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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Expanded Green Form 40RD, EXGF 40RD - B710630RB78 | Сравнить
- Expanded Green Form 40RE, EXGF 40RE - B710630RC81 | Сравнить
- Standard CS for WC Method 1 (WCS-8RB) - B710630-2RB72 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Расширенная Зеленая Форма 40RD - Б710630RB78 | Сравнить
- Стандартное КС для Прояснения Слов в Сессии Метода 1 (ПСЛ-8RB) (2) - Б710630-2R72 | Сравнить
- Стандартное КС для Прояснения Слов в Сессии Метода 1 (ПСЛ-8RB) - Б710630-2R72 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40 [B011-099]
- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40R [B011-139]
- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RA (40RR) [B011-231]
- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RA (40RR) [B012-014]
- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B011-129]
- 710630 - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B011-131]
- 710630 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing [B011-100]
- 710630 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B049-046]
- 710630 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B012-110]
- 710630 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B082-016]
- 710630 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B143-005]
- 710630 Issue 2RC - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B130-028]
- 710630R - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RB [B130-026]
- 710630R - HCO Bulletin - Standard CS for Word Clearing In Session - Method 1 [B044-095]
- 710630RA - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RA (40RR) [B044-094]
- 710630RB - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RD - EXGF40RD [B166-004]
- 710630RB - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RD - EXGF40RD [B174-012]
- 710630RC - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RE - GF 40XRE [B055-022]
- 710630RC - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RE - GF 40XRE [B082-010]
- 710630RD - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RF - GF 40XRF [B079-019]
- 710630RD - HCO Bulletin - Expanded Green Form 40RF - GF 40XRF [B130-027]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Суссекс
Выпуск II
(Пересмотрен 9 авг 71)
(Пересмотрен 11 мая 72)
(Отменяет БОХС 30 июня 71 Выпуск II, Только 8П и 8ПП)
Class IV GradТех & Квал
Auditor ChecksheetsОдиторам
SHSBC Level FПрояснителям Слов
ChecksheetsСерия Прояснение слов, 8ПБ
Class IV Grad and above auditors C/Ses


(Revisions Not in Script)

0. Проясните слова в Коррекционном Списке Прояснения Слов, так чтобы он был готов для использования в случае затруднения.


1. Запустите рудименты, если нет П/С. Если РТ высока или низка, не пытайтесь запустить рудимент по разрывам АРО. Выполните К/С 53RRR вместо этого.

The Expanded Green Form 40RE is used with the Resistive Cases Assessment on a resis­tive case to precisely locate and solve its resistiveness.

(См. "Права Одитора" Серия К/С I при наличии каких-либо проблем у преклира. При ошибках в более раннем прояснении слов используйте БОХС 21 июля 1971 ПЕРЕСМОТРЕННЫЙ для необходимого улаживания и коррекции прояснения слов.)

The assessment of the Resistive Cases will direct the auditor to the type of the pc’s resis­tiveness. Further assessment is then done in the section of the Expanded Green Form 40RE ap­propriate to what has read on the Resistive Cases Assessment and handlings are given for what has been found.

2. Не проясняйте эти слова перед оцениванием.

This list provides a fast and direct method for solving resistive cases.


Before using this list on any pc the auditor must have first checked out on HCOB 8 Dec 78 II GREEN FORM AND EXPANDED GREEN FORM 40RD, USE OF.

Р-Фактор: Мы сейчас пройдем список предметов, чтобы определить, есть ли в них какие-либо слова, которые ты не понял во время их изучения.


(Быстро и четко оцените весь список, с хорошим ТУ 1 и отметкой всех показаний Э-метра.)

(If this assessment has just been done on the Green Form #40 question, it is not repeated. Go right into the Expanded Green Form 40RE assessments.)


Assess Method 5 the following Resistive Cases. If any item reads, go to its corresponding section on the Expanded Green Form 40RE and assess Method 5 all the items in that section. As­sess the section on the Expanded Green Form 40RE that corresponds to each reading item.


When all sections corresponding to the reading Resistive Cases items are assessed you will have a full picture of the pc’s resistiveness.


