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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS Checklist of Int Errors (INTRD-16, CSS-102) - B781016-2 | Сравнить
- Repair Correction List - B781016 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Контрольный Список Ошибок Инт для КС (КС-102, ИНТРД-16) - Б781016-2 | Сравнить
- Коррекционный Список Исправления - Б781016 | Сравнить
- Проверочный Список Ошибок в Инт для КС (КС-102, ИНТРД-16) - Б781016-2 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
C/Ses Tech/Qual Class IV Grad Checksheet Interiorization Rundown Series 16
CS Series 102


There are two major errors that occur most frequently on Int handling which a C/S must be on the alert for:

1. Doing or running anything else before an Int Rundown when one is needed.

2. Overrunning the Int Rundown.

By far the commonest error is number one above. It happens most often at the very beginning of a session on Int itself, by the auditor engaging in two-way comm or ruds or a belabored and overcomplicated clearing of commands, or some other action than getting right onto the running of Int.

This is flagrant. When I was C/Sing, it is what I kept running into – the auditor doing all kinds of preliminary steps before starting Int. It boils down to auditing over out-Int, and it can’t be done.

You’ll get the auditor who says, “But all I did was ask him how he was feeling.” That’s enough. That’s two-way comm, and you can’t run anything else but Int when Int is out, and that includes two-way comm. You don’t ask the pc how he feels about anything. You just start the Int Rundown.

So that’s the first major error to watch for: somebody trying to run something else before the Int Rundown itself.

The second is overrun. Pc has a big cognition, a big win, TA blowdown, and the auditor misses it, goes right on past it and continues auditing. Or the pc exteriorizes and the auditor continues past exterior.

There is vital data on the end phenomena of Int on HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Int RD Series 2, and both C/S and auditor must have this data and know and be able to recognize the EP of Int when it occurs. Otherwise it will really mess up a case.

Those are the two major violations a C/S (and an auditor) must not permit in the running of Int if it is to be successful.

Because they are the most major errors they have been included first on the checklist below.


The following is a checklist to be used in the C/Sing of Int. The C/S checks a bogged session or any session on Int, against this list to detect the exact cause of the trouble, or an error that could be the source of future trouble in ensuing sessions.

1. Doing or running anything else before an Int Rundown when one is needed. (Includes ruds, 2-way comm, L1C, anything.)

2. Auditing over out-Int.

3. Overrunning the Int Rundown.

4. Auditing past exterior.

5. Overdoing the clearing steps preceding the actual rundown.

6. Running an Int button that only read on an MU or false read. (Failure to clear an Int button before running it.)

7. Clearing all of the Int buttons before assessment, instead of clearing only the button with the largest valid read.

8. Failure to use Suppress, Invalidate, and Misunderstood on an unreading Int button list.

9. Misassessment of the Int button list.

10. Doing an Int Rundown when none of the buttons have read. (Constitutes running an unreading item.)

11. Auditor can’t get reads or make a list read.

12. Not taking the Int Rundown to its full EP.

13. Not understanding the theory of Int and R3RA, and why one goes earlier or asks for an earlier beginning to the incident.

14. Running the concept of “was in” or “stuck in” instead of the concept of “moving in” or “going in” (on whatever the reading Int button is).

15. Not repeating the actual button for the chain when asking for an earlier incident. (Not knowing R3RA commands.)

16. Not completing a chain to full Dianetic EP.

17. Not completing any one flow on an Int button in one session; thus ending a session on an unflat flow.

18. Introducing Flow 0 to a pc for the first time on Int Rundown or Int repair. (i.e. running a Triple pc on Quad Flows.)

19. Auditing over an earlier Dianetic error.

20. Auditing the rundown “to exteriorize” the pc.

21. Using preassessment or AESPs on Int.

22. Misassessing or incorrectly handling the Int Correction List.

23. Overcorrecting the Int Rundown.

24. Running Dianetics on a Dianetic Clear, Scn Clear or OT.

25. And, on the part of the C/S, attempting to correct a botched Int Rundown without a full FES of the Int RD or any Int repair being done first.


The above points are all covered fully in the Int Rundown Series. Cases that are not running well on Int will be found to have had one or more of these errors committed on them.

Using the above list to spot and prevent Int errors will make the C/S’s job lighter and give both auditor and pc a smoother run on Int.
