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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Associate Newsletter No. 8 - AN530800 | Сравнить
- Six Steps to Better Beingness - PAB-7-530800 | Сравнить
- Viewpoint Processing - PAB-8-530800 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Протяните Руку Помощи, 6 Шагов к Лучшей Бытийности (SSSA) (ц) - БПО-7-530800i09 | Сравнить
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CONTENTS VIEWPOINT PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Via Hubbard Communications Office
4 Marylebone High Street, London W. 1
[1953, ca. mid-August]
Via Hubbard Communications Office
4 Marylebone High Street, London W. 1
[1953, ca. late August]

Come on and bear a hand with your professional or special membership. Send your $28 or £10, if you haven’t already sent it, to London—4 Marylebone High Street, London W. 1, or to the HAS in Philadelphia—237 North 16th Street. I need your fee to help bear the freight on investigation, PABs and the Journal. You need this data, this service.


Occasionally you may not like what I say but remember that small fault can be found with silence. You may not like what people say I do — remember that all you know for sure about what I do is that I do my job — it being my simple-minded belief that that is the only way for anybody to get anywhere. I want you as a member. There are darned few of us to get this show on the road as it is. So send in your membership fee if you haven’t already. I need it. If you have a better “reason,” charge it up to $28 worth of auditing from Hubbard.

A few weeks ago I was able to tell the various schools of the HAS in an Associate Newsletter not to bother with or work with their extremely tough cases for a little while since I had to hand a process which easily remedied their difficulties. I discovered Viewpoint Processing about the same time as The Factors, but wished to make completely certain of the results to be obtained by Viewpoint Processing and to go on for a few months investigating the possibilities that there might be another even more easily workable process by which the difficult case or any case could be resolved.

The International Congress of Dianeticists and Scientologists is scheduled September 30, 1953 (Tuesday to Saturday inclusive) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Write to HAS, 237 N. 16th Street, Philadelphia for more data — or just be there if it is in easy reach. The entrance fee will be minor. I’m going to give ten hours of rundown on SOP 8L and auditing and demonstrations. And there will be lots of case reporting. Professional organizations will get under way in earnest for the first time. You may not be aware of it but with 16-G and other material, we are toeing the mark to take over psychotherapy in the U.S. That’s not ambitious, there not being any besides ours. Hope you can make it. If you can’t, a few months later there will be a Western conference in Phoenix.

To give you an entire list of the processes developed and examined and applied for the purposes of test would be a lengthy and at this time unprofitable task. I should, however, for the use of future investigators, give you some outline of the processes developed and investigated. In addition to the developments which you see in the various books and articles I have written on the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology, and which delineate many processes, and in addition to lectures I have made on my investigations and applications in the field of the human mind, I have tested in excess at this date of ten thousand mental combinations of computations, various types of nothingness, facsimiles, postulates, force, perception and other factors designed to alter, enhance or nullify mental conditions. In addition to this purely thought investigation a great many mechanical aids, biochemical combinations of substances, various diets and regimens have either been tested or developed and tested in an effort to resolve endocrine and purely structural problems attendant upon mental and physical deficiencies in an effort to locate in structure a sweepingly simple answer. All of these efforts pointed toward and assisted in the development of the technology and methodology of SOP 8, Short 8, Six Steps for Self-Auditing (SSSA) and techniques evolved directly from the data given as The Factors, the five Pre-Logics and the Axioms and Logics as given in the Handbook for Preclears.

Somebody may be interested in a personal project of clinical and research training. We have too few top-notch boys and girls in auditing and almost none in investigation. For the six weeks following the Congress I am going to groom a handful personally, picking out the most promising I can. There will be an $800 fee, a guaranteed clearing, and an award of HGA to the successful ones. Needless to say, I only want experienced auditors for material. Also, I will listen if somebody is impatient to have his case cracked by me. I’m cracking occluded ones, even in Spanish and French these days — and I speak darned little of that!

Investigation forced one toward the conclusions which follow: The problems of structure and bacteria are best resolved first by a direct address to the mind; second (but first in the case of emergency surgery) mechanical rearrangement of structure; and third, diet and regimen within the tolerances of the body; fourth, the administration of biochemical substances of a preventive, supplementary or curative nature, but only in the presence of obvious and well established acute or chronic illnesses or deficiencies. From the standpoint of technique, it could be said that those techniques which most apply creation and observation produce the best and most rapid effects. Those techniques which employ nullification or eradication are substantially less effective, and those techniques which employ evaluation for the patient or which cause him to combat or shun one phenomenon or another are directly harmful. Techniques which stress viewpoint creativeness, space and action are far superior to techniques which stress ideas or objects. Techniques which bring about anaten in any form or which stress somatics are not in the long run workable above a very low level. Any technique which introverts is inferior to a technique which extroverts the attention. The goal of processing could be said to be the restoration of the highest possible level of freedom of attention for the purposes of creation and observation. Emergency mental conditions alone excuse the running of engrams, the use of concepts, matched and double terminals; but such a practice should be altered to unlimited techniques after no more than half an hour. Certainty Processing is apparently the only exception to this rule, but here the ingredient of certainty alone on past, present and future excuses the use of nullification. Some hundreds of tests applying viewpoint attention and other matters to Certainty Processing demonstrate it to be an emergency technique to be employed only to that level where observational creative techniques can be used. The remedying of scarcity and abundance in terms of Creative Processing as represented by SOP 8 (Step IV) is senior to, by far, Double Terminaling, Matched Terminaling and running concepts or Postulate Processing in any form. Restoration of the patient’s ability to evaluate and an eradication of invalidation by restoring his confidence through direct observation are excellent techniques.

