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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing - Being The MEST Universe, Specific Manifestations (3ACC-68) - L540210 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Being the MEST Universe (3ACC-66) - L540210 | Сравнить
- Group Processing - Being the MEST Universe (continued) (3ACC-67) - L540210 | Сравнить
- Group Processing on Class - Being MEST (3ACC-63) - L540210 | Сравнить

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CS Booklet


Lecture 67
Disc 71
A Group Processing Session Given on
10 February 1954
57 Minutes

We’ve had a process here which may or may not give you some idea of what’s going on.

Do you feel any better or any worse or ... ?

Audience: [various responses] Wonderful.

Well, all right.

Well, we’re just going to continue this type of process right now. Don’t worry about your notes. Don’t worry about your notes.

All right. Now we’re going to run this process just a little tougher. Just a little tougher.

We’re going to use, here, the component parts of the universe as I described them to you after the first lecture: white clouds, black clouds, white densities, black densities, vacuums, white spaces or light spaces and dark spaces. If you’re not able to get the infinite part of these distances, why, that’s all right, get as much of it as you can. In view of the fact that there’s-infinity itself is a thought concept rather than an actuality, it’s just whether or not you can run this thought concept.

All right. Now we’re going to start in this way.

I want you to be way out someplace if you can, way out someplace. If you can’t, be right where you are. And start picking out items in the environment which tell where other items are. One item which tells where some other item is and so forth.

Now pick out items which particularly demark spaces and tell where the space is.

And now items which tell where items are.

And now items which tell where the center of the Earth is.

Come on, get some more items that tell where the center of the Earth is so that you can get these various things agreeing on where the center of the Earth is.

Some more items that tell where the center of the Earth is.

And now some items that tell where the center of the Sun is.

If that is baffling, that is what is baffling in this universe. Don’t worry about it. Just examine it as a baffler. The geometry of spheres is based on a confusion.

Let’s get more items that tell where the center of the Sun is.

And let’s get centers of things telling where the centers of things are.

And now the centers of things telling where spaces are.

And now items telling where items are.

And now spaces telling where spaces are.

Now let’s mock-up a space designed to trap somebody.

Now some objects. Mock-up some objects designed to trap somebody.

Now let’s be a very large space filled full of random motions-beams and rays and things going through it-and have the sole intention of driving this little spot of light crazy.

All right. Let’s put that aside. And be another very large space filled full of light with random motions in it and have you, a personality, be a dot of light in it, you know.

And now you, the space, drive this little dot of light utterly mad. And you, the space, be coldly calculating about it.

Set that aside and do it again.

Let’s be entirely dispassionate about driving this little dot of light crazy.

Hit it in enough random ways, unexpectedly, places it-where it will be surprised the most.

Okay. Now be a large white space-a large white space filled full of mists and have a dot of light lost in you somewhere and you move around carefully so that it can’t get outside of you.

Now get, as your sole emotionless intention, that it will never escape and look at its frantic efforts and be completely dispassionate about it.

All right. Throw that aside. And be that white space again. Get you, this little dot of light, lost and keep it lost.

Now let’s be a black vacuum. A black vacuum. And get a little dot of light coming near us and just go slurp and take everything away from it. And another little dot of light and take everything away from it. And another little dot of light and take everything away from it.

Be the vacuum and look at the dot of light.

Now throw that aside. And be another vacuum. Be another vacuum and every time a little dot of light comes nearby, pull it dry of all of its energy and power.

Now put that aside. And be a vacuum again. A black vacuum. And get little dots of light coming near and just pull all the energy away from them. And look at this little dot of light, you a thetan, each time, as a source of great amusement to you.

Okay. Now throw aside any accumulation of energy you have in these little dots of light, as not worth having.

And now be a large black dense mass, very dense, and dispassionately sit there and pull litde dots of light to you and pin them down on you and turn them black.

Throw that aside. And be another black dense mass and have you, a thetan, come along, see this large dense mass. And you, the dense mass, one after the other, pin these dots of light down and turn them black and just suck them dry to a cinder. And get how forever your intentions are.

Now pull some spaceships down on yourself. Make each one of them crash and be very remorseless about it, just that much more mass.

Okay. Put that aside. And be a large, huge black cloud. A huge black cloud. And have little dots of light sail into you and get them lost and turn them black.

And get how long and forever you can wait, till more show up.

Okay. Put that aside.

And be a very dense mass of white particles-fryingly hot. And have little dots of light come up and you just be very snide about the fact they can’t put out this much juice. Just ruin each one of them.

