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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Processes - B621013 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621013 - HCO Bulletin - Processes [B002-072]
- 621013 - HCO Bulletin - Processes [B038-066]
CONTENTS PROCESSES X Processes Y Unit Processes Z Unit Processes Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (Effective at once)Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (Effective at once)

X Processes

X Processes

The X Unit Processes shall consist of processes as follows:

The X Unit Processes shall consist of processes as follows:

  1. Security Check by Rock Slam, with an adequate report of results in the student's folder. This is done in Model Session with Meter.
  1. Security Check by Rock Slam, with an adequate report of results in the student's folder. This is done in Model Session with Meter.
  • Model Session and Havingness Processes. All with Meter.
  • Model Session and Havingness Processes. All with Meter.
  • Liberal use of Random Rudiments and Middle Rudiments.
  • Liberal use of Random Rudiments and Middle Rudiments.
  • All X Processes are done with full use of the E-Meter.

    All X Processes are done with full use of the E-Meter.

    Rudiments and results will be routinely observed and reported on by the Auditing Supervisor.

    Rudiments and results will be routinely observed and reported on by the Auditing Supervisor.

    Students apparently not yet capable of getting rudiments in, handling auditing cycle and making the pc feel and look better will be promptly G.A.E. ed without waiting for end of week.

    Students apparently not yet capable of getting rudiments in, handling auditing cycle and making the pc feel and look better will be promptly G.A.E. ed without waiting for end of week.

    Rock Slammers, before being so designated, must be retested by the Auditing Supervisor. Rock Slammers may be specially designated in auditing assignment.

    Rock Slammers, before being so designated, must be retested by the Auditing Supervisor. Rock Slammers may be specially designated in auditing assignment.

    Y Unit Processes

    Y Unit Processes

    The Y Unit carries out the following schedule only:

    The Y Unit carries out the following schedule only:

    1. With Meter, in metered Model Session, fully clean missed withholds from the pc with any version of the following questions:
      "What have we failed to find out about you?"
      "What has an auditor failed to find out about you?"
      "What have I failed to find out about you?"
    1. With Meter, in metered Model Session, fully clean missed withholds from the pc with any version of the following questions:
      "What have we failed to find out about you?"
      "What has an auditor failed to find out about you?"
      "What have I failed to find out about you?"
  • With Meter, in otherwise unmetered Model Session, list and assess by elimination the following question,
    "In this lifetime what change have you decided to make? When was that?"
  • With Meter, in otherwise unmetered Model Session, list and assess by elimination the following question,
    "In this lifetime what change have you decided to make? When was that?"
  • Complete the Problems Intensive (Routine 2A) using the Meter only to make sure of TA action, otherwise the Model Session and running to be done without recourse to needle.
  • Complete the Problems Intensive (Routine 2A) using the Meter only to make sure of TA action, otherwise the Model Session and running to be done without recourse to needle.
  • The above should be less than 25 hours of auditing, 3 to 5 hours for missed w/hs and 20 to 22 for the Problems Intensive.

    The above should be less than 25 hours of auditing, 3 to 5 hours for missed w/hs and 20 to 22 for the Problems Intensive.

    Leaving withholds missed, a wrong assessment, failure to get TA motion, or failure to get spectacular results on the pc will G.A.E. the student to the X Unit.

    Leaving withholds missed, a wrong assessment, failure to get TA motion, or failure to get spectacular results on the pc will G.A.E. the student to the X Unit.

    This Problems Intensive and the pulling of missed withholds are and will be fundamental Academy and HGC actions, so the student should become expert in them.

    This Problems Intensive and the pulling of missed withholds are and will be fundamental Academy and HGC actions, so the student should become expert in them.

    Z Unit Processes

    Z Unit Processes

    The Z Unit is totally concerned with current rundown of Routine 3GA.

    The Z Unit is totally concerned with current rundown of Routine 3GA.

    If the student fails to get the Detested Person, Dynamic and Item of the pc within 30 auditing hours, the student is G.A.E. ed to the Y Unit.

    If the student fails to get the Detested Person, Dynamic and Item of the pc within 30 auditing hours, the student is G.A.E. ed to the Y Unit.