As a personal note, I’m homeward bound by freighter, being shepherd to a couple of racing vehicles. Susie, who knew no Spanish at all but pronto (and all Texans know that), now holds long and involved conversations with the baby’s Spanish nurse, shopkeepers, professors and officials. Confidentially, her accent is very Texan-Spanish with a southern drawl. The baby, of course, isn’t speaking anything even though she understands what I tell or ask her. She’s a real cute kid. All grin and giggle.

Auditing failure evidently comes about by the unwillingness on the part of the auditor to have other people “look.” Auditing difficulties are found to lie more generally with the auditor than with the preclear. It could be said generally that an auditor is not in a position to audit unless he can comfortably out of a clear conscience permit other people to observe. The auditor’s own fear of discovery of data in his own life is found to impede the progress of preclears markedly and is the basic reason for auditor fixation upon nullification techniques rather than observational techniques.

About Scientology, the universities in America would be ashamed of themselves if they could see and hear the high repute in which the work is held in Europe. Over here they know something happened in 1950.

There are in the process of test four mechanical aids for the treatment of the psychotic which may or may not obviate auditing. Nevertheless such mechanical aids would have to be applied by an auditor. Pending the final testing of these mechanical aids, the auditor is invited to let alone for the time the problem of the psychotic and psychotic patients. But if he does feel called upon to treat the psychotic, his attention is invited to Step VII of SOP 8. It is highly probable that this step, succeeded by as much of the remainder of SOP 8 as can be assimilated, is the only mental treatment in existence for the remedy of psychosis or severe neurosis which will deliver good results without danger of worsening the psychosis. A long investigation of shock treatment by an unbiased investigator financed by myself has resulted in the incontrovertible conclusion that shock treatment of any kind, whether by use of noise, gas, electricity or physical blows, not only worsens but confirms mental derangement and is used in this civilization at this time solely because the level of acceptance of the psychiatrist is a psychotic person, which level of acceptance will not permit a raising of that person into the level of sanity. The use of surgery and shock upon the mentally deranged is bluntly criminal.

Well — to business.

The recommended battery of techniques for the betterment of the preclear as of this date is as follows:


  • Viewpoint Processing SSSA
Easy to Learn, Quick to Act
  • Certainty Processing SOP 8
  • With regard to your own case or any case, be advised that as of this writing of August, 1953, six short easily learned processes exist which, separately or in combination, markedly and simply alter and improve a case. They solve those problems encountered in Dianetics as well as in Scientology. These processes are unlimited. They are not difficult to do. They work fast and they require no more time to learn than it would take to instruct a preclear.

  • Short 8 Formula H SOP 8L
  • When I step back and look at them I am a little shocked at myself for not developing them 25 years ago instead of this year, and I am more than a little shocked that Man, in 3,500 or 4,500 years of written history, could have remained ignorant of them.

    Viewpoint Processing is contained in this issue of the PAB. SSSA has been covered in PAB No. 7. Certainty Processing is contained in Appendix 2 for SOP 8 [PAB No. 3]. SOP8 and Short8 are contained in Issue 16-G of the Journal of Scientology. Formula H [PAB No. 9] and SOP 8L will be covered in later PABs.

    Of course Man, in many cults and systems, borders on these. But make no mistake — if you think you know one of these because you saw it in Mysticism or Capitalism or some other cult, read it again here, for you have missed it. “Taking nothing” is not denial, for denial implies a shunning of something, and “taking nothing” doesn’t even imply a something exists. This, for example, is an all technique. It is a certainty of nothing-in-existence. Hard to do at first, perhaps, but productive. And so it is with other processes. Read well, for the thing may be so simple you will miss it.

    Although viewpoints may be handled in many ways and are best handled purely from observation, there is that case which is intensely occluded which cannot at the beginning of auditing observe well as a body if at all as a thetan. This is either the occluded or the delusory case. If the case is delusive, its entrance is via Step VII of SOP 8. If the case is merely occluded the obvious and immediate entrance to the case is Viewpoint Processing.

