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CONTENTS SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing Cохранить документ себе Скачать

SOP Spacation

SOP Spacation Step 3, Flow Processing

A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 15 December 1952A Lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard on the 16 December 1952

All right, this is the second hour, December 15th, afternoon lectures. In this hour we’re taking up even further the information on cases which are Two, Three, Four, Five cases. And we must cover, now, Spacation as a process. This process applies very, very intimately, very, very, closely, and quite precisely to Three down.

This is December the 16th, first hour of the afternoon lectures.

The Three case establishes by holding a point, whether or not that point can be held stably. If that point can be held stably, then all one does is just carry right on with this technique known as Spacation as given right here, and springs his preclear.

Now in your textbook, Scientology 8-8008, you will not find the complete steps of uh… Spacation – that is to say Spacation is broken down into six very precise steps. It’s done like you empty water from a pitcher into a glass and back again. It’s about that simple. I gave you these yesterday. I’m going to have that mimeographed and probably as you hear this as a tape it will be in your hands as a mimeographed item.

The process known as Spacation has as its first step the establishment of a point, and the maintenance of that point in a constant location in space in the vicinity of the preclear. After the point has been established – and by the way, if it is simply held, even though it flickers, it will rapidly (this is for later stage cases) – even if it flickers, it will rapidly assume a constancy, because all the things making it flicker tend to go right on off the case. And so we have… we have a condition here of „How well can one hold a point.“

I’ll read those, however, just to make sure that they’re on the tape.

Now with a Step Three, he’s got to be able to hold that point, and later on, how well can one hold a point. And how well one can hold one is remedied by, of course, simply holding one. And by exaggerating the things which it tries to do, and then minimizing the things that it tries to do and applying a cycle of action to that point. This point sits there and it starts to shimmer. The preclear can’t stop it from shimmering. Well now, that’s what’s wrong with the preclear. He’s been trying to stop an action. Any time in any process, and this is particularly pertinent to psychosomatics, a preclear has consistently and continued tried not to have the pain of something, has tried to stop a motion, has tried to stop an action; he is on a single flow. And, as we know, a single flow or a single effort will lock.

One. Spacation. One: Establish an anchor point and hold it, exaggerating the automaticity of it and slowing it down until the point can be made to persist easily without attention from the pc – without any effort.

Of course, then, if a man tries to stop the ringing in his ears for years, or tries to stop the pain in the knee for years, or tries to stop himself from seeing blurredly for years, or tries to stop himself from stuttering for years, or even for months, he has built up one flow that has tended toward stop. And the condition will spring. All you have to do is demonstrate to him that he can start it. And having started it, you then increase it. And having increased it, then you decrease it. And that works with any chronic somatic. –

Two: Establish two-dimensional space, hook it to two big toes and elbows of pc, exaggerate and bring under control its automaticities – stabilize.

And if you’re going to address a chronic somatic exactly, you can knock the thing flat very swiftly, simply by exaggerating its condition and then minimizing its condition until the preclear realizes that he is actually in control of it. What he has tried to do is back up from it; he has tried to retreat from it. And his consistency of retreat has established a one-way flow, which, of course, has stuck and has latched him up in a situation where he cannot get rid of his condition. He’s holding on to it desperately.

Step Three: Make two-dimensional planes, solid and unresisting at will. Make pc penetrate it or not as he chooses. Make it resist or not resist, heavy forces thrown at it.

That fella… fellow who is trying to desert his body for many, many years or even centuries, has tried to desert his bodies and get away from bodies has, of course, set up a one-way condition whereby he’s trying to desert bodies. This is reversed very, very simply solely by making him try to take possession of his body. And he will argue madly, by the way, when you first… the first moment you start to give him… you start to tell him, „Now, all right. Let’s take possession of this body.“

Four: It’s all right. You’ve got this. Four: Establish and find empty a large box which also encloses the pc in the couch. Unmock the latter two. Inspect it from all sides, stabilize, make’ solid or empty at will.

„No, no! No, no!“ He’s got a lot of reasons.

Five: Locate home universe in center. Bring it under control with exaggeration of size and so forth. Banish it at last.

You say, „All right, now let’s take possession of just your right ear – that’s all. That’s all we want – just your right ear.“

Six: Make mock-ups and destroy them in this space.

„Oh, no!“

And that is the length and breadth of the technique called „Spacation“ which is Step Three of the Standard Operating Procedure.

And you’ll find out that he is stuck on a one-way flow which says, „Get away with a body – get away from it.“

And that’s very simple because that can be remembered in this fashion.

He’s got to be able to use it 100 percent – use it, abuse it, do anything to it – before he’s actually free of it, because as long as the body is antipathetic to him, it controls him. He must be in a complete state of disregard of the body, actually, in order to be a good, solid theta clear.

One: A point. Two: Dimensions. Then, Three: Dimensions. Then you find what’s in the center of it. And then you do mock-ups and destroy them in that space. Very simple: One, Two, Three-dimensions.

All right. Any time then that an individual is in a condition of backup or stop on anything, you as an auditor have only to reverse and exaggerate the action. Let’s take this point. This point could be a ringing in the ear, a bad knee, bad eyes, anything. You e… follow pretty well the same process. We put it into a cycle of action and then put the cycle of action under the control of the preclear simple. There’s really nothing to it.

And the second technique which is not in that book is Flow Balancing, which has a colloquial name „Give and Take Processing.“ That’s going to re… cover quite a bit of ground here today. In fact, I’m practically going to talk about nothing else all afternoon.

For instance, somebody feels terrific degradation. You just make him feel a lot more degraded. He… he feels like he can’t be proud of himself. Okay. Let’s just exaggerate the condition. Let’s just exaggerate the dickens out of this condition. Let’s get him feeling that he’s old and an old tramp in terrible, ragged clothes and he’s starving and diseased and he’s crawling around… along a… a snow uh… covered countryside and being driven with pitchforks away from every place. And he says, „Well, it can’t be this bad. The dickens with it!“

And the material, then, in your text, Scientology 8-8008, is not in any way contradicted and matches up these lectures.

Exaggerate the condition which is feared.

In these lectures you have a lot more of it. The material which is in there very briefly and very staccato as given its proper breadth and evaluation in this lecture series.

That which one fears one will acquire, because he’s trying to back up from it and his backing up from it, of course, brings it to him. You back up from something in this universe, by its laws of flows… by its laws of flows, this condition will result in his having it.

That textbook, actually, is not a textbook which is supposed to be… just handed to somebody and he reads it. He uh… the… the point of the matter is it was not written for that purpose, and although that textbook is being translated into German and Spanish and just released, uh… it’s almost an overt act. Because it’ll make very good sense to you, measured back up against these lectures and a man would practically have to make or unmake or re-evaluate the universe backwards and upside-down in order to fit what he knows of experience into that book.

Now you know those having and agreeing and so forth. Well, if he tries to disagree with something, what does he do? It’ll agree with him and stay with him. Now that’s a horrible condition. I mean, it’s the… the booby trap, the MEST universe size. But that is the condition in which he will find himself.

The lectures and other material which has gone before and which you’ve already studied form a bridge between the experience of man as he walks around and pretends to be active and so forth, and the level at which we’re operating.

So when he’s tried to back up from a condition… back up from a condition – the only way out is through. So if you start him through and he’s willing to live and use this body and do anything with it, all of a sudden he’ll say, „I’m talking about getting out of this body.“ The first throng he’ll be, is he’ll be wondering, „You know, I should wonder that this body doesn’t try to get away from me!“ Then the next thing you know, why, he’ll be walking down the street one day and he’s liable to keep right on walking and he’ll say, „A… a… a… I forgot me body! Just a minute – I’ll go back and pick it up!“ The way out is the way through.

If you looked at all of the consecutive techniques which have been developed, you would find that they composed a gradient scale, a relatively smooth gradient scale with only one or two items out of line on that scale. These items are not so much out of line as they are just more heavily evaluated than they should be. One, are words in engrams. That’s still more important, really, if you’re just going to process an engram, than it is to process the mechanics because the mechanics of the engram agree with the material universe, and words, at least, are still partly theta.

Now let’s look at this point: All these conditions are the same as this point condition. You put up this point. All right, the point shimmers, the point wobbles. A lot of facsimiles start pouring out. All the… any one of those conditions I gave you about that point start occurring. How do you remedy it? Well, you let this point shimmer. Only you make it really shimmer. „Now let’s make it shimmer some more.“

And so, we have in our techniques as they reach forward from 1950 straight on through now, a bridge which covers the evaluation of the commonest, most ordinary level of experience in any culture on earth here, straight on through, step by step. It goes from what ordinarily can be found to aberrate people and if alleviated will bring them up into a better state of rationality. That is the running of engrams and locks, and grief charges.

And the fellow says, „I can’t control it to that degree because the second I try to make it shimmer, it starts rushing off and going into random motions all over the room – zing-zing! Boom-boom!“

And that goes from there into the mechanics of what aberration are and those are introduced, more or less, in SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL.

And you say, „All right. Each time it comes anywhere close to you, give it a push and change its course – that’s all. Just once in a while, change its course. Let it go very random and then change its course once in a while with a push. It doesn’t matter how random it’s going or how seldom you change it, just once in a while punch it.“ That point’ll tame right down and all of a sudden remain in one place.

And then we go forward to a better appreciation of language as contained, no matter how briefly, in SELF ANALYSIS, 1951, and then go on to ADVANCED PROCEDURES AND AXIOMS with the establishment of the goal of self-determinism as the most valuable of these goals; and we go straight on from there through 1952, taking the GE, discovering and resolving the problems relating to the GE, discovering that that is NOT the road and finding that one has to process, if he processes the pc, the pc – and who is and where is the pc. And we find him. He’s very accurately locatable.

Or let’s say the second that he uh… stops this point, he gets facsimiles of people rushing in from all directions, or doing something of the sort. And they start pushing the point around and they start interfering with him and jumping on the point and riding the point and changing the point to something else and doing it this and doing it that. You just make him get more people and have them change it more often and have him push it in more places, and have it go in a more random situation.

And from those studies and experimental and temporary techniques we came right on through to Standard Operating Procedure, Issue One. And from there, as more results and more studies have been conducted by myself and as I’ve seen these techniques in the hands of auditors, we come up, straight away, to Standard Operating Procedure Three which, if you’ll notice, has, as its main deletion, the – from Operating Procedure Issue One – the removal of any agreement with the MEST universe.

