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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Acceptance and Rejection of Havingness (3ACC-52) - L540202 | Сравнить
- Havingness - Comm Lines (3ACC-53) - L540202 | Сравнить

(C/S Booklet)
(C/S Booklet)



Lecture 53 - D I S C 57
A Lecture Given on 2 February 1954
60 Minutes
Lecture 52 - Disc 56
A Lecture Given on 2 February 1954
61 Minutes

All right This is February the 2nd, 1954, afternoon lecture. Let’s get now, on the subject of communications-I was talking about it a little bit informally-and let’s find out what’s happening with regard to a preclear. And I don’t know whether you’ve added this up or not, but what I’ve been talking about in terms of communications and automaticities and so forth, all apply in terms of havingness. You might think that we’re on a different bin or we’re doing something radically different when we’re doing Havingness Processing. No, we’re not. We’re talking about the same thing, we’re talking about C to E.

February the 2nd, 1954, first morning lecture. This morning we’re going to talk about havingness, its remedies.

Now, your pc can’t get to C to get to E-he figures. Well, the only C there is, is where he is. And he’s got to put that line through straight.

As we have gone over countless times before, havingness consists of accepting and rejecting. It is the mass end of reach and withdraw.

Now, why does the bank look so silly and why do you have these large coils of wire with all this mass of loose ends that he’s trying to get through? You don’t want that coil of wire, what you want is from C to E. Simple, routine, nothing to it.

At least 80 percent of the cases you run, you will have no difficulty, in at least 80 percent of these, you’ll have no difficulty in starting an avalanche. In the other 20, you’ll probably have a difficulty. That’s a very rough guess, but that’s been more or less my experience in cases.

All right. We don’t want that coil of wire, then we’d certainly better either string a brand-new wire from C to E, which unlimited processes do, or we had better knock the devil out of the existing coil of wire.

The difficulties of a preclear are the difficulties of havingness. In Issue 24-G, which is SOP 8-C, there is an error under Step IV, last line, the first column. It said, “In life experience, matter becomes havingness.” I guess the girl who typed it just couldn’t wrap herself around “In life experience, time becomes havingness.”

Now, what’s wrong with this coil of wire? It’s an interrupted communication line. So that you get an enormous number of C to E’s. You have interposed arbitraries in the line which give commands of their own. Ridges which, when reactivated by energy themselves, give obsessive, compulsive or inhibitive directions to the preclear. We get back to Ridge Running, we say “Walk,” “Can’t walk.”

Let’s not skid on that one. Time becomes havingness-time, havingness. These people who are not up to present time are stuck somewhere and it’s a problem of havingness. They are trying violently to reject something or violently to accept something someplace on the time track, plus the 8,654 heavy engrams which are tied in to the same incident. And when I say heavy engrams, I mean those that had enough power in them to have destroyed a few cities. Let's not patty-cake around with an automobile accident when we can always find in a preclear an atomic-bomb explosion.

So, instead of saying “Walk” to the body and have the body walk, this individual says “Walk” to the body, then something says “Can’t walk,” something else says, “Maybe you’d better use a car,” something else says “Maybe it’s ham sandwiches.” And the fellow decides he’s hungry. And so he eats.

The individual who is stuck on the time track has two things confused. Those particles which he has mocked-up to control MEST particles, he confuses for MEST particles. He has mocked-up some particles to control MEST particles. In other words, a shower of MEST particles came in on him, he mocked-up something to resist those MEST particles and so he made a ridge. And this ridge is composed exclusively of his own particles and it’s actually only a knowingness pattern which he keeps putting back in, continually and consistently. It’s a different, slightly different, type of energy and it does not have in it anywhere near the force of the original incident. As a matter of fact, it has almost zero force in it, compared to the original incident, but this doesn’t mean that it won’t pack fifteen or twenty pounds of actual pressure on the preclear.

Now, what’s the difference, then, between a straight C to E-thetan to body, one communication line-and one of these snarled up masses that you try to wade through with the preclears with which you have trouble? The difference is simply that the line itself has a lot of C’s in it-tremendous number of C’s-causes. And so we get the preclear searching relentlessly to try to hunt out these C’s, which are other than himself.

Let’s take Assumption- you run the Assumption out of a preclear: that incident wherein the individual, the preclear, as a thetan, takes over the baby just after birth. Now that Assumption, when run on a preclear, will deliver to the preclear’s face quite ordinarily fifteen or twenty pounds of pressure. I mean actually that. If you were to put him on the floor and put a twenty-pound suitcase on his face, you’d get about the same pressure that you would get in running the Assumption. Well, the actual force of the Assumption is much greater than twenty pounds.

When we finally locate the preclear, he locates himself, he’s probably sitting apathetically back in one corner of his head, about the size, he feels, of one sixteenth of a microcell, sort of watching the parade go by. But when he gets ambitious, he’s in there trying to root out a few C’s.

Similarly, an enormous city, let us say, has been destroyed and the individual watching the bomb start to explode has tried to arrest it with his own particles. Well, at one time or another he could have done this, but this time he loses and his failure to arrest this with particles leaves him holding in suspense an atom bomb.

Well, the devil with the C’s. The only reason the C’s operate-the only reason these hidden subcauses in the communication lines operate-is because he has imbalanced the potentials of the line.

Now, the funny part of it is that the particles he has mocked-up to take care of the atom bomb do not now in the incident even vaguely approximate the explosive characteristics of the atom bomb, not even vaguely, but he thinks it does.

If you had a gallon jar connected at the bottom to another gallon jar and if one of these gallon jars was full and the other one was empty and there was nothing, really, to bar the difference between them, you have a difference of potential between these two jars, don’t you? If you then opened up this little bypass line from the bottom of one jar to the bottom of the other jar, you’d get two half-full jars, wouldn’t you? Well, much more important, electrically, you’d get something of no difference of potential. So, you’d get a null.

All right. Your individual then is locked up in an incident which makes him resist and reject.

So, the G’s to E’s run like this: C - ridge - E, C-ridge-E. And this C is all charged up and the E is completely flat. So you get explosive activities in the bank whereby the G’s flip over to the E side of the ridge and back and forth again and you get this swapping communication line.

Now, you as an auditor come along and you try to audit him or a doctor comes along and tries to do something to this preclear. His modus operandi is reject. The pattern of his life has been this pattern of resist. Now, you start to run Havingness Processing on this individual and you get into an immediate squirrel cage, because the individual is much more concentrated upon the rejection of something than he is upon the acceptance of something. So we enter this case with Rejection Processing, not Acceptance Level Processing.

Now, let’s look at this in the overt act-motivator sequence. An individual doesn’t do certain things, because he’s sure that if he does these things, something will happen to him. So he does one of these things anyway, so sure enough, it happens to him.

What is his rejection level? And we let him reject. And we finally find something he can kick out. And we kick things out and you can probably start an avalanche of “kick out.” And because this is an inverted point on the scale, we have to find something, then, that will “kick in.” Just any preclear, you sooner or later have to run Rejection Level. In this case, you run it first.

Well, overt act-he does an overt act-and by charging up the C side of the ridge-now, if you could see this, you know, as a sword put through a slab of bacon, you’d get the idea. You put a sword through, perpendicularly, through a slab of bacon and call the point of the sword, E, and the handle of the sword, C, we’ll see we’re going through something there and that there is a ridge there between C and E. All right. That’s the way that communication line looks.

But, I’ll tell you an oddity about this individual. His modus operandi has to do mainly with how does he protect himself or his body? How does he protect himself? That is his entire modus operandi in existence.

So at C we get tremendous rage, power and overt act-oh man! And the fellow at C doesn’t want to blow the other fellow down or he feels he can’t blow him down just by ordinarily saying, "Cease to exist,” so he throws up this ridge, this slab of bacon there, to keep himself from getting a flashback.

Therefore, as he has gone through this life, he has considered-or in earlier lives-he has considered that any winning valence was one which gave him sufficient armor plate. And the 80 percent that you have trouble with, with this processing-since most people, even though they’re on a rejection level can run the other side of it and you can run the acceptance level first - I mean, it doesn’t require much judgment. On this remaining 20 percent, you are running a MEST object, in terms of protection.

The sword goes into the individual that he’s trying to kill and the potential of that individual suddenly ceases to exist. So you get a zero potential, while you still have a highly charged potential. So the C part of the sword is way up in charge and the E point of the sword has zero charge on it and they would neutralize very easily, except for one thing: The individual wielding the sword has put up a screen between himself and the individual-this is an actual screen, by the way, a screen between himself and the individual-to keep himself from being hurt by the person he is trying to kill.

The person does have an acceptance level. You could start out right on acceptance level, but it is a little more difficult. This person is armor-plated and patterned after some MEST object, which he is in the middle of the mock-up of.

And having put up that screen, he now has something which operates something on the order of the insulation strips in a condenser.

Tried to run a fellow, one time, who was in a tank. He wasn’t in a tank because war experience was horrible, he never saw any combat service, but he was in a tank. And we tried to run a little Acceptance Level on this character and we immediately ran up against the armor plate of the tank.

