should use. See HCO B Nov 25, 1958. How this bulletin was done. Arbitrary differentiation. The interest of this bulletin.
Dec 6, 1958 HCO BHOW TO RUN AN ENGRAM (BRIEF SUMMARY FOR HGC USE)Full DistributionAs per title. Who may run. HGC and D of P responsibility. Locating and running the engram. What you pick, flatten.
Dec 7, 1958 HCO BTRAINING DRILL CHANGES-TR 5N will replace TR 5 as a Comm Course drill and will occupy the 5th day of the Comm Course. TR 5N is ARC Break handling.
Dec 16, 1958 HCO BEXTENSION COURSE CURRICULUMNot to be stencilled in London (their copies being sent direct from DC) going to Melbourne, S.A., and all Field Offices via HCOs. 3 copies - 1 for HCO, 1 to D of T, 1 to D of P. D of T Acad Admin Ext Course Dir Acad Insts D of P Processing Admin HCO Board of Review ACC Worldwide Inst (Contd.) HCO Info coplesExtension Course Curriculum for HCA/HPA, HCS/BScn DScn/HGS. Who submits questions listed. How to write an Extension Course Section.
Dec 17, 1958 HCO BBASIC POSTULATE OF OVERT ACT- MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE1 to each Staff MemberThe make-break point of reactivity. How to handle.
Dec 17, 1958 HCO B Issue IIAUDITING ARC BREAKS ON REGISTRAR AND ASSISTANT REGISTRAR1 to each Staff Member Dollar Field Offices HCO London for releaseTR 5N needed on Registrars and Asst Registrar. Auditor, overts. It is necessary to remove ARC Breaks between Registrar and Assistant Registrar with 10 certain terminals. Use and purpose of this action.
Dec 20, 1958 HCO B Added to by HCO B Sept 7, 1959 and Sept 12, 1959PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER-As per title. Processes for handling a new mother and baby.
Dec 22, 1958 HCO BNEW HGC PROCESS - A NEW STRAIGHT WIREHCO London for M A To all Staff US Field Offices comparable distPurpose, use and handling. History. New process for HGC. ARC Break Straight Wire. For use after S-C-S and Factual Havingness and before What Can You Confront.
Dec 26, 1958 HCO BB.SCN/HCS COURSE-Who may teach an HPA/BScn Course. What it is. Tapes and Extension Course. Curriculum. Examination. When the Course should start.
Dec 27, 1958 HCO BTHE FIRST FIRST DYNAMIC PROCESS1 each Staff MemberProcessing to date has been mainly 3rd Dynamic. LRH has worked out purely 1st dynamic process. Two cautions. Patch up ARC Breaks.
Dec 28, 1958 HCO BSHORT SESSIONINGGeneral Dist. For use in any official magazine For use in any HGC To all staffShort sessioning developed for the 20th ACC. How LRH did this. All that was done was Start and End sessions. How to do Short Sessioning. The reason it works. Types of cases for it to be used on.
Dec 31, 1958 HCO B"OMIT 'WHAT PART OF THAT CAN YOU CON- FRONT BEST?"'1 each Staff MemberOmit "what part of that can you confront best" from ACC Clear Procedure commands. It attracts pc's attention too deeply into engrams encountered.

1 9 5 9

Jan 6, 1959 HCO B Change of HCO PL Dec 15, 1958"STEP 6 IS DELETED FROM HCA/HPA CURRICULUM ...Full Distribution "As per title. This is added to HCS/BScn section. No E-Meter is taught in HCA/HPA. Comm lag is taught instead.
Jan 10, 1959 HCO B Supersedes all earlier directives for HGC processesHGC ALLOWED PROCESSES-D of P is the person who indicates the processes to be used by auditors on pcs. Guide to D of P. What should be run on low graph pcs, medium and high pcs. Other pro cesses for all. General notes, result retarders - PTPs and ARC Breaks. Clearing procedure. Summary.
Jan 11, 1959 HCO B"AN AMUSINGLY EFFECTIVE PROCESS"To all Staff HCO LondonAs per title. The process stated. Examples.
Jan 12, 195921ST ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE TRAINING DRILLS-Name of the drill. Move the Picture commands. Position. Purpose of the drill. Training stress.
Jan 12, 1959 HCO BTONE OF VOICE - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTD of T Tr. Admin Ext Course Dir Acad Insts D of P Processing Admin HCO Board of Review HCO 1 each Staff MemberHow mood can be expressed by acknowledgement.
Jan 13, 1959TRAINING DRILLS-Name of the drill: E-Meter Drill. Commands, position, purpose, training stress, history.
Jan 14, 195921ST ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSE TRAINING DRILLS-Name of the drill: E-Meter Hidden Body Part. Commands, position, purpose, training stress.
Jan 19, 1959 HCO BNEW HCA/HPA COURSE-New course outline and time schedule for the HCA/HPA Course. All students will be enrolled in the Extension Course. The course outline and schedule itself.
Jan 20, 1959 HCO BA.C.C. PREPARATORY PROCESS SCHEDULE FOR RUNNING ENGRAMS. RECOMMENDED FOR NEW AUDITORS IN HGC's1 each Staff MemberHow the student is started and what is done. When the process is flat. Overt act straightwire run muzzled. ARC Break straightwire — use of E-Meter. What it is followed by.
Jan 22, 1959 HCO BNOT-IS STRAIGHT WIREFull DistributionWho can be run on Not-Is Straight wire. The 3 general classes pcs divide into. Scale of deterioration. Aim of the process. Cycle of unimportance. The process. How to run it.
Jan 24, 1959 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY AXIOM 58Full DistributionIntelligence and judgement are measured by the ability to evaluate relative importances. 3 corollaries.
Feb 3, 1959 HCO BFLATTENING A PROCESS-A process is flat when (1) command flat (2) cognition occurs (3) an ability is regained.
Feb 3, 1959 HCO BHGC CURRENT PROCEDURE-Selected Persons Overts Straight Wire and its undercut. When ARC Break Straight Wire cannot be run. Two biggest single auditor crimes — these produce reduced profile readings. The remedy for rough auditing is muzzled auditing. What muzzled auditing is best run on. Gradual Scale of Processes 1-5. Use of Havingness re when the profile gain lags. Run in full 1-5 after engrams flat. Dub in and its relationship to various life times.
Feb 4, 1959 HCO BOP PRO BY DUP-The use, running and commands of Op Pro by Dup. How to run. Process is an HPA/HCA requisite.
Feb 9, 1959 HCO BAUDITOR'S CODE NO. 19-Code No. 19 itself.
Feb 16, 1959 HCO B Supplemented by HCO Bs Feb 27 and Mar 10, 1959HGC PROCESSES FOR THOSE TRAINED IN ENGRAM RUNNING OR TRAINED IN THESE PROCESSES-Starting a case. PTP. Dynamic Straight Wire and how to run. Past and future experiences. Engram running, Not-Is Straight Wire and Selected Person Overt and Withhold — only run last two if they bite.
Feb 16, 1959 Supplemented by HCO B Mar 10, 1959STAFF AUDITOR'S CONFERENCE OF FEB 16, 1959-Regarding HCO Bulletin of Feb 16, 1959. HGC processes for those trained in engram running or trained in these processes. LRH conference with regard to this bulletin.
Feb 24, 1959 HCO BTECHNICAL BULLETIN21st ACC StudentsWhat cannot be run on people with low reality. The use of and how to run Selected Persons Overt W/H Straight Wire. Use muzzled auditing.
Feb 26, 1959 HCO BENGRAM RUNNING ON OLD DIANETIC CASES OR RESTARTED CASES-How leaving an unflat engram to start another can leave a case in an apparent jam. Stable data with regard to this. End goal of running incidents. Use of muzzled auditing.
Feb 27, 1959 HCO B Supplements HCO B Feb 16, 1959HOW TO SELECT SELECTED PERSONSAll Staff Sterling OfficesThree points at fault when this process misses. The most loaded two-way comm question. How to handle if pc says 'myself '.
Feb 28, 1959 HCO B (Technical)ARC BREAKS WITH AUDITORSB P IHow to repair severe ARC Breaks. The use of TR 5N.
Feb 28, 1959 HCO B (Technical) Excerpt from HCO B July 28 1958CLEARING COMMANDSB P IHow to do it.
Feb 28, 1959 HCO BANALYSIS OF CASES-Primary skill required of an accomplished auditor. The basic error. What all failures stem from. Definition of results, better, ability gained, intelligence gain, familiarity. Data on fixed attention — how to handle. What Clearing is. How to do Case Analysis. How to handle result. How to get case gain. What happens if pc hasn't done it yet.
Mar 4, 1959 HCO BHGC ALLOWED PROCESSES-Also for instruction in HPA/HCA, HCS and ACC. Supersedes all earlier HGC allowed processes except where these give data on the following. The processes given from unconscious pc to Theta Clear. Target is Theta Clear as different from Mest Clear. Help and Step 6 are disallowed. When to run engrams and use muzzled auditing.
Mar 6, 1959 HCO BHOW TO DO A DIAGNOSIS ON DYNAMIC STRAIGHT WIREB P IAs per title. The use of the Dynamics and the Meter. Rule. The need to run a real terminal. Never run a terminal that's sensible in relation to that dynamic.
Mar 6, 1959 HCO BTRAINING DRILLS-ARC Break training drill. How to do it. The purpose, training stress. An ARC Break is the only thing that will depress a profile. How to handle if pc gives 'what it is straight away'.
Mar 10, 1959 HCO B Supplemented Data Sheet to HCO B Feb Z6, 1959 and Staff Auditors Conference of Feb 16, 1959"THE FEB. 16 BULLETINS"All Staff All OfficesSome processes were left out of the Feb. 16 bulletins. Route to Theta Clear Steps 1-13. 1-5 if flattened constituted a release. The HAS Co-Audit processes and how the instructor handles. HPA, BScn and DScn processes.
Mar 13, 1959 HCO B"FOLLOWING IS A DISPATCH ..."B P ILetter to LRH from John Galusha re results of muzzled auditing in HCA Course.
Mar 17, 1959 HCO BAN INSANITY QUESTIONNAIREM AThe World Health Org issued the following questionnaire to determine whether or not a person is insane. The questions. What Scn is doing about mental disability - HAS Co-Audits.
Mar 17, 1959 HCO B Issue IIDO IT YOURSELF THERAPYB P I MagazineThe HAS Co-Audit undercut and muzzled auditing for the untrained or financially embarrassed Scientologist. The way to make it to release and prepare for Theta Clear at low cost. How to enrol. Definition of a release.
Mar 24, 1959 HCO BMINIMUM STANDARDSTo all staffWhat is needed to justify the cost of 7 Fitzroy Street. How many pcs are needed in processing every week to make a living unit.
Mar 25, 1959 HCO B Added to by HCO B Apr 3, 1959HAS CO-AUDIT AND COMM COURSE-The HAS Course, Comm Course and HAS Co-Audit and their details.
Mar 31, 1959 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Apr Z7 1959KNOW TO MYSTERY STRAIGHT WIRE FOR EXTREME CASES-The Know to Mystery Scale expanded. How to assess a case on the lower rungs of processing
Apr 1, 1959 HCO BACADEMY TRAINING 1959M AArticle written for magazine by John Fudge, DScn, D of T DC re Academies in 1959. TRs, theory and practice and muzzled auditing.
Apr 3, 1959 HCO BHAS CO-AUDIT AND COMM COURSE-Cost and schedules of HAS Comm Course and HAS Co-Audit. Addition to HCO B of March 25, 1959.
Apr 15, 1959 HCO B Cancels HCO B HCO B Apr 8, 1959EMOTIONAL TONE SCALE EXPANDED-Several misemotions hitherto not placed on ARC Emotional Tone Scale. These 4 misemotions listed. Their use in relation to O/W Straight Wire. When the case is running right.
Apr 17, 1959 HCO B Cancels HCO B Mar 31, 1959KNOW TO MYSTERY STRAIGHT WIRE FOR EXTREME CASES-Know to Mystery Scale expanded listed. How to use with O/W Straight Wire.
Apr 22, 1959 HCO BOLD AND NEW REALITY SCALE-"Old" and "new" reality scale listed against each other.
Apr 23, 1959 HCO BDEFINITIONS-Definition of Consultant, In structor and Coach.
May 3, 1959 HCO BSOLUTION TO SOLUTIONS-Why, when Problems of Comparable Magnitude get run. Problems move away from the pc. The penalty of solving. A process to overcome the collapsing of problems.
May 4, 1959 HCO BAN AFFINITY PROCESS-The process "what can you confront". Also as a nearly purely affinity process — what would you like to confront on last command.
May 4, 1959 HCO BHOW TO WRITE A CURRICULUM-Four points on how to write. Then how to teach — four further points. Practice: demonstration, doingness.
May 4, 1959 HCO BTHE PERSONAL EFFICIENCY COURSE-Schedule of PE Course~ its purpose and duties. The Comm Course. Purposes and schedule. HAS Co-Audit Course.
May 7, 1959 HCO BNEW PROCESS THEORY-What the broad tone scale is divided into. How a pc becomes overwhelmed, how he committed his overts, unintended bad effect. What the person does to restrain himself. How he lays himself open to getting overwhelmed. The basic error. The new process.
May 8, 1959 HCO BAN UNDO-ABLE COMMAND-Two processes stated.
May 17, 1959 HCO BHCO BULLETIN - FOR 21ST ACC STUDENTS ONLY-End of course data sheet from L. Ron Hubbard to all 21st ACC students. Three HCO Bs released for their information and use. This completes the 21st American ACC releases.
May 21, 1959 HCO B Cancels all earlier directives on HGC allowed processesHGC ALLOWED PROCESSES AND ACC PROCESSES AS OF MAY 21, 1959Central Orgs HCO OfficesTheta Clear schedule. The pro cesses listed and on whom they should be run. HAS Co-Audit --- only allowed process is Overt Withhold Straight Wire.
May 26, 1959 HCO B"MAN WHO INVENTED SCIENTOLOGY"Mag ArticleThe article itself.
May 28, 1959 HCO B Reissue of HCO B Mar 27, 1959 Reissued June 2, 1959"TERMINALS"-See earlier entry.
June 5, 1959 HCO BFORMULA 10-The first practical approach toward reaching the state of OT. The background of this available in HPA/BScn tapes of 1959 Spring and 6th London ACC. The 11 steps of Formula 10. When it may be used.
June 9, 1959 HCO BNEEDED MATERIALCentralThe two sets of tapes each Central Org must have — orgs to get them as soon as possible.
June 10, 1959 HCO BCO-AUDIT FORMULATo be used by any Co- Audit InstructorFind what the person thinks is wrong with him. Find a terminal he believes represents it. Audit that terminal with O/W Straight Wire.
June 11, 1959 HCO BLOCATION OF TERMINALS ON HAS CO-AUDIT-The only process to be run on the HAS Co-Audit. Emphasis is on PT terminals. How to locate.
June 17, 1959 HCO BCOMM COURSE-Timetable for the Comm Course.
June 17, 1959 HCO BHAS CO-AUDIT COURSE-The schedule for the HAS Co-Audit Course. Procedure for running the course.
June 19, 1959 HCO BTHE PERSONAL EFFICIENCY COURSE-Tips on how to handle the PE Course.
June 22, 1959 HCO BHOW TO "SELL SCIENTOLOGY"B P IMake listener doubtful about mental healing. Enlarge on faults of old l9th century practices. Show how Scn learned that men weren't animals. Say it has hope for man. Further data. Get them to PE, HAS Course and HAS Co-Audit Course.
June 23, 1959 HCO BWHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY?M A B P I Staff HatsWhat Scn is as a magazine article.
June 29, 1959 HCO B Corrected by HCO B July 2, 1959"THE FOLLOWING RUNDOWN IS A TEMPORARY ONE ...”-Rundown for HGC London till further notice. Only comm pro cesses to be used. Auditors are to remain as muzzled as possible. Steps 1-7 listed.
July 2, 1959 HCO BCORRECTION TO POINT (1) OF HCO B DATED 29/6/59 REFERRING TO COMMUNICATION PROCESSES BEING RUN IN HGC-Point one- If there is an obvious terminal such as a sore leg run a leg.
July 3, 1959 HCO BGENERAL INFORMATION-Purpose. Six basic process types in theory and practice of HCA/ HPA. CCHs and their running, ARC Straight Wire, Assessment and other Terminal Assessment, O/W Selected Persons, various Havingness processes. Rudiments, mockup, re-experience and experience, Not Is Straight Wire.
July 18, 1959 HCO BTECHNICALLY SPEAKINGB P INew definition for a Scientologist — one who is not a victim. We can make victims into people with out Q & Aing.
July 21, 1959 HCO BHGC ALLOWED PROCESSESCen O ConThe rundown which is to be used in all HGCs. The processes and what type of pc they are to be run on. 12 different actions. What is to be run on the HAS Co-Audit.
July 22, 1959 HCO BREPORT ON SPECIAL HAS/ HCA/HCS COURSE IN WASHINGTON DC 6-12 JULY 1959Cen O ConThe report by Dick Halpern. Covers six points.
July 22, 1959 HCO BACTUAL WORKING DEFINITION OF PSYCHOLOGYB P IThe definition. Its use to prove that Scn is not psychology.
July 22, 1959 HCO BAN AMENDMENT TO THE CODE OF A SCIENTOLOGIST CLAUSE NO. 1Cen O ConThe amendment and the reason for its addition.
July 23, 1959 HCO BFIELD ACTIVITIESB P IWhat the trained auditor should To all do to get Scn to go well in any Scientologists area. Five steps. Elaboration on them. Auditor confidence. Key rehabilitation process. Group recruiting.
July 27, 1959 HCO BHGC PROCESSES - H.A.S.I.Cen O ConProcesses to be run and on whom. CCHs, S-C-S and Connectedness Also Communication processes.
Aug 2, 1959 HCO BCOMMUNICATION PROCESSESB P IAlways run the general form of a particular terminal, whether in a comm process or a PTP. Do not run specific terminals.
Aug 5, 1959 HCO BPROCESSING GAINS BY A MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDB P IExtract of letter from Eileen Russel to LRH — re her processing of a mentally retarded child.
Aug 5, 1959 HCO BHGC PROCESSES-What the lack of results in the HGC is probably due to. What we will do about it. Run psychos on CCH 1, 2, 3, 4. Let’s increase these results.
Aug 7, 1959 HCO BTHE HANDLING OF COMMUNICATION PROCESSES. SOME RAPID DATAAll HCO Franchise Holders All Staffs Central Orgs All HCOsThe processes to be run in the HGC — CCHs, S-C-S and Connectedness and the Communication pro- cesses. What 3 points all pgms should be geared to. 15 essentials with regard to the use of the Communication processes. Note to HCO Secs, D of Ps and Assoc Secs.
Aug 11, 1959 HCO B Aug 13, 1959 HCO B"THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXTRACT FROM A LETTER...” SUGGESTED HCA COURSE SCHEDULECen O Info D of Ts B P ISchedule is for info and has no command value. The 6 weeks of theory and practice after Comm Course and Upper Indoc. Extract from letter of Martha Courtis to LRH. How Scn helped her daughter.
Aug 19, 1959 HCO BHAS CO-AUDIT FINDING TERMINALSB P IThe switching around of terminals on a HAS Co-Audit Course. Why Co-Audits don't fill up. The use of Comm process on new enrollees. Pick the right body part on the
Aug 19, 1959 HCO BTO A ROMAN CATHOLICB P IRoman Catholicism and its relation ship to Scn. The absence of conflict between Scn and the Church of Rome.
Aug 27, 1959 HCO BGROWTH WITH COMPETENCEB P IScn will go as far as it works. HAS Co-Audit. Low ARC and victims in relation to the O/M sequence. How to handle the use of the "paper trick" in comm processes. Further data.
Aug 27, 1959 HCO BSUCCESS ON THE SPECIAL HCA/HCS COURSEB P ITaken from a letter by Tom and Dick Halpern to Ron about the success of the Special HCA/HCS Course.
Aug 27, 1959 HCO BREPORT ON HAS CO-AUDIT INB P IFive points in the report from Dick Halpern.
Aug 27, 1959 HCO BCLEAR TESTS REVISED MEST CLEARS AND THETA CLEARSAll Central Orgs All Franchise HoldersThree sections to a Clear test. Auditor evaluation, OCA/APA and IQ. Testing, E-Meter testing. Mest Clear and Theta Clear defined. Stable state test. All self-invalidation impulses must be off the case or the Clear will postulate himself back to slightly aberrated. Who does the Clear tests.
Sept 3, 1959 HCO BWHY "VICTIM" WORKS AS A PROCESSAll US Franchise Holders from Saint Hill All other Franchise Holders via Central Orgs All Central OrgsThe highest level of 3rd Dynamic activity and earliest instant of it is and was communication. Only misuse and W/H of comm is aberrative. Foul up when he postulated somebody can mess up my postulates. How to handle with the victim process. Five cases which need further handling before they can be run on victim. Further data.
Sept 7, 1959 HCO B"FIELD AUDITORS IN CALIFORNIA"B P IData sent in a letter to LRH by Nina West regarding HAS Co-Audit and Field Auditors in California.
Sept 7, 1959 HCO B Addition to HCO B Dec 20, 1958PROCESSING A NEW MOTHERB P IThe use of Comm process re body parts when auditing an expectant mother
Sept 7, 1959 HCO B"HERE IS A LETTER FROM FRANK TURNBULL TO LRH ..."B P IThis letter to LRH from Frank Turnbull re auditing blind persons.
Sept 7, 1959 HCO B Added to by HCO B Oct 5, 1959WHEN IS A PROCESS FLATB P IWhen a 'terminal' type process is flat. How long should the terminal be flat.
Sept 8, 1959 HCO BARTICLES BY MARIO KOHLYM ATwo articles by Mario Kohly re the human mind and electric shocks.
Sept 8, 1959 HCO BTEST TUBE WARFAREM AAn artlcle about LSD and its effects.
Sept 8, 1959 HCO BTHE SCIENCE OF ABILITYM AAn article by Binnie Barry, as per title.
Sept 9, 1959 HCO BSOME OBSERVATIONS ON S 22HCOs and Assoc SecsObservations made by D of T London on effects of S 22 on London staff in the Staff Theta Clearing Course.
Sept 12, 1959 HCO BPROCESSING A NEW MOTHERB P ISee issue Sept 7, 1959
Sept 16, 1959 HCO BNOTECen O ConData on how FCDC staff are doing on the 'victim' process.
Sept 21, 1959 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Sept 25, 1959PRESENT TIME PROBLEM PROCESSESB P IIt is now forbidden to run Locational Communication processes for PTPs, except on children, and psychos and the very ill. Use Comparable Magnitude. Where to use Incomparable Magnitude. When a Problem is flat.
Sept 21, 1959 HCO BTWO PAPER TRICKSB P IExamples of use of the 'paper trick' for communication processes.
Sept 21, 1959"RESULTS IN AUDITING WITH S 2”B P I Dir PE DCData on results of Marcia Carroll, using S 2 on four PCs.
Sept 23, 1959 HCO BHOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORTCen O ConHow to write an auditor's report. Eleven steps. Admin requirements.
Sept 25, 1959 HCO B Correction to HCO B Sept 21, 1959PRESENT TIME PROBLEM PROCESSESB P IRe 3rd line of 2nd paragraph. "It must exist in PT and have (2) two terminals in it for it to be a PTP".
Sept 25, 1959 HCO BHAS CO-AUDITB P I Tech P.E. DeptHints from LRH on how to run Comm processes on assessment - - how to find body part to run. Comm processes on universe. The processes listed. Experimental.
Sept 26, 1959 HCO BDATA ON CLEARING A STAFF MEMBER AFTER SPECIFIC TERMINALS ARE FLAT WITH OVERT-WITHHOLD STRAIGHT WIRE-As title indicates. The processes you run to do this. Run this regimen and no other and send special weekly reports labelled "Thacker Clear Project".
Sept 26, 1959 HCO BNEW PE COURSE DATA-Must specialise in communication processes in the Co-Audit. If pc on Co-Audit does not make progress then send him to the HGC. How to run the PE Course. When to give a person a HAS certificate.
Sept 28, 1959 HCO BTECHNICAL NOTES ON CHILD PROCESSINGB P IThe best processes for children. Details given on what, how and when to use.
Sept 29, 1959 HCO BTHE ORGANISATION OF A P.E. FOUNDATIONHCO Franchise Holders Assoc Secs HCO SecsFull description of PE Foundation including Curriculum. The courses, instruction, purpose, etc.
Sept 29, 1959"COAXING THE SUBCONSCIOUS"Cen O ConAdvertisement as per title — issued by Binnie Barry.
Sept 29, 1959 HCO BUNIVERSE PROCESSES-LRH has been checking out a process series called Universe O/W. How to assess for terminal. The terminals to use. The process commands. An allowable HGC process.
Oct 5, 1959 HCO BUNIVERSE PROCESSESFranchise Holders B P IRundown on Universe processing. Theory and practical use. How it may be used in co-audits.
Oct 5, 1959 HCO BGAMES CON- DITION AND AUDITINGB P IHow a games condition relates to auditing a pc. Dispatch by John Galusha.
Oct 5, 1959 HCO B Addition to HCO B Sept 7, 1959ADDITION TO HCO B SEPT 7, 1959, WHEN IS A PROCESS FLATB P IClarification of when a process is flat.
Oct 13, 1959 HCO BD.E.I. EXPANDED SCALE (WITH A NOTE ON SALESMEN)Franchise HoldersThe DEI Scale. How it has ex panded. Its inversion. How this relates to salesmen. The use of this scale in comm pro cesses. The processes listed.
Oct 13, 1959 HCO BA USEFUL PROCESSHCO Secs D of PsProcess for use when O/M sequence does not seem to bite. The process. How to handle if pc becomes ill.
Oct 14, 1959 HCO BON RUNNING A CO-AUDITB P IHerbie Parkhouse's observations and actions on the HAS Co-Audit at HASI London. His recommendations to LRH.
Oct 15, 1959 HCO BPE FOUNDATION REPORTCen O Con HCO Vol City SecsAs per title, to be sent to HCO WW. 22 points of handling.
Oct 16, 1959 HCO B Cancels all previous directives on this subjectHANDLING STUDENTS' AND AUDITORS' REPORTSCen O ConD of Ts not to abbreviate their students reports in any way. Must send to SH surface mail. HCO Area Sec duty . D of P re ports, airmail paper and sent airmail.
Oct 16, 1959 HCO BLFORBIDDEN TERMINALS WITH COMMUNICATION PROCESS-From where could you communicate to an auditor and to a pc now cancelled. Why stated. Process given for running out bad auditing.
Oct 20, 1959 HCO BAN EXPERIMENTAL PROCESSHCO Secs Franchise Holders D of P Central OrgsSome recall processes that reach down to the lowest cases. Comm Recall and Know to Mystery Recall. How to run and further technical data. Two other processes — Recall Exhaustion and Recall Creating. Processes for HGC.
Oct 21, 1959 HCO BACADEMY ADMINISTRATION ROUTE SHEETCen O ConAs per title. How useful it has been in London. The form itself.
Oct 23, 1959 HCO BSUGGESTED ADDITION TO E-METER TR FOR ACADEMY STUDENTSCen O ConAs per title. The drill stated.
Oct 25, 1959PSYCHOANALYSIS GOES CAPITALISTICB P IAs per title. LRH can tell where Russian mental research is at from this article.
Oct 26, 1959 HCO BLIST OF SYNONYMS FOR "CREATE" FOR USE IN NEW CREATION PROCESSESD of Ps WW HCO Secs WW Staff Course Ins. WWThree create processes only for use in staff co-audit and not in HGC (unless the pc is a staff member). A list of 25 words which may be used instead of create where this word is unreal to the pc.
Oct 26, 1959 HCO BSOURCE TERMINALS ASSESSMENTHCO Secs WW Staff Course Ins WW D of Ps WWWhere the assessment may be used. Not for HGC. What a Source Terminal is. How to find and run them.
Oct 29, 1959 HCO BCOMMUNICATION PROCESS AND HAVINGNESS HatB P I Tech Hats All Staff Co-Audit InstNo need to run Havingness processes with the Comm Process. Why.
Oct 30, 1959 HCO BTO RETAIN CO- AUDIT PC'S INTEREST IN CASEB P I Tech Hat Co-Audit Inst HatReminder of the definition of a pc in session. The assessment and running of terminals. When the TA will come to clear read.
Oct 31, 1959 Special HCO BCREATE PROCESSES - DANGERS AND ADVANTAGESHCO Secs Tech Execs only (Do not copy up. Do not reissue Cut no stencil)What LRH does before he goes on extended trips. This is a write Create processes for Staff Co-Audit only. First effective OT processes. How to handle. In Scientology the dynamic principle is Create. How to run Create and why. Use of what would you like to confront. A related new child process. This is for staff use only at present.
Nov 3, 1959 HCO BSUCCESS OF PAPER TRICK WITH COMMUNICATION PROCESSB P ISome comments from Org Tech Staff members re the use of the paper trick.
Nov 4, 1959 HCO BTIPS FOR HAS CO-AUDIT INSTRUCTORS-Data from Liz Williams of Melbourne, Australia, and Peter Greene, Durban South Africa.
Nov 5, 1959 HCO BRUDIMENTS OF FORMAL AUDITINGB P IPreferable to use an E-Meter for handling rudiments. Nine parts of rudiments delineated
Nov 5, 1959 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY GAMES FOR CHILDRENCen ODone by Rusty Wright, Scientology Games 1, 2 and 3.
Nov 12, 1959 HCO BACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IN AUDITINGFran HoldersAvoidance of double acknowledge ments. How not to acknowledge. How to acknowledge. Further data. How to spot a bad auditor.
Nov 18, 1959 HCO B1ST MELBOURNE ACC MATERIALAssn Secs HCO Secs and Ds of P only1st Melbourne ACC material. Bring TA to meter read of Clear for sex of pc. The processes to be run. Goal is to consolidate research and produce rapid OTs. Tapes will be available to orgs. Melbourne Congress and ACC.
Nov 18, 1959 HCO B"YES, PUSH- BUTTON PEOPLE"B P IArticle as per title appeared in The Digest of World Reading.
Nov 19, 1959 HCO BTHE HANDLING OF ARC BREAKS IN AUDITINGB P IDefinition of ARC Break. How it will depress a pc's profile. How to Clear ARC Breaks in session. Further data.
Nov 21, 1959 HCO BNEWS FROM MELBOURNEB P IData from LRH and Ray Jensen on Melbourne Congress. Issued by MSH.
Nov 23, 1959 HCO BO/W PROCESS ON HAS CO- AUDIT, PERTHCen OStudents need to do about 12 nights, or more, on HAS Co-Audit on O/W processes to really get good change.
Nov 26, 1959 HCO BTHE INTER- PRETATION OF THE AMERICAN PERSONALITY/ OXFORD CAPACITY ANALYSESFranchised AuditorsThe use of the APA/OCA for franchised auditors. The way processing should be sold for best results. A complete cover age of all the traits, and how to remedy the outnesses.
Nov 30, 1959 HCO BALLOWED PROCESSES 1ST MELBOURNE ACCACC Instructors ACC Students Assoc Secs HCO SecsProcesses which are to be run in the last three weeks of the ACC at the option and discretion of the instructors Melbourne 1-5.
Dec 3, 1959 HCO BUSE OF THE AMERICAN PERSONALITY/ OXFORD CAPACITY ANALYSES IN DETERMINING PROCESSES TO BE RUNB P IWhich processes to run depending on where the graph is. Data on running the various processes.
Dec 4, 1959 HCO BALLOWED PROCESSES 1st MELBOURNE ACCAssoc Secs HCO SecsThe processes to be run during the last 3 weeks of Melbourne ACC at option and discretion of Instructor in consultation with individual auditors. Melbourne l-5.
Dec 8, 1959 HCO BLETTER FROM ANDY BAGLEYFranchise Holders HCO Officers HCO SecsData on the lecture Andy Bagley gave on Death. How prepared. The results.
Dec 11, 1959 HCO BNEW HORIZONS IN SCIENTOLOGYB P IThe problems that have been faced and solved. What we must do now.
Dec 15, 1959 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B 18 Dec 1959HAS CO-AUDITB P I Franchise HoldersO/W Straightwire has been found to run better on HAS Co-Audit than the Comm Process as the Comm process does not get off people's overts.
Dec 15, 1959 HCO BURGENT CHANGE IN ALL CO- AUDIT COURSESFranchised Auditors Assoc Secs HCO Secs All PE Fdns and personnelThe key is full responsibility and the one thing the public doesn't want to have anything to do with is full responsibility. O/Ws very important tech. Need to take full responsibility for the O/Ws. Where the data may be found. Tapes, ACCs etc. The better bridge is built.
Dec 16, 1959 HCO BIMPORTANTB P ITo the degree a pc does not take responsibility for his O/Ws his bank becomes solid. Responsibility has to be run on the incident or the session involved.
Dec 18, 1959 HCO B Cancels HCO B Dec 15, 1959 HAS Co-Audi tHAS CO- AUDITB P I Franchise HoldersHCO B Dec 15, 1959 HAS Co-Audit is cancelled. Use instead HCO Bulletin "Urgent change in all co-audit courses".
Dec 23, 1959 HCO BRESPONSIBILITYB P IResponsibility goes hand in hand with making an Operating Thetan. How responsibility relates to O/W. The cause of blows is overts. How to handle after overts have been disclosed.
Dec 28, 1959 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY IN SINGAPORE?B P I M AHaunted house in Singapore — effect on girls at school there. OK to publish in Scn mags.
Dec 28, 1959 HCO BFILM SHOW INSTRUCTORS - SOME DO's AND DON'TsCen OSuggestions on how to show the films of the Clearing Congress. Five do's and don'ts as suggested by Valerie Obin, HCO Area Sec London.
Dec 28, 1959 HCO BSTANDARDS OF COURSE GRADUATIONCen OStandards for students graduating from HPA/HCA and BScn. Four points each.
Dec 29, 1959 HCO BLETTER FROM SOUTH AFRICAStaff Hats Editor "Reality" M AExtract from a letter written by a prominent political figure in South Africa about Scientology. What he personally found out about the subject. The help it gave him and his family.
Dec 31, 1959 HCO BREQUIREMENTS FOR HAS CERTIFICATESB P I Franchise HoldersFour requirements listed for HAS Certs.
Dec 31, 1959 HCO BBLOW-OFFSFran Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs HASI Dept HeadsExplanation for sudden departures. The cause, their O/Ws undisclosed. How a staff member justifies his departure. When a person finds himself, as he believes, incapable of restraining himself from injuring a benefactor he will defend the benefactor by leaving.