    Now what are these six wonder-workers? SOP 8? No, but they appear there. Formula H? Takes skill to use that. SOP 8L? No, we aren’t even covering these here. Our six processes have been around for a while and they are given to you as tested, for many auditors have worked with them. And they are given to you as self-processing techniques, for a trained auditor can use them on himself. Any one of these, used alone, would probably effect a theta clear. But that isn’t our goal just now. Many of you have no reality in that. Instead, let us use, one after the other, these six just to become better beings.

    The blackness on the case is indicative of a scarcity of viewpoints, a necessity for safeguarding and protective “screens,” a defensive and propitiative attitude towards existence, too much loss of allies and goods, too much loss of space, and finally and most importantly, loss of those who have evaluated for the preclear. The sudden departure of the person who has evaluated for the preclear results in loss of that viewpoint which the preclear unwittingly had assumed. That one person evaluates for another solely in the most common concourse of communication is not aberrative, but where evaluation has taken on an extreme aspect as in the case of a mother, father, husband or wife, then the preclear has come to assume that if the person evaluates for him, the person is looking and listening and feeling for him as well. The loss, by any cause, of the evaluating personality causes the preclear to believe that he has lost his source of perception. There is no radical difference, and only a gradient scale, between “observing for” and “thinking for.” “Thinking for” is much lower than “looking for” the preclear.

    In subsequent PABs we will do processes which bring you to know about Life through your own certainty. In this one we will aim toward the goal of getting you to know that you are alive. Oh, you do already? Not, I am afraid, to as great a degree as you could. In this PAB we are going to cover the certainty that something can happen.

    Direct observation is infinitely superior to thought which seeks to know before looking. Thought could be said to be the manifestation of evolving a low-level certainty of observation from a number of past observations. The combination of past observations to derive a future observation could be said to be the process of thinking itself.

    Now those of you who exteriorize easily need alter these processes here only to the extent of doing them while exteriorized. These apply to any case, mock-ups, black or what-room.

    Thus we find the occluded case very often very brilliant, very sane and very reasonable but inhibited in observation. The brilliant occluded case has achieved the almost impossible level of being able to know through past experience without looking at all. This could be said to be the generation of a theory: the combining of past experience to predict future experience, the role and function of a theory. Where the ability to think is combined with the ability to observe directly, one has a genius. The case which can observe but thinks poorly or shallowly is known to us as the wide-open case. The case which cannot observe but thinks obsessively is known to us as the psychotic. This does not mean that there are not combinations of wide-open and occluded cases, and it does not mean that all wide-open cases cannot think, nor does it mean that all occluded cases cannot observe. I have here presented only the two extreme aspects of “all observation without thinking” and “all thinking without observation.”

    The processes are, by proper name:

    All manifestations of thought break down into relative positions in space. A person is happy when contra-survival things are far from him and pro-survival things are near to him and unhappy when contra-survival things are close to him and pro- survival things are far from him. In other words, all manifestations of thought and all difficulties of thought find as their basic the five Pre-Logics, the substance of which is that theta locates things in time and space and creates time and space in which to locate things and creates things to be located in time and space.

    1. Ten Minutes of Nothing.

    It will be found that the spatial concepts and observations of the difficult occluded case are at fault: things are too near to him or too far from him; things are in improper relation one to another. The use of Step VII of SOP 8 upon an occluded case, even where the case is not even vaguely “insane,” all can produce this startling result, for this step remedies relative position in space of various objects. This is mentioned in passing because the occluded case who comes to the auditor is usually merely worried or wants to be better and the auditor overlooks the fact that here is a very powerful mind holding well in check and compensating for lack of reality on spatial position. It will be found immediately that this case has been from early childhood extremely concerned one way or another by spatial position. This denotes a former dependency upon one person or another for the MEST universe itself to keep objects located relative to one another in space, and dependence upon the judgment of another as to whether things are near or far. It will be found immediately that somewhere in the current lifetime background of this preclear there was a person who was extremely concerned about the nearness or farness of things and who was obsessed on the subject of distances. A quick relief of this condition is the discovery with an E-Meter of the identity of this person and then the application of Viewpoint Processing, using that person as the one who has most evaluated for the preclear. The E-Meter, not the preclear, will be able to locate this person.

  • Duplication (Step E, Short 8).
  • Although the occluded case will always inform one with great rapidity that he cannot get mock-ups, his statement is quite relative and is based upon his desire to defeat the auditor. It will be found that the case can get some vague impression in one fashion or another sufficient to work the case.