Then, if you have C/S okay, take up each reading section on the GF 40XRE in the order in which they are listed below and handle reads per the instructions given.


Otherwise, return to the C/S for programming.




A. Recalls, as well as R3RA Preassessment and Engram running have been added to the han­dlings on some sections of the list. Where these are included on a handling, use the Recall steps on Dianetic Clears, OTs and anyone who is on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. Do not run any Dianetics on such pcs or OTs. (This applies to any of the items or sections where Recalls and R3RA Narrative and Engram running are given as handlings.)


B. If this list is done as part of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive and if it is established in that intensive that the pc is not yet Clear, the pc should then, on completion of the DCSI, be run on the R3RA steps if necessary (providing the flows read when checked).


C. Cases in the Non Interference Zone would not receive this list.


D. All cases other than those listed in A and C above are run on the R3RA Narrative and En­gram running handlings. (NOTE: Recalls would not be run on these cases unless specifically or­dered by the C/S. This might be done, for example, on a case where the pc was not yet capable of running engrams and required a more gradient approach.)

ФизикаРелигиозные церемонии
Технические ДисциплиныКорабли
СаентологияВоенное дело
ТеософияВоенно-морской флот
ЮриспруденцияНебесные Тела
Письменные МатериалыСредства передвижения
ГрамматикаСлова устной речи
Гуманитарные дисциплиныЛЕКЦИИ

Добавьте пункты, относящиеся к жизни данного конкретного преклира.

OVERWHELMED?________________________ ______________________________ ________________________ E.________________________ CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY?

3. Задайте вопрос: “Есть ли в этом списке какое-либо слово, которого ты не понял?”.


Проясните его. Затем перейдите к Шагу 5, прежде чем продолжать работу. (Не оценивайте этот список заново, так как в нем было непонятое слово.)

4. Возьмите оставшиеся давшие показания пункты, начиная с самого лучшего показания и т.д. и доведите через БР/П каждое слово до П/С. Доводите каждое обнаруженное вами слово до П/С. В одном предмете может быть получено много П/С. Завершайте, получив победу на предмете.


5. “В предмете , какое слово было не понято?”


Он ОБЯЗАН посмотреть его в словаре, так что имейте под рукой хороший словарь. Не принимайте слов "Я знаю, что это значит", если слово или предмет дали показание. ПРОЯСНЯЙТЕ "ГРАММАТИКУ" или грамматические слова по простой книжке по грамматике, а не по словарю.


Это не более ранний случай, когда он не понял это слово. Это более раннее слово в этом предмете, или это может быть более ранний предмет.

Соображения в отношении этого и другие вопросы не затрагиваются.


Оверты–висхолды игнорируются. Они не обрабатываются по предмету слов. Они проходятся в рудиментах сессии.


Просто выполняйте процесс, и он даст в конце концов П/С по каждой цепи.


6. Когда все показания по первому оцениванию обработаны до П/С, ОЦЕНИТЕ ЗАНОВО весь список. Не убирайте из него уже обработанные пункты.

7. Повторите Шаг 4.


8. Повторите Шаг 5.


9. Повторите Шаг 6, и т.д..



11. Устойчивая П/С должна быть достигнута при оценивании всего списка, что является КЯ сессий Прояснения Слов.