And if you can’t even… if he can’t even control it to that degree and this condition still occurs, have him, once in a while, slide in somebody new that manhandles it. Just have him slide in a gremlin or slide in a point changer – make him the umpire in all this chaos. And have him slide in this point changer, and have the point changer give it a whip, too. That point will calm right on down into his… skill.

We don’t… Issue One said DED-DEDEX running for a Step Five. You don’t find this in Step Three. And now we go straight on forward to… Issue Five of Standard Operating Procedure and that has simply done this: It has taken up the whole problem and in putting it out in Standard Operating Procedure Issue Five, we have included all the steps which are necessary to clear a thetan and make an Operating Thetan.

Now you have this happen faster, you make him increase it, and then you have him decrease it. Whatever action is going on, make him increase it and then make him decrease it slightly.

And actually, it is not just the Step One. Step Two and then we do something else. It is what we do. And no matter where we find him in the case, we process him at that point, get him up to a Case Level One. Then we do everything else there is there.

And make him occasionally come on to the realization that he is to some slight degree controlling this thing. No matter how arduous this is as a process or how long it takes, you can do it.

Of course, you’ll find it unnecessary in the main to do Six and Seven as Steps on most preclears. Rut you would be completely amazed how often you will have to do them to somebody who is apparently quite sane and still operating.

The point… the point insists on expanding, and it goes out and it goes „Waaang-Boom! Waaang-Boom!“ and it’s going out. You make it go „Waaang- waaang, Boom!“ that’s all. Just catch it on the fly and make it do one extra one once in a while.

And so, Standard Operating Procedure Issue Five, then, is the direct and immediate result of two and a half years of application of various principles, aligned and organized, as they were found to operate in the society and in the hands of auditors.

Oh, he’ll say finally, „The dickens with that! I can make it go Waaang-Boom! too. I can also just make it go Boom! Now it’s just sitting there.“ Exaggerate the condition.

And… but we have this as a package which contains in it the basic techniques that you use to head somebody up toward an operating thetan so that he can really get there.

In other words, what am I saying then? I’m just saying, „Apply a cycle of action to it. Start, Increase, Decrease, and Stop. All right, so much for that point. And when I say, „So much for that point,“ I’m also at the same time saying so much for any chronic, somatic or emotional condition which you run into in any preclear. Just apply a cycle of action – increase it and decrease it and stop it and start it.

Now the odd part of this is that it misses one big point, but it hits this point in Step Three. It doesn’t do one thing. In other words, if you had this list and you did just these things you would get an operating thetan, except for one thing. You would not have rehabilitated his primary desire in the MEST universe, and if you can’t rehabilitate that he will be unwilling to quit a body and operate, and I’ll… I’ll cover that.

„Now make yourself feel worse. Now make yourself feel MUCH worse. Now make yourself feel just GRUESOMELY worse. All right. Now that you’ve done that, make yourself feel a little better.“ Well, that’s easy by this time. „Gonna make yourself feel worse than you did before. Good. You got much worse now?“

He, in other words, will stay as a stable theta clear, but he will stay in immediate and intimate contact with bodies. And he will continue to do so until this point is resolved. And in view of the fact that continuous action straight up against bodies and this terrible dependency on bodies exists, you’ll find that your, quote ‘stable’ theta clear will have to sit down and work himself every few weeks to be stable unless this point is resolved. He will flicker, and uh… he will get involved.


Now because you as a thetan are educated into the principles you need to know in order to remain stable, it’d be perfectly legitimate to call an educated thetan who had been treated just to a point where he didn’t enter the body if the body was hurt, to treat him as a theta clear – stable.

„All right now, decrease the worseness. Now feel cheerful. Oh, you can’t do that? Well, feel cautious then. Oh, you can feel cautious? Good. Now that you feel cautious, now feel degraded. Yeah, feel really degraded. Feel like you couldn’t hit anybody in the whole world, that you wouldn’t even be able to hit a snail in the whole world. That’s right, now you got that feeling? Now fix it so any snail in the world could beat you up with complete impunity. Got that? All right, that’s fine. Now fix it so that there is one small algae, located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that you could beat up if you were cautious. Now just get that algae there, and ‘let’s be very cautious and let’s beat him up.“

But you… you just spring somebody and you don’t do anything else about it, they’re going to be back in their heads. That’s why it’s cruelty to do it, because one point won’t have been solved. And that point is sensation, need for.

And the fellow says, „Oh, well, some other algae’s liable to do that.“

And if you haven’t got that in beautiful shape, why, uh… your pc is going to find such a need to hang around bodies and such a disgust of himself because he is hanging around bodies continually and is dependent upon them, that he’ll fluctuate, up and down the scale, up and down the scale, back and forth. And he becomes unstable, you might say, emotionally. Because he on the one hand knows he shouldn’t be associating with such company, and on the other hand he has to. And so he’s still subject to flows.

You say, „All right. Now have all the other algae come in and beat you up. All right, now you… you can beat up two algae now.“ And in such a condition you can work a fellow back up, really, in an hour or two of processing. You could take Joe Lewis for instance. Now you would work that process… that’s the process you would work on Joe Lewis. You’d have him back in there climbing into the ring, this big, black glossy tiger, see… panther climbing into the ring and looking around and his opponent comes out of the corner, he picks up one fist, he takes one look, he takes one blow and it’s the end of the fight. Joe Lewis could do that today. You could upset every single fight promoter, betting ring or anything else that you wanted to do, by processing Joe Lois for as little as five hours. You could just ruin the whole fight game. By doing what? Exaggerating his defeatedness. And then minimizing it, and then exaggerating it. Because he’s gotten down to a point where force will no longer permit him to handle the force in his facsimiles.

Flow balancing is part of this answer. But a good and adequate understanding of the principles underlying this are the better part of the answer and a technique which is not flow balancing at all, but which is in addition to all those given and which you’ve already heard about, must be noted as the extra technique to make an operating thetan. There are many other things you can do with a thetan, but let’s get this little extra one in there. It’s not one of the steps.

And his facsimiles move in on him and he’s sitting right now in the midst of every fight he ever had, just as a preclear is sitting in the middle of every fight with force he ever lost. He’s sitting right there – 74 trillion years he’s been losing fights. And you want to know how good he can get? Look how bad off he is.

The reason it isn’t one of the steps is because it is an education. It is not really a process. It’s a return to what he once could do and prepares him to do that again. And that is, it demonstrates to him that, one, he as a thetan can contact directly from the environment much better any sensation that environment might possibly deliver to a body. And if he can contact directly any sensation immediately from the environment – you see, he’s not in the body, he’s not connected with bodies, he’s not using a body in any way and he can still contact from his environment and experience any sensation that a body can contact and experience or can be gained from bodies – he of course, at that moment is willing to give up the idea of the body. And until he has realized that, until he knows that, until he’s completely assured this in the case, he will not leave a body alone but will keep hanging back and hanging around and diving down scale and going back into the head and out of the head and around and around and around and around about the whole thing.

Now let’s remember that then, apply a cycle of action to this. He says, „It does so-and-so.“ That’s why you have to find out what it’s doing. It’s saying, „It’s doing so-and-so and I can’t handle it. It’s doing so-and-so.“ You just either make it do more so just bluntly, just tell him to do it more so, or occasionally introduce a new factor – in other words, change. You just increase it or you change it. And then you decrease it. No matter how tiny an amount you succeed in changing it or altering it, he can then change it a larger amount and a larger amount until the darnedest things will come under somebody’s control.

And that is done by rehabilitating his own ability to perceive. This is not too difficult because the only ability to perceive there is, what do you know? – the thetan has the only ability to perceive. And he’s… thinks he has to do it through the body and he’s so accustomed to this and he’s so certain of this that what you have to do is demonstrate that the thetan’s ability to perceive directly in the environment and to capture and experience, create sensations, must be possible – can be possible to him.

If you were to say to a preclear who’s out of his body and who couldn’t even move a cigarette paper to „Get how terrible it would be to move the cigarette paper,“ and then have the cigarette paper moving him all over the place and get cigarette papers coming up and chasing him, and now let’s get molecules out of cigarette papers chasing him – if you were to just exaggerate this disability to a point where it really degrades him – oh, he’s… feels in terrible condition.

So this becomes very simple, really. What do we do? You get him up scale to a point where he can feel that wall. And he can feel that wall much better with his own contact with the wall than he can with his fingers of a body – as a body. In other words, he can feel the wall straight and he doesn’t need any fingers to contact that wall. He can feel the size of, shape of and weight of objects without any interposition of a MEST body’s fingers or muscular reflexes. He can see anything that he can see with a body and be as certain that he is seeing it, as with a body.

Degradation is actually an inability to handle force. Lack of pride because one’s force is gone. Upscale, a person feels very competent. He walks in to the… up to the… the bois in the morning and uh… Henri has swatted him on the cheek with a glove. He walks out in the bois and he takes out his long rapier and with great expertness and great glee he goes through Henri’s guard and Henri dies very quickly, under great competence.

But that follows. That is a very… well, that’s very tertiary. It’s uh… it’s below secondary. It’s secondary, for instance, that he… be able to contact ordinary things. What you want him to be able to contact are things which are strong, exciting, interesting and complex sensations. And he must know that it’s possible for him to, one, contact them in the MEST environment and, two, create them and contact them himself – both without a body.

The next thing you know… the next thing you know, this fellow… this fellow is not any longer interested in killing Henri. He is afraid to be competent. Not so much because of the backflash of every time he’s applied pressure, because he loses. He loses a few times so he recognizes that his competence against Henri was competence. And what knocked him off was competence. So what’s wrong with it is competence. And competence in the handling of force, then, must be eschewed. And if competence in the handling of force is eschewed and abandoned, you’re not supposed to have anything to do with it anymore, then of course you have to abandon force, because if there’s no competence with the force, the force becomes completely random. As a net result his competence goes by the boards and he begins to feel how? Degraded, because he can’t use force.

Now that sounds like quite a trick. But the reason it sounds like quite a trick is that is a trick. You… you have to be able to do that. If you could realize how completely the thetan is dependent upon sensation for a conviction in this universe that he yet is alive, you would realize that what you are rehabilitating there is the only reward he has for living – the beautiful sights, the beautiful sounds, the beautiful tactiles and, what do you know? A thetan has thousands of perceptions – thousands of different perceptions. I don’t think you could get down and list all these perceptions. It would just go on and on and on and on and on.

