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CONTENTS CASE OPENING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
The Only Unbiased and Accurate Professional Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
4 Marylebone High Street, London W. 1
[1953, ca. end July]
Through: The Office of L. Ron Hubbard
Seville, Spain
30 Marlborough Place
London N. W. 8, England
[1953, ca. early July]



Here begins the first of the series of Professional Auditor’s Bulletins which deal with the auditor’s own case and which can be “self-audited.” Later the auditor may care to use the steps of this series on difficult preclears.

This is a brief one about organization. It has taken me three years to try to fit some kind of organization and some kind of processing to our present society. You may think that founding a science was tough — tougher has been organization. You’ve no idea of the state of managers in the United States today and you’ve no idea of the incredible occurrences in the early foundations. Well, just as we are beginning to get national polite recognition (Time June 8, Medicine and other publications) we have, I do believe, an organization which ( I ) can’t be swept away by carelessness or organized attack, which (2) gives us the benefit of versatility on the part of many managements, (3) permits me to investigate, write and publish without terrific economic duress (for it would stun you to know that NO earlier organizations spent a thin dime on this one), (4) which permits a service organization, the HAS, to provide publications and national service, and (5)—most important — which gets the job done.

I am assuming throughout this series that the auditor is a difficult case but to get to the top and stay at the top the auditor, whatever he believes his case to be, should follow through on these steps.

I have been some time trying to evolve what we are doing. It’s quite one thing to plan a thing, quite another to see it go into action in MEST. I’ve made a lot of fits and starts trying to straighten things out with everybody’s agreement and liking and I think, from what I hear from you, that we’ve just about got it in the following form:

We are going to pursue the following course here: the body, the analytical mind, the reactive mind, the rehabilitation of force and perception. We are going to take, at one session every two weeks, quite a little time at this. You’ve been ruining yourself for a score or two of years so you can expect a score or two of weeks to get unruined.

The associate schools train to an HCA level, giving whatever courses below that rating they desire, such as basic and group courses. A unit, more or less the HAS, gives a correspondence-associate assist course in the history of psychotherapy, psychology, general semantics, electronic brains and Freudian psychotherapy; this comes before, during or after HCA training and is not required for an HCA. With field practice and this correspondence course, the HCA qualifies toward a doctorate. The doctorate course is a very high level course and leads to a very superior degree ranking with or above psychiatric degrees. What we call doctorate schools teach lower level courses and the doctorate course (otherwise they wouldn’t be able to survive until we had the demand for the upper-upper level course) but someday become a sort of university finishing school. An HCA who finishes his general correspondence course and does a lot of field work can qualify for an HGA as a designation to denote experience and senior standing. Thus we have the ratings of Group Auditor (GA), HCA, HGA, B.Scn. (pending doctorate) and D. Scn. (awarded from a very high source abroad). There would be an additional course but it wouldn’t, at least at this time, be a course leading to anything but better auditing; I get occasional requests to be studied with and someday I’ll have to run a clinic to make this possible, but this matter is no great concern to an associate for the only people who are demanding it are real old-time HDAs and HCAs. Associates also run clinics if they choose and clinics exist without schools. This is pretty clear cut and agreed upon amongst you, from what comment I have had, and follows a general trend.

Now, to begin, I have often offered a point to you which is nearly always missed — the mind and the body are part of a gradient scale of creation. The mind is at a high point on this scale, the body at a low point. The mind has all the capabilities of the body, but the body has lost many of the capabilities of the mind. Thus the mind can function independently of the body so long as it does not have its attention continually on the body.

The HAS on its part issues to every student the moment he is enrolled and paid up in the associate school and has his name passed into the Philly HAS, a set of 50 course books, a Self Analysis, a Handbook for Preclears (so he’ll have the Axioms) and a copy of “This Is Scientology.” He is put on the PAB list as a conditional professional member and is made a conditional professional member of the HAS. He is also sent, thereafter for a year, the Journal of Scientology. On graduating the associate airmails his name to the London HAS and a letter of award of HCA is immediately sent to the student direct or via the associate as indicated and is followed by the regular certificate (since the latter takes a little time to prepare and sign). When the letter of award is issued, a card as professional member of the HAS is also issued.

When the mind fixates wholly upon the body we have that extreme degree of introversion visible in psychotics or neurotics. No exterior world remains — there is only the body. The dwindling spiral toward oblivion is this road of greater and greater fixation upon the body.

The associate sends 15% of the enrollment fee of the student to the HAS in London and remits on the first of each month. This fee is divided between the HAS for books and materials and membership and myself for the purpose of PABs and maintenance. The 15% fee includes all books and materials as above, professional membership for the student, the Journal et al and should, by reason of materiel, make the course more saleable by the associate.

