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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Service Product Officer (ESTO-39, ORG-39) - P790809-2R79 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Администратор по Продукту Сферы Услуг (АНХ-38, ОРГ-39, ЭСТО-37) (ц) - И790809-2RA00 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 790809 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Call-In - the Key to Delivery and Future Income [PL036-057]
- 790809 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Call-In - the Key to Delivery and Future Income [PL047-041]
- 790809 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Call-In - the Key to Delivery and Future Income [PL054-040]
- 790809 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Call-In - the Key to Delivery and Future Income [PL084-011]
- 790809 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Service Product Officer [PL084-012]
- 790809 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Service Product Officer [PL036-056]
- 790809 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Service Product Officer [PL047-042]
- 790809 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Service Product Officer [PL054-041]
- 790809 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Service Call-In Committee [PL036-055]
- 790809 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Service Call-In Committee [PL047-043]
- 790809 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Service Call-In Committee [PL054-042]
- 790809 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Service Call-In Committee [PL084-013]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo All Orgs All Staff (Revisions in this type style) Establishment Officer Series 39
Org Series 39


(This HCO PL has been revised in order to show the importance of the Product/Organizing Officer and Establishment Officer systems in relation to the Service Product Officer. These systems are totally valid and should be in full use in organizations.)


The post of SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER is hereby established in the Office of the CO/ED, Dept 19, of all Class IV and Sea Org orgs. His direct senior is the CO/ED.

Until such time as a SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER is posted the responsibilities and duties are covered by the Service/Call-in Committee as fully laid out in HCO PL 9 Aug 79 I, CALL-IN: THE KEY TO FUTURE DELIVERY AND INCOME and HCO PL 9 Aug 79 III, SERVICE/CALL-IN COMMITTEE.

The VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS of this post are (1) flawlessly serviced and

completed paid pcs and students who re-sign-up for their next service, and (2) high quality promotional items in the hands of volumes of public who come in, sign-up and start an org service.

The main statistics for the SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER are

(1) Number of pcs and students completed and re-signed on to their next service. (This includes those actually routed on to the next upper org for services and who do re-sign.)

(2) Number of public in and started onto a service.

Completion: By completion is meant those actions completed and attested at C & A and accompanied by an acceptable success story.

Re-sign: By re-sign-ups are meant pcs and students who, after completion of a service, see the Registrar to sign up again for another service while in the org.

Promotional Items: Those items which will produce income for the organization. By promotional items are meant those things which make Scientology and our products known and will cause people to respond either in person or by written reply to the result of receiving Scientology commodities. These are tours, book outlets, Sunday services, events, upstat image, fliers, info packs, handouts, books, ASR packs, specified service promotion, etc.

There are of course many other stats that reflect the SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER’S subproducts and these are VSD, TOTAL GI, INTENSIVES COMPLETED, BULK MAIL OUT, NUMBER OF PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS OF THE ORG IN, NUMBER OF FULLY AND PARTIAL PAIDS GOTTEN INTO THE ORG AND ON TO THEIR NEXT SERVICE. These are very important parts of the SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER HAT, as they reflect his subproducts which lead to his valuable final product.


The purpose of an organization is to deliver service to the public. The primary functions which add up to delivery to the public are promotion, sales, call-in, delivery itself and re-sign. The Service Product Officer is responsible for the flow of PRODUCTS through these areas. He is a PRODUCT OFFICER. He names, wants and gets products in these areas and thus ensures that the organization is accomplishing its purpose of service to the public.

The full technology of Product Officers is explained in the Flag Executive Briefing Course lectures, where the Product/Org Officer system was developed. This system is still fully valid and is, in fact, the tech of the Service Product Officer. He is solely interested in products. When the Service Product Officer comes across a situation that requires organizing, he gets his Organizing Officer to handle it. The O/O (Organizing Officer) should actually be operating a few steps ahead of the Service Product Officer at all times — organizing for immediate production, per the Product/Org system. A full study of the Product/Org system, as contained in the FEBC tapes, the Org Series and Esto Series 33, 34 and 35, NAME, WANT AND GET YOUR PRODUCT, is recommended in order to attain a thorough understanding of the actions of the Service Product Officer and his Organizing Officer.