How can you get ahead in the world and how can you dig yourself out of this universe and lift yourself up ranks and… and… and go up the line and so forth? By recovering the use of force. The guy can’t use force, so you exaggerate his inability to use it. The dot won’t stay still. Now, you make him move this point, just… it’s… he finally conquered it. Now let’s move it just a little bit. Let’s move it in some other direction. let’s move it in some other direction. Change its color. Put it behind his back. And every time he puts it behind his back, he gets another one out front.

And the MEST body can only contact, at the outermost extreme – I added them up one time to a great degree and I got about 55. And that is almost 40 more than are commonly listed in textbooks which have, laughingly, dealt with this subject. They haven’t dealt with it laughingly; they’ve dealt with it absurdly. I don’t know why they didn’t just sit down and categorize the number of things of the environment there were to contact and then go and ask somebody if he could sense ‘em. I… they didn’t do that. They… they uh… made up a theory – never tested it.

So you make him put two out front for every one he puts behind his back. Two out front. And he gets to doing this after a while and he can’t stop it. So you say, „All right now, put four out front for every one you put behind your back. Put one of them behind your back and put four out front.“ And this finally gets up so the whole room starts getting full of these darn things. And he can’t tell which point’s which anymore. He’s just getting the whole thing…

All right, therefore the rehabilitation of sensation is very necessary, because need for, desire for sensation is the only thing which keeps him in the vicinity of a body. And the continued belief confirmed by what is apparently quite real experience, if not actual experience, what’s apparently quite real experience that only the body can deliver unto him, these sensations. Why, he hasn’t got a chance. He… he doesn’t dis… doesn’t believe that he could survive, he wouldn’t know he was alive or anything of the sort.

And you say, „Are you willing to start over again on these points? Well, that’s fine. Let’s put those all in yesterday, and let’s get a new point.“ And he’ll say, „Yeah!“ „All right, put that point behind your back.“ „Okay!“

As a result when he is a theta clear he has to go up to level of operating thetan, and that consists primarily of the rehabilitation of sensation, perception of. It also depends on two or three other little things that you might miss in passing.

Now… now that you’ve got that conquered, let’s build some two-dimensional space. Don’t get into any big arguments with the preclear about the fact you couldn’t possibly move around in two-dimensional space. You can move around in two-dimensional space, because it’s a postulated area of only two dimensions that has two or more anchor points. So we put four anchor points on this two-dimensional space and we do things with it. First we fit it over his body. Then we put it below his body. We put it above his body. And what do we use for anchor points? His body! That’s the only orientation he’s got.

So before I go Into a much lenghthier dissertation on this, I’m just going to mention these things. And I might mention them again and I might not.

A preclear in this state is oriented in relationship to his body and to nothing else. So we put these two anchor points, and let’s… let’s just routinize this thing – it doesn’t have to be this way, but this is mostly because it makes the preclear so angry and uncomfortable. Uh… make him lie on his back and put his hands under his head and use his two elbows as anchor points: And make him put his big toes about a foot apart, and use those as two anchor points. And have this two-dimension space running from those two big toes up to the points of his elbows. And when he starts to shift his elbows around or move his feet so as not to have those anchor points anymore, make him pull it back into that condition… circumstance. He’ll get very tired of it after a while. He’ll get very restless. I’ve never had a preclear yet who didn’t get extremely restless when you made him lie in one position and restricted his freedom of motion and made him handle something that he would much rather run away from. The way he’ll run away from it is by curling up, by closing his feet together, by putting his arms down at his sides, and so forth. He just keeps running away. He doesn’t want to get under this tension, because you’re just about to put him under terrific tension.

But uh… I’ll mention them right there because they’re quite important. And that is, your theta clear is in a state where his memory does not immediately confirm to him any duration of beingness as a thetan. And so he is in a state which does not evaluate himself as a personality. He sees himself as an identity with the body; everybody who comes along has given the body credit for everything, has given the body a name, has designated with relationship to the body so consistently that it really… it’s… it’s… this is… this will be amazing to you but it’s something I’ve run into several times and just ran into again. The thetan moves out and leaves the personality in the body.

Now, you take those two anchor points – his hands are behind his head so his elbows are out the akimbo, not akimbo, but his elbows are sticking out. Those are two anchor points. He’s got these two big toes as anchor points. Now have him put some two-dimensional space between his two big toes and his elbows.

And you’ve got a fellow who is… thinks… he’s quite convinced he’s a thetan clear. And for what does he use these skills and talents and this freedom? Well, experiment with or… or to fool around with or see how curious it is. He doesn’t use that state as a state of being alive, as a state which has a personality and which has, indeed, the only personality he will ever have.

And when he does that – my God! Coffins, deaths, all kinds of horrible things start to roll off of this case like mad. Do you pay any attention to these things? No! You just make him take this two-dimensional space and hold it until you can make that space lie quiet. That’s the main thing that space is supposed to do, you understand. Space is supposed to do that. It is supposed to be quiet!

And so he leaves the personality behind. He thinks he has to be in some peculiar frame of mind or that he’s sort of an automaton. Now he just hasn’t come up to the point where he’s grasped this. But grasping that simple detail is quite important.

How do you get somebody from ever having any space any more? Make him jiggle and jitter. If you can get a guy nervous enough, he wouldn’t have any space any more. But how do you get somebody nervous? By making the space which he occupies untenable. What is nervousness? Nervousness is that condition which results from having one’s space as occupied made untenable. If you take some fellow and run him headlong into a tree, the tree is occupying the space he should have been occupying, and of course that space is untenable, so the fellow after that gets nervous about trees. This is very simple with the stuff we’ve been over about Spacation.

And you as an auditor can save yourself an enormous amount of rehabilitation of this preclear. Outside his head he’s a mechanical object, he thinks, or something like this. Or he’s a spark. And he re… kind of regards himself as… as the body has regarded fire – useful, it uh… not very uh… and so on. And as a result he has no evaluation of his own capabilities and much more important than e… just evaluation, he has no appreciation of himself just directly as himself. He uh… doesn’t say, „Now I have moved out of this body. I can be happy. I can be sad. I can sing, I can dance, I can do all of these things.“ No, no! He says, „The body can be happy. The body can be sad. The body can sing. The body can dance. And I can sit back and look at it.“

We’re going over this as a rote process now. You just hook those anchor points down there to the toes. Use those toes as anchor points, those elbows as anchor points and the thing starts shifting and curling up and rippling and turning over and flying away and so forth. So you just make it shift faster, you make it fly higher, you make more people come in and interfere with it. You get more gruesome things happening because it’s there. You make it roll up and unroll faster. Whatever it is doing, exaggerate it and then each time come back and decrease that. And then fix it on his body again, so he orients it. And you keep that up until he can hold that two-dimensional space right there without a qualm.

He is sort of like… like… that uh… the apex, the… the… the highest peak of all educational goals – a spectator in the stadium. And he sort of sits there and he… he thinks that… and it really doesn’t occur to him that the BODY sing and dance! Indeed! The body can’t sing and dance unless he handles it like a puppet, but he’s set it up on automaticities so it will sing and dance.

Now in the process of doing this, he’s going to get nervous. Particularly his… his arms are going to get jumpy. The small of his back is going to get jumpy, and his legs will get very jumpy because legs are what one uses to remove oneself from space which has become untenable. So naturally his legs wall get jumpy.

Why does the body sing and dance? Why does the body express joy or anything else? It’s because the thetan likes to sing and dance and express joy, I mean, this is very simple.

Now did you ever want to know what this manifestation is called? „nervous legs?“ You ask somebody, „Turn on sonic,“ and the guy… all of a sudden his legs start to jerk. He can’t turn on sonic because if he really found out that he was in a space big enough to turn on sonic, it would be made so untenable for him so fast that he’d have to run away. So his legs are all set to run the second you ask him to turn on a sound. Or any perceptic.

So he’s done a differentiation sub-zero when he should have done an identification. He should have picked up his own capabilities right with him at the moment he moved out.

And he knows he has to have space in which to turn on energy. If he can’t have any space, he can’t turn on energy, except to do anything but run. So his legs get very jumpy and he gets very upset.

You know, you can do a very, very graceful dance between the moon and Venus. There’s a lot of space. It’s a big ballroom. If you can’t make a space, the whole MEST universe is full of it. Even, quote, „solid matter,“ unquote, is about, I would say, a hundred and two percent space.

And you just keep putting that back on his body and hooking it up to his elbows, and then increasing it and making it fly around and do all sorts of things and change character and go behind him and above him. And make it worse! Any condition he reports as happening, make it worse. Until the first thing you know, he’s handling two-dimensional space. Then you put the two-dimensional space below him, his body in the same position; then turn it end for end; then put it above his body, then turn it end for end; then make it stand up and make it in various parts of the room. And finally, he’ll be able to hold it very calmly, without any change, very quietly, on top of his body. He will have conquered two-dimensional space.

Now, where you have a theta clear, then, who has no appreciation of himself, it just doesn’t naturally, mechanically follow, you see? I mean, this is just something that occurs to him or doesn’t occur to him. Hi… he goes around and „Yeah, I’m a theta clear.“ And he looks around at all these bodies, „Haven’t they got interesting personalities. That’s fine. I… I’ll watch them,“ and so forth. And he goes around and sometimes he’s sort of sad and s… kind of goofy, or something of this sort. He can go around and he can experiment – stick his… a beam in a electric light switches or something and wonder if it shocks him.

Now what’s the value of this? You’ve just shown him that there were anchor points which could be held stable. How do you expect a preclear to run anything or develop any energy at all if he doesn’t have any anchor points? This fellow hasn’t got any anchor points. Well, where could he put the energy if he doesn’t have any anchor points? Everything belongs to everybody else; it doesn’t belong to him.

That’s right. He hasn’t any concept of the fact that he IS joy; he is a higher level of aesthetic than a body could ever be. And that he can, in his own interest – what do you know? – take a larger and more effective role in the affairs of being alive, I won’t say „human affairs,“ but in the affairs and concerns of being alive than a body could ever do.