HAVE NOT HAD AUDITING? ______ I-1. SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? ______ I-2. HAVE TAKEN DRUGS? ______ J. FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? ______ K. HAVE BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES? ______ L-1. OUT OF VALENCE? ______ L-2. ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE? ______ M-1. PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED? ______ M-2. PRETENDING “STATES” NOT ATTAINED? ______ N. AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? ______ O. MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING? ______ SECTION A - WENT DIANETIC CLEAR AND NEVER ATTESTED *If items A-1 or A-2 read, 2WC to F/N and return folder to the C/S. (Items A-1 and A-2 are not assessed when doing a DCSI.) SECTION B - DOESN’T WANT AUDITING B-1. DO YOU NOT WANT AUDITING? ______ 2WC to find out why not. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately B-2. ARE YOU REFUSING AUDITING? ______ 2WC to find out why. It will be an out-rud or an out-list. Handle appropriately. B-3. ARE YOU PROTESTING AUDITING? ______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. B-4. DO YOU DISLIKE TALKING TO AN AUDITOR? ______ If so, run “Look at me. Who am I?” to F/N. Then “What could you say?” to F/N. B-5. HAS NO ONE ASKED WHAT YOU REALLY WANT? ______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. B-6. HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING WRONG WITH F/Ns? ______ Find the fault and handle with False TA HCOBs. Rehab any overruns due to false TA. SECTION C - AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT C-1. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH RUDIMENTS OUT? ______ Find out which and handle to F/N. C-2. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN ARC BREAK? ______ ARCU CDEINR E/S to F/N. C-3. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A PROBLEM? ______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. C-4. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER A WITHHOLD? ______ What was the withhold? Who missed it? E/S to F/N. C-5. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED OVER AN OVERT? ______ What was the overt? E/S overt to F/N. C-6. ARE YOU LYING TO PEOPLE? ______ Itsa E/S Itsa to F/N. C-7. DO YOU HAVE SECRETS? ______ 2WC what secrets E/S to F/N. C-8. ARE YOU HERE FOR REASONS NOT DISCLOSED? ______ If so, L&N “What was your original reason for coming here?” R3RA Triple or Quad if an evil purpose. Program for EXDN. (On a Dianetic Clear or OT, do the L&N step only.) If the person’s reason for being here is suspect, such as to harm or get data for another agency, etc. HCO must be notified after the session. The person may not admit to hav­ing a discreditable reason for being in the org and so might need a special HCO Con­fessional to find out all the data. C-9. DO YOU HAVE AN EVIL PURPOSE? ______ L&N “What evil purpose do you have?” R3RA Triple or Quad. Program for EXDN. (On a Dianetic Clear or OT, do the L&N step only.) SECTION D - OVERWHELMED D-1. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY AUDITING? ______ Run out the incident of overwhelm R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (On F1, acknowl­edge what the pc says and continue with R3RA Narrative commands 2-9, A-EYE.)

F2: Return to the time you caused another to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there.

F3: Return to the time others caused others to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there.

F0: Return to the time you caused yourself to be overwhelmed by auditing and tell me when you are there.

