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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Resistive Cases Former Therapy (Excerpt) - B711125-2v74 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Сопротивляющиеся Кейсы - Прежняя Терапия - Б711125-2R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711125 - HCO Bulletin - Page 3 Only [B049-067]
- 711125 - HCO Bulletin - Setting Up and Using a Tape Player [B011-239]
- 711125 - HCO Bulletin - Setting Up and Using a Tape Player [B047-013]
- 711125 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Resistive Cases - Former Therapy [B011-240]
- 711125 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Resistive Cases - Former Therapy [B047-014]
- 711125 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Resistive Cases - Former Therapy [B052-039]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Reissued 21 September 1974
(Only change is signature)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Reissued 21 September 1974
(Only change is signature)
GF-40X ChecksheetGF-40X Checksheet
(HCO Bulletin of 23 September 1968, a Class VIII Confidential Bulletin edited and reissued for information of Auditors handling GF-40.
NOTE: This does not cancel or replace HCOB 23 Sept 1968 which contains further vital data for the Class VIII Auditor.)
(HCO Bulletin of 23 September 1968, a Class VIII Confidential Bulletin edited and reissued for information of Auditors handling GF-40.
NOTE: This does not cancel or replace HCOB 23 Sept 1968 which contains further vital data for the Class VIII Auditor.)



Hypnotism, "psycho" analysis, "psychiatry" and other implant type therapies often key in and jam the track.

Hypnotism, "psycho" analysis, "psychiatry" and other implant type therapies often key in and jam the track.

These characters here, on any other planet and on the whole track dramatize implanting. The "therapy" involved would be a temporary relief brought by suggestion.

These characters here, on any other planet and on the whole track dramatize implanting. The "therapy" involved would be a temporary relief brought by suggestion.

The wrong data of the "science" itself operates as a whole track lie. Getting well or able depends on establishing truth. These "scientific" lies are alterations of actual laws.

The wrong data of the "science" itself operates as a whole track lie. Getting well or able depends on establishing truth. These "scientific" lies are alterations of actual laws.

We often note electronics men have a rough case time. This traces to the lies Man uses for his "electrical science". As the subject is based on false assumptions, it itself tends to aberrate.

We often note electronics men have a rough case time. This traces to the lies Man uses for his "electrical science". As the subject is based on false assumptions, it itself tends to aberrate.

Therefore we get out of the road any former "therapy". We can rehab any moment of release in it, handle any overrun, etc.

Therefore we get out of the road any former "therapy". We can rehab any moment of release in it, handle any overrun, etc.

We also do a New Style Remedy B to get old therapies spotted and run back.

We also do a New Style Remedy B to get old therapies spotted and run back.

The only cases which hang up are:

The only cases which hang up are:

1. Unaudited cases (lies about grades, etc).

1. Unaudited cases (lies about grades, etc).

2. Drug cases (who seek in processing the delusions or madness which exhilarated them on drugs).

2. Drug cases (who seek in processing the delusions or madness which exhilarated them on drugs).

3. Former therapy cases. (In this or past lives.)

3. Former therapy cases. (In this or past lives.)

4. Out of valence cases.

4. Out of valence cases.

5. Cases who continue to commit overts on Scn.

5. Cases who continue to commit overts on Scn.

6. Cases "audited" with their ruds or grades out.

6. Cases "audited" with their ruds or grades out.

7. Seriously physically ill cases (where the illness makes too much PTP in PT).

7. Seriously physically ill cases (where the illness makes too much PTP in PT).

Of all these the former therapy case is apt to be the roughest as any auditing session can be reactively mistaken for the "treatment". The next roughest is the drug case as a false exteriorization often occurs on an enforced basis and may go into restim.

Of all these the former therapy case is apt to be the roughest as any auditing session can be reactively mistaken for the "treatment". The next roughest is the drug case as a false exteriorization often occurs on an enforced basis and may go into restim.

Some drug takers go plowing back into early implants and drug therapies so the two get crossed up on a case.

Some drug takers go plowing back into early implants and drug therapies so the two get crossed up on a case.

To isolate the reason for a highly resistive case or high TA you can assess the above 7 items and get a clue. Don't limit it to this lifetime. And don't do it so as to key the person in hard on things he wasn't in. And don't do it unless the case is very hard to get a gain on.

To isolate the reason for a highly resistive case or high TA you can assess the above 7 items and get a clue. Don't limit it to this lifetime. And don't do it so as to key the person in hard on things he wasn't in. And don't do it unless the case is very hard to get a gain on.

Engram running of a crude sort can be found hundreds, thousands or billions of years ago and consists if it appears, of an overrun. They didn't know much about it and overran them badly.

Engram running of a crude sort can be found hundreds, thousands or billions of years ago and consists if it appears, of an overrun. They didn't know much about it and overran them badly.

Implants, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, hypnotism get all snarled up with sex as these birds would commonly (and do) stage insane sex scenes. They violate the children and wives of officials even today to produce a degrade and to make a scene so insane that the "patient" if he remembers it really thinks he is insane. And if he tries to tell anybody (or if she tries to tell her husband) it's a prompt mess, so these "practitioners" hide their activities in this fashion.

Implants, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, hypnotism get all snarled up with sex as these birds would commonly (and do) stage insane sex scenes. They violate the children and wives of officials even today to produce a degrade and to make a scene so insane that the "patient" if he remembers it really thinks he is insane. And if he tries to tell anybody (or if she tries to tell her husband) it's a prompt mess, so these "practitioners" hide their activities in this fashion.

The trouble with such former "therapies" and electric shock, etc, is that it:

The trouble with such former "therapies" and electric shock, etc, is that it:

(a) groups track by the command of the practitioner

(a) groups track by the command of the practitioner

(b) sends the pc to the start of track WAY back and sticks him there out of PT.

(b) sends the pc to the start of track WAY back and sticks him there out of PT.

The keynote of piloting through messes like this is to

The keynote of piloting through messes like this is to

(A) Know what kind of a mess it is and

(A) Know what kind of a mess it is and

(B) Don't ever force a pc back track or into anything he doesn't want to confront easily.

(B) Don't ever force a pc back track or into anything he doesn't want to confront easily.

Drugs force the person back into these messes and stick him.

Drugs force the person back into these messes and stick him.

One of these former therapy or drug messes is only hard to untangle because they are full of incredibles. The pc doesn't accept them or just try to see what's in them.

One of these former therapy or drug messes is only hard to untangle because they are full of incredibles. The pc doesn't accept them or just try to see what's in them.

The basic rule in any case is Reality is proportional to the amount of charge removed and so Reality can be increased simply by removing charge. These surges of the needle as well as the BDs of the TA are "charge coming off".

The basic rule in any case is Reality is proportional to the amount of charge removed and so Reality can be increased simply by removing charge. These surges of the needle as well as the BDs of the TA are "charge coming off".

Anything eventually resolves if the pc just keeps on getting charge off.

Anything eventually resolves if the pc just keeps on getting charge off.

The earliest charge is the most important.

The earliest charge is the most important.

Charge off the exact grades is the most valuable.

Charge off the exact grades is the most valuable.

But any charge off will make it, even on former "therapies".

But any charge off will make it, even on former "therapies".
