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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- 2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 - Modern Assessment - B621205 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621205 - HCO Bulletin - 2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 - Modern Assessment [B002-092]
- 621205 - HCO Bulletin - 2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 - Modern Assessment [B038-073]
- 621205 - HCO Bulletin - 2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10 - Modern Assessment [B160-042]
CONTENTS 2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10
Modern Assessment
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise

2-12, 3GAXX, 3-21 and Routine 2-10
Modern Assessment

The only actual test of a list is "Is it nullable?" Can it be nulled? Or will a dirty needle take over?

Assessment is prevented by the following:

(1) List taken from erroneous source.

(most corny)

(2) List is incomplete.

(most common)

(3) Missed missed withholds.

(least common)

(4) List Mid Ruds out.

(most overworked)

(5) Session Mid Ruds out.

(most neglected)



ASSESSMENT – The whole action of obtaining a significant Item from a pc.

LISTING – The auditor's action in writing down Items said by the pc in response to a question by the auditor.

NULLING – The auditor's action in saying Items from a List to a pc and noting the reaction of the pc by use of an E-Meter.

ROCKSLAMMER – One who produces a Rockslam during the nulling of the Scientology List on that list. Persons who produce Rockslam reactions on other lists are not Rockslammers. This is designated because a certain behaviour pattern can be expected of a Rockslammer and because this person, having a PTP from the GPM on Scientology or allied Items, especially will make no gain in other auditing or studying of any kind until that Item is properly opposed by R2-10 or R2-12 and the case further cleaned on 2-10 or 2-12.3GAXX and R3-21 are no help to this case. Without 2-12 this case is condemned to the next two hundred trillion years in misery. So never miss in spotting a Rockslammer.

NULLABLE – The condition a list must be in in order to have an Item found on it.

A DEAD HORSE – A list which even with good auditing, failed for any other reason to produce a Reliable Item.

SKUNKED – A list with RSs on it in listing that failed to produce a Reliable Item.


The list is written on 8" x 13" or 8l/2" x 13l/2" paper, on two sides of the paper, in one or two columns, depending on size of the writing. A fold of four pages is sometimes used, 8" x 13".

The pc's name in brief, the date and page number of the list and the question being asked are put on every sheet on the first side of that sheet or on the first page of a set of four pages unseparated.

The question is repeated only as often as actually needed by the pc.

Items are softly acknowledged now and then, not each Item.

All Items are written down that the pc gives.

The list is done with pc on the meter at sensitivity 8. The auditor keeps an eye on the meter. As the pc first thinks of an Item, the Item RSs or gives a DR. The auditor marks "RS" or "DR" after each such Item.

The auditor must be alert for a pc saying, "That's the Item. Now the list is complete. " Invariably the RSing Items lie just after such a statement. Such a statement is acknowledged well and the auditor says, "We'll have to continue just to be sure I have a clean needle. "

The list is complete when the needle is clean and flowing (but this won't happen with the Session Mid Ruds out).

An auditor never repeats Items to the pc after the pc says them. If the auditor doesn't understand he asks pc to spell it or if it is singular or plural. Don't fake an understanding. The list must be accurate or it will foul up the needle on nulling.

The danger sign of overlisting (there are three but this is the only one used in 2-12 and 3GAXX) is the pc invalidating or questioning Items as he or she says them. When this happens near the beginning of a list, it indicates a wrong source for the list. After a hundred Items or more it means that the list is as complete as it will ever be and the auditor should stop and try to null it.

If a first step 2-12 list produces no RSs one completes it anyway and uses it. In short, first step lists don't have to RS. However, a first step list that does RS is far more likely to produce results.

If a step 4 2-12 list produces no RS after being stretched on and on it is definitely a dead horse and should be abandoned. An RS usually occurs before 50 Items on a live list but this is a guess and some RSs have not turned on before 100 Items or more were listed.

In short, Represent and Opposition lists must produce an RS somewhere or they will not give a Reliable Item. These should be abandoned without nulling.

If an Item is an RSing Item it should only be opposed, represented (in 3GAXX) only after being opposed. Representing an RSing Item rather than opposing it will fail, as in representing an RSing Item the Reliable Item for the list is, of course, the Item the auditor already has.

The commonest flub is to fail to get in the Session Mid Ruds before writing or nulling a list and thereby getting a clean needle. Auditors who fail are auditors who won't clean up a dirty needle before nulling. A needle can be dirty before and during the writing of a list without harming anything. But the needle must be clean or cleaned up when the completion test (d) below is given.

The commonest source of a dirty needle is out list Mid Ruds, but a new case with no Items found may have a dirty needle until a good live list is listed out to complete. Then magically the DN vanishes.

