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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711029 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Executive, The [PL021-067]
- 711029 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Executive, The [PL043-088]
- 711029 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Executive, The [PL078-010]
- 711029 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Leadership [PL021-068]
- 711029 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Leadership [PL043-089]
- 711029 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Leadership [PL078-011]
CONTENTS THE EXECUTIVE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Резиденция Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Сасекс
Выпуск II
All Executive HatsВ шляпы всех руководителей
Executive Series 1Серия Руководитель, 2



(Note: Those personnel in orgs who are titled as executives are the Board Members, the Commanding Officer or Executive Director or head of the org, the HCO Executive Secretary, the Org Executive Secretary, the Public Executive Secretary, the heads of divisions and the heads of departments. In very large orgs the title is extended to heads of large sections. To these listed persons especially this data on executives applies.)

*лидерство: качества, которые делают человека хорошим лидером; умение повести за собой.

Before one can adequately perform the duties of an executive in an organization one would have to know what an executive is.

Чтобы справляться со своей работой, руководитель должен быть таким человеком, от которого другие согласны получать приказы.

EXECUTIVE: One who holds a position of administrative or managerial responsibility in an organization.

Первое, что требует от лидера любой, кто идет за ним - это выдержать испытание на компетентность *компетентность: способность делать то, что нужно; мастерство, навыки.. Знает ли лидер, что он делает? Это уже отмечено в определениях понятия руководитель. Ведь если руководитель соответствует этим определениям, то те, кому он должен отдавать приказы, скорее всего станут относиться к ним с доверием.

To give one some idea of the power associated with the word, Daniel Webster, in 1826, defined it as “The officer, whether king, president or other chief magistrate, who superintends the execution of the laws; the person who administers the government, executive power or authority in government. Men most desirous of places in the executive gift, will not expect to be gratified, except by their support of the executive. John Quincy.”

С лидерством связано очень много загадочности (умений или навыков, которые выделяют человека или вещь и ставят их за пределы понимания постороннего). Большая часть этой загадочности - вздор; однако, необходимо, чтобы тот, кто ведет за собой, был способен привлекать внимание и умел воодушевлять и заинтересовывать других. Если руководитель просто знает о предмете или об организации больше, чем другие, то это может вызвать уважительное отношение к нему или даже преклонение перед ним.

Executive is used in distinction from legislative and judicial. The body that deliberates and enacts laws is legislative; the body that judges or applies the laws to particular cases is judicial; the body or person who carries the laws into effect or superintends the enforcement of them is executive, according to its 19th century governmental meaning according to Webster.

Общий знаменатель *общий знаменатель: черта, качество, подход или убеждение, общие для всех членов какой-либо группы. всех хороших руководителей - это способность общаться, иметь аффинити к своей области и своим людям и умение прийти к реальности по существующим обстоятельствам. Все это равняется пониманию. Руководитель, которому недостает этих качеств или способностей, вряд ли добьется большого успеха.

The word comes from the Latin “Ex(s)equi (past participle ex(s)ecutus), execute, follow to the end: ex-, completely + sequi, to follow.” In other words, he follows things to the end and GETS SOMETHING DONE.

Понимание, сложенное с компетентностью, вероятно, является самым идеальным сочетанием качеств руководителя.

Taking up the definition part by part we can achieve a considerable understanding of the nature and beingness of an executive.

Способность вести за собой может также складываться из убежденности и требовательности, и эти два качества часто считают единственными качествами в лидерстве, забывая при этом о компетентности, и, хотя подчиненные принимают их, в той степени, в которой готовы повиноваться, эти качества обеспечивают руководителю превосходство лишь ненадолго. При том, что они часто являются частью характера преуспевающего руководителя, ими не заменишь остальные качества, и они не помогут руководителю преодолеть трудности. Он должен по-настоящему понимать, что он делает, и в течение долгого времени показывать компетентность, чтобы стать выдающимся и завоевать уважение.

“One who holds a position . . .”; a position is a place or location. It is social standing or status; rank. It is a post of employment; job. The sense of this is that an executive is a STABLE TERMINAL for his staff and assistants. He is not continuously elsewhere or missing. He actually holds his position, social standing, status, rank and performs his duties from that position. He is known and visible and in one way or another reachable or himself reaches those areas which need to be handled.

Во всех великих лидерах есть целеустремленность и серьезное отношение к делу, которые ни с чем не перепутаешь. Вдобавок лидеру требуется некоторая доля мужества.

“. . . of administrative . . .” in the definition would refer to his actions in administering his area. Administer means “to have charge of; direct; manage.” It is taken from the Latin administrare, to be an aid to: ad-, to + ministrare, to serve. From minister, servant. By this we see that he has charge of, directs, manages and SERVES his area.

Человек, который просто хочет нравиться, никогда не будет лидером. Люди, хотя они и говорят, что идут за теми, кто им нравится, идут за теми, у кого есть мужество доводить дела до конца. Если рассмотреть большое количество исторических данных, то ясно видно, что люди идут за теми, кого уважают. Уважение - это признание воодушевленности, целеустремленности и компетентности.

. . or managerial. . refers to management, which is the act, manner or practice of managing, handling or controlling something. Skill in managing, executive ability, which means that the activity is HANDLED or CONTROLLED by the executive.

Если эти качества лидера поняты, то их нетрудно достичь.

“. . . responsibility . . .” means the state, quality or fact of being responsible, and responsible means legally or ethically accountable for the care or welfare of another. Involving personal accountability or ability to act without guidance or superior authority. Being the source or cause of something. Capable of making moral or rational decisions on one’s own and therefore answerable for one’s behavior. Able to be trusted or depended upon; reliable. Based upon or characterized by good judgment or sound thinking. This means essentially that an executive DOES NOT WAIT FOR ORDERS TO ACT. He is the one who, guided by policy, acts on his own initiative to handle and supervise his area and others and does not himself require supervision.


“... in an organization.” An organization means the act of organizing or the process of being organized. The state or manner of being organized: “a high degree of organization.” Something that has been organized or made into an ordered whole. A number of persons or groups having specific responsibilities and united for some purpose or work. Thus an organization is an activity or area that is being organized or has been organized or made into an “ordered whole.”

Thus, from the words and definitions taken from the language itself and the tradition of the culture, we can see what an executive is, what he does and what he eventually has — an organization.

It is very interesting that one can examine the above definition and subdefinitions and analyze an executive’s general competence. Where any of these things are missing in his character or duty or general conduct, there is very likely to be a flaw in the activity he has under his authority. One could go over these items one by one, for himself or for another, and he would see at once what had to be improved and what was satisfactory in his or others’ executive beingness.

In order to competently achieve the beingness of an executive, one would have to have the technology of how to organize and would have to have, as well, a concept of the ideal scene of an organization in order to compare it to any existing scene and would have to be familiar with the technology required in that specific organization by which it produces the products necessary for its survival.

In that every organization has value only to the degree it produces, one can see that an executive should be able to achieve production long before his organization is perfected and to be able to perfect the organization while producing. Otherwise the organization would not be sufficiently viable to survive and his status as an executive would cease.

Good executives are very valuable and the value consists of their ability to obtain production and form the necessary and adequate organization in order to do so. There are no stellar executives who do not meet every piece and part of the above definitions.