All right, next step on Spacation is to make this piece of two- dimensional space demonstrably solid and then unsolid, to convince people it’s solid and then convince ‘em it’s not solid. And just go through the routine: Now you pick up that space… make the preclear take that space and shove his – this is not actual, this is just his figurative – arm through it, demonstrating it’s not solid. And then make it solid. And figuratively hit it with his fist to make it make a sound to demonstrate it is solid. Then to make it not solid. Then to make it solid. Then to make it not solid. Until at last he suddenly recognizes something that is the most vital thing on the whole track: How did things get to be solid? Why do you think this wall up here is solid?

What does he do for randomity in a body? He goes to the office, he goes home. Or if he has money and so on, he would go out on the polo field or the flying field or something of this sort and amuse himself in a plane. And in order to account to himself and… settle his own accounts that he was worth something, what would he do? Why, he’d join the local philanthropy society or the charity or… he’d make sure that the Boy Scout troop was running all right and so on.

Now if he’s been convinced, he can convince somebody else that it is – this wall’s command value over him lessens. This’ll upset him, by the way, because he’ll feel immediately if he does that he’s liable to start making mistakes and walking through doors with his body without taking ahold of doorknobs. He’ll get certain that this kind of a condition would exist and it’d be very embarrassing to him. It’d be very embarrassing to him if he forgot to remember that his clothing was solid and walked out of them in the middle of the street.

And when we were young we were quite enthused about helping out groups and helping people out. And then we found out that they could just turn around and slough you, so to speak, that you had to be pretty strong to help anybody out. And… and we kind of thought that was bad, then we thought it was good. And then we found out we didn’t have any time to do it because we had to work too hard to eat and all these other affairs came into the line. And we… we found out that really the only thing we could do for them was give them some advice once in a while which they didn’t need, and some money which WE needed. And uh… it… it was sort of sad.

Any kind of a condition could result from this, but that’s only because he is unable to control solidity and unsolidity at will. Furthermore, every time this individual’s been in bad condition, been placed in bad condition, it was by a force which convinced him. And how’d it convince him? By taking over the space he was occupying. One gets convinced the MEST universe exists at the moment it collides with the home universe and takes over the space of the home universe – one is then convinced of the existence of the MEST universe. More powerful space, of course!

But that’s what a homo sapiens does for randomity, and this thetan as homo sapiens, operating as this level. What? You… you mean this person has no purpose or goal of beingness?

So, the solidity of space is the first step on particles. You see, there is no such thing as a particle. There is a postulate about particles. But you get solid space – you can do anything with it. It doesn’t even have to be a particle. This is really senior magic.

Here… here he’s capable of stepping outside the economic concerns of the world. Here is he capable by his own actions of becoming partisan in causes much broader than he would ever be able to touch. Man, for instance, gets… gets enormous randomity out of who’s going to be secretary for the local Lion’s Club.

Now any time this individual’s gone through a tree, he has had it demonstrated that space could be solid. Any time he has run into a brick wall, he has decided that space could be solid. He’s run into enough of them back along – every time he has fallen and hit a planet, you know, jumped out of the second-story window or something, and hit the ground, he… has been demonstrated to him the planet is solid. Any one of these conditions are convictions. Of course, he had to have a higher level belief in the thing, or conviction. He had to accept somebody else’s evaluation in the first place to get into that condition. Or he had to sell people and fail to sell them on the solidity of his own space. If he couldn’t have space that solid, then nobody else… anybody else could come along and demonstrate that their space was solid and his wasn’t.

A thetan can participate… well, he could go out and have a fine time campaigning for some congressman. You would be amazed! He would just sort of appoint himself guardian angel to this or that… an… and uh… this or that cause. Well, what’s the difference? I mean, are we suffering from some… some strange malfunction here? When all of a sudden this homo sapiens, he was Interested in helping and participating and being interested and doing all these things, and don’t forget this one, collecting MEST.

So let’s take a look at this situation, and find out that the making of solid, two-dimensional space, and the unmaking of it at will, is of the essence in reconvincing him on the subject of energy.

He was interested in all these things. And now… now all of a sudden as a thetan he moves out and leaves his personality and all his interests and goals in that body, because they were all postulated for the body. And your thetan is too much of a – to be very technical – goofball to recognize that his beingness is himself. All he has to do is suddenly wake up to the fact „What do you know? I’m me!“

So, how do we do? He rams against it, he knocks it with his knuckles, and he finds out it’s impossible to go through it – utterly impossible to go through it. But he says, „Yeah, I made it solid, but it’s solid all the time. This thing has been solid from the beginning. It is a solid piece of two-dimensional space and that’s all there is to it and I can’t do anything with it.“

He isn’t a piece of energy that just… just sort of regards himself and says, „Well, it’s… when I was a body I was something or other, and when I’m in a body everybody says, ‘Hello, Joe.’ What do you know? Nobody says anything to me“ – mostly because his communication level is poor.

„Well, that’s fine. Have it much more solid. Now get things like 16 inch guns firing into it, uh… airplanes crashing through it going faster than sound, and all of them just folding up and stopping when they hit this two-dimensional space. Let’s really exaggerate its solidity. Let’s make it hyperbolical beyond hyperbole. Let’s get it so that we have huge battering rams run forward by a thousand men hit this space. They’ve got spike points on the battering ram, and it doesn’t penetrate the space, and nothing penetrates it either. He’ll all of a sudden say, „Nothing’s this solid,“ and he’ll let something go through slightly. And after that it’s easy to break it down. And you just break it down to the point, then, to where you have this very small caterpillar come up with a very small hair off of his chin and push this very small hair through the space, and demonstrate it goes through. And after that he can move through this space at will.

Why is his communication level poor? He doesn’t think anybody will talk to him. There wouldn’t be any goal for anybody to talk to him about, in the first place. He wouldn’t have any conversation on that level. He comes back into the body and he goes around and he looks up some other theta clear who is also in his body and commu… they communicate. It’s very silly.

Now supposing he can’t make it solid, supposing he can’t make it solid. Well, get it out horizontally and make it support something. Don’t have it hit, make it support something. Put on it a dust mote and have it support the dust mote, and not go through. And make sure the dust mote doesn’t go through. And the guy will eventually get the idea, all right, he can hang a dust mote on this.

A theta clear with his memory rehabilitated – and that, by the way, is the other point – his memory has to be rehabilitated. He’s really a walking zombie. He’s forgotten everything.

Now let’s keep building it up from there until this thing can have cannonballs rested on it, until it can have a man rested on it, and until it could be hit by a sixteen-inch gun, or have a battleship or a faster- than-sound plane hit it and it wouldn’t go through.

He doesn’t have any more memory than a homo sapiens, and that’s practically blank. „What telephone number? What address? Uh… where did I put my hat?“ – some of those big…

Now get him to change and shift solidity, pierceability and unpierceability – enterability and unenterability of that two-dimensional piece of space.

You know, homo sapiens, by the way, doesn’t even have to ask those questions. Homo sapiens can simply pervade an area as homo sapiens and be maybe 25 percent of the time right. Then he can’t count on it 75 percent of the time so after that he would rather ransack the house for his hat, than suddenly look around his house and then go pick it up and say, „I wonder how that hat ever got underneath the kitchen range.“ But uh… he can do that.

Now once in a while you’ll find this two-dimensional piece of space gets terribly fragile. Well, if it gets fragile, just keep breaking it up. Take a piece of two-dimensional space and break it up some more. And then… then throw those fragments away and get another piece of two-dimensional space and break that up. And another one and break that up. And all of a sudden it’ll get stronger.

Now, therefore we’re talking, when we talk about sensation, self- appreciation and the rehabilitation of memory, we’re talking about – and by the way, possessions – we’re talking about ‘will haves’. And a person without ‘will have’ is quite dead. He… he’s in fact, it… somebody really ought to bury a ‘will have’ because he actually becomes odorous. Do you know that he dies – a ‘will not have’, a ‘can’t have’ and so on?

In other words, you toughen this space up until it is completely under his control. It’s enterable or not enterable. It can move here, dispose there – anything can be done with this that he cares to do with it.

The guy whose case – a ‘will have’ case, who is cut off completely and can’t ever have any more. A guy who has lost his hopes. You cost somebody about 80 percent of his hopes and you walk around and he even smells bad. He won’t even have a body. He’s sure of this by this time, you see. That’s very interesting.

Next step. Next step is to get two such planes and enclose a space with them. Two planes of two pieces of two-dimensional space and put them about four or five feet apart. Make a box – a big box. I don’t care how big you make it – 20 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet or something like that.

So you’re up against a case of ‘won’t have’ because he hasn’t thought about what’s valuable to have. So, you’re up against the common denominator of all goals: „What am I going to be? What am I going to do? And what am I going to have?“ And your thetan has never asked this for himself. He keeps asking it for the body. „What’s the body going to have? What’s the body going to be? What’s the…“ What the hell with that body! Tha… that’s not important.

But get this: That box encloses the preclear and the preclear’s bed. And the first thing it’ll remind him of, of course, is a coffin. And that is the space they’ve made very antipathetic to homo sapiens. They take a guy while he’s still in the head, and they fill the body full of formaldehyde and they do all sorts of gruesome things and then they put it in this little, tiny cramped box and they let… shove the lid down so it’s completely armor-proof, seap-proof, uh… bill-collector proof, I suppose, and bury it deep in the ground. It’s just a dramatization of a control operation. There isn’t any reason that anybody should do this. I mean, this is just nonsense beyond nonsense. Preserve a dead body? Let’s go down to the slaughterhouse and every cow they kill, let’s fill that cow full of formaldehyde and bury it. It just makes as much sense as people keeping this relic around with powder and paint on its face buried deep in the ground.

But it is important what is a thetan going to be? what is a thetan going to do? and what is a thetan going to have?

It’s just… it’s just odd – just weird! I mean, how can a society go that nutty? Or, I should say, much greater dignity, how does it come so extremely aberrated? Well, it just goes nuts, that’s all, and… on the subject of bodies. „Care of the body… care of the body… care of the body. Nothing but bodies… nothing but bodies. All the space there is, is MEST universe space, all the space there is that can be controlled by the body. The body occupies the only space.“ And so, boy, right out of this…

Now it… it’s a very silly thing, but all the literature which is published and which this individual has read is slanted toward the life and death of a homo sap. „The hero and the heroine, huh, uh… they… they… they get together, you know, and then… then the villain comes along, and he’s in a body too, and he has all these sub-villains and they’re all in a body too, and then they… they… the hero and heroine they… they get in trouble and they have a fight with each other and some misunderstanding and then the hero, somehow or another, gets all fixed up with the villain. And then the hero’s and heroine’s parents, you see, they’re in bodies too. And they have names. And they’re all – they… they… they get married, and this is a happy ending.“

You think you’re just in beautiful shape, now that you’ve got a piece of two-dimensional space. The guy can hold a point steady. Now he can hold eight points steady. He’s got two pieces of two-dimensional space and this makes eight points. It makes a rectahedron.