  • Spacation (Step III, SOP 8).
  • The occluded case is afraid of sight. He will be found to recoil from a momentary bright mock-up or a facsimile. These frighten him. In Para-Scientology it has been discovered that a cycle of Can’t-See, Can-See, has taken place somewhere in this occluded case’s past. It has been offered that a person was blind in a lifetime and on death, of course, recovered suddenly his state of vision. So long as he was blind he was alive, the moment he could see he was also dead, so to see means to die. This has solved some of the blindness cases in Scientology. It will also be noted that the occluded case, when asked to exteriorize or when he exteriorizes for the first time, will feel a considerable amount of grief. In Para-Scientology this has been traced to past lives and the death (for exteriorization is an approximation of death).

  • Contact (Step VII, SOP 8).
  • It does not particularly matter whether the sadness of the occluded case, on the thought of exteriorizing, is occasioned by “past deaths” or whether his fear of perceiving is traceable to sudden visions of a body, now dead, to the end of believing that seeing makes him dead. These are matters for Para-Scientology and they only feed the occluded case’s circuit which compels him to look always for a prior cause, a reason.

  • Self Analysis (Step VI, SOP 8).
  • Indeed, his search for a reason is what marries him so thoroughly to a body, for a body always has reasons, reasons for everything. How far can you get from observations? A reason. The occluded case has to know before he can go, has to compute what he will see before he looks. He is the best customer for the map-maker.

  • The Opposite Pole.
  • The dear old Royal Auto Club with its wonderful fund of knowledge about touring, its beautiful travel directions, yet is an example of having to know before we can go. The RAC can tell you the number of pebbles on any road in Tibet, much less France. It is the best and most efficient club of its kind in the world. Just so, we do not object to this trait of the occluded case — to have to study books and maps before he can move — but the occluded case himself at length concludes that he isn’t too happy even when he gets there. His longing for adventure is thwarted by his thirst for knowing before he is. He has to know, for example, all about the conditions of being a clear before he is audited. Then he approximates in auditing what he has now computed a clear should do. And his case stands still. Why? Because it isn’t being audited — his circuits (calculators) are. On concepts and nullification techniques in general his improvement is very, very slow, for he is processing something while the auditor is processing him — and the auditor is not processing the preclear, but, via the preclear, a circuit. The answer to this is blunt: “Look! Don’t think! Look!”

    They rank approximately in the above importance and they can be run in the above order.

    It will be found that the occluded case never looks at a thing. He looks at something besides a thing. He is “steered off” that which he would observe by charge. Ask him for an observation — you will get an indirect reply, a reason, an explanation, a description — and if he is in “bad shape” you will get an answer, not to your question, but to something else. By this alone you can tell an occluded case. A case pretending to be wide-open is actually occluded if it behaves thus. Many a “wide-open” case with “clear recalls” actually can’t see anything or is seeing nothing but delusion. The positive key is, how direct is the communication with this person?

    Certainty Processing, Formula H, and SOP 8L are to be the subjects of later PABs. The above six serve our purpose here. They serve our purpose so well, these six — that an auditor cannot use them on a preclear without changing markedly the state of the case. In fact, it is my belief that an auditor, after testing these on himself and a preclear, could not honestly go back to using off-brand psychotherapy unless he had something else besides psychotherapy in mind, such as, shall we say, sadism or coercion. For these six by themselves or with Certainty, SOP 8, Short 8, SOP 8L and Formula H, produce any beneficial mental result possible according to my experiments, data and reports. Remember, all these are Scientology, they are not Dianetics. They go on a 180° vector to Dianetics. I developed these in 1953. I carefully point this out in order to unstick a few people on the time track. The phenomena in Dianetics are still there but Dianetics requires too much skill and leaves too wide a margin for unscrupulous auditing. Dianetics isn’t better — it’s just too difficult, and takes too long.

    Another characteristic of the occluded case is that he “has been betrayed.” Any case that talks much about betrayal is an occluded case, even if he represents himself otherwise.

    These six are a backbone of Scientology, Science of Certainty. And they give you and your preclears all the certainty of recovery you could desire. They undo travail. They do their job easily without auditor restimulation. And you can self-audit them.

    The occluded case is sometimes a criminal, sometimes intensely honest. In a search for truth, he has interpreted truth as “agreement exactly with the past.” This is honesty. It is also being MEST itself. So if you cannot get a case to lie to you, know that it is occluded. If you cannot get a case to act without a reason, it is occluded. If a case claims to be doing one thing and is actually doing another, if its actions are hidden behind a mask of TRUTH (if it is really a liar) you have a spun occluded case that has entered delusion. This person is crazy. And dangerous to the auditor and his reputation.

    (Read ALL the PAB before Self-Processing.)

    The only safe way to audit is with an E-Meter. Only then can an auditor know the preclear is doing what the auditor says. Spend twenty hours of auditing an occluded case if you will, without an E-Meter, come to the end of the period, as you will, without any marked benefit to the case, assume then that the technique didn’t work (and you will), but don’t expect any sympathy from me if you don’t always use an E-Meter. If the preclear is running as you direct there is always a needle response, particularly on the new Mathison 54—no occluded case can get by one — but they can get by an auditor for the whole being if the occluded case is geared to defend and defeat other motion while yet emanating motion.

