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CONTENTS Procedures for Theta Clearing Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue 7-G [1952, ca. late November]
Published by
The Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
Issue 6-G
[1952, ca. early November]
Published by
The Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona

The Components of Experience

Procedures for Theta Clearing

L. Ron HubbardL. Ron Hubbard

The physicist long has been on a carousel with regard to the component parts of the material universe.

This is Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing. This IS THE ROAD. It applies to all cases of whatever kind. It does not change or vary from case to case.

He has had to define time in terms of space and energy, space in terms of time and energy, and energy in terms of time and space, and matter as a combination of all three. When three factors exist at such an altitude in a science, there can be no further clarification unless the material can be related to experience of an equal magnitude.

This process is done in steps. The auditor with EVERY preclear makes no other judgment than to begin with Step I and, failing to accomplish that immediately, to go to Step II; if he fails to accomplish this immediately he goes to Step III and so on. When he is able to accomplish a step he labels the case as that step number, i.e. , a III. He then begins working with that step. After a few hours of work he again starts at the top with the pc with Step I and progresses on through. Eventually the pc becomes a Step 1.

The current definition in Scientology has this liability: if self-determination is the location of matter and energy in time and space, and the creation, change and destruction of time and space, then there is no comparable data by which to evaluate this level. The physicist has found the interrelationship of time, space and energy to be invaluable and has, indeed, produced a civilization from this interrelationship just as, with our definition of self-determinism, it is possible to deaberrate an individual and increase his potentialities in a way never before suspected possible, and with a speed which exceeds all past estimates, even in the science of Scientology.

Step I: POSITIVE EXTERIORIZING. Ask the preclear to step a foot back of his head. If he does, make him go back further, then up, then down, practicing placement in space and time. Then one asks him to see if there are any items in the body he would like to repair and proceeds to let pc repair them according to pc’s own ideas as to how he should do it. Then educate the pc by making him create and destroy his own illusions into finally getting a certainty of illusion and from this a certainty of perceiving the real universe with all perceptions. (Note: The most real universe is, of course, one’s own illusory universe and should be completely rehabilitated before one attempts to perceive or handle or worry about the MEST universe. Rehabilitated, sonic, visio, etc., of the MEST universe are clear and very certain. Clear perception in early stages is not a test of being outside. The only test is whether the pc KNOWS he is outside.) Failing the first line of this step, go to Step II.

Because we are now working from a higher understanding than time, space and energy, it is possible to compare these to experience in such a way as to broaden their use and modify their force or increase it. Control of time, space and energy now comes well within our capabilities.

Step II: NEGATIVE EXTERIORIZING. Ask the preclear NOT to be a foot back of his head. (See sub-zero tone scale where all commands reverse.) Give him commands in the negative which will be obeyed in the positive sense. Then orient him in space and time (the thetan can be out of time badly) and thereafter treat him as a Step I case. Failing this step, go to Step 111.

Space, time and energy in experience become Be, Have and Do, the component parts of experience itself.

Step III: BY ORIENTATION. Ask the preclear, still inside, to locate the inside of his forehead. Ask him to put a pressor beam against it and push himself out the back of his head. Supplement this by asking him to reach out through the back of his head and grab the wall with a pulling beam and pull himself out. Ask him to steady himself outside and then, by means of beams, to raise and lower himself while outside and to move to various parts of the room while still outside. By orientation as a thetan, placing himself as a thetan in time and space, he becomes sure of his whereabouts. Have him find and cast off old lines which have their terminals fixed to radiators and water taps so the energy will drain out of him. The III ordinarily has enough lines to cause him to snap back in the head when he releases beams. Failing this go to Step IV.

Space could be said to be BE. One can be in space without change and without time; one can also be, without action.

Step IV: RIDGE RUNNING. Ask the preclear to give himself a command to walk. Let him locate the white flow line which results inside his head. When this line goes dark, have him locate the tiny inside skull ridge that stopped it. Have him run the flow from this barrier (these barriers are tiny ridges, each having a thought with it such as “Can’t walk” or “Too bored to walk”) back toward the spot where he told himself to walk. It will run white for a moment, then go black. Have him give himself the command to walk again and “watch” this flow line. It may run through two or three tiny barriers and then stop. Again have him run the “objection” to walking. Have him watch this “objection” flow until it goes black. Then have him give himself the command to walk again and so on and so on. He will wind up at some outside point. Now have him give himself the command “Listen” and have him run this and its back flows on “black and white” until he is exterior on the subject of listen. Then use the command “Talk” similarly. Then the command “Nod,” then the command “Move.” Give “Look” last for it may “blind” his perception of black and white. He may each time get out to a distance in another quarter. If he can do all this start with Step I again. Failing this step, failing to “see” black and white energy manifestations, go to Step V. (See What to Audit.)

The essence of time is apparently possession. When possession ceases, the record of time ceases. Without possession, change cannot be observed; in the presence of possession change can be observed. Thus it is deduced that time and possession are interdependent.