And you get C to E and then he goes and he kills somebody else and he gets a big lot more potential on the C side of the sword and zero potential, again, on the E side of the sword. Or maybe he kills a few more and one day-boy, is it really getting charged up now, you see, on the C side of that slab of bacon-and one day, he just thinks about stabbing somebody, which is to-he put a little impulse onto that communication line, that’s too much, and the ridge blows up. And he promptly goes into an E state. He just swaps ends.

What was acceptable to him? You’d say “tanks.” No, I’m afraid not. Because the tank was sitting on top of a heavy stove, which was in his childhood home, and he’d been in the stove up to the time he was in the tank. And his acceptance level was coal. Person was perfectly sane, by the way. There was nothing wrong with his sanity, he just couldn’t run a process, couldn’t exteriorize, couldn’t reinteriorize and he was latched up most remarkably.

Now he’s sad and he doesn’t feel good and he feels somebody is trying to kill him. That’s just his communication line.

Now, if you were to put a preclear that after five, ten minutes you still had difficulty running Acceptance Level, Havingness Processing on this preclear, if you were to put this preclear on an E-Meter and start scouting down “protective objects” of one kind or another, you’d find the exact object for this lifetime, the exact location of the object. And you would find out that his acceptance level was the acceptance level of that object. Some of these things are very mysterious in that they are completely non sequitur. The GE has picked up something which is quite remarkable. There isn’t any sense to it. He’ll try to tie it in and rationalize and so forth, as to why.

Now, if that ridge and all of these engrams had blown up at the same time and they’d merely exploded, they would have equalized. But that isn’t what happens.

Now, a great many significant things came off of this stove that I am telling you about. His father used to spit in the stove all the time and the GE had spit and semen all mixed up. See, real logical. And wombs and stoves were all mixed up and, however, the certain and convincing thing about it all was that the stove and the spit was where little boys came from and he evidently had gone around as a little kid in a fog and so forth, permitting himself to be in a fog, and he’d come up with this remarkable conclusion.

A fragment of one blows up enough to imbalance the situation, flips the ridge around and he’s now looking at the back side of the ridge. The back side of facsimiles are black. Need I say more about an occluded case? If I have to say more, would just be painting the thing over and over and over and over and over-same thing.

But he had been injured by the stove, which, of course, made it the winning valence. And his father and the family used to sit grouped around this stove, which of course made it the center of attention. So we just work it all ways from the middle and we had a stove and, believe me, it was a wonderful stove.

The fellow has done a flip. He’s over on the E side of where he was on the C side. So his trouble is a communication line with a ridge in it.

The solidity of that stove, when we tried to run it, exceeded, according to the preclear, any steel or metal. This was his occlusion and this, of course, was blackness. Now, I’ll tell you how we found this one. We asked the individual to reach and withdraw with flitter. See, just get the idea of putting some gold sparks out in front and reaching with them and then bringing them back in and then seeing what he had. We did that about three times and he had a stove with a door open and his father’s face looking in and spitting. You can say, “Boy, how Freudian do we get?”

Well, he’s silly enough to want energy. So he gets all these masses of energy-he’s successful in life, you know, he acquires and has things. And all of a sudden he loses something; he tries to hold on to it, decides he can’t have it, so he pulls in a mass of energy to supplement for that loss. This mass of energy is a whole bunch of these C to E slab-of-bacon communication lines. Oh boy. Got mass. Uh-huh. Also got dynamite in it!

Well, its total significance was not very significant. This was merely a lock question that had come up on top of it. The stove was the winning valence, it was the armor-plated thing and so on. This individual was then armor-plated.

So now he doesn’t know where the C’s are or the E’s are and these communication lines are all connected with other communication lines. And every time he tries to energize any part of any of this mass that he has-these communication lines and ridges-any time he tries to energize any of that mass, a bunch of C’s jump up.

Well, this particular case worked out not by running Acceptance Level on the stove. We merely found the stove and then we got the individual to reject something. Yeah, we got him to reject more and more and we started an avalanche of rejection. And we found more bric-a-brac this individual was trying to get rid of that he didn’t want to have. Because his whole family had what you might call the “crusher complex”: “You must have it!”

He says, “I think I will have a sandwich. I’m going to kill the bartender.” And he says, “I wonder what did that thought come from? Ha-ha. I’m sane.”

Didn’t matter how bad or how nasty it was: “must have it.” And this was compounded by the family school complex: “must be in a school,” morning, noon and night for years, “must be in a school.” Now, most families will merely send a kid to school but this family drove the kid to school with shotguns. You might say terrific duress, enormous duress. And all other things in the vicinity of this preclear had been on the “crusher” basis.

And he goes out and he says, “Now, I think I will drive carefully.”

Let's take food. People would sit there at the table and do nothing but nag the child concerning how he had to eat what was in front of him, nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.

And something says to him, “Run it into a tree. Run it into a tree. Run it into a tree.” Well, what’s happening there? He puts in a C impulse and he winds up at E. But he winds up as any E to any C. So there’s no telling where he’s going to go into the bank. But the only spots he can land in at his tone level are the E spots. So everything is agin him and everything has significance and everything else must have caused it, but he never caused anything.

Now, the kid didn’t like meat and, as an adult, this individual had gotten into a condition where the taste of beef made him ill, quite ill. And probably, left to his own devices, he probably never would have eaten any meat further along than maybe fowl-fish, fowl, but did not like meat. The family habitually cooked meat-hamburger-considerably on the side of the rare. And in the kid’s last life he was lying there and standing back and looking at himself without much left of him, having stopped the muzzle blast of a naval cannon in World War I.

Obvious. He is at E, so he couldn’t be C. This is mechanical. Horribly enough-mechanical. That’s the way thetans put banks together and that is the design of a bank.

Hamburger, which is to say a black crust with the red showing underneath, was not quite the thing to have. And yet this psychotic family sees a kid break down into tears at the idea of eating a piece of hamburger and they could think of nothing then, you see, terrific concentration-“here is something now that he won’t do, we zm/make him do it”-think of nothing then but crushing the meat down his throat one way or the other. He’d gotten to the point of where eating, to him, was just slavery and drudgery. He didn’t want to eat, he had stomach trouble and so forth.

Now, you can just ignore the whole mass and try to string a new line from C to E. You get away with that with some cases. Some cases have so many of these lines strung in so many different ways, with so many peculiar things in the lines, that the only way it can really be remedied is to restore the individual’s mass so he Will simply abandon the whole communication system.

The characteristic of his existence, then, was anytime anybody tried to give him anything, his immediate reflex was, “I’d better reject it.” Didn’t matter what happened, anybody tried to be nice to him, anybody tried to give him a Christmas present, didn’t matter what: reject it, get rid of it. All the individual’s possessions followed this same pattern: reject them!

If you sufficiently restore his mass, he will abandon the communication system. But as you try to restore his mass, if he’s in bad condition, all of these lines are liable to go into various and sundry automaticities. And they do some of the strangest automaticities.

Well, an individual has, then, two classes of things he is doing. He generally does them both: he accepts and he rejects, which is to say, he “reaches” or “withdraws” or he “pulls in” and “pushes out” and those are his actions and motions.

Now, the thing which you want to get started is the main automaticity and that’s the avalanche. The MEST universe has been pounding this fellow for 76 trillion years. Let’s get the avalanche started and remedy all the mass he thought he ought to have.

Now, you have to get a case that is having trouble with Havingness Processing on the road by either letting him get rid of something with fair certainty or get him to accept something with fair certainty. Now there’s something he can accept. If you want to go into the case with deep significance, you can probably find the stove, just as I found with this case.

It’s the MEST universe mass that we’re interested in. We’re interested in big planets and suns and spaces and so forth; that’s what we’re interested in remedying. If we try to remedy anything less than that, we’re not remedying with adequate mass and we’re just sorting for significance-we’re playing pat-a-cake.

This was, by the way, a terrifically resistive case-never been able to run an engram, locks, nothing. He’d just sort of frozen up about everything. And the solution on this was after I had developed Acceptance Level Processing, the solution on the case only required about twelve minutes. I remember sitting there looking at the clock.

But sometimes you have to enter a case with these little things in order to build them into something as big as a planet. You build toward a planet as fast as you can. But you get something this individual can accept.

At the end of this time, why, we had the stove and we already had him accepting coal-just as a little test-and then the next thing you know, accepting some spit and immediately, then, we went out on to something he could reject. He could reject a diamond-plated Cadillac, that’s what he could reject. It flew away from him with the greatest of speed. He could actually get a sort of a semi mock-up of it and when it departed, it departed - with velocity. He couldn’t have that. All right.

What is the avalanche effect? It is, simply, the MEST universe, 76 trillion years, having pounded the individual till he’s got a point that he has a terrific appetite. He, natively, naturally, does have a terrific appetite for the MEST universe. Fine. Nothing wrong with the MEST universe. And so his hunger for it is supplemented by the fact that it obligingly pounds him from every quarter, continually.

Told you that the nineteenth-century psychotherapists - the Freudians, the James’ school, psychology, psychiatry-nineteenth-century psychotherapy specialized in trying to get somebody to reject something. Now, we could consider that it’s probably wrong because they were doing it I mean, that’s a good safe premise. But they had already found Out that an individual had this problem: that he couldn’t give up a memory, he just keeps squirrel-caging on some memory or another. And this they called “an obsession” and they were mainly interested in this.

