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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HAS Co-Audit Resumed - B601222 | Сравнить
- O-W a Limited Theory - B601222 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ОВ - Краткая Теория - Б601222 | Сравнить
- Ограниченная Теория О-В - Б601222 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B024-234]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B027-093]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B036-185]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit Resumed [B140-056]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B024-235]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B036-184]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B134-011]
- 601222 - HCO Bulletin - O-W, A Limited Theory [B141-052]
CONTENTS O-W A Limited Theory Cохранить документ себе Скачать
23 Hancock Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
FranchiseFranchise (Merry Christmas)

O-W A Limited Theory


Before I would permit you to believe that the overt-withhold mechanism was a total way of life, I would point out that it applies only to a strata of existence and that it stems from failures to help.

I am testing a new series of processes I have developed to replace all former processes used on HAS Co-Audit.

The theory that what you do to others will then happen to you is a punishment control mechanism peculiar to this universe. It derives from a deteriorated willingness to duplicate. It is the law of physics of Interaction – for every action there is an equal and contrary reaction.

Co-Audit stalled cases when:

“Love thy neighbour”, when it is no longer a willingness, is enforced by the theory of O-W. “Love thy neighbour” can exist only when help, control and communication are high. When all these go, then O-W comes into vogue as a method of enforcing peace.

  1. HGC Processes were used (ruining the process for the pc because of its being run against heavy O/Ws still on case) and

O-W is a theory which sets in when aberration sets in. It is not a high natural law. It is junior to the various laws of Communication, Control and Help.

  • Pcs on Co-Audit felt unable to get off their overts amid so much company (the processes would not bite and even upset cases since the pc was not free to run his withholds), and
  • O-W can occur only when help has failed. Help is a co-joining of vectors of life. When two beings who have joined forces to help fail each other, only then does O-W come into existence.

  • Rudiments were not used or were badly used to the end of driving people away.
  • The forces of two beings cannot come into dispute until after they have first joined. Thus there is no war like that seen between brothers or husband and wife.

    I have remedied these matters and as soon as I have any bugs out, probably by next week, I will release the new Co-Audit processes.

    The cycle is this:

    Co-Audit will only be permitted if the new routine is followed and no other. I dislike losing people we could help and messing up cases.

    Independent Beings

    The new series by-passes the need of rudiments, O/W or HGC processes, yet gives, by a startling new advance and process type, very good results — better than the average obtained two years ago in individual auditing. I am sure they will keep the people coming and advancing.








    Failed Help

    Overts and Withholds

    Overts and Withholds by Transfer

    Worrying Others

    Worrying about Others

    Being Critical

    Being Critical of Self

    Basically, O-W is an effort to regain the status of independent being without taking responsibility for any of the intervening steps.

    The reason we run O-Ws is that most pcs are on O-W by Transfer, which is to say, when they kick George in the head they get a headache themselves. This makes them think they are George. We use O-W since it explains phenomena found at a low humanoid level. We do not use it because it is a senior governing law of the universe.

    When Help comes up, O-W as a mechanism drops out. We could run a full case, it would appear, with Help. However, in practice it is better to run lots of O-W with failed help as they complement each other and move the case faster. By running O-W we disclose many new failed helps. Why? Look at the cycle above and see that O-W occurs only when Help has failed.

    Similarly, on the same cycle we see that worry undercuts O-W. But if it is run, it should be worked with O-W. The worry cure has commands as follows:

    Get the idea of worrying something.

    Get the idea of not worrying something.

    Get the idea of something being worrisome.

    People, animals, things can be used in place of “something”. The process, going rapidly up toward failed help, is a bit limited and should be run with another process of the type of “Get the idea of attacking something” “Get the idea of not attacking something” to keep it going. The worry process bogs if run too long just by itself. It is a very valuable process as it explains many reactions and undercuts many cases. Worrying something is close to the lowest level of overt. It is the lowest effort to individuate.

    But just as worry is not a way of life nor an answer to all of life, neither is the O-W mechanism an end-all law.

    Many cases are not up to recognizing their overts. They will also have trouble recognizing their failures to help. Usually, then, they can recognize being worried or worrying people and thinking unkind thoughts and even attacking things.

    Failed help also lies as a harmonic below O-W and so runs on any case if assisted with O-W as in Formula 13 or assisted with the Worry Process as above.

    Worrying people is almost a way of life for the juvenile, just as O-W is with a criminal. People who feel childish or act that way are stuck in the violent motion of childhood and worrying others. Many pcs use their processing just to worry the auditor. Worry is the most easily dramatized O-W.

    O-W, whether as worry or being critical (unkind thoughts), is the result of failure to help. O-W is the reason one gets another’s valence. O-W is why pcs have somatics. But O-W is not a high order law.

    You will not always have to be careful not to bump Joe. It would be a horrible universe indeed if O-W was its senior law, for one could then never do anything.

    Fortunately, it drops out, both as a governing law and a necessity in life.


    [This HCO B was later reissued from Saint Hill Manor on 5 January 1961 with the distribution “Franchise Holders”.]