The Service Product Officer is not a stopgap at any point of the promotion, sales, call-in, delivery and re-sign lines, where executives have failed to post and hat staff. This would be the responsibility of the Exec Establishment Officer per Esto Series 1. Establishment Officers see that short and long-range establishment are occurring in the organization in the form of recruiting, hatting and training of staff. The Esto system is a necessary and very vital tool for the Service Product Officer and the organization — and should definitely be in full use.

The Service Product Officer has the authority to directly order or work with any terminal involved in the promotion, sales, call-in, delivery or re-sign areas so long as he maintains direct liaison with their seniors.

The Service Product Officer must be fully aware of every post in the org and what their jobs consist of. He must know who handles what cycles and what cycles are on the lines. For instance, it is up to the Service Product Officer to be aware of all promotional actions occurring in the org and who is doing them, or if they aren’t getting done. He must be aware of what public aren’t getting serviced and he ensures those responsible get them serviced. He doesn’t do this himself as a serious goof of any Product Officer would be to go down the org board and do the job himself. The Service Product Officer must ensure others get the work done. Otherwise, he would wind up doing everyone’s post and not getting anything done. It’s actually pretty overwhelming to think of a Service Product Officer as responsible for doing everyone else’s post duties. That’s the sure-fire way to sink fast. Where a product isn’t getting out the Service Product Officer debugs it using HCO PL DEBUG TECH, in order to get production. He is not interested in first finding the person’s MU or excuse, he is interested in getting production occurring now. Let the Org Officer and Qual worry about the staff member’s MUs.

Divisional Secretaries are the Product Officers for their division per the Product/Organizing Officer system. The Service Product Officer sees that the Product Officers over the whole delivery cycle are getting their products. He coordinates the flow of products from division to division. A Service Product Officer doing his post fully and properly is, in fact, the person that makes the org board work. He sees that products aren’t jamming up at one point of the line, but that they continue through the organization.

The Service Product Officer walks into the Tech Div and finds the Tech Sec sitting at his desk, shuffling paper and the pcs are piling high and complaining about no service. The last thing the Service Product Officer would do is start organizing the Tech staff around and scheduling the pcs. No sir, that’s a serious offense. The first thing he would do is find out what can be produced RIGHT NOW, what auditors can be gotten into session right now and makes the Tech Sec do it and GET IT DONE. This all takes about 15 minutes and he gets the area flowing again and then, WHAM! . . . he’s out and into his next area. The Service Product Officer would not sit down and just start word clearing or doing Exchange by Dynamics on the Tech Sec. He would unstick the flows and get them moving. Then he would alert HCO and Qual to this serious problem of unhattedness and demand it be handled.

The basic sequence of the Service Product Officer on getting the products flowing off the lines is PUSH, DEBUG, DRIVE, NAME IT, WANT IT, AND GET IT. That’s the only way you ever get a product. Products don’t happen on their own.

This means he tells the Tech Sec to get Joe Blow there in session now! There is no general “audit these pcs.” You’d never get a product that way.

The ED/CO has no authority to order the Service Product Officer to perform the total duties of any one post. The Service Product Officer must guard against being stuck into one post after another, doing it all himself. Nor is the Service Product Officer an “expeditor” for the CO/ED.

It is also very important that the Service Product Officer advise seniors that he is going into their areas so as not to create a Danger condition and wind up having to run the entire org. He also does this by getting the seniors to handle their juniors so a product is gotten. He does not walk in and cross-order the seniors of areas but works with them to see that products are produced.

The Service Product Officer is one who comes up with BIG IDEAS on getting public flooded into the org and being serviced swiftly. He is the one who thinks along the line of PRODUCTS PRODUCTS PRODUCTS. By spanning the divisions, he coordinates the product wanted and ensures each division is aware of its part in getting this product and that their actions are uniform. Where the Service Product

Officer spots diversity, or lack of uniformity, he must alert his Org Officer or HCO. By doing the actions of coordination for a product and product demand, the Product Officer creates a team and more importantly sets the pace of the org’s production and morale.