You can observe that the child is very exteriorized in interest, sympathy, projects and you can trace the curve of his growing unhappiness through a life which at last is most concerned with eating or the inability to eat.

The associate could have on hand a few sets in a neat package for his prospective students and could order replacement sets rather than direct sets for the student in the interest of cutting down the time it would take for the student to receive the course booklets which, presumably, would be immediately necessary for the student’s training.

The downward curve of any case is this curve.

The HAS would, in view of this support, cease to try to make money or exploit Scientology for its own maintenance and would exist as a general promotional organization for the various associates, publishing the Journal and books in order to net a wide interest level from which the associate could profit. The Journal would carry associate ads without charge, would keep auditors interested via the PAB, would place book and subject ads in various national publications on a very professionally high level and would, in short, keep its nose clean.

How does the mind become fixated upon the body? If you know your engrams you can see the sudden introversion caused by a blow. Kick somebody and observe his attention turn to the point of contact and only then turn out again to resent the kick. If you keep on kicking him and if he cannot use the motion to kick you he will turn all the way inwards about kicks and be in apathy. He is now a body willing to accept the exterior directions of your mind.

The mailing lists of the HAS would be available to associates by area or in general, at postage and handling costs. The London HAS has automatic addressing and addresses on tapes. The HAS would then be a mail address center.

The compounded poundings of a lifetime bring about, in the natural course of events, this fixation upon the body. To get well, you must reverse this course, not by going into the past where there were no kicks (the effort of the neurotic) but by reducing or erasing the impacts (as per Dianetics) or by extroverting the attention (as in Scientology). These two methodologies have been developed by myself in order to make people well. There are many ways in Dianetics and Scientology to achieve this. None of these ways include shocks and impacts upon the body, as these, of course, reverse the process and parallel the dwindling spiral of the MEST Universe.

Aside from general book circulars and special issues (for promotion) of the Journal, nothing else would go out to the HAS mailing list. The member and subscription lists would, of course, get their publications.

If you have studied Issue 1 6-G of the Journal of Scientology, you will understand the simplicities with which we are dealing. While there is much more to Scientology than will be found in 1 6-G, none of it exceeds these basics.

Now it happens I know this will work because it is more or less working right now. All the pieces are in place on the board for things to go this way and nothing new is needed to make this work, for it is already working without much confusion. Things sort of drifted in this direction.

Some are so extremely dense or so spun in that such simplicity of background is subject to grave suspicion and some are so far gone on voodoo that this separation of high level mental awareness (the analytical mind) and low level awareness (the reactive mind) must, of course, be witchcraft or charlatanism. When we separate the analytical mind from the body we discover most often that it very unclearly perceives this universe. It knows it is not in the body but it can’t see walls. It can’t even move mountains. The body is convinced about walls; the analytical mind, more highly aware, isn’t convinced about walls for it hasn’t been hit by that many walls. Very much more aware of truth, the analytical mind, wonderfully serene, sees or doesn’t see walls at choice. The point is, the conviction of the existence of a universe depends upon the chronic restimulation of impacts. A fabulously interesting, utterly unbelievable communication system, complete with its own time, comes about through these impacts. The reactive mind (the body) believes it utterly. It isn’t sane to be MEST or to be a body. Watch the skidding psychotic and observe his greater and greater conviction that thought is MEST, that words are objects, and watch first his growing anxiety about the body and then his frantic efforts to retain sensation and then his loss of all. This cure is worth studying, for it is the cure of illness, aberration and difficulty on any dynamic.

You have now in existence three possible methods of handling associate fees. The first is ten percent straight on all fees; the second is $55 per certification; the third is 15% of training gross and all books furnished the student. These systems have been worked out from various suggestions by associates. I advocate the 15% of gross for all associates and doctorate schools because it means a large saving to the associate in terms of books and means more books in student hands, for I don’t say there that the associate cannot charge a little more for including the books. You can choose any one of the three but it is my hope that we can standardize on the 15% and stop changing it around to agree with this associate or that one and so that my office can get back its sanity in bookkeeping.

The primary difference between the analytical mind and the body is the ability of the analytical mind to have nothing and the inability of the reactive mind, the body, to have nothing. The body knows things exist and knows there are things it must have and things it must not have. By things we mean things with molecules in them.

The associate, by this system, obtains a much more saleable course and takes out of existence HAS competition which comes about when the HAS exchequer drifts too dangerously low. The HAS can exist then to interest the public for the associate and to keep the HCA happy, for an unhappy HCA can really hurt one’s activities.