(Progress Program.) (On a Dianetic Clear or OT 2WC for data and use the appropriate correction list to locate and indicate the by-passed charge.) D-2. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY LIFE? ______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting “by life”. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-3. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED BY FAMILY CONNECTIONS? ______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting “by family connec­tions”. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-4. HAVE YOU BEEN OVERWHELMED ON YOUR POST? (ON YOUR JOB?) ______ Handle as in D-1 with Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad, substituting “on your post” or “on your job” whichever is appropriate and has read. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. D-5. ARE YOU RESTIMULATED IN YOUR CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? ______ Run out the time he felt restimulated in his environment R3RA Narrative Triple or Quad. (Progress Program.) 2WC and the appropriate correction list on Dianetic Clears or OTs. SECTION E - CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY E-1. ARE YOU CONTINUOUSLY COMMITTING OVERTS ON SCIENTOLOGY? ______ L&N “What are you trying to prevent?” R3RA Triple/Quad preventing (item) 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. On a Dianetic Clear or OT the handling is: L&N “What are you trying to prevent?” 2WC committing continuous overts and pull them, E/S to F/N. E-2. DO YOU KEEP ON GOOFING? ______ Handle as in E-1. E-3. ARE YOU COMMITTING CONTINUOUS OVERTS IN LIFE? ______ Handle as in E-1. SECTION F - SUPPRESSEDCONNECTED TO AN ANTAGONISTIC PERSON F-1. ARE YOU CONNECTED TO SOMEONE HOSTILE OR ANTAGONISTIC TO SCIENTOLOGY? ______ PTS Interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling. F-2. ARE OTHERS ANTAGONISTIC TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING? ______ PTS Interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling F-3. HAVE YOU BEEN SUPPRESSED BY ANOTHER? ______ 2WC to F/N. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling including a PTS C/S-l per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III, EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-l. F-4. DO YOU MAKE GAINS AND THEN LOSE THEM? ______ PTS Interview. C/S to program as needed for further PTS handling including a PTS C/S-1 per HCOB 31 Dec 78 III, EDUCATING THE POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCE, THE FIRST STEP TOWARD HANDLING: PTS C/S-1. F-5. DO YOU RECEIVE GAINS OR BENEFITS FROM BEING ILL OR DISABLED? ______ 2WC to F/N. Return to C/S. SECTION G - SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL G-1. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY PHYSICALLY ILL? 2WC to find out what the illness or symptoms are. Return the folder to the C/S. Pro­gram per HCOB 24 Jul 69R SERIOUSLY ILL PCs and BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. ______ G-2. IS YOUR BODY ILL? ______ 2WC “What seems to be wrong with your body?” to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-3. ARE YOU MENTALLY ILL? ______ Handle as a withhold. E/S “Is there an earlier time you were mentally ill?” to F/N. R3RA Narrative Triple/Quad. Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA Tri­ple/Quad. Omit the R3RA Narrative and engram running steps on a Dianetic Clear or OT or a person being run on the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive. On a Dianetic Clear or OT, the C/S would determine any other handling needed. If this list is done as a part of the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive and if it is established in that intensive that the pc is not yet Clear, the pc should then, on completion of the DCSI, be run on the R3RA steps if necessary (providing the flows read when checked). G-4. DO YOU HAVE ANY BROKEN BONES? ______ 2WC to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-5. DO YOU HAVE ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASE? ______ 2WC to get the data on what it is to F/N. Medical treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-6. DO YOU HAVE ANY HIDDEN ILLNESSES? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR IN­JURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-7. DO YOU HAVE ANY TOOTH DECAY? ______ 2WC to F/N. Dental treatment followed by a program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-8. DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICALLY DAMAGED PARTS? ______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-9. DO YOU HAVE ANY BODY PARTS MISSING? ______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. G-10. HAVE YOU HAD ANY BODY PARTS REMOVED? ______ 2WC to find out what, to F/N. Program per BTB 28 May 74RB FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURIES AND ILLNESSES. SECTION H - HAS NOT HAD AUDITING H-1. HAVE YOU NOT HAD AUDITING? ______ L&N “Who or what would prevent auditing?” Triple or Quad Ruds and overts on the item. H-2. HAVE YOU BEEN SELF AUDITING? ______ 2WC to find out when the PC first started self auditing. Do an L1C on the prior upset. If the prior upset was in auditing, use the appropriate correction list. H-3. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED IN AN EARLIER LIFE? 2WC to F/N. C/S to program to handle any overrun or other difficulties with past auditing, if needed. ______ SECTION I – SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS
I-1. ARE YOU SEEKING THE SAME THRILL ATTAINED FROM DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed “Is there an earlier time you were seeking the same thrill attained from drugs?”)

A. If the Pc has had the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown or a Drug Rundown, FES the actions and fully repair any errors found including use of the ap­propriate repair list (i.e. Survival RD Repair List, L3RG for Dianetic errors, End of Endless Drug Rundowns Repair List, etc. If needed, complete the Rundown(s)).

B. If the PC has not had these Rundowns, Advance Program for the Purification Rundown, Survival Rundown and:

1. For Pre-Clears: Full Drug handling per C/S Series 48RD.

2. For Dianetic Clears: The Scientology Drug Rundown.

3. For OT III or above: The OT Drug Rundown. I-2. HAVE YOU TAKEN DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. I-3. DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TO TAKE DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. I-4. HAVE YOU NEVER TAKEN DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed “Is there an earlier time you never took drugs?”) I-5. ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. (E/S if needed “Is there an earlier time you were curious about drugs?”) I-6. HAS MEDICINE ACTED AS DRUGS? ______ 2WC to F/N. Handle as in I-1. I-7. HAVE YOU REVERTED TO DRUGS? MEDICINE? ALCOHOL? ______ 2WC to F/N any reads. Handle as in I-1. SECTION J - FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY J-1. HAVE YOU HAD A FORMER THERAPY BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? ______ Handle per Note at bottom of Page 1.