So, we have this individual with an avalanche to be triggered. It’s there. Don’t ever doubt about that.

Of course, they never paid any attention to the fellow who never worried people. The fellow who can’t reject, but is trying to reject, worries people. He’s a real worry. He’s difficult in many respects, because you come around and try to be nice to this person and this person rejects your being nice and so forth and it’s commotional in the society and psychotherapy specialized only in making everybody be tame. So let’s get the people who are causing everybody else a little trouble or upset in the society and let’s define “insanity” this way: “insanity is that state of mind which bothers me.” And then, of course, nobody would ever bother, unless one was communicating.

Now, the skill of the auditor depends, to some degree, on the timing with which he does this and with attention to what’s happening. But this is the sort of a manifestation he’s liable to have happen early on a case that’s real bad off and is one of these cases that can’t reject but is trying madly to reject.

Now, the individual who is trying to reject will also probably go on a compulsive communication. He’s trying to reject, so he does it with words, gestures and so forth. Compulsive communication is always punished and so what did we find? We found, then, psychotherapy specializing in about the tough 20 percent. These are the people that they became interested in, merely because those are the people who called themselves to attention, not because they were insane, but merely because “the damn dirty dogs insisted on being alive and communicating and we’ve got to stop this!” Psychotherapy never communicated.

This case is a mass of masses. All these masses have significances. Truth of the matter is, they’re merely there in lieu of better masses. And if you can give him these better masses and bigger masses and denser masses, then he’s happy.

You just imagine now, it’s been considerably better than half a century since James and the rest of the boys were in there pitching, since Freud was in there pitching and so forth and the only reason anybody knows anything about it is because writers keep mentioning the words and that’s about it. That doesn’t show much progress.

But, let’s not try to do small masses when we can get big masses. It’s just a matter of quantity, that’s all, not a matter of significance. So we start in with these tiny little masses of some sort or another and we will immediately wind up with various strange manifestations. Because the C to E lines and their ridges are composed of, simply, these odds and ends of automaticities and so forth. Makes automatic machinery and so forth.

Well, but these rejection people try to reject and they communicate one way or another and they are a trouble and a bother and therefore in a group they will show up quicker than anyone else. And the Tone Scale of the group is quite often erroneously measured by the people who are trying to reject and who can’t, but who are communicating and so forth.

And what do we get? We get something weird and peculiar, maybe, like this individual-we say, “What can you reject? Now, let’s get something you can reject.”

Now, these people cannot accept what is being done or what the group is doing and they can’t reject what’s happening and they get locked up on it and they have a rough time. You should be able to understand this manifestation, then, fairly well. Understand it for what it is, because it gives you an excellent and immediate diagnosis of your case. Well, there’s something going wrong here, because this person, normally, will tell you that things are going wrong. They’re trying to reject, see? This is no personal comment on anybody here-your case will be busted up in a very short space of time, it doesn’t matter anyway.

And, he thinks it over and he works and he works and he works-male. He works at it and thinks over this and over that. And the auditor doesn’t help him out. The auditor should help him out, however, a little bit, because the individual can’t look at what he could reject. He’s too faced into what’s liable to hit him.

But you look around in groups and you will find that the enturbulation spots consist of this 80 percent who are trying to reject and can’t, but they’re making an effort to. It’s quite interesting that the truth of the matter is, to live in this universe, acceptance of the universe is quite necessary. An individual who resists, consistently and continually all the inflows of the universe is going to pile up all the ridges there are. You see this then as a “how not to succeed in the MEST universe”-resist. “That which one resists, one becomes.” So oiie finds this fantastic pattern, in such cases, of becoming MEST objects. They become MEST objects, they become this, they become that. They are battering around madly.

So, we finally-you, let’s say, run into something rather strange and peculiar that this individual really can reject and we find out, excusing yoiir presences, it’s menstrual fluid-a man. Odd. He does, though. Pam! All of a sudden, an automaticity turns on which just splatters the scenery, see. Bang! Thud! Crash!

Now in their past existences, they have shunted so thoroughly from one beingness to another beingness, because of this consistent and continuous resistance, that their memory on any really former occasion, such as childhood even, is fabulously occluded. And this is just because of a shift, a continuous shift through winning valences.

Doesn’t happen again. He just got this one, wham, and that’s all. Well, we find something else that he can run and it runs one wham or two whams and that’s about all. And then, we get something else and it runs one wham or two whams and that’s about all. You know what this guy is trying to do? He’s just trying to take the significance but of a mass of energy rather than create some new energy. He’s just playing around with it.

Obsessive communication is generally the demarcation of such a case-toj’w. Now, an individual who writes for a living or who talks for a living can work himself over into a temporary shadow of this case computation, merely because he-you see, it’s reversed: he hastes outflow to live and that’s his professional requisite. Similarly, an actor has to outflow to live or a beautiful woman has to outflow to live and so they move over slightly into rejection. Now, why does she have to outflow to live? She has to let the sunlight reflect on her and go out from her and that in itself is actually an outflow, MEST universe style.

Now, if you left those things run in just the “one bang proposition” each time, you’d of course get him very badly restimulated after a while. So, when one of these “one-shots” turns up, you make him run it three or four more times, regardless of what happened, make him do it himself.

Well, the running of this case is neither arduous nor long or so forth. You get somebody who is obsessively outflowing or who has computed that his best escape from existence is to outflow, you’re getting an individual who is trying to reject something and he’s unable to do so. And that’s about all there is to that. You don’t even have to find the specific thing which he’s trying to reject if you don’t want to, because it’s just a matter of masses and the less significance there is in your answer to the problem, the better your answer is.

Just an automaticity, you handle it like an automaticity. It turned on suddenly. You asked for it, it wasn’t ready to run. It went once and you make him do it three or four more times so as to take the edge of it off. And that’s about all there is to that. You sort of run it as an engram, if you please, momentarily. Just so that it won’t backfire too badly at you, because you’re going to tangle up his bank if you start playing around like this, because he’s tangled up already, pretty badly.

So you let this individual reject and you’ll find out that he’ll probably do an outwards avalanche, if you get the proper rejection level.

Well, there is another effect besides the avalanche and that is the burst. You could make an individual do this, consistently, who is having trouble holding everything together and not rejecting and not resisting, and resisting and rejecting, and all mixed up into one.

Rejection level is not necessarily high or low. You find some people’s acceptance level is high, most people’s acceptance level is low. Similarly, most people’s rejection level is high and lots of them, however, have low rejection levels.

Well, you can have this burst effect whereby you have him set up something which he has to put a shield around to protect. He’ll set up something like a precious vase or something and puts this heavy shield around it and he’ll find out the shield will instantly burst. It’s an automaticity. Every time he tries to protect this thing, why, the shield bursts.

And you see how to work this case now? And you see how to diagnose the case. Any type of obsessive communication or any method of-whereby we find something wrong here and wrong there. This case, by the way, it doesn’t necessarily, but quite uniformly is found to, when it gets pretty bad, fall into the “it’s bad over there.” It falls into a bad news computation because it is trying to drive people away. It also will fall into an ugliness computation to drive something away. Reject something see. Let’s get something to move away.

Well, you can burst more ridges that way. You can run out the automaticity because after a while the automaticity is gone. And you set up things and make them burst-the preclear makes them burst.

Now, how do we get something to move away? Well, we can be ugly or we can be insulting or we can give bad news or we can say, “Look at all that over there that you should go to.” And there’s various things about it. But what you’re getting there is an effort to reject.

Now, you’re not looking for anything strange, you’re just looking for the automaticities-enough automaticities to get into a major inflow of heavy mass. You want good, dense materials-suns, stars, so forth. And you want good heavy inflow of this material, because it’ll clean up and run out the entire bank.

Most people have an effort to accept, but the cases that are difficult to work are making an effort to reject.

Now, I’ll tell you some of these automaticities that are strange and peculiar that you run into. And one of those is, well, this burst effect. It doesn’t matter what the individual tried to protect, why, the screen he would put around it would burst. It just didn’t matter what he tried to protect, everything would burst.

Of course, everybody is to some degree making an effort to reject and an effort to accept, with criteria. They are trying to be selective about what they accept and what they reject. And the business of living and the game called the MEST universe is, in itself, a contest of trying to reject some things and accept some things-trying to be selective, in other words, about what one rejects and accepts.

All right. There’s another one of these analogous to that, and that is the drop-dead one. You’ll find this boy, although he’s meek and mild and so forth, every time you ask him to mock-up something or somebody, it sort of disappeared. You know, he just didn’t quite get it.

Now, in view of the fact that the thetan is in best condition who is best able to outflow, that person who cannot outflow is going directly counter to a thetan’s best ability, which is to outflow-an energy production unit. So you get an enturbulence here which is quite remarkable, you see? And this is the case, almost uniformly, which will not exteriorize. The case that won’t exteriorize is a rejection case. This doesn’t mean that that’s the most of the cases, you see. It’s simply, here is a case that won’t exteriorize easily.

Well, there’s a funny thing: there’s certain people, that if he mocked them up, they would slam, automatically, to the floor and disappear as fast as he mocked them up. Now, an individual starts to mock-up things to make them flow, then he gets around to stop the flow. So, very often, even this one: it depends upon you as an auditor to make him keep putting the same thing up to make the automaticity continue. You understand the automaticity will run just as long as he’s consciously feeding stuff into it to run. The automaticity does not create the planets and so forth to run against him. He’s got to create those and throw those out there so they’ll run.