Now, there… what’s your thetan’s orientation? God help us! The Saturday Evening Post – blow your brain out! They… they – I mean, the… the Post, the… the… the Gazette, the… bodies, bodies, bodies, bodies. Limited sphere of action. Bodies walk to a corner; they don’t transfer across half of the planet. They go carefully to the corner to get a package of cigarettes. „Sigh! Well, we got… the cigarettes. Now… we’re going home again. Now that we’re home… we have to go out… and work… to make some money… to buy some more… cigarettes. Now… we’ll go to the corner…“ Oh, no!

All right, here he sits… lies in this box. And the first thing you’re going to get… you say, „All right, let’s feel all around and make sure nothing is there but your space and the walls. Now cover ‘em with fur or put rugs on ‘em, or something of the sort. Now turn ‘em end for end, turn the walls end for end. Now rotate them a hundred and eighty degrees. Now handle them. Now color the walls red. Color them blue. Color them green. Shift it up higher – pull it down lower.“ And all the time let the body… you know, don’t let this guy lie on the couch and construct this thing out there somewhere on the other side of Marcab.

You know what you’re facing? You’re… you’re facing an appalling lack of literature. Do you realize homo sap has had built for him by generations and generations of artists, sculptors, musicians – not so much the musicians – and particularly the writers and dramatists, the cultural background of how wonderful it is to be a homo sapiens and how cruel the gods are. „Mary had a little lamb.“ But it’s been going on for thousands of years! And every time you got this… this thetan comes out, what’s his orientation? „Little Jack Horner sat in the corner, eating his curd and hay.“ Saturday Evening Post – ugh! Time magazine – ugh! Uh… the… the works of Thomas Hardy.

No, uh… you are about to unmock one body and one couch.

Uh… the closest… the closest piece of work to a thetan is Alice in Wonderland. And the person who can appreciate Alice in Wonderland at least has some small goal as a theta clear. It’s sort of a idiotic goal, but it… it’s better than none. He can… he can play this game, only he doesn’t have to eat the cake, you see? He can play this game of get terribly small and the tables terribly big, and he can mock up white rabbits and caterpillars and Mad Hatters and they’ll mad hat, too. He can go through this game. But he’s actually uh… quite accustomed, if he’s got that orientation. He’ll find himself right in his element.

Now, he’s got this space, and make him reach from where he is and feel all around the floor of it. That’s why it’s good to have rugs on the floor and silk walls, or something of the sort, so he can get a tactile on them. And make sure that’s his space. Now you make him feel all around and make sure there’s nothing in there but himself, as a thetan. And he’ll tell you long in advance of where he can actually stabilize this. „Oh, no. There’s nothing in here,“ he’ll keep yap-yapping at you. You just make awfully sure. Because when he gets this… when he gets this sensation, you can tell. It will come as a considerable surprise to him. It will really shock him. You’ll always see this surprise. He won’t just take this calmly because what he’s actually done is make some space, and he’ll suddenly realize he’s made some space. And what you do is have him sit in there as a thetan, in the middle of that huge spatial area and he reaches from one part to another, inspects all the corners, inspects all the walls, inspects the ceiling. And each time he determines that there’s nothing there but that space and himself as a thetan. You get him to inspect this real good, see?

That famous German mathematician was not doing anything, if not writing straight out of a… the child’s and some few adults’ self-knowledge of what their real capabilities are.

Now, you number the corners. You don’t have to demonstrate to him. You just say, „Number those corners one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight, and you’ve got all the corners numbered?… All right, go to corner one. Now feel all through the place from corner one. Now go to corner two. Now make… feel all through the place from corner two and make absolutely sure there’s nothing in there. Get a good tactile on the floor and the ceiling and the walls. Now go to corner three and do that. And go to corner four and do that and go to corner five and do that, six, seven, eight. Now make this completely certain there’s nothing in there.“

So you’re walking into a dirth of culture for the thetan. The culture is designed for homo sapiens.

Probably some kind of a condition like this is going to happen. He will either find it impossible to maintain this steadily, or he won’t. Other things will keep popping in there that he doesn’t want. If they do, make him keep filling it up full of all kinds of impossible things. Again, exaggerate the condition, and then empty it out, and then fill it up and then empty it out and fill it up and then empty it out and finally he’ll say, „The dickens with it.“

You’ll notice in a movie or in a novel, or even what is called, in the Twentieth Century, a novel, that the writer is doing the same trick, doing it much more crudely. And Hollywood is, and the rest of the studios around are really being even cruder than that. They’ve gone down to where they play Ivanhoe, and so on, with… with absolutely none of the subtleties of even Ivanhoe. Ivanhoe does have a few, you know. It… it’s… it’s not what you might call the most subtle story in the world, but, it isn’t all going around with hairy chests because of the… of the dame, sort of a thing. But they just lost… they just lost all this.

Now if he says he can’t get rid of the furniture – the furniture is too great an actuality to him, Father was a furniture dealer or something like that – enlarge the space and start putting furniture in it. He’s got one couch in it already; have him put dozens of couches in it. Have him put couches all through the thing and then take them out again. Fill up that space and empty it until he’s sitting there with a complete certainty on the possession of that space.

And they – clear back, and all the way along the line the modern writer, the writer of the Middle Ages, right straight on back, all doing the same thing.

Now, he isn’t going to get the complete certainty right at first, but he can get it. He’ll think that’s very peculiar because he’s going to have something else sitting in that space and you can just count your bottom dollar he’ll have something else sitting in that space: and that is what’s left of the home universe will be found in that space.

The Greek chorus, everybody stands around. And originally the Greek chorus, you know, said, „Maaa-maaa-maaa.“ That is… was a Greek chorus. I’m not exaggerating. That’s exactly what a Greek chorus was. And after a while they said, „What do you know?! We can wear various masks. We don’t have to all wear goat masks and go ‘maaa-maaa-maaa’ on all the holidays, so we’ll talk after this.“ And thus was born modern drama.

But before he attains that, you’re going to have facsimiles flying off this fellow like mad. You’re going to have him dug out of this, and into that, and… and shot here and maimed there and lying someplace else dying. And these facsimiles are going to come through boppety-boppety-boppety- boppety-boppety-boppety-boppety-bop! And he keeps trying to tell you about these facsimiles.

I… I… I know all about that. I’m an authority on it because I wrote a play one time in college which took a prize of some enormous scope or other for the prize winning one-act… it was a hot Sunday afternoon when I wrote the thing. It took almost 20 minutes.

Well, just… just disregard them and go on with the space, or if they become too annoying, throw in a few more agonizing deaths into the chain. Just throw in some deaths that are a little worse on the thing. „Well, get the… get a death now where you’re being disemboweled by a horse. Yeah, you got that? Well, all right now. Let the chain go on – look at the rest of them… All right, now run in there one now where you’re tied over a cannon’s muzzle and it’s fired. You got that? Well, let that one go on by. Now get… get one where you’re down at the bottom of the sea.“

Anyway uh… they gave me a book called The Theatre by Cheney and on another hot Sunday afternoon I read it. So I’m an authority on the theater. I have at least read a book on the subject, which puts me a little bit ahead of some of the other boys. I also talked to Haywood Brun once. As a matter of fact, he and I were very good friends.

The fellow keeps saying he’s drowning or something. Oh, he… he’ll go through agony in this sometimes. And he keeps drowning or something. Say, „All right, get one of being at the bottom of the sea and have a couple of big sharks come along and grab ahold of the body and hold it still while bullet-fish fly through it. You got that?“

But… oh, you… the… you… you don’t quite see where I’m heading here. Your faces look a little blank.

And he says, „What’s a bullet-fish?“

The Greek chorus moves on to the stage and turns verbal spotlights on the hero, and they might as well all stand there with big signs, „This is a hero.“ And the other part of the chorus stands there with big signs on, practically, and they say, „This is the heroine.“ And then it depends on what mask is sitting up there, if it’s the mask with a grin, it’s comedy, which means man decides man’s fate; and if the mask is a scowl that… or sad or tears or whatever that other mask is, that… that means that’s a tragedy because God decides man’s fate. And difference between these two things, comedy and tragedy, is whether man decides his fate or gods decide his fate.

And you say, „It’s a bullet-fish, of course. Put some in.“ Anything, if that gets too bad… ordinarily you can just disregard that chain of deaths, because if you were to hold that consistently and let him look, he would see practically every past death he had rushing off of this thing.

Oh, this is great! This is all mapped out – clear back there in Ancient Greece they had a beautiful map drawn of it – and it’s all a theta trap, all the way along the line. And don’t regard it any other way. It’s just a theta trap.

Why? He’s been living since the explosion of the MEST universe… I mean, pardon me, explosion of his home universe at the hands of the MEST universe in borrowed space. So the second he tries to make any of his own space, all the borrowed space starts flashing at him. Every time he tried to possess space and was stopped, every failure to continue to own space is liable to show up in this space he’s trying to create.

If an artist knew what he was selling out, he wouldn’t have done it. But it depends upon the skill of the artist to keep people interested enough to walk this treadmill called the MEST universe.

So there he lies – all sorts of situation can show up there. Exaggerate the situation, and decrease it, increase it, run a cycle of action on it and keep putting that big box together there and uh… until he’s finally got space and then he’s going to find somewhere in there a high degree of probability that he will find a home universe. And he’ll be something ‘like the black spot over in one corner, or a tiny little dot in the middle. Or he’ll try to go through the middle of it. And he’ll say, „Every time I go through the middle of it it feels like I’m shot or something,“ or „like I’ve just been hit by Niagara Falls“ – anything along that line.