    To begin the session, if you were here in person I would ask you to double terminal with certainty “I can’t make people well” “I can make people well” in brackets, for it might be standing in your road. You can try it if you like but you don’t need to. We’ll pick up all that when we learn about LIFE in SOP 8L. Or I might have you run “Must reach” “Can’t reach,” “Must withdraw” “Can’t withdraw” on your favorite somatic first. But again, that isn’t necessary.

    There is a type of occluded case, very low in reasoning ability, which may have given rise to the “vampire” idea — the personality which absorbs the life and lives on the life of others. This case, of course, is near-psychotic (you must understand that occlusion and psychosis are not synonymous). It has a peculiar trick which identifies it — it ignites and extinguishes matches. I remark on this type because it typifies in a peculiar way what the occluded case is doing: THE OCCLUDED CASE IS DOING ALL POSSIBLE TO STOP OR ABSORB MOTION.

    Let’s go straight to (l) of these processes:

    Here we have the gradient scale of cases:

    (l) Take Ten Minutes of Nothing. This technique means Oh so literally what it says. It isn’t ten minutes of “relaxation” or “relief” or “rest.” It isn’t ten minutes of you, a body. It isn’t ten minutes of somatics. It means ten minutes of no body, no engrams, no walls, no MEST Universe, no sound, no thought, really nothing. All one’s life he is trying to get, to work, to be, to perceive SOMETHING. Now for Ten Minutes let us have utterly NOTHING. The gettingness of something makes a one-way flow. Also the dwindling spiral. Also, the one thing the analytical mind cannot be, it thinks, yet all it is is nothing, is in MEST terms: Nothing. Mind you, fear of NOTHING is enough to make one’s stomach curl for Nothing is death itself. This is unlimited in running time. It always improves a case in the long run if not instantly, as it often does. The preclear discovers sooner or later he CAN be nothing, that he doesn’t have to strive to be. What a relief! Lao-tse was so right about striving.

    • Clear viewpoint (Cleared On)

    The MEST Universe itself is mainly nothing even in the science of physics. In sound, concentrate on the silences between the beats, not the beats, for instance.

  • Viewpoint of facsimiles
  • You can use NOTHING in Matched Terminal Brackets, you can have Nothing of particular somethings such as dead kinfolk. But the basic technique and the one used here is simply “Ten Minutes of Nothing.”

  • Viewpoint partially occluded (the average case)
  • If you or the preclear get too ill the first time (the illness would abate if the process were kept up and always abates in subsequent periods) use the next-to-the-last list of Self Analysis (something real, etc.).

  • Viewpoint entirely occluded
  • Now to (2). This is Duplication. This process appears in Short 8 as Step E. But it appears so briefly that its use and variation has not been understood.

  • Viewpoint partially occluded, partially delusive
  • The analytical mind has come to depend entirely for perception upon the body while, it can be demonstrated easily, it is itself capable of vision.

  • Viewpoint of delusive facsimiles (the dub-in case)
  • Further, the body has a nasty and uncontrollable trick of duplicating everything it sees. This makes engrams. The body perceives continuously as we learned in Dianetics. Duplication is the action of making mental pictures. Duplication processing brings the mechanism of taking pictures under the aware control of the analytical mind. The body “makes pictures” of everything. It is certain of MEST because it has apparently been punished into agreeing with the solidity of MEST.

    It is a shock to the occluded preclear to find out what he is doing — for he is using every facsimile or ridge he can muster to absorb around him light, sound, feeling, motion, distance, and viewpoints. He is rigging himself up as a sponge for all motion that is forbidden or destructive. When you start to process this man, you will be astonished to find he is holding to him (with no responsibility) waterfalls to deaden sound, stove lids to stop fire, mats to deaden impacts. He is a walking soft-armor tank. In a light stage he is heavily built. When he is thin, he has begun to retreat from his armor plate.

    The analytical mind is not so “sold” on MEST. Thus, remember this, it doesn’t make clear pictures or “see” well at first. It dubs in a thing of no consequence in theta clearing. The process begins by having the preclear (or yourself) look with the body’s eyes at MEST objects and, one by one, put beside each object selected a mock-up or duplicate of it. This is done rapidly with far more attention to quantity than quality. This is done for a couple of minutes. The second, longer step consists of advising the preclear or yourself to “look” with eyes shut at MEST objects and, eyes still shut, put a duplicate or mock-up beside each object selected, and perceived. One does not at first select the preclear’s body. One selects objects in the room, then outside the house. The last necessitates “seeing through walls.” At no time lead the preclear, if doubtful, to do more than “pretend to see.” But don’t tell him he must only pretend either, for this is invalidation. The certainty comes in on the duplicate. The preclear knows he is duplicating even if he is only pretending to see the actual object. Tell him to see the house next door and duplicate it with a mock-up beside it. Tell him to see a bush and duplicate that. Keep this up for many many objects. The preclear may or may not tell you he feels he is away from his body. If he is, good. Don’t tell him to get back in. Just keep up the process regardless. You are not interested at this stage or with these processes in theta clearing, but it happens anyway.