And you’re pretty well off when you say, if you just judged it this way: “Be three feet back of your head.”

Many of your automaticities that you run and start into an avalanche simply fail because the preclear doesn’t throw any more planets out there, that’s all. He just stops and gets around and blocks the flow. All right.

The fellow says, “Oh, I couldn’t do that under any circumstances.” Just write him down in the book as a rejection case-not that he’s been rejected, the hell with that-the psychotherapist back in the nineteenth century got off on that and got in a rut on it. Little boy, little girl, “they were rejected when a child” and yap-yap-yap. That isn’t the mechanic that goes on. They’re trying to reject something. It’s not a secondary stage of somebody rejecting them. Oh, that operates as a key-in, of course, but it’s minor.

This drop-dead one is interesting, it can be done in a bracket. Boy, people slam to the floor and puts up this person and that person, pang, pang pang. Tremendous amount of hate behind it. They do it in overt acts and motivator sequences-you know, somebody else making him drop dead.

Now, we find, then, that we could put any case that didn’t exteriorize rather easily into the category of needing Rejection Level run before Acceptance Level is run.

As many of himself as he’ll put up there, the mock-ups will slam to the floor and vanish. And as many as he’ll put up of somebody else, they’ll slam to the floor and vanish. This fellow has ridges which have so much killing rage in them, he doesn’t dare tamper with them. It’s just too hot, that’s all.

And then there’s the case, of course, almost obsessive exteriorization-and I dare say sometime you will be talking to somebody and they will remember out of some ancient text or another about people being outside of their heads and unable to get in. Because every once in a while, old-time psychotherapy had somebody show up who was outside and couldn’t get inside and this worried him.

But, of course, a body isn’t very much mass. So we’re not interested, really, in bodies, this is just one of the peculiar things that’ll happen, rather than good processing.

As a matter of fact, down in Santa Ana somebody gave a girl two hundred and fifty electric shocks because she couldn’t get into her head. I mean, let’s all just go quietly scream up the walls. There’s no place as nutty as the place where people take nuttiness.

We’d much rather have him blowing up planets in some fashion. Pulling planets in, you know, and keeping them from blowing up or something of the sort-just anything to give him mass. And please remember that: it’s just anything to give him mass.

Well, they think, then, that an exteriorization is a bad thing-old-time psychotherapy has got that nailed down. That’s merely because of these cases that are outside and can’t get back inside. The individual has tried so hard to pull something in, and has failed so often, that he can’t even get the body in. See, that’s a different kind of case. But you’ll run into that case once in a while and don’t consider the fellow is particularly well-off. He’s probably riding a ridge between himself and the body and trying to communicate to the body through a ridge in some fashion or another, that’s a glorious situation.

Now, we have a great many preclears who are holding so much rage in check, one way JO or the other, that they don’t dare touch it. And so you get this weird manifestation of every time he mocks-up a little bit of force, it flies out and knocks down the mock-up town he’s got there, you see. I mean, he shuts his eyes and he can sort of get an idea of his surroundings and he mocks-up a litde something and, wham, everything will go to pieces.

And the way you’d run such a case, of course, is find something that the individual could accept. You’ve got to get him up to the point where he can interiorize before he exteriorizes.

Well, now that in itself is an automaticity. And it’s a good one to handle because it’s a lot of tension in the bank. But again, it’s not remedying mass, so this is a junior proposition. But, there’s always something the individual can get and accept.

The case on which Rejection Level Processing must be run, the case on which it must be run, will almost uniformly fail to see anything in Rejection Processing. The case that is trying to reject, oddly enough, doesn’t dramatize it in auditing. Now, you see why that is? They’re trying to make an inflow occur on somebody else, so they will run on other people Acceptance Level inflow, rather than Rejection Level, and they themselves will overlook this process.

As an auditor, your imagination had better be stepped up. And that applies to everybody present-I mean way up.

Interesting, isn’t it? Because you’re trying to give them something that would help them, they will overlook the process, because that will help them. And so you as an auditor are very often confounded by having some preclear come in who (quote) “doesn’t want to get well” (unquote). This is not a correct diagnosis at all. It is entirely specious. The individual does want to get well. What’s wrong with the individual is he is compulsively trying to reject and knows that to get well, he’s got to get so he can accept something, but he’s compulsively trying to reject, so he rejects your help, all the while asking for it. And then you audit him for a while and you don’t use this process on him and he goes away and you feel very sad and confused about the whole thing.

The most imaginative auditor, as far as materiel and case entrance are concerned, is of course the most perceptive auditor. He can look. And his ability to recognize a level of acceptance is good. But let’s take somebody who is rather bad off, who isn’t looking, even vaguely, at the preclear, the most obvious things for the preclear to accept completely escape him.

Now, what’s the significance of this? “The individual came in, he said he wanted help and I tried to help him and then the second that I tried to help him, he got real upset with me.” Well, you were trying to give him something.

Let’s take a young girl. The most obvious thing for a young girl to accept, would be a man. You know? I mean, let’s just be one plus one equals two about the thing. The most obvious thing for a young girl to accept would be a man, boy, something like that. That’s very obvious. All right. Now, let’s get that young man or boy and deteriorate his quality or condition until he becomes very acceptable. There isn’t a female of the species that you can’t start an avalanche on with this, one way or the other. Just crack through the bank and away we go.

The other very marked case is the person who is just-well, they let anything inflow and anything outflow. See, they just let anything go in and out. At first, as you start to run them, they’re like something that’s very flabby and so on, mentally and otherwise. This is a failure of reject, a failure of accept. They’ve failed on all computations in all directions and if you want to move something in on them, you can.

Now, for a girl, that’s one thing. The most obvious thing for a man to accept, would be a good-looking girl. So we just change her around until she becomes acceptable and, again, we get-and can turn on if we’re sufficiently imaginative about it-we can turn on an avalanche effect, in terms of women, that will keep running. I mean, it won’t just run two or three times and stop.

You’ll find this case comes to you in an hypnotic state more or less. Quite ordinarily their eyelids flutter and you’re actually putting the mock-ups there for them, so beware of this case. And you say, “All right. Now get a man out in front of you” and they merely see a man out of front of them. 'You put the man out in front of them.

If it just runs two or three times or once and stops, then what we’re confronting is the manifestation of “something we can resist.” So, you really haven’t got the person’s acceptance level, you’ve still got something a person can resist or has some qualification about or some resistance about.

Now, you’ll find one of these cases every twenty, thirty human beings, there will be one of these cases around. This Unit doesn’t have one, fortunately.

Now, what the devil makes this pull-in so ferocious on some cases, on various things? It’s because the screen was set up to resist them. So the other side of the screen is plastered with them and the near side of the screen is zero of them.

But you say, “All right, now get a dog out in front of you.” And a dog appears out in front of them. If you ask this case very searchingly, “Did you put the dog out in front of you?” And they’d say, “No, you did.” And they’d be very happy about it, they’re very cheerful, they’re very calm and they’re very apathetic-no push.

The screen was set up to resist eggs. Far side of the screen, then, is plastered with stopped eggs. And the near side of the screen, of course, is zero eggs. Well, after the screen is hit hard enough and long enough, you’ve got a terrific potential there of a tremendous number of eggs on one side of the screen and no eggs on the other side of the screen. Sooner or later, that’s going to blow in.

Now, it’s very easy for you, as an auditor, to get this case confused with a case that is putting something out there with difficulty. The case who is putting something out there and the case that is actually putting the things there and running them and so forth, is unmistakable-I mean, a person just is doing it and that’s all.

Well, you blow it in for the preclear simply by throwing in a few eggs. This is terribly elementary. You just blow the screen down. And that’s why you get an avalanche.

This other case is very unmistakable. If you were to say, “There is a lion sitting on your right hand,” the person would see, with three-dimensional mass, the lion on his right hand, he would see that. This is what’s known as a “suggestible case.” Anything goes in and comes out, but the case never puts it there. The operator or the auditor-“operator” because this case is an hypnotic case-is the one who puts it there.

Well, if you’re not starting an avalanche on an individual, you’re just not being imaginative enough to imagine what sort of a screen-or perceptive enough-to see what sort of a screen he has up there as the kingpin screen.

Now, out of this very simple classification-which amount to just about five classes of case-you can get all of the diagnosis which you need for anything. The first case is: anything will go out and in on the operator or the auditor’s brief suggestion that it’s there and it will move. And you see what this case is, he’s in an hypnotic state. He’s unmistakable. His eyelids generally flutter a very rapid flutter or the mouth is very slack and so forth. This person is in a trance, already in a trance.

Now, up in Maine and in logging districts of the world, they have what’s known, in the streams, as logjams. Logjams are interesting things in that a tremendous number-thousands of logs may come down, certainly hundreds, and stop this way and that way in a stream and just block up and make a tremendous dam. Well, now some lumberjack has to go down there with a peavey and cork boots and run those logs till he can find the log which is doing the jamming.

