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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Auditing the False Purpose Rundown (FPRD-5RA) (2) - B840609RA96 | Сравнить
- Auditing the False Purpose Rundown (FPRD-5RA) - B840609RA96 | Сравнить
- Auditing the False Purpose Rundown (FPRD-5RA, Max H) - B840609RB09 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 22 March 1996
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
False Purpose RD AuditorsFalse Purpose RD Auditors
False Purpose RD C/SesFalse Purpose RD C/Ses
Cramming OfficersCramming Officers
(Revised to handle compilation errors which gave an incorrect sequence of taking up volunteered evil purposes before pulling the pc's overts, and did not clearly state the EP of an FPRD chain. With this revision the procedure exactly follows LRH tech data and handles the possibility of auditors missing withholds. Revisions in Arial.)(Revised to handle compilation errors which gave an incorrect sequence of taking up volunteered evil purposes before pulling the pc's overts, and did not clearly state the EP of an FPRD chain. With this revision, the procedure exactly follows the LRH tech data and handles the possibility of auditors missing withholds. Revisions in script.)
False Purpose Rundown Series 5RAFalse Purpose Rundown Series 5RA





  • LRH Technical Training Film TR-14, Confessional TRs
  • LRH Technical Training Film, TR-1 4, Confessional TRs
  • HCOB 30 Nov 78R Rev. 10.11.87 Confessional Procedure
  • HCOB 30 Nov. 78R CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE Rev. 10.11.87
  • HCOB 5 Jun 84R FPRD Series 1R The False Purpose Rundown Rev. 11.01.90
  • HCOB 5 June 84R FPRD Series 1R Rev. 11. 1. 90 FALSE PURPOSE RUNDOWN
  • Book: Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Chapter "Postulates"
  • Book: Advanced Procedure and Axioms Chapter "Postulates"
  • HCOB 28. Nov 70 C/S Series 22 Psychosis
  • HCOB 28 Nov. 70 C/S Series 22 PSYCHOSIS
  • HCOB 09. May 77 II ExDn Series 24 Psychosis, More About
  • HCOB 9 May 77 II ExDn Series 24 PSYCHOSIS, MORE ABOUT
  • HCOB 28 Feb 84 C/S Series 118 Pretended PTS
  • HCOB 28 Feb. 84 C/S Series 118 PRETENDED PTS
  • HCOB 27. Mar 84 C/S Series 119 Stalled Dianetics Clear: Solved
  • HCOB 07. Jun 84 FPRD Series 3 The Prior Confusion: New Tech Breakthrough
  • HCOB 08. Jun 84 FPRD Series 4 Clearing Justifications
  • HCOB 06. Nov 64 Styles of Auditing (Level II - Guiding Style)
  • HCOB 6 Nov. 64 STYLES OF AUDITING (Level II - Guiding Style)
  • HCOB 21. Mar 74 End Phenomena
  • HCOB 01. Mar 77 II Confessional Forms

  • The False Purpose Rundown is a brand-new development in the handling of overts, withholds, evil purposes and destructive intentions. Using this new technique they are traced straight down to their origins and blown.

    The False Purpose Rundown is a brand-new development in the handling of overts, withholds, evil purposes and destructive intentions. Using this new technique they are traced straight down to their origins and BLOWN.



    An evil purpose is a destructive purpose, intention or postulate.

    An evil purpose is a destructive purpose, intention or postulate.

    I discovered in 1970 that evil purposes are the basis of insanity. A person who continuously commits harmful acts has evil purposes. He is prompted by these purposes to commit overts. (Such a person often tries to keep these overts carefully hidden while continuing to commit them.)

    I discovered in 1970 that evil purposes are the basis of insanity. A person who continuously commits harmful acts has evil purposes. He is prompted by these purposes to commit overts. (Such a person often tries to keep these overts carefully hidden while continuing to commit them.)

    This does not mean that every pc who gives off an evil purpose is a raving psychotic or a John Dillinger or is bent only on destruction. It does not mean that any pc who discovers he has been dramatizing a destructive intention is an SP. What it does mean is that this is an area that will cause (or, more likely, has already caused) a great deal of difficulty or conflict not only for the pc himself but for those around him.