Thus in this first session, we are going to ask the preclear, namely you, to put some attention on your body — medically and dietetically.

This would permit us to continue calmly on without much mad scramble to a point where we are the training and guiding units of psychotherapy in general for the

You won’t find in any of my lectures or writings any discounting of the physical ills of the body. They comprise 30% of the 100% of Man’s ills. On the contrary, you will find me asking time after time to be aware of, to observe, that your preclear may be physically sick. Physical illness is predisposed by, precipitated by and prolonged by mental aspects and difficulties. But you don’t run engrams on a preclear with a curable physical ailment. Cure the ailment or alleviate it and then run engrams.

U.S. We are trending that way with no strain. All we’ve got to do now is keep turning out good auditors and getting results and in two to five years, we’ll be the say-so, each in his own area, of who mans the sanitariums and who runs child guidance in the schools. Medicine and psychiatry started much too late to do something about it.

All right. Now observe the mental curve of a physically ill person. It approximates, in the various stages of the sickness, the various depths of the tone scale. A physically ill person is a mentally ill person. In the sanitariums if they had anybody there to observe it, some percentage of their “insane” are only ill physically, but this chronic physical illness is bad enough to make them act insane. One notable case comes to mind of a psychiatrist electrically shocking an inmate many times to discover finally (without any embarrassment, being professionally beyond shame) that the patient was in continual agony from cancer. An operation arrested the cancer. The electric shock was not so easily repaired.

Now here and there you see Mongrelology, an original duplicate of what we’re doing, start up and attract a lot of people. One, Conceptology in San Antonio, is the latest flash in the pan. Don’t worry about these. They help us real fine. The people they attract get educated enough, eventually, to wonder what the basic science is and because, whatever you may think, I get lots of real good notices and publicity, they’ll come right over to get the whole story from us for, believe me, we’ve got a three-year lead on any upstart and we’re publicly miles above any hangdog “Dianetics is all right but Hubbard is no good” outfit. The latter attitude almost always brings me an eventual letter which says, “They kept telling me you had something awful wrong with you and they kept saying it so hard I finally decided you must be okay...” etc. etc. etc.

Very well, not to infer anybody is insane, be aware that a chronic low tone, anxiety and insecurity can stem from a prolonged but not entirely suspected physical illness which in this day of Aureomycin may be cured.

These beavers all chew and chew and chew and when they drop the tree, there it is in our pond. Been doing that now for three years. The bad press I’ve had is getting older and older. It takes two to three years for a repute to alter or blow over and our various opponents shot their bolt. They shot it so hard that now very few believe them about anything. It’s like the kid that cried wolf. Well, however fatuous this may sound to you, however impatient you may be about a lot of things, how do we really profit by our past? We simply saw wood. Now is the time to get calm and conservative, to be vested interest. We aren’t the wild-eyed revolutionary any more because we’ve been around too long. We’re on the verge of being the marble-fronted, soft-spoken voice of calm authority on the subject of psychotherapy. We better be what we are. All we’ve got to do is be what we are — an organization which has really taken a beating but which learned how in the meanwhile. And we’d better realize that our strength lies in a good friendship one for another, unit to unit, and a realization that while we’ll never have the glory of hanging desperately for our Cause, we’ll have the satisfaction of occupying the fort for an awful long time to come.

Being particular about my practice, unlike some people I won’t name, I always send a preclear to a medico before I audit whenever I suspect some chronic illness for maybe the medico can cure it quickly. If he can, then I can audit with speed. Auditing a physically sick preclear is slow work. In many instances where Dianetics failed in auditors’ hands, the auditor didn’t look at his preclear. He audited a preclear who secretly took drugs, who was ridden by some disease, who didn’t eat properly — in other words the failure was a failure to observe the simple rule that when a man is thirsty, while auditing might help a bit, it’s easier to give him a drink of water.

Do you know that your total enrollment as of now is almost five times the student enrollment at the peak of the “boom”? As an organization we have three times the membership of the foundations at their height? Do you know you are partners with schools in every quarter of the globe? That the course you are teaching is also being started so close to the Russian border that the Russ guards are visible from the window? That the pcs we used to sweat hard over are easy today? That the most ancient things we know are becoming big news to the professional world? You might be a little stuck on the time track and if so, think about these things for a minute. And think about this- they’ve been howling about my “repute” for three years and for three years I’ve kept on working and producing toward the same goal, and year by year, in terms of processing, your reality has come closer to my cursed optimism.