There are certain aspects of the organization which the Service Product Officer must be thoroughly trained in to do his job properly.

The Service Product Officer must be fully aware of all the Valuable Final Products (VFPs) of each department and each division of the org. Without this the Service Product Officer can create havoc, as he would be ordering Division 6 to recruit or the Reges to supervise. By not knowing cold the org VFPs, the Service Product Officer would certainly jam the flows throughout the org board.

A serious fault in any executive is not knowing the functions of terminals and the relation of one terminal to another. A key function of any executive is that of routing. An executive that misroutes communications and particles will tie his org in knots and wonder why no products are coming out. Therefore, a Service Product Officer must know cold every post function in the org and what particles belong on what lines.

He has got to know where a product comes from and where it goes in order to see it through the lines. A Product Officer’s job is to name, want and get a product. However, he must first know where that product is to come from and where it is to go. This is an incredibly fundamental point.

In order for org lines to flow, routing forms (RFs) must be used. A routing form is a full step-by-step road map on which a particle travels. Every point a particle (which could be a student, pc, mail, etc.) must go through to wind up at its destination must be listed on the routing form.

The Service Product Officer's Organizing Officer must ensure routing forms exist and are in use for each and every line in an org he deals in. Both he and the Service Product Officer must know these forms cold and be able to instantly spot when a line is being abused or ignored so as to slam in the correct routing.

A Service Product Officer must fully clay demo all the lines of an organization for each and every product. This must include each particle from entrance to the org and through all lines on which that particle would flow until it leaves the org. Lines are the most fundamental point of administration. To not have a full grasp of these lines would be detrimental to any Product Officer.


It is very easy for the Service Product Officer to become wrapped up in one area while neglecting the others; however, this must not be done as, while products might be getting through in one area, they may well be seriously bogging in others. The Service Product Officer is concerned with promotion, sales, call-in, delivery and re-sign. He begins his product officering in promotion and gets products out there or started and moves on to sales and gets them on to getting their products and so on through call-in and delivery and re-sign. He then returns to the beginning, promotion, and follows up on what he started there and gets even more production out. This is basically how the Service Product Officer moves through the org.

Daily, the Service Product Officer must plan and battle plan out his day. He must list those products he intends to achieve in each one of his areas and then gets them.

The Service Product Officer is not an “information courier” or “data gatherer.” He is ahead of the game and knows the data. He must know what public haven’t been regged in the org yet, he must know who hasn’t been taken into session that day, or who

has been stuck in Ethics for 3 days, and ensure these things get handled. Therefore he must be quicker and faster than anyone else in the org and run run run.


Promotion is the first action of the SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER. He must ensure the many promotional pieces and actions are getting done. Some of these are

1. Selling of books.

2. Staff selling books.

3. Books placed in public bookstores.

4. Selling of books to FSMs, franchises, distributors, retailers and salesmen.

5. Books sold on each public contact.

6. Books advertised in mags, ads, posters, fliers, etc.

7. ASR packs.

8. Info packs.

9. Div 6 handouts for lectures and free testing.

10. Posters on major services in Div 6.

11. Promo to field auditors, FSMs, gung ho groups, Dianetic study groups.

12. Org mags.

13. Flag shooting boards.

14. Promo for future events and tours.

15. The AUDITOR (for SHs).

16. Clear News.

17. ADVANCE! mag (for AOs).

18. SOURCE mag (FSO).

19. I WANT TO GO CLEAR CLUB promo (AOs).

20. SHSBC/NED/INTERNSHIPS/NOTs/GRADES, etc., specified in promo.

21. Promo at points of public inquiry.

22. Free testing ads.

23. Fliers inviting people to buy Scientology books.

24. More-Info-Cards used in books.

25. Ads in newspapers.

26. Questionnaires to detect people’s plans for training and processing.

27. Enough letters to public so they come in.

28. All promotional actions per HCO PL 20 Nov 65, PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS OF AN ORGANIZATION.