1 9 6 0

Jan 2, 1960 HCO B Cancels existing directionsHAS CERTIFICATESB P IQualifications of HAS Certs changed to fit the reality of existing courses. People going directly from PE to the Co-Audit. Modified cert to be issued. PT overts of self and one other to be cleared, and all incidents to have responsibility flattened on them.
Jan 3, 1960 HCO BA THIRD DYNAMIC FOR SCIENTOLOGYB P IGet off own O/Ws and urge others to get off theirs. How to do this. All persons so cleared on overts to be listed in HCO publications as "people you can trust".
Jan 5, 1960 HCO BAN IDEA FOR PROMOTIONB P I Franchise HoldersAs per title. Used in S.A.
Jan 7, 1960 HCO BTHE UNMOVING CASEFran Holders Assn Secs HCO Secs HCO Staff & Cen OrgsTwo types of cases that didn't change even though exact engram to resolve the case was run. Seven points this case can exhibit. Using auditing to make people guilty of overt acts. The case that does not advance under auditing has undisclosed O/Ws. Get them off and run responsibility.
Jan 8, 1960 HCO BOT PROCEDURES FOR HCS/BSCN COURSES AS RECORDED IN WASHINGTON DC ACADEMY JAN 1960 LRH TAPES 9 HOURS 7 1/2 INSHCO Secs Assn. Secs Ds of P Staff AuditorsSession data, rudiments, auditing attitude. First stage, 6 points. Second stage, 3 points. Summary. The keynote is increase confidence by increasing ability — 6 points re confidence.
Jan 12, 1960 HCO BADDITION TO CODE OF A SCIENTOLOGISTB P I Franchise HoldersA letter written by John Galusha, HCS Course Instructor Washington, to LRH. John suggests an addition to the Code of a Scientologist. "To completely refrain from discussing the case of another auditor's preclear with that preclear, or within his hearing". This new clause is authorized immediately.
Jan 14, 1960 HCO BTHE BLACK CASEFran Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs HCO & HASI StaffThe second of the two cases mentioned in HCO B Jan 7 1960. The "Black Field" Case — stuck on the track out of pt. How to handle. The rundown.
Jan 19, 1960 HCO BCASUALTIES (NOT CONFIDENTIAL)HCO Secs Assn SecsThe results of the suspension of Doug Moon. Several blows — did not have much data on O/Ws. If these people are encountered, get their overts against us off and report having done so to HCO WW.
Jan 19, 1960 HCO BCAUSE & EFFECTB P INews item sent in by Smokey Brand.
Jan 21, 1960 HCO BJUSTIFICATIONFranchise Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs HCO and HASI StaffWhen a person has committed an overt act and then withholds it, he justifies, i.e. lessens the overt. W/Hs are a sort of overt but have a different source. Criticism equals overts. Man is basically good. Write down O/Ws and send to LRH.
Jan 21, 1960 HCO BRESPONSIBILITYB P I Franchise HoldersThe definition for auditing of the word "responsibility" is admit causing, able to W/H. Commands which may be used.
Jan 24, 1960 HCO BOT PROCEDUREAll Staff MembersNew OT procedure tested and released for Staff Clearing Course. Progress in US. New process for the HAS Co-Audit. Tape congress in the UK. Hard push on the UK.
Jan 25, 1960 HCO BOT-3 PROCEDURE HGC ALLOWED PROCESSESCent OrgsThis bulletin supersedes all previous bulletins. When to run the CCHs Steps 1-10. Cautions. Important note re responsibility. Use on Staff Theta Clearing Course.
Jan 27, 1960 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Peb 12 1960DISSEMINATION TRAINING DRILLCen ONew TR developed in Washington by John Galusha to help staff disseminate.
Jan 27, 1960 HCO BSUCCESSES WITH LATEST DATACen O Fran HoldersExtracts from staff letters to LRH giving results of using latest techniques and data.
Jan 28, 1960 HCO BTHE KEY TO ALL CASES - RESPONSIBILITYHCO Secs Assn Secs Fran HoldersImportant datum is that the TA is foremost in analysing the case. TA at clear read for M and F indicates the process flat. Responsibility another important datum. 'Inversion of pc at clear read. Test for this is responsibility. E-Meter reads amount of mental mass. Misassigned responsibility. The only misassigned cause is self cause and this is the only aberrative one for the pc. Direct anatomy of responsibility. Decline of responsibility — absence of E-Meter reads. No thetan will let himself go free unless he can operate without danger to others. Where this material is covered. Being used in PE Courses as well. New look in 1960.
Feb 2, 1960 HCO BTHE CO-AUDIT TEAMB P IThe set up and preparation of a co-audit team. Items to be cleared up before tackling a case. The special aspects and handling of set up and running cases in a co-audit team.
Feb 4, 1960 HCO BTHEORY OF RESPONSIBILITY PROCESSINGFran Holders HCO Secs Assn SecsPower of choice is senior to responsibility. If will to do has deteriorated to unwillingness to do anything, lack of will is itself an aberration. How a person polices himself. How to handle an area in a person when he is having trouble or can't take responsibility. What happens when responsibility is rehabbed.
Feb 4, 1960 HCO BOVERT MANIFESTATIONS IN A LOW TONE CASECen OEvery high scaled manifestation has a low scale mockery. There can be an apparent clear reading on a case that has not been successfully audited. No overts will show up on the needle of this case. Handle the case and it comes up to responsibility properly. What a Clear check must include. How to handle.
Feb 4, 1960 HCO BSUBJECT MATTER FOR INFRACTION SHEETS ALL PROFESSIONAL LEVEL SCIENTOLOGY COURSESCen O D of TsThe topic for infractions for all levels of courses. Why. How valuable it has been already.
Feb 5, 1960 HCO BPROCESSING THE MACHINE CASEB P ILetter from a Scientologist re handling a machine case. What the auditor found. How the pc was handled.
Feb 6, 1960 HCO B Originally issued as Sec ED in Washington DCEFFECT SCALE (FOR USE IN ACADEMY INSTRUCTION)Cen OThe use of the effect scale by the auditor to spot the pc on the tone scale. Enthusiasm to Apathy. Sub zero scale need not be taught on Comm Course but general out line given. Sub Apathy to -8.0.
Feb 8, 1960 HCO BHONEST PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS, TOOM A Sthil Assn Secs HCO Secs Fran HoldersInsist upon your rights to live with honest people. Freedom is for honest people. The individual must not die in this machine age. The least free person. On the day when we can fully trust each other, there will be peace on earth. Be free, yourself.
Feb 10, 1960 HCO BDEFINITION: THE STATE OF RELEASEB P IThe State of Release may be said to be attained when all this life overts and withholds are off the case.
Feb 10, 1960 HCO BBRITISH E-METER OPERATIONCen O Con Place 1 in each British E-MeterThe data for the set up and use of the UK E-Meter made by Fowler and Allen.
Feb 11, 1960 HCO BCREATE AND CONFRONT Staff AuditorsFran Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs D of P's D of T's of the cycle of action. Full data on 1st Melbourne ACC and are consecutive to Philadelphia Lecture Series. Create is a limited process. Pc has creation tangled up with cause and comm tangled up with O/M sequence. Havingness is a confront process and straightens out the create factor. Havingness and its relation to responsibility.The cycle of action, and the comm formula with axiom 10 become identified in the mind with one another. The pc who is having a difficult time is on an inversion
Feb 12, 1960 HCO BCORRECTION TO HCO BULLETIN OF JAN 27, 1960 DISSEMINATION TRAINING DRILLCen OAmendment to Clause 7 of the Stable Data section of this HCO B.
Feb 15, 1960 HCO B Added to by HCO B Mar 10 and Mar 18 1960SOME POINTS TO REMEMBERStaff AuditorsFifteen points listed with regard to processing which should be kept in mind.
Feb 18, 1960 HCO BHOW TO RUN O/W AND RESPONSIBILITYStaff Auditors Fran Holders HCO Secs Assn SecsThe relationship of O/W and responsibility as they apply to life and auditing. Person who does an overt to another life form has already abandoned responsibility for it. How to run O/W and the processes to run. Attention now swinging to perfection of auditing. Person dug himself in, and lost sight of why, and is holding himself in a state of stupidity, aberration and even insanity. Further data.
Feb 19, 1960 HCO BSTUDENT AUDITORS CONTROL OF PCsCen O D of TsHints on how to help student auditors in maintaining their pcs on a course.
Feb 19, 1960 HCO BQUICK ON THE UPTAKEB P ICutting from Time Mag. Sent from an Auditor to LRH. Comm lag on talking around someone under anaesthetics.
Feb 19, 1960 HCO BLETTER FROM A PCCen OLetter from pc to LRH pleased with processing he had at HGC London.
Feb 22, 1960 HCO B"THE FOLLOWING LISTED AUDITORS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED THE SPECIAL HCS COURSE ..."B P IAs title indicates. Conducted in Washington D.C. from Jan 4 to Feb 13, 1960.
Feb 23, 1960 HCO BLETTER OF APPRECIATIONB P IResults a pc had from auditing in Washington, DC.
Feb 23, 1960 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Feb 26 1960HPA COURSE CHANGE PROPOSAL TO LONDONCen O D of T'sProposed HPA/HCA Course schedule made by LRH to D of T HASI London. Theory and practice laid out.
Feb 25, 1960 HCO BTHE MODEL SESSIONFran Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs Staff Auditors For use in Academies All CoursesThe necessity to have one. To start a session, rudiments and the parts. Starting and ending a process, repeated command, cognitions. Keep the pc in session. Take full responsibility for the session, a restless or ARC Breaky pc, ending a session, end rudiments. Final commands of session. Warnings. The essence of good auditing is smooth, confident control.
Feb 25, 1960 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY CAN HAVE A GROUP WINM A B P IThe responsibility of each person for his overts and his relation ship to society. How to handle and how we should handle.
Feb 26, 1960 HCO B Correction to HC0 B Feb 23, 1,960HPA COURSE CHANGECen O D of TsAdd "1 week CCH's" between "1 week Upper Indoc" and "E-Meter practice".
Feb 27, 1960 HC0 BTHE FOUR UNIVERSESB P IHow to give a person a good sub jective reality on the four universes, physical universe, the body, the mind, thetan.
Feb 28, 1960 HCO BCCH TRAININGB P I HCO Board of ReviewHCO Board of Review in Washington has pointed out that some auditors from special courses may have received validation seals and may be eligible for Franchises and yet may never have received training in the CCH's. How to handle this. This training available at moderate charge.
Feb 29, 1960 HCO BSTUDENTS OVERTSCen OObservation made by Jack Parkhouse when looking over HPA Course re the students — needles and O/Ws. Method of handling.
Mar 1, 1960 HCO BHPA COURSE CHANGE PROPOSAL TO LONDONCen O D of T'sProposed change in HPA/HCA Course by LRH to D of T London. What's to be on the course.
Mar 2, 1960 HCO BA TOUCH ASSIST,M ALetter sent in by Betty Turnbull of an assist given on child of 5.
Mar 3, 1960 HCO BOT-3 A PROCEDURE HGC ALLOWED PROCESSESFran Holders Central OrgsThis bulletin supersedes all earlier bulletins. Any case that cannot adequately define simple words like help, change, problem, control, responsibility — run the CCHs. Steps 1-12. Much of material is on DC 1960 HCS tapes. Use of the rundown should be taught on Staff Theta Clearing Course.
Mar 4, 1960 HCO BA MARRIAGE CO-AUDITCen O PE DirectorsData from Marcia Carroll, Dir PE in Washington reports good results re running a Marriage Co-Audit.
Mar 7, 1960 HCO BWHY PIN TIME?M AArticle by John Sanborn on why we pin time.
Mar 9, 1960 HCO BOPERATION OF BRITISH E-METER (BLUE MODEL MK II)Cen O Send one with each E-MeterHow to operate, set up and use the British E-Meter (Blue Model Mk II).
Mar 9, 1960 HCO BEXPANSION OF OT-3A PROCEDURE STEP 2. HGC ALLOWED PROCESSESFran Holders Central OrgsStep 2 of OT-3A Procedure. The use and commands of Cause ARC Straight Wire, Cause Elementary Straight Wire, and Duplication Straight Wire.
Mar 10, 1960 HCO B Amends HC0 B Feb 15 1960SOME POINTS TO, REMEMBERStaff Auditors (All Staff info)Addition made to points 4, 5 and 6 of HCO B Feb 15, 1960.
Mar 12, 1960 HCO BAPPRECIATIONB P ILetter of appreciation received from Field Auditor in SA, and sent to SH by Alison Parkhouse.
Mar 15, 1960 HCO BHPA SCHEDULECen OApproved HPA Curriculum and time table approved for the Academy in London.
Mar 17, 1960 HCO BAN AUDITING WINB P I Central OrgsIntensive success of Field Auditor using the CCHs.
Mar 17, 1960 HCO BSTANDARDIZED SESSIONSFran HoldersStandardized sessions give the pc confidence, and second reason is duplication. The basic freeing action of auditing. The basic overt act. The reason a thetan dies. The reason and use of the Model Session. The games condition of havingness. The primary targets of auditing. A person gets as able as he regains confidence.
Mar 18, 1960 HCO B Addition to HCO B Feb 15, 1960SOME POINTS TO REMEMBERStaff AuditorsFurther data to be added to Nos 4, 5, 6 and 8.
Mar 18, 1960 HCO BCREATING THINGSM AArticle by Mildred Galusha re garding creating things.
Mar 21, 1960 HCO BRESEARCH PROJECTM ALRH wants to do a book "Where are you buried". Request to auditors for certain specific data.
Mar 24, 1960 HCO BGOALS IN THE RUDIMENTSFran Holders HCO Secs Assn Secs All Staff Auditors D of P D of TA session is a cycle of action. Has to be started, continued and ended properly or else pc is in continuous session. Rudiments. Goals in the rudiments and their importance. Details of why.
Mar 28, 1960 HCO BLETTER FROM WING AND SMOKEY ANGELLB P IHow Wing and Smokey Angell have been running a successful HAS Co-Audit.
Mar 30, 1960 HCO BINTERROGATION (HOW TO READ AN E-METER ON A SILENT SUBJECT)All Auditors in South Africa Cen O ConAs per title. How to use also on reporter, rioteer, etc. How to handle passive resistance.
Mar 31, 1960 HCO BTHE PRESENT TIME PROBLEMFran HoldersEvery person has PTPs at times. When they occur. It's the PTP that sticks the graph. What the PTP is. Definition of PTP. Processes on PTP's. Confusion and stable datum. The dual universe. Out of session.
Mar 31, 1960 HCO BELECTRODE IMPROVEMENT TIPB P ITip from Smokey Brand. How to fix cans so that clips won't come off in session. Diagram.
Mar 31, 1960 HCO BTHE HUBBARD CO-AUDIT CONTROL PANELB P I Franchise HoldersAs per title. Made by Charles Berner. OKed by LRH for use in Co-Audits. Where to obtain. Not HCO WW.
Apr 1, 1960 HCO BHUBBARD APPRENTICE SCIENTOLOGISTB P IRequirements and proposed requirements for HAS, HPA/HCA and BScn/HCS.
Apr 1, 1960 HCO BSOME POINTS OF THEORYB P ISmokey Brand's notes on dub in, field, Axiom 30, plus a suggested new version of the Reality Scale.
Apr 1, 1960 HCO BROUTE TO SUCCESS IN SCIENTOLOGYM A Franchise HoldersMildred Galusha writes about how the orgs give service and how to do it. The use of Communication, the Tone Scale, Codes etc. ARC.
Apr 7, 1960 HCO BA NEW SUMMARY OF AUDITINGFranchise Holders All Staff Auditors Note HCO Secs send to every Certified Auditor in your areaWhat a good result in auditing depends on. LRH feels we've had it made on tech but still have the problem of auditor application. The first and foremost rule of auditing is find something the pc can do and process him to improve that ability. Build his confidence back. Further data. What a session depends on. The gradient, a possible chart.
Apr 7, 1960 HCO B Issue IIIMPORTANT CHECKSHEET FOR HGCD of Ps Cent OrgsThe checksheet and its use in HGC. It does not supplant the Auditor's Report, but is turned in with the report. Purpose of the checksheet.
Apr 11, 1960 HCO BACC TRCen OSecurity Check TR developed for 1st Joburg ACC by LRH and the ACC Instructors.
Apr 11, 1960 HCO BNEW TRAINING SCHEDULEAssn Sec HCO Sec D of Training HatBased on 8 weeks the new training line up — Comm Course, Upper Indoc, Model Session, CCH's, V-VIII. Theory and practice as per London HPA/BScn tapes. How to teach. Why a pc is ill. Reactive self restraint is the purpose of all engrams. This must be replaced by analytical control. Teach the student to get little wins to make big wins.
Apr 12, 1960 HCO BHUBBARD APPRENTICE SCIENTOLOGISTB P I Cen O ConThe exam that must be passed for the HAS Cert to be awarded in the future. Details — Co-Audit examination. To be completed by HAS Co-Audit Instructor.
Apr 14, 1960 HCO BNEW P.E. DATAAssn Secs HCO Secs PE Director Hat Franchise HoldersSupervising PE Co-Audit. All pcs on one meter developed by Charles Berner. Assessment, processes, procurement, HAS certs. Summary.
Apr 19, 1960 HCO BTIME-TABLE OF H.P.A. COURSEAssoc Secs HCO Secs for info Dept HeadsHPA schedule as currently taught in the Academy Melbourne.
Apr 20, 1960 HCO BPROCESSESCen O Fran HoldersDick Halpern has sent a dispatch to Ron in which he states that Cause Elementary Straight Wire is most suitable for raising low tone arms, while Duplication Straight Wire is most suitable for lowering high tone arms. The commands for these two processes.
Apr 21, 1960 HCO BPRE-SESSION PROCESSESFran HoldersPurpose of pre-session processes. Seven types of person to use them on. Four types of pre-session. The need for these in a session. The use of CCHs and Model Session — how pre-sessions could be used. Processes. And then follow the gradient scale of gain. Summary.
Apr 22, 1960 HCO BFLATTENING TERMINALSB P IJohn Galusha makes some important points with regard to flattening terminals.
Apr 25, 1960 HCO BA GOOD SESSIONB P IResult an American auditor received on being processed on "you make that body sit in that chair".
Apr 29, 1960 HCO BTHE SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT OF THE INSANEAuditors of South AfricaHow to handle insanity — examples. How Scn could, and can, handle.
Apr 30, 1960 HCO BA.C.C. TRsCentral OrgsACC TRs. E-Meter drill (revised). ACC E-Meter Drill Check Sheet. E-Meter Hidden Date (revised). E-Meter Dating. Tips on interrogation. Nine points.
May 3, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORSB P IWorld Wide survey of auditing results to isolate the factors which are preventing optimum gains. Two major points showing up. Auditors not getting their pcs into session and auditors not flattening the process. Help needs to be run. Flatten PTPs, don't audit over an ARC Break and continue to flatten every process you run and you must win.
May 5, 1960 HCO BHELPAll Fran Auditors Assoc Secs HCO SecsHelp appears to be the make break point between sanity and insanity. How this shows up in children. The point this shows up on the tone scale, i.e. 2.0. The psychiatrist usually finds himself betrayed. How to clear the Help button. The processes to run. Help and problems. Help and betrayal. All pcs can be helped — even when in the middle of engram. Clean up help until the meter is free on the subject.
May 6, 1960 HCO Horticultural BulletinFIFTH DYNAMIC RESEARCHB P ILRH work on plants written by Derek Shuff.
May 6, 1960 HCO BACADEMY CHECK SHEETCentral OrgsCopy of the checksheet used in the Academy at DC.
May 6, 1960 HCO BHPA/HCA TAPE SCHEDULECentral OrgsCopy of the tape schedule being used at the DC Academy.
May 7, 1960 HCO BEARMARKS OF A HOT TERMINALB P IHints on how to recognise a "hot" terminal summarised by Jan Halpern from lectures and conversations of LRH. E-Meter, body, emotion, knowingness, mock-ups, time and problem.
May 7, 1960 HCO BMARRIAGE CO-AUDITB P IExtracts from a dispatch from Andy Bagley HAS Co-Audit Instructor in Washington, regarding the successful Marriage Co-Audit he is handling in DC.
May 10, 1960 HCO BOUR TECHNICAL PROGRAMMEHCO Secs Ds of P All HGC AuditorsThis applies to all HCO and Central Org Staffs everywhere. Who not to have on staff, why. Now that O/Ws are well in, staff will be getting Help. List of processes for staff and for HGC pcs. CCHs, Havingness. What is to be done on the field. LRH's pgm for staff and how long it will take.
May 10, 1960 HCO B Correctedby HCO B Feb 3, 1967SCALESB P IJan Halpern has compiled an up to date list of the various scales used in Scientology. Emotional Tone Scale, C-D-E-I Scale, Effect Scale, Havingness Scale, Expanded Know to Mystery Scale, Scale of Identification, Scale of Knowingness and Reality - Spotting by E-Meter.
May 10, 1960CALLING ALL AUDITORSB P ILRH idea and auditor idea of presessioning not the same. Clear help with the pc by the steps listed. Result expected — further data. Run help flat.
May 11, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORSB P IClarification on difference between a nul needle and a free needle. How help processes may achieve this. No process is a substitute for an intelligent well trained auditor. When the meter says the process is flat, it's flat.
May 12, 1960 HCO BHELP PROCESSINGFranchise Holders HCO Secs Assn SecsHelp is the only common denominator the world can understand. How O/Ws and Help relate and are run. Why 5 way help cleared people. Help O/W. Use of pre-session and help in the HGC. Apply what you know
May 19, 1960 HCO BHOW HELP BECAME BETRAYALFranchise Holders HCO Secs Assn SecsHelp is the button the world spun in on a few million years ago. It's where we find our pc. Help is betrayal. The cycle. Helping only victims. Prediction of cleared staff and a large part of Earth- Help is just help.
May 26, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORS ABOUT HELPB P IFurther data on Help. Results from London good. Coverage of the salient points of the rundown. Run every terminal contacted to a nul needle. Forward all info to LRH, plus any problem with the Help process.
May 26, 1960 HCO B Supplemented by HCO B Feb 1, 1961SECURITY CHECKSFranchise Holders HCO Secs Assoc SecsNotes taken by Org Sec of DC at SH re Security Checking. LRH issued 10 points of interest and value.
May 28, 1960 HCO B"BY THEIR ACTIONS ..."B P I M AHow to tell by actions whose side another is on. Based on ability to help. The good can help — the bad "help" only to betray. This is the test.
May 30, 1960 HCO BDYNAMIC ASSESSMENT ON HELPB P IHow to do a Dynamic Assessment on Help. Written by Marilyn Routsong after observing a demonstration by LRH.
June 2, 1960 HCO BDYNAMIC ASSESSMENT ON HELPB P I Franchise HoldersHow to do a Dynamic Assessment on Help. Written by Marilyn Routsong after observing a demonstration by LRH.
June 9, 1960 HCO BTHE BASIC ASSUMPTIONS OF SCIENTOLOGY VERSUS OVERTSFran Holders Central Orgs HCOsThe entire secret of all O/W mechanisms is valences. If the pc were in no valence he would have a perfect test response and be Clear. One becomes aberrated only by means of his own, not another's actions. We have examined and improved our assumption points. By being in a valence, not himself, a person confuses the source of pain. For pain to persist one must be in a valence. Only a being with valences has his overts recoil on him. Only a being with valences commits overts harmful to others.
June 10, 1960 HCO BWHAT WE EXPECT OF A SCIENTOLOGISTM AAs per title. Details given. Scientology is the only game on Earth where everybody wins.
June 10, 1960 HCO BHGC PRECLEAR ASSESSMENTAll HGCsPick up any cases that have been in processing more recently by starting them again on the first terminal they were ever run on. HGCs get the toughest cases and all the old time cases. HGCs do more patch-up than virgin work. Further data.
June 16, 1960 HCO BHINTS ON RUNNING CASES WITH HELPFranchise HoldersPresession Help, Two Way Comm, Rudiments Help, PTP, Assessment. Flatten the terminals. Help as a valence problem. Finishing off a difficult terminal. General processes. The idea is to run help and run it flat.
June 16, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORS ABOUT HELPB P IFurther data on Help — how to run and what to do.
June 21, 1960 HCO B Revised by HCO B Apr 18, 1967RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICEM ADefinition as per title. How this relates to Scn. Article written by John Fudge, Dir of Promotion and Registration in Washington DC. Could be used as a magazine article.
June 22, 1960 HCO BCERTIFICATE CHECK SHEETCen ORouting form and checksheet for Academy for use in all HCO's and Central Orgs. The routing form itself.
June 23, 1960 HCO Horticultural BulletinFIFTH DYNAMIC RESEARCHB P IMutation research. LRH is negotiating with Allied Electrical Industries for an X ray unit for carrying out plant mutation tests. Data on seed germination and plastic greenhouses.
June 30, 1960 HCO BCREATE AGAINFranchise HoldersBasis of reactive mind is creative ness done below the level of awareness. The source of all engrams. How the bank got toughened up before help was flat. If the person is in any valence he is victimised by his own creation. When a person is Mest Clear. Several things that reduce the toughening up of a reactive mind. How to handle.
July 5, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORS ABOUT HELPCen O Fran HoldersHow the Factors give us a look at the fundamentals of Clearing. Somewhere along the line a thetan made the consideration that too big an effect was dangerous to survival. How the thetan "handled" it. And so starts the dwindling spiral. Basic overt act. Our own resistance to pain holds it there.
July 6, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORS ABOUT HELPB P ILRH has achieved Clears as a regular thing. Difficulty of auditors achieving Clears. Many steps and actions that LRH has taken to enable auditors to be able to clear. To assist, auditors must get help run on themselves. Keep auditing, don't have a case while you're auditing, but get cleared.
July 6, 1960 HCO BMAKING CLEARS AND PICKING UP HGC QUALITY (TO THE HCO SEC: IMPORTANT)HCO Secs Assn Secs D of PsTo improve the auditing results of an HGC — a pgm laid out to be put into effect. While doing pgm put Regimen I into effect and only permit auditors to do it till they've had excellent results on several pcs. Summary.
July 7, 1960 HCO BTHE ASSESSMENT OF HELPFran HoldersStill searching for most adequate and fastest method of running Help. Very restimulative for auditors to run when not flat on them — need for Staff Theta Clearing Course or staff co-audit going fast on a supervised basis. The need to flatten on earlier terminals (slow or later ones). Why. Help is the basis of all association and association leads to identification. Failure to help is what is aberrative. Any help run is a gain. Keep a very close record on help run. Dynamic assessment on help. The data. Help is the last thing that folds up on the dwindling spiral of aberration. When interest, comm, control and help are gone, that's it.
July 14, 1960 HCO BCURRENT RUNDOWN CONCEPT HELPFran Holders (1953).Concept processing is very old Original version of concepts. Modern version of concept Help O/W. Value of concept Help, below level of articulated thought. Concept Help is unlimited. Alternate confront. Scale of what is right with a pc and the items which make them decline. Recovery of past skills. Odd ball processes.
July 15, 1960 HCO BASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIREHCO Secs Assoc Secs Dir Prom RegAssessment questionnaire to be sent to all people on the mailing list. The questionnaire itself.
July 20, 1960 HCO BSOME RECENT CASE HISTORIESFranchise Holders Central OrgsThe histories and the results listed. Correction to name: Dick Foster not Vic Foster on HCO B June 30, 1960.
July 21, 1960 HCO BSOME HELP TERMINALS ASSESSMENTSFranchise HoldersBasic method of finding a help terminal, E-Meter and ordinary or dynamic assessment. Terminals by profession. Assessment by goals. Recovery of past skills. Oddball processes.
July 27, 1960 HCO BDOUBLE ACTION CYCLESFran HoldersFurther data on LRH's research line. Old action cycles. Survival is the apparency of creating. Double cycles. Vio lation of duplication. Use in processing.
Aug 3, 1960 HCO BCALLING ALL AUDITORSB P IBasis of all aberration. Life a free interchange between life forms. Theory. Victims - O/M sequence. Man is basically good. Help is the basis of all identification and the key to unravelling the reactive mind. Use concept help as an undercut. Weak points of processing listed - 5 in all. Two nevers.
Aug 4, 1960 HCO BREGIMEN IFran HoldersRegimen I for general field use. Regimen I and its relation to Model Session. Regimen I in detail. General requirements. Use of TRs and Op Pro by Dup.
Aug 5, 1960 HCO BSTICKING TO THE RUNDOWN ON "WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS - TRY DOING WHAT RON SAYS'"Assoc Secs D of Ps D of Ts Staff AuditorStable data to be used. Points 1-5. "When all else fails — why not do as Ron says"'
Aug 9, 1960 HCO BEPITAPHB P IThe gains a man in a reformatory made after getting some auditing while on parole. The difference between a psychologist and a Scientologist and what a Scientclogist can do detailed.
Aug 11, 1960 HCO BTHE LAWS OF ASSESSMENTFranchise HoldersThe most important part of auditing is assessment. Three laws of assessment and their importance. Laws I, II and III, described in detail and how to use.
Aug 18, 1960 HCO BVITAL INFORMATIONHCO Secs Assn Secs Franchise HoldersAll apparent dynamics on people are inverted from their 6th dynamic and the theory of confusion and stable datum is paramount. Rundown given. Mest Clear, Theta Clear, and OT routes.
Aug 25, 1960 HCO BPOWERFUL PRESESSION ADDITIONSFranchised Auditors Assn Secs HCO SecsLRH has been filling in some points of Presession altitude for students on the 1st SH ACC. Had to be resolved what altitude is. New presession step at the level of control. The TA that should develop in session. Presession control processing. The processes and how to run them, for presession, interest, help, control and communication. TA is the clue on the presession control process.
Aug 25, 1960 HCO B Issue IINEW DEFINITION OF PSYCHOSIS-As per the bulletin. Someone who is psychotic cannot receive an order. Help is obsessive. The psychotic will not receive the orders that bring real help.
Aug 26, 1960 HCO BREGIMEN TWO1st St Hill ACC HCO Secs Assn SecsRegimen two requires no assessment. How it is run. Model session, assessment, Clear indication, steps of Regimen Two. Use of the EMeter.
Aug 26, 1960 HCO BOCA RELIABILITY TESTCentral Orgs D of PsTest sent in by John Damonte D of P at HGC London to find out how reliable an OCA is. Can be used as a check. A key will be sent separately to each D of P.
Sept 1, 1960 HCO BPRESESSION TWO ACCFranchise Holders Students Ds of P Assn Secs HCO SecsReshuffling of theory. Presession Two is not composed of new processes but is a new combination. It cannot be run without a good E-Meter. When pc has been steadied at his clear reading by many sessions of Presession Two then Regimen Two may be embarked upon. How to run. The processes the E-Meter reads. An auditing presession. Summary.
Sept 8, 1960 HCO BTHE PRE- SESSIONS OF THE 1st SAINT HILL ACCFran Holders1st St Hill ACC very successful. Regimen 3 being run on higher cases — preceded by presessions. New Regimen 3, 3V. What Presession II is for. Presession V-VII for more difficult cases. Presession VIII IX have not been used. Commands for Presessions II-X. Further data.
Sept 15, 1960 HCO BTHE TONE ARMFran HoldersIf you haven't got an E-Meter, you can't clear people. Can't tell whether a case is really moving or whether a process is biting. Ten truths with regard to the E-Meter or TA. TA tells you, by its motion, the extent of case advance long before you get another graph. If the case isn't gaining try another objective havingness process.
Sept 15, 1960 HCO BLATEST DATA ON HAVINGNESSTech Hats HCS StudentsThe latest data on havingness. What it is.
Sept 19, 1960 HCO BACC LECTURE TAPESD of Ts D of Ps HCO Secs1st SH ACC lecture tapes should be in orgs possession for staff use. Played to HGC staff auditors Assn Secs and the staff. They give Scn Theory 67. To whom the tapes are played. Immediate pgm for faster HGC gains.
Sept 19, 1960 HCO BCAPTIVE BRAINSB P IPity the poor Scientist, he is a captive brain. All he is permitted to do is slave — how this is. How he must deny all further responsibility for his creation. Once scientists stood for truth — now they serve economics and political greed. Further data on this. Scientologists go into the teeth today of the greatest slavery of them all, the slavery of thought.
Sept 20, 1960 HCO BPRESESSIONS: XI-XXXIFran Holders Central OrgsAs per title. Listed. How to use.
Sept 22, 1960 HCO BPRESESSIONS AND REGIMENSFranchise Holders Central OrgsPresessions XXXII to XXXV and a list of the commands of Regimens 1-6. How to handle.
Sept 22, 1960 HCO BANNOUNCING NEW TECHNOLOGYFran Holders M ANew technology developed on the 1st SH ACC. All cases now included in clearing. The key to all cases is inability to have. New milestone in Scientology. List of names of those who attended 1st SH ACC.
Sept 23, 1960 HCO BORDER AND OF HAVINGNESS AND CONFRONTHGCsHow to test and use the havingness and confront commands. What they should do on the meter. Use of CCHs, O/Ws, PTPs, ARC Breaks. How to make up a regimen. Definition of pc's havingness, Help and Confront processes. Havingness commands in order of test for pc's, confront commands in order of test for pc's. Further data.
Sept 26, 1960 HCO BGETTING OFF O/WsCentral OrgsLetter Alison Parkhouse used to get auditors to send in their O/Ws. LRH requests each Central Org send out copies of the letter to each auditor in their area. The letter. Third Dynamic ARC.
Sept 27, 1960 HCO BSUPERVISION OF SESSIONSCentral Orgs D of Ps -Idea from Peter Cowell re co-audit type of switchboard. Detailed in HCO B.
Sept 28, 1960 HCO BTIPS ON HOW TO CRACK AN HGC CASECentral Orgs HGCsRun lots of "what question shouldn't I ask you?" and get all off. Find and solve PTPs, O/Ws on terminals involved. Lots of O/W. Failed help. Further data — havingness processes and confront processes.
Sept 29, 1960 HCO BHAVINGNESS AND DUPLICATIONFranchise HoldersHavingness is apparently the willingness and ability to duplicate in all senses of the word. That which makes communication work is the duplication part of the comm formula. How this relates to the position of the being on the tone scale. Further data on havingness and duplication. People go out of PT because they can't have most of it. PT is the only referral point that exists. In its absence all becomes "bank".
Oct 6, 1960 HCO BTHIRTY SIX NEW PRESESSIONSFran HoldersThis material was developed for the 1st SH ACC. The presessions may be subject to revision. Further data. The presessions listed as developed.
Oct 10, 1960 HCQ B Amended by HCO B Oct 20, 1960STAFF THETA CLEARING COURSECentral OrgNotes by John Damonte on how to run the Staff Theta Clearing Course. Supervisors duties, how to run sessions as per HGC run downs. Some additional items to all the bulletins of this rundown.
Oct 13, 1960 HC0 B Amended by HCO Bs Nov 11, 1960 and Jan 23, 1962 Cancelled by HCO PL Mar 1, 1961, and HCO B Mar 21 1961SCRIPT OF A MODEL SESSIONFran HoldersWhy a Model Session is a Model Session — not to be varied and to be known by heart. Mark of well trained auditor — runs out earlier sessions. This does not enjoin against two way comm. Start of session, rudiments, en vironment, auditor clearance, PTP, starting a process and ending a process. Commands, cognition, end rudiments, final comments of session.
Oct 18, 1960 HCO BTERMINAL STABLE DATAHCOs Central OrgsTerminal chosen must fall on meter, fit pc's case (interest) cover lots of track, avoid adjectives. Run any terminal assessed flat before any reassessment.
Oct 20, 1960 HCO BTHEORY 67Fran HoldersAll cases (and banks) are an in version of the 8 dynamics into the Sixth Dynamic and they invert into the Seventh. Better sense to take 6th dynamic off the 7th than 7th off the 6th. The new presessions and the new definition of havingness came out of Theory 67. Target of 67 is Mest. Further inversions.
Oct 20, 1960 HCO B Amends HCO B Oct 10, 1960SUPPLEMENTARY BULLETINCentral OrgsSee amendments as stated.
Oct 20, 1960 HCO BHPA/HCA PREPARATORY COURSECentral Orgs D of Ts RegistrarsIdea originated by Tony Dunleavy, D of T in Perth as incentive to students who find it hard to "start" the HPA course.
Oct 26, 1960 HCO BAN AUDITING WINB P IAuditing win of 16 year old boy in an intensive with a US franchised auditor.
Oct 27, 1960 HCO BREVISED CASE ENTRANCEFranchise HoldersOnly difficulty LRH is having in SA is compliance with the auditing rundown so if cases aren't moving look for gross auditing errors. Ensure havingness process is OK. Points covered. Three rules. Exception. Failed Help — lowest verbal entrance process. Help most effective version of taking responsibility. For average cases. Poor cases, low cases.
Oct 31, 1960 HCO BPROCESSING BY CORRESPONDENCEB P IHow an American auditor processes a pc 1500 miles away by correspondence. What she did and the results over 5 months.
Nov 3, 1960 HCO BFAILED HELPFranchise HoldersThe most sensational case cracker of all time is Failed Help. How to use it. A lower dichotomy. Do not expect big changes at first. Useful for cases we've found hard to start before.
Nov 10, 1960 HCO BFORMULA 13Franchise HoldersFormula 13 uses Failed Help as the confront process and O/W on specific PT terminals as the havingness process. Further data on failed help and O/W. Essence of running Formula 13. Best case undercutter so far. Recommended and urged for all HGCs.
Nov 11, 1960 HCO B Amends HC0 B Oct 13, 1960CHANGE ON MODEL SESSIONAll Orgs Franchise HoldersTypo found in HCO B Oct 13,1960 under "Starting a Process". The line to be deleted.
Nov 12, 1960 HCO BCLEARING ROUTINERush to all Central Orgs From S.A.St Hill reissue as HCO B 8 Dec 60. 26 musts that must be adhered to if Clears are to be made.
Nov 17, 1960 HCO BSTARTING CASESFranchise HoldersKey to fast, high results is "pc in session". Various degrees of being out of session. See presession one. Various forms of out of session and how to handle. Definition of "In Session". These two factors must be established from the start. All the clever processes there are will fail if pc out of session. Exception to case interest — when pc hits boredom, must push the pc through. Get the pc into session.
Nov 18, 1960 HCO BPRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEETHGC Admin All Staff Auditors D of PAs per title and as per the form. How to do it, what it is, its purpose. The form itself.
Nov 20, 1960 HCO BHAS CO-AUDIT ENDEDB P I Franchise HoldersHAS Co-Audit is suspended after long trial. Why. Five points as to why the Co-Audit has been suspended. There will be new programme. Use old Group Processing. HAS Co-Audit may yet return.
Nov 21, 1960 HCO B"COPY OF LETTER FROM MARY SUE HUBBARD TO L. RON HUBBARDCentral Orgs HGCs Heads of Dept D of P Staff AuditorsMSH observations as to what auditors are doing wrong about cases (as D of P Johannesburg). 4 different points, and her sug gestions as to what could be done about it.
Nov 22, 1960 HCO BDIGEST OF ORGANISATIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR A RECENT WEEKCentral OrgsHGC results for a recent week. Staff Theta Clearing Reports. Training Reports. Comment from Ron.
Nov 22, 1960 HCO BA LOOK AT THE BASIC RUNDOWNCentral Orgs Franchise HoldersWhat prelude is needed to happiness and ability. What prevents this. How to handle. Auditor intention to help the pc is the most important of auditing.
Nov 24, 1960 HCO BTHE UNMOVING CASEFranchise HoldersThe variations needed to handle the (1) hypercritical case, (2) the big withhold case (3) the case that wants no processing. How to handle each of these. Follow them up by Formula 13.
Nov 25, 1960 HCO BTHE NEW P.E.Central Orgs Franchise HoldersNew PE write up for PE Course written by Frank Belling in Joburg at LRH request. Current PE Course curriculum.
Dec 1, 1960 HCO BNEW FORMULASFranchise HoldersFormula is a method of getting a case started. Nos. 13, 14 and 15 listed in order of development. Regimen is the workhorse combination of processes that boosts the case to Clear after it has been started. Regimen 3 and 8 stated. All Formulas and Regimens are run in model session.
Dec 2, 1960 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY IN A SCHOOLFranchise HoldersResults of before and after tests in a private school, after the use of Creative Learning.
Dec 3, 1960 HCO BCLEARING ROUTINEFranchise HoldersThis Clearing routine must be adhered to if Clears are to be made. They are musts. 26 points listed.
Dec 9, 1960 HCO BRESUME OF REPORTS FROM ORGSCen OrgsReports from HGCs, Training and Staff Theta Clearing Courses of orgs.
Dec 15, 1960 HCO BPRESESSION 37Franchise HoldersA presession is run without a model session. Presession 37 is a method of getting off withholds. What a formula is. What Formula 16 is. What Formula 17 is.
Dec 19, 1960 HCO BPE CHANGESA - Joburg - Durban Capetown All Central OrgsDisregard PE Free Course Data in HCO B Dec 29 1960. Other materials in that HCO B are valid. New PE Course and Test eval line up of how this will be done. Contents of PE and HAS Co-Audit. Purpose and what to get done.
Dec 22, 1960 HCO BHAS CO-AUDIT RESUMEDFranchise (Merry Christmas)LRH is testing a new series of processes for HAS Co-Audit. Three points regarding how HAS Co-Audit cases stalled. New Co-Audit processes due to be released soon. Further data.
Dec 22, 1960 HCO BO/W A LIMITED THEORYFranchiseO/W only applies to a strata of existence and stems from failures to help. Physics law of interaction. The forces of two beings only come into dispute after they have first joined. Cycle, from independent beings to being critical of self. Further data and processes.
Dec 29, 1960 HCO BTHE NEW PE AND THE NEW HAS CO-AUDITFranchise HoldersThe new HAS Co-Audit takes company in a PE Foundation with the free PE Course, the new Anatomy of the Human Mind Course (requisite for HPA/HCA) and a tape play. People who take a free PE and an Anatomy Course get an HAS Certificate. HAS Co-Audit Process I. HAS CoAudit Process II. Both new powerful processes.