And from the early Greeks who put their gods into anthropomorphic shapes, and from their Greek choruses which pointed out that everyone is attracted only by the heroism of a body, or the heroine-ism of a body, either way, the artist with his paint brush, the writer with his typewriter, have been selling out: The glories of being a body – it’s frailty, it’s tragedies, it’s comedies. And your thetan has been indoctrinated in this (You hadn’t thought about this until I mentioned it, had you?) – your thetan’s been indoctrinated in this for 74 trillion years.

And uh… so, what do you do with this universe? If you were to ask him to put something in this rectahedron after he’s sure that it’s absolutely empty, you will get a sour reply. He’ll put something in it. he’ll be mean about it, or he’ll be unhappy about it. He’ll put something in it. He’ll be upset about it. He… he won’t want to put anything in it.

So you want to know why he moves out of the body without a personality? He knows nobody’s got a personality but a body. Everybody from Somerset Maugham back to Euripides said so. And they said so – and this is what’s criminal with aesthetics. It has never entered anybody’s mind to be a god. That would not be permitted, anywhere in any literature except somebody being insane and completely monomanic and paranoid and all of the nasty words you could heap on it, because the gods are too far above us for us to ever contact. And they fly around in the air. Except in the Arabian Nights where we find the afreets as gods of a sort – but they’re ugly and they’re mean and they’re horrible and they’re vicious and they do terrible things to man.

He’ll tell you it’s lonely, he’ll tell you that it’s no fun, he’ll tell you all sorts of things. „So, if this is all there is of building your own universe, I don’t want anything to do with it,“ he’ll be feeling.

So we couldn’t touch the gods of the Greek hierarchy. They’re above touch. And one would be insane if he thought of himself as one. We could not touch the so-called spirits of the early Arabic literature and Persian literature, Hindu literature because they’re evil and abandoned and eschewed by every man. And we couldn’t possibly touch ghosts, could we? From Charles Brockton Brown, the first American novelist, who called the attention of the literi of Europe to America – the literary people of Europe were quite amazed at the end of the 18th Century to find out there was an American who could write. That American was Charles Brockton Brown and he wrote ghost stories. And they are ghost stories of such a nature as to make Edgar Allen Poe get kinda pale and green. They’re really wild.

Why? You’re staring the MEST universe’s collapse and end right in the teeth, and it’s such a major failure that he doesn’t want to build a universe. He has nothing about that now.

And that was something you mustn’t be. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow – the most horrible thing in that was a ghost. Uh… they make a movie that has a ghost in it, and the ghost is either sad and disappointed, or he has to haunt someplace. And the ghost is always sad and he doesn’t have a body and he’s always this that he doesn’t have a body. And a body is so important and so on and so on and so on.

So, what do you do? You get him to go in there, around and through that – of course, he’s in this space all the time. You make him look around and make sure the place is empty. And he’ll eventually find this thing somewhere in there. He won’t know what it is; he won’t be able to get rid of it right away. So you turn it into a gaseous mass, you change the color of the gas, you move it around into the various corners, you solidify it, you just give it straight mock-up change. You keep using it. You decrease it till it occupies the whole space and decrease it down again. The fellow’ll begin to tell you all about his home universe, if you do this.

They boobytrapped the literature. This thing start to sum up as to why your thetan is apt to move out into a vacuum of ideas for himself? Well, they have been writing about bodies as attainable and desirable, and as the hero and heroine of the piece, and the gods as untouchable and only the insane ever believe they are anything like gods or spirits. And as the spirits as either evil or utterly lost.

And you don’t have to suggest „home universe“ to him. He’ll just tell you about it, and that’s that. And uh… you just keep working it; don’t let him go into large details about the thing. He’ll start wondering how on earth…

And this has been said with the finest brushes, with the best words and with the most thrilling music and the finest statuary in all this whole line called the MEST universe. The best skilled minds of this whole universe have devoted themselves exclusively toward keeping people interested in bodies. They’ve sold you out.

And, by the way, you needn’t tip him off to this degree unless it’s just too… unless he’s just too wild on the thing and he’s wasting too much time, as to how his home universe got that way, and what happened to it. He’ll tell you all sorts of stories, because the fact of the matter is that the loss of it and we’ll cover that in the next hour, what loss is, and a little more of the anatomy of loss so you can see how this thing works out – made him forget it. And he’s forgotten it. And he’s forgotten it with a vim, because that was the biggest loss he ever had. That was his and all of a sudden, wham!

That’s right. You should have about the same level of regard for that sort of an operation as you have for Benedict Arnold.

What happened was, evidently, the MEST universe just came over and took it over. It just took it over. And it ran into it or fell on top of it, ‘cause this universe is expanding and it keeps hitting these things and so on. And it got on the wrong wave length or something happened and he suffered this. And the next thing he knew – really this is what happened – it went out and he came in. He didn’t have much of an entrance point or anything else. He just found himself there one day. He didn’t know where he was and he didn’t know what was happening, and he might have had some strange adventures and so forth. But after that he was a homeless waif – because he never found out what happened to him.

The only way anybody could ever be made to do anything in the MEST universe at all was to interest him, in some fashion or another that would keep him on the treadmill. And even the slave in the presence of some big, vague, thin promise of an aesthetic such as a play, such as a circus that he might go to, such as being permitted to assist in some pageantry, even a slave would go on living in a body in the hope that he could obtain some aesthetic sensation. And so a collar could be placed upon him.

And that’s where your people are lost on the time track. They’re lost because they don’t have any space – it’s very simple.

He didn’t do what was obvious that he should do, which is simply lie down and die – just back out of the head and give this thing a stiff push.

All right, we change and alter this mass that he can’t get rid of called the „home universe“ until he’s perfectly satisfied about the whole thing. And then and there he will… will discover that space is his. He’ll find out that space is his, that is his space. He can do as he likes with that space, and he’ll find out something very strange. The mock-ups that he puts in that space appear and disappear with such ease, compared with the mock-ups he puts out in the MEST universe space. He’s been putting up mock-ups, let’s say, rather poorly. They’ve been shimmery, they’ve been thin, all that sort of thing. After you’re done (and this process is known as a Spacation), after he’s done a Spacation in that space, mock-ups can appear, disappear – bing-bang! Beautiful! He can move ‘em, change ‘em, put ‘em automatic, take ‘em off automatic and so on. He’ll find himself able to handle them in his own space.

Now have you got some idea about goals? The picture has been painted that the body has a goal, and to be a ghost or a spirit is a horrible fate. And ghosts or spirits, you noticed, are all avoided by everybody. Nobody ever talks to them, nobody’s ever nice to them, nobody ever does anything for them except scream and run away from ‘em. That’s… that’s the spirit – that’s his lot.

Is this space actually his own space? If he has done this sufficiently and if he has done this well enough, he actually has parted company with MEST universe space. It is his own space.

And if one attempted to be a god, that of course would mean he was insane, you know? So nobody’d have anything to do with him, either.

You’ve got a certainty of dimension which is not coincident with MEST universe dimensions. And therefore MEST universe could not override that space.

Well, even the gods were only happy when sitting in their stone idols, sculpted by some sculptor, bejewelled by some gem-cutter and written about by some poet. Only the god who did that was fit company for humans. We found big, tough, mean, erratic gods as things that you didn’t have much to do with – Baal, Moloch – bad, bad business.

Now you could go far in this direction to where he could be so expert in creating space and unmocking, that he could go out and look at an automobile and there wouldn’t be any automobile there anymore – for anybody. At first these spaces just disappear for himself. It… he’s… it won’t occur to him that his body might disappear or blow up or something as he’s doing this. He probably won’t think of it.

All right, what’s lead this to then? Boy, it leads to a problem for you. You’re sitting there thinking this is all very interesting, and he’s being very rhetorical and that’s fine and it’s all very pretty and he’s stressing that point awfully hard. Of course, that’s interesting. It’s the first hour of the afternoon and he probably hasn’t warmed up yet.

If he does think of it, don’t worry about it. I’ve done this to quite a few people and expected, in the early ones, that we would suddenly have somebody turn up missing on our hands, but nobody did. The preclear continued to remain visible to me on the couch but sometimes would get kind of thin – you’d kind of start seeing through them a little bit – not theta-wise. I mean, they just… just sort of looked kind of thin and unsubstantial.

But you know, you know that moves your thetan back in the body? Unless you can supplement that literature and actually fly into the teeth of Michelangelo, Euripides, Praxiteles and all the rest of the boys on the whole track – unless you want to fly into their teeth, you’re not going to get anyplace.

Now, they’re liable to take off from that and go racing right on down the time track to present time on convictions – what they’ve been convinced of, what… the game they’re trying to play, and that sort of thing. And if they’re capable of seeing energy areas on themselves, they will see all sorts of energy areas on themselves. It’ll just surprise the dickens out of them how many energy deposits are convictions. They’ve been convinced they ought to play a game – they should play the game. „All right, how do you play the game?“

You see, the aesthetic scarcity in this universe has been played upon very heavily, and it’s the aesthetic alone, as you’ve read in 8-80 if you’ve studied that, which really pins this thing down but gorgeously. And that aesthetic, if it is very strong in one direction, will incline the person in that direction. And if the aesthetic is only in the direction of a body, it will incline the individual in a body.

„Well, you play the game so that when you walk along here and you’re hit by this, you say, ‘I’m hurt’.“

Fortunately animals are fairly aesthetic. They’re nice to look at and they’re quite exciting, they’re quite interesting. Once in a while they have interesting personalities – we’re going to get into bodies. And so you, every once in a while, found the thetan playing about the highest game that was permitted to a thetan as himself. And you can read all you want to about that, as it is completely misrepresented and miswritten in Frazer’s Golden Bough, The King of the Wood or The God of the Wood. That is a completely reverse interpretation in an effort to be terribly deep and subtle about the easiest thing in the world.

„Well, I’m not hurt.“

There was this wood, see, and this thetan didn’t want anything more to do with those umph! umph! bodies. But there were a lot of wolves and rabbits and deers and other things in this preserve, and once in a while some little kid’d come to this preserve and… and gather hazelnuts or something of the sort. And this thetan would reach out and he’d pick up all these nice trees, that is to say, he’d just spread himself all the way through this wood. He would BE the wood – that was his identity.

„Well,“ they say, „well, you walk along there and when you’re hurt, you say, ‘I’m hurt,’ and that’s… that’s the game on this. And then I walk along here and I say, ‘I’m hurt,’ and I’m hurt, and uh… so on.“

And he became the patron saint, you might say, of the animals and the birds, and the guardian of that place.