Sometimes a case - that’s a borderline of one of these cases who has studied Scientology, audits out the tape. You know, they have listened to the lecture and so on and you audit them and they will give the exact manifestations called for in the lecture. They’ll just go on and on. They are being a tape at the moment, they’re being a lecture and so on.

Now, you can pull a log that unjams it. And you’ve always realized that there was something “buttony” about a case. There was something about buttons. If you could just hit a certain button on a case, it’d do something. Well, this is born from this, but you’re looking for thoughts or symbols or concepts, you see, to be this button-and they’ll never be the button.

This person, out of your, perhaps, lack of charity, you will too often find this case. You’ll find this case much more often than it exists, because it’s unmistakable. I repeat, if you were to say to this case (and this would be the test) “The fingers of your right hand will now lift,” the individual would find the fingers of his right hand lifting and he wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. He’s in a trance-permanent trance.

The button is mass of some sort or another and it has to do with these ridge potentials. The button is: What sort of an object has to be dumped into the preclear’s bank to explode the main, key ridge? What sort of a commodity? It is a commodity. It does have mass, it does have weight of some sort or another, but remember that it can be a fluid. It can be all sorts of things. It could be a rock.

The next class would be those people who are trying to reject but cannot and into that you would just throw “people who are trying to reject” and omit the “cannot” to make a total classification - the “rejection personality,” people who are trying to reject.

One preclear that I ran into unbalanced utterly. He kept talking about the Revolutionary War and he kept talking about other wars, but there was a common denominator to everything he was saying and that was, simply, cannon. So I had him toss a few cannonballs-just drop a shower of black cannonballs in the blackness which was out in front of him. It blew up his bank.

And then above that would be people who are trying to accept and having difficulty with acceptance. And immediately above that, class number (numbering these from one down), it would be Class Number Two, would be people who could put up, themselves, mock-ups and accept them and reject them pretty much at will and who would get an avalanche effect on certain things, but could get an avalanche, really, either way, rather easily. And that, by the way, would be the saner Homo sapiens, all the people who are fairly easy to get along with and so on.

Well, that guy, for generations, had been resisting cannonballs. Now that’s very funny. Now, every once in a while, one of these ridges will get backwards-you see, C to E, then it turns around. Every once in a while, the ridges will get backwards and that will confront the person with blackness.

And above that level, of course, there would be the general classification of thetans-you’d get above Man immediately - and they would be, oddly enough, not necessarily accepting. They would probably outflow more than they inflowed, but they’d have no difficulty in outflowing and have no difficulty in inflowing. And that is the state which you’re trying to reach with the individual.

So, which way did these cannonballs go? We just dropped a lot of cannonballs out of the sky, on his head and around him, just to see what the heck happened in the bank, you see? We just dropped the cannonballs in to locate-what I’m going to talk to you about in a moment-the vacuums. And, boy, it only took one cannonball close to his face to blow the whole hank outwards.

Now, how do you handle these cases? Let’s take Class Five, which is that hypnotic case, and start him on up the line. Well, do you know that you could merely command masses, such as Earths and Suns and things to appear around this boy and close in on him and, out of your command alone, cause him to pass through many of the significances which are keeping him hypnotized. And he will wake up into a Class Four or Three. And maybe, if you’re very good and so on, he might wake up into a Class Two.

Turned out the individual had been a cannoneer. In later wars the profession of being a cannoneer didn’t look much like an overt act, it was so impersonal. But in earlier wars, you generally opened up the cannon at the moment you could read the mottoes on people’s belts. It was real close in.

You see what you’d do there? You’d just say, “Well, now there are numbers, numbers, there are great numbers” - this is experimental by the way - “there are numerous Earths around you and now they’re closing down upon you and now the great mass of them is sitting upon you. Now more Earths are outside of you there and huge and dense and they’re closing down upon you” and so forth. In other words, you would give the individual enough mass. That’s a theoretical, highly experimental method of running.

And ships, when they were broadsiding each other, preferably were within fifty yards. And that was, by the way, a rather risky, long range-worked easily best at ten yards. And maneuvering with sailing vessels had to be very expert, because you had to lay alongside that close. Well, believe me, you could sure see what your cannonballs were doing.

Actually, probably a much more reliable method of processing would just be to ask him to remember something real and crack him up through an hypnotized or neurotic state, make him aware of his environment.

And here is an individual in tremendous action, driven forward, imminent, threatened danger that close. So he’s charging up screens and he’s trying to keep from being hit and, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. You talk about high-charged screens, well, you’ve got lots of them. So, one cannonball and it blew his bank outwards and left him with a clear visio of everything. Remarkable.

Now, the Class Four, which is obsessive rejection - you just get rejection avalanching on him one way or the other or you find out what he’s trying to be.

But, banks will blow inwards just as fast. But black visios, very often, blow outwards. That is, people who are occluded, explode outwards. You’ll get something of the sort and you’ll sort of drop it around or get the idea of it or get an idea that it’s mocked-up-it’s much more likely to blow out before it blows in.

And Number Three, you run inflows on him, get an inflow of havingness avalanching in upon him and that is the bulk of your cases.

Now you see the silly position the fellow, he’s got a reverse screen: it’s supposed to protect him, but he’s on the losing side of it. Well, if he’s starting to protect it and he’s on the losing side of the screen, why, therefore, anything that tries to come for him is cause toward him.

And Class One, well, you just fix him up so he can mock-up anything and throw it away or keep it.

And we have this problem with our preclear of occlusion and so forth and various things. This isn’t totally the answer to occlusion, but it’s one of the things that make occlusion.

Female voice: You skipped Two—Class Two.

So we have our world of Man in a rather tipped up, backwards condition. People are afraid of being the effect of the darnedest things. They’re afraid of being the effect of diamond rings. They’re afraid of being the effect of dollars and all sorts of things. And everybody goes around saying, “Everybody needs or wants dollars. Or courage or bravery have some value or ...” and so on. They carry on this as a social strata and then the individuals within it get all out of line and what their acceptance and rejection levels are, are quite strange and peculiar. So, as individuals, they can’t fit in to the woof and warp of the society and everything goes kind of rough.

Well, as far as Class Two is concerned you - there is your individual who is in fairly good shape, anything works on him, didn’t bother to list it. You run any of these processes on him, he’ll get well. As a matter of fact, a lot of Twos, if you would just ask them to go through any kind of a little routine, they would get well. If they have a momentary discomfort or disability or something like that, you just put it into their possession and their ability to straighten it up. All right?

Now, it isn’t your mission to make an individual agree with the desires of the society. But it can be your mission to straighten him out so that he can have a self-determinism about his desires.

An E-Meter is desirable in running a Four, but you can get too darned significant about it, believe me. So all we’re trying to do is put up a barricade, one way or the other, and obsessively outflow through that barricade one way or another. They, of course, get down to a stop so they’re just - have a barricade after a while. They’re preventing themselves from accepting. Okay?

It’s done with mass. I repeat: even though this is very interesting, all these other manifestations, we’re just going through that material to get to a problem of mass. We may have to start in with very tiny fluids or very tiny pellets or little stones or ... And one preclear, by the way, his acceptance level that he could get in torrents: what was his acceptance level on the part of his parents? Dust. He could get torrents of dust for his parents.

How many cases do we have here that this inflow didn’t run on? Let’s see, we had about five - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. We had about seven out of twenty-two, that’s a fairly high percentage. That’s not your normal percentage, that’s a much higher percentage. Normal percentage is less than that.

Well, he was in a terrific dust storm, immediately. I mean he just kept putting up more dust and more dust and more dust and more dust, and the darkness got less and less and less and less occluded and less occluded. And you’d say, “Well, he was running the engram of a dust storm.” No, he wasn’t. That was the biggest piece of matter he could accept, actually. And people went to dust and so they were dead and that’s that.

Now where do you start with this case?

Now, if you will scatter over an individual (in various parts of the immediate environ where he is, anywhere within ten or twenty feet of him) objects of various kinds, that is to say, have him just get objects of various kinds out to that distance. Not in terms of mock-up necessarily, but just ideas of them and so forth. He’s liable to turn on and show up with some vacuums-vacuums of things.

[to student] How about you telling me?

What are these vacuums? They’re the near side-that is to say, the “no something or other” side of one of these ridges, and it makes a vacuum. And this vacuum gets so starved that anything he throws into the bank flicks over to it.

Female voice: Outflow.

He starts to put some energy out in front of him and before he can even notice it, the energy has gone behind him. There’s something hungry around him. In other words, these vacuums are pulling in all the available mass which he has.

How do you get them to outflow?

Now, you can often ask a preclear, “Which way arc you pressing?” or “Which way does the pressure lean?” And it’s quite interesting that he will tell you, “It’s right down over here to the right.” Well, there’s a screen down over there that is picking off of him energy. The world looks very peculiar to an individual who is in this condition. The world looks stranger and stranger and stranger. Because he tries to find C in his lines and he winds up with the E’s.

Female voice: See if you can find something that will fly from them.

And the more C’s he tries to find, why, the more E’s he becomes because he’s using cause as his randomity. You got to get him up there to be cause. You’ve got to get him to stretch a straight line, but if, every time he tries to put an order into the bank, it goes someplace else compulsively and into one of these vacuums, why, he gets in very poor condition. Because he feels he can’t create anything. He can create something, but it gets stolen from him by these vacuums before he has a chance to utilize it.

