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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Class VIII Lectures (24 Sept - 15 Oct) - B680924 | Сравнить

CONTENTS CLASS VIII COURSE LECTURES Cохранить документ себе Скачать


Flagship Apollo
24 September — 15 October 1968

In 1968, in order to markedly upgrade the standard of application of Scientology Technology, L. Ron Hubbard called leading auditors to Flag from around the world, and personally trained them in exact standard practical application from ARC Straightwire through to OT processes.

Thus a higher level of application of Scientology Technology was heralded in by emphasizing that exact and invariable application of Standard Tech produces results on all cases.

'** 6809C24 SO Class VIII-1: Welcome to the Class VIII Course.

An Introduction to Standard Tech

'** 6809C25 SO Class VIII-2: What Standard Tech Does

The list of Class VIII lectures continues on pages 260-265, 268, and 271, in chronological sequence with the written material of the time.