    He has followed this scale downward:

    Finally have the preclear view and mock up beside it his own body and parts of his body from various angles. This process resolves scarcity of engrams and viewpoints and is intensely useful and valuable.

    • 40.0 Cause (Emanating)

    1. Spacation is Step III of SOP 8. This is a specialized version of nothingness. It is very murderous to aberration. Its first phase is to have the preclear, with his eyes closed, “reach” up and find the two corners of the room behind him and get interested in them and NOT THINK. You can do this for hours. No matter how bad you feel or from what, you can always improve with this one. This puts the preclear in present time. And as circuits are never in present time, they key out. This process resolves all your out-of-present-time Dianetic problems.

  • 30.0 Mainly Cause, sometimes Effect
  • The preclear is holding on to both sides of the engram bank, taking responsibility for one side only — thus he is an effect. This is “Spacation with MEST.” Your preclear, I am sorry to say, will eventually exteriorize whether he knows about it or not.

  • 20.0 Half Cause, half Effect
  • A total spacation is completed by having the preclear put eight anchor points of his own out, ignoring MEST, to make and use his own space. There are many uses for this process. All ills are basically lack of one’s own space. This Step III is basically a nothingness process. People who are afraid of nothingness can’t make space.

  • 4.0 More Effect than Cause (High Toned Man)
  • 2. Contact is Step VII of SOP 8. More data is needed here. Auditors have been writing me frantically telling me that their “sane” preclears get big tone rises on this and that this is not limited to psychotics. The process consists of having the preclear see, feel or otherwise sense objects in the room, reach for them with hands and then withdraw from them. It can be repeated theta-wise.

  • 2.0 Mainly Effect, destructive Cause down
  • 3. Self Analysis (Step VI of SOP 8) is, of course, the total of Self Analysis in Scientology, published by the HAS in Philadelphia.

  • 0.0 All Effect
  • It is mock-up processing. It

    Note: 4.0 was and is the goal of Dianetics. 30.0 to 40.0 is the goal of Scientology. This goal of Dianetics was so difficult or impossible to attain by my early auditors that I returned entirely to investigation in October of 1950. I had considerably overestimated the capabilities of auditors and seriously underestimated the difficulty of some cases.

    (a) creates space,

    Whatever process you use on an occluded case, you will find the above holds true. And of course it continues to hold true down into delusion. To make this case recover by wiping out engrams or postulates is bluntly impossible, for the case has mimicry of gravity and is grasping to it every incoming impact.

    (b) takes attention off engrams,

    It is remarkable that the delusive or dub-in case is best told by its pretending to have facsimiles (a complete corruption of an intolerable past) and yet manifesting the other manifestations of a completely occluded case. There aren’t many of these delusive cases around; auditors in the old days commonly mistook these cases for near-clears, and thought to bring them up to a state of clear by auditing out engrams. Of course, the preclear could manufacture and believe (automaticity of engram manufacture) more engrams than could ever be eradicated by auditing and the case would simply stay on the same level or would even get worse. The auditor had failed to apply the small tests offered in Book One to distinguish a dub-in case. The wide-open case (delusive but clear recalls of non-factual material) is distinguished, then, by having the same manifestations in life as the occluded case, which is to say, a fear of and protest against sound, a general protest against life, a defensive and defeating attitude. But this case is in far worse condition than the occluded case and this condition is most easily noticed by endocrine disorders. This is denoted by sterility, untimely fat on the back of the ankles (startlingly common in the current civilization) and perceptic difficulties. In auditing this delusive case, it will be found that sonic and visio go off and the case becomes an occluded case before it rises far enough up the tone scale to have (and not need) proper facsimiles, or a good memory of past events. If the auditor thinks the occluded case is difficult, he should realize that this wide-open case is death and destruction to all around it, for the case is capable actually of nothing but destructive action and desires no other mental state in those around it than a complete apathy. The occluded case quite commonly supposes himself to be badly off; the delusive case rarely, if ever, believes there is anything wrong with him or her. The occluded case is high toned for homo sapiens and is therefore far more common amongst the leaders of society than even auditors suppose.

