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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Manning Up an Org (AKH-36, ORG-36, EXEC-18, PERS-28) - P761114 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Укомплектование Организации (АНХ-36, РУК-18, ПЕРС-28, ОРГ-36) (ц) - И761114 | Сравнить
- Формирование Организации (АНХ-36, ОРГ-36, РУК-18, ПЕРС-28) - И761114 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 761114 - HCO Policy Letter - Manning Up an Org [PL033-007]
- 761114 - HCO Policy Letter - Manning Up an Org [PL046-040]
- 761114 - HCO Policy Letter - Manning Up an Org [PL052-056]
CONTENTS MANNING UP AN ORG Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Flag Bu All Orgs Ext HCO FB Admin Kuow-How Series 36
Org Series 36
Executive Series 18
Personnel Series 28


The Sequence of Posting Depts and Divs

You need an org bd first and an allocation board.

The sequence in which an org is manned up is roughly:

(Note, an AO always mans up the AO dept or div along with the SH one in each case.)

Wrong sequence of manning is Dept 6, Dept 12, Dept 6, Dept 12, Dept 6, Dept 12, as you wind up with a stuck clinic that won’t expand.

Wrong sequence will contract an org while trying to expand it as the org will go out of balance, bad units, noisy and unproductive.

If manned in a correct sequence its income has a chance to stay abreast of its new staff additions.

Emphasis on GI without comparable emphasis on delivery and organization can throw an org into such a spin only a genius can run it.

Manned in proper sequence, and hatted as it goes, an org almost runs itself.

Single-handing from the top comes from longstanding failures to man or man in sequence, from earlier noncompliance with explicit orders or from not understanding orgs in the first place.

An unhappy org that doesn’t produce has usually been manned only partially and out of sequence.

The trick is planned manning, ignoring the screams of those who know best or demand personnel; just manning by posting those who have been screamed for the loudest is a sure way to wind up with no people and total org problems instead of a total org that is prosperous and producing.

Incidently, this is a rough approximation of the sequence of hats the ED gradually unloads as his org takes over.