    This does not mean that every pc who gives off an evil purpose is a raving psychotic or a John Dillinger*Dillinger: Jhon Herbert Dillinger (1902-1934), American bank robber. or is bent only on destruction. It does not mean that any pc who discovers he has been dramatizing a destructive intention is an SP. What it does mean is that this is an area that will cause (or, more likely, has already caused) a great deal of difficulty or conflict not only for the pc, himself but for those around him.



    Evil purposes are, in effect, postulates.

    Evil purposes are, in effect, postulates.

    Research on purposes and postulates and their role in the general aberration of a case goes back as early as 1950, and a lot of material exists on this in HCOBs and in basic Dianetics and Scientology books.

    Research on purposes and postulates and their role in the general aberration of a case goes back as early as 1950, and a lot of material exists on this in HCOBs and in basic Dianetics and Scientology books.

    In dealing with this subject we are, in reality, dealing with a whole spectrum of what are actually postulates: considerations, intentions, purposes, service facsimiles and computations. These are all postulates.

    In dealing with this subject we are, in reality, dealing with a whole spectrum of what are actually postulates: considerations, intentions, purposes, service facsimiles and computations. These are all postulates.

    Such false purposes, false considerations, quasi-evil purposes and the like can sit squarely in the road of attempts to hat or train or get case gain on a person.

    Such false purposes, false considerations, quasi-evil purposes and the like can sit squarely in the road of attempts to hat or train or get case gain on a person.



    Underlying an overt chain you will very often find an evil purpose or destructive intention. In other words, when you start tracking down O/Ws with E/Ses keeping on a certain type of O/W, you will very likely run into an evil purpose on a case. The underlying evil purpose prompts the person to commit and continue committing harmful acts.

    Underlying an overt chain you will very often find an evil purpose or destructive intention. In other words, when you start tracking down O/Ws with E/Ses keeping on a certain type of O/W, you will very likely run into an evil purpose on a case. The underlying evil purpose prompts the person to commit and continue committing harmful acts.

    The breakthrough that I have made on this line is in the application of prior confusion tech to the handling of overts and evil purposes. Just as an evil purpose can be found at the bottom of a chain of overts, so can a confusion be found just prior to an evil purpose.

    The breakthrough that I have made on this line is in the application of prior confusion tech to the handling of overts and evil purposes. Just as an evil purpose can be found at the bottom of a chain of overts, so can a confusion be found just prior to an evil purpose.

    Once the first underlying prior confusion on that chain is located, it is only necessary to have the pc spot the first moment of it to cause it to blow.

    Once the first underlying prior confusion on that chain is located, it is only necessary to have the pc spot the FIRST MOMENT of it to cause it to blow.



    On the False Purpose Rundown, the auditor's aim is to pull an overt down its E/S chain, then get the underlying evil purpose, and run the purpose back to the prior confusion and earlier times he had that same purpose, getting the prior confusion each time, until the evil purpose blows.

    On the False Purpose Rundown, the auditor’s aim is to pull an overt down its E/S chain, then get the underlying evil purpose, and run the purpose back to the prior confusion and earlier times he had that same purpose, getting the prior confusion each time, untill the evil purpose blows.

    The end phenomena the auditor is going for is finding and blowing the underlying evil purpose, accompanied by an F/N, cognition and VGIs.

    The end phenomena the auditor is going for is finding and blowing the underlying evil purpose, accompanied by an F/N, cognition and VGIs.

    Often the pc has a spectacular release on locating and blowing the evil purpose, and sometimes he has such a big win that there is a persistent F/N, but the EP is as above: F/N, cognition, VGIs and evil purpose blown.

    Often the pc has a spectacular release on locating and blowing the evil purpose, and sometimes he has such a big win that there is a persistent FIN. But the EP is as above: FIN, cognition, VGIs and evil purpose blown.