29. Book seminars, public campaigns and lectures.

30. Public Reception display (books, posters, handouts, etc.).

31. Tours and events, Sunday service.

32. Free testing line.

33. Handling of gung ho groups, keeping FSMs well supplied and supervision of Dianetic study groups and FSMs.

34. Test centers outside the org as an extension.

35. Radio and TV advertisements.

36. Dept 17 services.

37. Reception greeting, handling, routing, chasing up people for appointments and handling incoming calls with ARC and efficiency.

38. Formation of Dianetic counseling groups.

39. Weekly tape and film plays.

40. Promotes the org and standard tech to Auditors Association.

41. Contacts and sees any sign of ARC broken field and alerts Chaplain to clean up the field.

The first thing a Service Product Officer would want to do is get out a large volume of promo to at least get some activity occurring. This would entail Dissem getting any promo laying around the org dug up and sent out to students and pcs. They would get it out in letters and mailings, they would get it handed out to students and pcs, they would pick up the half-completed promo piece, have it fixed up and sent out. They would have promo placed in Reception, in any public inquiry, etc. In other words, the Service Product Officer ensures that the org fully utilizes what promo they do have. He would also have specific promo pieces done to enlighten the field on what services the org has. Where any of this bogged he would push — debug — drive — name it — want it — and get it.

The Service Product Officer, in trying to get in any promotional items, must review what resources he has. For example, is there a Dir Clearing; is there a Receptionist; etc.? He must concentrate on getting those terminals that already exist busy on promotional actions that will create the largest volume of inflow, while his Organizing Officer works on getting more immediate resources to increase the volume even further. It would be senseless to have the Dir Clearing running around trying to form up groups in an inactive field, single-handing, when he has FSMs that need to be gotten on to selecting and driving in new public. The Service Product Officer is concerned with priorities of promotional actions, so must be totally aware of all the promotional items and actions that an org can produce.

Actions such as “improved org appearance,” “high ARC handling,” and “correct and efficient routing of public” can be put in instantly. If he has 2 people in all of Dissem he still can and must get the particles flowing and products coming off the line.


The sales lines consist of enlightening the public, having lines to sign people up, getting public into the org and signed up for service.

The following gives you an idea of some of the sales actions and lines in an org:

1. Body Reg phones and schedules public to come in for interview.

2. Use of CF to produce business.

3. Reges who accept advance registrations.

4. D of T procurement of students.

5. D of P procurement of pcs.

6. Receptionist sells to public coming in.

7. SHs in communication with the Class IV Org Tech Secs and Registrars and targeting them for public completing and routing on to the higher org.

8. AO’s and SH’s case consultant actions.

9. AO/SH events to Class IV Org academies to encourage upper level auditor training.

10. Use of FSMs, Auditors Associations, personal contact, etc., to get public into the org and on to their next service.

11. Fast lines so public are not left waiting to see the Reg.

The lines of routing a public person to the Reg, or from the Reg to a service must be tight so public aren’t lost, and the Reg is kept busy continuously with the public. Therefore, the Service Product Officer must police these lines and where he notices any lack of uniformity he gets his Org Officer onto it. Nonuniform or slow routing interferes with the product, so the Service Product Officer gets it speeded up now by push — debug — drive — name it — want it — and get it.

The first actions of the Service Product Officer in the sales area are to get all “in-the-org” public routed to the Reg on breaks or after course end to be further signed up for additional service. He can also have Dissem drilling done with Reges so as to increase sales in the org. His operating procedure is products, products, products, now, now, now. His Org Officer or HCO and Qual can worry about organize, organize, organize.


Call-in is the action of getting fully paids into the org on to their next service. This also includes getting partially paids fully paid and on to their next service. These functions are of great concern to the SERVICE PRODUCT OFFICER as undelivered services to the public can mess up a field and increase the chance of refunds. The Service Product Officer should see to it that the Call-in Units are given stiff targets and that their production is not monitored by low auditor hours or low producing training areas. The execution of needed programs to get Call-in Units fully operational is under the Service Product Officer per HCO PL 9 Aug 79 I CALL-IN: THE KEY TO FUTURE DELIVERY AND INCOME. This same policy also lists out the functions of the Call-in Units. Call-in falls between sales and delivery, as it deals with those either fully or partly paid and needing only to finish payment and be called in and gotten onto service.