Triple or Qual Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.)

F-1: “Recall a time you had a former therapy before Scientology.”

F-2: “Recall a time you gave a former therapy to another.”

F-3: “Recall a time another gave a former therapy to another or others.”

F-0: “Recall a time you gave yourself a former therapy.”

Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on having a former therapy:

F-1: Return to the time you had a former therapy and tell me when you are there.

F-2: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to another and tell me when you are there.

F-3: Return to the time others gave a former therapy to another or others and tell me when you are there.

F-0: Return to the time you gave a former therapy to yourself and tell me when you are there.

Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple or Quad. J-2. HAVE YOU HAD MEDICAL THERAPY? Handle as in J-1, substituting “Medical Therapy”. ______ J-3. HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHIATRIC THERAPY? ______ 2WC to F/N. Find out the nature of the therapy.

Note: Report it to HCO after session. (Ref. HCO PL/HCOB 6 Dec 76R ILLEGAL PCs, ACCEPTANCE OF) HCO must handle in liaison with the C/S before any more audit­ing is delivered unless clearance for auditing has already been obtained with evidence in the folder.

A. If pc has okay to be processed and if no electric shock, insulin shock or other type of shock or heavy drug therapy is involved, C/S programs for handling per HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES, other applicable C/S Series, and per note at bottom of Page 1 of the GF 40XRE. Program might include:

Handle as in J-l and per note at bottom of Page 1 of GF 40XRE substituting “Psychiatric Therapy”.

B. If pc has okay to be processed and psychiatric treatment involved electric or insulin or other shock or heavy drug therapy, the C/S programs the case for handling per: THE BOOK OF CASE REMEDIES; applicable C/S Series including HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES; and all Tech Volume references on shock. J-4. HAVE YOU HAD PSYCHOLOGY THERAPY? ______ Handle as in J-1, substituting “Psychology Therapy”. J-5. HAVE YOU HAD DENTAL THERAPY? ______ Handle as in J-1, substituting “Dental Therapy J-6. HAVE YOU HAD ELECTRIC SHOCK? ______ 2WC to F/N. Find out the nature/extent of the electric shock.

A. If pc has been electric shocked at the hands of psychiatrists, handle per J-3.

B. If pc received electric shock accidentally or some such, and it is more than a minor shock, the C/S programs the case for handling per: The Book Of Case Remedies; ap­plicable C/S Series including HCOB 13 Jun 70, C/S Series 3, SESSION PRIORITIES and all Tech Volume references on shock.

C. If pc has received only very minor shock do nothing more than the 2WC to F/N. SECTION K - HAS BEEN PART OF EARLIER PRACTICES K-l. ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY BODY PRACTICES? ______ Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1.

Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.)

F-1: “Recall a time you took part in body practices.”

F-2: “Recall a time you caused another to take part in body practices.”

F-3: “Recall a time another caused another or others to take part in body practices.”

F-0: “Recall a time you caused yourself to take part in body practices.”

Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on body practices:

F-1: Return to the time you took part in body practices and tell me when you are there.

F-2: Return to the time you caused another to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there.

F-3: Return to the time others caused another or others to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there.

F-0: Return to the time you caused yourself to take part in body practices and tell me when you are there.