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Jan 5, 1961 HCO BO-W A LIMITED THEORYFranchise HoldersAmended version of HCO B Dec 22, 1960. O/W applies only to a strata of existence and stems from failures to help. Cycle listed. Worry Cure Process. O/W not a senior law of the Universe.
Jan 12, 1961 HCO BNEW HELP DATAFranchiseFailure to help on the various dynamics can bring about confusion of identities. How it is resolved by the thetan. End product of failures to help. Further data — processes to be tried.
Jan 16, 1961 HCO BTRAINING RIGHTSFranchise Holders Central Orgs for infoRights to train to level of HCA/ HPA will not be granted to the field in future. This has not been handled well. Anatomy of Human Mind released to auditors to run.
Jan 19, 1961 HCO BADDITIONAL HAS PROCESSESFranchiseProcesses for the HAS Course, III to VIII. How to run. Newcomer to fill out goals sheets once a week and instructor should pay attention to it in choosing processes.
Jan 23, 1961 HCO B Arnends HCO B Oct 13, 1960 Script of Model SessionADDITION TO SCRIPT OF A MODEL SESSIONFranchise Central Orgs ACC StudentsTwo points on Model Session script amended, 3A added. Ending a process changed.
Jan 25, 1961 HCO BHANDLING OF RUDIMENTSFran HoldersHow to handle goals in the rudi ments. Also additional data on handling environment, auditor clearance, O/W, PTP and PTP of long duration. Processes.
Jan 26, 1961 HCO BTHE "ULTIMATE" PROCESSESFranchiseUltimate Processes, when they can be run on the pc, now exist. When they can be run. Ultimate Processes 1-6. How they should be run, in what form.
Jan 28, 1961 HCO BNEW ASSESSMENT SCALECont HGCs Copy to Sthil Eventual Franchise TechLRH has developed a new assessment scale which takes in most possible formulas and regimens. The scale itself. Its use.
Feb 1, 1961 HCO B Supplements HC0 B May 26, 1960 same titleSECURITY CHECKSHCO Secs Assoc SecsNotes on Sec Checking written by Denny Gogerly, Dir of Government Relations. Points 1-13.
Feb 2, 1961 HCO BUK CASES DIFFERENTFranchiseRestudy of English case by LRH while in SA: UK case early requires a lot of S.C.S. or 8-C and havingness between Formula and starting the regimen. UK case tends strongly to alter-is a command. Addition in HGC London. U~e of Op Pro by Dup, 4 parts to SCS now instead of 3 — re stand still.
Feb 2, 1961 HCO BCOMMAND SHEET PRE HAVINGNESS SCALEHCOs HGCs ACCsCommands conditionally developed by LRH for use with the Pre Havingness Scale. The commands are given in reverse order to scale.
Feb 9, 1961 HCO BNEW PRESESSION DATA AND SCRIPT CHANGEFranchiseUse of Presession 37 should be limited to about 2 hours per week. As a case progresses it becomes conscious of more W/Hs. Model Session script change. W/H goes into the rudiments. Formula 19 a better thing to slug a case with than Presession 37.
Feb 16, 1961 HCO BFORMULA 19FranchisePurpose of Formula 19. Its use and when. What it improves. What it consists of, the commands, and how to run.
Feb 18, 1961 HCO B Modified by HCO B Mar 31, 1961S.O.P. GOALS MARVELLOUS NEW BREAKTHROUGH BE-DO-HAVE COORDINATED Auditing Staff All 22 American ACC Students All 3rd S.A. ACC StudentsHCO Secs Assn Secs Ds of P All HGC Personnel All Auditors process works in relation to Be, Do and Have. TA movement is the keynote to case gain. Cases don't move well when heavy W/Hs or PTPs are present. Example. We want Clear staffs.To be used on all staff cases now. Developed for 3rd South African ACC. Take note of what was being run for later application. S.O.P. Goals Intensives. The seventeen steps of running a goal. How the
Feb 20, 1961 HCO BIMPORTANT DATA ON GOALS S.O.P.Cen O Con TechWhat it's vital to know about cases being run on Goals S.O.P. on the Pre Hav Scale. Flatten every terminal started. When a goals terminal is flat.
Feb 23, 1961 HCO BPT PROBLEM AND GOALSFranchiseIt will be found that PTPs are often disclosed by the goals announced by the pc. PTP can totally stall a case — only W/Hs PTPs and ARC Breaks (GAEs) can stop a case now. Definition of problem, and PTP. Examples. Dianetic assist is Presession 38.
Mar 1, 1961 HCO B Cencels HCO B Oct 13, 1960 same titleSCRIPT OF A MODEL SESSIONFranchise Holders Central OrgsScript of Model Session brought up to date. Model Session is model session because of "patter", not because of specific processes, Start of session, rudiments, start of process, end of process, repeated commands, cognition, end rudiments, end of session. Notes 1-25.
Mar 2, 1961 HCO BNEW PRE-HAVE COMMAND All 22nd American ACC Students All 3rd S.A. ACC Students TechHCO Secs Assn Secs Ds of P All HGC Personnel All Auditors Auditing StaffA new command for communication on the Pre-Have Scale. Replaces the Pre-Have command in HCO B of Feb 2, 1961 (dated March 9, 1961). Basic command and the eleven way bracket. Further data.
Mar 2, 1961 HCO BUSE OF S.O.P. GOALS PROCEDURECen O ConHCO Area Secs — important to enforce. When S.O.P. goals may be run on HGC pcs. Where further data on S.O.P. goals may be found. Where it may be taught.
Mar 2, 1961 HCO BFORMULA 20FranchiseWhat Formula 20 is and for what cases it is to be used. The commands.
Mar 9, 1961 HCO BNEW ASSESSMENT SCALEContinental HGCs FranchiseNew assessment scale developed which takes in most possible formulas and regimens. The PreHave Scale itself. Its use.
Mar 9, 1961 HCO BCOMMAND SHEET PRE HAVINGNESS SCALEHCOs HGCs ACCs FranchiseCommands developed for use with Pre-Have Scale. Note additions. The processes.
Mar 21, 1961 HCO B Cancels HCO B Oct 13, 1960SCRIPT OF A MODEL SESSIONFranchise Holders Central OrgsSee the bulletin. Much as HCO B Mar 1, 1961.
Mar 23, 1961 HCO BS.O.P. GOALSFranchiseThis is the Franchise issue, slightly rewritten, of S.O.P. Goals. HCO B Feb 18, 1961. Do not issue HCO B Feb 18, only this one to Franchise. For Franchise Holders as per this HCO B.
Mar 31, 1961 HCO B Modifies HCO B Feb 18, 1961S.O.P. GOALS MODIFIEDCen O Con Fran HoldersSteps 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 modification.
Apr 6, 1961 HCO BS.O.P. GOALS GOALS ASSESSMENT PROBLEMS SORTED OUTCen O ConD of P — stated she could not get goal to read when found by auditor. This is improper assessment. How to assess a goals list, in detail by LRH. The goal, terminal and Pre-Have level that have to be run all read — all the rest cease to read.
Apr 6, 1961 HCO B Issue IIS.O.P. GOALS GOALS REPAIRING A CASECen O ConAn auditor after proper assessment, was afraid to let the TA go tight on running any Pre-Have level. He ran them, four levels worth of processes in the first two hours of S.O.P. goals. The pc bogged and no further assessment for Pre-Have level could be done. Remedy. Details listed.
Apr 7, 1961 HCO BASSESSING FOR GOALS AND TERMINALS OR ELIMINATIONCen O Con D of P Staff Auditors Franchise Tech HatsWeak spot in S.O.P. goals. LRH has a method of handling. Do in Model Session. The goals list. How to handle. Assessment by elimination. Terminal list. Terminals which represent the goal list. Assess by elimination. The commands. 5 way bracket. Addition to Pre-Have Scale.
Apr 7, 1961 HCO B Issue II Amended by HCO B Apr 18, 1961S.O.P. GOALS MODIFICATION ICentral Orgs, City Offices Processing Depts FranchiseOn all staff and outside cases the following Goals Standard Operating Procedure will be used. S.O.P. goals use Model Sessions throughout. The 17 steps of the intensive.
Apr 11, 1961 HCO BS.O.P. GOALS ERRORSCen O ConPrimary sources of wasted time on S.O.P. Goals and errors listed — six in number. What you should know and be able to do.
Apr 12, 1961 HCO BTRAINING DRILLSCen O ConTRs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.5 is Hand Mimicry.
Apr 17, 1961 HCO B Reissued amended slightly HCO B Jan 5, 1971 added to by HCO Bs Dec 12, 1971 and Mar 12, 1972TRAINING DRILLS MODERNISEDCen O Con FranchiseThe six reasons for having modernised TRs. TRs 0-4.
Apr 18, 1961 HCO B Amends HCO B Apr 7, 1961S.O.P. GOALSCentral Orgs City Offices Processing Depts FranchiseModification I — correction and clarification steps 7, 8 and 9 are deleted. Not used in the modified version of S.O.P. Goals.
Apr 23, 1961 HCO BCHANGE PROCESSESCentral Orgs Post Staff B BoardTelex sent to Peter Williams now instructing the Australian ACC. Definition of Release. Use of Change process prior to S.O.P. Goals.
Apr 27, 1961 HCO BCHANGE PROCESSESCen O Con FranchiseChange Processes and their need for 80% of pc's because of alteris of commands. Discovery. Various Change Processes and how to work out which ones to run. Summary.
Apr 30, 1961 HCO BCHANGE BRACKETS AND COMMANDSCen O ConThe basic commands of Change form a series of brackets. How change compares to the cycle of action. Basic versions of change are change, no change, and failed change. Standard bracket, 15 way bracket and several other versions .
May 4, 1961 HCO BPROCESS LEVELS NECESSITY FOR TRAININGFranchise HGA.It has been found that S.O.P. goals while effective in the HGC under strict supervision are beyond the average training level of the field in TRs, EMeter and Model Session. Chief reason auditors fail is mainly confront. Levels of training for HPA/HCA, BScn/HCS and DScn/
May 11, 1961 HCO BE-METER HORRORFranchiseDick Halpern reports that out of 48 students many trained on earlier ACCs, 48 did not know what falls, rises or theta bops were or meant on the E-Meter. S.O.P. goals works when one knows it and these basics of auditing. Book E-Meter essentials details metering. Academies will retread TRs, Meter and Model Session. Special Briefing Courses will be taught. A very special Clearing Course will be taught at St Hill. If you know TRs, Model Session, Meter, Change Processes and S.O.P. Goals, you can release and Clear anyone.
May 11, 1961 HCO BURGENT ASSESSMENT BY ELIMINATION S.O.P. GOALSFranchise HoldersEnough errors are being made by auditors in assessing to prevent clearing. All failures to clear are incorrect assessment or in complete Pre-Have Scale which LRH is completing in a workable form. The right way to do an assessment — 5 steps. Assessment by elimination — the 12 steps in detail.
May 13, 1961 HCO BASSESSING FOR S.O.P. GOALS IMPROVEDCentral Orgs HGCsAssessment for a goal must be perfect. Preparation for assess ment. Importance of accurate assessment. Two types of terminals to assess. Eliminate nul terminals. Always recheck terminals list. Perfect assessment. Use Model Session, clear rudiments, long duration PTPs. You can redo assessment any time. Beware sticking a TA. Rock slam.
May 19, 1961 HCO BURGENT ASSESSMENT DATACen O ConThree mistakes that are being made on Goals Assessments. Three important rules elaborated. Summary.
May 23, 1961 HCO BURGENT FOR USE ON ALL CASES. PRE- HAVE SCALE REVISEDCentral OrgsThis is the rough version. The Primary Scale is accurate and complete. The Secondary Scale is not necessarily complete or edited. This is the first major revision of the Pre-Have Scale since Jan 1961. The use of the scale. Examples, elaboration. Primary Scale attached. Secondary Scale will be issued in parts as it comes off the Mimeo machine.
May 25, 1961 HCO BRELEASING AND PREPARING A CASE FOR S.O.P. GOALSFranchiseS.O.P. Goals takes a great deal of accurate Scientology to run. TRs 0-4 have to be perfect. E Meter and Model Session also. Nothing goes so wrong on S.O.P. goals as poor assessment. The steps that release people. The Joburg Check. General runs on Pre-Have. Release. Six mistakes which can be made. Summary.
May 29, 1961 HCO BCLARIFICATION OF "CHANGE PROCESSING"Central OrgsDispatch to D of P DC about "Change" being used exclusive of the whole Pre-Have and has been having trouble. Where change fits in Pre-Have levels. Change to be put at inverted Control and carry on. Best routine is HCO B May 13, 1961.
June 1, 1961 HCO BASSESSINGCentral Orgs Tech StaffClarifying how to do assessment on the Pre-Have Scale, Primary and Secondary. Assess Primary — move to Secondary. How to run. Don't reassess in the Secondary unless the Primary comes up again. Secondary due to be fully ready shortly.
June 5, 1961 HCO B Cance~s earlier process directivesPROCESSES ALLOWEDCen O Con FranchiseD of P re-evaluates all cases, staff and public, on the basis of this bulletin and applies this bulletin at once to all cases. The only processes that may be used in HGCs, Central or City Offices, excepting only Academies where any process may be used for training. Routine 1, Routine 2, Routine 3.
June 7, 1961 HCO BACADEMY SCHEDULE, CLARIFICATION OFCentral OrgsThe Tech calibre desired from an Academy Graduate. He should be capable of being employed by HGC when graduated. Why. Course done by checksheet. Handle individual. Unit 1 for techniques, Unit II for processes and application. Things to learn are TRs 1-9, Model Session, E-Meter, CCHs, Pre-Have Scale and its use in assessment, running of Pre-Have levels, how to do a Security Check. At least 50 LRH taped lectures and why. Further data.
June 8, 1961 HCO BE-METER WATCHING ARE YOU WAITING FOR THE METER TO PLAY DIXIE?StHil Students Central Orgs Tech StaffAuditors having trouble doing assessments on the Pre-Have, on Security Checks and Goals — waiting for meter to react. Auditors are not doing Analytical Assessment. E-Meter reacts on reactive mind instantly because time is out of order in the reactive mind. What is wrong with the pc is not known to the pc. If it is, it isn't wrong with him. Assessments wrong sometimes as auditor is persuaded by the pc not the Meter. Assessment — 7 things to know about it. To wait more than 3 seconds before uttering the next word on a line is a complete waste of auditing time. True also of Joburg.
June 12, 1961 HCO BTHE RISING NEEDLE: SKIP IT'Central Orgs FranchiseA rising needle is not classified as a reaction for practical auditing purposes. Reactions: rock slam, full theta bop, stuck, change of characteristic. Actions or motions: free needle, no reaction, stage 4, rise, body reaction. Approach the case via the point of the reactions. Why.
June 16, 1961 HCO BCCHs AND ROUTINE IB P I FranchiseCriteria on Routine I. Why. Do via Routine I, II and III — get a release and then go to Routine III. Time economy is our criterion, not case level. If you need to get audited on CCHs do so.
June 17, 1961 HCO BPRIMARY SCALE AMENDEDCentral Orgs Franchise HoldersFour additions have been added to Primary Pre-Have — evidence of their absence shows slow case gains. Amended scale attached.
June 19, 1961 HCO BSEC CHECK WHOLE TRACK (HCO WW SEC FORM 4)Central Orgs HGCs Tech StaffSec Check for processing use only. Use mid way on Routine 3 and from then on. Nine pages of whole track Sec Check.
June 23, 1961 HCO B 20 mins go to next and so on. Use only right hand. CCHs and Sec Check how to run. Can be two different auditors. CCHs not run in Model Session, notrun on E-Meter. Why this is run this way.RUNNING CCH'sCentral Orgs Tech DeptsRun CCHs only so long as it produces change in the pc's general aspect. If no change in
June 27, 1961 HCO BROUTINE ONEFranchise Holders Central Orgs Tech DeptsHow to run CCHs and Joburgs clarified. Probably one-third time for Sec Checks rather than one for one CCHs and Sec Checks.
July 6, 1961 HCO BROUTINE 1AFranchiseFirst refinement of the Routines. Problems and hidden standard holding up cases. Definition of problem. All pcs should probably be run on Routine I. Steps Routine lA: Problems and Sec Check. Problems elaborated. Further data on Sec Checks. Ratio between Problems and Sec Check. Value of Routine lA.
July 10, 1961 HCO BMETERING RUDIMENTSCentral Orgs City Offices Tech Depts FranchiseClarification on the colloquial use of "fall" for an E-Meter reaction by LRH. Data on change of pattern. Sensitivity of meter setting. Further data on Routine 1A,
July 13, 1961 HCO BCHANGE PROCESSING AND CCH's CLARIFICATION OF "CHANGE PROCESSING"FranchiseAs per HCO B 29 May and HCO B June 23, 1961 for Franchise auditor issue.
6 July 17, 1961 HCO BWITHHOLDSCentral Orgs Tech DeptsDispatch from Marilyn Routsong. It was found on Special Course DC that if pc said yes in answer to Sec Check question the auditor just acked and went on and did not pull the answers. This was handled but LRH informed as she thought it may be widely spread.
Aug 3, 1961 HCO BGETTING A PROCESS STARTEDFranchiseProcesses can take up to two sessions before they'll bite. Why. Data given and the scene elaborated.
Aug 10, 1961 HCO BINFORMATION ON CLEARSFranchiseA compilation of various HCO Info Letters with regard to Clears and a post auditor Clearing session.
Aug 17, 1961 HCO BHCO SPECIAL EVENTS COURSE - WASHINGTON D.C.FranchiseCourse observations made by John Fudge after the HCO Special Events Course in Washington DC in the form of a student's report.
Aug 23, 1961 HCO BNEW CLEARING BREAKTHROUGH'Cen O ConImportant factors of why Clearing slows up re assessments and the finding of Goals and terminals to be found on SHSBC tapes Aug 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22 and 23. No special courses shall be started on Clearing till the Instructors have heard and understood these tapes. Can be bought from DC.
Aug 24, 1961 HCO BVALENCES KEY TO CLEARINGFranchiseIf you aren't running in the direction of valences, you aren't Clearing. What goals do to a person. Routine 3 is the fundamental road to Clear. All processes should be addressed to finding valences. Get the goal, get the valence off.
Aug 31, 1961 HCO BADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGYFranchiseClearing dependent on quality. Common denominator of all Clearing is good auditing, not case type. List of data well known and used by auditors who accomplished Clearing. Breakthrough in last 15 days on 8 points.
Sept 7, 1961 HCO BNEW FACTS OF LIFE. SECURITY CHECKSFranchiseSec Checking absorbed into pro cessing and is an integral part of processing, producing very spectacular gains when well done. A new Not-Know version of giving a Sec Check. How to use the forms when doing Sec Check in processing. Examples. 2 points to be clear before a Sec Check question is left. ARC Break prevention, 6 points. An observation of a terrible truth.
Sept 14, 1961 HCO BNEW RUDIMENTS COMMANDSFranchiseKeeping rudiments in is of great importance with the realization that endless goals assessments occur only when rudiments are out. If rudiments are in, what happens. Better rudiments processes have been tested by LRH for your use. Rudiments on the room, auditor, PT problem, withholds, ARC Break. Limit two-way comm to asking what, where, when questions.
Sept 21, 1961 HCQ BSECURITY CHECK CHILDREN HCO WW SECURITY FORM 8FranchiseProcessing check for children. The first question is the most potent. The questions listed.
Sept 28, 1961 HCO BHCO WW I SECURITY FORM 7A AND 7BFranchiseThe two forms are for employment. 7A for Staff Applicants. 7B for persons now employed. Directions for doing.
Oct 6, 1961 HCO BTRAINING OF STAFF AUDITORSCentral Orgs HCO's City OfficesFollowing dispatches to Assn Sec and HCO Area Sec London are of general interest. Data and recommendations with regard to Sec Checking and Class II and training of auditors. Minute and specific examination. We want 100% passes.
Oct 9, 1961 HCO BRUDIMENTS, CHANGE INFranchise Central Orgs Tech DeptsDelete "Are you W/Hing anything?" from end of session rudiments and add "Have you told me any half truths or untruths in this session?" or "Have you said anything just to make an impression on me?". Start end rudiments about half hour before time due to end session. Fill in any extra time with havingness. Why this step has been developed. Clear all instant reads off the question.
Oct 12, 1961 HCO BSTUDENT PRACTICE CHECKAcademiesAcademy practice check for Academy Students doing E-Meter use.
Oct 17, 1961 HCO BPROBLEMS INTENSIVEHGCsTwo important additions to be made to HCO B Nov 18, 1960. The pc Assessment Sheet sections 0 and P added to this bulletin. Purpose of sections 0 & P. Further data in tapes of Oct 10, 11 and 12. Self determined change preceded by confusion or problem. The prior confusion is the auditor's target. Run processing Check on person with most reaction in the confusion. This program for Class II auditors should be grooved in as soon as data and tape material are well understood.
Oct 19, 1961 HCO BSECURITY QUESTIONS MUST BE NULLEDFranchiseMain danger of Security Checking is not probing a person's past but failing to do so thoroughly. What happens if you leave a Security Check question live. The remedy — 6 ways to ensure Sec Check questions are nulled.
Oct 26, 1961 HCO BSAFE AUDITING TABLEFranchiseReason why banks solidify and some pcs gain weight. Safe Processes and who may run them listed. No terminal to be run except on Goals chain.
Nov 2, 1961 HCO BTHE PRIOR CONFUSIONFranchiseAll problems are preceded by a Prior Confusion. How to locate the prior confusion. What the pc does — how to remedy. What is preceded by a prior confusion. Part of Class II auditor's skills. All hidden standards are the result of a prior confusion.
Nov 2, 1961 HCO BRUDIMENTS AND CLEARINGFranchiseReport from Herbie Parkhous SHSBC Instructor. The importance of rudiments in Clearing.
Nov 2, 1961 HCO B Replaced by HCO B July 5, 1963TRAINING CCHsTech DeptsThe rundown for CCHs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Slightly amended for use in training or processing. CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Nov 7, 1961 HCO BROUTINE 3ASt Hill StudentsLRH found a way to undercut the speed of a goals terminal run. The Modifiers — a new piece of the puzzle. The basic terminal of a goals chain may be isolated without running off the upper terminal. Routine 3A consists of 9 steps. Definitions.
Nov 9, 1961 HCO BTHE PROBLEMS INTENSIVE USE OF THE PRIOR CONFUSIONFranchiseAll sticks on the time track stick because of a Prior Confusion. The most stuck point on the track is a Problem. The Problems Intensive, 9 parts. It is one of the skills of a Class II Auditor.
Nov 16, 1961 HCO BSEC CHECKING GENERALITIES WON'T DOFranchiseMost efficient way to upset a pc is to leave a Sec Check question unflat. How to remedy. Sec Check to be nulled at 16 as final check. "What have you done that (Joe) doesn't know about?" for irresponsible pcs. Use of the question "Have I missed a Sec Check question on you?". Always clear up what was missed.
Nov 23, 1961 HCO BMETER READINGFranchiseGAE in failure to get results from Sec Check and Problems Intensive is inability to read an E-Meter. All errors are gross errors. What didn't work?? Nine different errors re metering. Very important data.
Nov 23, 1961 HCO BAUXILIARY PRE-HAVE 3D SCALER.3D List Sthil StudentsFor immediate assessment use on running 3D terminals. How to use and run.
Nov 30, 1961 HCO BARC PROCESS 1961FranchiseImportance of flattening the process. E-Meter doesn't read in presence of ARC Break — auditor has to have command value over pc for meter to read. The process to be run. Future Rudiments, process.
Dec 3, 1961 HCO BRUNNING 3D LEVELSSthilOnly use Nov 30, 1961 commands for 3D. How this is done. Re runs. Third run of levels. Further data.
Dec 7, 1971 HCO BSEC CHECKS VITALSthil Franchise Cen O ConSec Checks and Problems Intensives are vital to easy assessment and accurate clearing by the new and very important Routine 3D. What a person needs before 3D. Auditor training, Class II, Class III. Not Class I trying to be Class III.
Dec 13, 1961 HCO BVARYING SEC CHECK QUESTIONSTech Depts FranchiseYou only vary a Sec Check question when by repeating it you would create an impasse. Always make sure the original question is nul before you go on to the next one.
Dec 14, 1961 HCO BRUDIMENTS MODERNIZEDFranchiseData re rudiments and their changes and why. The new commands for beginning and ending rudiments. The need for an approved meter. Instant reads on the needle must be taken.
Dec 21, 1961 HCO B This cancels earlier versions of Model Session and is for use on all cases except CCHsMODEL SESSION SCRIPT, REVISEDFranchiseNew demands on Rudiments with the 3D assessments Problems Intensives and Sec Check processes. How Model Session is used. The script: "R" factor, start of session, beginning ruds, environ ment, auditor clearance, W/Hs, PTP. Start of processes, end of process. Repeated commands. End rudiments. End of session.
Dec 28, 1961 HCO BE-METER ELECTRODES A DISSERTATION ON SOUP CANSFranchiseAny E-Meter will register body reaction. Only a specially built meter will register response. Needed are soup cans, not aluminium cans.
Dec 28, 1961 HCO B3-D RULES OF THUMBCentral Orgs17 rules of thumb in finding and running 3-D items.