Various shifts, all common to auditing, may have to be employed to clean up a needle for the first assessment. But if it is too hard, just do a Zero One 2-12 List and use it before the Scientology List and the needle will usually clean, especially when the first Reliable Item is found.


Don't try to bat a perfect score of one list = an RI. An auditor often has dead horses. But when the average rises above 50% dead horse there is something wrong with the auditing. Excellent auditing gives less than 20% dead horses.


Because an Item RSs when given in writing the list is no reason it will RS when nulling even with the Mid Ruds in. One RSing Item on a list will impart its RS to a dozen Items during the listing step.


Don't harass the pc about a dirty needle. It's the auditor who dirtied it up with wrong sources for lists or incomplete lists or cleaning clean reads.


If when getting the Rudiments in, an RS is noted, take no different action. RSs seen in the Ruds merely mean the pc is hot on a PTP that goes hard into the GPM and nothing but 2-12 will relieve it permanently. Other measures such as O/W turn it off for the moment but never permanently; only 2-12 can do that. Don't run 3-21 on a pc who RSs in the Ruds. Only 2-12 or 2-10.


Never say "Floor. Floor. Floor," to turn off an RS or DN or DR. You don't care if things RS and a DN is cured only with Session and/or List Mid Ruds.


It is fatal to fail to oppose an RSing Item found on List One or a first list of 2-12. If a Rockslammer test disclosed an RS on the Scientology List on Tuesday and another auditor on Wednesday just does a new List One Assessment and ignores the RS test result and doesn't oppose the List One RI, the case may breed dead horses thereafter. Use RSing Items when known or when found for opposition lists.


How wide is an RS? This is a silly question as an RS is a repetitive slashing of the needle of any width. A DR is a different looking read, tiny in its strokes. One or two slashes make an RS. There isn't such a thing as an incipient RS. If it slashed up or down once call it an RS. A Rocket Read looks entirely different in velocity and decay.


A common source of trouble in finding a Reliable Item is missing an in Item that is marked in and not re-nulling it. The auditor misses the slant /.

Each page of a list is examined carefully for all Items X before being abandoned. It is then marked with a big X in the upper left corner, meaning "all nulled". This saves an inspection of it again in going over the list.


When a list is said to be complete by the preclear (does not apply to Scientology List) the auditor

(a) Gets in Session Big Mid Ruds.

(b) Gets in the List Big Mid Ruds.

(c) Makes sure the needle is clean before doing anything else than (a) and (b).

(d) Says the question of the list and sees if it reacts on the meter or upsets needle flow.

(e) If meter reacts auditor completes list and does test of question as in (d) again until either the needle is smooth (c) or dirty. If dirty and won't clean by listing, does Session Mid Ruds (a) and List Mid Ruds (b) and checks needle (c).

(Until the (a) to (e) steps have been gone through carefully the auditor hasn't a prayer of nulling a list properly.)

(A pc can become harassed by an auditor trying to smooth a smooth needle with unnecessary Mid Ruds.)

The auditor now starts to null the list by the following steps:

(f) Calls each Item on the list one time (or more times if read was missed by auditor the first time). (No committing Overts against, etc, is now used. Only the Item itself.)

(g) Marks each Item that goes out with an X.

(h) Marks each Item that stays in with a /.

(i) If three or four Items stay in in a row, the auditor concludes that an Item earlier on the list has been invalidated and politely turns the list so the pc can see it and, indicating the already passed over Items, says, "Which one of these might you have had thoughts on?" The pc looks at list and answers. The auditor simply acknowledges politely and goes on nulling. He does not re-state the "falsely in" (/) Items.

(j) Every ten or so Items that go out consecutively (X) the auditor asks for a possible suppress, "On this list has anything been suppressed?" If it reacts on meter it is cleaned up and the auditor draws a line down the side of the (X) Items from moment of the suppress to where he now is as a group to null them again next time. The auditor does not re-null them until the next time around.

(k) At the end of the first time through the auditor gets in the List Mid Ruds until the needle is clean and flowing. It may sometimes be necessary to get the Session Mid Ruds in to accomplish a fully clean needle.

(l) The auditor starts down the list again, calling off each Item left in (/) one time (or until he sees the reaction or lack of it).

(m) Items now out are marked X and Items that are still in are marked /. Don't forget the X groups that were marked suppressed.

(n) When the auditor has gone through the list a second time the List Big Mid Ruds are put in swiftly.

(o) Do steps (1), (m) and (n) until the list is down to 3 or 4 Items.

(p) Briefly Tiger Drill the remaining Items. Take the one that RSs as an RI.

(q) If no Item now RSs and none can now be made to RS get in the Session Big Mid Ruds and do (p) again.

(r) If no RS results, take the Items still reacting and ask the pc's opinion (packaging step of 2-12).

Don't oppose an Item that did not RS when found. Don't endlessly Tiger Drill an Item until it dies. Don't fail to oppose an Item that RSs.