    (c) recovers the use of energy,

    In Viewpoint Processing we are looking for the person in the preclear’s past who did not enjoy certain positions on the tone scale. You must know that love, hate, enjoyment and admiration are not positions on the tone scale. You will not find them on any tone scale that has been released by me for they are attitudes toward emotion or characteristics of energy rather than emotion. Emotions are a set band of reactions. Any person who can be freely emotional and enjoy a “good cry,” or even enjoy being apathetic, also can hate “having a good cry,” and so it is as well with love and admiration. In what the Russians laughingly call a civilization (and you would be shocked at how far that is from anything Europe or America thinks is civilized) practically the only enjoyed emotions are apathy, grief and fear. The remaining emotions in that culture are all but unknown. This holds true on the tone scale, in spite of the fact that these emotions are actually enjoyed.

    (d) improves aesthetics, and several other things.

    In the old days the Russians thought nothing was more fun than for everybody to go into the barn and burn it down. They have not much changed. In Germany the most enjoyed emotion is hate amongst the Junkers class. They hate up and down the entire emotional band with an abandon which brings out the sporadic excursions they take down into France. Love, if you have ever noticed, does not much care where it sits on the tone scale, as we find a young man deeply in love starving himself to death (a characteristic of apathy) and a young girl in love in a dreamy enthusiasm which makes her bloom. We find love used in Christianity about twelve feet below 0.0 and in New York precisely at 2.5 on the tone scale. Admiration is a particle which unites and resolves like the universal solvent all types of energy, particularly force. Hate coheses and hardens energy. Love is the human manifestation of admiration. All this so you will know why it is that an occluded case sticks at being an occluded case while another case does not. The reason is in the people who have evaluated for the preclear. One of these has taught the preclear arduously to dislike (hate) all manner of things, has taught the preclear that many things are bad (it’s so bad over there you’ll have to look back at me). Another has taught the preclear that he must love everything. The predominant teaching is “Do not enjoy,” “Do not be happy” (happiness being a state of admiration of things).

    The next-to-the-last list in the book is still excellent-Recall a time when something was real to you, when you were in good communication, when you knew some affinity was present. This can be supplemented by having the preclear mock up an entirely fictitious series of past and future incidents- for TRUTH when it means MEST Universe is Total Agreement with the past; and that is death, that is MEST.

    The cycle, then, of the preclear who has been taught to hate things is that he begins to resist them and eventually piles up energy against them to such a degree that he makes an actual deposit, which is an occlusion and which has on his side of it complete blackness and on the reverse side of it the piled-up facsimiles of that thing which he is resisting. This screen, then, has a hunger for the thing which it was resisting, and if this screen is fed whatever it was set up to resist, it will dissolve. This accounts, in part, for the step of Expanded Gita. As a test, I fed the screen of one preclear the loathsome item which it had been set up to resist for thirteen hours before the screen resolved.

    4. Opposite Pole processing is new to you but it is a logical follow-through on three universes. We have here more than adequate to make one sure of his own universe, enough to make one sure of the MEST Universe, but not enough to make the preclear certain of the “other fellow’s universe.” (See Issue 16-G of the Journal of Scientology, “This is Scientology,” [page 378].) Certainty on three universes is necessary.

    In processing it is far better to pick up the evaluation which began the screens than it is to set out on the adventure of trying to dissolve the screens.

    The Opposite Pole is, as I will cover in later PABs, quite important. Here I will give the rudimentary process:

    However, if you want to see a cleared MEST body it is probable that you will have to feed these screens on Expanded Gita, wasting and accepting in brackets for, perhaps, a hundred hours. This solves the actual hunger which depresses the acceptance level of the preclear down to the things which he is resisting.

    There are two phases. The first is allied to Certainty Processing. The second is a resolution of valences. Its name is “Wearing Heads.”

    The best trick the MEST universe has is to teach somebody he must not enjoy something, that that thing is bad and therefore he must resist it. Once this cycle of resistance is started, the preclear edges down toward the bottom.

    In the first, one puts an imaginary point before, behind, above, below, to each side of him, one place at a time, and has this point think “I am going to destroy you”; also have the points saying “I will betray you” and “I won’t reply” and then the preclear thinks at the point “Nothing there.” This is a simple form. The point can think all sorts of threatening or cowardly things, and also “Nothing there” meaning all manner of things at the point. But the primary phase of having the point think “I am going to destroy you,” “I will betray you” and “I won’t reply” and having the preclear think “Nothing there” and varying the position of the point will suffice when Opposite Pole is used with the remaining five processes.

    In auditing Viewpoint Processing, then, with the preclear on the E-Meter, one should take an assessment of all the people with whom he has been surrounded to discover which one of those people enjoyed things the least and hated things the most, and which one of those people insisted that the preclear love everything. It will be found that both of these will probably wind up with a stuck needle when discovered, for the preclear winds up hating the individual who insisted upon love for everything. The sudden loss of a sexual partner runs the cycle from love to hate with rapidity and leaves the preclear hung at that portion of the track where he lost the person. By resisting the loss he resists the person, and if the person has done anything to engender hate, we will find the preclear in a strange state of hating love. If he has to resist all love and affection, then, the chances of his getting enough particles of admiration to make life enjoyable to him are nil. This person is probably earlier in the preclear’s life than marriage.