1 9 6 2

Jan 4, 1962 HCO BSECURITY CHECKING: FUNDAMENTALSFranchiseA case with W/Hs will not Clear. Definition of W/H. Examples of how the individual by committing overts against the mores of the group individuated from one group to another and so on. How to Sec Check. When to leave a Processing Check question. The most fruitful source of cognition and why.
Jan 11, 1962 HCO BSECURITY CHECKING TWENTY-TEN THEORYCen O Con FranchiseAll valences are circuits are valences. Circuits key out with knowingness. The final definition of havingness is the concept of being able to reach. No havingness. Effect of W/Hs. What happens when a W/H is pulled: the need for Havingness to be run. Twenty Ten, 6 requisites. TwentyTen. 8 points. Application to Goals Problems Mass.
Jan 25, 1962 HCO BFLOW PROCESS (A CLASS I OR CLASS IIb SKILL)Franchise SthilCompulsive outflow and obsessive withhold are alike aberrated. Overts are the forward motion, the W/H coming after it is the inward motion. Most important flows listed, four in number. All ridges and masses develop around these flows. Further data re these flows. Flow Process, who may run it.
Feb 1, 1962 HCO BFLOWS, BASICFranchiseWhat a flow is. Two flows when viewed from one point. Flows modified by being accelerated and restrained. The basic attitudes are covered by CDEI scale. Eight attitudes towards flows so we get 16 basic flows that affect a case strongly. The basic aberration is W/H flow. How it is aberrative in session.
Feb 8, 1962 HCO BURGENT MISSED WITHHOLDSFranchiseWhat is a Missed W/H? It is not just a W/H. How to audit it. Questions. Sample M/WH session. Clean up M/WHs on all auditing. Every blow due entirely to M/WHs. British Mark IV needed.
Feb 12, 1962 HCO BHOW TO CLEAR WITHHOLDS AND MISSED WITHHOLDSSthil Cen O Con FranchiseHow to clear a W/H or a Missed W/H. Auditor objective. W/H system — 5 parts listed. How to run. What, when, all, who. Mark IV to be used. The questions. Prepclearing. How to practice with an already found W/H.
Feb 15, 1962 HCO BCO-AUDIT AND MISSED WITHHOLDSCen O Con Franchise Co-Audit CentresIt could be that Co-Audit falls off because of M/WHs. Drop at once any O/W or any effort to put in W/Hs except by an instruc tor. Use old comm process, responsibility process or other Co-Audit instead.
Feb 22, 1962 HCO BWITHHOLDS, MISSED AND PARTIALFranchise Cen O ConAll of these upsets are restimu lated but missed or partially missed W/H. This button is most important. If you know about people or are supposed to, these people expect, unreasonably, that you know them through and through. What real knowledge is to the average person. How to handle M W/Hs.
Mar 1, 1962 HCO B Corrected by HCOB June 24, 1962PREPCHECKING (A CLASS II SKILL)FranchiseThe goal of Prepchecking is Mest Clear. The target of Prep check question is a chain of W/Hs. The f irst incident of any chain is fully or partly unknown to the person. Zero question. The magic phrase. Control pc's attention, don't use O/W. How to derive Zeros. How to derive OA's. Further data.
Mar 8, 1962 HCO B Added to by HCO B Mar 15, 1962 SuppressorsTHE BAD "AUDITOR"Franchise Sthil Cen O ConGraduates from SH doing well. Two types of auditor arrive — the natural auditor and the dangerous auditor. Difference is the type of case. Dangerous auditor is afraid to find out, the reverse of the W/H flow. Remedies for the dangerous auditor — Class I, Class II, and Class III processes plus further data.
Mar 15, 1962 HCO B Add to HCO B Mar 8, 1962 The Bad "Auditor"SUPPRESSORSFranchise Sthil Cen O ConFurther data on the other side of W/Hs type of case. The rough pc. The pc who makes no gain, will not as is, will not confront, does not cognite. Opposite of W/H is suppressor. Suppression is mainly overcome when you run havingness on people. The onecommand insanity eradicator. The common denominator of the dangerous auditor. Further processes.
Mar 21, 1962 HCO BPREPCHECKING DATA WHEN TO DO A WHATFranchisePrepchecking can be defeated by failing to ask a what question at the proper time. How to do this. Moving TA. Social mores. Don't forget guilty. Add Appear. Whole track. Unknown pins chains. Recurring W/Hs. Missed W/Hs. Rudiments in prepchecking.
Mar 29, 1962 HCO BCCH's AGAIN WHEN TO USE THE CCH'sFranchise3 major processes — CCHs, Prep checking 3DXX and running 3DXX items. CCHs loom largely. Permit pc to confront and duplicate. Criterion is TA motion. Use of CCHs. Example of case. When to run CCHs and how to find out when. Two best bulletins on the CCHs — read them. A lot of TA motion and not much TA motion defined.
Apr 5, 1962 HCO BCCH's AUDITING ATTITUDEFranchiseWhat happened to the CCHs. LRH demonstration. CCHs became an arduous ritual and were confused with Op Pro by Dup. Demonstration described. Forget 20 minutes, use 3 times equally done test for flatness. Purpose of CCHs. Further data. Use the CCHs to coax the pc out of the bank.
Apr 11, 1962 HCO BDETERMINING WHAT TO RUNCentral Orgs FranchiseDetermining what to run by TA action. Table laid down. Drift down and drift up and what they are. Definition of good TA motion and minimal TA motion. The secret — what it is. Two locations necessary to get TA motion.
Apr 12, 1962 HCO BCCH's PURPOSEFranchiseData on getting pcs up to PT. A common denominator of all aberration was interiorization into the past and unawareness of the PT environment. CCHs developed and their purpose. Pcs stuck in past identities. Run wrong, CCHs can drive a pc out of PT.
Apr 26, 1962 HCO BRECOMMENDED PROCESSES HGCFranchiseLRH has come to the conclusion that the best shot gun for all cases is CCHs, Prepchecking and 3DXX. Only liability, all need well trained auditors. Method of use. Limitations of use. What to teach in an Academy.
Apr 29, 1962 HCO BROUTINE 3G-Experimental.
May 3, 1962 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B July 4, 1962ARC BREAKS MISSED WITHHOLDSFranchiseHow to use this bulletin. All ARC Breaks stem from Missed W/Hs. Action definitions of W/H, M W/H. Picking up M W/Hs keeps pcs in session. The auditor sets the tone of the session. Dirty needle equals M W/Hs. Fifteen manifesta tions of M W/Hs. Commands. Why a pc complains.
May 10, 1962 HCO BPREPCHECKING AND SEC CHECKINGFranchiseHow to use Sec Checking and Prep Checking. Use of last two pages of Joburg and Form 6A. How Prep Checking and Sec Checking come together with a simple formula. Example. Use of rudiments in prepchecking. When to check for M W/Hs in prepchecking and R3. Help the pc by steering.
May 14, 1962 HCO BCASE REPAIR Sthil Students Sthil GraduatesCen O Con Franchise checking repair. Repairing CCHs, SCS, Op Pro by Dup, Routine 2, Routine 3, 3A and 3D, 3DXX. General repair. Case repair is a task for a skilled auditor.Case repair for Routine lA, Sec Checking, CCHs, blowy pcs. Prep-
May 21, 1962 HCO BMISSED WITHHOLDS ASKING ABOUTCentral Orgs FranchiseTo pull M W/Hs, use "done", not "missed a withhold".
May 22, 1962 HCO BMODEL SESSION CHANGECentral Orgs FranchiseThe wording of the WtH question in beginning ruds as of now. This is omitted in the first session the auditor gives the pc .
May 23, 1962 HCO BVERY IMPORTANT E-METER READS PREPCHECKING HOW METERS GET INVALIDATEDCentral Orgs Tech DeptsDue to large number of instant needle reactions missed by poorly trained auditors, new questions to be asked, or other version, and why. The importance of good metering.
May 24, 1962 HCO BQ & AFranchiseDefinition of Q & A. ARC Breaks in sessions where there was Q & A. Smooth session is one without Q & A. 3 types of Q & A. Double question, changing because the pc changes, following the pc's instructions. "Q & A" is slanguage.
May 25, 1962 HCO B Added to by HCO B July 21, 1962E-METER INSTANT READSCentral Orgs FranchiseDefinition of Instant Read. The reaction of the needle. Prior and latent reads are ignored. What the instant read may consist of. Maj or thought, minor thought . How to clean the question of reads on the minor thoughts. Instant read at the end of the major thought. What the reactive mind is composed of. What the meter reads on. It is partly or wholly unknown to the pc. Only reactive thoughts react instantly. Two exceptions (1) compartmenting the question, (2) steering the pc .
June 8, 1962 HCO BRUDIMENTS CHECKINGCentral Orgs Tech DeptsRudiments checks lead to occasional arguments. Protests from auditor and pc. What to expect. How to handle.
June 11, 1962 HCO BPREPCHECKING THE MIDDLE RUDIMENTSCentral Orgs Tech DeptsR3 auditor as first action in finding goal, prepchecks 12 questions and about every fifth R3 session. Why. Its value and use. How to tell whether listing a wrong goal.
June 14, 1962 HCO BCHECKING NEEDLE IN RUDIMENTS CHECKSCentral Orgs Tech DeptsDefinitions of Clean needle, medium clean, medium dirty and dirty needle.
June 14, 1962 HCO BCLASS IIc TR'sCentral Orgs Tech DeptsTRIIc - 16. Name, purpose, commands, position, training stress.
June 23, 1962 HCO B Amplified in Sthill Lecture June 21, 1962 Cancels all previous Model Session Scripts Changed by HCO B JuIy 4, 1962. Amended and cancelled by HCO B Mar 4, 1964MODEL SESSION REVISEDSthil Students Franchise Cen O ConHow to use this new Model Session. The benefits of using it. Start of session, beginning rudiments, start of process, middle rudiments, end rudiments, end of session. End of process, non-cyclical. End of process, cyclical. Patter on rudiments.
June 24, 1962 HCO B Correction of HCO B Mar 1, 1962 and to be included as a change in all theory checking of that HCO BPREPCHECKINGFranchise SthilWithhold system of When, All, Appear, Who is only applied to the earliest overt on the chain opened by the what question. Exact prepcheck procedure, 14 steps. Further data. The What question. Further data on the steps of procedure.
June 25, 1962 HCO BE-METER STANDARDSFranchise Cen O ConThe need for the use of British Mark IV E-Meter for rudiment Goals, M W/Hs etc. Only the Mark IV shows if a rudiment is clean.
June 27, 1962 HCO BRUNDOWN ON ROUTINE 3GACentral Orgs Franchise3GA has cleared or is clearing everyone on whom it has been run. The procedure. The goal doesn't vanish entirely during listing when the read transfers. The cure for listing a bum goal. The result of listing a bum goal.
June 28, 1962 HCO BDIRTY NEEDLES HOW TO SMOOTH OUT NEEDLESFranchiseHow to handle a pc with a very dirty needle. Why the needle reacts this way. Ability to predict equals confidence. Use middle ruds, avoid Q 8 A. How to make a pc's needle dirty — 3 ways. The use of textbook sessions. If a pc still has a dirty needle, 3 points we can conclude an auditor has neglected.
June 29, 1962 HCO BBATTERIES AND THE MARK IV E-METERCentral Orgs Tech Depts Franchise meter.The need to renew Mark IV batteries when slightly past their best. A GAE to audit with an inefficient
June 29, 1962 HCO B Corrected by HCO B, July 3, 1962HOW TO ACKNOWLEDGECentral Orgs Tech DeptHow to acknowledge. What an ack is. Examples of incorrect and correct handling. Double Acknow ledgement. Under acknowledge, over acknowledge.
June 30, 1962 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Sept 27, 1968ARC PROCESSCentral Orgs Tech DeptsSecond question added to ARC Straightwire and any question which can be answered just as yes. Why this is.
July 2, 1962 HCO BREPETITIVE RUDIMENTS HOW TO GET THE RUDIMENTS INFranchiseMeters fail to read in the presence of ARC Breaks and can go gradiently dull in the presence of out rudi ments. If TR 1 is poor you'll miss the rudiments outness, and there goes your session. To handle, Model Session with repetitive rudiments. The cycle to use, 4 steps. When to use the system. Havingness, Prepcheck. Further data. Fast checking.
July 3, 1962 HCO B Changed by HCO B July 4, 1962REPETITIVE PREPCHECKINGCentral Orgs FranchiseRepetitive Prepchecking. The auditing procedure, Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. The Zero questions time limiter. Middle rudiments. Prepchecking the middle rudiments. O/W assists. Summary.
July 3, 1962 HCO B Corrects HCO B June 29, 1962ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSCentral OrgsThe correction to be made on June 29, 1962.
July 4, 1962 HCO BCOACHLESS TRAINING USE OF A DOLLCentral Orgs Tech DeptsDrills other than TRs 0-4 being done coachless. Use of a doll. Dolls first used in training in 1957.
July 4, 1962 HCO B Changes HCO B June 23, 1962, May 3, 1962, and July 3, 1962BULLETIN CHANGESCentral Orgs FranchiseChanges re Havingness rud, missed W/Hs, overt W/H. End words; two holes in the meter. Thought major and thought minor. Double Cleaning gives the pc a Missed Withhold of nothingness.
July 12, 1962 HCO BMOTIVATORISH CASESFranchiseMotivatorish cases. Theetie weeties think you ought to know what they are thinking about, so every minute you are missing W/Hs. How to handle. Specific questions to use and how to use them. Missed W/Hs, O/W assist, unintentional W/H.
July 21, 1962 HCO BRUDIMENTS REPETITIVE OR FASTCen O ConWhen the instant read can occur, and that it must be cleaned. This will give you cleaner sessions and smoother needles.
July 21, 1962 HCO B Adds to HCO B Moy 25, 1962URGENT INSTANT READSFranchise Sthil StudentsOn rudiments, repetitive or fast, the instant read can occur any where within the last word of the question or when the major thought has been anticipated by the pc. This is not a prior read or latent read. Occurs when pcs not too well in session or being handled by auditor with indifferent TR 1. Goals and items read only when the read occurs exactly at the end of the last word.
July 30, 1962 HCO B Amended by HCO B Aug 30, 1962A SMOOTH HGC 25 HOUR INTENSIVEFranchiseNew problems intensive gets marvellous results on new or old pcs. How to get good results. The rundown. The prep check buttons used. How to do it.
Aug 1, 1962 HCO B Issue I Accompanied by HCO B Aug 1, 1962 Issue IROUTINE 3GA GOALS NULLING BY MID RUDSSthil Students Cen O conThe importance of being certain of the pc's goal. Only a wrong goal or opposition goal can get the pc into trouble. Listing, nulling and testing become of great importance. The goals list and how to handle. The goals prep check form July 15, 1962. Test for change. List flat on needle. 4 line goal listing. Nulling by mid ruds. The buttons. Examples. Further data. When to do the mid ruds.
Aug 1, 1962 HCO B Issue II . Accomponies HCO B Aug , 1962 Issue IROUTINE 3-GA NULLING DRILLS FOR NULLING BY MID RUDSSthil Students Cen O ConHow to do the nulling drill. Drill on new nulling procedure for Routine 3 GA. Drill l-10.
Aug 2, 1962 HCO BCCH ANSWERSCen O ConQueries and answers between LRH and HASI London re the CCHs.
Aug 7, 1962 HCO BRUNNING CCH'sSthil Students Course FranchiseHow to run the CCHs 3 commands flat. Use only right hand. Alternated with prepchecking, not run in Model Session. How to handle CCHs and prepchecking.
Aug 10, 1962 HCO BHOW IT FEELS TO GO CLEARMagazine FranchiseTwo notes from Jean Kennedy after being cleared by Routine 3 and R3GA. Subjective reality of great value to all Scientologists.
Aug 13, 1962 HCO BROCK SLAMS AND DIRTY NEEDLESCentral Orgs FranchiseLRH has traced source of persistent dirty needle and the wide rock slam. DN is also a small RS. RS — called so because found in an effort to find the rock. It is also a sign of an overt. If you have wide RS, goal does not exist on that list. How to list for pc's goal when there is an RS. For raw meat. How to do.
Aug 21, 1962 HCO B Changes all earlier policy letters and HCO Bs on Lines, 3GA3GA LINE WORDINGSthil Students Franchise AirmailLines must read after the goal is checked out and before listing. Lines l, 2, 3 and 4. The line must read on the pc, firing like the goal each time. Listing session. What to do during listing
Aug 22, 1962 HCO B Added to by HCO B Aug 23,1962 and Aug 19623GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT BY ROCK SLAM DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT TIPCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailGoals finding by dynamic assess ment. The only reason this fails. Assessments item, prepcheck. Finding goal from the item. Goals formula. How to handle. Check out before being listed.
Aug 23, 1962 HCO B Addition to HCO B Aug 22, 19623GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT BY ROCK SLAMCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailAdd tenth line to Goals Formulae listed on HCO B Aug 22, 1962. (10) Just list some more goals.
Aug 30, 1962 HCO BMISSED WITHHOLD HANDLINGFranchiseWhat to do when manifestations of a Missed W/H occur in session — pull the missed W/H and return to what was being done in the session. Example of questions that will pull Missed W/H.
Aug 30, 1962 HCO BORDER OF PREPCHECK BUTTONSCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailOrder of buttons for every Prep check. How to use. What they are.
Aug 30, 1962 HCO BAMENDMENT OF HCO BULLETIN OF JULY 30, 1962FranchiseThe first question to be asked is "Since (date) what have you been careful of?". What the subse quent questions are, and their buttons. How long one asks these buttons.
Aug 31, 1962 HCO B3GA EXPANDED LINE WORDINGCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailExpanded line wordings for listing on a found and checked goal in Routine 3GA. Twenty lines listed. How to use them.
Aug 31, 1962 HCO B Second addition to HCO B of Aug 22, 1962 same title3GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT BY ROCK SLAMCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailIf a routine Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam fails, the preclear should be prepchecked on "On auditing is there anything you have suppressed?" etc. Then what the preclear can be listed on. Completing and assessing these lists, will give you the dynamic.
Sept 1, 1962 HCO B3GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT BY ROCK SLAMCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailGives a step list which modifies earlier HCO Bulletin.
Sept 2, 1962 HCO BACCOUNT OF CONGRESS GOALFranchiseAccount of Congress goal found on Lt. Colonel Voight by Jim Skelton.
Sept 3, 1962 HCO B Modifies HCO B Aug 22, 19623GA DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT BY ROCK SLAMCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailAnother step which modifies HCO B Aug 22, 1962
Sept 6, 1962 HCO BCCH's: MORE INFORMATIONCentral Orgs FranchiseCCHs are motion processes not speech processes. Need for correct emphasis of the processes. How to run and handle. The use of two way comm with them. Putting the pc's hand back in his lap. Why the CCHs are done.
Sept 8, 1962 HCO B3GA TO BE GOALS LINE LISTINGCen O Con Franchise Airmail24 line listing for a beingness type goal. How to run. The 24 lines.
Sept 12, 1962 HCO B Corrects HCO B Aug 31, 19623GA EXPANDED LINE WORDING CORRECTIONCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailCorrects wording (line 16).
Sept 12, 1962 HCO BSECURITY CHECKS AGAINCen O Con FranchiseNew method of Security Checking far better than any previous one has emerged. The questions to test. Why. Destructive goal. Rock Slam. How to handle. Rock Slam must be at Sensitivity 16. M W/H.
Sept 19, 1962 HCO B3GA TIPS ON DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT RULES OF THUMBCentral Orgs Franchise Airmail12 data which are important in relation to 3GA Dynamic Assessment.
Sept 23, 1962 HCO BA 40-LINE LIST ON A DOINGNESS GOALCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailAs per title. The 40 lines listed. How they were developed from Create, Interest, Desire, Enforce, and Inhibit.
Sept 27, 1962 HCO BPROBLEMS INTENSIVE USECen O Con FranchiseThe only fully valid lower level process is the Problems Intensive. What it does. It can be combined with the CCHs or used without. How to run. Use of M W/Hs.
Sept 27, 1962 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Oct 2, 1962DREAM COME TRUEB P IHow the dream has come true. We can and are clearing them all. It will come out all right.
Oct 1, 1962 HCO B Cancels all earlier HCO Bs on Listing3GA LISTING BY TIGER BUTTONS 114 NEW LINES FOR LISTINGSthil Students Franchise AirmailA student under theory examination is not supposed to know the lines by heart, only the directions and how to put the lines together sensibly. What the lines comprise. Further data. The 1st 12 lines and the balance of the buttons. Directions. How to use the cards and the admin.
Oct 2, 1962 HCO B Cancels HCO B Sept 27, 1962WHEN YOU NEED REASSURANCEB P IWe have it now. We can and are clearing them all and you. When all looks dark it will come out all right.
Oct 3, 1962 HCO BTIGER DRILLINGCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailDispatches to LRH from both auditors and pcs with regard to goals and their listing.
Oct 6, 1962 HCO BWHAT AN AUDITOR ISCentral Orgs FranchiseLetter to LRH from Eleanor Turner, HCO Exec Sec USA re garding her M W/H. The use and value of an auditor to the pc.
Oct 13, 1962 HCO BPROCESSESSthilThe processes and action to be done in X unit, Y unit and Z unit of the SHSBC.
Oct 15, 1962 HCO BGOAL FINDERS MODEL SESSIONSthil Franchise AirmailWhen the pc has been well prep checked and is well under the auditor's control rudiments can be omitted. Goal finders model session after pc well smoothed out by staff auditors. The model session.
Oct 16, 1962 HCO B.ROUTINE 3GA LISTINGCentral Orgs FranchiseThe reason some pcs go Clear on listing and the reason some don't lies entirely with the auditor. Two dominant rules. A list is now run to first comm lag. Pc's decline in answering. In listing the pc is always right. This listing data will not change. Learn it.
Oct 17, 1962 HCO B Reissued in HCO B 23 May 1971 Issue VIAUDITOR FAILURE TO UNDERSTANDCentral Orgs FranchiseThe correct auditor response if he she fails to understand what the pc said. To do anything else is not only bad form, it can amount to a heavy ARC Break. Invalida tion, evaluation. Driving in anchor points. Rock slammer auditors. Summary.
Oct 18, 1962 HCO B3GA LISTING BY PREHAVECentral Orgs Franchise AirmailIf pc is not doing well on listing the goal on any earlier system use the Pre-Have levels. Do an ordinary assessment by elimination and fit the level into the 32 lines given. Directions. What to do and what not to do.
Oct 29, 1962 HCO BPRE-CLEARING INTENSIVECentral Orgs Franchise AirmailOn cases that have had many clearing procedures do the five steps as stated using the Pre Clearing Scale and the 17 prepcheck buttons.
Nov 7, 1962 HCO BWRONG GOALS, IMPORTANCE OF REPAIR OFCen O Con FranchiseWhat actions to take immediately when a wrong goal has been dis covered. This must be done immediately. No other action to be done till complete. Who should do it. Finding and running wrong goals is very destructive and dangerous to a pc's life and health. Further data. Symptoms of a right goal listed wrongly. Symptoms of a wrong or improperly cleared goal, unlisted. Symptoms of a wrong goal listed. Symptoms of a right goal unlisted. Wrong goals are dynamite. How to handle.
Nov 7, 1962 HCO B Issue IIROUTINE 3-21 THE TWENTY-ONE STEPS FINDING GOALSCen O Con Franchise AirmailAs per title. No substitute for a well trained, accurate, out to help the pc auditor. Steps 1-21. Tips. Further data. Rock Slamming items.
Nov 7, 1962 HCO B Issue III Cancels all earlier HCO Bs on how to do a Prehav Assessment"ROLL YOUR OWN PRE HAV"Cen O Con Franchise AirmailPurpose of roll your own Pre Hav. Three points. How to do an assessment. Terms defined. The most accurate assessment. Doing the assessment. Roll your own, what it consists of.
Nov 8, 1962 HCO BSOMATICS HOW TO TELL TERMINALS AND OPPOSITION TERMINALSCen O Con FranchiseAs per title. Definition of somatic, pain, sensation, term, opp term, co term, item RI, RS, instant Rs, DN, DR. Testing ways of asking. Using Tiger Drill buttons. The line plot data.
Nov 11, 1962 HCO B3GAXX STRAIGHTENING UP 3GAXX CASESCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailThis is an interim HCO B issued while the main HCO B is in com position. This to be used to speed up progress of all cases on Dynamic Assessment. How to handle 3 steps. Pairs. The rule on all future items.
Nov 12, 1962 HCO B3GAXX DIRTY NEEDLES AND INCOMPLETE LISTS. HOW TO ASSESSCentral Orgs Franchise AirmailIt is a GAE to use mid ruds every time needle dirties up. All DNs stem from incomplete lists or missed items. Best test for a complete list. Nine assessment steps. How to handle a dirty needle with Problems Intensive. Definition of a complete list.
Nov 17, 1962 HCO BROUTINE 3-21Cen O Con Franchise AirmailRoutine 3-21. Its importance and the other bulletins which refer. Definition: by-passed item. What this causes. The rule. Reliable items. The exact steps to do Routine 3-21. Urgent.
Nov 23, 1962 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE TWO- TWELVE OPENING PROCEDURE BY ROCK SLAM AN HPA/HCA SKILLCen O Con FranchiseHat check this HCO B with a stiff exam before permitting its use. All cases to have this auditing procedure done at once. Slow gain — no gain cases. The im portance of the process. Rock slammers R2-12 steps 1-12. PTP. What to do with the items. Lists 1-1A-1H. Bonus package. Use with CCHs and Problems Intensive still required. Fast step resumes.
Nov 24, 1962 HCO BROUTINE 2-12 LIST ONE - ISSUE ONE THE SCIENTOLOGY LISTCentral Orgs FranchiseThis is List One of Routine 2-12. You can lengthen but do not shorten this list. How to use.
Nov 28, 1962 HCO BR2-12 PRACTICAL DRILLSCentral Orgs AcademiesR2-12 Training Drills. The skills a student needs to audit with 2-12. Listed. Coaching the steps. 8 drills listed. The nine things the coach should look for.
Nov 29, 1962 HCO BROUTINE 2-12 LIST ONE - ISSUE TWO THE SCIENTOLOGY LISTCentral Orgs FranchiseList One — Issue 2. Do not add to it or change it. How to use.
Nov 29, 1962 HCO B Replaces HCO B Aug 21, 1962ROUTINES 2-12, 3-21, and 3GAXX TIGER DRILL FOR NULLING BY MID RUDSSthil Students Cen O Con FranchiseHow to use. Drill on new nulling procedures. Position, use of Tiger Drill, Buttons used, Tiger and Big Tiger. Drills 1-10. Acks, suppress.
Dec 4, 1962 HCO B Added to by HCO B Dec 9, 1962ROUTINE 2-12 LIST ONE - ISSUE THREE THE SCIENTOLOGY LISTCentral Orgs FranchiseDo not add to list as you will get incomplete list phenomena.
Dec 5, 1962 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Dec 17 1962 Corrections2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and ROUTINE 2-10 MODERN ASSESSMENTCentral Orgs FranchiseThe only actual test of a list is "is it nullable" or will a dirty needle take over. What assessment is prevented by. Definitions of assessment, listing, nulling, rock slammer, nullable, a dead horse, skunked. Writing the list. Nulling. List appearance — examples. Assessments. Routine 2-10. Eleven steps.
Dec 6, 1962 HCO BR2-10, R2-12 3GAXX DATA, THE ZERO A STEPS AND PURPOSE OF PROCESSESCen O Con FranchiseRule re RSing item on Scn List 1. Corollary. Further data. Zero List. Questions on R2-12. 17 lists. "Never RSing" pcs. Rocket reads vs RSes. Purpose of processes.
Dec 8, 1962 HCO BTRAINING X UNITSthil Students AcademiesThe biggest hole in student auditing is the inability to clean up a needle. The value of List One with regard to this. Purpose of Unit V and Unit X.
Dec 8, 1962 HCO B Corrects HCO B Dec 5, 1962CORRECTIONS HCO BULLETIN DECEMBER 5 AD12Central Orgs FranchiseThe corrections listed, Page 2 and Page 6.
Dec 9, 1962 HCO B Addition to HCO B Dec 4, 1962ROUTINE 2-12 LIST ONE ADD TO LIST ONE ISSUE THREECentral Orgs FranchiseAuditors at end of 2nd column is part of 2nd column and is used in assessment. Directions re rock slams. Add these items to List 1 Issue 3.
Dec 15, 1962 HCO BURGENT R2-12 THE FATAL ERRORCentral Orgs FranchiseThe surest way to retard and upset a case with R2-12 is to find an RS on List One, Tiger Drill it down to a dirty needle, represent it. The case will hang up at this point. 2 rules laid down. A case bogs when you represent an RSing item. Further data with regard to this.
Dec 17, 1962 HCO B Corrects HCO B Dec 5, 1962CORRECTION TO HCO B DEC 5 1962Central Orgs FranchiseCorrections to typist's error, page 5. How it should read.
Dec 30, 1962 HCO BURGENT IMPORTANT ROUTINES 2-12 AND 2-10 CASE ERRORS POINTS OF GREATEST IMPORTANCECentral Orgs FranchiseThe errors in doing R2-10 and R2-12 are divided into two broad errors (a) auditing (b) deriving from errors in the exact skills of R2-10 and 2-12. Auditing errors — basics and what is needed to be known well. Errors in R2-10 exact skills. Errors, auditor responsibility, direction of process, no auditing, failure to save records, failing to find RS on List One, representing an RS item, Oppose RIs, incomplete lists, wrong way oppose, lists that won't complete. Long long lists. Conclusion. Case remedy. Summary.

