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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS and Cramming Cycles (CSS-68, CRAM-9) - BTB711208 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711208 - HCO Bulletin - CS and Cramming Cycles, The [B011-255]
- 711208 - HCO Bulletin - CS and Cramming Cycles, The [B047-029]
CONTENTS THE C/S AND CRAMMING CYCLES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Reissued 3 July 1974 as BTB
HCO Bulletin of 8 December 1971
Same Title
Remimeo All C/Ses Cramming Officer Hat Cramming Series 9
CS Series 68


A fast way for any C/S to go into Doubt about the skills of his Auditors is to send them to Cramming and get only a “done” back.

Cramming is there to find the real cause of any error. So if the real Why is not made known to the C/S he has a “something is wrong with Joe’s TRs” which hangs up in time and never is resolved.

A response from Cramming to an order from the C/S to “check his TRs – Pc’s TA went low in session – “ which states: “I checked his TRs and they are good. But he audited the Pc in a room that was overhot and the cans were too big. He has been drilled on Auditor’s Code and session environment handling and HCO Bs on TA Errors and now has this down pat. It won’t happen again,” leaves the C/S in no doubt as to what really happened. What’s more he can order this repaired on the Pc by a “2wc on times he felt worried about his TA or F/Ns” taken E/Sim to F/N (which will clear it up).

Furthermore the Auditor now knows that the C/S knows what the real error was, doesn’t get hung with a withhold or a false idea about his TRs from the C/S.

In essence one is putting the Exact Truth on the line.

So the following rule is now mandatory in all HGCs and Quals:

The Cramming Officer is always on any cramming order to report the exact outnesses found or the exact session goofs, with any additional data, in detail, to the C/S.

A C/S receiving a Cramming Order back giving no Why or an unreal Why that does not make sense when compared with the session and its results must return the Cramming Slip to the Cramming Officer requiring the Why be found or the wrong Why abandoned and the real Why found and corrected.

A good C/S should know his Data Series down cold and be able to spot such outpoints at once. He would go over the session with the Cramming Officer and point out what it is he wants handled.

This data is not theoretical but is taken from actual practical experience in C/Sing.

Flag Dept 12 C/S
Reissued as BTB
by Flag Mission 1234
Authorized by AVU
for the
of the