The Service Product Officer must ensure that the service lines of the org are fast and 100% standard, that pcs and students do complete quickly and don’t get lost off the lines.The Service Product Officer is to have an alert line with the public set up whereby if a student or pc’s study or auditing is slowed, or if the public person is dissatisfied in any way, he can alert the Service Product Officer so it can be handled.

Some of the actions and lines to be product officered by the Service Product Officer are as follows:

1. Tech Services arranges housing, has the pc met when he is arriving and generally operates as the pc’s host while in the org.

2. The many lines such as pc to Ethics, pc to Examiner, student to Ethics, student to Qual, C/S Series 25 line and pc to D of P line must be drilled so they are flawless and handled with ARC.

3. The most senior policy applied to this area is HCO PL 21 Nov 68, SENIOR POLICY “WE ALWAYS DELIVER WHAT WE PROMISE.”

4. There must be an adequate amount of auditors, Tech Pages and FESers,

Ds of P, Supervisors, Course Admins, etc.

5. The auditing line must be fast so no pcs wait to be serviced.

6. Use of all hands tech terminals in the org auditing when required to handle backlogged service.

7. Getting students through their courses and on to their internship at which point they can audit in the HGC.

8. Proper scheduling so every pc gets in 12 1/2 hours a week minimum.

9. Recovering blown auditors, getting them fixed up and auditing.

The Service Product Officer ensures tech lines are fast. For instance, a pc’s folder not getting C/Sed for days, or idle auditors and Ds of P “waiting” for pcs when they can be made to procure pcs, must be spotted and handled by the Service Product Officer.

The Service Product Officer must be kept briefed on what pcs and students arrive and how they are going to be handled. He must get around to these areas (Training and HGC) to ensure that there are no slows with public or anything that would get in the way of public receiving top quality service.

Service to the public is the reason the org is there and service must be kept fast and 100% standard and plentiful. This is a primary duty of the Service Product Officer; he is there to ensure this occurs.

It is losses on service that keep public away, org income down and staff pay low.


The re-sign-up line is also very key to an organization’s prosperity. It brings further income, and proves conclusively that the last service received by the public person was of high quality. This is why the Service Product Officer must be very alert to the amount of re-signs. Some of the things that should be watched for are

1. That the Reg is supplied with an upstat cert for his last completed service to present to the student or pc.

2. That the Reg knows fully how to handle the public person that won’t re-sign (by sending them to Qual).

3. The Reg must be provided with tech estimates, Grade Chart information, etc., so he is aware ahead of time of what the student or pc’s next action is.

4. Tech terminals are fully briefed and the line is in that every completion gets routed to the Reg. This must be drilled.

The public person should be serviced in your org until he/she requires upper level service that your org cannot deliver, at which point they should be directed to the next higher org.


The Service Product Officer can lose his effectiveness if he takes any “hey you” orders or gets stuck in at various points. He is not an expeditor. He is not an information and full-time coordinator terminal. He is an executive, a Product Officer, and he is there to ensure the entire machine runs.

He must be well versed on actions occurring in the org. He must also pay strict attention to completing actions he has started and to carry a handling through to a done. Otherwise he can wrap himself around a pole with incomplete cycles which will ball up the line and prevent the service lines from flowing flawlessly.

Where the Service Product Officer post bogs it is undoubtedly due to a lack of an Organizing Officer, as with the speed in which a Service Product Officer demands products, he requires a fast moving Org Officer. So it is essential this post be provided with an Org Officer as soon as possible.

Those personnel in the org who are responsible for organization, any Esto personnel, etc., are the people who put the units in the org there. It is not the duty of a Service Product Officer to man and hat the org. Therefore, it is a lot of sweat off the Service Product Officer's brow to have a fully functioning Esto team backing up his actions in getting the flow of products out of the organization.


The Service Product Officer ensures all the actions of getting public into, through and out of the org are accomplished with high quality results.

It is extremely important that this post be manned in each and every org. It doesn’t just make the difference between a poor, empty org and a good org. This post makes the difference between a good org and a booming org.