That’s right, something that will fly away from them.

Now, you ask the individual to exteriorize, he can’t exteriorize, because every little energy that he puts out or anything of the sort while he’s trying to exteriorize simply snaps him back in again. His lines are all tight. He has energy starvation. Things that are starving his bank for energy are these vacuums and they’re located all around.

Remember that. When they really run an outflow, it will be something that flies away, not something that they move away from them. You know this “move away from them” is a super self-control mechanism. They are going to control the activity of the bank, they’ve got to. And it’s control because they’re afraid of what the bank will do if they suddenly cut it loose, see? You go on auditing this case who is carefully controlling all of these manifestations and you’ve not struck at the source of difficulty in the case, which is a matter of taking direction and giving direction. The case is having difficulty taking and giving direction.

Now, it’s quite ordinary to start up one of these avalanches eight or ten feet from a preclear-way out, back of him, above him, below him, behind him, someplace-and let it run like mad and just let it fly. That’s routine, if a case is rather bad off.

Well now, what remedy do we have if this process fails on this individual? Supposing you, for some reason or other, you don’t - this process doesn’t work on this individual - by the way, the fault would lie with the auditor. Well, he has lots of choices. He can do a great many things, a great many things.

Now, a case is normally sitting on center or connected with his communication lines when the avalanche comes in and hits him personally. He’s sitting on center. That is to say, his communication lines come in to that point. He’s occupying, more or less, the same point in his own bank that he has continued to occupy, at least for the last spiral. And so he’s in communication, then, pretty well, with his body and with the bank and so forth.

One of the things that he can do is to run a reach and withdraw on various things for the individual. Have him reach and withdraw for his childhood home, various things of that character. He has numerous processes in the Straightwire 8-C bracket for this individual. This is slow freight, but it will get there sooner or later, get him up slowly and so on. But you understand why the case is running slowly? Because the case is being careful. The case has got a lot of factors under control and is keeping the factors suppressed and under control.

Do you see why you would be centers? Because the MEST universe is pounding from three hundred and sixty degrees, with photons, sounds and all other kinds of things, and these sounds and so forth are, of course, ending and stopping with him at center. So, if you get the pour-in right straight at the preclear, well, he’s in more or less his position.

And we get nineteenth-century suppression mechanisms which, oh boy, have those been overdone. The individual is hiding something, he’s suppressing something, he has guilt complexes and, oh, there’s all that sort of thing.

But what about preclears who have vacated positions or who have jumped over into old, earlier spiral positions? Or who have flipped over and become one of their automatic machines? They, of course, have vacated a spot in the bank, and their communication lines are going to this spot in the bank. Therefore, they’re out of connection with their banks. They have flinched back from the place where they have occupied, and their communication lines, automatic machinery and everything else, is going into this spot which they have occupied. But they’re not occupying it now. That spot is eight feet away from them.

But this individual has all these things strenuously under control. This individual (quote) “can’t let himself go” (unquote) and so is a walking control case. And this we ran into in Dianetics - we know all about this case in Dianetics - “control case.”

Well, you’ll find holes-electronic holes around a preclear-any preclear. That’s because he hasn’t consistently and continually occupied the same geographical spot with relationship to his energy deposits for the last 76 trillion years.

He won’t let any of his own automatic machinery operate. He’s afraid of his own automatic machinery. He isn’t going to let anything happen unless he can predict it, because he knows what happens when things happen that don’t get predicted by him - they’re all bad. He also runs off rather rapidly into the “only one” computation, because obviously if something else predicts something, he knows it will go bad. He’s been taught this by experience. Why, then it boils down to he’s the only one, by dog, that better predict anything. And he also runs into the computation that “he’s the only one that can do any work” and he’ll work himself to death. He also runs into this reversal of responsibility: “He did it, he’s to blame.” He did it and so on.

What you call a spiral is as long as the person has occupied the geographical center of his electronic anatomy. That’s a spiral. The spiral is the length of time a person has occupied the geographical center of his electronic anatomy. When he is no longer occupying it, why, the dance is over, for that spiral.

Any Straightwire Process which tends to alleviate these conditions is therefore valuable with the individual.

And you’ll find individuals have gotten energy starved and have started pulling in the whole bank and they’ve pulled in these holes that belong to earlier spirals. Lord knows what fits in them-dragons? You might have almost anything.

Another thing that happens to this individual: this individual gets something wrong with him, it doesn’t get unwrong. This individual is persisting and you get this dogged, horrible persistence, you know, that will just go on grind-grind-grind-grind-grind. He gets something wrong with him and won’t let it go. He’ll get a lock, it won’t go. He’ll get a symptom, it won’t go. He gets persistence in terms of his difficulties.

Now, you try to run this preclear on the basis that you’re running Homo sapiens or a thetan and we find out that he’s running a thetan as we think of a thetan. Well, earlier on the track he was a robot and one of his most successful spirals was-all the way down the line he was a robot-he was running a doll.

Well, now he is pretty able. Ordinarily, he can control these various things, but sooner or later these things fly out of control on him one way or the other and he gets sick or something of the sort.

And what’s acceptable to a robot? I don’t know. Maybe bent nuts and bolts. Quite remarkable, you see. You have to find out where your boy is stuck.

A thetan is always holding two sides of the aberration. He’s holding it in on him and so he’s holding the inside of it and the outside of it, you might say. Your task is to make him let go of the outside of it. Well, when his automatic machinery has been selected out by him for his randomity and it’s all crowding things in upon him and he’s fighting back at it, then all energy becomes his enemy and he finally gets rather unenergetic, so on. A long span of very hard work and he’ll finally dwindle down to where he isn’t doing very much.

Now, a preclear who has one of these vacuums near to hand is, of course, resisting in its direction, remarkably. Now again, what’s one of these vacuums? These vacuums: just the screen is one side of that slab of bacon I talked about earlier in the lecture. It said, “No something-or-others,” you see? And, the other side of it got filled up and he’s perilously holding it in balance so that it won’t blow up.

All right. In your auditing today, use these various factors: find something that will fly away from the individual and find something that will fly in, then, on the individual. But if you find something that will fly away, then you just run things flying away and get things going away until you get avalanches of things departing and run just like Acceptance Level.

His communication lines are so lost that he feels if he abandons one of them, he will go out of connection entirely with the body, will go mad and out of control. So we start to run Courage on him and as soon as we start to run Courage on him, he goes into a franticness.

Now, just as you have to deteriorate a mock-up or something of the sort to get it acceptable, so you have to improve it or deteriorate it to get it rejectable.

You see the franticness that he would go into? Because he, immediately, gets into the E side of these ridges. And the E side of the ridges wiggled a bit before it kicked off. As soon as the ridge burns down, why, then he gets the franticness on this line.

Now, this individual’s certainty is generally poor, in particular Case Four level, certainty very poor. And this certainty is, of course, remediable by mass. It isn’t remedied easily by other means. It doesn’t happen to matter near as much, in acceptance and rejection, whether he’s certain that these masses are going away or not. He will get action without the certainty and he will go through periods of slight boil-off as things leave him.

There is not much that you can elaborate on with relationship to this, because Havingness Process is just the same process I’ve been giving you. The only thing you’ve had new today that is strange and peculiar to you is this vacuum manifestation. And it isn’t too darn new because it’s in the Doctorate tapes of 8008. It’s fourteen months ago—vacuums.

It wasn’t too bad to get hit by the bullet, but when the surgeon took it out, that was something else. See, he doesn’t dare let it go. It was okay to get hit by the fist, but when the fist came away, then it hurt. He’s on that side of the cycle-of-action in the MEST universe.

When you run this, you’ll find the preclear is facing the opposite direction or is tensed in the opposite direction to the point where the vacuum is, the key vacuum On the case, and he isn’t looking at the vacuum. And you try to persuade his attention off of the main vacuum with sideshows, such as, you’ve gotten “decayed beans” to run as a little avalanche. It’s run for maybe ten seconds, fifteen seconds and that’s as long as he could afford to take his attention off the main vacuum. So it—obviously, you just don’t have the main vacuum, that’s all. And you start just dumping things around.

Now, as you’ve plotted these cases, One, Two, Three, Four, Five - the reason I have numbered them with the thetan out there at One and the hypnotic case at Five, is a very, very good reason why. It parallels the cycle-of-action of the MEST universe. So that your Four is over there on the dwindling spiral of not arriving, almost arriving and so forth. He’s over there on the decay side of the curve: not creating, trying to create, unable to do so.

You just say, “Well, get a shower of footballs.” And boy, they go in the most awry patterns-weird patterns.

Now, we get up to the Five and we find out the individual can only accept a certainty and exterior statement - total. He cannot accept any interior creation at all, it has to be totally exterior and this, in itself, is hypnotism. Now, you can put people into that state artificially, who are generally in fairly good condition, but a person goes into this compulsively. It’s how far has the person slid along this spiral?

“Get a shower of pebbles or just get a dust storm. And get a shower of dust particles some distance from yourself, and to the right, to the left, behind you” and so on.