But this fellow says, „But I’m not hurt.“

And if you think that some of the hunting accidents you read about were accidents, you’re badly mistaken, because that goes on today. There are thetans… if there are thetans who are still active to any great degree on this planet, they would be active in that capacity and area.

„Well, you just… just… this is just the rules. It’s the way you play this game.“

As a matter of fact, I think we have somebody right here. A couple hundred… few hundred years ago – not… in very, very recent times, spent about 200 years in an English wood. Just… just came out of space and said, „The dickens with all that! I got ray burns on me enough“ he says. And became the patron saint of a British wood. Is that right?

„Well, it’s a game – that’s all right.“ The most idiotic thing.

So when we got… we had that. And your thetan could do that. He interested himself in the affairs of animals. And Brer Bear would walk through one day and would find himself incline’. to be just a little bit nosy about something that was none of his business and he would get the severest cuff that a bear ever received – Bap! „Just another one of them lightning storms! Humph! Humph!“ and walk on down the line.

You make a hole – there’s a hole there and there’s something in it. And the fellow goes into it to find out if there’s anything in it and he doesn’t find anything in it so he takes things out of it. You know, he makes up things. And people say, „Well, this… no-no. That isn’t what it is – no, that isn’t what it is. No, that isn’t what it is.“ They just invalidate the heck out of a guy like this.

Now there are tribes in the world which today still carry forward the superstition that there are such things as guardian angels and spirits.

So, he is asking to be convinced continually, and any time he can find several people to agree with him, he’ll be convinced uh… on something or other. And he’s being invalidated continually. And the major ones are done by force and both of them depend on the banishment of space, really – banishmnent of the concept of how much space one can occupy.

But the civilized world which has agreed thoroughly with the MEST universe and has made enormous progress, is very certain, extremely certain, that that is merely superstition and backing them up is the fact that spiritualism itself is about the dizziest thing anyone could get himself into.

When you’ve taken your space from the MEST universe, you have taken spurious or specious space. It isn’t real space for you because you… it’s not your dimensions. You’ve borrowed some other dimension and that’s about the most serious thing you could do is to take a dimension that is not of your own determination. And after that, you have difficulty with energy because you can’t put mock-ups in space which isn’t yours. And you know the space isn’t yours and so therefore you can’t put mock-ups in it. If you can’t put mock-ups in it, that means you can’t put energy in it.

Just go out and sit on a carrousel and speed it up to about, oh, I’d say, 80 rpm and that’s a real nice straight course compared to following spiritualism as ritualized; because it’s ritualized so that if anybody ever did contact a spirit, he would just be some spirit that would really try to knock him off like mad. It would be some spirit that was kind of trying to get a body…

Now you can get practiced enough on this so that you can simply turn around and put in MEST universe space energy. You can get to a point where you’ll string a little thread of energy between two cans, E-Meter cans, and the E-Meter – has anybody done that since I mentioned about it there? work? Did it work?

You… you know some of these thetans that you move out? I mean, these thetans are in good shape. But it’s this idiotic thetan that can’t have a body any more. He’s done too many overt acts. So if they did contact anybody so he would come around, and they say, „Now, tell me – tell me. What will be the fate of wab-yab, so on – in case she marries the Duke of Porkpie? Uh… tell us the future.“

Voice: (?).

Well, listen: Next time you move a preclear out, you ask him, „Tell me the future.“ And he’ll give you all… he’ll give you more future, and more variety of future than you have any use for. Because he has all possible combinations of track at his disposal if he wanted to examine all of them.

LRH: Oh, did you get a… just a little twitch on it?

But the track of the future is simply the course in history of the havingness of the present. And it’s what you do and what he does with the havingness now which makes a future.

Voice: (?).

And so you can shuffle these factors any way you want to.

Yeah, you’d have to put a pretty good… be pretty good at stringing, beams, and you’ve got to put a pretty solid beam between the two of ‘em and just let let it sit here for a moment and you’ll get interesting results on the meter. I’m fixing a meter up to do that.

The thing to do is to get down and have a paw-wow with this theta clear on the subject of „How many havingness would we have to shift to bring about this result?“ and that is logic, isn’t it?

The point is, then, that you are rehabilitating space for this preclear. Now this process called Spacation will spring somebody with great ease – after he’s unmocked the body a few times and he has had facility in creation of space and so on, moving in and out of the head or being where he wants to be in the MEST universe becomes very easy to him.

In other words, would we send the Duke of Porkpie a new hat uh… with arsenic in the brim? And, let’s see, that disposes of that havingness. Now that makes – I’m not saying you would – go on such line, but if you were trying to decide futures, it would be on very orderly, well-understood lines. Except your latitude to dispose of that future grows as your ability to control MEST grows. When I say „control MEST,“ it’s „How much MEST can you control?“

Now your Step One case can go right straight ahead on his route and go ahead and do this. But believe me, your Step One case should be put through a complete Spacation before your… consider him an operating thetan. You just take him from there on up. With a Spacation he becomes more or less an operating thetan rather than a theta clear. And he gets very able – he’s not too bad off, your Step One case.

Well, you can control as much future as you can control MEST. And you can control as much past as you’re willing to shatter future. You can control as much past as you’re willing to take the responsibility for ruining the present.

These other people, you’ll find out on lower step cases, that you just push them through a Spacation anyhow, and sometimes have to before you can do a darn thing with them.

Yes, you can control all kinds of future, but let’s not go down and ask madam Zogey or Zog-Zog or somebody of the sort to conjure up her favourite spirit and ask her what’s going to happen, because you can get better dope from your theta clear. He’s higher in tone and he knows more, and he has more abilities than any spirit that we’ll wander into Madam Zog-Zog’s academy.

Actually, in view of the fact that space is beingness, you have to be able to handle space before the preclear can be anything.

You can look around all you want to. I’ve talked with some of these medium thetans, and they’re really stupid. You throw them a terrible, terrible curve. You… you just…

So it’s a good thing to do, to put… as you go through this process, to be very careful about that particular set-up.

Isn’t that a good one? He… he developed a whole lot of… he talked about these things as entities. He hasn’t realized yet they they’re thetans that have really gone to pieces in a big way. And they’re… they’re so sold on religion and that sort of thing that you, in order to… that they consider themselves good. You show them black mass symbols, upside-down crosses, uh… daggers through the Bible uh… and all of these various odds and ends. And you just show ‘em one of these things, just throw that illusion up in front of them good and strong. Their capability to produce for instance, even illusion is pretty good. And you just throw that up good and strong and they go „Eeeeeaaaaaowwwwww!“ – they get out of there.

Now we’ll put that as a Three level. And the reason we leave One and Two as they are without stressing Spacation to any great degree, is because you can completely alter the beingness of a man, his condition and so forth, by steps One and Two – without any Spacation or anything else. You just tell ‘em, „Be two feet back or your head,“ or „Push yourself out with an energy beam.“

And the bad ones, you show them a crucifix, uh… a Bible, the proper religious symbols, make the proper words and signs and that sort of thing, and they all of a sudden look around to see where these are coming from and they see a bright spot of light, which is you, and they say „Oh, my God! The voice of God!“ and zing! Or they explode, or something. It’s fascinating! Fascinating!

Now when that guy has had that done, when this has occurred, you’ll see facial changes and personality changes of considerable magnitude. And when these changes have occurred they are very worth just striking for, just as their own, because it’ll happen in more than 50 percent of your people, much more than 50 percent if you use Step One and Two, that they’ll simply be outside, and will go through these paces. And they can be brought up to a stability without Spacation.

You’re straight into the practical realm of spiritualism. Now think… think of it… think i… of the amount of future which you want to forecast. You’re always shoving around pieces of MEST in the hope that it’ll change a future. You want to make things easier for yourself. But primarily, you’d be much more interested in making things easier for others and squaring things around for others, and so on.

Now, you’ll be surprised. It… it… it just changes the fellow, changes him very markedly to have this happen to him. But by the time you’ve got to Step Three, they hold that space point steady, and so forth, there’s just enough little buggy things wrong with them that they… they can’t quite do a Step One and Two.

Well, if you’re willing to assume some responsibility on the line, you can always shift a little bit of MEST or get… incline somebody else to shift some, and you’ve changed the future.

Well, if you do a Spacation on the Three case, he’ll move right up into a One category and you just go on with Step One.

You don’t do it by going around and hooking yourself on to the left ear of a fortune teller and letting her interpret what you say. No, you get up to speed, and you just do it, that’s all. So that the Prince of Monaco or something of this sort reports a big robbery of the casino and then finds all the money in his desk. The police… after he’s collected the insurance policy, of course, or something like that. And then, of course, Monaco gets up for sale and… and uh… and you’ve got somebody on hand to be bidding the highest bid – a very simple business.

Only when you’ve got him stabilized and outside and able to lift his various arms and limbs and so forth, from the exterior as the One does immediately, you’ve got an operating thetan. And you’ve got your other jump because he can make his own space.

You’ve got a kingdom established and then you incline a couple of… a couple of fellows to… to go around and spread the word, messianically, that uh… here’s a better kind of freedom, or something of this sort. Or… or there’s more women per square inch in this kingdom than any other place. Or… or it’s wide open…

All right. Spacation, then, is a process of rehabilitating space by first, ownership and stabilization of a point. Then ownership and stabilization of more than one point, namely four points; and ownership and stabilization of a two-dimensional plane hinged on those four points. And then ownership and stabilization of two such planes; and then ownership and stabilization of a rectahedron. Think that’s a tetrahedron. Uh… no, a tetrahedron is s…

Think of… think if you did this: If you just went around and forced open, in some fashion or another, gently – not disturbing very much – but forced upon an area of the world in which a man did not have to have a passport properly certified, properly visaed. You wouldn’t collect criminals. You’d collect a lot of revolutionaries from time to time, but mostly you’d collect people who were just terribly victimized by the incredible stupidity of bureaucracy. You think the State Department of the United States is bad, or… or that other such stateships and so forth are bad…


When the war steamrolled the nations of Europe, they shifted the boundaries of everything in all directions. And there are many, many luckless individuals who had no citizenship, actually, in their own land, were transported across the border without moving. And found themselves citizens of something else of which they had no cognizance and which, because of defeat and chaos, never did become capable of issuing them a passport.