Then do a full preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. K-2: ARE YOU CURRENTLY DOING ANY EXERCISES? ______ Handle as in K-l, substituting “Exercises”. K-3. ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING ANY RITES? Handle as in K-l, substituting “Rites”. ______ K-4. ARE YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICING YOGA? ______ Handle as in K-l, substituting “Yoga” K-5. DO YOU HOLD ANY EASTERN BELIEFS? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Eastern Beliefs”. K-6. ARE YOU DOING ANY MENTAL EXERCISES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Mental Exercises”. K-7. DO YOU CURRENTLY PRACTICE MEDITATION? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Meditation”. K-8. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER PRACTICES BEFORE SCIENTOLOGY? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Practices Before Scientology”. K-9. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RELIGIONS? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Religions”. K-10. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER RITES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Rites”. K-11. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EXERCISES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Exercises”. K-12. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN HYPNOTISM? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Hypnotism”. K-13. HAVE YOU HELD EASTERN BELIEFS? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Eastern Beliefs”. K-14. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER INDOCTRINATIONS? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Indoctrinations”. K-15. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Scientific Practices”. K-16. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER ELECTRONIC PRACTICES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Electronic Practices”. K-17. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER THOUGHT PRACTICES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Thought Practices”. K-18. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER SPIRITUAL PRACTICES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Spiritual Practices”. K-19. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN RITES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Eastern Rites”. K-20. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER EASTERN PRACTICES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Eastern Practices”. K-21. HAVE YOU TAKEN PART IN EARLIER IMPLANTING TECHNIQUES? ______ Handle as in K-1, substituting “Earlier Implanting Techniques”. K-22. HAVE YOU PRACTICED WITCHCRAFT?

Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1.

Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.)

F-l: “Recall a time you had witchcraft practiced on you.”

F-2: “Recall a time you practiced witchcraft on another.”

F-3: “Recall a time another practiced witchcraft on another or others.”

F-0: “Recall a time you practiced witchcraft on yourself.”

Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on practicing witchcraft.

F-l: Return to the time you had witchcraft practiced on you and tell me when you are there.

F-2: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on another and tell me when you are there.

F-3: Return to the time others practiced witchcraft on another or others and tell me when you are there.

F-0: Return to the time you practiced witchcraft on yourself and tell me when you are there.

Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. ______ K-23. HAVE YOU CAST SPELLS? ______ Handle per note at the bottom of Page 1.

Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.)

F-l: “Recall a time a spell was cast on you.”

F-2: “Recall a time you cast a spell on another.”

F-3: “Recall a time another cast a spell on another or others.”

F-0: “Recall a time you cast a spell on yourself.”

Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on casting spells.

F-l: Return to the time a spell was cast on you and tell me when you are there.

F-2: Return to the time you cast a spell on another and tell me when you are there.

F-3: Return to the time others cast spells on another or others and tell me when you are there.

F-0: Return to the time you cast a spell on yourself and tell me when you are there.

Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. K-24. ARE YOU DOING SOME EXERCISE BETWEEN SESSIONS? ______ Handle as in K-l, substituting “Exercises”. SECTION L - OUT OF VALENCE – ARE YOU BEING SOMEONE ELSE If Items L-l or L-2 read, the handling is LX3, LX2, LX1 and 220H if necessary. Ref: HCOB2 Aug69R“LX” Lists

HCOB5 Nov69R VLX3 (Attitudes)

HCOB3 Aug69RLX2 (Emotional Assessment List)

HCOB9 Aug69RLX1 (Conditions)


(In running the LX Lists on a Dianetic Clear, OT or a person receiving the DCSI, do not do any engram running. Use the recalls on the LX Lists only.

If, as a result of a completed DCSI, it turns out the PC is not Clear, he should then be run on the R3RA steps of the LX Lists if necessary providing the flows read when checked.) SECTION M - PRETENDING TRAINING OR GRADES NOT ATTAINED NOTE: If more than one item below reads (i.e. say M-1 and M-3 both read) handling one item with the Recalls or R3RA actions also serves to handle the other reading item(s) because the handling is the same for all items in this section. Items M-4 and M-5 have additional 2WCs which are done if either M-4 or M-5 reads. M-1. ARE YOU PRETENDING?

Handle per Note at bottom of Page 1.

Triple or Quad Recall: (Each reading flow is run repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs.)

F-1: “Recall a time another pretended to you.”

F-2: “Recall a time you pretended to another.”

F-3: “Recall a time another pretended to another or others.”

F-0: “Recall a time you pretended to yourself.”

Narrative R3RA Triple or Quad on pretending:

F-1: Return to the time another pretended to you and tell me when you are there.