    “Wearing Heads” is the second phase of Opposite Pole. One has the preclear, or himself, make a list of early allies, pets, enemies, current associates, the wife or husband and objects and then, one after another, put on the head (mocked up over his own head or around him if exteriorized) of the other person or thing. One does this rapidly. The preclear gets some insight into the 3rd Universe. “Wearing Heads” is quite effective. If there are some heads he won’t wear or if he gets one “stuck on” and “can’t get it off,” recall that this process is the last on the list and one goes from it to “Take Ten Minutes of Nothing” and around we go again.

    What we are trying to do here, then, is not to run out all the engrams in the bank, but to release and free the viewpoints which are being resisted. This is somewhat like opening a safe. It was difficult to learn the proper combination; the proper combination consists of breaking down the resistance of the preclear to that viewpoint which loved everything and which evaluated for the preclear and tried to get him to love everything. It will be found that this person has departed from the life of the preclear and the preclear will probably tell you with a sudden realization, yes, his emotions shut off just about that time.

    Now if you really are serious about your own case or about getting results on your preclear, you will sit down or lie down for half an hour or an hour or so a day for the next two weeks and go through each one of these six, giving each a few minutes and then going on to the next. I won’t tell you you’ll be a clear in two weeks. You will have to have an insight of some depth into life to be a stable clear and you get that by getting audited on or auditing yourself on Certainty, Formula H and SOP 8L on the routine to be given in future PABs. But if you use these six steps as given here and don’t wander and don’t let your circuits get you into “mazes of philosophy” and don’t get fascinated by engrams, you’ll be a passable release after a while. You may even find out you’re alive! Breathing and everything!

    The screen which has been set up to resist this person may be based on an earlier screen, so one should take a second look and find out if there was somebody else who loved everything who is resisted by the preclear. It will generally be found that there are one or more earlier screens than the first one the auditor will discover.

    Here’s the routine:

    Having found this screen, it is necessary then to have the preclear, whether he can see his mock-ups clearly or not, mock up in abundance the person being resisted in the attitudes of “looking for the preclear” and of “pointing things out to the preclear to be loved.”*


    Another variation of this process employs a principle which is very old to us — Cause and Effect. The actual computational difficulty with this case is that the case is seeking to be an Effect rather than to be a Cause. The case will tell you that it has been betrayed. This is, in essence, saying “I have been the effect of a bad action”; it is an apology for failure. It will tell you during one session that such-and-such was cause, during the next session that so-and-so was cause, during the session following that that somebody else was cause, during the session following that the engrams so-and-so were the cause, and will actually, when it is very badly off, write you very long notes concerning computations as to what was cause. All of these computations break down into the category of “Something else is cause other than myself.” This is what the auditor is trying to remedy, for unless this cause can assume the role of causation, the case cannot emanate energy sufficient to remove the bank or to move around the spaces in which his engrams are contained — for his problem in being unable to move his engrams around is the problem of being unable to handle space. If he could handle engrams and could handle space, it would be a very simple matter for him to pick up all these black screens and hang them on some building and forget about them. But so long as he is saying that something else is cause other than himself, he will not handle space, he will not handle energy and, truth told, he backs away from objects. And this level of case tends to accept very poor and out-of-repair objects, energies and spaces. This case and cases below this level will dramatize the poor man’s outlook and will accept enMEST rather than MEST.

    1. Ten Minutes of Nothing.

    Thus it is very simple to get this case to run anything which will place the cause somewhere in his environment rather than in himself. The case actually wants to be an effect so as to receive sensation. This accounts in part for the absorption screens which are found in its vicinity. The desire-enforcement-inhibition curve runs down from wanting to be an effect through having to be an effect to trying to inhibit being an effect. When it gets down to inhibiting being an effect, it begins to fight the entire environment.

  • Duplication.
  • *This preclear can give the auditor a rough “go,” for the auditor is trying, by the evaluation of the preclear, to point out the fact that the preclear should be in contact with other human beings, should get better, should like the world and should enjoy life. The auditor, in other words, whether he says so or not, represents to the preclear the road toward love and happiness. Thus the preclear puts up his first and most immediate screen straight at the auditor. This makes it very difficult for the auditor to au

  • Spacation.
  • Contact.
  • Self Analysis.
  • Opposite Pole.
  • Do each not longer than ten minutes at a time. Do all in one session. Use for any case, for auditing or self-auditing.

    Send in for your membership so I can see you next fortnight.