It is IMPORTANT that every posted scale of fees and every rate card bear the following notice prominently displayed at the bottom:
The full regulation of this is not varied except that no Grade VI or VII fee will be refunded as this is the student as his own auditor and is his own responsibility which is somewhat beyond our control in some cases.
The person requesting refund must sign a guarantee that he will not further undertake or apply for training or processing from any org or auditor and even if later reinstated may not ever enroll for Grades VI and VII.
The reason for this is that our rate cards and boards attract attention from the press and by adding this line their story goes sour on them.
We only refund the current fee paid and orgs never refund private auditor fees but may help recover them from private auditors.
Junk all rate cards that do not carry it or stamp or type it on them while ordering new.