1 9 6 3

Jan 1, 1963 HCO BACADEMY CURRICULUM HOW TO TEACH AUDITING AND ROUTINE 2Central OrgsWith the placing of clearing tech nology into HCA/HPA hands, we must revise our concept of training. Two checksheets, (a) for Routine 2, (b) for basic auditing skills. How a student progresses through the phases. The importance of course regulations.
Jan 3, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 2 IMPORTANT OPPOSITION LISTS RIGHT AND WRONG OPPOSECentral Orgs FranchiseIndicators for testing Right Way Oppose and Wrong Way Oppose are the subject of this bulletin. Potential miscalling an RI. Right way indications. Wrong way oppose indications. Further data.
Jan 14, 1963 HCO BRINGS CAUSING "ROCK SLAMS"Central Orgs FranchiseDispatch about the effect rings can have and rock slams.
Jan 14, 1963 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Aug 9, 1963DEFINITION OF RELEASEHCO Secs Org SecsA release is a person who has had worthwhile gains from Scn process Franchiseing, and has four packages found by Routine 2.
Jan 27, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 2 - SIMPLIFIED (Communicator: Mimeo at once and Rush to all Tech Divisions)Cen O Con Franchise StudentsSimplification. If you don't get results from R2-12 it's being done wrong. Case repair.
Feb 1, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 URGENT - URGENT - URGENT ALL CLASS III AND IV AUDITORSCentral Orgs Franchise Airmail Class III & IV AuditorsConfidential.
Feb 11, 1963 HCO BCURRENT AUDITINGFranchise Cen O ConThis has become unsettled. Why. What LRH was looking for — 4 points. Data on R3-MX and R2-12A. Valid processes then listed 1-8. ~now these and you can crack and handle any case and clear.
Feb 15, 1963 HCO BR2-R3 LISTING RULESCentral Orgs FranchiseListing to a still TA — seven points. The rules of a complete list for R2-R3, nine points listed. Audit R2 and R3 by the rules.
Feb 20, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 2 & 3 MODEL SESSIONSCentral Orgs FranchiseRevised version of Goal Finder Model Session. Changes listed. Session preliminaries. Routine 2 & 3. Model session - start of session, rudiments, running O/W, running the mid ruds, running the random rudiment. End of session.
Feb 22, 1963 HCO B Corrected by HCO Bs Mar 6 and Mar 13 1963ROUTINE 3-M RUNDOWN BY STEPSFranchise Cen O ConConfidential.
Mar 4, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 2-10, 2-12, 2-12ACentral OrgsCease to use Routine 2-10, 2-12 and 2-12A in HGC and Academy and on staff with certain exceptions. LRH working on R2-GX.
Mar 6, 1963 HCO B Corrects HCO B Feb 22, 1963URGENT CORRECTION TO HCO BULLETIN OF FEB 22, 1963Central Orgs FranchiseStep I and II corrected.
Mar 8, 1963 HCO BUSE OF THE BIG MIDDLE RUDIMENTSCentral Orgs FranchiseWhere the Big Mid Ruds can be used. Order of the buttons. Repetitive and fast.
Mar 9, 1963 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Mar 13 1963URGENT ROUTINE 2 8 3M CORRECTION TO 3M STEPS 13, 14FranchiseConfidential.
Mar 10, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 2-10, 2-12, 2-12A (Also applies to Routine 3-M) VANISHED RS OR RRCentral Orgs FranchiseWhat makes RRs and RSs vanish. Restoring the RR and RS. How to do it. All items count. Summary.
Mar 13, 1963 HCO B Corrects HCO Bs Feb 22 and Mar 9, 1963URGENT ROUTINES R2 and 3M ADDITIONAL CORRECTION TO 3M STEPS 13, 14Central Orgs FranchiseCorrection to both these bulletins.
Mar 13, 1963 HCO B Issue II Corrected by HCO Bs Mar 17, l963 and Apr 8, 1963THE END OF A GPM (Class V and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Mar 14, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 2 - ROUTINE 3 ARC BREAKS, HANDLING OFCentral Orgs FranchiseARC Breaks and the Sad Effect. The ARC Break. Cause of ARC Breaks. ARC Break rule. Mid Rud rule. The Sad Effect. Five rules. The 15 principal causes of ARC Breaks in R2 and R3. The cycle of the ARC Break. The auditor's view. The D of P's view. The drill.
Mar 17, 1963 HCO B Corrects HCO B Mar 13, 1963 Issue IIURGENT R2 - R3 CORRECTIONS TYPOGRAPHICALS AND ADDED ERRORS HCO B MAR 13 1963 ISSUE II(Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels) Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Mar 18, 1963 HCO BR2 - R3 IMPORTANT DATA DON'T FORCE THE PC(Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels) Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Mar 23, 1963 HCO BCLEAR AND OTFranchiseDon't try to make an OT before you make a clear. Why. The importance of this.
Mar 29, 1963 HCO BSUMMARY OF SECURITY CHECKINGCentral Orgs FranchiseLRH requested Reg Sharpe to do a rundown on Sec Checking. This bulletin is it. Importance of Sec Checking. A specialised type of auditing. Success of auditor. Done in Model Session. How to clean the question. Important to get the question clean rather than rush from one question to the next. If you leave a question unflat tell the pc and mark it in the auditor's report.
Mar 30, 1963 HCO BURGENT URGENT URGENT AFFECTS EVERY CASE BEING CLEARED. ROUTINE 3-M SIMPLIFIED (Cancels earlier R3-M Steps R3-M2, R3M Issue II) AN INTERIM RAPID SUMMARY OF CLEARING(Class VI and above only. Confidential Franchise Cen O ConConfidential to lower levels)
Apr 18, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 3-M2 DIRECTIVE LISTING (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Apr 23, 1963 HCO B Cancellation of HCO B Apr 17, 1963R3-M2Central OrgsConfidential.
Apr 23, 1963 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Apr 30, 1963ROUTINE 3-M2 HANDLING THE GPM (Class VI and above only. Conf idential to lower levels.)FranchiseConfidential.
Apr 24, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3-M2 TIPS THE ROCKET READ OF A RELIABLE ITEMFranchiseAs per title. Nulling R3 RI Oppose lists. Listing rules. Don't echo invalidate.
Apr 25, 1963 HCO BMETER READING TRsCentral Orgs AcademiesDefinition of instant read, instant rudiment read. A needle reaction. Major thought, minor thought. EMeter TR20, E-Meter TR21.
Apr 28, 1963 HCO B Replaces HCO B Apr 17 1963 Added to by HCO B May 4, 1963ROUTINE 3 AN ACTUAL LINE PLOT (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels . )Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Apr 29, 1963 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Jan 21, 1970MODERNISED TRAINING DRILLS USING PERMISSIVE COACHINGCentral Orgs AcademiesThe purpose of these TRs. TRs 0, B, C and D, TRs 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Apr 29, 1963 HCO BURGENT ROUTINE 3 DIRECTIVE LISTING LISTING LIABILITIES (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels.)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Apr 30, 1963 HCO B Corrects HCO B Apr 23, 1963ROUTINE 3 CORRECTION TO HCO B 23 APRIL 1963 HANDLING THE GPM (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels.)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 4, 1963 HCO B Addition to HCO B of Apr 28, 1963URGENT ROUTINE 3 AN ACTUAL LINE PLOT NO. 2 ( Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 5, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 R3 STABLE DATA (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 8, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 THE NATURE OF FORMATION OF GPM (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 11, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 (CONFIDENTIAL) (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 12, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 RI FORM (GPM RI FORM CORRECTED) (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 13, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 ROUTINE 3-N DIRECTIVE LISTING WITH NEW ROUTINE 3 MODEL SESSION (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 15, 1963 HCO BTHE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 1Central Orgs FranchiseEngram running simplified. Why people have trouble running engrams. Three things that stand in the way of learning about engrams. The time track. Definitions. The influence of the time track. Apparent faults in, creation and origin of the time track.
May 20, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3-N PROPER PROGRAMMING FAST BLOWING RIs (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 21, 1963 HCO BINQUISITIVE TRCentral Orgs AcademiesAs per title. For use on SHSBC.
May 21, 1963 HCO B Amended by HCO B Nov, 19, 1963ROUTINE 3 R-3 MODEL SESSIONCentral Orgs FranchiseNew R3 Model Session. All other Model Sessions cancelled. This form to be used in all auditing in the future. Session preliminaries, start of session, rudiments, running O/Ws, running the mid ruds, order of buttons, pulling M W/H. Body of session, end of body of session, smooth out session goals and chains, havingness. Ending session. Further data.
May 26, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 LINE PLOT (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
May 27, 1963 HCO BALL AUDITING STAR RATING HCO BULLETIN FOR ACADEMIES AND SHSBC CAUSE OF ARC BREAKSCen O Con FranchiseTwo rules with regard to ARC Breaks. 13 ways of bypassing charge. The pc never knows why the ARC Break. The trick is to find and indicate the right bypassed charge. Finding and indicating incorrect BPC will not turn off the BPC. ARC Break processes. Rudiments, Q & A, ARC Breaks. Echo metering. Missed withholds. Apparent bad morale.
June 4, 1963 HCO BCHECKING OUT THE JOBURG. TIPS TO SEC CHECK INSTRUCTORSCentral Orgs AcademiesTips re last 2 pages of Joburg. 3 points the student is flunked on. Reasons for these flunks. GAE's in Sec Checking.
June 4, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3 HANDLING GPMs (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
June 8, 1963 HCO BTHE TIME TRACK AND ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 2Central Orgs FranchiseA system which reduces the charge on the existing track is valid processing. According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is time. Time must be handled with confidence for the pc. Three reasons why a pc can't run engrams. Charge and the time track. 8 levels of state of case scale. The case scale is devoted to chronic level. Its use in programming a case. The use of the E-Meter and what it registers. How charge is held in place. How basic is run differently from later incidents on a chain. 3 principal actions with regard to chronic charge. Time track created by involuntary response of the thetan. Further data on the 8 levels of case and the charge related thereto. The thetan's two mistakes.
June 13, 1963 HCO BNEW TRAINING DRILLS LISTING AND FINDING TOP QPP TERMCentral Orgs AcademiesAs per title also Listing and Finding next goal.
June 24, 1963 HCO B Correcied by HCO B 24 June, 1963 CorrectionROUTINE 3 ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS BULLETIN 3Central Orgs FranchiseFirst and second lesson in running engrams. No Q & A permitted. Dating. Rule: whenever charge is missed the time track tends to group ARC Breaks. Two rules. Early engram running. In tracing fail ures of auditors to run R-3R — 6 points. Routine 3-R. Routine 3-R by steps. There is no variation of these steps for any reason.
June 24, 1963 HCO BCORRECTION ON- HCO BULLETIN OF JUNE 24, AD13 - R3 — ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINS, BULLETIN 3The correction itself (change of one word.)
June 25, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 2H ARC BREAKS BY ASSESSMENTCentral Orgs FranchiseA valuable unlimited process but is a training must before auditors are permitted to run engrams. R2H by steps, 1-4. The assessment form.
July 1, 1963 HCO Technical FormLINE PLOT FIRST SERIES (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
July 1, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3R BULLETIN 4 PRELIMINARY STEPCentral Orgs FranchiseR3R preliminary step done to ensure the correct incident chain is run. The importance of staying on the chain and completing once found. Rules with regard to TA and the chain. When to do a new preliminary. Exact procedure of assessment. Rules of listing. ARC Breaks. Earlier assessments.
July 5, 1963 HCO BALL ROUTINES ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTSFranchise Academies Cen O Con B P I(HCO Secs - checkout all ARC Break Assessment HCO B's on all execs including registrars and on all staff auditors and instructors.) The value of the lists. Locate and indicate. Four ways of using the list. General ARC Break assessment. Prefixes and their use. Lists 1, 2, 3, 4.
July 5, 1963 HCO B Replaces HCO B Nov 2, 1961 Training CCHs and HCO PL May 15, 1962 CCH's Rewritten. Replaced by HCO B Dec 1, 1965CCH'S REWRITTENCen O Con FranchiseControl-Communication-Havingness Processes. CCH's 1-4.
July 9, 1963 HCO BA TECHNICAL SUMMARY THE REQUIRED SKILLS OF PROCESSING AND WHYCentral Orgs FranchiseAuditor skills required to handle any case, case level 8 to case level 3. Basic auditing skills. Auditor judgement. Case level 1 with skills rehabilitated is OT. Various other states described.
July 11, 1963 HCO B Superceded by HCO B July 23, 1963AUDITING RUNDOWN MISSED WITHHOLDS TO BE RUN IN XI UNITSthil SHSBCAs per title. Two steps. The use of it. Suggestion made by Bernie Pesco.
July 14, 1963 HCO B Attach to and correct HCO B Apr 17, 1963 HCO B July 24 1963 to be attachedROUTINE 3N LINE PLOTS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
July 17, 1963 HCO BERRORS IN RUNNING 3NCentral Orgs Tech Directors Franchise for InfoConfidential.
July 21, 1963 HCO BCO-AUDIT ARC BREAK PROCESSCentral Orgs Franchise for info.As per title. Results of using the ARC Break process in Sydney Co-Audit.
July 22, 1963 HCO BYOU CAN BE RIGHTM A Franchise B P IRightness and wrongness form a common source of argument and struggle. The concept of rightness reaches very high and very low on the Tone Scale. Definition of overt act. Inborn impulse in everyone to try to be right — justifications. Truth is built by those who have the breadth and balance to see also where they are wrong. Fundamental of aberration. Those who won't be audited are totally fixed on asserted rightness.
July 22, 1963 HCO B Issue IIORG TECHNICAL HGC PROCESSES AND TRAININGCentral Orgs Tech DeptsHCO Secs check out on all Tech staff star rating. The importance of quality of tech delivery. Use maxim of get TA on the pc. How to get TA action. What HGC gains depend on. Programming pcs. What it depends on. Gains, precautions, auditor skill detailed.
July 23, 1963 HCO B Supercedes HCO B July 11 1963 same title which was issued to SHSBC onlyAUDITING RUNDOWN MISSED WITHHOLDS TO BE RUN IN XI UNITCentral Orgs for info Sthil SHSBCAs per title. Two questions. Its use. Proposed by Bernie Pesco.
July 24, 1963 HCO B Corrects HCO B July 14, 1963. Attach to copies of this and HCO B Apr 17, 1963R3N CORRECTIONS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
July 26, 1963 HCO BTRAINING TECHNOLOGY COACHING AND THEORY MATERIALCentral Orgs Tech DeptsThe "What do you consider that means" Training Drill — examples. Tips to coaches.
July 28, 1963 HCO BTIME AND THE TONE ARMCentral Orgs Franchise(Star rating - HCO Secs: Check out on all technical staff except for percentage of cases which is not star rated) Time single source of aberration. To make an OT one has to clear the time track. Dating errors stop TA. How this relates to case levels 3-8, and what can be run on them.
July 29, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY REVIEWCentral Orgs Franchise(HCO Secs take up at a Staff Meeting. Field Auditors take up at group meetings.) We have made it. The wins we've had listed. Other problems.
July 29, 1963 HCO BSAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE TRAINING DRILLS CHECKING FOR A CLEAN NEEDLESHSBCDrill checking for a clean needle, Q 8 A drill, dating. Engram running by chains. Questions that can be asked by the coach at the end of each incident.
Aug 4, 1963 HCO BALL ROUTINES E- METER ERRORS COMMUNICATION CYCLE ERRORCentral Orgs FranchiseThe role of the E-Meter in audit ing. Meter dependence, dating dependence, RIs, meter invalidation. Cleaning cleans, dirty needle. Five rules. Summary.
Aug 9, 1963 HCO B Cancels HCO B Jan 14, 1963DEFINITION OF RELEASEHCO Secs Org Secs Franchise Field B P IRelease: One who knows he or she has had worthwhile gains from Scientology and who knows he or she will not now get worse.
Aug 11, 1963 HCO BARC BREAK ASSESSMENTSCentral Orgs FranchiseDon't ever do an ARC Break assess ment till the pc has given up trying to untangle it. Don't date anything for the pc till he has completely given up trying himself.
Aug 14, 1963 HCO BLECTURE GRAPHSCentral OrgsGraphs that accompany SHSBC tapes July 25, 1963, Aug 7 1963, Aug 8, 1963.
Aug 19, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY TWO STAR RATED HCO BULLETIN HOW TO DO AN ARC BREAK ASSESSMENTCentral Orgs Franchise(HCO Secs check out on all Tech execs and personnel. Tech Dirs check out on HCO Secs and Assn/ Org Secs.) ARC Break handling. 5 uses for ARC Break assessments. ARC Break assessment by steps 1-6. This is not R2H. Purpose of assessment. With a session, with Scn, with org. Further data.
Aug 20, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY THREE AND FOUR R3R - R3N THE PRECLEAR'S POSTULATESCentral Orgs FranchisePc's postulates stronger the earlier on the track you go back. Don't leave postulates charged.
Aug 22, 1963 HCO BTECH PREPARATION FOR HCO POL. LTR. 21 AUG, 1963, PROJECT 80 THE ITSA LINE AND TONE ARMRoute copy to: HCO Area Sec Org/Assn Sec D of T D of P Head of Staff Co-Audit PE DirectorHCO Area Sec should cause to be played to the staff five SHSBC tapes. The data contained there in. Staff attention on Itsa line, TA, proper use of ARC Break assessments. Directing the pc's attention adroitly.
Aug 24, 1963 HCO BROUTINE 3N SCIENTOLOGY FOUR CONFIDENTIAL (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Sept 1, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY THREE CLEARING - CLEARING - CLEARING ROUTINE 3 SCCentral Orgs FranchiseFive levels of Scientology have brought order into our work. Tapes of Aug 27, 28, 29 give the Clear definitions. Definition of service facsimile. This is done by the pc. When the TA is hung up there are SFs. Three things an SF is used to do. Finding and running a Service Facsimile. When to do 18 button prep check.
Sept 4, 1963 HCO BASSESSMENT TRSHSBC Central Orgs Tech DeptsThe purpose of the TR and balance of actions.
Sept 6, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY FIVE INSTRUCTING IN SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING INSTRUCTOR'S TASK D OF P'S CASE HANDLINGHCO Sec Tech Dir D of T D of P Five copies to each org. Orgs do not restencilDuty of D of P and instructions — Drawings A, B, C and their use. Safe assumptions and how they can be "hidden" from view. It is the body of data exactly and precisely used that resolved the human mind.
Sept 9, 1963 HCO BREPETITIVE RUDIMENTS AND REPETITIVE PREPCHECKINGCentral Orgs Franchise(Compiled from HCO B's July 2, 3, and 4, 1963) How to get the rudiments in. Fast checking, repetitive prepchecking, Steps 1-4. Double cleaning.
Sept 12, 1963 HCO BCCH'S DATACentral Orgs FranchiseCCHs and their relation to the Comm Formula. CCHs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Diagrams of pc and auditor positions and comm lines.
Sept 22, 1963 HCO B Cancels HCO Tech letter Oct 1, 1962SCIENTOLOGY TWO PREP CHECK BUTTONSCentral Orgs FranchiseFollowing order of Prepcheck buttons to be used. How and with what prefixes. Big mid ruds, a useful tip. Two useful pairs. Dirty needle. The old order of prepcheck buttons and for what they may be used.
Sept 23, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY 0-V TAPE COVERAGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGYCentral OrgsAs per title. The pertinent tapes listed. Summary of modern Scientology from lowest to highest levels. History has been made. Scn is capable of fully freeing man.
Sept 25, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY 1 TO IV ADEQUATE TONE ARM ACTIONCentral Orgs FranchisePc's gain is directly and only proportional to TA action. Measured by number of divs per 2-1/2 hour session. Examples from excellent to harmful per session and 25 hour intensive. Further data.
Sept 25, 1963 HCO BLISTING AND NULLING FOR LOCKS, NOT RIsCentral Orgs Franchise(Compiled from HCO B Dec 5, 1962, Dec 30 1962, Feb 13, 1963, April 8 1963). Only actual test of a list — is it nullable or will a dirty needle take over. How assessment is prevented by, 5 points. Definitions. Writing the list, dope off and hard listing. Nulling list appearances. Examples.
Sept 28, 1963 HCO B Amplifies HCO B of May 8, 1963SCIENTOLOGY FOUR IMPORTANT ACTUAL GOALS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Cen O Con Franchise All St Hill GraduatesConfidential.
Oct 1, 1963 HCO BTRAINING CYCLESAcademies — infoDispatch Joe Breeden sent to LRH about training. Training cycles in an Academy.
Oct 1, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY ALL HOW TO GET TONE ARM ACTIONFranchise Cen O ConMost vital necessity of auditing at any level of Scn is to get TA action. New data on the E-Meter. Tone arm assessment rule — a silent auditor invites Itsa. Overrestimulation. Sources of restimulation. List for assessment. Theory of TA action.
Oct 2, 1963 HCO BURGENT — GPMs EXPERIMENTAL PROCESS WITHDRAWNCentral Orgs FranchiseThe tape of Sept 24, 1963 R4MTA has been withdrawn. Why. Process R4MTA is cancelled. R3M2 is reinstated in full.
Oct 8, 1963 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY I to III HOW TO GET TA ANALYSING AUDITINGCentral Orgs FranchiseSeveral distinct styles of auditing have been in existence. Now a new type. Listen Style. Six basic data, six basic crimes of listen style. The steps of learning it, plus 8 points to watch for.
Oct 16, 1963 HCO BR3SC SLOW ASSESSMENTCentral Orgs FranchiseIan Tampion of the Melbourne Org just completing the SHSBC, reports on Itsa and Slow Assessment.
Oct 17, 1963 HCO Technical FormR-2C SLOW ASSESSMENT BY DYNAMICSCentral Orgs Franchise 'Itsa'.Form which covers subjects on 1-4 dynamics which may be used for
Oct 17, 1963 HCO B Reissued to Field Jan 17, 1964 Continued in HCO B Oct 31, 1963R-2C SLOW ASSESSMENT BY DYNAMICS DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF HCO TECHNICAL FORM OF OCTOBER 17 1963Central Orgs FranchiseThe use and application of the form. Three important points to cover in getting in the Itsa line. Assessment stress. This lifetime ARC Breaks assessment, 5 points. The importance of keeping all records.
Oct 31, 1963 HCO B Continuation of HCO B Oct 17, 1963R-2C SLOW ASSESSMENT BY DYNAMICS (CONT'D)Central Orgs FranchiseForm which covers subjects on 5-8 dynamics which may be used for 'Itsa'.
Nov 19, 1963 HCO B Amends HCO B May 21, 1963 All other Model Sessions are cancelledROUTINE 3 R-3 MODEL SESSION REVISEDCentral Orgs FranchiseSession preliminaries. Start of session, rudiments, running O/W. Running the mid rudiments. Order of buttons, pulling missed W/Hs, body of session, end of body of session, smooth out session goals and gains. Havingness, ending session, end of session.
Nov 25, 1963 HCO BDIRTY NEEDLESCentral Orgs FranchiseIf pc has a dirty needle its cause is cut Itsa or Ll session ARC Break. No other source can cause a DN. Examples. If the pc has a dirty needle the basic auditing of the auditor is bad. Difference between dirty read and dirty needle.
Nov 26, 1963 HCO BALL LEVELS STAR RATING A NEW TRIANGLE BASIC AUDITING, TECHNIQUE, CASE ANALYSISCentral Orgs FranchiseAll auditing divided into three parts, basic auditing, technique, and case analysis. Details re garding basic auditing, technique and case analysis. How to do case analysis, three steps. The three hats of an auditor.
Dec 14, 1963 HCO BCASE ANALYSIS HEALTH RESEARCHCentral Orgs Franchise analysis.An account of a successful assist given by Edgar Watson using case
Dec 28, 1963 HCO BROUTINE VI INDICATORS PART ONE: GOOD INDICATORS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Dec 31, 1963 HCO B--Confidential

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Jan 8, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Jan 21, 1964 HCO BMETER LEVEL WARNING HOW TO KILL A PC IN LEVEL 5 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs FranchiseConfidential.
Feb 17, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 18, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 18, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 19, 1964 HCO B Taken from HCO B Sept 28, 1963SCIENTOLOGY V (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Cen O Con Franchise All St Hill GraduatesConfidential.
Feb 19, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 19, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 24, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 24, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOAL NEGATIVESDist. for Class VI HCO B's Y Unit Cen Not for general Dist Don't remimeo in Cent Orgs Not FranchiseConfidential.
Feb 25, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Feb 28, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Mar 1, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOALS RECORDING PAIR IN R6 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Cen Students Tech Staff SthilConfidential.
Mar 1, 1964 HCO BMETER READS, SIZE OF (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Cen O ConConfidential.
Mar 3, 1964 HCO B--Confidential.
Mar 4, 1964 HCO B Amends and cancels HCO B June 23, 1962. Amended and cancelled by HCO B May 19, 1964CLASS II MODEL SESSION Sthil StudentsCentral Orgs Franchise running O/W, start of process,Session preliminaries, start of session, beginning rudiments, middle rudiments, end rudiments, goals and gains, end of session. End of process non cyclical, end of process cyclical.
Mar 6, 1964 HCO BGOALS THAT BEGIN THE SERIES TRACK ANALYSIS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Class VI St Hill Co-Audit Central Orgs for infoConfidential.
Mar 10, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI BASIC AUDITING NON-READING METERS METER FLINCH (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Class VI Students Central Orgs for infoConfidential.
Mar 11, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI BAD INDICATORS AND TECHNICAL NOTES (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs St Hill Students Co-AuditConfidential.
Mar 12, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOALS ASSESSMENT LECTURE NOTES OF JAN 15, 1966 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)SHSBC Class VI CourseConfidential.
Mar 15, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI OVERWHELMING THE PC (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Class VI Central OrgsConfidential.
Mar 15, 1964 HCO B Issue IISCIENTOLOGY VI METER EVERYTHING READING (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Class VI Central OrgsConfidential.
Mar 16, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI - PART 2 TRACK ANALYSIS DRILLS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Class VIConfidential.
Mar 16, 1964- HCO B- (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Mar 17, 1964 HCO BTRACK ANALYSIS (LECTURE NOTES JAN 21, 1964) (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Class VI StudentsConfidential.
Mar 19, 1964 HCO B- (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Mar 19, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOAL CHECKOUTS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditConfidential.
Mar 20, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOALS THAT DON'T EXIST AS ACTUAL GOALS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Central Orgs Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditConfidential.
Mar 20, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI - PART 2 TRACK ANALYSIS THE GPM (LECTURE NOTES DEC 17, 1963) (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Class VI StudentsConfidential.
Mar 21, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PLOTSCentral Orgs Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditConfidential. (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)
Apr 7, 1964 HCO BALL LEVELS Q & ACen O Con Franchise (Issued Feb. '65)Q & A newly defined as it has not reached home. Q & A is a failure to complete a cycle of action on a pc. A cycle of action is redefined as start, continue, complete. The various cycles that must be completed on a pc. Why cycles must be completed. The importance of this.
Apr 7, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 5 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Apr 7, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 5 GPM AUDITING (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Apr 7, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 5 R6 AUDITING (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Apr 7, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 6 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Apr 7, 1964SCIENTOLOGY VI PART 1 TA ACTION (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Apr 10, 1964 HCO BALL LEVELS AUDITING SKILLSFranchiseForms the technical basis of pre clear co-audit and auditor classification. Scn levels l-VI for both pc and auditor skills. 31 things a Class VI auditor should know. Gives basis of three classifications for pc, co-auditor and auditor.
Apr 13, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Class VIConfidential.
Apr 13, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI PART 1 TONE ARM ACTION (SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS HCO Bs)Sthil Class VIThe state of case of the pc has nothing to do with getting tone arm action. Auditor failure to understand. Invalidation, evalu ation, dirty needles, cleaning cleans, echo metering. Don't echo invalidate. Meter invalidation, meter dependence, charge, by-passed charge. The ARC Break. The cycle of the ARC Break. ARC Break assessment, Q & A ARC Breaks. Pc tone.
Apr 20, 1964 HCO B Cancels previous issuesMODEL SESSION LEVELS III TO VICentral Orgs FranchiseSession preliminaries, start of session, rudiments, running O/W, running the mid rudiments, order of buttons, pulling missed W/Hs, body of session, end body of session, smooth out session, goals and gains, havingness, ending session .
Apr 23, 1964 HCO B Replaced by HCO Bs Apr 23 1964 and July 3, 1971SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTSCentral Orgs FranchiseThe use of lists 1 and 4 in auditing by list for getting charge off the case. Mark down all TA BDs. How to indi cate the charge .
May 19, 1964 HCO B Amends and cancels HCO Mar 4, 1964 Amended by and canceled by HCO B June 4, 1965CLASS II MODEL SESSIONSthil Students Central Orgs FranchiseHow to use. Session preliminaries, start of session, beginning rudiments, running O/W, start of process, middle rudiments, end of process non cyclical, end of process cyclical, end rudiments, goals and gains, end of session. The most flagrant errors which can be made.
May 27, 1964 HCO BAUDITING ASSIGNMENTSSthil CourseIf this bulletin contradicts any existing practice, this bulletin is the bulletin to follow. As per title. Purpose of the bulletin. Blowy students, how to handle.
May 31, 1964 HCO BARC BREAKS FOR R6 (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
June 4, 1964 HCO BR6 AUDITING SKILLS-Confidential.
June 12, 1964 HCO BEXPERIENCE ON R6-Confidential.
June 29, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY II TO IV STAR RATED IN ALL ACADEMIES AND SAINT HILL CENTRAL ORG & FIELD AUDITOR TARGETSCen O Con Not MA HCO Secs: Check out on all staffHow to get the public on the road to OT when there is no classified auditor in the orgs or field to do it. Use and plug what you've got. Two reasons why anyone in the field would do poorly. How to handle. Drawbacks of Level 6. Learn to profit by the lower levels. Type A and Type B pcs — Type B can't be cause. How to handle. State of high cause is keyed out Clear. Programme to handle the public.
June 30, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY II TO IV FIELD AUDITOR TARGETSFranchiseAs per HCO B June 29 1964 for Franchise Holders.
July 7, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY III AND IV JUSTIFICATIONSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsThe reasons overts are overts to people is justifications. New overt process. How to run. The value of the process. How general O/W works — what the pc really is answering and running. Running justifications off is a further south process.
July 8, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY III AND IV MORE JUSTIFICATIONSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsList of Scientology justifications.
July 8, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI GOOD INDICATORS (Class VI and Students above only. Franchise Confidential to lower levels)Remimeo SthilConfidential.
July 10, 1964 HCO BOVERTS - ORDER OF EFFECTIVENESS IN PROCESSING (Star rated except for forbidden words list)Remimeo Sthil Students FranchiseAs per title- Scale of 5 levels and what to run to get off overts and raise cause. Responsibility, ARC Breaks, cleaning up O/Ws. Forbidden words. Why overts work.
July 12, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY I TO IV MORE ON O/WsRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsItsa processes for O/W are almost unlimited. At Level I don't run a process that makes the pc feel accused. Pc will feel accused if run above his level. Temporary sags in level can occur during ARC Breaks with the auditor or with life. Some Level I O/W processes. What to do at Level II, III and IV. Don't run out of ARC processes. All after charge is based on prior ARC.
July 24, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY III AND IV TA COUNTERS, USE OFRemimeo Sthil Students FranchiseTA counters. Process flat when no more than 0.25 div of down TA in 20 minutes. How to note TA for lower level sessions. Advent of worksheets for true TA. How to use the worksheets and the Auditors Report Form. Printed auditors reports never used as worksheets. What goes on the auditors reports. In trying to analyse the session and help the pc more, inspect the worksheets. When to note time.
July 29, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY I TO IV GOOD INDICATORS AT LOWER LEVELSRemimeo Franchise SthilJohn Galusha compiled a list of good indicators from LRH lecture tapes. Three added by LRH at the end. 41 good indicators.
Aug 14, 1964 HCO B Cancels previous issuesSCIENTOLOGY TWO PREPCHECK BUTTONSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsThe prepcheck buttons to use when 18 button prepcheck ordered. The prefixes. Big mid ruds. A useful tip. Two useful pairs. Dirty needle indicates the auditor has cut the pc' s comm. How to handle . The old order of prepcheck buttons, why they may not be used.
Aug 14, 1964 HCO B Cancels previous issuesMODEL SESSION LEVELS III TO VIRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsSession preliminaries, start of session, rudiments, running O/W, running the mid ruds, order of buttons, pulling M W/H, body of session, end of body of session, smooth out session, goals and gains, havingness, ending session, end of session.
Aug 17, 1964 HCO BR6 CO-AUDITING THE PROCESSING OF END WORDS ONLY (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Remimeo Sthil StudentsConfidential.
Aug 17, 1964 Verbatim re- issue of the Section in HCO B Dec 10 1970, Issue ISCIENTOLOGY I TO IV CLAY TABLE WORK IN TRAINING AND PROCESSINGRemimeo Sthil StudentsClay table work in training. Use on courses. Clay table work in processing. Clay table healing. Intelligence, clay table IQ processing. Handling clay.
Aug 18, 1964 HCO B Canceled by HCO B Sept 27 1964, Clay Table ClearingSCIENTOLOGY III TO IV CLAY TABLE WORK COVERING CLAY TABLE CLEARING IN DETAILRemimeo Sthil StudentsClay table Clearing is a recom mended HGC Process at Levels III and IV. Wishes fall into two broad classes. What the two clay table auditing activities are. Clay table Clearing. In using clay table clearing we do not go into physical ills. The steps of clay table Clearing steps 1-5.
Aug 23, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY II HQS COURSE THIS HCO BULLETIN CHANGES EXISTING CHECK- SHEETSRemimeoGeneral outline of the HQS Course. Who must now run it. The student may retain the advantage of previous passes if still on the checksheet. Purposes of the HQS course. Curriculum. "Therapeutic" TRs. All checkouts star rate. What an HQS can do.
Aug 24, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY I TO VI SESSION MUST- NOTSRemimeo Sthil Students FranchiseNever tell a pc what his PTP is, never set a goal for a pc, never tell a pc what is wrong with him physically, or assume that you know. Permitted auditor statements. Auditor getting overts off and indicating BPC to the pc when found on the meter.
Sept 7, 1964 HCO BCLAY TABLE LEVELSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsWho may use clay table work. Why this is. The value of clay table work. Where it will be available. The five things that clay table work handles. Two things which could inhibit this. Technology up to Level IV achieved — let's get it right, correctly applied and succeed with it.
Sept 7, 1964 HCO B Issue IIALL LEVELS PTPs, OVERTS AND ARC BREAKSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsYou get no gains in the presence of PTPs and overts. No auditing is possible in the presence of an ARC Break. PTPs, overts, ARC Breaks and how they must be handled and why. Difference between ARC Break assessment and by-passed charge assessment and how they are handled. The handling of clay table sessions.
Sept 8, 1964 HCO BLEVELS II TO IV OVERTS, WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM?Remimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsNew basic data on the subject of overts. Cycle of overt. All caved in conditions, illnesses etc. can be traced back to a misunderstood symbol. This is the stuff of which Hades is made. This is why clay table auditing works — SHSBC tape 3 Sept 1964. The cycle. The value of having this data.
Sept 9, 1964 HCO B Issue IICLAY TABLE CLEARINGRemimeo Franchise SthilThe goofs starting to show up in clay table clearing — if you don't get a word that expresses the "didn't understand" in Step II you don't get anywhere in clay table clearing. Examples of what not to do and what to do. The word accepted by the auditor in Step III must mean the thought or difficulty.
Sept 9, 1964 HCO B Issue IIICLAY TABLE HEALING Sthil Students Scientology StaffRemimeo FranchiseThe purpose, actions and the auditor commands of clay table healing are completely different from clay table clearing. Steps of CTH 1-13. Cautions and further data. Do not do any of the goofs A-K.
Sept 12, 1964 HCO BCLAY TABLE, MORE GOOFSRemimeo Sthil Students Sthil StaffSix goofs listed in clay table healing, clearing and definitions and the correct action to handle.
Sept 27, 1964 HCO B Cancels steps of Clay Table Clearing in HCO B Aug 18 1964LEVEL IV CLAY TABLE CLEARINGRemimeo Sthil StudentsTwo points that were learned. The phenomenon if you get the wrong thing to represent in clay. Two important things. Clay table clearing Issue II, nine steps. Routine use remedies. Meter, session form.
Oct 17, 1964 HCO BCLAY TABLE DATARemimeo Sthil StudentsThe only real errors auditors are making on clay table is not getting their auditing question answered at times. Auditing cycle needed. Get pcs trained into what the auditing cycle is and get the question or command answered.
Oct 17, 1964 HCO B Issue IIIALL LEVELS GETTING THE PC SESSIONABLERemimeo FranchiseWhen you start to audit new pcs there are three liabilities — listed. Covert auditing. Examples of handling situations in life with Scientology. Educate the pc. What auditing in general is.
Oct 17, 1964 HCO B Issue IIICLEARING WHY IT WORKS HOW IT IS NECESSARYRemimeo Sthil Students FranchiseAs per title. The basis of the reactive mind is the actual GPM. What makes a keyed out clear. Don't return a pc to clay table once he has started R6. Why. Who R6 can be run on and who not. Why. The mechanics of the reactive mind. If you try to short cut you get failed cases. So that's why the Bridge. LRH's responsibility. The way.
Oct 22, 1964 HCO BWHAT AN R6 AUDITOR SHOULD KNOW (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Oct 22, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT LIVINGNESS LIST L6L (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil StudentsConfidential.
Nov 1, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY III AND IV MORE CLAY TABLE CLEARING GOOFSRemimeo Sthil Students Sthil Scn StaffFurther goofs as per title listed. Eight things that may be at fault and their resolutions. Auditing cycle. CT clearing not only can be done, it clears if done.
Nov 1, 1964 HCO B Issue IISCIENTOLOGY VI PROVISIONAL CLASS VI CLASSIFICATION AUDITING REQUIREMENTS (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Saint Hill Students Saint Hill Instructors R6 Graduates Post conspicuously in cabinet of R6 materials Saint Hill R6 GraduatesConfidential.
Nov 6, 1964 HCO BSTYLES OF AUDITINGRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsNotes 1 and 2. A style of auditing for each class. Each style ela- borated. Level 0 - Listen Style. Level 1 - Muzzled Style. Level 2 - Guiding Style. Level 3 - Abridged Style. Level 4 - Direct Style. Level 6 - All Style. Summary.
Nov 12, 1964 HCO B Amended by HCO B Feb 21, 1966SCIENTOLOGY II PC LEVEL O-IV DEFINITION PROCESSESRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsDefinition processes. Remedy A and B- Auditing style - guiding. Assists - secondary style. Remedies. Guiding style. Guiding secondary style. Definitions pro cessing. Remedy A. Remedy B. Definitions purpose, understanding.
Nov 16, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY III AND IV CLAY TABLE GOOFSRemimeo Sthil Students Scn StaffGAE's and the fact that they are always huge. What case and audit- ing supervisors should look for — and beware of unusual solutions. The goof in clay table healing and clearing — each item made must be labelled, not just the overall picture.
Dec 8, 1964 HCO B Extract re- issued HCO B Aug 13, 1971SCIENTOLOGY VI SOLO AUDITING (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Dec 10, 1964 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Dec 26 1964SCIENTOLOGY 0 LISTEN STYLE AUDITINGRemimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditTwo ways to run Listen Style. (1) Listen Style co-audit. Seven points of procedure. (2) Indi- vidual - 17 points of procedure with 4 priorities. Prompters.
Dec 11, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY 0 CURRICULUM FOR LEVEL 0 - HAS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1965Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students SthilHAS Course Level O is the first requisite course. Theory, prac tical and auditing requirements. Co-Audit Study goal, goal as an auditor, goal as a pc.
Dec 11, 1964 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Dec 26, 1964SCIENTOLOGY 0 PROCESSESRemimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditWhole case gain to be expected from a pc at Level 0 is an increase in ability to talk to others. Three things we're trying to do with Level 0 pcs. Routines and remedies and their differences. Wordings. Routine 0.0, Routine 0.A, Routine 0.B, Routine 0.C (old R-l-C).
Dec 26, 1964 HCO B Corrections to HCO B Dec 11, 1964 and Dec 10, 1964SCIENTOLOGY ZERO ROUTINE 0-A (EXPANDED)Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Co-AuditAs per title. Additional command added. When Routine 0-A is flat. Listen style co-audit.
Dec 31, 1964 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT L6S (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Students Class VI GradsConfidential.