A nulled list does not look like this (this is the result of Incomplete Lists or out ruds or improper source):


Waterbuck // X


Willow wand///////////////////


Game Warden///////////X

A nulled list also does not look like this:



Wind /

Willow wand //


Game Warden

This is how a rightly nulled list should look:

Tiger DRX

Waterbuck X

Wind RSX

Willow wand RSpn/RS/RS/RS

Catfish X

Game Warden sen/X


If a pc's List Mid Ruds (On this list has anything________) go out and if pc Inspection Step (i) above is not done, this is what happens:

Pc Invalidates this Item after pc hears it.

Tiger X

Waterbuck /

Invalidation is dragged over and makes this look like they're in. Wind /

Willow wand /

Catfish /

Game Warden /

If a pc suppresses an Item or something else this is what happens:

Pc Suppresses

Tiger pnX

Waterbuck X

These also look like they are out. Wind X

Willow wand X

Catfish X

Game Warden X

This is the way the list just above is marked when the suppress factor is found on check as in Step (j) above:

Tiger X

Waterbuck X)

Wind X)

Willow wand X) Sup

Catfish X)

Game Warden X)

Auditor discovered pc suppressing Waterbuck here. Horns X

Claws /X

Creek X



Assessment by greatest Reaction is the earliest method of Assessment. It still works but is used now only to decide on last two or three Items that were Tiger Drilled. It is not terribly inaccurate but is no tool for a really skilled auditor as RSs transfer about on some lists.

Assessment by Elimination depends wholly on the right Item being charged enough to peer through the out rudiments. One just goes over and over the list marking things in or out as above until one stays in. This is crude but it works. It is no tool for a trained auditor.

Routine 2-10

(R2-12 Short Form for Beginners)

The Short Form of R2-12 can be used by untrained auditors with some effect until they are trained in Mid Ruds and other niceties.

Do not use Model Session or Goal Finder's Model Session. Just use "Start of Session" and "End of Session". No Ruds, havingness or other actions.

Step One: Assess first lists by Elimination above, taking whatever survives and reads. If an RS is found oppose it at once. Except for Scientology List, list a standard first list question to get this first list. Label paper as in Step Six below. Be sure to list until needle looks smooth or pc has really run out.

Step Two: Using the Item found in Step One above, list a "Who or What does ______ (Item found) represent to you?" list, marking "RS" all Items that RSed before being said by pc or when said by pc. List until needle looks very smooth.

Step Three: Null list by RS. Neglect everything that didn't RS when said to pc. Go over Items that RSed again until only one does.

Read all Items to pc. Don't mark Items that don't RS with an X as the list actually hasn't been nulled.

Step Four: Circle Item or Items that still RSed on Nulling on the list. (Get it checked out by the Instructor if one is present.) Choose whatever continues to RS now and then when said.

Step Five: Establish if Item made pc sick or dizzy (sen) or hurt or hot or cold (pn)

Step Six: If Item in Five above was sen, list question is "Who or What would oppose_____(Item found)?" If Item was pn, list question becomes "Who or What would a_____(Item found) oppose?" Write proper question and pc's name, date and page number at the top of each sheet.

Step Seven: List the question in Six until needle looks clean and isn't Ticking or kicking as pc thinks of Items. Get the list complete. Be sure that every Item that RSed when pc thought of it or said it was marked "RS" after it.

Step Eight: Read list Items once each to pc and note any Item that RSs when said to the pc. Go over RSing Items again.

Step Nine: Circle the Item or Items that still RS. (Get it checked out by Instructor if one is present.)

Step Ten: Find out with pc's help which opposes which in the Items found, or if anything opposed anything, and mark them on pc's Line Plot.

Repeat all steps using same first list until it is clean on Step One and then obtain a new first list from another question.

The above Routine is far less reliable than 2-12 but if a student or auditor does not know Model Session, Mid Ruds or Tiger Drilling, it will be less upsetting to the pc and get more done. Of course RSing Items will get lost by suppression but probably can be refound if the student just keeps working at it. A rather difficult ("never" RSing case) will get minimal gain on R2-10. There really are no "never" RSing cases except for a horribly inept auditor.

The percentage of dead horses with 2-10 will be found much greater than with R2-12. But 2-10 does work somewhat.

R2-10 can be used by new students, old auditors who are not recently trained and in Clearing Co-audits under Instructors, but should not be used by trained auditors. These should use R2-12. Others should use 2-10 only until they can be trained in 2-12,


[The above HCO B incorporates HCO B 8 December 1962, Corrections-HCO Bulletin of December 5, AD12, and HCO B 17 December 1962, Correction to HCO Bulletin of December 5, 1962, which simply corrected errors in the writing, typing and proofreading of the original mimeo issue.]