    A False Purpose RD auditor must be a graduate of the new Hubbard False Purpose Rundown Auditor course and provenly competent in handling the high-precision tech of the rundown. A prerequisite to this course is the Hubbard Senior Security Checker Course, where one becomes a highly skilled sec checker. No one who has not successfully completed these two courses may audit the False Purpose Rundown.

    A False Purpose RD auditor must be a graduate, of the new Hubbard False Purpose Rundown Auditor Course and provenly competent in handling the high-precision tech of the rundown. A prerequisite to this course is the Hubbard Senior Security Checker Course, where one becomes a highly skilled Sec Checker. NO ONE who has not successfully completed these two courses may audit the False Purpose Rundown.



    Before starting False Purpose Rundown auditing on a pc, the auditor must first indoctrinate him on it. This is done as follows. Use the Scientology Tech Dictionary in addition to a good English dictionary in clearing words.

    Before starting False Purpose Rundown auditing on a pc, the auditor must first indoctrinate him on it. This is done as follows. Use the Scientology Tech Dictionary in addition to a good English dictionary in clearing words.

    1. Clear the words: overt act, overt, withhold, missed withhold, motivator, overt of omission, overt of commission, justification.

    1. Clear the words: overt act, overt, withhold, missed withhold, motivator, overt of omission, overt of commission, justification.

    2. Clear the basic Confessional procedure of pulling an overt or withhold.

    2. Clear the basic Confessional procedure of pulling an overt or withhold.

    3. Clear why justifications are gotten off as part of pulling an overt, using HCOB 8 June 84, FPRD Series 4, Clearing Justifications.

    3. Clear why justifications are gotten off as part of pulling an overt, using HCOB 8 June 84, FPRD Series 4, CLEARING JUSTIFICATIONS.

    4. Clear the words: purpose, intention, impulse, motive, goal, consideration, evil, bad, harmful, destructive, nonsurvival.

    4. Clear the words: purpose, intention, impulse, motive, goal, consideration, evil, bad, harmful, destructive, nonsurvival.

    5. Clear "evil purpose" in the Tech Dictionary and get the person to give examples using fruit words (e.g. "to smash an apple"). Ensure that he understands the difference between an evil purpose or intention and a good purpose or intention, and that we do not want to run out good intentions.

    5. Clear "evil purpose" in the Tech Dictionary and get the person to give examples using fruits words (e.g., "to smash an apple "). Ensure that he understands the difference between an evil purpose or intention and a good purpose or intention, and that we do not want to run out good intentions.

    6. Clear any previous uncleared words on the alphabetical word list for the False Purpose Rundown Correction List.

    6. Clear any previously uncleared words on the alphabetical word list for the False Purpose RD Correction List.

    7. Have the person read HCOB 5 June 84R, FPRD Series 1R, False Purpose Rundown, through the section "Research".

    7. Have the person read HCOB 5 June 84R, FPRD Series 1R, FALSE PURPOSE RUNDOWN, through the section "Research ".

    8. Have the person read HCOB 9 June 84RA, FPRD Series 5RA, Auditing The False Purpose Rundown, through the section "New Tech Breakthrough".

    8. Have the person read HCOB 9 June 84RA, FPRD Series 5RA, AUDITING THE FALSE PURPOSE RUNDOWN, through the section "New Tech Breakthrough ".

    9. Have the person read HCOB 7 June 84, FPRD Series 3, The Prior Confusion: New Tech Breakthrough.

    9. Have the person read HCOB 7 June 84, FPRD Series 3, THE PRIOR CONFUSION. NEW TECH BREAKTHROUGH

    10. Clear the steps of False Purpose Rundown auditing procedure on the pc. Have the pc study the diagram of an FPRD chain that is attached to this HCOB.

    10. Clear the steps of False Purpose Rundown auditing procedure on the pc. Have the pc study the diagram of an FPRD chain that is attached to this HCOB.

    11. Run through a nonsignificant question to demonstrate the procedure (e.g. "Have you ever smashed an apple?").

    11. Run through a nonsignificant question to demonstrate the procedure (e.g., “Have you ever smashed an apple?”).

    12. Clear the words "computation" and "service facsimile", as service facs can come up during FPRD auditing. Also clear HCOB 5 Sep 78, Anatomy Of A Service Facsimile, and the service fac brackets.