Now put that aside.

And just be an area, anything you can conceive of, of the mest universe, with this sole thought: “You’d be all right if little bits of light didn’t keep appearing.” And get as your mission, extinguishing them.

Put that aside now and do it again.

Now put that aside. And be a beautiful place, very expansive, very pretty, very beautiful. And get how deceptive you are in being that and just sit there and wait for a bit of life to show up, so that you can engulf it and extinguish it forever.

Okay. Put that aside.

And now be a church. Be a church with beautiful serenity waiting for little dots of light to come in, so that you can extinguish them forever. Remember to be beautifully serene about it.

Put that aside. And be another church, be beautifully serene, wait for these little dots of light to come in, so that you can lie to them and knock them out forever.

Okay. Now put that aside. And be a spaceship, so that you can pull dots of light into you and extinguish them and bestialize them.

All right. Put that aside. And be a stove and just sit there red-hot, waiting for a baby to touch you.

Get a baby to touch you and be very satisfied.

Okay. Put that aside.

And be an icy-cold day. And have a little dot of light come along, pull all the heat out of it and immobilize it and crush it forever.

Okay. Now be infinite space and pretend to be very calm, but be filled with treachery and wait for dots of life to come in, so that you can kill them.

Now get them coming in and you kill each one as it comes in, quietly and remorselessly.

Put that aside and be infinite black, inky-black space with the entire mission of getting something utterly lost so as to convince it, it will never escape. And then have this thing, you a thetan, come in one after the other.

Okay. Now put that aside. And be icy-cold black space, waiting for dots of warmth to come in, so that you can suck them dry.

Now be God and get your regard for this thing, your name, a thetan.

Now be an infinite black space. Have a dot of light come in. And when it tries to go to the right, you move to the right. If it tries to go to the left, you move to the left. Just never let it get anywhere.

Okay. Now be the mest universe and calculate, very dispassionately, exactly how you’re going to extinguish the memory of something forever.

And get very calculating now, very logical about it.

Now use these methods on you, a thetan.

Okay. Now be way up somewhere and pick out several objects in the environment or look around the environment where you are and pick out several objects that tell you where other objects are.

Let’s pick out some outsides of objects, now, that tell you where the centers are. Now let’s be a large and infinite mass, now-a large and infinite mass that wants to get more dense.

Okay. Let’s set that aside and be another one.

And set that aside and be another one.

Okay. Set that aside.

Now be a theta trap. Anything you can conceive of as a theta trap. And go about the business of thoroughly and dispassionately immobilizing and knocking the light out of any piece of life that comes near you.

Okay. Set that aside and be another theta trap.

Let’s get real efficient now.

Now let’s get the emotion of the thetans which you’re trapping.

And just be remorseless about them.

Let’s set that aside and be another theta trap.

Set that aside and be another theta trap and remorselessly go about the business of trapping thetans.

Now set that aside. And be another theta trap, but this time a very aesthetic one, so a thetan just never would suspect. Go about the business of trapping them.

And see if you can’t get the incoming thetans being a little bit terrified and horrified-not that you care.

Okay. Set that aside and be another theta trap-of any kind. And let’s be real good about trapping thetans and keeping them forever.

Okay. Set that aside. And let’s be the mest universe, now, and calculatingly entomb thetan after thetan and get them right down to electron size as fast as possible.

All right. Now let’s be a black vacuum and every time a little thetan comes by, let’s pull all the energy out of him, pull all of his pretty mock-ups out of him, pull everything out of him, just slurp and not even feel any satisfaction from it.

Now set that aside and do it again.

Now let’s set that one aside and be a black vacuum with infinite appetite and let’s pull dry every bit of life that comes near, so as to disenfranchise it utterly. A tremendous appetite, with no satisfaction.

Okay. Let’s set that aside and let’s be an infinite space filled with random motion, so that any bit of life that comes in and tries to radiate, will Simply be knocked back instantly.

Now prove it to it that this is the condition by having it move around and you knock it out. And then just get another one and prove it to it. And another one and prove it to it. And another one and prove it to it. It can’t go anyplace and communicate without being communicated at so hard that it will stop instantly and won’t function. Wreck it.

Okay. Now let’s get the wickedest person that you know and let’s get you out in front-be the wickedest person-and give you, out in front, your just deserts.

Okay. Be a huge expanse of the mest universe and give you, a thetan, your just deserts.