All right. In this session, I am going to ask you to see if you aren’t thirsty or hungry or sick before we go into your engrams.

Well, I ought to be optimistic. I’ve never known otherwise than (l) that this was a tough fight and (2) that it was going to be won.

How about dropping in on the local insurance examiner for a fast three-dollar checkover, asking him in particular to look for any possible chronic illness.

The biggest part of the winning of this fight has to do with you. The continuous support and loyalty and hard work of most of you has more than offset the attacks upon. You’ve been mauled around and doubted and you’ve stuck your necks out and you’ve stayed in there with preclears and fought the same economic fight I have. I don’t forget things like that and I appreciate them.

Now, it is 70% possible that whatever worries you or (if it is) makes your case hard to run, is psychosomatic. Let’s wipe out the 30% chance that any trouble you’re having is a physical stick on the tone scale, not a mental one.

On the matter of techniques, SHORT 8A has been breaking up occluded cases rather easily even if the auditing is not very brief. I know actually and truthfully of only two processes now which break up easily the second type of occluded case. Occluded cases can be broken into two types — one type which is black and on almost any process well applied comes out of it, the incident being simply an incident in which the pc is stuck. The other type of occluded case is that one which is not only occluded, it will not let anything happen; the first method of solution I used was a sort of auditor personality approach in which I gently led the attention of the pc into a security and confidence of being able to see his facsimiles by coaxing him patiently through light locks. The other technique is recent. Results with all our techniques have been, in the hands of auditors, very spotty on the second type of occluded case. Call this second type not just a V; call it a RESISTIVE V. This case, as I knew when I released SOP-8, is not solved by SOP-8 unless one puts in many-many-many hours on alternating V and VI. That is a very tough sled to pull. Hence there is SHORT 8A, and SHORT 8A is a rote process for the resolution of the RESISTIVE V.

Of course, you may be having no trouble with your own case. Fine. But if you are holding on to your bank and your body like mad, remember that it may be because your body is holding on to you.

Thus if you have a few RESISTIVE Vs around, wait until I get SHORT 8A into your hands rather than waste much time with them, for they break an auditor’s heart with their “Nothing Must Happen Or Change.” This is a mechanical condition and doesn’t yield to pulling postulates. The pc can’t help it. I am writing up the notes on SHORT 8A for there’s a lot of technology behind it even if it could be done without much training. So it will be with you soon.

In those around you and in preclears, you will find it very sound advice to observe for physical ills as well as mental. It may be true that all ills are mental BUT it may be possible to cure something fast with a simple diet change.


As for food — I can tell you at once, without even looking you over that you are deficient across the boards. I’m no food faddist and I would use Gaylord Hauser for you know what, but I’ve fed men on three expeditions and during an entire war and modem rations are so deficient in vitamins and minerals that it’s a wonder you stagger around at all. Get this — the B1 normal of the average being comes about only through administering in tablet form about 250 mg. per day. By knocking B1 out of the body I can reproduce any and every kind of restimulation. It is a bumper between the restimulable engram and the preclear.

As for the body itself, it was made to be used — worked. Not used, it goes to the devil quickly. The favorite whine of America is “I don’t want to work.” You might as well say “I want to be sick.” The American Banker has sold America and a lot of Great Britain on the glories of getting enough saved so one can retire. Death and retirement, if you care to look at the statistics, are damned close together. Retiring or “going away for a rest” are usually followed by illness. The only ambition of a sane body is to be permitted to work in harness until it drops dead in harness.

Now you happen to be using a body. Before we worry about your mind let’s clean up the primary communication relay point, the body. And for two weeks, let’s do these things:

  1. Clean up your MEST, get done the various odd jobs you’ve “been meaning to do.”
  • Bring yourself up to date socially and give a letter or a ring or a personal call on people you’ve neglected.
  • Take a one-hour walk every day, simply starting away from home very early (dawn is best) for half an hour and then walk back, a different direction every day. (If you can’t walk, get out in the yard and throw things for half an hour. If you can’t throw, spit at something for half an hour — and I mean throw and spit literally.)
  • Get a physical examination and if anything is chronic get it cured.
  • Take twice a day 100 mg. of B1 (200 mg. total) and supplement it with 250 mg. of vitamin C.
  • If you will do these things, you will be ready in a couple of weeks for some auditing. And if you feel you’re in such top condition you need no auditing, I dare you to do the above and feel the change.

    This is good advice. But it is better than advice. It’s an invitation to start living.

    If you won’t take it, then you want auditing to supplant living and you think processing will furnish you with an easy regimen or a painless suicide.

    How about it?