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Jan 4, 1965 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Jan 13 , 1965 Corrected by HCO B Jan 16, 1965SCIENTOLOGY VI R6 EW, R6 EWS, R6 EWP, R6 EW CORRECTION (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels.)Sthil Students Level VI Staff R6 GraduatesConfidential.
Jan 13, 1965 HCO B Corrects HCO B Jan 4, 1965CORRECTION TO HCO BULLETIN OF JAN 4, 1965, R6 EW, R6 EWS, R6 EWP (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels.)Sthil Students Level VI Staff R6 GraduatesConfidential.
Jan 16, 1965 HCO B Replaced by HCO B Jan 24, 1965SCIENTOLOGY VI END WORD FORM (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Students R6 Co-AuditConfidential.
Jan 24, 1965 HCO B Replaces HCO B Jan 16, 1965SCIENTOLOGY VI R6-EW (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Students R6 Co-AuditConfidential.
Jan 25, 1965 HCO BDEFINITIONS DEFINITION OF A "TERMINAL" (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Students R6 Graduates Sthil Co-AuditConfidential.
Mar 4, 1965 HCO BLEVEL O MATERIALSRemimeo FranchiseStudy materials for HAS Lesson 1 written by Phyll Stevens from a digest of LRH Study tapes.
Mar 4, 1965 HCO B Amended by HCO B Jan 13, 1967GRADIENT SCALE FOR SOLO (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil R6 Provisionals Sthil R6 Co-Audit Sthil Execs Sthil R6 GraduatesConfidential.
Mar 5, 1965 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI R6 EW GOOF A REVIEW OF R6 EW (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)SthilConfidential.
Mar 5, 1965 HCO B Issue IIALL LEVELS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES APPLICATION OF TECHRemimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil StaffBeth Fordyce of Detroit USA has sent in new use for the Book of Case Remedies. A good applica tion which can be used.
Mar 10, 1965 HCO B Reissued in HCO B June 19, 1971. edited for the TR CourseSCIENTOLOGY 0 SCIENTOLOGY VI WORDS, MISUNDERSTOOD GOOFSRemimeo Sthil Students Sthil R6 Co-AuditHow to handle a misunderstood after looking it up. Use it in a few sentences and you've got it. Don' t use substitute words .
Mar 15, 1965 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VI R6 EW GOOF (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil R6 Students Sthil R6 Grads Sthil R6 Co-AuditConfidential.
Mar 23, 1965 HCO BLEVEL O MATERIALSRemimeo FranchiseStudy materials for HAS, Lesson 2. Written by Phyll Stevens from LRH tapes for use in HAS and Level 0.
Mar 29, 1965 HCO BALL LEVELS ARC BREAKSRemimeo Franchise StudentsBasis of ARC Breaks found. Vital four things — misunderstood, ARC Break, overt and PTP. Three points with regard to ARC Break. Further data. An ARC Break occurs on a generality or a not there. Case manifestations. The formula — 5 steps. Result. Errors. When something becomes unlocateable it can cause an ARC Break. Level VI ARC Breaks.
Apr 2, 1965 HCO BALL SCIENTOLOGY THE ROAD TO CLEARRemimeo B P I Mag Art Auditor Issue 8 Franchise Sthil StudentsLRH has made a breakthrough in finding out what Clear is. What Clear is, what release is. Clear is done via Level VI. Clear is not OT. How the reactive mind prevented pcs from doing Route 1. States of being — Release, Clear, Theta Clear and OT. What is done in the way of processing above Level VI. Plan of going Clear laid out.
Apr 4, 1965 HCO BARC BREAKS AND MISSED WITHHOLDSRemimeo FranchisePrimary error in ARC Break handling is to handle the pc with ARC Break instead of M W/H handling. Why. How to handle if in doubt. Scn auditing does not leave a pc in poor shape unless one goofs on ARC Breaks. Missed W/Hs cause blows. How to handle, 6 steps. Continuous overt — can solve. Pull the W/Hs.
Apr 5, 1965 HCO BA CONDITIONS TEST PROCESS 1-10 REGISTRARSRemimeo B P I FranchiseSend these out to people and have them tell me the answers. The process and response expected.
Apr 7, 1965 HCO BLEVEL I PREMATURE ACKNOWLEDGE- MENTSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsIf people explain to you long after you have understood, you are suffering from premature acknowledgement. How this works. This is why pc's Itsa on with no gain. The quickest way to become a social pariah is to prematurely ack. Hidden ARC Breaks, the cognition wrecker, the stupidifier, the Itsa prolonger. What happens — what not to do.
Apr 14, 1965 HCO B"ALL FORMER STUDENTS OF THE SHSBC " (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil Execs R6 Students R6 Grads R6 Co-AuditConfidential.
Apr 14, 1965 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Apr 17, 1965SCIENTOLOGY (GPMs) MATERIALS OF THE GPM UNIT REORGANISED (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil StudentsConfidential.
Apr 17, 1965 HCO BCORRECTION TO HCO BULLETIN OF APRIL 14 1965, "SCIENTOLOGY (GPMs)" MATERIALS OF THE GPM UNIT REORGANISED (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Sthil StudentsConfidential.
Apr 18, 1965 HCO BHOW TO APPLY LEVEL PROCESSING (FOR HGCs AND ACADEMIES AND COURSES, HCO SECS, ORG SECS AND ASSN SECS TAKE NOTICE')Remimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil Execs Sthil Staff AuditorsNo longer need to audit the pc in front of you. Need only audit with the process next in line. How the level processes must be audited. Technical errors must be avoided — including alter-is. Pc gets audited on all the pro cesses of the level and then goes on to the next. What D of P must be alert for. Academies and courses must train auditors not to alter-is.
Apr 27, 1965 HCO BCLAY TABLE HEALING GOOFRemimeo Sthil StudentsA letter from Ian Tampion indica- ting a common CTH goof that has been made. Pc can't get, hear and answer the question.
May 5, 1965 HCO BAPPLICATION MORE ON THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTOLOGY TO CHILDRENRemimeoObservations and experiences on the processing and training of children — by Marcia Townsend. Use of CCHs and S-C-S. PE and Comm Course. Summary. Tips.
May 10, 1965 HCO BTHE POWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 11, 1965 HCO BTHE POWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 13, 1965 HCO BLIST 6 EW (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Gen Non- Remimeo St Hill Students R6 GradsConfidential.
May 21, 1965 HCO BHANDLING AUDITORS ON POWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 22, 1965 HCO B Replaces HCO B Apr 23, 1964. Replaced by HCO B July 27, 1965 and July 3, 1971,SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsRevision of HCO B 23 Apr 1964 Difference in BPC indicating procedure. TA and BDs. The use of the process.
May 23, 1965 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Jan 12, 1971SCIENTOLOGY VI IMPORTANT R6 EW CHANGE (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)R6 Students Sthil R6 Staff Sthil R6 Grads SthilConfidential.
May 24, 1965 HCO BSESSION FORM FOR THE POWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 28, 1965 HCO BSUPPRESSIVES AND POWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
June 1, 1965 HCO BPOWER PROCESSES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
June 3, 1965 HCO BSCIENTOLOGY VII WRITING AN AUDITING SUMMARY (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
June 4, 1965 HCO B Amends and cancels HCO B May 19, 1964CLASS II MODEL SESSIONRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsBenefits of the Class II Model Session. Session preliminaries. Start of session, beginning rudi ments, running O/Ws, start of process, middle rudiments. End of process non-cyclical. End of process cyclical. End rudiments, goals and gains, havingness, end of session.
June 10, 1965 HCO BFAST FLOW PROCESSING (Handwritten) (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
June 14, 1965 HCO B Issue II Amended by Jan 24, 1969 and Mar 17, 1969TECH DIVISION QUAL DIVISION STUDENTS SUMMARY REPORTRemimeo StudentsHow to use. Seven steps of an auditors summary report. Date, pc/auditor, process run, TA, time, goals and gains. Aspects of running process. Ethics report . Suggest . How long the auditor should take to write this report.
June 18, 1965 HCO BCLASS III AND UP CLASS VII CHECKSHEET CLEAR AND OT BEHAVIOURRemimeo FranchiseWe know the attributes of Clear and OT. In the history of this universe there has never been a true Clear or true OT — all have been keyed out release, keyed out Clear, keyed out OT. Still had all engrams, GPMs, R6 bank etc. We are making real Clears and real OTs for the first time in history. Auditors must try for a result not a number of hours. The trick is stopping when the result is obtained. Say "Oh' That's it". And stop. An overrun brings it back.
June 28, 1965 HCO BRELEASES, DIFFERENT KINDS Sthil Staff RemimeoB P I Franchise Sthil StudentsDifferent kinds of release, 1st 2nd and 3rd stage and when they are attained. Also Keyed Out OT. What a real Clear and real OT are. What orgs achieve and what SH achieves.
June 30, 1965 HCO B Is refered to and amplified by HCO B Ju1y 21, 1965QUAL DIVISION RELEASE, REHABILITATION OF FORMER RELEASE AND THETAN EXTERIORSRemimeo Review HatsHow to recover the state of First Stage Release, First Stage Thetan Exterior or Released OT. Never say end — say "that's it". This is done by key out — not erasure. It is destimulation, not restimulation. Seven steps in regaining a former release. To become aware of the actual cause of aberration makes it vanish — cognitions. Find the point of sudden awareness again. Don't overrun. Liability. Tech comment.
July 3, 1965 HCO B Clarified by HCO B Aug 19 1965 Cancelled by HCO B Sept 23, 1968ALL TECH ACTIVITIES ALL LEVELS O TO VII MODEL SESSION REVISEDRemimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All StaffImportant for reasons of prevent ing restimulation to cancel and discard all issues and forms of Model Session and use only the following, particular for releasing. Form of the model session. What it is vital to do when Release is reached. GAE not to do it.
July 12, 1965 HCO BSTATES OF BEING ATTAINED BY PROCESSING TYPES OF RELEASESRemimeo FranchiseTypes of release. Different types of release, Clear and OT. What causes the key in to the reactive mind in terms of re leases. Locks, secondaries and engrams. The whole track, exterior, processes, Clear — the R6 bank, Operating Thetan, summary.
July 21, 1965 HCO B Refers to and amplifies HCO B June 30, 1965RELEASE REHABILITATIONRemimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III and IV StudentsThe use of points of key out and key in in former release rehabilitation, to achieve F/N and get the TA down. This is not repetitive question. The only goof you can make is to not quit when the needle floats. The rule of all processing. What else it applies to.
July 27, 1965 HCO B RepIaces HCO B May 22 1965 which replaces HCO B Apr 23, 1964.SCIENTOLOGY III AUDITING BY LISTSRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsFurther amends the handling of the BPC once discovered.
July 31, 1965 HCO BRELEASES R6 EW NOTE (Solo and Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower level auditors)Remimeo Saint Hill Students Saint Hill Grads Saint Hill Staff Tech Hats Qual Hats Registrar HatsConfidential.
Aug 2, 1965 HCO B Star rated on all checkoutsRELEASE GOOFSRemimeo Tech Div Hats Qual Div Hats Classes III and IV StudentsThe nine goofs that have been made over the years. Steps to be added to HCO B June 30, 1965. Not re cognizing an F/N, not getting all the release points. Unalert org — how SPs go for new releases. Summary. End product up to Clear is F/N.
Aug 3, 1965 HCO BAUDITING GOOFS BLOWDOWN INTERRUPTIONSRemimeo All Students All StaffSerious goof for an auditor to speak or move during a TA BD. Why. Ensure TA has completed BD to make sure the needle is then floating. What a BD is. An auditor must not speak or move during a BD. What else a BD is. How an auditor can wreck a pc's case during a BD. What to do to get good results.
Aug 5, 1965 HCO BRELEASE STAGESRemimeo B P I Certs and Awards Issue to all new ReleasesThe results and achievements of the different stages of release. The amount of "Tiger" (R6 bank and its locks, etc) that get handled per each level. How the pc feels as he goes up the levels — how keyins can occur. First to fourth stage release and how obtained. Fifth stage release and Clear. The only way is the Bridge.
Aug 6, 1965 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Sept 21, 1965QUALIFICATIONS TECHNICAL ACTIONSRemimeo All Qual Hats All Staff Auditor Hats Tech Executives Ethics HCO Sec Div 7This is a star rated technical hat for Examiners~ Review Auditors and Qual Executives and is the standard guide for their technical actions . Do the usual in Qual. Why. Former release check and how it is done. Case Supervisor check, Review to repair, student assists, declare for release, basis of Qual actions, HGC uses of Qual tools. The eight big rules, common mistake, reports, summary.
Aug 19, 1965 HCO BCLARIFICATION OF HCO BULLETIN JULY 3, 1965 - MODEL SESSION REVISEDRemimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All StaffWhen students are using Model Session at Level O use the ques- tion in session — without metering. The purpose of this. What the Class II does and what the Level O student must know and be able to do.
Aug 23, 1965 HCO BABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGYRemimeo Franchise Sthil Students Sthil GradsThe abbreviations and symbols most used in Scientology.
Aug 24, 1965 HCO BPOWER PROCESSING OF PSYCHOTICS (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Aug 30, 1965 HCO BARTRemimeo Saint Hill Executives Saint Hill StudentsThe research work LRH has done on the subject of Art. The fundamentals of Art, basic definition. It follows the laws of communication. Technique and perfection, order of importance in Art. There is always some sacrifice of quality to communicate at all. Art for art's sake is a paradox. One studies art only if one wishes to communicate and the search for artistic perfection is the result of past failures to communicate. What self improvement is based on. The search for freedom. Rehabilitation of the artist. What art depends on for its success. How a comm can be blunted. Where comm lies.
Aug 30, 1965 HCO B Replaced by HCO B Feb 9, 1966RELEASE STAGESRemimeoFive stages of Release. What can be run on a release. States of release differ in their stability. How the reactive mind is handled. Definition of Clear and OT. What a release is. How these relate to release and Clear: Locks, Secondaries, Engrams, the Whole Track, the Reactive Mind. OT.
Sept 13, 1965 HCO B Added to by HCO B Sept 21, 1965OUT TECH AND HOW TO GET IT INRemimeo Ds of T Course Supervisors All Students Vital Data for Tech Secs Ds of P HGCTraining Officers have to know your tools very very well to see past them. Drills overcome this. Example. Importances. Have to be able to apply what you know. Important data from case supervisor or auditor viewpoint, 8 points. Case reaction, 6 points. Assessment and its use on these points. What to handle so Tech is in. What "Out Tech" means. What Tech is, its use and application. Golfers and keeping eye on the ball — follow through. Knowing and doing the right process. The importance of observation. You
Sept 21, 1965 HCO B Additional to HCO B Sept 13, 1965OUT TECHRemimeo Vital Data for Tech Sec Qual Sec Dir Rev Ds of P HGC Training Officer Ds of T Course Supervisor All StudentsWhere all this data is covered on LRH tapes and HCO PLs. The 5 GAEs and the six things that can be wrong with a pc. In Tech.
Sept 21, 1965 HCO B Correction to HCO B Aug 6, 1965QUALIFICATIONS TECHNICAL ACTIONSRemimeo All Qual Hats All Staff Auditor Hats Tech Executives Ethics HCO Sec Div 7Correction to be made to page 5 Reports para 3, 2nd sentence.
Sept 22, 1965 HCO B Supplemented by HCO B Sept 27, 1965URGENT URGENT URGENT RELEASE GRADATION NEW LEVELS OF RELEASERemimeo All Scientology StaffNames of releases renamed. Why. The changes that brought this about. We will cease to call re lease by stages and call them by Grades. The seven types of re lease and the type of process for that release. Grade VII Clear. What else can be run at each level. The subjects that are released at each grade. What is taught at each level. The data that modernised the Grade Chart.
Sept 27, 1965 HCO B Supplements HCO B Sept 22, 1965RELEASE GRADATION ADDITIONAL DATARemimeo All Scientology Staff All StudentsA table of grades and names, where they will be found. Grade certs. Rehabilitation of former release. An error which can be made. Case reaction. Six reasons only why a case does not advance. Assessment. A skilled technician knows what gets results and gets them.
Sept 29, 1965 HCO BCYCLICAL AND NON-CYCLICAL CONCLUSIONSRemimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All StaffHow non cyclical and cyclical processes are concluded.
Sept 29, 1965 HCO B Issue IIALL LEVELS THE CONTINUING OVERT ACTRemimeo Franchise Students B P IThe person who is not getting case gain is committing continuing overts. Also the slow gain case. The use of Ethics and how it works against the bank.
Oct 1, 1965 HCO BMUTTER TRRemimeo All StudentsThe purpose of Mutter TR. How to use.
Oct 20, 1965 HCO BLEVEL VI AN R6 EW OVERRUN INDICATOR (Class VI and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Level VI StudentsConfidential.
Oct 21, 1965 HCO BRELEASE REHABILITATIONRemimeo All StaffTo do a rehab on a grade the pro cesses which have been run need to be ascertained. Examples of wrong and right rehab. The importance of the pc having been run on the process before rehab.
Nov 5, 1965 HCO BLEVEL 1 FIVE WAY BRACKET ON HELPRemimeo StudentsAs per title. The commands. How they are run.
Nov 5, 1965 HCO B Issue IILECTURE GRAPHSRemimeoThe graphs attached accompany SHSBC Tape July 25, 1963
Nov 7, 1965 HCO BTECH DIVISION QUAL DIVISION RELEASE REHABILITATION ERRORRemimeo Qual Personnel Tech Personnel StudentsRelease phenomenon being misunder- stood. If you key out a major lock you get a release state. Only auditing keys out bank. Nothing else. How an auditor rehabs and makes releases. Life keys out no locks. How to find times that would give a release point. Pcs are not released before they were even audited.
Nov 8, 1965 HCO BTECH DIV QUAL DIV SUPPRESSIVES AND HIDDEN STANDARDSRemimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel StudentsIf you find an SP on a case you'll also find a chronic problem. What a problem is and what the person is facing. What a hidden standard is. The case that betters and worsens is connected to an SP. How the roller-coaster is caused — by a PT SP or the basic SP earlier. Have the pcs handle SPs, then audit. Person going Clear can come up with new hidden standards.
Nov 14, 1965 HCO B Amends HCO B May 2, 1972CLEARING COMMANDSRemimeo StudentsUse of dictionary in clearing commands. The worse off the pc, the longer it takes. Example. If necessary the auditor could get the pc to define each word in the command. Auditor not to tell pc what any word or the command means. The worst fault, see HCO B March 10, 1965.
Nov 16, 1965 HCO BE-METER SENSITIVITY SETTINGRemimeo StudentsAuditor sets up meter as per E- Meter Drill No. 4. Ruds at Sens 16. Lower level process at 16. Above Grade 5, sensitivity at 5.
Nov 16, 1965 HCO B Issue II This HC0 cancels commands as given in the Scientology Training Course Manua1COMMANDS FOR UPPER INDOCTRINATION TR6, TR7, TR9Remimeo StudentsThe commands listed plus acks. The auditor points to show which wall each time.
Nov 19, 1965 HCO BLEVEL I PROBLEMS PROCESSRemimeo StudentsA fast process for use at Level I to handle problems. The commands. How to run. Muzzled style.
Nov 24, 1965 HCO BLEVEL IV SEARCH AND DISCOVERYRemimeo Required for Level IV Auditors To Review AuditorsPrerequisite: a knowledge of ethics definitions and purposes. One must know definition of SP and PTS and the mechanism of why a case roller coasters. Three types of PTS, 1, 2 and 3 defined. Handling Type 1 PTS. Handling of Type II by Search and Discovery Three things to know. Actual and apparent SPs. SP is a person, being or group of beings. E-Meter signs are unmistakeable. Done by listing and nulling and subject to the various ills. Care should be taken regarding going too far back track. Why. Don't get confused with SFs. Handling Type 3 PTS till Type 2 and can have S&D.
Nov 26, 1965 HCO BINFORMATION ON REHABILITATIONRemimeoDispatch by Len Small re Rehab done at HASI London. How they were incorrect and how this should be remedied.
Nov 30, 1965 HCO BLIBRARY RECORD OF LEVELSGen Non-RemimeoAs per title.
Dec 1, 1965 HCO B Replaces HCO B Ju1y 5, 1963. Refering HCO PL May 17, 1965CCH'sRemimeo All Students St Hill Courses All StaffCCH's are processes not drills. How to run. CCH's 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Dec 6, 1965 HCO B Revised & re- placed by HCO B Mar 20,1971LOW TA CASESRemimeoPower processes handle low TA cases. The last Power process is all that has ever been known to improve the low TA case.
Dec 7, 1965 HCO BPOWER PROCESSING LOW TA CASES (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Dec 7, 1965 HCO B Reissue of List I HCO B Ju1y 5, 1963LEVEL III LIST I IN FRENCH ESTIMATION GENERALE DE RUPTURE D ' ARC LIST 1Gen Non-RemimeoList 1 in French.
Dec 10, 1965 HCO B Revised for HDG by HCO B Jan 7, 1970TECH DIVISION E-METER DRILL COACHINGRemimeo Academy StudentsEight observations made by Malcolm Cheminais re coaching of E-Meter Drills.
Dec 21, 1965 HCO BFURTHER DEFINED (Class VII auditors and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Dec 27, 1965 HCO BVITAMINSRemimeo Solo Audit Course Clearing Course Saint Hill Pcs FranchiseThe use of vitamin E to help Scn processing. How it acts. Longer E-Meter reads, TA action increases. Its use with Guk Bomb and OK by itself. Dosage. How to take. The effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide on the body.
Dec 29, 1965 HCO BCLEARING COURSE SUCCESSES (Confidential CC Course and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Clearing Course StudentsSuccess stories from CC Students.

1 9 6 6

Jan 19, 1966 HCO B Modified by HCO B Mar 22, 1972DANGER CONDITIONS TECHNICAL DATA FOR REVIEW AUDITORSReview Auditors Level III StudentsFour steps in curing disagree- ments. How to handle. How to handle compulsive bypassing, four steps. How else this can be handled. The use of this in handling Danger conditions.
Jan 21, 1966 HCO BSEARCH AND DISCOVERY (ETHICS TYPE CASES, PTSs) S & D ERRORS (HANDLING PTSs WITH S & D)RemimeoWhen an S & D has been failed — the four errors likely to have occurred. The golden rule of an S & D. All S & Ds correctly done on a pc that is PTS result in remarkable recoveries.
Jan 28, 1966 HCO BLEVEL IV SEARCH AND DISCOVERY DATA HOW A SUPPRESSIVE BECOMES ONERemimeo Tech Hats Qual Hats All Students Level IV and above(Edited from a tape conference with Saint Hill Tech and Qual personnel Dec 20, 1965.) Why auditors are finding "myself" as a terminal. How to find the name of the SP — adventurous. A person became SP by taking over the valence of an SP. The main trouble in S & D is inability to assess: underlist and overlist. Assessing an S & D. Review action. What to assume in Qual.
Feb 5, 1966 HCO BLEVEL III S AND D WARNINGRemimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div Staff FranchiseS & D done incorrectly (incorrect SP found) can make a pc ill with in a week or two. Assessment is a very proper skill. 10 common errors of assessment aside from usual GAEs. What the real SP did. Difference between a safe environment and a dangerous environment. What the SP wants and what he is like. Scn flies into the teeth of an SP. Childhood the most fertile area. Find the correct SP.
Feb 5, 1966 HCO B Issue II Reissued in HCO B May 23, 1971LEVEL 0 "LETTING THE PC ITSA" THE PROPERLY TRAINED AUDITORRemimeo FranchiseHow to give the pc something to Itsa. The use of proper TRs. Four steps in the drilling of an auditor to do it correctly. Tech sawy. How to handle an HGC auditor whose pcs yapped on and on. 12 steps. Scientology is a precision tool.
Feb 9, 1966 HCO B Rep1aces HCO B Aug 30, 1965 Release StagesRELEASE GRADESRemimeoFive grades of Release. When one of these is attained the next one up can be run. Why a pc may not be run further on the processes of the grade once released on it. What they can have handled. What a Release, Clear and OT are. Locks, secondaries, engrams, whole track, the reactive mind, and OT.
Feb 11, 1966 HCO BFREE NEEDLES, HOW TO GET THEM ON A PCRemimeo All Students All Scn Staff FranchiseWhat F/Ns are obscured by. What a TA going up means. The only place you can't get an overrun is in Grade VII. Life subjects are subject to overrun. How this occurs. When to set the needle to see a freeing up of a needle. F/Ns after big cog. How to get F/Ns on pcs.
Feb 12, 1966 HCO B"THE DANGEROUS AUDITOR"Remimeo Franchise Staff Auditors Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats Exec Sec HatsThe "dangerous auditor". Seven things this auditor is likely to do. A careful auditor is not necessarily not dangerous. There is no compromise for knowing one's business.
Feb 21, 1966 HCO B Amends HCO B Nov 12, 1964SCIENTOLOGY II PC LEVEL O-IV DEFINITION PROCESSESRemimeo Franchise Sthil StudentsSee this bulletin for changes made.
Apr 3, 1966 HCO BTECH DIV DIANETIC AUDITING COURSERemimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual HatsThe use of Dianetics in PT for training auditors to audit. How it is to be done, 14 steps. Running secondaries and engrams. State of release attained by Dianetic auditing is probably below Grade 0 and is to be called Dianetic Release.
June 6, 1966 HCO BPROCESS I AA (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower level auditors)-Confidential.
June 6, 1966 HCO B Amended by HCO B Sept 11, 1968POWER PLUS RELEASE - 5A PROCESS (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower level auditors)-Confidential.
June 10, 1966 HCO BS & D COMMANDSRemimeo Tech Div Hat8 HGC Auditors Qual Div StaffThe command. It’s use. What to do if a group is found.
June 10, 1966 HCO B Issue IIS & D - THE MISSED ITEMRemimeo Tech Div Hats HGC Auditors Qual Div StaffFour points with regard to PTS. If a person who has had an S & D gets sick you know 3 points. A, B, C. A bad S & D is deadly — why.
July 7, 1966 HCO BLISTING ADDITIONAL DATA (Class VII and above auditors. only. Confidential to lower level auditors)-Confidential.
July 20, 1966 HCO BTHE TYPE TWO PTSRemimeo Required for Level IV Students To Review Auditors To Ethics OfficersAt Saint Hill HGC auditors and Review auditors are permitting their preclears to be sent through to Ethics for writing disconnection letters to any person or group which the preclear thinks to have been suppressive of him and then continuing the S & D to find the SP on the list. Improper. What Ethics Officer should only accept.
July 27, 1966 HCO B Replaced by HCO B May 11, 1969(TECH DIV) (QUAL DIV) METER TRIM CHECKRemimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual HatsE-Meters go out of trim during session because of temperature changes — even if properly calibrated. This could have a person erroneously called a low TA case. Steps 1-5 that are to be followed at the end of each session to get correct calibration and mark it on report.
Aug 2, 1966 HCO B Amends HCO B Apr 15, 1966SOLO AUDITING LIST 7 CORRECTED (Class VI and Solo Auditors and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Aug 10, 1966 HCO BERRORS OF STUDENTSRemimeo Tech Sec D of TCommon errors of students causing student flunks being made on Levels O-VI and Solo Audit. Obtained by Guardian WW from Student Examiner SH.
Aug 16, 1966 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Jan 9, 1968LIST L-4 S & DRemimeo Academies Level III and above HGC Audi tors III and above Franchise, Level IIIARC Break list of 32 items used to assess an ARC Break on Search and Discovery.
Aug 22, 1966 HCO BFLOATING NEEDLES, LISTING PROCESSESRemimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO HatsDon't go on past an F/N on list (when doing a listing question) if pc is in session even though item not found. The charge has gone whether pc aware of it analytically or not. Ending there gives the pc a chance to enter into the velocity of the process.
Aug 23, 1966 HCO BPR PR 5 OVERRUN (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Aug 23, 1966 HCO BSERVICE FACSIMILERemimeo All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO HatsAn SF is a computation generated by the being not the bank. Example. This will precipitate many compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses. When running a doingness he may give the computation. Note carefully as you were not running the SF in the first place. You may still have to run the SF if not all blown. Best to get the real SF.
Aug 23, 1966 HCO B Issue IICLEAR TESTRemimeoFacsimile of Anton James' dis patch to LRH reporting that John McMaster went Clear.
Sept 1, 1966 HCO BEND PHENOMENA OF - ON PR PR 2 (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Sept 2, 1966 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B .lan 29, 1970MODEL SESSION FOR SOLO (Solo to Class VI aud i t o r s and above only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Sept 20, 1966 HCO BMINUS SCALE RELEASES: ARC STRAIGHT WIRE DIANETICRemimeoSeveral grades of release below zero on the minus scale of the original complete Gradation Chart. How these can be attained. Three specific grades of release listed. Must use a meter on ARC Straight Wire. What these pcs can be run on. Qual note. Overruns that can require repair.
Sept 21, 1966 HCO BARC BREAK NEEDLERemimeoF/N — apparency if pc is ARC Broken. How to determine if a true F/N or ARC Break needle.
Sept 22, 1966 HCO B Reissued in HCO B Oct 31, 1966CLEAR AND OT (Class VI - CC and above auditors only . Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Sept 27, 1966 HCO BTHE ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI- SCIENTOLOGISTRemimeoCharacteristics of 20% of a race to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. Anti-social tendencies. Examples. The 12 attributes of the anti-social personality. The basic reason. Relief. The Social Personality, 12 attributes. Basic motivation of the social personality.
Sept 29, 1966 HCO BLIBRARY RECORD OF LEVELSRemimeoList of tapes as per Gradation Chart. Also balance of bulletins up to this date.
Nov 18, 1966 HCO BREHAB ON SELF ANALYSISRemimeoLetter from Ron Pook to LRH regarding the rehabbing of pcs run on Straight Wire and Self Analysis.
Nov 30, 1966 HCO BASSESSMENT FOR SERVICE FACSIMILESTech Hats Auditors Level IV StudentsLocation of service facs requires a proper listing question. What can happen if absent. Three unacceptable assessment methods listed as causing overrun. Two acceptable methods given and two more that could be run by a person trained to Level IV. The major point made.

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Jan 2, 1967 HCO BDATING - FORBIDDEN WORDSQual Personnel Tech Personnel Clearing Course Students SHSBC StudentsThe words greater than and lesser than to be used as dating patter for EM Drill 25. EM 22 remains unchanged. Anyone using earlier or later is using out tech and is likely to grind student or pc into the bank.
Jan 2, 1967 HCO BSUB ZERO RELEASES EXAMINER'S SAFEGUARDRemimeo Qual Hats Tech HatsHow to handle if the raw meat pc does not seem to show anywhere near the expected awareness level for the grade of release he or she has come in for.
Jan 13, 1967 HCO B Revised and reissued Aug 13, 1971 Cancelled by HCO B 12, 1971 Issue IIGRADIENT SCALE FOR SOLO (Solo and Class VI auditors and above. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Jan 19, 1967 HCO BMANIFESTATIONS OF ENGRAMS AND SECONDARIES FURTHER DEFINEDDianetic Course Students (Star rated) Qual Execs Tech ExecsA more accurate differentiation between the manifestations of an engram and a secondary given. Definitions stated of somatics, pain and sensation.
Feb 3, 1967 HCO B Revision of HCO B May 10, 1960 Corrected by HCO B Sept 18, 1967SCALESRemimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel StudentsA list of some scales used in Scientology, including a table of reality-spotting by E-Meter.
Feb 20, 1967 HCO BPR PR 6 OVERRUN MISUSE OF S & D (Class VII and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Mar 22, 1967 HCO B Also HCO PL same dateIMPORTANT ADMIN KNOW-HOW ALTER-IS AND DEGRADED BEINGSRemimeoAlteration of orders and tech is worse than non compliance. What alter-is is. Degraded beings and how they become this way. Who they associate with and why. Why they should not be on staff. He cannot be at cause. Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal. DB's about 18-1 over big beings in the human race. Need to be handled gently with lower level processes.
Apr 18, 1967 HCO B Revises HCO B June 21, 1960RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICERemimeo Staff StudentsWhat Scientology is. Definitions of religious practice and religious philosophy. How Scientology re lates to the above definition. Other creeds and practices.
June 30, 1967 HCO BEVIDENCES OF AN ABERRATED AREARemimeoA list of 31 items as per the title.
Aug 19, 1967 HCO BTHE SUPREME TESTLevel IV and up Remimeo Scn ExecsThe Supreme Test of a thetan is to make things go right. Aberration. The sane person, the insane person. How each acts, and how the sane handles and how the insane does not, or makes things go wrong. Fortunately there are a few around who do make things go right.
Sept 13, 1967 HCO BREMEDY BApplicable Levels Internes RemimeoRemedy B must not be run to limit the person to this life. The way to do the remedy. A Level III process. How to do it and run it right.
Sept 18, 1967 HCO B Corrects HCO B Feb 3, 1967SCALESRemimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel StudentsCDEI scale correction. Some other scales used in Scientology.
Sept 24, 1967 HCO B"THE FOLLOWING REPORT FROM YVONNE GILLHAM ..."General Non- remimeoReport from Yvonne Gillham on sea sickness. Issued as of interest.
Oct 8, 1967 HCO B Reference HCO PL Sept 13, 1967CLEAR CHECKS AND RE-CLEAR CHECKSRemimeoHow to do a Clear Check or Clear re-check. Handling of grades not run if discovered, ethics and S & D if need. The processes which do not need to be run. Do not run Power on anyone who has run the CC materials.
Oct 9, 1967 HCO BASSISTS FOR INJURIESRemimeoDo not run a touch assist when a contact assist can be run. How to do a contact assist, how to do a touch assist.
Oct 11, 1967 HCO BCLAY TABLE TRAININGRemimeoThe three purposes of clay table training. How the demonstration is done. How the checkout is done. Other demos. How to detect the glib student. Ability to apply is the key.
Nov 9, 1967 HCO B Modified by HCO B Nov 28, 1967REVIEW AUDITORS BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES REVISION OF REMEDY A, REMEDY B AND S AND DsRemimeo(To be reprinted for insertion in every copy "Book of Case Remedies") Review of Qual Divs shows key processes for orgs are Remedy A, B and S & Ds and that auditors need direct mechanical tech to do these three processes effectively. The listing questions and actions for Remedy A and B. New question for S & D. The key S & D question. How this is done.
Nov 10, 1967 HCO BLISTING S & Ds DOs AND DON'TsRemimeoA list of 14 do's and 14 don'ts in relation to S & Ds. Compiled by Fred Payer.
Nov 28, 1967 HCO B Modifies HCO B Nov 9, 1967"THE KEY S & D QUESTION IS . . . "RemimeoThe key S & D question.
Dec 27, 1967 HCO BLIST HANDLINGRemimeoUse of Green Form Oct 13, 1966. Handle each item that reads before you go on with assessment. Two ways to do an assessment list. Further data.