    12. Clear the words "computation " and "service facsimile ", as service facs can come up during FPRD auditing. Also clear HCOB 5 Sept. 78, ANATOMY OF A SERVICE FACSIMILE, and the service fac brackets.



    STEP A: Auditor clears and asks the question from the False Purpose RD form.

    STEP A: Auditor clears and asks the question from the False Purpose RD form.

    Example: "Do you have an overt on cats?"

    Example: "Do you have an overt on cats?"

    On each reading sec check question get the question answered fully and the overt pulled with time, place, form and event and pull any justifications of the overt as part of this. This is done with full sec checking tech.

    On each reading Sec Check question get the question answered fully and the overt pulled with time, place, form and event and pull any justifications of the overt as part of this. This is done with full Sec Checking tech.

    Take the overt question E/S to F/N, per Confessional procedure.

    Take the overt question E/S to FIN, per Confessional Procedure.

    Note: It is very important in running down these overt chains that the auditor keeps the pc on the same chain. Should the pc offer up some other overt or even an evil purpose disrelated to the chain being run, it is just noted in the worksheet for later reference. It would be an auditor error of magnitude to Q&A with such an origination and pursue it in the middle of handling the overt chain that was started with. (Ref: HCOB 21 Mar 62, Prepchecking Data, When To Do A What)

    Note: lt is very important in running down these overt chains that the auditor keeps the pc ON the same chain. Should the pc offer up some other sort of overt disrelated to the overt chain being run, it is noted in the worksheets for later reference. It would be an auditor error of magnitude to Q-and-A with such an origination and pursue it in the middle of handling the overt chain that was started with. (Ref: HCOB 21 Mar. 62, PREPCHECKING DATA, WHEN TO DO A WHAT)

    Additional Note: In running an overt E/S, the pc may volunteer an evil purpose that he feels underlies the overt chain. If this occurs, i.e. the pc originates an evil purpose, the auditor should acknowledge the pc and note the item on the worksheet, along with any meter read that occurred. The auditor is to then continue pulling the overt chain, with full use of Sec Checking tech, earlier-similar to F/N.

    Additional note: In running an overt E/S, the pc may volunteer an evil Purpose that he feels underlies that overt chain. If this occurs, i.e., the pc originates an evil purpose, the auditor should acknowledge the pc and note the item on the worksheet, along with any meter read that occurred. The auditor is to then continue pulling the overt chain, with full use of Sec Checking tech, earlier-similar to FIN.

    STEP B: After running the overt E/S to F/N, the auditor asks:

    STEP B:After running the overt E/S to FIN, the auditor asks:

    "Was there some evil purpose or destructive intention that prompted you to commit that overt?"


    and, if this reads, he pulls the evil purpose or destructive intention. The auditor is expected to put in "Suppress", "Invalidate" and other left-hand buttons if this question is not reading.

    and, if this reads, he pulls the evil purpose or destructive intention. The auditor is expected to put in "Suppress", "Invalidate" and other left-hand buttons if this question is not reading.

    (If this question ["Was there an evil purpose…"] still does not read despite being thoroughly worked over with buttons, this puts one back at Step A.

    (If this question ["Was there some evil purpose... "] still does not read despite being thoroughly worked over with buttons, this puts one back at step A. The original question one started with [e.g., "Do you have an overt on cats?"] is rechecked as per standard Confessional procedure. Once that original question F/Ns on being checked, carry on with the next question listed on the False Purpose RD form.)

    The original question one started with [e.g., "Do you have an overt on cats?"] is re-checked as per standard confessional procedure. Once that original question F/Ns on being checked, carry on with the next question listed on the False Purpose RD form.)

    The purpose or intention should read when the pc gives it. If there is no read when it is given and the pc is satisfied the wording is correct, the auditor puts in buttons on the item.