Step V: DED-DEDEX RUNNING. Audit the preclear on DEDs and DEDEXes with particular attention to blanketings. Audit him also very heavily on “Creative Processing” (Self Analysis, British Edition). Then go through steps again. If pc is immediately perceived to have little or no reality on ANY incident, go to Step VI.

The past could be subdivided into Had, Should Have Had, Didn’t Have, and Got, Should Have Gotten, Didn’t Get, and Gave, Should Have Given, Didn’t Give.

Step VI: A-R-C STRAIGHT WIRE. Drill, by direct questioning, on locks until pc can remember something really “real” to him, something which he “really loved,” something with which he was in communication. Then drill him on creating illusions until he is certain he has created one which really isn’t real, which he is certain HE put the emotion and perceptions into. (See Self Analysis, British Edition, with attention to “End of Session Processing.”) Then go through steps again. Failing Step VI after a quick test, go to Step VII.

The present could be subdivided into Have, Should Have, Does Not Have, and Giving, Should Be Giving, Not Giving, and Receiving, Should Be Receiving, Not Receiving.

Step VII: PRESENT TIME BODY ORIENTATION. Have preclear locate a part of his body and recognize it as such. Have him locate furniture, fixtures, auditor in room. Have him locate the town and country he is in. Get him to find something in present time which is really real to him, with which he can communicate.

The future is subdivisible into Will Have, Should Have, Will Not Have, and Getting, Will Be Getting, Will Not Be Getting, and Will Receive, Will Not Receive.

Work on this until he can do this. Then go to Step VI. Then go to Step I.

In each of the above — past, present and future — the word would apply for any individual or any part of the dynamics to all the other dynamics.

The Bibliography for SOP Theta Clearing is as follows: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Science of Survival, Self Analysis (British Edition as revised Fall, 1952), What to Audit, Professional Course Books, Scientology: 8-80.

The way one knows there was a past is by knowing the conditions of the past. The most revelatory of these is the facsimile which was taken in the past. However, without any possession in the present stemming forward from the past, the past becomes unimportant; or, because possession ceased, the past is obliterated. The single matter of the body of a past life not being in the present life invalidates the existence of the past life to the individual who then does not — or does not care to — remember it. Yet the facsimile can be, nevertheless, effective upon him.

[Also in this issue of the Journal was a list of terms and definitions used extensively in the theta clearing techniques. This same collection of terms, with some revisions and modifications, can be found as the Glossary of Scientology 8-8008.]

Energy, whether in the field of thought, emotion, or effort, can be summed into DO. It requires beingness and havingness in order to achieve doingness. Here we have the static of space acting against the kinetic of possession to produce action in the field of thought, emotion, or effort, the various categories of doingness.

Should one care to test this as a process on a preclear, he will find that the missing portions of the preclear’s past have to do with loss of something. Loss itself is the single aberrative factor in living. It long has been known in this science that the release of a grief charge was an important single improvement in the preclear. Grief is entirely and only concerned with loss or threatened loss. Pain itself can be defined in terms of loss, for pain is the threat which tells one that loss of mobility or a portion of the body or the environment is imminent. Man has pain so thoroughly identified with loss that in some languages the words are synonymous.

Loss is always identified with HAVE, for if one doesn’t have, one cannot lose.

The Hindu sought to depart into his Nirvana by refusing to have anything to do with Having. He sought thus to promote himself into Being. He saw that so long as he retained a grasp on a body in any degree he was Having, and thus was pressed into Being.

Having and Being often are identified to the degree that many people attempt exclusively to Be only by Having. The capitalist judges his own beingness solely by the degree of possession, not even vaguely by the degree of action he is able to execute.

Possessions absorb and enforce time; only without possessions would one be able to regulate time at will. This is a singular attribute of the cleared theta clear, and to him possession of MEST is extremely unimportant.

One can make up for a lack of Having by Doing, and by Doing accomplishes Having and thus regulates time.

Having enhances either Being or Doing, as is sometimes severely recognized by one who would like to take a vacation or a trip to foreign lands.

Doing can enhance either Being or Having; a balanced Doing slants in both directions, but if one Does without Having, his Being increases, as is well known by anyone who insists on doing favors without recompense and without gain.

There is an optimum speed of Doing. If one travels less than that speed, he has little Being and Having; if one travels greater than that speed, he has to abandon both Being and Having. This is applicable especially to the MEST universe. The case of a race driver is in point. He must assume a contempt for Being and Having in order to achieve the speeds he does.

When change is too rapid both Beingness and Havingness suffer. When change is too slow both Beingness and Havingness suffer. For Change is essentially the redirection of energy.

In the assessment of a preclear, one can easily trace, by use of the triangle, Be, Have and Do; and by placing this over a second triangle with space at the point of Be, time at the point of Have, and energy at the point of Do, find where the preclear is overbalanced and why the preclear cannot handle time or why he is trying to occupy too much space without being able to fill it, or why his life is complicated with too much havingness and has reduced his beingness to nought.

In the MEST universe as well as in a constructed universe, these three factors should be balanced for orderly progress.