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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS Rules (CSS-042) - B710609-2 | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Правила КС (КС-42) - Б710609-2 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710609 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - CS Tips [B011-075]
- 710609 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - CS Tips [B044-073]
- 710609 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - CS Tips [B142-041]
- 710609 Issue 1RA - HCO Bulletin - CS Tips [B130-017]
- 710609 Issue 1RA - HCO Bulletin - CS Tips [B130-018]
- 710609 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - CS Rules [B011-076]
- 710609 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - CS Rules [B142-042]
- 710609 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - CS Rules [B011-077]
- 710609 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - CS Rules [B044-074]
- 710609 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - CS Rules [B142-043]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
CS Series 41CS Series 42


C/S Rules



Always C/S to correct lists first when lists are out or suspected to be out.

Don't leave cycles incomplete on a case.

Don't do ARC Breaks first in a case of out lists as an out list can make an ARC Break that can't be handled by ARC Break but only an L4B.

If a C/S starts a 37R and the auditor goofs, correct the auditor and then get the 37R completed. Don't disperse and do something new.

On a GF when lists show up or overlists you should handle that (first action in handling the GF) but also you must order an "L4B Method 5 and Handle. " Method 5 is the once through for assessment.

If you have a program going and it's goofed, repair the auditor and the goofed pc and continue the program you began on the case.


Repair (Progress) Programs are ended when the pc is flying nicely. When a repair hits that, don't re-repair.

When auditors can get no reads on things you get their

On Advance Programs, take each step to its EP. Don't suddenly start something new.

a) TRs checked to see if they can even be heard.

A sure way to solve a case is go back and find the earliest incomplete program, complete it and so on up to PT.

b) Their metering checked for meter position on auditing table, can they see meter, pc and write without shifting eyes? And can they see pc's hands on the cans?

Keep your "finger in the book" on a case. Don't lose your place. That's done by having the current program on the inside front cover, paper clipped on, and checked off with each step done. When it's done, put a new program on top of it.

And was the meter turned on and charged and can an auditor work the Tone Arm smoothly with his thumb?

Insist that auditors keep up the inside front cover folder summary each session with their auditing time and admin time in the box. This FS is a 2 column set of boxes, date, what's run, F/N or bogged and time.

c) Does the auditor discount reads gotten on clearing commands? (They are the reads.)

By seeing Admin is in you can keep your place in the book or study back rapidly to find what's been done.

d) Can the auditor read out a list and see the meter reads as a coordinated action?



The deadliest faults on cases are running the same action or grade twice. This drives TAs up through the roof.

Send auditors to cramming on all flubs, insist they go to cramming, insist Cramming calls them in and crams them and insist on a carbon copy of the fact that cramming has been done. All the hard work of C/Sing comes in when auditors are flubby.

Example: Power done in '65. Done again in '69!

It takes weeks to make an auditor after he has had a course and it's only done by Cram-Cram – Cram.

Example: Grade IV done in '69, done in '70.


You find the case isn't doing well or find the error. In doubles, rehab by date of the first time it was done.

Never order an R-Factor that takes pc into future or past as he then won't be in session. Example: C/Ses "R-Factor we are setting you up for Dianetics. " Promptly the pc is up ahead not in this session.

I've seen Interiorization done three times on one pc, Power twice and the same Dianetic Chains run over and over. And people wondered "Why is the TA high"!


So when you order a major action always check to see if it's ever been done before! Save you grief. And if a major action won't run, suspect it may have been done before.

There are many ways to start a session. Don't mix them.


  • It's "2WC what do you have your attention on?"

Always set up a case fully for the next major action.

  • "Fly a rud if no F/N. "
  • Don't overrepair. But be sure the case is not sick, has had good exam forms and does well.

  • "Fly all ruds. "
  • Then C/S the next major action.

  • "2WC the TA down. "

  • "Fly a rud or GF + 40 Method 5 and handle. "
  • Never blame the pc. Many it is true are dog cases.

    It's not a mixture of frantic efforts to get a TA down.

    But even dog cases can be handled.

    If the auditor can't on what the C/S says the auditor ends off.

    When you find auditors (or feel yourself) blaming the pc, get the overts and withholds run out.

    Interiorization is undone or out, there may be list errors, there may be overruns, but for sure it's a case for folder study, not for an auditor C/Sing in the chair.

    Once I got the most splendid sessions out of an HGC. I had the auditor's overts and withholds checked on each auditor before he went into session. It was just research, but my it worked! Those were the smoothest sessions! Pcs began to fly!


    Too many times one blames the pc only to find later that the auditor's TRs were ghastly and that a major action had been run twice. Such discoveries make a C/S out of a C/S.

    Train your auditors never try to get a TA down from 3.5 or above on ARC Breaks.




    Some auditors see a TA sink below 2.0 and then won't continue the 2WC or process to get the TA back up.

    "The TA sank so I quit" is a common auditor note.

    Compare this: "The TA rose above 3.0 so I quit. "

    See? Doesn't make sense.

    If a TA sinks below 2.0 – and the auditor's TRs are good – the same action will usually bring it up to 2.0 and F/N.

    Come down hard on auditors who do this.

    Get their TRs checked, make them continue.


    Pcs whose TAs are high in session or low in session and get F/N at the Exams put the finger on the auditor. They are protesting or being overwhelmed.

    Always C/S "Examiner! Ask pc what auditor did in session. "

    Then you know it's the auditor or the case. The pc will say the auditor was okay. So it's case. But usually when cases are puzzles there's weird things going on with TRs.

    Also the auditor may be noisy or laugh hard or is boisterous and being "interesting".

    C/S VIA

    The C/S is handling cases on the via of an auditor.

    If the auditor is perfect the C/S can handle the work out of the case. If the auditor is not perfect in TRs, metering, Code, reports and doing the C/S then the C/S is solving a factor unknown to him, not the pc's case.

    So, be a perfect C/S. Demand perfect auditing. Cases fly.


    A C/S who assesses a pc to higher levels to solve lower ones is really asking for a wreck.

    It's always the earlier actions that are out.

    Trying to cheat a case up to Grade 2 when he won't run on Grade I is like trying to run the whole grade chart to cure a cold.

    A pc can always be solved in or below where he is.

    "Oh, we'll put him up a grade and cure his high TA" is like "He can't pass kindergarten so we'll enroll him in college. "


    A C/S has to know his auditing materials, HCO Bs and texts much better than an auditor.

    If a C/S is not being successful, get a retread on VI and VIII materials.

    A C/S also must be confident he could crack the case as an auditor.

    When a C/S is shaky on his materials then the world of auditing looks very unstable.

    The tech is very exact, very effective. If any errors existed in it they've been corrected.

    So the variables are the knowledge of the C/S, his discipline and demands of auditors and the actions of the auditor.

    If these are stable then the cases that come along are easy as can be.

    The successful C/S knows his materials. If he wants to be even more successful he keeps his study up.

    Then he is steady and calm for he is totally certain.