    The purpose or intention should read when the pc gives it. If there is no read when it is given and the pc is satisfied the wording is correct, the auditor puts in buttons on the item.

    In the event that the pc earlier volunteered the evil purpose that prompted the overt on that chain, and it read (or now reads), the auditor would not now ask this question ("Was there some evil purpose... ") but would take the item previously given and run it with Steps C1, C2 and so on.

    In the event that the pc earlier volunteered the evil purpose that prompted the overt on that chain, and it read (or now reads), the auditor would not now ask this question ("Was there some evil purpose…") but would take the item previously given and run it with Steps C1, C2 and so on.

    STEP C: Get the prior confusion which occurred just before that evil purpose. Then ask for and find the first moment of that prior confusion which led to that evil purpose.

    STEP C: Get the prior confusion which occurred just before that evil purpose. Then ask for and find the first moment of that prior confusion which led to that evil purpose.

    This is done as follows:

    This is done as follows:

    C1: The auditor asks:

    C1: The auditor asks:

    "WAS THERE A CONFUSION THAT OCCURRED JUST BEFORE YOU HAD THE PURPOSE (the wording of the evil purpose given by the pc)?"

    "Was there a confusion that occurred just before you had the purpose ______ ( the wording of the evil purpose given by the pc )?"

    (Example: "Was there a confusion that occurred just before you had the purpose to kill cats'?")

    (Example: "Was there a confusion that occurred just before you had the purpose 'to kill cats'?")

    and, by using the meter, the auditor finds this confusion.

    and, by using the meter, the auditor finds this confusion.

    C2: The auditor then asks:

    C2: The auditor then asks:


    "When was the first moment of that confusion?"

    and gets the pc to find this.

    and gets the pc to find this.

    STEP D: Ask the pc:

    STEP D: Ask the pc:

    "WAS THERE AN EARLIER TIME YOU HAD THE PURPOSE the wording of the evil purpose given by the pc )?"

    "Was there an earlier time you had the purpose ______ ( the wording of the evil purpose given by the pc )?"

    (Example: "Was there an earlier time you had the purpose to kill cats'?")

    (Example: "Was there an earlier time you had the purpose 'to kill cats'?")

    and find this earlier time the pc had that purpose.

    and find this earlier time the pc had that purpose.

    What is being looked for is NOT an earlier-similar purpose, but an earlier time the pc had THAT SAME EXACT PURPOSE.

    What is being looked for is not an earlier similar purpose, but an earlier time the pc had that same exact purpose.

    STEP E: Find the CONFUSION PRIOR TO THAT TIME as per Steps C1 and C2 above, and proceed to Step D.

    STEP E: Find the confusion prior to that time as per steps C1 and C2 above, and proceed to Step D.

    STEP F: The auditor continues going earlier as per Steps D and E, until the pc has found the first moment of the first confusion which led to THAT evil purpose. At that point the evil purpose should blow, accompanied by FIN, cognition and VG1s.

    STEP F: The auditor continues going earlier as per steps D and E, until the pc has found the first moment of the first confusion which led to that evil purpose. At that point the evil purpose should blow, accompanied by F/N, cognition and VGIs.

    STEP G: If all steps A through F have being done, yet there is still no EP, assess and handle a False Purpose RD Correction List.

    STEP G: If all steps A through F have been done yet there is still no EP, assess and handle a False Purpose RD Correction List.

    Once that question from the FPRD form has been taken to EP, the auditor rechecks it and, if reading, repeats Steps A, to G on it. Once that question F/Ns on rechecking the next question on the form is taken up and handled with Steps A, to G.

    Once that question from the FPRD form has been taken to EP, the auditor rechecks it and, if reading, repeats Steps A to G on it. Once that questions F/Ns on checking, the next question on the form is taken up and handled with Steps A to G.



    The False Purpose Rundown procedure utilizes a form that consists of a series of Sec Check questions related to a specific subject or area. There are different False Purpose RD Forms which the C/S may include in the pc's program. Whatever form is used, the auditor does the whole form on the, pc. Every question is cleared and checked on the, meter as per basic Sec Checking tech.