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Jan 9, 1968 HCO BMONEY PROCESSRemimeo Tech Personnel Qual Personnel StudentsThe command of the Money Process. How to run.
Jan 9, 1968 HCO B Cancels HCO B Aug 16, 1966 List 4 S & D Amended by HCO B Dec 15, 1968 and Feb 12, 1969LIST L-4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS, S & D, REMEDY A, REMEDY B, ETC.Remimeo Academies Level III and above HGC Auditors III and above Franchise, Level III and aboveAs per title. 35 questions.
Jan 13, 1968 HCO B Amended by HCO B June 13, 1969S & DsRemimeoThree types of S & D, Types U, S and W. Their use and type of process. People who become ill are always to a greater or lesser degree PTS. These questions should not be shown to a pc as he may start self listing. The best order of use of the questions. How many S & Ds the pc may have. Errors located by L4A.
Jan 14, 1968 HCO BS & D TYPE "S". OLD LISTS. OVER AND UNDER LISTINGRemimeoThe list question for S & D Type "S". The value of this question, why. The usual S & D question remains the same. Further data on the listing and nulling and completing the S & D.
Jan 16, 1968 HCO BSTARTING OF PRECLEARSSthil Students Remimeo Sthil Staff FranchiseWhere these enter on the Dianetics Course. As per title — raw meat start on ARC S/W, secondaries and engrams.
Jan 19, 1968 HCO B Amended by HCO B June 19, 1969S & Ds S & Ds BY BUTTONRemimeoThe most certain way to handle a pc with an S & D. Two cautions. S & Ds by assessment for question. Purpose S & Ds. Caution re these. All these S & Ds do not set aside the standard S & Ds W, S and U. Further data on these and the purpose of S & D.
Mar 12, 1968 HCO BMISTAKES, ANATOMY OFRemimeoIn the presence of suppression, one makes mistakes. What this is an indication of when people make mistakes.
Apr 18, 1968 HCO BNEEDLE REACTIONS ABOVE GRADE IVRemimeo Qual Divs Rev AOs OT Study MaterialsTwo different needle phenomena to be found on most cases above V, and some cases below it. The importance of handling these correctly.
Apr 25, 1968 HCO BTHE BYPASS CASE (Class VI and above auditors only. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 2, 1968 HCO BSECRET SECTION III DATA (OT III and above only. Adv. Courses. Confidential to lower levels)-Secret.
May 4, 1968 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL (OT III and above only. Adv Courses. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 4, 1968 HCO B Issue IIOVERRUN ON III (OT III and above only. Adv Courses Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 4, 1968 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL (OT III and above only. Adv Courses. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
May 4, 1968 HCO BDIANETIC COURSES STUCK PICTURESRemimeoThe 11 ways, and why, pictures are stuck. How to use. Can also be used on any hung up portion of an engram.
May 7, 1968 HCO B added to by HCO B May 22, 1971UPPER INDOC TRsRemimeoUpper Indoc TRs 6-9 inclusive.
May 20, 1968 HCO BOVERT- MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE DIANETIC COURSES LEVEL TWO SOLO AUDIT OT SECTIONSRemimeo"Overt-motivator sequence of engrams" discovery made in 1952 which did not get included in D: MSMH. Overts and motivators and data on them. What you will find in running engrams. How to resolve psychosomatic hangups. Basics, non extant engrams, secondaries. The importance of Dianetic engram running.
May 24, 1968 HCO BCOACHINGRemimeoCoaching data 1-4. Coach with a purpose, with reality, with an intention and take up only one thing at a time. Further data on each of these. How you should work as a coach — be positive. The coach's responsibility and how he handles his student to getting wins. Further elaborated.
May 31, 1968 HCO BTHE KEY RULES OF LISTING AND NULLINGRemimeoProper listing and nulling. What listing is, what nulling is, what a clean needle is. How to list and null. ARC Breaks, PTP, and missed W/Hs must be handled. The state of the meter — a complete list. A complete list, a correct item. Trouble, wrong source, incomplete list, overlist, additional notes.
May 31, 1968 HCO B Issue IIRE - SEC- CHECKINGRemimeo Level II Students Tech Hats Qual HatsA dispatch written by MSH to OES SH in 1966 — re Sec Checking. Two important points. Meter reading, out tech. Four metering errors: Rock Slam, protest reads, suppress. Getting the question across, and getting it answered.
June 3, 1968 HCO BARC BREAK PROGRAM AT SAINT HILLRemimeo Hat Folder - ARC Break AuditorA write up of how Roy Ash did his ARC Break Program at SH. ARC Break session procedure. It has been released on the attestation of the writer and has not been tested by LRH.
June 6, 1968 HCO BSEC CHECKING INFORemimeoTwenty seven points of Sec Checking info compiled by Guy Eltringham.
Aug 1, 1968 HCO BCLASS III, SOLO VI & VII, ACADEMY AND SHSBC REQUIRED REVIEWED FOR SOLO AND VII THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLINGRemimeoThese are compiled from earlier HCO Bs and tapes of the earlier 60's to give the exact stable data. This is star rate, no attestations allowed, clay and demos required. The following laws are the only important rules of listing and nulling. If an auditor doesn't know these he will mess up pc's thoroughly and awfully. An auditor who doesn't know and can't apply these is not a Level III auditor. The laws 1-20. There are no variations or exceptions of the laws.
Aug 5, 1968 HCO BLEVEL II CHANGE OF COMMANDS OVERT - MOTIVATOR SEQUENCE IMPORTANTRemimeoThis HCO B takes precedence over all other tapes and HCO Bs on overts. Overts for Level II now 3 way command and the only one to be run. A problem in flows. How these three commands are to be run.
Aug 6, 1968 HCO BLEVEL III IMPORTANT - STAR RATED R3H (Takes prece- dence over all other HCO Bs and tapes)RemimeoThe way to handle the ARC Breaks of a case with R3H as the process for Level III. Five steps. En- sure rudiments are in. Use of ARCU before CDEI.
Aug 14, 1968 HCO BREMEDY B - ENVIRONMENT AND "NEW STYLE"RemimeoThe use of Remedy B environment and "new style". The commands for each.
Aug 16, 1968 HCO BSECURITY MEASURES REGARDING AO's, SHSBC's AND SEA ORGRemimeoThe tests to be done when a person wishes to start his courses at an AO or SHSBC. The purpose of the lists. HCO Sec Check 24 questions.
Aug 16, 1968 HCO BREMEDY "NEW STYLE" AS APPLIED TO PSYCHOLOGISTSRemimeoThe reason for the use of this remedy. The three steps of un spinning a psychologist. To specialise on such cases is of no value.
Aug 17, 1968 HCO BSTANDARD TECH PROGRAM FREE NEEDLEITIS ALL AUDITORS IMPORTANT NOTERemimeoPoem to auditors regarding F/Ns. The message and data on F/Ns.
Aug 21, 1968 HCO BCLASSIFICATION GRADATION CHART ADDITIONAL USERemimeo Qual Tech StudentsWhat has happened since the advent of the Gradation Chart. It has an additional use as far as R-factor and getting the pc more sessionable is concerned. Using the Gradation Chart is part of the session. It helps immensely.
Aug 23, 1968 HCO BARBITRARIESClass VIIIAny arbitrary entered into any line is a way to stop that line. Examples of auditors entering arbitraries into session. This must not be done. Standard Tech is that tech which has absolutely no arbitraries.
Aug 23, 1968 HCO BWORKABILITY OF TECHClass VIIIThe quality of technology and the percentage of the society it handles. What Dianetics and Scn have handled as compared with earlier practices.
Aug 26, 1968 HCO BTHE CLASS VIII COURSEClass VIIIWhat the Class VIII Course will teach. How it will be taught. What it will include. Further data.
Aug 26, 1968 HCO BQUALS REHAB AND CORRECTIONRemimeo Sea Org AO'sYou can correct a pc and pre-OT half to death. Various examples of how this can be done. The way to straighten this out — if done the org's stats would soar. LRH just setting up the Class VIII Course, having seen the need in old Qual case folders. Once handled, don't correct a pc who needs no correction — get him on to the next level or section and let him have his wins.
Aug 26, 1968 HCO B Issue IIUSE OF WSU S & D "PERSONAL ROLLERCOASTER"RemimeoAs per title — description and diagrams and how this occurs. Twenty characteristics. How to handle when the case is being audited. Five points.
Aug 28, 1968 HCO BOUT TECHRemimeo Class VIII All OrgsAfter Standard Tech is out in an org for just so long, Scn ceases to have any meaning. How this takes place. What the actual application of Dianetics and Scientology contains. Standard Tech alone resolves all cases. To let standard tech go out is an act of treason.
Aug 28, 1968 HCO B Issue IIDRUGSRemimeo FO(Drug taking has become very common in the West, pushed by psychiatrists). It is possibie to come off drugs without con-vulsions. What drugs are and their effects. LSD and its effects. Why drugs are considered valuable. Why the takers are dangerous to those around. What to do when coming off drugs, and then how to stay off them.
Aug 29, 1968 HCO BDRUG DATARemimeoDescription and data regarding LSD-25, marijuana, hashish, peyote, STP, DMT. Marijuana and other psychedelic drugs. Effect of drug cases being accepted in LA Academy or HGC. The effect of "trips" on the track. Drug users cannot as-is, do not get TA nor do they have cognitions.
Aug 31, 1968 HCO B"IT IS A HIGH CRIME FOR A CASE SUPERVISOR ..."Remimeo Case Supervisor HatWhat is a High Crime for C/S and auditor re C/S instructions. The three things this causes. What happens to the C/S who does this.
Sept 1, 1968 HCO B Revised by HCO B May 7, 1969SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT, WORKSHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONRemimeo Class VIIIWhat an Auditor's Report should contain — listed. Worksheets, how they are laid out, used and what is written in them and how. What to do when making a list on a pc. Three points. Use of different coloured pen when repairing a worksheet. How to mark F/N, time, TA. Summary report — as per June 14, 1965. Two gross goofs LRH has noticed. Auditors reports and worksheets never recopied. It's a crime to give a session or assist without writing auditing reports or re-copying them. Why.
Sept 1, 1968 HCO B Referred to by June 25, 1970POINTS ON CASE SUPERVISIONClass VIIITen points to be checked, to be aware of and be sure to do.
Sept 3, 1968 HCO BPOWER FOLDERS (Class VII and above auditors. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Sept 4, 1968 HCO B"DON'T FORCE A PC WHO IS ILL."Class VIIIAs per heading. Why. Data on release to be observed here.
Sept 4, 1968 HCO B Amended by HCO B Oct 29, 1968"WHEN YOU RUN A VALENCE SHIFTER ..."-Confidential.
Sept 5, 1968 HCO BHANDLING STUDENT DOPE OFFRemimeoAs per title. SO Class VI Super visor write up of how he handled the Class VI students using Study Tech.
Sept 6, 1968 HCO B"WHEN YOU CHECK FOR EARLIER FALSE READS ..."Class VIIIAs per heading — what to do. Four points.
Sept 10, 1968 HCO B"STANDARD" TECH DATAClass VIIIWhat Standard Tech is, and how to do it. Handling of GF Lists etc. How to audit pcs and pre OTs. Repair and let the pc/pre OT get on with Grades and sections. Ruds. All you know when you see a meter read. How to clean up a Rock Slam. Rock Slam on a child. Sad effect and how to handle. What no TA on a Sec Check is. Prepcheck and what it reveals.
Sept 10, 1968 HCO BGREEN FORMS S & D, REMEDY BClass VIIIAdditives that were added in the use of GF S and D and Remedy B. Points 1-3.
Sept 10, 1968 HCO BFLUNKSClass VIIIThe most common goofs made by auditors in C/Sing over 100 folders. Goofs listed 1-5.
Sept 10, 1968 HCO BVALENCE SHIFTERClass VIIIConfidential.
Sept 10, 1968 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR ADMIN IN AUDITINGClass VIIIWhat prevents a Case Supervisor from doing a good job of C/S. The No Report that gives lia bility. What not to do when you run into a snag. What should be done. The correct action.
Sept 11, 1968 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL DATA ON PR PRsClass VII Class VIIIConfidential.
Sept 11, 1968 HCO BFALSE READSClass VIIIHow to handle "false reads". Why it may exist. Other buttons to check.
Sept 11, 1968 HCO BC/S INSTRUCTIONSClass VIIIConfidential.
Sept 11, 1968 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR DATAClass VIIIC/S to watch for ethics record of pcs who have been C/Sed. If they fall on their head, get into low conditions, the folder should be reviewed — what may be out.
Sept 12, 1968 HCO BOT III (OT III and above only Confidential to lower levels)Adv Courses.Confidential.
Sept 15, 1968 HCO B"PC LOOKING OR CONTINUALLY FEELING TIRED"Class VIIIAs per title — what the trouble is. How to handle.
Sept 15, 1968 HCO B"THE FIRST THING I LEARNED ABOUT TEACHING A CLASS VIII AUDITOR ..."Class VIIIAs per title. It goes to his head and he thinks he can run before he can even creep.
Sept 16, 1968 HCO BEND PHENOMENAClass VIIIAuditor must be able to relate all of the end phenomena of a process to an F/N in clay. This also compared to cycle of action. Object of the exercise. Phenomena of pc occurs after phenomena of meter. Skill to be learned by auditor — when to tell pc it's an F/N. Why. This has been an unforeseen factor in C/S of Class VIII.
Sept 16, 1968 HCO B Amended Oct 18, 1968AO's - OT SECTIONSClass VIII AO's CC & OT Course Students Student PackConfidential.
Sept 17, 1968 HCO BOUT ADMIN - LIABILITYClass VIII Dianetic InternshipOut Admin in a pc's folder now becomes an ethics matter and a condition of Liability will be assigned if out admin is discovered. How to do the admin in the folder.
Sept 17, 1968 HCO BOVERRUN PROCESS it is done.Class IV Class VIII High TA "F/Ns", how to handle.The process to be run when a pc has a chronically high TA. How
Sept 17, 1968 HCO BETHNICS C/SClass VIIIWhat a C/S must watch for re ethnics (customs). Why. How to handle.
Sept 17, 1968 HCO BGROSS CASE SUPERVISION ERRORSClass VIII C/SAs per title. Ten errors listed.
Sept 19, 1968 HCO B Reissued May 8, 1972 with extended distribution"OLD LISTS ARE NOT TO BE COPIED"Remimeo L & N Check- sheet Class VIIIAs per title. How they are to be handled. The reads to be marked down, i.e. F, BDs, SF, LF etc. next to the items, as you list.
Sept 20, 1968 HCO BGLEERemimeo Class VIIIThe cause of glee. Why. How to handle.
Sept 20, 1968 HCO BREVIEW, ORDERING PEOPLE TORemimeo Class VIIIWhen not to order people to review and why the practice must cease. When to order review of grades.
Sept 22, 1968 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970CCHs NOT GRADE IClass VIII RemimeoAnyone rehabbing CCHs as a Level I process has skipped Grade I as CCHs are only preparatory. Pcs need a standard problems process.
Sept 22, 1968 HCO B"AUDITORS MUST ALWAYS PUT ..."-Confidential.
Sept 22, 1968 HCO BREHABSClass VIIIWhen to rehab 3GXX and R2-12. Overrun in connection with this. How to rehab them.
Sept 22, 1968 HCO B Amended by HCO B July 20, 1970FOLDER ERROR SUMMARIES-Confidential.
Sept 23, 1968 HCO B Cancels HCO B July 3, 1965 Amended by HCO B Apr 15, 1969NEW RUDIMENTSRemimeo All Students Saint Hill Courses All StaffThe Class VIII technique is to float the needle on rudiments before doing a new grade, power or rehab. How to handle ~ 2, 3 — ARC Breaks, PTPs, M W/H. If they don't blow, go back to earlier ARC Break, PTP or W/H. What to do if no F/N occurs.
Sept 23, 1968 HCO BVIOLATION OF THE LAWS OF LISTING AND NULLINGClass VIIIRudiments (ARC Breaks, PTPs, M W/Hs) are not usually necessary in correcting a list, as a wrong list usually is the ARC Break or PTP. Four ways of correcting a list. The four basic reasons for a wrong list.
Sept 23, 1968 HCO B Reissued as Remimeo Jan 22, 1972 Distribution corrected by HCO B Feb 8, 1972DRUGS AND TRIPPERSClass VIIIAny case that won't run or won't rehab is probably a "tripper". Standard practice for anyone who has taken drugs or even alcohol is to rehab the moments of re lease. The various items — drugs which could have caused release. How to do the rehabs. The trouble these drugs cause on cases and why. What it affects with regard to cases and how to handle.
Sept 24, 1968 HCO BSECTION III RUNNING OT3 AND ABOVE AO - Confidential to lower levels-Confidential.
Sept 25, 1968 HCO B Reissued as HCO B Oct 5, 1972"A LISTING QUESTION USED TO HANDLE ..."Class VIII ConfidentialConfidential.
Sept 26, 1968 HCO BTR 0 NOTERemimeo Levels 0-IVNote on TR 0 by SO Class VI Course Supervisor. The use and gradient of TR 0 and its coaching. When to flunk on TR 0.
Sept 26, 1968 HCO B"THE STUDY OF THE 'WELL DONE' LRH C/S FOLDERClass VIIIThe importance of these folders. The difference between making auditors and not making auditors.
Sept 27, 1968 HCO B Cor rected by HCO B Sept 27, 1968 Issue IIARC STRAIGHT WIRERemimeo All Dianetic CoursesCorrects HCO B June 30, 1962 and also in the HDA Course Book. Corrects p.102 of Self Analysis. Paste over HDA Course Book, page 15. The correct commands for ARC Straight Wire.
Sept 27, 1968 HCO B Issue II Corrects HCO Bs June 30, 1962 and Sept 27, 1968ARC STRAIGHT WIRERemimeo All Dianetic CoursesCorrects HCO B June 30 1962 and also in the HDA Course Book. Corrects p. 102 of Self Analysis. Paste over HDA Course page 15. Corrects earlier PL of same date and title. The correct commands for ARC Straight Wire. How to run. ARC always precedes an ARC Break. ARC - Understanding + Time. Definitions of A, R and C.
Sept 28, 1968 HCO BDIANETICSClass VIIIAuditors in pre 1968 period forgot abandoned and mislayed the use of secondaries and engrams. This was incredible. How a secondary and engram keys out and keys in at will — why. Difference between Release and Clear. How to run secondaries and engrams. The two F/Ns that are available.
Sept 29, 1968 HCO BREVIEW, ORDERING PEOPLE TORemimeo Class VIIIOrdering people to Review for rehab or review of case when they are not ethics cases must cease. Why. When to review grades.
Sept 29, 1968 HCO B Amendeed by HCO B Oct 29, 1968LIST CORRECTIONClass VIIIOnly valid for a list recently done. A correction list as per title. 14 items.
Sept 30, 1968 HCO B Reissued May 8, 1972 with extended distributionLISTSClass VIIIThree rules which apply to correction of S & D and Remedy B lists.
Oct 2, 1968 HCO BOT III (OT III and above only. Adv Courses. Confidential to lower levels)-Confidential.
Oct 3, 1968 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970"THESE QUESTIONS ARE OF INTEREST TO DIANETIC AND LEVEL 0 STUDENTS"Remimeo Dianetic Course Students Level 0 StudentsFour questions asked by SO Class VI students relating to Dianetics and Level 0. What can be run in one session in Level 0, new ruds, current model session. How rudi- ments are handled at Level 0. The questions and LRH's answer.
Oct 4, 1968 HCO BADVANCE COURSESAOs Class VIIIYou must never issue an Advance Course to anyone without Case Supervisor OK. Why. Do not run Advance Courses on out ruds.
Oct 4, 1968 HCO BRUDSClass IVPcs (and students) often don't know the difference between ARC Break, PTP or M W/H. On a green student or pc clear the commands. lt is vital to teach what they mean and do them in clay.
Oct 4, 1968 HCO B"PRE OTs WHO HAVE BEEN AUDITED ..."Class VIIIPre-OTs who have been audited for a long time over out ruds will not respond to OT 4 rundown. Im portant to get ruds in — what to get in.
Oct 5, 1968 HCO BARC BREAK NEEDLEClass VIIIARC Break needle and a Stage 4 "float" are easily detected. How to detect an ARC Break needle, and how to handle. What it is, what not to run in the ruds. What a real F/N has.
Oct 6, 1968 HCO BCLASS VIII OPERATING PROCEDURERemimeo Class VIIIA list of 18 terms and their definitions. Relates to Class VIII.
Oct 7, 1968 HCO B Revised by HCO B Aug 20, 1970ASSESSMENTClass VIII (SH, ASHO)Difference between assessment and listing and nulling. Assess-ment is done from a prepared list, is assessed to one item and item is handled — prepcheck, ARC Break etc. Listing is done by the pc, from a reading question. Null to one item — if list has two items extend list. Re-null the whole list and one item left stays in which is given to the pc.
Oct 7, 1968 HCO BARC BREAK NEEDLEClass VIIIIf you run ARC Breaks with pc nattery which means M W/H, you will for sure get ARC Break needl~ and bad indicators.
Oct 8, 1968 HCO BASSESSMENT: LXlClass VIII ConfidentialConfidential.
Oct 8, 1968 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR - FOLDER HANDLINGRemimeo Case Supervisor HatAnalyzing folders and reviewing folders and the difference. Standard Tech. The main question of the C/S is "was it applied?".
Oct 14, 1968 HCO B"YOU MUST NEVER, NEVER, NEVER HAVE YOUR METER ......"Remimeo Auditors Code.As per title, the meter must never be in the position where the pc can read the TA. Why. Also violates Clause 17 of the
Oct 14, 1968 HCO B II"THE DEFINITION OF RECALL ..."RemimeoThe definition of recall in the Scn Abridged Dictionary is in- correct. Recall means remembering. Returning is the word used to go back and re-experience an incident.
Oct 14, 1968 HCO B Issue IIIR-FACTOR NOTERemimeo Qual Tech StudentsThe use of the Gradation Chart in auditing — by HCO B Nov 14 1965 "Clearing the Commands". LRH's hat and the Auditor's hat.
Oct 16, 1968 HCO BSUPERVISOR'S DUTYSupervisors CourseThe duty of the supervisor of a course. What it consists of.
Oct 18, 1968 HCO B Amends HCO B Sept 16, 1968AO's OT SECTIONSClass VIII AOs CC and OT CourseConfidential.
Oct 18, 1968 HCO B"THE CORRECT ORDER IN WHICH SUB-ZEROS, GRADES AND OT SECTIONS ARE ADMINISTERED "Remimeo SH ASHO AO's OrgsAs per entry. The pc grades listed - ARC Straightwire to OT VI.
Oct 20, 1968 HCO BTHE PURPOSE OF CLASS VIIIClass VIIIThere is no more "auditing is what you get away with" at VIII. What VIII is — a flawless, invariable administration of processes with flawless TRs, using only the basics. The purpose. The impact of this. Cycle of decline of an auditor, cycle of decline of student. What is known if the pc did not arrive at the Examiner in good shape. Six points. How the purpose of the course can be defeated. What warrants an automatic treason assignment. What there is in Standard Tech.
Oct 21, 1968 HCO B Revised by HCO B May 7, 1969FLOATING NEEDLERemimeoF/Ns are the end phenomena for any process or action with the pc on two cans. A full definition. How it reads before cognition. How they show up on some pcs. The pop . Overrun of F/N . ARC Break needle. One hand electrode and its weakness — how to handle.
Oct 22, 1968 HCO BTEACHING THE CLASS VIIIClass VIIIThe need for keeping the teaching of Class VIII straight. Why. Ten principles laid down. Why this must be adhered to completely.
Oct 28, 1968 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970OT EXTERIORClass VIIIThe datum is only — when a pc goes exterior you cease to audit or he will go back in. Audit again when he goes back in .
Oct 29, 1968 HCO B Amends HCO B Sept 29, 1968LIST CORRECTIONClass VIIIOnly valid for a list recently done. 14 items for assessment.
Oct 29, 1968 HCO B Amendment of HCO B Sept 4, 1968"WHEN YOU RUN A VALENCE SHIFTER ..."Class VIIIAs per title. When he's had low TA run what can you confront. Why.
Nov 1, 1968 HCO B Amended by HCO B Dec 10, 1968HIGH TAClass VIIITwo methods of taking down a high TA (4.0 is a high-TA). One for chronic high TA, the other for getting the TA down so one can audit. Never start a main action with the TA high expecting the main action will get it down. Don't expect ruds to bring down a high TA. The commonest cause of a TA flying up during a break.
Nov 1, 1968 HCO B Issue IIOVERT- MOTIVATOR DEFINITIONSClass VIIIThese are problems in flows. They exist with or without intention. One can add "intentional" or "unintentional" to the definitions. Definitions of overt, motivator, false motivator, false overt.
Nov 2, 1968 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII THE BASIC PROCESSES (Confidential Class VIII OT 3 and above. Adv Courses)Class VIIIConfidential.
Nov 5, 1968 HCO BHOW TO HANDLE THE RESISTIVE CASEClass VIII ConfidentialConfidential.
Nov 6, 1968 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONSConfidential Class VIII onlyConfidential.
Nov 6, 1968 HCO B"THE PRE- REQUISITE FOR OT V ..."AO's Class VIIIConfidential.
Nov 9, 1968 HCO Amended by HCO B May 2, 1972CLEARING COMMANDS ALL LEVELSRemimeo Academy SHSBCYou never let the pc off the cans in Standard Tech. Why. The auditor opens the dictionary to the correct page for the pc to read.
Nov 18, 1968 HCO BMODEL SESSION, DIANETICS TO LEVEL IIRemimeoAs per title. Details of how to do it. Using "this is the Session", 3 ruds, false and suppress if necessary, clearing commands and major action. What to do if no F/N on ruds.
Dec 4, 1968 HCO BRELEASE REHABILITATION OFRemimeo Level IV Academy SHSBCWith the power of Standard Tech the rehab of former release is a very simple action. Importance of excellent auditor basics. Example. If no F/N pc has PTP, ARC Break, Missed W/H or the auditor's TRs, comm cycle or meter reading is out or the process was never flattened. Keep Standard Tech simple.
Dec 5, 1968 HCO BUNRESOLVING CASESClass VIIIData on personal roller coaster and how to handle. Why the PTS case does not respond to processing. How to handle it.
Dec 6, 1968 HCO BRELEASE, REHABILITATION OFLevel IV Academy SHSBCWith the power of Standard Tech the rehabilitation of former states of release has become a very simple action. The procedure. Example. What has happened if you don't get an F/N. Keep Standard Tech simple.
Dec 10, 1968 HCO B Amends HCO Bs Sept 17, 1968 and Nov 1, 1968 Amended and added to by HCO B July 17, 1969CORRECTIONClass IV Class VIIIAs listed in the bulletin.
Dec 12, 1968 HCO BINVALIDATION AND THE GOOD AUDITORConfidential Class VIII onlyConfidential.
Dec 13, 1968 HCO BTHE "R" FACTORConfidential Class VIIIs OnlyConfidential.
Dec 15, 1968 HCO B Amends HCO B Jan 9, 1968L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORSRemimeoAs per list.
Dec 15, 1968 HCO B Amends HCO B Jan 9, 1968 List L4A Corrected (Item 6) Feb 12, 1969 Amended Aug 8, 1970 and Mar 18, 1971. Revised on L4BR June 2, 1972LIST 4B FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORSRemimeoAs per list.
Dec 17, 1968 HCO BBULLETIN ON OT IIIConfidentialConfidential.
Dec 19, 1968 HCO BTECHNICAL DATAAll OT Course Students AO Review AuditorsAny tech data unless signed by LRH are cancelled.
Dec 26, 1968 HCO BTHE THIRD PARTY LAWRemimeoIssued as both an HCO B and HCO PL. A third party must be present and unknown in every quarrel for a conflict to exist — two other versions. It is a useful law on many dynamics. It is the cause of war. Incredible data. How this relates to all conflicts and conferences etc. "Underlying causes" of war should read "hidden promoters". The natural law both the ancients and moderns alike did not know.

