Department One is hereafter to keep its own administrative Service Record for each staff member.
These are uniform throughout Scientology and are already kept in the Sea Org. They are solely for the purposes of Personnel Assignment data.
The Service Record is kept on light-cardboard weight paper, in a two-holed loose leaf book. The Service Records of staff who have left may be kept in the back of the book or sent on to the org they have gone to.
Once the Background section has been filled out (which is done in Dept One when the person first comes on staff) there are only 7 things which need to be logged in the Service Record:
1. Change of post (include date and whether demoted or promoted)
2. Enemy or Treason Declare (date, by whom and reason)
3. Completion of Training level or Staff Status (date)
4. Attainment of Pc Grade (date)
5. Signed a contract (date, length, org)
6. Departure from org staff (date, where to)
7. Assignment of Power condition (date)
NONE of the above is more than a one-line entry.
The Service Record is typed. The book is kept in PT DAILY by the person assigned to it, by reference to the published orders of the day, plus information from Tech on completions. Even in a large org this is no more than an hour or so of work. But it must be done as an invariable routine, as regular as brushing teeth, otherwise it becomes a mad scramble once a week or when someone's record is demanded.
The Service Record does not stay in the org, it follows the person himself when he goes. HCO is responsible for sending it on to the next org, keeping a photocopy on hand. Be sure to keep the photocopy.
For purposes of more thorough investigation Ethics files are consulted and the Service Record in no way replaces these.
A Service Record is numbered as follows: Abbreviation of org + number (start from 0001). If the person changes to another org it is numbered again by that org in the same fashion. Numbering might eventually look like this:
This would be over a period of months or years.
The reason for putting this system in is that in the face of a tremendous expansion of our activities we require a simple and readable method of seeing what someone is all about. It is senseless to try to build up this knowledge anew each time, or for the Execs to have to carry it all around in their head.
Later on, dealing with staff members who have been actively in Scientology for decades, the Service Record will still be a handleable bit of admin.
The dimensions of the Service Record are 8 x 14 inches. Example of the format is attached as part of this HCO P/L.
__________ Date: ________ __________
NAME ____________ ____________ NATIONALITY_____________
SEX_________ __________
ADDRESS __________ ___________DATE OF BIRTH_____________ __________ ____________
__________ ___________NEXT OF KIN___________ _____________ ______________
Training and education __________ ___________ _____________ ____________ _____________
Past jobs held (Date and length of time) ___________ ____________ _____________ ___________ ____________
Special skills: Can type _____________________
Languages___________ ___________ ____________
Others____________ _____________ ______________ _______________
Government or Political Groups ever affiliated with __________ ____________ ____________ ________________
Religious groups ever affiliated with ___________ ___________ ____________ ______________ ______________
Ever affiliated to a suppressive group (dates) __________ _____________ __________ __________ ____________
Drug history if any (dates) _________ __________ ___________ _____________ _____________ ______________
When did you contact Scientology and Dianetics ___________ Through whom ____________ _______________
Any physical defects or handicap ___________ ___________ ___________
Psychiatric or Institutional History (dates) __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ _________
Results of tests (if taken) Leadership ___________ ____________ Judgment ____________ _______________
Social/Anti-Social _________ ___________IQ _________ _______ Other _________
1. STAFF TRAINING (fill in date achieved): SSI _____________ SSII _______ _______ OEC_______ ________
MINISTERS _________ __________ ___________ ___________ ____________
2. TECH TRAINING: HRS ______HTS _______HCS ________HPA ________HVA ________ HSS Vl ________
HGA VII _______ VIII _________ _________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____
3. GRADES ATTAINED: 0 ________ I ________ II ________ III ________ IV ________ VVA ______________
VI _________ CLEAR _________ OTI ________ OTII ________ OTIII _______ OTIV ________ OTV _______
OTVI ____________OTVII ___________ OTVIII ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ______
Scientology Staff Record: Page ___________________ NAME _________________________________