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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Line Design - HGC Lines, An Example (ORG-24) - P710306 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Организация Линий на Примере Линий НЦХ (ОРГ-24) (ц) - И710306 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710306 - HCO Policy Letter - Line Design - HGC Lines, an Example [PL018-055]
- 710306 - HCO Policy Letter - Line Design - HGC Lines, an Example [PL043-020]
- 710306 - HCO Policy Letter - Line Design - HGC Lines, an Example [PL087-026]
HGC Lines, An Example
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Prod Org Hats Tech Hats Qual Hats Org Series 24

HGC Lines, An Example

The present lines for the HGC in any org are the subject of HCOB 5 March 71, C/S Series 25, “The Fantastic New HGC Line,” which is to be considered part of this policy letter.

This modifies early Tech org boards to some extent.

The old line in ’65 policy did not include a Case Supervisor as such and shunted failed pcs to Qual Review.

Today Tech does its own pc repairs and Qual concentrates on cramming HGC auditors as well as students. Qual can also cram the Tech C/S.

It is completely amazing that a statistic ceiling on well-done auditing hours delivered could not have exceeded 250-300 well-done hours a week no matter how many auditors were hired or posted. The post of the C/S overloaded and the D of P post could not function well without overload.

The new line is capable of a statistic ceiling of 600 to 800 well-done hours a week. After that a new second HGC is manned fully and given new space.

The importance of a properly formed line, traveling in correct sequence is then driven home.

An improper line will reduce the statistic ceiling by 1/2 to 1/3 of what can be achieved by the same number of people.

The overload of seniors usually occurs because of improperly set up lines.

Lines are invisible to most people and they are unable to conceive of them until given full drills.

Unless this new C/S line is used you will not be able to average more than 250 well-done hours a week no matter how many auditors you put in the HGC. The auditors will be idle, confused and causing upsets.

If an org cannot get more than 250 well-done hours a week, it will find that it cannot really make money from processing.

Thus the new line will give volume, quality and viability in processing pcs.

Advantages of the line are that one HSST can handle up to 30 auditors. The earlier ceiling was eight or ten auditors.

With higher volume, backlogs vanish rapidly.

The admin personnel in the line can be afforded.

Line design, then, is a strong and unsuspected cause of low statistic ceilings.

Product and Org Officers must be intimately familiar with this HGC line. And they must be aware of the fact that faulty line design can cripple an org’s income and overload its posts and excellent line design can double the stat ceiling in any department while lightening the load.