F-2: Return to the time you pretended to another and tell me when you are there.

F-3: Return to the time others pretended to another or others and tell me when you are there.

F-0: Return to the time you pretended to yourself and tell me when you are there.

Then do a full Preassessment on it and run R3RA, Triple/Quad. ______ M-2. ARE YOU PRETENDING TRAINING NOT ATTAINED? ______ Handle as in M-1. M-3. ARE YOU PRETENDING ATTAINMENTS IN LIFE NOT REALLY ATTAINED? ______ Handle as in M-1. M-4. ARE YOU PRETENDING GRADES NOT ATTAINED? ______ 2WC to find out the Grades the person is pretending to have attained and F/N the 2WC. Then handle as in M-1. Note for C/S. C/S is to program as needed for handling. (Ref. HCOB 31 Aug 80, KSW Series 25, PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED.) M-5. ARE YOU PRETENDING “STATES” NOT REALLY ATTAINED? ______ 2WC to find out the “states” the person is pretending to have attained and F/N the 2WC. Then handle as in M-1. Note for C/S. C/S is to program as needed for handling. (Ref. HCOB 31 Aug 80, KSW Series 25, PROGRAMMING AND HANDLING CASES WHO HAVE BEEN QUICKIED OR FALSELY DECLARED) SECTION N - AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT N-1. HAVE YOU BEEN AUDITED WITH PRIOR GRADES OUT? ______ 2WC to find out what Grades the pc feels are out. Indicate it. If no F/N, “Is there an earlier time you were audited over that/those out Grade(s)?” Note for C/S. Program to handle the out-Grade(s). N-2. IS YOUR DIANETICS INCOMPLETE? ______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. Program to handle. NOTE: No Dianetics would be run on a Dianetic or OT or on a person being given the DCSI. N-3. DO ENGRAMS FAIL TO ERASE? ______ “L3RD Rundown” done using an L3RG per instructions in BTB 10 June 1972R I, Rev. and Reiss. 6.6. 74 THE L3RD RUNDOWN. (R-Factor: “We are looking for engrams contacted in your early auditing and not fully handled.”) Assess L3RG Method 5 with the preface “In your early Dianetics?” Handle per L3RG instructions and BTB. (On a Clear or OT simply indicate the read. If no F/N you may do an L3RG if needed, however do no handling beyond indicating the reading questions, to F/N.) N-4. IS YOUR COMMUNICATION GRADE OUT? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 0 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-5. IS YOUR PROBLEMS GRADE OUT? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 1 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-6. IS YOUR OVERT/WITHHOLD GRADE OUT? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 2 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-7. DO YOU HAVE PERSISTING ARC BREAKS? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 3 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-8. ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT CHANGE? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 3 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-9. DO YOU HAVE SERVICE FACSIMILES? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-l0. DO YOU HAVE FIXED IDEAS? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-11. ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG? ______ 2WC to F/N. Program for Expanded Grade 4 or to handle the unflat Grade. N-l2. HAVE YOU FAILED TO ATTAIN OTHER GRADES? ______ 2WC to F/N. Note for C/S. Program to handle the Grades he failed to attain. N-13. HAVE WINS ON GRADES BEEN BY-PASSED? ______ Rehab each to F/N. SECTION 0 - MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING O-1. HAVE YOU HAD MISUNDERSTOODS IN AUDITING? ______ Find and clear the misunderstoods or do a WCCL prefaced with “In Auditing”. Dia­netic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed O-2. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING WHAT WAS GOING ON IN A SESSION? ______ Clear this up with word clearing on the action that wasn’t understood. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-3. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING AN AUDITOR? ______ 2WC to F/N. Handle any MUs with word clearing on the area the pc didn’t understand. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. O-4. HAVE YOU HAD TROUBLE IN AUDITING BECAUSE OF MISUNDERSTOODS? ______ Find the misunderstoods and clear them up. Note what actions were done over misun­derstood words and handle with the proper repair list if needed. Dianetic C/S-1 and/or Scientology C/S-1 if needed. L. RON HUBBARD
Approved by the
of the