Okay. Put that aside and be a huge expanse of the mest universe and convince you, a thetan, that you mustn’t touch anything.

Now set that aside. And you be a big section of the mest universe and convince you, a thetan, that if you communicate, you will be punished.

Okay. Now be a jail cell, enclosing you, a thetan.

And set that aside and do it again.

And set that aside and do it again.

And set that aside and do it again.

And set that aside and do it again.

Be a jail, now, and enclose you, a thetan.

And get how dispassionate you are about any terror you, a thetan, may feel.

Set it aside and do it again.

Set it aside and do it again.

Set it aside and do it again. And this time, be very dispassionate about the travails of you, a thetan. And about all other thetans. And be this cell, now.

Now get how the horror, the pleading, the guilts of these various things that come into you, a jail cell, mitigate your activity against them, not one bit.

Trap them real good.

All right. Set that aside. Be a parent and lock a child in a dark room. And set that aside. And be a parent and lock a child in a dark room. And set that aside. And be a parent. And lock a child in a dark closet. Now be a parent and reprimand a child for communicating.

Set that aside. And do it again.

And set that aside and do it again.

Now be the mest universe and get a thetan entrapped and punish it for communicating.

Now set that aside. And be the mest universe and get very hopeful that the next thetan that comes in will try to communicate, so you can do something to it.

And go ahead and do it.

Set that aside and do it again, now, to thetan after thetan.

Okay. Now be way up somewhere.

Way up somewhere and get some places you are not.

Some more places you are not.

Now let’s check off some conditions you are not in.

Particularly, now, some conditions your body is not in.

All right. Now let’s check off some things-some things which are not just about to happen to you.

And now check off some things which you have not, just this moment, lost.

Now check off some things which are not, just this moment, being put into you.

And let’s look around the environment and find where some of the things tell where other things are.

All right. Now- let’s look at an object and look straight through it.

And another object and look straight through it.

And another one and look through it.

And another one and look through it.

And let’s mock-up a guiding light.

Many of them. Get them real bright.

Lots of them.

Do what you please with those. Now mock-up a home planet.

Lots of those.

Do what you please with those. Now mock-up a home sun.

Now lots of those.

And do what you please with those.

Now let’s you mock-up, now, jw in an “acceptable to you” condition.

And let’s do that again. Mock-up you in an acceptable condition, to you.

Now, to the rest of the human race.

Now an acceptable condition to you.

And an acceptable condition to the rest of the human race.

And an acceptable condition to you.

And to the rest of the human race.

And now an acceptable condition to you.

And an acceptable condition to other thetans.

An acceptable condition to you.

And an acceptable condition to other thetans.

And just continue to do that, back and forth.

Let’s see if we can’t get some improvement in the acceptability to you, now.

And some improvement in acceptability to other thetans.

Back and forth, one, then the other.

Back and forth, acceptable condition to you.

You in an acceptable condition to you.

You in an acceptable condition to other thetans.

Now let’s mock-up some thetans in an acceptable condition to you.

To themselves.

To you. And to themselves. To you. And to themselves.

Now let’s mock you up full of life, vim and vitality.

And do it again. And do it again. And do it again. And do it again. And do it again.

And some more. And some more. And some more. And some more. And some more.

Let’s mock you up full of life, vim and vitality, now. Some more. And some more. And some more. And some more. And some more.

And some more. And some more. And some more. And some more. And some more.

And some more. And some more. And some more.

Okay. Let’s be way up above the environment and duplicate it.

And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. And duplicate it. Many, many times.

Okay. Now let’s mock you up with a robot’s body-you know, push buttons and so forth. And pretend you’ve just exteriorized from it. And then duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it and duplicate it.

Get some more duplicates of it.

All right. Throw those aside. And let’s check over some places where you are not.

And now, get a whole series, of two each, of particles you’re not trying to hold together.

Objects, particles.

Now get a whole series, of two each, of objects you’re not trying to hold apart.

Now let’t get a whole series, of two each, of spaces you’re not trying to hold together.

And a whole series, of two each, of spaces you’re not trying to hold apart.

And now let’s get a whole series, of two each, of stars you’re not trying to hold apart.

And now, a whole series, of two each, of stars you’re not trying to hold together. Now a whole series, of two each, of planets you’re not trying to hold apart.

And of planets you’re not trying to hold together.

Okay. Now let’s find the realest object in the environment Reach for it, withdraw from it

Just find something real that you can feel.

Feel it.

Let go of it.

Find the floor beneath your feet.

Take a long breath.