Well, I don’t wish to hang any crepe, but any inability to cause this type of manifestation, on the part of an auditor, would be a fantastic inability. I mean, it’s just fantastic. I mean, it would be whether or not you could set a milk bottle out on the front porch or not. It’s a comparable skill level.

He’d say, all of a sudden, “Gee. They’re all pouring in right there.”

Now, where does Courage Processing, enjoyment, so forth, fit in there, hm? Serenity. Well, you can occasionally get this individual to accept something with certainty simply by putting up a little courage about accepting it. You know, you just give it a little booster. You have him put a little courage up there too.

You say, “Good. Throw in some more dust particles. Mock-up some more dust particles to go in there, more dust particles to go in there, more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more. And you may have the avalanche on your hands, right there.

You can occasionally catalyze the case by wasting courage in brackets and sometimes by wasting enjoyment in brackets, because they’ve got these things shut down pretty tight.

But if it quits, why, just have him throw some more dust particles in and move them in and throw them in and move them in and throw them in and move them in, you know, until you have repeated the automaticity enough to have sort of run it out and taken the tension of it off.

I remember one case that couldn’t accept anything and I didn’t run any Rejection Level on him at all, I simply got baseballs flying at his face. Got him to put up a little particle of courage there every time that a baseball came in. The first thing you know, baseballs were hitting this fellow in the face, splat, splat, splat - wonderful. Gee! He never saw anything come in so fast as these baseballs. And we just had a baseball come in, then he had to put up a little bit of courage. It’d stop about a foot out in front of his face and he’d put up a little bit of courage about accepting it and splat! And it hit him right in the face. We were blowing the ridge that was arresting the inflow of the object.

Now, you don’t have to clean up an automaticity very thoroughly, just a few times, but failing to clean one up which has occurred with some change and violence is a definite auditor flub. And you’ll be picking up somebody’s case where some auditor hasn’t done this. Something showed up-something strange or peculiar began to rush in from the right and the auditor said courageously, “Go on running what you’ve got coming in from the left.” But this thing was rushing in madly from the right.

If you want to get real good, then, at this sort of thing, it becomes very easy to run. If you want to get real good, you can just start out and run Acceptance Level, you don’t have to run a Rejection Level.

Preclear’s case stopped progressing right there. He just quit. He just put on the clamps and the controls on the bank and there the bank is frozen. It’s easy to pick up. You simply go back to the earlier auditing session. “Let’s pick up the automaticities which have occurred while you were being audited previously. And let’s repeat those automaticities a few times, just one, two, three, four, five times, doesn’t matter. All right. You got that? Now, we’ll go on from there.”

Similarly, rejection - you can put up a little bit of enjoyment about rejecting or a little bit of courage about rejecting. Also you can put up a little bit of enjoyment about accepting and it will sometimes blow the arresting ridges.

And so we have cases locking up on unrun automaticities. But in spite of unrun automaticities, you can still pick the lock and pull out the key log out of the jam, even though you don’t run them. You can still do that. It becomes a little more difficult, that’s all. Tiny bit more difficult.

You say, “All right. Now let’s get the idea of a piece of coal in your hand and now let’s get the idea of throwing it away.”

Well, you haven’t any case here that is terrifically representative of a real rough one, because everybody here is in at least fairly good control and so on. But when you get one of these cases that is almost out of control and is pretty psycho now and then, when you get one of these cases-pretty psycho every once in a while, almost out of control, so forth-well, you have to handle this case with kid gloves, great care. Well, how do you handle that case? You do a lot of Opening Procedure, sometimes a lot of next-to-the-last list, sometimes a lot of balancing, one way or the other, and sneak things in on him gradually.

And the individual says, “Ohhh, it gets out there about a foot, that’s about all it gets.”

Now, I’m going to give you a big surprise. This will probably come as a shock to you, how difficult this auditing is. It is tremendously beneficial for an individual to simply mock-up and move in a mass. I hate to have to tell you that. You’ve got to find, eventually, the avalanche that sometimes won’t show up till an individual has moved in some masses of one kind or another-he’s found some kind of a mass he could move in and you move in the mass.

And you say, “Well, get the idea of enjoying throwing it away.”

Make sure you move in masses, though. Now, running Jeanette the other day, you remember rightly, why, I just had her move in some heavy masses there. It was heavy enough for the moment. It was a house-four houses, so forth-and we moved in masses till we got the automaticity running.

“Yeah. Yeah, I could throw it at my second-grade teacher, that would be good.” Yeah, boom! It’ll go away.

So, I was evidently talking to the ceiling the first time I told you about this. I must have been. I couldn’t have been talking to you. Because you’re still having some trouble with some cases on havingness. And you’re still protesting that you can move things in and out consciously and under control, but they just don’t avalanche in. I must have been talking to some other class, I couldn’t have been talking to this one.

In other words, by using these little catalysts along with the auditing, why, you can get the individual to reject something and so work up on a gradient scale until you can get his automatic machinery back in operation again in order to knock it out of operation.

It doesn’t matter how the mass got there. It doesn’t have to be moved in by a roller bearing machine or anything else. I’m just telling you the consequences of what’s going to happen, in adding mass to a case. It’ll turn on the avalanche. So, for a long time, some cases, you have to just move in masses. You get anything the fellow can consider dense and move it in. Anything else he can consider dense and move it in.

Now, there’s another funny thing about this case: the case is getting packed in pretty tight and so we have his future as a big problem.

Maybe he’s got somebody stuck. “Give me three people who aren’t present.”

What’s the person trying to do in his future? Fame is quite often the computation that goes with this case. A person is trying to mock himself up into the future and the future is one foot to the right or something of that sort. He’s trying to put himself into the future. His total effort, actually, is to perpetuate in this fashion, because he’s failed sexually to perpetuate or something on that order.

Fellow says, “Well, there’s that... and ... and ... and she isn’t present-my God, my father! Father’s been walking around with him for years. He knew father was right there, but he never quite got the point of it and never quite penetrated through. There’s somebody else present. Well, if there’s somebody else present, let’s remedy the havingness on this person because obviously the havingness of the individual is low.

It doesn’t matter what the computation is, the point is that the future, in a case that’s running hard and running difficult, has a direction. And you can find out which direction is the future and you can have him put things into the future which have a tendency to resolve the case. What’s he trying to do? In other words, finish his future goal. What’s his future intention? Well, finish it up by mock-up.

Just to tell you, in more professorial language, John came in bug-eyed one morning and he said (quote) “The auditor that fails to run other people who aren’t present ought to have his butt kicked. Because it just got run on me and there was my cousin. He’d been there all the time. I knew he was there all the time and there he was.” He’d been walking around in life accompanied by his cousin.

Now, this case quite ordinarily is occluded and this presents the auditor a slight difficulty. But if he will put up on the outside of the walls of the room, in which he is auditing the preclear, masses of blackness, the preclear can quite ordinarily get these masses of blackness and tremendous pressure on them. He can mock-up blackness, in other words.

Well now, obviously then, this is a problem in havingness, isn’t it? So we just move in some cousins. And we’ll move in a lot of cousins and we’ll start fixing up the havingness of the individual by moving in some cousins. He obviously can have his cousin, because his cousin is right with him all the time. And so we’ll just move in cousins. And then, preferably, move in cousins in the gymnasium in which one had so much fun with the cousin. And then, preferably, the town in which one knew the cousin, making sure the cousin is in each one of the mock-ups of the town.

Well, if he can’t mock-up blackness and if he doesn’t change particularly and he has a black case, why, then you waste machines which make blackness. And get him certain he’s wasting them, in brackets, waste this type of machine. And this works too.

And then we just move this in and so we get an associative, connected communication line, which is running on a gradient scale, and the next thing you know, why, you can maybe have a piece of Earth moving in with the cousin. And he’ll have forgotten all about the cousin by that time and, the next thing you know, there’s a roaring avalanche going. And the bank suddenly starts to break up and explode and expand and other things happen to it.

As far as this case is concerned, we’re long overdue on an understanding that cases are resolvable. They are very easy to resolve and you’d better put it into that bracket. Because a lot of your sweat and strain over a case simply communicates to the case, so the case sweats and strains. You’re endowing the sweat and strain on the thing, not the ease with which it can be done. You make it seem very difficult to the preclear by being very careful about how you tell him to do something and so forth. And he says, “Gee, what do you know, it might be difficult after all.”

I wish this were as difficult as you thought it was. Because if it was so difficult as that, why, I would be, of course, indispensable. And everybody’s goal is to be indispensable, we know that. And telling you such things as these processes, I actually, to some degree, work myself out of a job. You’re going to wake up one of these days to the fact that it’s not difficult to move in some havingness on a preclear, even a totally Resistive Black V.

I took one of these black cases one time and had him exteriorize and interiorize from a room and a very funny thing happened: he finally kicked his body out into the street and stayed in the room. I worked on him for about two and a half hours, had him moving his body out of the room.

It’s going to be real difficult if you sit back and wait for him to move it in somehow or another. It’s going to be real difficult if he sits up there and audits automatically and has a lot of other machinery going on like mad, it’s going to be real difficult.