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Jan 5, 1969 HCO BUNRESOLVING CASES KEYClass VIIIHow to handle. Environmental menace.
Jan 8, 1969 HCO BDRUGS AND "INSANITY" NON COMPLIANCE AND ALTER-ISRemimeoLRH research on drug cases and takers. When threatened with unmocking a thetan mocks up obsessively. How this happens in non standard sessions and why. Under threat the person goes out of PT. The time track is not then being made up wholly of present time events. It is a composite of past track, imagination and present events. Here is the real basis of alter-is. The use of drugs and their effect. Enturbulation. Exteriorization. Dangerous environment.
Jan 23, 1969 HCO BTHE STANDARDRemimeo All Students Tech HatsStrange goofs and additives found in sessions, not on reports. Examples of these. Just do the correct procedure of auditing: understand the subject of auditing. Do it Ron's way. Much easier.
Jan 24, 1969 HCO B Amends HCO B June 14, 1965 Issue II Amended by HCO B Mar 17 Cancelled by HCO B Jan 12, 1971SUMMARY REPORTRemimeo StudentsNew format for Auditors Summary Report. How to use it. The form itself.
Jan 24, 1969 HCO B Issue II Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970. Corrected by HCO B Feb 11, 1969, Revised by HCO B Aug 8, 1971 Issue IISUB ZERO'S - TRIPLE GRADES LOWER LEVELS - TRIPLE GRADESRemimeo Class IVHow the Bulletin is to be used in the pc's folder. The commands of the Sub Zero Grades and the level O-IV grades triple. Havingness processes for each.
Jan 25, 1969 HCO BTARGETS AND COMPUTERSRemimeoTarget Series. Indication they could be used for the programming of computers.
Jan 25, 1969 HCO B Issue III Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970TRIPLE LOWER GRADES (Corrected issue) (Hold and send with 24 Jan 1969)Remimeo Class VIIIs May be issued to lower level auditors. Class IV in Academies and SHSBCHow to run Triple Lower Grades. Auditor confusion, use of HCO B Clearing Commands. Don't overrun, listing, out ruds, old pcs, tight C/Sing, invalidated auditors.
Jan 28, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970HANDLING TRIPLERemimeoA common goof in handling Triples — overrun. How to handle this. Watch for flubs of precision and ensure havingness is run between levels.
Jan 29, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970TRIPLE AND EXTERIOR C/SRemimeo Class VIIIExteriorisation likely to occur in triple ruds — why. How to use the triples and ensure the auditor stops when the pc goes exterior.
Jan 30, 1969 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Apr 11, 1969TRIPLE RUDIMENTSRemimeo Class IVThe use of triple ruds at lower levels. The commands of triple ruds. Their handling.
Feb 3, 1969 HCO BTRIPLE GRADES FLOWSRemimeoThe only flows used in triple grades. How to use them. In tensity of the different flows varies from person to person. Wording of the co ands takes care of these. Relationship to third party law and three terminal universe .
Feb 3, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970TRIPLE GRADESRemimeo(Firm policy on Triple Grades, not to be violated.) The use of triple grades by whom, under whose supervision. They are taught on Class IV and Class V. When the balance of the two f lows may be put in. How to do it plus rehab the other flow. Best time to do it is before Power. The advantages of triples.
Feb 7, 1969 HCO BTHE BODY COMMUNICATIONRemimeoThe write up of how to do the Body Co Process by Steve Jarvis.
Feb 9, 1969 HCO BRESEARCH NOTES RE THE TRIPLE GRADESRemimeo Class IVAs per title. End cognition of havingness. What havingness is.
Feb 11, 1969 HCO Br Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970USE OF TRIPLE RUDIMENTS (ADD TO TRIPLE GRADES CHECKSHEET * RATE)Remimeo Class IVAs per title. Further notes on their use and auditors training. A correction to HCO B Jan 24.
Feb 12, 1969 HCO B Amendment to HCO B Dec 15, 1968. Amended Jan 9, 1968L4A FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING QUESTIONSRemimeoThe assessment questions. Item 6 corrected.
Feb 14, 1969 HCO BCASE ENTRY - CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONSClass VIII ConfidentialConfidential.
Feb 18, 1969 HCO BSTAGE PRESENCE TRAINING DRILLSRemimeoWhen these drills should be used. TR 20. Name, purpose, commands, position, training stress, history.
Feb 18, 1969 HCO BSTAGE PRESENCE TRAINING DRILLS (CONTINUED)RemimeoTR 21. Name, purpose, commands, position, training stress, history.
Feb 18, 1969 HCO BSTAGE PRESENCE TRAINING DRILLS (CONTINUED)RemimeoNote on usage. TR 22. Name, purpose, commands, position, training stress.
Feb 28, 1969 HCO BMEDICAL DOCTORS (LRH ED 86 INT FEB 22, 1969)RemimeoIf any orgs train medical doctors, how they must be trained, 3 points. Seminars and lectures.
Mar 3, 1969 HCO BCASE GAIN COMPLETING LEVELSRemimeo Class VIII Level IV Tech Sec Qual Sec Staff Auditors HatAny level is itself capable of stable case gain. If a level does not produce stable gain, then the case is loused up on earlier levels. This is true of ARC Straight Wire and OT VI alike. One does not give the next level to solve an earlier out tech situation. Elementary case repair. How to handle.
Mar 21, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970AUDITORS REPORT TRIPLE GRADESRemimeo Class VIII Class VIThe admin of the sessions of Triple Grades. How to do it. The reason for admin. How to do the auditors reports. Why.
Mar 12, 1969 HCO BPHYSICALLY ILL PCs AND PRE OTs (WITH A NOTE ON DRUGS)Remimeo Class VIII Tech Secs Qual SecsVarious viewpoints in relation to the extremes of the cause of mental and physical illness. How physical illness can interrupt auditing. How to handle and why this is necessary. How illness relates to insanity. Healing. Why tranquillisers work. Drugs how they work.
Mar 14, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B June 17, 1970"IT IS OK FOR ANY CLASS VIII ...Remimeo "How the Course Supervisor (as a Class VIII) handles his students pc folders. Differentiation between this and case supervision.
Mar 17, 1969 HCO B Amends HC0 Bs June 14, 1965 Issure II and Jan 24, 1969. Amended by HC0 B June 20, 1970SUMMARY REPORTRemimeo StudentsNew format of the Auditors Summary Report. How to use it.
Mar 17, 1969 HCO BPOLITICSRemimeoScale of politics taken from memory from Excalibur. Use of Science of Survival and this scale to handle and predict the ideologies. Cycle of a nation. The ones who are likely to fight and the ones who are not. The problem man is trying to solve.
Apr 2, 1969 HCO B Revised May 14, 1969DIANETIC ASSISTSRemimeoTo be included in Medical Series. Data on the use of Dianetic Assists.
Apr 5, 1969 HCO B Corrected HCO B May 26, 1970NEW PRECLEARS THE WORKABILITY OF SCIENTOLOGYRemimeo Dianetic Course D of Ts D of Ps Class VIIIsTraining of a new pc. Conditions of a new pc. The three points it is too much to ask of a being in starting processing. The correct steps to take. Various cases re viewed. "No auditing" was found. Not doing auditing is a fundamental error. Five things which may be present if an area thinks Dianetics and Scientology don't work. Concrete rule.
Apr 6, 1969 HCO BFUNDAMENTAL AUDITINGRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe true fundamental background of a Scientology auditor — Dianetic auditing, its early use, when it operates and its heritage. End product of Dianetics. How the Scn auditor is balked by an ill pc. How the two relate to each other.
Apr 6, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETICS COURSE AUDITING REQUIREMENTSRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe auditing requirements of a Dianetic Auditor — 25 hours. Points that must be done and the case gain achieved. What the checksheet must contain. Requisite for Academy enrollment. The relationship of Dianetic and Scientology auditing and the results.
Apr 11, 1969 HCO B Corrected Issue of HCO B Jan 30, 1969 Amended by HCO B June 17, 1969TRIPLE RUDIMENTSRemimeo Class IVTriple rudiments. How they are used. The commands. How to handle errors. The importance.
Apr 15, 1969 HCO B Amends HCO B Sept 23, 1968PTP RUDIMENTRemimeo All Students St Hill Courses All StaffHow the PTP rud is handled. Itsa earlier itsa. Do not use a process.
Apr 16, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B May 19, 1969HEALTH FORM, USE OFRemimeo Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors Checksheet Tech Sec Ds of T Ds of PGuide to what to audit on a case. Some pcs do not know they have recovered. Second health form gives a comparison. One of the old problems of Dianetics. How to handle each symptom or complaint. When to do a new health form. Purpose of sessions. Eleven steps in the use of the health form.
Apr 17, 1969 HCO BDIANETIC CASE SUPERVISIONRemimeo Dianetics Chksheet Class VIII's Dianetic AuditorsDianetics is done differently than Scn. Six things the Dianetic Auditor does not do and the Case Supervisor must not expect. How we handle the pc's needs in Qual. How to run out bad sessions. What an HDA can do.
Apr 17, 1969 HCO BDIANETIC CASE FAILURESRemimeo Qual Secs Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditor Tech Secs Ds of T Ds of PThe foremost failures of Dianetics on cases. It just wasn't used at all, or not completed, or didn't clean up all the somatics. The source of the somatics. Example.
Apr 22, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS VS SCIENTOLOGYRemimeo Class VIIIs Dian Auditors Tech Secs Qual Secs Dianetic ChecksheetDianetics and Scientology are separate subjects. Have certain tools in common. Dianetics addresses the body, Scn addresses the thetan. To mix the two is a bad error — it will produce no real case gain. What LRH found about Dianetics — man's usual PTP is his body. Keep the two separate (Dianetics and Scientology).
Apr 22, 1969 HCO B Issue IISOMATICS AND OTsRemimeo Usual Dn Dist Dian Check-sheet AO'sWhen a pc or a pre OT has physical and other difficulties he needs Dianetics. Once this is understood it will end any and all failures. The PTPs of a thetan. Mixing of practices in relation to Dn and Scn. What you handle in Dianetics and what is handled in Scn. The two now clearly separated.
Apr 23, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS, BASIC DEFINITIONSRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech SecsAs per title definitions of erasure, lock, secondary, engrams, somatic, misemotion, time track, pleasure moments, black field, invisible field, pressure somatic, key in, key out, F/Ns, multiple illness chain, automatic bank basic, unburdening basic basic, valence ally, assess. The importance of these in Dianetics.
Apr 23, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETICS ERASURE HOW TO ATTAINRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual SecsIf you run a lock, secondary or engram through twice and it does not erase — go earlier. Follow the somatic not narrative content.
Apr 23, 1969 HCO B Issue IIIPAST LIVESRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech SecsWhen a group seeks to forward only what is currently acceptable it of course stalls all progress, and it is dishonest to suppress or fail to reveal scientific discoveries. As far as past lives are concerned, if you don't run the pictures when they come up on a chain, the pc will not recover. Audit what the pc has to audit. Leave the social aspects of the case to others.
Apr 24, 1969 HCO BDIANETIC USERemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs etc.Why Dianetics fell out of use. How to handle people who are ill. How Dianetics is used like a remedy. Use it. The reintroduction of Dianetics, a restatement and easier to use. We now have Standard Dianetics.
Apr 24, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETIC RESULTSRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech SecsOccasionally Dianetics gives Scn results and vice versa. The clue is consistency. Dianetics addresses the body and Scn the thetan. Each has separate results.
Apr 24, 1969 HCO B Added to by HCO B Sept 25, 1970PRECLEAR ASSESSMENT SHEETRemimeo All Staff Auditors D of P HGC AdminAs per title. How to use. The assessment itself.
Apr 26, 1969 HCO BBAD INDICATORSRemimeo Dianetic CourseA list of 38 bad indicators.
Apr 26, 1969 HCO BSOMATICSRemimeo Dianetics Checksheet etc.Somatics only to be run — examples of what are and what are not somatics. Follow down feelings and only assess the feeling stated.
Apr 27, 1969 HCO BR-3-R RESTATEDRemimeo Dn Auditors etc.What is done the second time through an incident, the steps to take, A~ B, C, and D. Erasure or going solid.- Pc interest. Erasing last incident found. Completing chains. F/Ns vs erasure. Ending session. Ending Dianetics.
Apr 27, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETIC FAILURESRemimeoDianetics can be made to fail by alteration. Three headings under which this can occur listed. What the failures come from.
Apr 28, 1969 HCO BHIGH TA IN DIANETICSRemimeo Dianetics Ck SheetWhat a high TA in Scn is. What it is in Dianetics. How an Scn auditor handles overrun, how a Dianetic auditor handles overrun. Further data.
Apr 29, 1969 HCO BASSESSMENT AND INTERESTRemimeo Dn ChecksheetDianetic assessment by longest read. Different from Scn assessment by elimination and listing and nulling. Symbols and their definitions. The reason why one assesses. The result of trying to run a somatic which has not read on the list. Exception to a reading item. Never run a pc against his protest but where the pc's interest lies. Further data.
Apr 30, 1969 HCO BAUDITOR TRUSTRemimeo Dianetics ChecksheetPc tends to be able to confront to the degree he feels safe. How this works and why. How the auditor makes the session safe for the pc.
May 1, 1969 HCO BGRINDING OUT ENGRAMSRemimeo Dn ChecksheetGrinding out incidents. How this occurs. After once or twice through go earlier. How OTs get grinding. How to handle. How pcs who shift from somatic to somatic could get into grinding.
May 4, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS MAJOR AUDITING FAULTSRemimeo Dianetic Course22 major Dianetic auditing faults listed. The major fault being not doing it.
May 5, 1969 HCO B Issue ITOUCH ASSISTSRemimeo Dianetic CourseHow to do a touch assist — compiled from a lecture given by LRH October 3, 1968.
May 5, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETICS CASE SUPERVISION FORMSDianetic Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech SecsStandard Dianetics C/S No. 1 and No. 2 forms. How to use.
May 6, 1969 HCO B Issue IDIANETICS AND REVIEWRemimeo Dianetics Course Qual SecsHow to handle when pc is not running properly. The need for this only occurs after non Standard Dianetic auditing.
May 6, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970ROUTINE R-3R REVISED ENGRAM RUNNING BY CHAINSRemimeo Dianetic Course Class VIIIThis bulletin contains part of 27 April 1969 and 24 June 1963. Important points on running of engrams. R3-R revised by steps. Erasure or going solid, pc interest, erasing last incident found, completing chains, F/N vs erasure, ending sessions, ending Dianetics.
May 7, 1969 HCO B Issue IIIDIANETICS EXTRACTS FROM EARLY BULLETINSRemimeo Dianetic CourseExtracts from HCO B May 15, 1963, June 8, 1963 and Apr 3, 1966.
May 7, 1969 HCO B Issue IVTHE FIVE GAEsRemimeo Dianetic Course(HCO B Sept 21, 1965 edited for use on the Dianetic Course). The five GAEs listed. These are the only errors in the auditing of an auditor.
May 7, 1969 HCO B Issue V Revises HCO B Oct 21, 1968FLOATING NEEDLERemimeo Dianetic Course(Revision of HCO B Oct 21, 1968 for use on Dianetic Course only.)
May 7, 1969 HCO B Issue VI Revises HCO B Sept 1,1968SUMMARY OF HOW TO WRITE AN AUDITOR'S REPORT WORK- SHEETS AND SUMMARY REPORT, WITH SOME ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONRemimeo Class VIII Dianetic CoursesRevision of HCO B Sept 1, 1968. For use on Dianetic Course.
May 7, 1969 HCO B Issue VII Corrected by HCO B June 19, 1969DIANETIC COURSE STUDY DRILLSRemimeo Dianetic CourseStudy drills for five of the HCO Bs on the Dianetics checksheet.
May 8, 1969 HCO BREPETITIVE STUDYRemimeo Dianetics Supervisors CourseFollowing study datum has emerged. Number of times over the material equals certainty and results. How this applies to Standard Dianetics Course Students. Results in the student's own case is the guarantee of successful application by the student.
May 8, 1969 HCO B Issue IITEACHING THE DIANETICS COURSERemimeo Dianetics CourseAs the teaching of basic data re stimulates confusions which are then dramatised by throwing the course off line, the way the Dianetics Course is taught is vital. Nine steps in the teaching listed. If not, what must be done.
May 9, 1969 HCO BSUPERVISION DRILLSRemimeoStudent Drill 1 — Handling student questions. Student Drill 2 — Handling misunderstood words or phrases. Student Drill 3 — Handling enturbulative students.
May 9, 1969 HCO BCASE SUPERVISING DIANETICS FOLDERSRemimeo Dn ChecksheetWhat Case Supervisors look for in Dianetic folders. Two data that emerged from LRH C/Sing many Dianetics folders. There is only one exact procedure. It is a serious error to mix Dianetics and Scn in the same session. Further data.
May 9, 1969 HCO BCASE SUPERVISOR FORMSRemimeo Dn ChecksheetDn C/S 1 for new unaudited pcs. Dn C/S 2 for cases who have or have not been given a medical exam and have had auditing. The forms.
May 11, 1969 HCO B Replaces HCO B July 27, 1966TECH DIV QUAL DIV METER TRIM CHECKRemimeo All Orgs Exec Secs Tech Sec Qual Sec All Tech Hats All Qual Hats Dianetic CourseWhy E-Meters go out of trim during session. Five steps in meter calibration at end of session.
May 11, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Oct 12, 1969 Revised by HCO B Oct 16, 1971FORCING A PCRemimeo Dn ChecksheetDon't force a pc to go on being audited. Why. There is no exIssue IIcuse for it. It invalidates the pc's cause.
May 13, 1969 HCO BPECULIARITIESRemimeo Dn ChecksheetIf you run into some odd pc phenomena in Dianetic auditing, the rule is end off and send the pc to a Scientology Review. How to handle if no org nearby and you are a Scn auditor as well. Source of the phenomena that can come under this rule. How to handle the session.
May 14, 1969 HCO B Revision of HCO B Apr 2, 1969DIANETIC ASSISTSRemimeoInclude in Medical Series. The use of Dianetics to the medical doctor. Use of Dianetics in re lation to illnesses and insanity. What insanity often is. Touch assist, contact assist and the auditing assist. Further data on Dianetics and its use.
May 14, 1969 HCO B Corrected by HCO B Aug 29, 1970SICKNESSRemimeo Dn ChecksheetWhat has happened when a pc after a Dianetic session gets ill a few days later. Homeopathy. Stuck mental picture. Use of Dianetics to make medicine work. Further data. Audit the pc standardly on Dianetics.
May 14, 1969 HCO B Issue II Replaced by HCO B Aug 1, 1970F/N AND ERASURERemimeo Dn ChecksheetF/N in relation to locks and key outs. The erasure F/N is the F/N wanted in Dianetics. TA position. GIs in relation to F/Ns and erasure. Overrun. Cognition and erasure and F/N.
May 14, 1969 HCO B Issue IIICULTURAL LAGRemimeo Dn ChecksheetThe reason why Dianetics and Scn were abused — cultural lag. Various examples. It occurs for various reasons. Dianetics and Scn, why they are subject to disbelief. Dianetics and Scientology are just in time.
May 15, 1969 HCO BDIRTY NEEDLERemimeo Dn ChecksheetWhat a dirty needle indicates. What to do if dirty needle after Dn C/S 1.
May 17, 1969 HCO BTRs AND DIRTY NEEDLESRemimeo Dn ChecksheetIf student's pc develops a dirty needle it is caused by out TRs, student breaking Auditors Code, pc has W/H. The remedy for each of these.
May 18, 1969 HCO BERASURERemimeo Dn ChecksheetHow to handle when pc s~ays it is gone but no F/N. Check is the 'picture' erasing — but not habitually. What erasure depends on. Only chains of feelings (pains, sensations, misemotions etc.) uniformly go down to a basic that will erase.
May 19, 1969 HCO BDRUG AND ALCOHOL CASES PRIOR ASSESSINGRemimeo Dian ChecksheetSomatic shut off or drug and alcohol cases. Prior assess to before he started taking drugs or alcohol. How to do it. Use of PA in relation to a curative activity also.
May 19, 1969 HCO B Revises HCO B April 16, 1969. Revised by HCO B July 22, 1969HEALTH FORM, USE OF. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF AUDITINGRemimeo Class VIIIs Dian. Auditors Checksheet Tech Sec Ds of P Ds of TAdditional data on symptoms or complaints and how to run them.
May 20, 1969 HCO BKEEPING DIANETICS WORKING IN AN AREARemimeo Dian. ChecksheetThe problems of alteration at the beginning of Dianetics Course. Starting out in an area. How to handle. The five problems of early Dianetics. The four points of potential failure. If it isn't working it's being varied.
May 20, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS COURSE DATARemimeo Dianetics CourseCourse Sections 1-4. Students ready to audit, handwriting, pc assessment sheet, location of lists, auditing environment, contagion of error, Dianetic auditing assists, sensitivity setting, clearing commands, attestations, Cramming, flunks, statistics, case supervisor instructions.
May 21, 1969 HCO BASSESSMENTRemimeo Dian ChecksheetIn all the years of auditing, listing and assessing anything has been a weak spot in auditing. How this relates to Standard Dianetics. An old operating definition of assessment. What one is assessing for. How to tell it's a right item. What the Dianetic auditor should understand about right items to run. Difference between Dianetic and Scientology lists.
May 22, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS, ITS BACKGROUNDRemimeo Dian ChecksheetAs per title. The mission of Dianetics is to get itself applied. The importance of the 1969 Standard Dianetics breakthrough.
May 22, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Sept, 2, 1969NOTES ON C/S INSTRUCTIONSRemimeo Dn CourseAuditors hat is to audit. The C/S goes by folders. How to keep Dianetics working. The use of an existing list. Flattening chains. Following the C/S instruc- tions. Accept the pc's data. How to query C/S instructions.
May 23, 1969 HCO BAUDITING OUT SESSIONS NARRATIVE VERSUS SOMATIC CHAINSRemimeo Dian ChecksheetNow and again auditors have to run out a session by R3R. In this instance get an earlier similar in cident. Liaibility of running a narrative chain. The best thing is to goof no assessments or sessions in the first place.
May 24, 1969 HCO BTHE DIFFICULT CASERemimeo Dian ChecksheetDianetic Course Supers can expect up to 20% threatened course failures because of students own case. In HGC 25% of pcs will not resolve on Standard Dianetic auditing alone. Students don't have cases but failed students do. OT cases and how to handle either with Dianetics or Class VIII.
May 24, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETIC HIGH CRIMESRemimeo Dian ChecksheetAside from Auditors Code violations there are four Dianetic High Crimes. These listed. Examples of each. There are countless variations.
May 25, 1969 HCO B Reissued in HCO B July 22, 1969HIGH TA ASSESSMENTRemimeo Dianetics ChecksheetWhen a pc has a high TA after one or more sessions, earlier chains found were not erased. High TA equals one or more engram chains in restimulation. High TA = mental energy mass. How to handle high TA. Low TA and what it means and what to do. Exception.
May 26, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS STUDY AND DRILLSRemimeo Dianetics CoursePurpose of study drills and auditing on a doll. Importance of checkouts. LRH case supervised sessions. You have to be a competent Dianetic case supervisor by the end of the course. How achieved. Duplication of C/S instructions and how this is
May 27, 1969 HCO BIMPORTANT URGENT THE VIII's NIGHTMARERemimeo Class VIIIs ECs Qual SecsThe nightmare for a Class VIII C/S is to have to do his job without a competent Review Auditor. How the Class VIII C/S would handle this. This must not break down. We must keep tech standard and well done.
May 27, 1969 HCO BEARLIER SIMILARRemimeo Dn Course Tech HatsWhat gets handled in Dianetics. Handling of incidents. Command confusion clarified. The precise use of commands.
May 28, 1969 HCO BHOW NOT TO ERASERemimeo Dian ChecksheetTwo extremes a Dianetic Auditor can go to on the subject of erasure. Go earlier when going solid. The pc who blows it. The importance of understanding the procedure.
May 28, 1968 HCO B Issue IIDIANETICS AND RESULTS DLANETIC COUNSELLING GROUPSRemimeo Dianetics ChecksheetIsolated practitioner has to be a one man band. The other hats needed to be worn. It takes about two admin personnel to keep one tech personnel going. The best auditing results from teamwork. Handle by forming a Dianetic Counselling Group. Details with regard to the Dianetic Counselling Group.
June 3, 1969 HCO BTR NOTESRemimeoCommon denominator in Dianetic auditors was found to be out TRs. The importance of TRs in Dianetics. The success of the student can be measured by, and is proportional to the degree of excellence in TRs. LRH says a student has no case but a failed student has. TRs are not a tea party.
June 4, 1969 HCO BCOMM IMPEDIMENTSRemimeo Class VIIIHow stuttering or comm difficulties may be handled if they read on the meter- A Class VIII activity.
June 5, 1969 HCO B Ammended by HCO B July 12, 1969 Revised by HCO B Oct 3, 1969TWO DIANETIC REMEDIESRemimeo Dianetics CourseAs per title. Two points. Detailed. The procedures are special applications of the Prior Assessment principle.
June 6, 1969 HCO BCRAMMINGRemimeo Dn Course Tech HatsThe functions and actions of the Cramming Officer must be understood. What the Cramming Officer knows and handles. How the Cramming Officer handles the student. Cramming and supervision must not collapse into each other.
June 6, 1969 HCO BPREDICTION AND CONSEQUENCESRemimeo Class II Checksheets Academy SHSBCMain reason for overts of omission and commission. Why Pavlov was acceptable. The pinning of people close to PT and overwhelm into the past. Man is basically good. How we know this. The road from insanity to sanity.
June 7, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS POINTS WHICH GO OUT AND WRECK PCsRemimeo Dianetic Supervisor's CourseEleven points which go out on a course and wreck it. They must be kept in.
June 7, 1969 HCO BHOW TO MAKE A PERSON SOBERRemimeoThe use of locational havingness in making a drunk person sober. This is an assist, not a cure. What a drunk can't confront. Do not ever get angry with or strike a drunk whatever the provocation.
June 10, 1969 HCO BLANGUAGE DICTIONARIES AND TRANSLATIONS APPLICATION OF STUDY TECHRemimeo All Translators Comm Supervisors All Foreign StudentsIn doing translations of Scn into other languages, beware synonyms. The use of an English standard dictionary.
June 11, 1969 HCO BMATERIALS, SCARCITY OFRemimeo Dian Course Super Checksheet Dissem Secs Tech Secs Qual SecsA whole course can be wrecked by scarcity of materials. How to handle for courses. Break the checksheet down into sections.
June 12, 1969 HCO B Amended by HCO B July 10, 1969 Cancelled by HCO B July 6, 19717 CSE R3R SET UPRemimeo Class VIIIUse of prepchecking LXL R3R run down and handling drugs, other practices and former therapies. 7 case assessments can be done over and over each time deleting the item just handled.
June 13, 1969 HCO B Amends HCO B Jan 13, 1968 and Jan 19, 1968THE 3 WAY S & DRemimeo Level III StudentsAs per title. 3 way flow S 8 Ds. How to use. U, S and W and their questions.
June 19, 1969 HCO B Corrects HC0 B May 7, 1969DEFINITION OF TERMSDianetics CourseDefinitions of terms are not required to be learned verbatim. Further data- All theory check- outs must consult the student's understanding.
June 23, 1969 HCO BF/NRemimeo Dianetics ChecksheetIt is possible to get a F/N and VGIs while simply spotting or dating an engram. Let the pc have his win. What has happened. Auditor's problem is to tell which it is. Further data.
June 26, 1969 HCO B Revised and Replaced by HCO B June 28, 1969C/S HOW TO CASE SUPERVISE DIANETICS FOLDERSRemimeo Class VIII Checksheet Dianetics ChecksheetSee entry June 28 1969.
June 26, 1969 HCO BENGRAMS, HANDLING OF AND OTsRemimeo Class VIII Dn ChecksheetThe way a case can run at high velocity on R3R when pc/pre OT case is in good shape. How to handle this.
June 26, 1969 HCO BCLASS VIII PRE-AUDITING REQUIREMENTSClass VIIIAs per title. Class VIII student must have gone three times through the checksheet and passed a tough written exam 100%. What happens if he flunks. When he can graduate.
June 27, 1969 HCO B Revised July 5, 1969 Cancelled Sept 2, 1969Q & ARemimeo Tech Hats Class VIII Dianetics Supervisor HatsVarious examples of how Dianetic auditors and Class VIIIs could and have gone off standard and how they must not do this and how they can handle.
June 28, 1969 HCO B Replaces HCO B June 26, 1969 same titleC/S HOW TO CASE SUPERVISE DIANETICS FOLDERSRemimeo Class VIII Checksheet Dianetics ChecksheetIt is very easy to case supervise a Dianetics folder. How to do it. What the C/S must be. Four actions for the Dianetics C/S to take. Two types of cases. How to handle. Handling of sick and insane cases. C/S procedure. Five steps of folder inspection. The handling of C/S folders and getting good case gain on pcs.
July 1, 1969 HCO B Adds to HCO B May 25, 1969HIGH TA ASSESSMENTRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe actions to be taken when a pc has a high TA. C/S instructions.
July 3, 1969 HCO BHEALTH FORM AND SOMATICSRemimeo Dian ChecksheetThe compilation of the Health Form is an auditing action. How to ensure reads are not missed. Somatics, ending off, additional somatics. Understandingness.
July 4, 1969 HCO BAUDITING OF OT III PRECLEARSRemimeo Tech Sec Qual Sec Dianetics CoursePcs who have studied or run the OT III materials, may only be audited by auditors who are OT III and above. A non OT III Dianetic auditor can be wrecked if assigned to OT III pc — so don't do it.
July 4, 1969 HCO B Issue IIDIANETICS STUDENT AUDITORSRemimeo Dianetics CourseAfter student auditors on Dianetics Course have passed their written exam 100%, must audit their first sessions on other students. Why. When he may audit other pcs.
July 5, 1969 HCO B Revision of HCO B June, 27, 1969 Cancelled Sept 2, 1969Q & ARemimeo Tech Hats Class VIII Dianetics Supervisor HatSee earlier entry.
July 10, 1969 HCO BSTENOGRAPHIC AUDITINGRemimeoStenographic notes of auditing not required. Pc has not got an auditor if this is so. Why, how to handle, what the C/S expects. The auditor controls the session, has excellent TRs and gets results.
July 10, 1969 HCO B Issue IIEXTERIORIZATION REMEDYClass VIIIWhen a pc is not stably exterior, what can be run. Technique de veloped and used by LRH in recent Dianetics research.
July 10, 1969 HCO B Amends HCOB June 12, 1969FORMER THERAPIES AND EARLIER PRACTICESRemimeo Class VIIIAs per title. How they are handled when assessed on seven resistive cases. This supersedes and can cels any previously issued method of handling these.
July 11, 1969 HCO BSUPERVISIONRemimeo Dianetic Supervisors CourseA course supervisor can give him self and his students losses by being too careful. Dianetics is a fast simple course. It is not complicated. Two types of students. How to handle. Supervisor validation.
July 12, 1969 HCO B Amends HCO B June 5, 1969AMENDMENT TO HCO B 5 JUNE 1969, TWO DIANETIC REMEDIESRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe question to use on pcs who cannot go earlier than this life. Question in HCO B June 5, 1969 is incomplete.
July 12, 1969 HCO BEXTERIORIZATIONRemimeo Dianetics CourseExteriorization is one of the Scn results that sometimes occurs in Dianetic auditing. How to handle this. C/S and Examiner action. An auditing session is not carried on beyond exteriorization.
July 12, 1969 HCO BSTARTING DIANETICS ON PCs WHO HAVE HAD SCIENTOLOGY AUDITINGRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe use of Dianetics C/S 1 on pcs who have had Scn auditing but have not had Dianetic auditing.
July 12, 1969 HCO BTHE PC WHO HAS SOMETHING THAT HASN'T BEEN HANDLEDRemimeo DianeticsAs per title. How to handle the pc with Dianetics.
July 16, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970URGENT - IMPORTANTRemimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Course Supervisor Cramming Case Super- visorsLRH new breakthrough. When you have a failed session, you ask the pc what the auditor did. Chief outness appears to be auditor failing to give the next command. Other outnesses TRs 101, 102, 103, and 104 developed to handle failure to give the next command. Further data.
July 17, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970. Added to by HC0 B Mar 3, 1971DIANETIC COMMAND TRAINING DRILLSRemimeo Dianetics CourseThe most common errors made by student auditors — the need for drilling TR 101, TR 102, TR 103, TR 104. The drills in full and how to do them .
July 17, 1969 HCO B Issue IIFLAGRANT AUDITING ERRORSRemimeo Dianetics Course Class VIII Academies All LevelsA list of auditor errors discovered by asking the pcs what was done in their sessions after the sessions had mysteriously failed. Each is a flagrant departure from stan dard auditing. The auditors were extensively retrained on TRs 101, 102, 103, 104.
July 17, 1969 HCO B Issue III The drug handling method as given in this HCO B was Cancelled by HCO B July 6,1971 Issued I and HCO B July 16, 1971AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS TO CLASS VIII C/S BULLETIN OF 10 DEC. 1968Class VIIIAs per title.
July 18, 1969 HCO B July 19, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS AND VIII AUDITING PRE-OTsRemimeo Class VIII only Remimeo Class VIII Course SupervisorsClass VIII auditor may have to run somatic 3 way chains. How to do this and the commands. Scn 3 way engrams and earliers of course remain exactly as per the C/S book. The use of the above. Major reason for any failures in the auditing of Pre-OTs is the auditor was too slow and flubbed commands. The importance of being able to audit pre-OTs fast, without flubs, and other pcs also of course. How to handle.
July 19, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS AND ILLNESSRemimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Case Supervisors Registrars Public OfficerThe idea of one can always get rid of an illness by auditing one chain to basic is false. An illness is a composite somatic. How to handle. The maxim — how to handle "I've still got my ...". Auditing gives gains by deletion. How the Registrar handles "My lumbosis was not handled."
July 21, 1969 HCO BR6-EW (Solo and Class VI auditors and above only. Confidential to lower levels)Class VI Solo CourseConfidential.
July 21, 1969 HCO B Issue IIONE HAND ELECTRODESLevel VI Solo CourseA one hand electrode shows as much as one TA Div high and hides F/Ns. The use of two cans to check to handle TA and needle phenomena.
July 22, 1969 HCO B Revises HCO B May 19, 1969PASTORAL COUNSELLING HEALTH FORM-As per title. Its use. The form itself.
July 22, 1969 HCO BIMPORTANT AUDITING SPEEDRemimeo Dian Checksheet AOs Class VIIIs Class VIII Checksheet D of Ps D of TsAlmost any failure you have ever had with an auditor or in audit ing came from auditor comm lags or errors. In assigning auditors you only dare assign fast ones to pre OTs. This hidden speed factor has lain behind the vast majority of our failed sessions for 19 years. Only other source of failure is physically ill pc. Speed and accuracy is the stress.
July 22, 1969 HCO B Issue IIUNFLAT CHAINSRemimeo Dianetics CourseNever ask a pc whether a chain has been left unflat. He cannot see a chain, but he can see a picture. Hence pictures and masses are asked for. How to handle high TA at start of session in Dianetics.
July 22, 1969 HCO B Issue II Reissue of HCO B May 25, 1969 AmendedHIGH TA ASSESSMENTRemimeo Dianetics ChkstAdditional data on how to handle high TA in Dianetics.
July 23, 1969 HCO BAUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIESRemimeo Dianetic Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Case Supervisors Dir Tech Services Ds of P Ds of TThe answer now known to 'Scien- tologists are harder to audit than new pcs'. It is auditor speed. It is policy not to assign an auditor whose grade and class is less than that of the pc. Further data. It is policy to assign only good proven auditors to audit good auditors. It is a suppressive act to assign a new or poor auditor to an auditor who has proven he can attain uniformly good results. Slow auditors audit slow auditors.
July 24, 1969 HCO BSERIOUSLY ILL PCSRemimeo Dianetics Checksheet Class VIII Checksheet Class VIIIs Dianetic Auditors Case Supervisors D of PHow G/F 40 seriously ill is handled. Three steps. Main point is to exhaust the entire list of all reading items. How to handle the physically ill pc.
July 26, 1969 HCO BBODY AND STANDARDRemimeo All Levels Dianetics Class VIIIWhen treatment is prescribed in relation to Dianetics and Scientology, it is to be adhered to rigidly and no person is permitted to offer him anything to eat without permission of the person in charge of the treatment. Why. Further data on this. Drug. Body problems. What was done that was not ordered.
July 27, 1969 HCO BANTIBIOTICSDian Checksheet Remimeo Class VIII Ds of P RegistrarsThe auditing of unconscious persons. Post operative auditing. How to handle. The usual action — four steps. Vitamins, saving lives. Objections to use of Dianetics. A pc on antibiotics should be given Dianetic auditing. Why.
July 27, 1969 HCO BHIGH TA AND ERASINGRemimeo Dn Checksheet to handle.How the TA can go high and the pc grind to not-is in Dianetics. How
July 29, 1969 HCO BTHE "ART" OF CASE SUPERVISIONRemimeo Dian Chksht VIII Chksht Case SupervisorsWhat one case supervises against. How the Case Supervisor should apply this "art". The Case Supervisor action is to get the case audited as long as possible. What the sudden big wins are. How the C/S helps the org financially. What the C/S should be alert to. How the case should progress up to OT.
Aug 2, 1969 HCO B"LX" LISTSClass VIIIThere are now three "LX" lists. LX3, LX2, LXl. These serve to isolate reasons a being is charged up to such an extent that he is out of valence. End phenomena. Use of lists.
Aug 2, 1969 HCO BLXl-Confidential.
Aug 3, 1969 HCO BLX2-Confidential.
Aug 4, 1969 HCO B Amended and revised by HCO B Nov 5 1969 Issues IV and VLX3-Confidential.
Aug 9, 1969 HCO BCASE FOLDER ANALYSIS, DIANETICSRemimeo Class VIII Class VIII Checksheet Dian Checksheet Case SupervisorsThere are only 9 things that can go wrong in a Dianetic session. The nine listed. First four are beyond view of the C/S.~ How good the C/S must be to handle. Pc repair, out ruds, physically ill pc, special cases, health form, exterior.
Aug 9, 1969 HCO B Refers to HCO B Aug 2, 1969LX 1 (CONDITIONS)Class VIIIEarlier issued to Class VIII auditors as a research list on Oct 5, 1968. When to use. The list.
Aug 12, 1969 HCO B Revises and updates Dec 10, 1968DIANETIC CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONSClass VIIIConfidential. Dianetic Course
Aug 12, 1969 HCO BDIANETIC CASE SUPERVISOR ACTIONSClass VIII Dianetic CourseThis is the Dianetic Case Super visor section of HCO B 12 Aug 1969 "Case Supervisor Actions". Gives the basic case supervisor actions for Dianetics.
Aug 15, 1969 HCO BFLYING RUDSRemimeo Class VIII Chksht Case Super- visors Class VIIIsClarification on how to fly the 3 ruds if they read and if they don't read. The incorrect action. The correct action. Two possible actions in flying ruds. The use of the Green Form. How to handle ARC Breaks, PTPs and M W/Hs.
Aug 16, 1969 HCO BHANDLING ILLNESS IN SCIENTOLOGYRemimeo Class VIII Chksheet Class VIIIs Class VIII C/S BookWhat sickness is. What causes restimulation to occur. Full dress parade of Scn and Dn actions which can be used. This would be called beating the illness to death. Illness should have gone before all steps complete and all would only be used in a very resistive illness.
Aug 21, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B May 20 1970TR 104 NOTEDianetic CourseTR 104 has been found to be out. TRs 2, 3 and 4 have been found to be out. How these are kept in. This applies too to TR 103.
Aug 25, 1969 HCO B Extracted from HCO B Aug 6, 1968 Level IIIDEFINITION OF ARCU CDEISolo Course OnlyStar rated. How to handle an ARC Break or ARC Break rud. When complete. Refer to HCO B Aug 15, 1969.
Aug 26, 1969 HCO BOT III CASE SUPERVISION-Confidential.
Aug 26, 1969 HCO B Issue IIADD OT III C/S-Confidential.
Sept 2, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS THE E-METER DEFINEDRemimeo Dianetic CourseDefinition of the E-Meter. The E-Meter does not and never has diagnosed physical or mental ill- ness. It does not and cannot heal anything and does not and has never diagnosed physical or mental illness. What the Dia- netic Counsellor does.
Sept 2, 1969 HCO B Issue IICANCELLATION OF BULLETINSRemimeoCancels HCO B May 22, 1969 and HCO B June 27, 1969.
Sept 14, 1969 HCO B Issue IILEARNING PROCESSES, EDUCATION BY EVALUATION OF IMPORTANCERemimeo Course Supervisors Students All LevelsHow to handle education by im portance and why. What education basically is. How the power of choice may be returned to a person through education.
Sept 14, 1969 HCO B Issue IVLEARNING PROCESSES GROUP TEACHING BY DEFINITION AGREEMENTRemimeo Course Supervisors Students All LevelsHow teaching by agreement is done. How it can be used for specialist groups as well. How using this method affects the group.
Sept 14, 1969 HCO B Issue VLEARNING PROCESSES EDUCATION BY DUPLICATION AND REPETITIONRemimeo Supervisors Course Students All LevelsThree drills as per title to increase gradient of learning. What this results in. What the group will know.
Sept 18, 1969 HCO BDIANETIC AUDITING AND OT III-Confidential.
Sept 19, 1969 HCO BSTUDY SLOWNESSRemimeo DAC HDC Students HDC ChecksheetThe probable why of a course not progressing rapidly. What a student should do if he feels he is not making it. Results of experiment. Value of study technology. Do not let you or your class be slowed by an out policy course.
Oct 1, 1969 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL OT III and above only-Confidential.
Oct 3, 1969 HCO B Revision of HCO B June 5, 1969DIANETIC REMEDIESDianetic Course class VIIIPast life remedy and the anaten pc. High TA. Three methods in handling each using both Dia netics and Scientology. Children as cases; ways to unburden.
Oct 3, 1969 HCO B Referred to by HCO B Nov 5 1969 Issue IV Cancelled by HCO B Mar 25, 1972URGENT - IMPORTANT LX 3 HANDLING OF-Confidential.
Oct 5, 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970TRIPLE FLOWSDn ChecksheetA being has a minimum of three flows. What they are. Single items. Sick pcs. Necessity of triples.
Oct 5, 1969 HCO B Issue II Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970 Added to by HCO B 6 May 1970DIANETIC TRIPLESRemimeoThe additional two flows of Dianetic Triples. How to use them.
Oct 6, 1969 HCO B Amended and replaced by HCO B Jan 3, 1970TRIPLE ERRORS IN DIANETICSRemimeo Dianetic Auditors Dn ChecksheetWhat to do if TA is high in running triples, if TA is high at session start after running singles. The rule. How it can be handled otherwise.
Oct 7, 1969 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL (OT III and above only)-Confidential.
Oct 8, 1969 HCO BOT III REMEDIES (OT III and above only)-Confidential.
Oct 12 1969 HCO B Reissued by HCO B May 16 1971LDN OT III R CONFIDENTIAL (OT III and above only)-Confidential.
Oct 12, 1969 HCO B Issue II Revision of HCO B May 11, 1969.FORCING A PCRemimeo Dn ChecksheetThe effect of forcing a pc to go on in session. This should not be done. The correct action to take.
Oct 12 1969 HCO B Revised by HCO B Dec 1, 1970DIANETIC TRIPLES PLURAL ITEMRemimeo All Dn AuditorsThe item is to be made plural for flows 2 and 3 for Dianetic Triples. Who may audit Dianetic Triples.
Oct 13, 1969 HCO BOT III ERRORS (Confidential OT III and above only)-Confidential.
Oct 13, 1969 HCO B Cancelled by HCO B Mar 17, 1970CLEARING COURSE CHARGE-Confidential.
Oct 17, 1969 HCO BDRUGS, ASPIRIN AND TRANQUILISERSRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIII ChecksheetThe actual reason why drugs, pain killers etc. work. What pain and discomfort come from. The two things the drugs etc. do and how they affect thetan, mind and body. How the drugs affect these over a period of days and thus affect the value of auditing and erasure. Further data on this.
Oct 25, 1969 HCO BCONFIDENTIAL (OT III and above only)-Confidential.
Nov 5, 1969 HCO B Issue IRE: PREPCHECKSRemimeo Class VIIIHow to handle considerations about a subject. Prepcheck it. How to assess a list and prepcheck. If pc or pre OTs keep bringing back same subjects to sessions, the C/S should be alert to this. Example.
Nov 5, 1969 HCO B Issue IIFOLDER SUMMARYRemimeo Class VIII Dianetic Auditors Dianetic ChecksheetFolder summary must be kept up to date whether case is being audited or off auditing. How to do the FS and where it is kept.
Nov 5, 1969 HCO B Issue IIIGF TO F/NRemimeo Class VIIIHow to run GF to F/N. How to run prepchecks to F/N. Never let a cycle drop without its end phenomena.
Nov 23, 1969 HCO B Issue III Amended by HCO B Aug 9, 1970STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVEClass VIII Class VIII Checksheet Course Supervisors Registrars Dianetic Checksheet Dianetic AuditorsObservations sent to LRH by OJ Roos about study and its effects on students. LRH developed Class VIII C/S which can be audited by a Class III. Dianetic Study Intensive, pro moting Study Intensive.
Dec 2, 1969 HCO BRISING TARemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Class VIII ChkshtTA starting to rise after two runs through on R3R indicates earlier incident or earlier beginning. How to handle this. Exception is low TA.
Dec 3, 1969 HCO B"SOLO AUDITING FROM THE CLEARING COURSE ONWARDS"Class VIII Level VI SHSBC R6 EW Solo CoursePregnant women may not audit Solo from CC upwards till the baby is born.
Dec 11, 1969 HCO BDIANETICS ILLUSTRATIONSRemimeo Dn Checksheet Class VIIIs Qual Secs Tech SecsThe use of the illustrations in relation to HCO B April 23, 1969. The illustrations.
Dec 21, 1969 HCO BSOLO AUDITING AND R6 EWOTL DK to issue to all SHs and AOs Ltr Regs Hats Tech Sec OES To Master Files WWCancels Base Order No. 7 which removed HDC as a pre-requisite of R6 EW Solo. LRH earlier order of HDC material to go on Solo (R6 EW) checksheet misinterpreted. Solo course breaks down into 6 requisites. These listed and laid out.