LRH:… four points… it’s a tetrahedron, isn’t it? No, it’s actually a rectangle. It’s a rectangle. Is that a rectahedron?

You know that there are men walking earth today furtively, in earth’s alleyways. Why, because nobody’ll grant them an identity. They… they… they aren’t French, they aren’t German, they aren’t Russian anymore.

Voice: I think so…

Some pilot, all of sudden, decides that 14 million slaves are too many, he’s in the Russian Air Force – he lands. You’d think that he’d be greeted just with wide open arms by the allies or something of the sort. They greet him all right, and they treat him nice. They, of course, want to show him the place and then send him home with some propaganda or something of the sort. And he isn’t interested in that. He’s got some sort of an idea he’d like to get out of there and get to be an airlines pilot on some of these fabulous airlines he’s heard about that fly oceans, and so forth – big ambition. He’s not interested in, and there isn’t any reason why he should be interested in, monomanically, the Russian Central Government. He’s a human being. He is potentially able and free.

LRH: I haven’t done any solid geometry in a long time, in English, that is.

God help him if he ever landed outside that border. The Russian Government’d never issue him an identity. Neither would the French. Or anybody else. And he just wanders around then in rather a fog.

Well, anyway, you build that and that stabilizes into his own space. And we have the essential breakdown, the essential points of space, the essential ingredients – the characteristics of space, which are anchor points – two dimensions and three dimensions – and you have the most elementary space there is.

Now what do you do… what would you do… what would happen if you should suddenly establish a hospital area? You know once upon a time there were shrines upon this earth run by thetans who did instantaneous healing? Nobody ever recognized it, right down to this minute, that that’s what was happening. There is one down in Ecuador. I’ve mentioned it several times and I’ve mentioned it cautiously because before we had existing techniques, the less said about this sort of things, the better.

And when he has claimed this completely as his space you will find him able to do a great many things which he was not able to do before.

I said there were such things as miracles. There’s one place down in South America high in the Andes which has the tremendous mountain of crutches – a mountain of crutches thrown away there by people who came there and worshipped at the shrine and went away whole. What do you think was doing that? Ginger beer?

All right? There is no substitute for a rehabilitation of space, to return to an individual a rehabilitation of his beingness. But don’t think because he’s done this indifferently or suddenly or quickly or snappily and then stepped out of his head and so forth, that he can create space worth a darn. I mean, he… he’s able to go through these steps, maybe. But if you haven’t done a very good job, and if he can’t do it the next time easily, and if he can’t do it for about four or five consecutive times, easily, so forth, he’s not stable on the subject.

Well, let’s be practical about these things and… and… and get our… get our sights here into a level of orientation.

So the next time you get ahold of this preclear you put him right straight through all the steps of a Spacation which are, establish one point; establish four points; establish eight points; and establish its emptiness. And uh… you finally will find him quite stable. Otherwise you’re liable to unstabilize him. If you put him through a Spacation once, you get it indifferently well, and all you’ve succeeded in doing is throwing him through 565 past deaths or some darn fool thing like that, or run him against the old home universe, and – you’ve charged him up to a fare-you-well! Bad deal, strictly. Okay? How much you got left on that tape? Voice: About seven minutes.

There are goals and abilities to which a thetan can ascend. There are futures worth having, there are havingness worth having, things worth doing and identities worth being. These have not been supported by the artists or writers of the MEST universe.

Now that’s quite sufficient for me to tell you a very important datum uh… about all this. Loss is loss of space as its most important loss point – loss of space.

But you don’t need a thousand poets to pave the way. They’re very bad trail blazers and they’re very good slaves.

So anywhere down along the line, what kind of mock-up do you favor for any case from Three down? What kind of mock-up? You take the most beloved living place in the current lifetime of your preclear and do standard mock-up manufacture and shifting with it – even if he does it poorly – making many of ‘em, changing it, altering it, lessening the quantity, increasing the quantity, placing it behind the back and afar and above and around, until your preclear does not give a… two whoops and a continental about it, and can handle it with great ease. Because there he is still tied with this lifetime’s anchor points! And that will be, usually, his childhood home. And more locks will fly off of this. You’ll be amazed! Oh, the locks will fly off of it, in all directions. But you’ve rehabilitated his space considerably when you’ve done this.

But they’re your competion. And you’ve got to give this thetan goals and better goals than he could have had as a MEST body, because he won’t accept a wicked or… bad goal. He really won’t. He won’t be interested in it.

And don’t be surprised when other houses like it start to show up automatically. Of course, you’re just peeling the track. All kinds of things will show up as marked out MEST universe space which he has tried to claim. And in view of the fact that was MEST universe space with imposed MEST universe dimensions it of course was not under the good control of the preclear.

Well, so it’s got to be a pretty good goal. Well, there’s lots of goals; and did you ever stop and think what’s going to happen to all the thetans who get theta cleared who aren’t auditors? Well, somebody had better establish a sanctuary.

A preclear can afford to lose anything he has as long as he does not lose as well his ability to create.

And what about all the thetans that have not been able to pick up bodies and who are completely lost and wandering around in a daze? They’re your brother and your sister, and that’s no kidding. That’s a fact. And their disability is such, and so on, as to make them uh… completely beyond our reach – unless somebody takes an interest in ‘em.

But when anything is based upon the speciousness of MEST universe anchor points, of course, he is anxious about it in the first place. And then when he loses it, the MEST universe has to be waited on for the MEST universe to give him permission to have more anchor points.

And there’s a level that’s completely outside of MEST bodies, working with more important beings, actually, than you’ll find in MEST bodies. And you say, „What happened to Napoleon? What happened to Charles of Sweden? Where is Hannibal after he crossed the Alps?“ Where are these guys? You’ll find them leaning up against a tombstone someplace wondering where they go next. Well, you can always tell them. I do every once in a while. Okay, let’s take a break.

So you start handling that childhood home. You want to know what happens to a pc’s childhood. Why is a pc’s childhood occluded? Well, a pc’s childhood is occluded because, one, he was moving faster when he was a child than he’s moving now, and therefore in order to pick up facsimiles of childhood he’d have to generate and move a lot faster as a preclear. And that also applies to why can’t he pick up early track as easily as he can pick up later track. And that’s because he’s moving too fast and too strongly on the early track for him to have uh… for him to pick it up now. He hasn’t got enough speed, you see; we’re going through a slow-down process, as one goes down the cycles. So we can’t get these things earlier very easily – mostly because of speed.


So, in childhood, however, uh… that’s one reason. And the other reason is these anchor points. And because childhood is studded with loss from one end to the other. There is more loss per square inch of havingness in childhood, because one attaches such enormous importance to trivia. Everything is given to one, everything is assigned and owned in some other fashion. One’s toy – he has to be very careful. You just think for a moment and just try to remember a toy you had when you were a child – just one toy. If you remember a toy, the toy which you remember was a toy which you were given and which was not interfered with very much. Nobody cared enough about the toy except you. That was one toy.

Now your havingness, then, was slight and your space compared to your size was pretty large. But you got nailed down. MEST universe anchor points had been assigned to you. And if you were racketted around much and you were changed from home to home and area to area, just anchor points and anchor points and anchor points and anchor points, and the guy just all snarls up all over the place.

Sooner or later as an adult, one time too often, (I’m going to cover ‘forget’ and ‘remember’ in the next hour) and one time too often he loses a set of anchor points and it’s too much for him. And the whole track, actually will jam right at that point – jam! He will at that moment run out of space for his facsimiles. He hasn’t even got space for his facsimiles anymore. And uh… having no space for them, of course, the only space left to them – he’s not going to part with them! They just simply move in on him – crash! And he’s got ‘em! That’s that.

An electrical shock moves one out of his last efforts to maintain anything like space – the last efforts to maintain space are psychotic or neurotic. Because one is saying, „I’m not responsible for anything, and therefore it’s all right to leave me in this space. I’ve abandoned all responsibility for all force, and I’ll do whatever you say, and I can still have some space, can’t I? I’m still permitted to have some space. You see, I’m nutty. I can’t do any wrong – can’t – I mean, can’t harm you very much.“ And uh… that’s just a protest. That’s… that’s the last shreds of beingness – complete irresponsibility.

All right, so they just move him out of that into utter abandonment. They move him out of that into death. And they do that very simply. And… or they collapse the track on him. And that, of course, prevents them from moving out of anyplace. They have to stay there then. There… there’s a forcing mechanism. It is about as sensible as… well, these things are very sensible, well, about as sensible as anything else in this universe.

We have a profession that pretends to heal, and it destroys. It’s no wonder, you see, that somebody believes great evil of you as a Scientologist. If you get out practicing for a little while, they’ll believe great evil of you. The reason why? You’re obviously doing good so obviously, you must be evil. Reasonable. It follows.

If a fellow can’t move around anymore, and if he’s all pinned down, and he’s very upset and he hasn’t got anyplace to go, why, let’s take what’s left of him, his body, and let’s fill it up full of electricity which is highly antipathetic to him, and fix it up so he can’t even be there. And then explain to everybody that this makes him well, you see, with sort of a snide, pompous expression on one’s face. Great stuff!

Force, and the application of force to the individual is primarily a question of changing space for him – making him abandon a piece of space.

The highest level of conviction there is is to knock hell out of him. That convinces him. Of course, way up above that he had to have better conviction in the field of reason.

So knowingness is upset by force. Force crashes into the individual and it upsets his space – it’ll upset his knowingness. Why? Because something occupies the space which he should have been occupying and makes it impossible for him to occupy that space.

And if he’s unable to create more space at will then, of course he considers that he has been displaced in the space. And in Spacation, you’re teaching him that he can make any kind of space that he wants to make at any tine he wants to make it. And when he’s done it a little more often, a little more often, a little more often, he finally realizes that he has all the space anybody could need in which to do anything, and he finally doesn’t worry anymore about having to have space where the body is.

The process of Spacation, of course, follows that because the body is in that quadrilateral, octilateral – whatever it is – uh… because the body is in that blown-up coffin, why, uh… it gets unmocked. And you never ask him to unmock his body at all. It just disappear on him. You point it out to him afterwards his body wasn’t there.

He says, „That’s right. The body isn’t there.“

„Well, why does your body have to be there now? Why don’t you just move out two feet behind your back?“ Okay. Let’s take a break.