    The False Purpose Rundown procedure utilizes a form that consists of a series of Sec Check questions related to a specific subject or area. There are different False Purpose RD forms which the C/S may include in the pc's program. Whatever form is used, the auditor does the whole form on the pc. Every question is cleared and checked on the meter as per basic sec checking tech.

    Some of the questions on the form ask for overts (e.g., "Have you ever stolen materials from a school?") and other questions ask directly for evil purposes and destructive intentions (e.g., "Have you had an evil purpose towards a school teacher?").

    Some of the questions on the form ask for overts (e.g., "Have you ever stolen materials from a school?") and other questions ask directly for evil purposes and destructive intentions (e.g. "Have you had an evil purpose towards a school teacher?").

    On both types of questions, the auditor must vigorously pull the pc's overts per Confessional procedure.

    On questions which ask for an overt, one pulls the overt fully and then takes the question E/S to F/N. Then the evil purpose is asked for (Step B).

    On questions which ask for an overt, one pulls the overt fully and then takes the question E/S to F/N. Then the evil Purpose is asked for (Step B).

    On questions which ask directly for an evil purpose or destructive intention, the auditor must first get the question answered, pulling what the evil purpose is, and then pull the pc's overts of dramatizing that purpose. This is done regardless of what the evil purpose is. He may not have carried out that purpose fully, but he did something to dramatize it or committed some overt that is directly associated with that purpose. The auditor finds and pulls the overt, and gets any E/S overt by asking, "Is there an earlier time you ( type of overt just pulled )?" (or a similarly worded question that keeps the pc on that chain). He pulls the overt chain E/S to F/N. Then the evil purpose is handled as per Step C.

    On questions, which ask directly for an evil purpose or destructive intention, the auditor must first get the question answered, pulling what the evil purpose is and then pull the pc’s overts of dramatizing that purpose. This is done regardless of what the evil purpose is. He may not have

    For example, on the question "Have you had an evil purpose towards a school teacher?" the auditor pulls the reading evil purpose "to hit the teacher". Having done that, the auditor must then pull the overts committed in dramatizing the purpose "to hit the teacher". The auditor would first check to see if the pc did hit a teacher. In this example, the pc did not hit a teacher, but he did dramatize that purpose by slashing the tires of a teacher's car. That overt is pulled and taken E/S overt per Step A. Then the auditor runs the evil purpose "to hit the teacher" with Steps C1, C2 and so on.

    carried out, that purpose fully, but he did something to dramatize it or committed some ovet that is directly associated with that purpose. The auditor finds and pulls the overt, and gets any E/S overt by asking, "Is there an earlier-similar time you (type o overt just pulled)? " (or a similarly worded question that keeps the pc on that chain). He pulls the overt chain E/S to F/N. Then the evil purpose is handled as per Step C.

    The whole aim in doing this rundown is to locate overts and evil purposes on the case and fully blow them. These two types of sec check questions give two different approaches to getting off a person's overts, withholds and underlying evil intentions.

    For example, on the question "Have you had an evil purpose towards a school teacher? " the auditor pulls the reading evil purpose "to hit the teacher". Having done that, the auditor must then pull the overts committed in dramatizing the purpose "to hit the teacher ". The auditor would first check to see if the pc did hit a teacher. In this example, the pc did not hit a teacher, but he did dramatize that purpose by slashing the tires of a teacher's car. That overt is pulled and taken E/S overt per Step A. Then the auditor runs the evil purpose "to hit the teacher " with Steps C1, C2 and so on.


    The whole aim in doing this rundown is to locate overts and evil purposes on the case and fully blow them. These two types of Sec Check questions give two different approaches to getting off a person's overts, withholds and underlying evil intentions.

    The style of auditing used on the False Purpose RD is Level II, Guiding Style. The auditor must be well drilled in this style of auditing to be successful with the rundown.



    The style of auditing used on the False Purpose RD is Level II, Guiding Style. The auditor must be well drilled in this style of auditing to be successful with the rundown.

    Only evil or destructive intentions are picked up and handled in this auditing. Do not run good intentions.



