The Director of Processing of an HGC is the person who indicates the processes to be used by auditors on pcs.
The following plan is furnished for the information and guidance of the D of P and HGC auditors.
All pcs who lie markedly below the center line of an APA/OCA graph should be run on CCH 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Not all auditors, even when they know these, can get results with them.
Therefore, use an auditor who does get results with the CCHs.
Pcs who lie on either side of the center line respond easily to Fac Havingness and benefit well from it.
Fac Hav with all three commands (as per ACC Clear Procedure) should be run solely and only with good case gain.
Flatten each command on such a case about an hour at a time in rotation.
If no comm lag develops, run 8 vanish, 2 continue, 1 have in that order until case changes for the better. Then run an hour each on each of the three in rotation.
These can also be run on “Recall something you have done”.
Pcs who lie mostly or entirely above the center line can be run on “Recall something you have done”.
However, if you have auditors trained to run engrams, by all means start this pc on engrams at once and run according to 5th London or 21st American procedure.
Any help process runs on almost any pc except the very low pc. Therefore, particularly to get sessions started, “help on auditor and pc” is valuable.
ARC Break Straight Wire works well on medium level pcs, but only an auditor who is expert with an E-Meter and in locating in time incidents can be trusted with it.
HGC auditors have to be checked out on CCH 0 before being permitted to run it. The process is a great invitation to spend half an intensive talking. Fac Hav or TR 10 also run problems and should be used if auditor doesn’t check out on CCH 0.
Auditors must not be permitted to use TR 13, fishing a cognition. Use TR 4 instead or the ACC TR accepting pc’s answers. (TR 4 and the ACC TR are quite similar.)
Use TR 5N handling ARC Breaks only when auditor is checked out on it and handles it well.
The most trouble you get in an HGC is same as field. Auditors won’t use TR 4. They always have to do something about what pc volunteers. After a while pc gets afraid of volunteering data and goes out of session.
In general auditors talk too much. Cut it down unless auditor really knows when to talk. Auditors who are always dragging pc’s attention to auditor are a liability in an HGC. On a new auditor in HGC you can ask “What process has gotten you best results?” And whatever he says, you’ll win better, until he’s grooved in, by letting him run it. Otherwise, give him Fac Hav and no comments to pc and you will get a fair showing.
ARC Breaks mostly retard results. The less talk, from auditor, the less breaks.
Good TR 4 avoids them.
PT Problem stalls cases. Handle it with good CCH 0 as per ACC Clear Procedure, or, if auditor not checked out — with Fac Hav, or in extreme low cases TR 10.
It is fruitless to embark on straight clearing until the case is up. So, all the above applies to clearing.
When case is well up, after using the above processes, use Confront and Help as per ACC Clear Procedure, or, better, run engrams.
To get gains, use processes gauged to case, handle PT Problems and prevent ARC Breaks by checking auditor comments.
To clear, run engrams and make Theta Clears where you can.
If not all your auditors can run engrams, have lower cases set up by them and when in shape, pass to an engram running auditor to finish off.
If you have no engram running auditor, clear by this bulletin plus ACC Clear Procedure.
[See HCO B 4 March 1959, HGC Allowed Processes, which supersedes all earlier HGC allowed processes. ]