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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Attainment of Clears - AB-66-580200 | Сравнить
- Mans Contest with the Machine Age - AB-67-580200 | Сравнить

CONTENTS The Attainment of “Clears” Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue 66 [1958, ca. early February]
The Magazine of
from Washington, D.C.
Issue 67 [1958, ca. mid-February]
The Magazine of
from Washington, D.C.

The Attainment of “Clears”

Man’s Contest with the Machine Age

L. Ron Hubbard L. Ron Hubbard

A CLEAR. A person at willing and knowing cause over his own life, his body and his surroundings and without a reactive or subconscious mind.

The humanities, until now, have been defeated by the raging chatter and disinfected order of the Machine Age.

I have been receiving congratulations the last few weeks for having developed techniques which make it possible for auditors other than myself to clear people.

Man as a creation has been overwhelmed by his own creations, the drill press, the typewriter, the superbomb and the moon-carrying missiles. Bewildered, he knows the octanes in his fuel, the calories in his stomach and the wavelength of Radio Rome, but he does not know his own thoughts, his intentions, the source of his fears or the reason for the decay of his discipline. He can fire a bomb half around the world and yet like a hand closing in a death throe, the boundaries of his empire draw inward. From his chromium-banded car he gazes out at throngs of his fellows going where they do not know or why.

It has taken more than eight years to cross this bridge. I made the first Clears in 1947-49. Then I wrote a book about it — Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. I honestly thought people could clear people with that book. But all it really did was make people able to heal people, not clear them.

The Anglo-American peoples have launched upon the world a technology bound by perfection to win against and across all other cultures, but they have not launched with it a technology of the mind or a code of behavior adequate to guarantee the conquest.

People got better when audited by others. They did not get clear except in rare cases.

Borrowing from a Russian, already a slave to the Anglo-American machine age, all they know or use of insanity, the authors of our industrial age have found boundaries and limits to their own conquest in “human humiliation.” Human inability has placed a ceiling on the height Man can go into space, upon the amount of technology that can be absorbed by a savage race and, less romantically but far more practically, upon the efficiency of a business office.

So the past eight years has been occupied in the making of a bridge so that others could clear others. Now it appears it has been done.

Man is in trouble. He has invented himself into a dead end. The more efficient his machinery, the clumsier become his mind and behavior.

First I had to find out what I was doing. Then I had to find language to describe it. Then it was necessary to develop a discipline which could do it.

It is our business to match the forward advance of the machine sciences with a comparable advance in the humanities. We have done so in Scientology.

Well, apparently we’ve won. It has taken eight years. But it is done. We are making “Book I” Clears in the Hubbard Guidance Center. We are making them in ACCs. We are making the grade in staff co-auditing.

With Scientology we can restore the freedom of the individual, the discipline of the group, the pride of accomplishment and the understanding necessary to use the Machine Age before it itself uses Man entirely.

For much more than 2,500 years, Man has dreamed of this goal. When Gautama Siddhartha (623 B.C.) rose in the East as a Buddha, he could bring about the state of Bodhi in a man. Nearly all of his teachings concerned the attainment of this goal. The state of Bodhi is evidently our “Clear.” (It is accidental that the goals compare.) But from this action of a few reaching “Bodhi,” more than half the civilized world was changed.

We recover here our miracle and ability to do and to live or we perish in the howl of an upsurging wave of savages or of a down-coming bomb.

It was forecast at that time that some day in the West someone would make it possible for this to occur in one lifetime and for many. Regardless of the prophecy, it is evident that we are now able to bring about a state higher and more acceptable than Man has believed possible. And it is very important that many people can accomplish the state in others.

We did not civilize the native. We overwhelmed and equipped him for revolt. We did not advance our clerks and executives as we advanced their equipment and their duties.

Further, it is now possible to train a person to create the state in others with a few months of work at the Academy. And it is possible to bring about the state of Clear in from 30 to 275 hours of professional auditing at the Hubbard Guidance Center.

We have the only workable new civilization and technology since Rome fell. We have not given it the philosophy and know-how that will permit it to win.

So an eight-year bridge-building program draws to a close and I find myself engaged in communicating the data and researching toward an even higher state, one not even embraced by earlier literature — ”Operating Thetan.”

In the midst of everything material we need, we live in a vacuum of pride and courage and so we can fail.

The staff attitude here concerning Clears is interesting. Only within the last few weeks has the staff as a whole become aware of some of the magnitude of all this. It required about five Clears around the organization headquarters, one after the other, for people to wake up to what has happened. And then more days to realize that these Clears had been brought about by auditors not yet clear. And finally more days to realize that Clears were being made by somebody other than myself. And finally, that:

Scientology adds to the Anglo-American potential that philosophy of humanness necessary to our winning. Without it our peoples will continue to crumble and break before the savageness of the machine and its remorseless toll of our hope, our courage and our will to do. We can still win — with an adequate philosophy to know and to do.

  1. At the Academy we teach all the skills necessary to clear people.

We have it in Scientology. A Clear is above all this.

  • At the Hubbard Guidance Center, staff auditors are using only techniques to clear people.
  • In other words, the staff woke up to find that they were doing it and that they now were doing nothing else.

    In the 19th Advanced Clinical Course, clearing began to occur with routine student auditing.

    And in the broad field of the public an awareness of this seems to be coming about. We have some advertisements running in magazines that simply invite people to come in and get clear and people we’ve never heard of before are arriving with no preamble and signing up and sitting down to get cleared — just like that.

    What an enormous amount of data has been covered in 25 years! I’ve combed into almost anything and everything for the answers. The answers were not as simple as one would expect. But they were simple enough to get the job done.

    An old-time Dianeticist came in during the 19th ACC, looked at the students and what was happening and was the first to put it in words — ”Thanks for making it so others can do it.”

    Well, that’s what’s happened.

    The practical aspects of this are apparent in such things as a new Board of Trustees order to the effect that charters in the future would be given only to Clears, by an order to worldwide staff to be clear in six months, by a co-auditing clearing project for professional auditors here in D.C., at no cost.

    You could say that we’ve been marking time as an organization waiting for this day. The day has arrived. We need mark time no longer. In the teeth of a worsening world, we’ve made it, no matter what happens on Earth.

    Quod erat demonstrandum. It can be done for you.