“Now take your body out and put it outside, now pull it back inside. Now push it outside and pull it back inside and push it outside.” And had about two and a half hours of messing around where the fellow had gone half unconscious and three-quarters unconscious and had boiled-off and had almost fallen down and was staggering around and having a terrible time in general. He all of a sudden found himself inside, pushing his body outside and he stayed inside. That was a good place for him and he’d just as soon push his body out. It was kind of an apathetic solution where he was concerned, but he woke up to it after a moment and he said, "Hey, you know, I can get out and I can see when I’m out.”

Let’s waste some machines that make blackness. Let’s waste the machines that audit him. Let’s get some imagination into this auditing and take a look at the preclear and then apply the technique necessary in order to take the edge off the case and sail.

You get the idea that inability to perceive is, in itself, an inability to accept. A person, to perceive, must be able to have photons come in. And a person who is trying to reject and can’t reject, of course, is stopping the photons before they arrive at any focus point, so he’s getting a blurry sort of a vision or he’s getting blackness. Blurry vision is on the gradient scale toward blackness, because after a while the individual will let all the photons hit a ridge way out from him someplace and, of course, he isn’t looking at the picture that occurs on the ridge.

Almost anybody present who is having any difficulty at all is self-auditing, some degree, somewhat. Well, fine. Let’s set up a lot of circuits. Let’s set up a lot of automatic machinery, so on. “Scarcity of auditors” is something you can run.

Now, do we have a good grip on this? We’ve been over this in fundamentals and one thing or another. An example of auditing patter on this possibly would be, "Well, let’s get some kind of an idea of something that you can reject.” And the individual fishes around and he thinks maybe he might be able to and then he can’t think of that one and he can’t think of another one and then all of a sudden he says, “Well, I might be able to reject a palace.”

Oddly enough, one character who was self-auditing had such a vicious scarcity of preclears that they rolled in for about forty-five or fifty minutes before he could even vaguely put a brake on the flow-had a terrific scarcity on preclears. So the person he was auditing, in view of his scarcity of preclears and people to audit, was himself. Cute, huh?

And you say, “Well, fix up the palace now, so that you could really reject it.” And he’ll try to make it worse and that’s no good and he’ll try to make it better - and he’ll not think of making it better maybe, unless you mention it. So you say, “Well, make it a little bit better.”

Well, what’s wrong with your preclear? It comes back to this: The significance ends early in the case. But the case always starts out with terrific significances. Well, the less you can handle of these and still be effective, the better off the case will be. You don’t handle these very long. But you certainly better handle significances of one kind or another, in order to get the case rolling.

And he’ll dude it all up and all of a sudden, wham! It’ll leave him. And he’ll say, “For heaven’s sakes.”

And what we are trying to roll? Well, let’s roll a havingness avalanche.

“Well, let’s reject some more palaces.”

Well, how do we get him up to the point where he can roll a havingness avalanche? Okay, it’s just this: we’ll have him move in something that’s terribly significant to him and that is obviously fixing things up for him and something that he can move in. And even if it’s just wads of blackness, or something of the sort or pieces of coal or stoves or anything like that. And we get him to move this in one at a time and then we have him move them in two at a time. And then have him make space by putting four of them out there and then crowding them together and then moving them in. And the fellow does this for a while and, all of a sudden, the immediate energy hunger of the bank is satiated to a point where he can actually have something. Do you realize that Step IV starts in wasting things so an individual can have something?

Now, you find out that he could only reject one palace. So have him accept a palace, fix it up so that it comes in on him. And that comes in, wham! And then you find out that was only one - he could only get one palace coming in.

Now, let's take the case of a milk allergy and see again that this is not way over and far afield and an entirely different subject than what we’re talking about. Let’s take a person who can’t drink milk. And let’s get then, this connected with a person that can’t have the energy and masses of the MEST universe avalanching upon him.

Well, we get one other mass going out and one other mass coming in, because we’re not to run the phrase, you know, “it can only happen once” and that sort of thing. It mustn’t duplicate. And we get him, then, accepting and rejecting single masses until enough mass has accumulated and been moved around on the case so that a lot of the significance is off the case.

Now, let’s just get a connection between these two things. And we’ll find out that we have to waste the hell out of milk before this individual can have some milk. And after that the person really can drink some milk.

But you would do better, even with this rejection case, to get something to move in at first, then to move out. Because you get them to move him out and so on. But you’d work with that case until he could reject something and until he could accept something.

A person can’t drink milk. How do we waste it? Well, we can waste it in various ways: Pour it down sinks, throw dirt in it-anything, so it’s really wasted. Put poison in it. Get milk and put poison in it and more milk and put poison in it. Well, this one I’m telling you about was run on a Black V that can’t get mock-ups. And the person can now drink milk.


I wish it were as difficult as you think it is. It isn’t. All we had to do, though, was apply a little imagination to the case. Tiny bit of imagination. We just made it, interestingly enough, imaginatively, that the individual, at long length, decided he could drink some milk.

We had him waste milk in this fashion: We had him waste valuable milk. We had him waste-had her waste, rather, the last glass of milk left in the world, which was full of starving babies. And, boy, could that person waste that glass of milk. Ha-wham. Ha-wham. Throw it away just like a shot. The more it was needed, the more it was wasted.

And then we ran it up to a point where the individual finally could drink a glass of milk with great aplomb, although everybody in the house was sick from a strange illness which could only be cured from a glass of milk. And this person didn’t have the illness, but everybody else did, and this person could drink the milk.

We didn’t do this in brackets, we did this straight Creative Processing and nothing else, nothing more.

How does this apply to the MEST universe? Ever occur to you, you might have somebody waste rocks? Waste getting well? Waste opportunities to go downhill?

This person obviously can’t have, so let’s just take it in Creative Processing and wasting and we’ll work the case up to this point. You’ve got so many points of entrance on any of these things.

See, the only reason the person couldn’t have milk, they had a ridge erected against it. So all we had to do was actually work with enough mock-up mass until the ridge blew. That’s all there was to that. And after a while, milk didn’t have any significance, because we’d mocked-up enough milk.

But what did we use to mock it up with? We used Creative Processing by wasting it. And we finally mocked-up enough milk so the person could have milk. If we simply could have mocked-up buckets of milk and poured them over the individual and more buckets of milk and poured it over the individual and more buckets of milk, we’d have gotten the same remedy. But the individual couldn’t get immediately, at the beginning, a mock-up of a bucket of milk. So we had to start in with throwing the milk away in such a way that the person didn’t have to look at it. And of course, this permitted a mock-up and mass to exist without the person seeing it, which is actually what wasting does.

So we enter any of these things on a gradient scale. You can always do something. And you can always get a result. You can always have something to show for an hour’s auditing. If you haven’t got anything to show for an hour’s auditing, you couldn’t have done anything to the preclear, I mean, you just couldn’t have done a thing. That is to say, you couldn’t have tackled the problem the preclear had, not even for a moment were you anywhere near the center of the line. You can be a hundred miles off the track and still get results.

So, there’s something about this and there’s maybe lots of significance as to why this takes place, but there really aren’t any The problem is much simpler than you think it is. The problem itself is solely to get the individual to be able to have masses sufficient so that he doesn’t have his engram bank pulled in on him. That’s the total problem. How many ways can we tackle the problem? Well, we can get a few things unsquirreled and we can get a few things set up and squared around and this and that happen, all the time getting ready to dash in there with some masses. And we want more masses and more masses and more mass.

If you set out a quiet, orderly progress to find out what an individual could get a mock-up of and you simply exhausted all possibilities and finally you found there was one thing he could get a mock-up of and that was a black billiard ball. And you had him mock-up this billiard ball and put it in the center of his head and mock-up another billiard ball and put it in the center of his head and mock-up another billiard ball and put it in the center of his head. If you did this for about ten minutes and then you found something else he could get a mock-up of and you put that in the center of his head and you put the next one in the center of his head and so on, he’d get there. And your hour’s auditing would show a marked gain in the preclear. Even if you did just that.

Now, you take a rejection case. Let’s find three things they’re not rejecting. It’ll blow some ridges all of its own. Let’s find three people that are not trying to help them. That’s all. Essentially then, we’re not involved with a difficult problem. We’re involved with a problem of livingness and a person has negated certain kinds of livingness. He’s negated them because he wants the mass, he can’t have the mass and he’ll take anything in lieu of it. And therefore, it all gets very involved and significant.

It’s as significant as this: The person wants the MEST universe and can’t have it. So you give it to him in masses. And he’s got it. Then he can get mock-ups and he can get anything, he can do anything-exteriorize and so forth. And then we go on to SOP 8-0.

We got no business hanging around with this havingness, right at this time. Because we’ve been over it before. Okay. And let’s get in there and pitch on it now. And let’s get a different frame of mind about it. Let’s get the frame of mind that if you can audit for an hour without seeing a marked change in the preclear, you’ve skidded. You’re not slipping-you’ve done slipped. Let’s get some results.

There’s no reason why a preclear shouldn’t finish up a session pretty darned starry-eyed that something has happened. If you can’t make something happen with Scientology, let me tell you something: you can’t make something happen with a sawed-off shotgun at five feet. And them’s cruel words, but true.

Now, you want something to happen with a preclear? How about wanting something good to happen with a preclear? And how about just wanting the preclear to have enormous masses? And work it on a gradient scale until he can get them. That’s all we’re trying to do right now So let’s get going on it. Let’s take a break and get in some auditing.