    ONLY evil or destructive intentions are picked up and handled in this auditing. DO NOT run good intentions.

    Do not limit the pc to this lifetime when going E/S on overts or when asking for an earlier time he had that evil purpose. Almost all evil purposes are whole track.


    However, the FPRD auditor must be alert to any attempt by a pc to dive to a whole track overt when a question is asked, in an effort to avoid giving off a this-lifetime overt. One handles this as per standard Sec Checking tech as given in HCOB 30 Nov 78R Confessional Procedure.

    Do not limit the pc to this lifetime when going E/S or when asking for an earlier time he had that evil purpose. Almost all evil purposes are whole track.


    However, the FPRD Auditor must be alert to any attempt by a pc to dive directly to a whole track overt when a question is asked, in an effort to avoid giving off a this-lifetime overt. One handles this as per standard Sec Checking tech as given in HCOB 30 Nov. 78R, CONFESSIONAL PROCEDURE.

    By following the False Purpose RD procedure exactly, the auditor should be able to easily find and pull the pc's evil purposes. The pc is not asked listing questions, nor is L&N any part of the procedure. But it is possible that a pc could start listing and the auditor must be able to recognize and handle such a situation per standard listing tech.


    The auditor would handle an out list per HCOB 11 Apr 77, List Errors, Correction Of, and HCOB 17 Mar 74, TWC, Using Wrong Questions.

    By following the False Purpose RD procedure exactly, the auditor should be able to easily find and pull the pc's evil purposes. The pc is not asked listing questions, nor is L&N any part of the procedure. But it is possible that a pc could start listing and the auditor must be able to recognize and handle such a situation per standard listing tech.


    The auditor would handle an out-list per HCOB 11 Apr. 77, LIST ERRORS, CORRECTION OF and HCOB 17 Mar. 74, TWO-WAY COMM, USING WRONG QUESTIONS.

    Upon reviewing the session worksheets the C/S may find that a service fac was found and F/Ned, but not fully blown. In such an instance the C/S can order the service fac run in the R3SC brackets in a later session, to fully blow it. It is the auditors responsibility to ensure the item reads, if it isn't reading, it is not run.


    However, if one is doing a False Purpose RD Correction List and in doing so locates a reading service fac, the auditor should run it out with R3SC in that session.

    Upon reviewing the session worksheets the C/S may find that a service fac was found and F/Ned, but not fully blown. In such an instance the C/S can order the service fac run in the R3SC brackets in a later session, to fully blow it. It is the auditor's responsibility to ensure the item reads; if it isn't reading, it is not run.


    However, if one is doing a False Purpose RD Correction List and in doing so locates a reading service fac, the auditor should run it out with R3SC in that session.

    During a chain if the auditor hits an impasse, it is expected that he would apply the appropriate sec checking tools right then and there to handle: Murder routine, checking for a missed withhold, use of buttons, etc.


    If there is some bog that the auditor is unable to rapidly handle using the routine sec check debug tools, a False Purpose Rundown Correction List should be assessed and handled.

    During a chain if the auditor hits an impasse, it is expected that he would apply the appropriate Sec Checking tools right then and there to handle: Murder Routine, checking for a missed withhold, use of buttons, etc.


    If there is some bog that the auditor is unable to rapidly handle using the routine Sec Check debug tools, a False Purpose Rundown Correction List should be assessed and handled.

    The importance of using this tech of purposes and considerations is immeasurable.


    It can make the difference between complete failure and successful hatting; between a hell-bound existence and a pleasurable productive life.

    The importance of using this tech of purposes and considerations is immeasurable.

    This tech is for use. Use it well.

    It can make the difference between complete failure and successful hatting; between a hell-bound existence and a pleasurable, productive life.


    This tech is for use. Use it well.

    Compilation assisted by LRH Technical Research and CompilationL. RON HUBBARD
    LRH:RTRC:amgCompilation assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations

    HCOB 9.6.84RHCOB 9.6.84R
    Rev. 3.5.85Rev. 3.5.85